
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Nov 30, 2017

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Holiday Sickness

Holiday Sickness And Prevention

Holiday sickness is something a lot of people experience this time of the year. With lots of parties and family gatherings over the holiday season, we tend to binge and make unhealthy eating choices. My guest Wade Lightheart is no stranger to this. However, having learned the ‘tricks of the trade,’ he is more than willing to share tips on how to avoid holiday sickness and celebrate this festive season happy and healthy!

Early Exposure

Wade Lightheart was exposed to the importance of being healthy as early as 15 years old. His sister at that time was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease, and Wade Lightheart was heartbroken to see her suffer from treatments and medication for four years before she eventually passed away.

Wade Lightheart’s sister was an athlete and had a lot of vitality.  So you can imagine how the family was taken aback when she was diagnosed with the disease. That family tragedy indeed had a powerful impact on Wade Lightheart.

“Around that age I was also given bodybuilding magazines, so I developed an interest in performance-based nutrition. But I made the mistake of thinking that being a bodybuilder was a healthy pursuit. No sporting pursuit is a healthy pursuit. There’s a difference between fitness and health,” said Wade Lightheart.

Honoring His Sister

After his sister’s passing, it was only natural that Wade Lightheart wanted to do something profound and meaningful to honor his sister’s memory. Hence, he decided that the best way to honor her was to dig deep into understanding what health is. Wade Lightheart eventually went to university to study Physiology and Nutrition.

“To value health, in some cases, we have to lose it. I became aware of the value of health. So I realized health wasn’t a guarantee,” said Wade Lightheart. “I had to take full responsibility for my health. That was the gift that my sister’s death gave me. It’s what you make of the experiences of life that counts.”

Being able to develop a system on how to achieve and maintain optimal health didn’t happen overnight. Wade Lightheart’s program was something he developed over years of travel and experience, as well as from coaching people with the same challenges.

“Health is a continuous evolution, and a dynamic state of being that is subject to local conditions and local environments. The things you do, the things you don’t do and how you overcome the obstacles in your routine all contribute to your overall health,” said Wade Lightheart. 

On A Rebound

Wade Lightheart shares that he was able to achieve a high level of fitness when he first competed for Mr. Universe. Right after the competition, he gradually gained 42 lbs. of fat and water in 11 weeks!

“I didn’t know that sometimes your greatest challenge is the seed for your greatest victory,” said Wade Lightheart.

Around this time, Wade Lightheart met a medical doctor who also ran into some physical challenges, developed a Holistic practice and rebuilt his health. During the period Wade Lightheart met the doctor, he was blown away as to how a senior citizen can be so radiant, vibrant and full of energy as his age.

Fortunately, that medical doctor agreed to mentor Wade Lightheart. Under his tutelage, Wade Lightheart learned how to improve his health from inside out.

“We focused on digestion because I damaged it from years of being on a restrictive diet. I rebuilt myself. Four years later, I joined another world championship. I did better and never had to rebound on my diet,” shares Wade Lightheart.

Awesome Health System

From his rebound during his stint at the Mr. Universe competitions, Wade Lightheart eventually developed the Awesome Health System. The program is a compilation of success stories from people who produced excellent results.

“As humans, we need to be able to understand how to extract optimal health out of the environment that we find ourselves in, regardless of what food products we have,” said Wade Lightheart.

Wade Lightheart also shares that the book, ‘Healing and Recovery‘ by Dr. David Hawkins was an excellent reference as he was developing his health program. In his book, Dr. David Hawkins outlined the math of consciousness and provided self-healing methods that can help us achieve optimal health.

Causes Of Illnesses

There are many reasons why we get sick.  Whether it be holiday sickness, cancer or chronic disease, Wade Lightheart says that the causes of illness are threefold—mental, physical and spiritual. According to him, some people even say it’s karmic.

“The physical reasons are often not necessarily the cause. I look at the physicality as the result of the inner being,” Wade Lightheart explained. “Humans are very deep beings, and there’s a lot more to us.”

Holiday Eating

The cause of holiday sickness is not that complex.  We are often lost in the festivities of the holiday season until holiday sickness strikes from our failure to watch what we eat and drink.

However, Wade Lightheart says that food and liquids aren’t the only causes of holiday sickness. Speaking from experience, constant traveling can cause holiday sickness, too.  Apparently, he says some foods, liquids, and traveling causes dehydration.  That is why people get sick.

“We must drink water more than we think we need. Before eating, drink 1 liter of water before lunch and dinner,” said Wade Lightheart. “Sip water while drinking alcohol. Often, we mistake dehydration for hunger.  So drinking water reduces the urge to binger and flushes out toxic foods.” 

Getting A Good Support System

To be able to help achieve your health goals, Wade Lightheart recommends getting a good support system aside from committing yourself to be internally motivated. Otherwise, you would feel empty and dissatisfied.

“If you want to have a certain thing, find somebody who you resonate with and who would teach you that process and submit to that discipline until you’ve mastered it,” said Wade Lightheart.

Wade Lightheart also clarifies that it is not about restricting yourself from eating because ultimately, you can’t limit your way to health. He also believes that no diet in particular works. Because if it did, then people would not be inventing new ones.

“In today’s world, it’s easy to get a mish-mash of strategies and end up with no program because often they appear to be conflicting,” said Wade Lightheart. “By submitting to someone who is producing the process that you want, it allows you to focus on getting the information and the practices. To take the day to day step, real expertise comes in.”

Wade Lightheart is 3-Time Canadian Natural Bodybuilding Champion and one of the world’s premier authorities on Natural Nutrition and Training Methods. Having majored in Sports Science at the University of New Brunswick, he has authored numerous books on health, nutrition, and exercise which have sold in over 80 countries. 

Wade Lightheart is sought out by athletes and high-performance oriented individuals worldwide for his advice on how to optimize their health and fitness levels.

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Books by Wade Lightheart

Staying Alive In A Toxic World


What Every Athlete Needs To Know About Restructured Ionized Water


 Vital Power


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Nov 27, 2017


MeatLess Diet

Meatless is an avenue explored by people who want to improve their health. Going vegan or vegetarian is not an easy thing to do. Some people go meatless for health benefits, and others do it for humane reasons. I bet a lot of you will be seriously thinking of going meatless after hearing what my guest, Kristie Middleton has to say. So let's get this show on the road!

Early Influence

Kristie Middleton grew up in Chesapeake, Virginia. Together with her older sister, Kristie Middleton doted so much on their three dogs who were regarded as dear members of their family.

Because of her background, it wasn't surprising that Kristie Middleton has always had a soft heart towards animals, not only dogs. So when there was an in-depth class discussion on euthanasia when she was in college, it struck her hard.

According to that college professor, set aside the term 'meat,' we are technically and eating the flesh of dead animals. The term 'meat' is something that most people take for granted. Consequently, Kristie Middleton says that class discussion was the turning point of her decision to become a vegetarian.

Turning Vegetarian

Going meatless was a struggle at first. But whenever Kristie Middleton is reminded of the billions of animals being abused and slaughtered for food, it strengthened her resolve not to waver from her meatless diet. It was hard years ago to find vegetarian restaurants and supermarkets, but times have changed.

Kristie Middleton found that embracing a plant-based diet was initially difficult. But seeing there were more benefits than disadvantages, she persevered. She eventually took her advocacy a notch higher by gradually becoming a vegan and getting involved with a variety of non-profit animal welfare organizations.

The Humane Society Of The United States

Aside from working with several non-profit animal welfare organizations, Kristie Middleton leveled up and became the senior food policy director of the Humane Society. This is  where she has been working for the past eight years. The Humane Society Of The United States is the country's premier organization whose mission is primarily to protect animals.

"We help institutions with incorporating meatless or more plant-based dishes in their menus. Surveys show that 95% of consumers want animals to be cared for, but there is a big disconnect between what consumers want and what the reality is," shares Kristie Middleton.

Most of the work Kristie Middleton does is helping to change institutional menus rather than changing individual diet. This small but significant effort apparently has a massive impact on animals.

Harsh Reality

Kristie Middleton cited egg-laying hens as an example of the harsh reality that animals face. Apparently, egg-laying hens in food production factories in the United States and Canada are confined in tiny battery cages.  To paint a more brutal picture, those cages are just about the size of a desk drawer!

Those hens are not able to do anything natural. After 18 months of living in cramped cages, they are sent off to slaughter. They do not get to walk around to exercise or even get out for some sunshine.  As a comparison, when we go on long plane flights, it is pure torture to be sitting in a small chair that hardly bends back, right? Just imagine what those poor chickens go through, only to meet their doom months later.

"When animals are intensively confined, they are fed a high dose of antibiotics," reveals Kristie Middleton. "About 80% of antibiotics that we use are given to treat animals to prevent them from getting sick. In effect, we are consuming whatever the chickens are ingesting, and that has adverse effects on our health."

MeatLess Book

Earlier this year, Kristie Middleton launched her book entitled, 'MeatLess: Transform the Way You Eat and Live --- One Meal at a Time.' In the book, she explains the numerous reasons why we should go meatless, as well as several delicious plant-based recipes that are very easy to do.

There's one part of the book that readers are sure to be interested in reading about. Kristie Middleton narrated this one woman who the Humane Society helped. She, along with her husband, bought a property in the central valley of California.

Right beside the property was an egg farm, where the breeding conditions were inhumane. Kristie Middleton recalls that it was also an environmental nightmare. The manure from the chickens were disposed of in a big lagoon nearby, hence causing water contamination.

Kristie Middleton narrates that the ammonia fumes from the egg farm were so severe such that it caused the neighbors' eyes to burn during hot days. It also caused nausea and headaches to anyone living nearby. What's worse, there was a very bad fly infestation around the area.

As a countermeasure, Kristie Middleton said the Humane Society helped the couple file a suit against the farm. The court eventually awarded them a monetary settlement. There are still many farms in the United States operating under inhumane conditions so Kristie Middleton remains aggressive in advocating programs that protect animals and promoting a plant-based diet.

"The Humane Society advocates the 3Rs: Reducing, Replacing and Refining. We reduce meat consumption, replace it with plants and refine by choosing to buy food from higher welfare stores," said Kristie Middleton.

Transitioning To A Meatless Diet

If you're serious and ready to transition to a plant-based diet, I highly recommend Kristie Middleton's book. Her book expounds on how to make gradual changes by taking small steps.

"To avoid being overwhelmed with the sudden change, try meatless Mondays.  If that is initially too much for you, try to eat vegetables all day and indulge in what you want to eat for dinner. Essentially, the goal is to commit to something that is doable for you," suggested Kristie Middleton.

Another way is to make meat a side dish and making fruits, vegetables, whole grain plants and proteins the center of your plate. However, there seems to be a considerable debate on how much proteins we should consume.

Kristie Middleton says that ideally, women should consume 45 grams of protein while men should consume 55 grams. She says that protein is an over-emphasized nutrient and too much protein causes an increase in saturated fats and cholesterol. For a list of suggested menus, you may refer to the Menus Of Change website.

"Beans, legumes and nut butter are good. Make sure to eat a balanced diet because we overeat meat. Increasing plants and reducing meat your diet will help us achieve a humane and healthful society.


Kristie Middleton is the senior food policy director for The Humane Society of the United States, the world’s largest animal protection organization. She directs the group’s efforts to promote plant-based eating. Kristie has worked with some of the nation’s largest school districts—including Los Angeles Unified School District, Detroit Public Schools, and Boston Public Schools—as well as dozens of hospitals and colleges to implement healthier eating programs.

Kristie Middleton is the author of MeatLess: Transform the Way You Eat and Live—One Meal at a Time, due out March 2017. She travels and frequently speaks to groups associated with food and nutrition and is a regular speaker at national animal protection conferences.

Kristie Middleton completed a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies in August 2014. She lives with her husband Mark, a dog and four cats in Oakland, California.

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Humane Society

Menus Of Change

Book By Kristie Middleton

MeatLess Book

Recommended Reading by Kristie Middleton

How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger 


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Nov 24, 2017

Yoga For Healing

Acupuncture And Its Healing Benefits  

Acupuncture has gained more popularity over the years. More people are veering away from taking medications and acupuncture is one of the top natural methods to treat several kinds of illnesses. To talk more about the amazing benefits of acupuncture, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch took time today to share everything you need to know about this form of traditional Chinese medicine.  

Childhood Inspiration  

As early as five years old, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch already knew she wanted to become a doctor. She was very close to her great-grandmother until one day, the old lady collapsed. Everything seemed to rush by in a blur, and her great-grandmother eventually passed away a week after.   

Because she was so young then, she wasn't able to comprehend the concept of death. She remembered that all she wanted was to have a machine that could make her great-grandmother come back to life. That was the defining moment of her resolve to become a doctor.   

Early Years As A Doctor  

Dr. Shiroko Sokitch saved a life for the first time during her third year in medical school. A man who was shot was rushed to the emergency room where she was on duty. Upon saving his life, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch decided to become a surgeon.  

However, she found her daily operations very mundane when she started her residency. At 25 years old, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch felt that her career was going nowhere until she became part of a medical team who operated on a woman who had a cyst. But they stopped the procedure when they found out during surgery that the woman had cancer.  

Dr. Shiroko Sokitch distinctly remembered how the medical doctor cold-heartedly told the woman her real condition after the operation. That was when she realized that there was more to saving a life. Primarily, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch felt the growing desire to save a person spiritually and emotionally.   

Discovering Acupuncture  

Dr. Shiroko Sokitch recalls that during her sophomore year of residency, she went through a personal crisis and became suicidal. Falling ill all the time, she decided to take a month off from work to recuperate.   

During Dr. Shiroko Sokitch's sick leave, somebody gave her a book called, 'The Web That Has No Weaver.' Apparently, it was a book about Chinese medicine and acupuncture.  

"I fell in love with the concept that we could solve our problems by putting needles in our skin or taking the right kind of herbs and eating the right foods," said Dr. Shiroko Sokitch.  

Her first few visits to an acupuncturist proved to be life-changing.  The first instance that changed her opinion on acupuncture was when her migraine entirely disappeared just after the first session. Another time was when Dr. Shiroko Sokitch was down with flu and fever. The acupuncturist merely poked her thumb to let the blood ooze out and within two hours, her symptoms were gone!   

From that day on, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch became a firm believer in acupuncture. And I'm not surprised. Acupuncture has indeed done wonders to so many people by healing them physically, mentally and spiritually. The experience is just phenomenal! 

Patients' Feedbacks  

Over the years, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch has had countless patients whom she has healed with acupuncture. Majority of her patients had had muscular issues, had back and shoulder surgery, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.   

Dr. Shiroko Sokitch recalled a female patient who had a pretty large ovarian cyst and was supposed to undergo surgery.  However, she wanted a second opinion and sought the help of Dr. Shiroko Sokitch because the woman wanted to explore natural ways of healing. Her cyst went away after just one session with Dr. Shiroko Sokitch.  

Learning Curve  

Dr. Shiroko Sokitch says acupuncture takes time to learn and perfect. Learning how to be more loving and compassionate evolved over the years.  It is just impossible to learn those things in a week or two, or even months.  

And she finds it lucky that she has had ample experience in both Western medicine and Chinese medicine. She says Western medicine may have some advanced techniques, but there are instances when conditions like depression and bipolar disorders are best treated with acupuncture.   

"One of the first things I learned was putting needles in very gently. The Japanese style of acupuncture is going towards a more painless approach," explains Dr. Shiroko Sokitch. "I'm lucky I studied both Western and Chinese medicine. It allowed me to bring them together in this wonderful way. I believe a physical understanding of the body is greater because of the bigger picture that Chinese medicine looks at."

Heart To Heart Medical Center  

When Dr. Shiroko Sokitch was in acupuncture school, she had a dream of bringing together the best of Western and Natural medicine. So in 1993, she took the plunge and opened the Heart to Heart Medical Center along with many different practitioners in the said fields.   

However, because people and things evolve, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch now has a solo practice. Working on her own consequently gave her the freedom to operate her practice the way she wants it. According to Dr. Shiroko Sokitch, the philosophy behind her practice is to provide the best of Integrative medicine to those who need healing.  

Dr. Shiroko Sokitch says Heart to Heart Medical Center taught her that there is no way not to be involved with a patient. Apparently, a healer should genuinely care. A good healer is part of a patient's healing process.   

"There are often physical imbalances that contribute to a person's illness aside from the absence of happiness and joy," Dr. Shiroko Sokitch said. "It's a 20-30-50 split. The 20% is purely physical, 30% is the lifestyle, 50% is emotional and spiritual. And acupuncture addresses all of these elements."

Limitations of Acupuncture  

Dr. Shiroko Sokitch admits that sometimes, acupuncture doesn't work. This is usually because of the practitioner. That is why Dr. Shiroko Sokitch makes sure she connects with her patients for them to feel safe and let their energy move during treatments.   

Among the types of illnesses that are challenging to cure via acupuncture is multiple sclerosis. According to Dr. Shiroko Sokitch, this is because there are different personalities for different diseases.   

Multiple sclerosis comprises a problematic set of personalities. However, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch has had some patients suffering from this disease, who did have positive results from acupuncture treatments.   

As for night sweats, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch says it is connected to an imbalance between 'yin' and 'yang.' When 'yin' is deficient, or 'yang' is in excess, you can tell by looking at the pulse and tongue.   

"It is that imbalance that causes night sweats. A common cause of night sweats perimenopause. That is means you are 'yin' deficient," said Dr. Shiroko Sokitch.

The Best Form Of Healing  

Generally speaking, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch says the 5-elements style of acupuncture is good for emotional and spiritual concerns. She advises choosing somebody with a good level of experience and connection.   

"Try acupuncture to make sure you like the style. Have at least four treatments. That's how long it takes for the style and your energy to receive it," said Dr. Shiroko Sokitch.  

She also reveals that it is hard to love our body if it is misbehaving. And it's true! Dr. Shiroko Sokitch believes that if we just learn to love our body and trust that it is going to do something for us, we will get better. 

"Start with love. Love yourself or give love to someone else.  And never give up. If you are facing a challenge, never give up on yourself. Don't give up on your healing," said Dr. Shiroko Sokitch.


Dr. Shiroko Sokitch opened Heart to Heart Medical Center in Santa Rosa, CA  in 1993. Combining modern technology and advancements in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy with the ancient remedies of Eastern Medicine has allowed Dr. Shiroko Sokitch to realize her passion for helping her patients live the best lives they can.  

She is an expert at helping you navigate the understanding of Western medicine in combination with alternative medicine. Her unique perspective will help you understand what your soul and body are trying to communicate to you. 

Dr. Shiroko Sokitch is quite excited to be the only doctor of her type in the area.  

Since January of 2000, she has also written an alternative medical advice column in three local Sonoma County Newspapers.  In May of 2009, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch and her friend Sivan Garr, spiritual teacher, decided they wanted to help a broader audience with their work. They began filming Perspectives on Healing, a public access television show which they did for two years. It is still airing in several cities in California.  

In her office, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch specializes in listening carefully so that she understands your health concerns and can guide you to finding the best treatments. In addition to acupuncture, she works with craniosacral therapy, herbs, nutritional supplements, specific diagnostic tests, exercise, and diet to help you find the best balance for your body. Her extensive understanding of the spiritual/emotional connection to your physical problems will help you to heal at a greater depth with more lasting results.  

Get Connected With Dr. Shiroko Sokitch!  

Official Website



 Recommended Readings by Dr. Shiroko Sokitch:

The Mind of God - Jay Lombard, MD

How to Break the Habit of Being Yourself - Joe Dispenza DC

Younger - Sara Gottfried MD

Braving The Wilderness- Brene Brown



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Nov 21, 2017

Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing As Energy Healing  

Chakra balancing is a powerful tool to realign the energies flowing through our body. We know the health benefits of eating right and ample exercise. However, we shouldn't underestimate healing powers through energy and the importance of chakra balancing.  My guest today, Larabeth Guthrie, is the perfect resource person to talk about chakras and energy healing.   

Natural Environment  

Larabeth Guthrie grew up on a farm. And because her mom and grandmother tended a herb garden, Larabeth Guthrie was influenced into thinking that natural things are supposed to be used as the first line of defense for illnesses as well as tools for building wellness.  

Then when she was 12 years old, Larabeth Guthrie got into Tang Soo Do, a Korean form of martial arts. During this time, she also started taking Qi Gong classes to learn how to move energy throughout her body.  

The Power Of Personal Energy  

Taking Qi Gong classes apparently proved beneficial to Larabeth Guthrie. She learned how to maximize the power of personal energy and indeed learned how to listen to her body.  

In fact, one instance stood out from her mind. Larabeth Guthrie remembers a lady in her Qi Gong class who suddenly got up in the middle of a meditation session and left in a rush. Thinking she would never see the lady again, Larabeth Guthrie was surprised when the lady showed up in class two or three months after.   

It turned out that the lady felt her energy shift after attending just two or three Qi Dong classes. During that fateful day when she left in a hurry during the meditation session, it suddenly dawned on that lady that she had to have a breast exam.  

Seeing a doctor proved her intuition was right. Tests showed that the lady had Stage 1 breast cancer. Fortunately, because that woman was in tune with the energy flowing within her body, she was able to feel that something was amiss. So doctors were able to contain her cancer and as far as Larabeth Guthrie knows, that lady is currently healthy and in remission.  

Battling Health Issues 

Larabeth Guthrie also dealt with a lot of autoimmune and endocrine issues when she was younger. In fact, it was so bad, that she had to battle all kinds of allergies all year round. To top it off doctors couldn't figure out a long-term cure. How frustrating is that?  

"Doctors told me this would be my life. But I refused to accept it and changed my diet. I went gluten-free and got rid of avocado which I was allergic to," said Larabeth Guthrie. "I also drank more water because I found out that dehydration increases the number of allergic reactions."  

Getting Into Energy Healing  

Before getting into chakra balancing and becoming a Reiki master, Larabeth Guthrie was a 911 medical dispatcher.  She admits that during this time, she had no idea that being a full-time Holistic practitioner was possible.   

Because her job entailed dealing with high levels of stress, she didn't recognize the warning signs of her health. One day, Larabeth Guthrie recalls that her hand started itching which rapidly escalated to a burning sensation.   

The sensation spread to her feet and rashes started growing more prominent. Apparently, she was initially diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency and was given prescription drugs. However, because Larabeth Guthrie once again refused to accept the doctors' verdict of being dependent on drugs for the rest of her life, she started doing her research.

Larabeth Guthrie did extensive research and slowly applied what she learned about herbalism, aromatherapy, crystals, and energy work. Here she realized that there was indeed a better way to heal and that it dived right into the root cause of her ailments.

"I healed in three months. Then I got into chakra balancing and became a Reiki master. I worked with crystals for a while, and started to get a new appreciation for plants from a more ethereal standpoint and respect their vibrations," said Larabeth Guthrie. "Then I got into teaching and was inspired to create the energy keto system, where the main focus is tackling root issues at an energetic level."

She adds, "Sometimes diet and lifestyle change is just the first step. Balancing my energy is how I got rid of my autoimmune and endocrine issues." 

Qi Do School  

Upon signing up for her classes, Larabeth Guthrie initially administers tongue and iridology assessment tools to be able to gauge a person's institution as well as their general energy work. She explains that it is best not to base assessments merely on full intuition since there will be a tendency not to see the broader picture.   

"'Qi' is the universal life force that we all have flowing through all living things. 'Do' means a way of life in Korean. Hence, my primary concern is to make sure that energy is balanced," explains Larabeth Guthrie. "If you honor and respect the flow of this energy in your body, you have a better chance of staying healthier longer. Acute things will not necessarily turn into chronic things if you can work with those imbalances."

Larabeth Guthrie also clarifies that even if you are not looking into joining a program, one of the things that you can do is meditating at least 30 minutes everyday. Clearing the mind and allowing yourself to breathe can sometimes tune you into things that are happening in your body.   

Furthermore, Larabeth Guthrie says that you may not notice it at first but eventually, you will feel that things will start to shift. She explains that this is because when you are working with energy, you are still somewhat in a meditative state. It is also during this time that you will be able to pay attention to what your body is doing.  

What is Chakra Balancing  

Ready to do chakra balancing? Larabeth Guthrie suggests learning about the chakras first. The seven main chakras are along the midline of our body, and they correspond to different things.  Some specific sounds and colors match each chakra. And because it is also lined up with the endocrine system, it is easy to see what needs to be balanced.   

These are the seven chakras and the colors they represent:  

  1. Root chakra - red
  2. Sacral chakra - orange
  3. Solar Plexus chakra - yellow
  4. Heart chakra - green
  5. Throat chakra - blue
  6. Third Eye chakra - purple
  7. Crown chakra - silver or gold

Auras and chakras are different. According to Larabeth Guthrie, reading auras takes a lot of practice. Hence, it is advisable to get an excellent practitioner to guide you. Chakra balancing, on the other hand, is easier to practice.   

How To Practice Chakra Balancing  

According to Larabeth Guthrie, when you see colors that you dislike, those are the chakras that may be overactive or irritated. That is why she recommends people must first learn how to do deep breathing.  

"As you breathe in, imagine the colors you are attracted to. Upon exhale, release the colors that do not attract you. Your Root chakra stands for identity and creativity is represented by the Sacral chakra," Larabeth Guthrie said. "The Heart chakra is mostly a healing and a feeling of love that you may be giving or receiving. The Throat chakra is for communication, the Third Eye is for intuition, and the Crown chakra stands for the Divine."

The energy systems in our body also communicate with each other. If they get cut off, it can cause more imbalance in the long run. Therefore, Larabeth Guthrie suggests taking deep breaths starting with the Root chakra.   

Once you are comfortable, release your Root chakra. Move up to the Sacral chakra and do the same thing to all seven chakras. By doing this, Larabeth Guthrie says you give each chakra a chance to communicate with each other and rebalance the area they are supposed to be in. 

"I like connecting the microcosmic orbit. You will use this in Qi Dong often. It's the little white light that goes up midline, down the back and back up again," says Larabeth Guthrie.   

By doing this, it allows the flow of energy in general. It opens the current to the central section of the body. Because this exercise is a powerful energy healing tool, Larabeth Guthrie recommends doing this everyday for 30 minutes. She likewise recommends drinking a tonic tea for nervous system support that also balances the Sacral chakra and using crystals to help with body imbalances.  

Benefits Of Sound Therapy  

Larabeth Guthrie also believes that sound therapy is extremely effective. It is a vibration that we can feel. Everything vibrates, so if you are using sound the appropriate way, the waves from the sound will consequently influence your vibration to help you raise your body to a healthier level.   

"Most energy work is a matter of intention. Our brain controls our physical body, but our brain also controls what is happening in our energetic system," explains Larabeth Guthrie. "So you can be listening to the music, processing the music just through earbuds and yet it can make a significant difference."

At the age of 12, Larabeth Guthrie discovered Ki Gong through her martial arts association and witnessed the power of energy healing. She began to learn aura cleansing, chakra balancing and went on to become a Reiki Master at 21.

Now a multi-modal energy healer and instructor with over 15 years of healing experience, she has studied clinical herbalism, aromatherapy, Reiki, and crystal work. She also developed the Qi Do system of energy healing to connect clients to the balance that our mother Earth provides.

A musician and Black Belt, Larabeth Guthrie understands the importance of harnessing our vital energy across multiple disciplines and strives to incorporate this holistic approach into her teachings.  

Get Connected With Larabeth Guthrie!  

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Facebook – Larabeth Guthrie

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Recommended Reading by Larabeth Guthrie:

Wheels Of Life - Anodea Judith

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Nov 17, 2017



Methylation And Its Importance  

Methylation is something that not many people are knowledgeable about. It is a scientific process wherein it affects our mental health, immunity, and inflammation. To educate us more about this, Nutritional Sciences expert Chris Masterjohn will thoroughly expound on why we should take methylation seriously.   

Early Years  

Chris Masterjohn’s interest in pursuing a career in Nutrition goes way back during his teenage years.  Witnessing how his mother suffered from fibromyalgia, she often experienced chronic pain.   

Diving into multi-level marketing for herbal products and water filters during his late teenage years, it was also around this time that Chris Masterjohn got interested in the Zone diet.  From then on, his diet primarily consisted of 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, 30% fat, low omega 6 and high omega 3.  

“I was into radical politics, and I wanted to liberate everyone including the animals. That got me into veganism. When I was vegan, I got interested in the Zone diet and ate a lot of soy to get my protein up to 30% of my calories,” recalls Chris Masterjohn.  

However, Chris Masterjohn encountered several problems while he was on a diet.  He had a weak digestion and was often in pain due to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, overproduction of gas, vulnerable to tooth decay and prone to anxiety.   

Weston A. Price  

When Chris Masterjohn went on to college, he was working part-time at the campus dining hall. One day, his boss, Wayne, gave him a pamphlet about raw milk. That brochure also mentioned the work of Weston A. Price.  

In the 1930s, Weston A. Price cited several causes of tooth decay. Decided on collecting more data to support the link between nutrition and tooth decay, Weston A. Price left his laboratory job.  

Travelling far and wide in search of populations that had less tooth decay, Weston A. Price soon discovered the adverse effects of flour.  He was one of the first experts to study traditional diets and lifestyles of people from all walks of life. That led him to write a book about nutrition and physical degeneration, leading him to be known as the pioneer of nutritional anthropology.   

“Weston A. Price said that people with less tooth decay didn’t eat refined foods but rather focused on consuming nutrient-dense foods,” shares Chris Masterjohn. “Because of the book, I learned how to help myself. When I got better, I wanted to pay it forward. That is why I went on to medical school and studied chemistry.”  

What are Methylation and Demethylation  

One of Chris Masterjohn’s field of expertise is studying about methylation. In a nutshell, methylation involves one carbon and three hydrogen atoms combining to form another molecule. Demethylation, on the other hand, means the removal of the carbon and atoms.   

How the molecules work in our body is called methylation and demethylation. When a methylation cycle is not working well, we could get sick.  Consequently, if our methylation is imbalanced, it causes a lot of autoimmune conditions.  

“Methylation plays the same role in mental health in anyone. Every piece of Biology is all based on carbon. Our body is primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen with a few other things thrown in,” said Chris Masterjohn. “Methylation in the scientific literature is often referred to as one-carbon metabolism.”  

How Methylation Works  

Chris Masterjohn says methylation controls the levels of dopamine in our brain.  Methylation influences how ‘sticky’ our brain is versus to how fluid it is. Essentially, our primary goal is to have a nice balance. Because if our brain is too fluid, we can’t focus on anything. However, if our brain is too rigid, we tend to focus on all the wrong things.   

“Methylation inside the brain has a very powerful influence on the ‘stickiness’ of your mind. If you’re afraid of something, that fearful thought enters your mind. If your mind is not too ‘sticky,’ it’s pretty easy for you to let it go through,” Chris Masterjohn explains.

He adds, “In cognitive therapy, if your mind is too ‘sticky,’ thoughts are lodged in the brain. Consequently, it takes a lot of mental effort to reorganize how you think about an idea.”  

Mental Effort  

The brain is a very powerful and sensitive part of our well-being. Hence, it is important to make sure our mental health is in tiptop shape.    

Take for example a panic attack. Chris Masterjohn says that a panic attack ultimately means panicking about panicking. The increase in panic reinforces our belief that our world is about to fall apart. As a result, we panic more about the rise in panic.   

“You have to have a pathologically ‘sticky’ brain for even the thought of panic to just stay at the center of your brain and nucleate this crystallization of the increase in panic,” Chris Masterjohn said.

Furthermore, he says, “You can break that reinforcement by reformulating how you think about the panic you feel. However, if you just nutritionally modulate how ‘sticky’ your brain is, the panic doesn’t get stuck in the brain.  Hence, you don’t have to do as much cognitive work to free yourself.”  

Methylene Tetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR)  

Methylene Tetrahydrofolate Reductase Deficiency or MTHFR is a gene mutation which apparently is the cause of motor and developmental deficiencies. Chris Masterjohn explains that methylations impact throughout the body, particularly the brain. The process also involves the enzyme from the MTHFR gene. Hence, if one has an MTHFR gene mutation, the body tends to have a hard time expelling toxins from the body.  

“When you have lower MTHFR activity, methylfolate is your off-switch for the glycine buffer system.  That is why we tend to waste glycine and pee it out. When that happens, it means you need to put more emphasis on dietary glycine,” said Chris Masterjohn. 

Correlation of Methylation and Creatine  

So what do you do with methylation? Well, 45% of our methylation is used to synthesize creatine. For those who are unfamiliar, creatine is what athletes take to either improve sports performance or build more muscle.  

However, what most people don’t realize is that all of us need to have two to three grams of creatine which is usually found in meat products. But most of us do not eat one to two pounds of meat per day; we need to make the rest of the creatine that our body needs. And one way to make it is through methylation.  

“Creatine is not just in our muscles. It is essential for the secretion of stomach acids. If our creatine levels go down, we would have digestive problems because we’re not making enough stomach acids,” explains Chris Masterjohn.

Chris Masterjohn cites another example — when a sound comes into our ear; these little hairlike projections transmit the sound. Through the nerves, it goes to the brain to make the hearing. And that’s an energy-intensive process.   

So consequently, one of the things that make creatine great at energy supply is that it moves fast. Plus, there’s substantial evidence that creatine plays a significant role in protecting against depression.   

Importance of Nutrition  

Now that we know how vital the methylation process is, it is imperative that we properly nourish ourselves to ensure that the significant methylation components — choline, creatine and glycine supply are sufficient.   

Chris Masterjohn suggests that bone broth or bone stock can be an entryway to getting more glycine in particular. Eating soft bones is also another way. On the other hand, getting enough methylfolate can help prevent the glycine wasting. This can be done by eating folate-rich foods like legumes, liver, and leafy greens like broccoli.  

Chris Masterjohn stressed the need to make sure you consume at least the daily recommended intake of folate from foods. Apparently, most people don’t even get the U.S. recommended dietary allowance for folate, pregnant or lactating women in particular.  Consequently, this is why there is a policy in the United States to give prenatal vitamins that have synthetic folic acid in them.   

“When you eat a molecule of folate, it goes into your cell and stays there for 180 days. Everyday, it gets re-methylated from your amino acid supply 18,000 times,” Chris Masterjohn said. “Supplementing with creatine is a very underappreciated way to try to help conserve the methylfolate supply that you’re taking.”  

In Retrospect  

Looking back, Chris Masterjohn says what happened to him was wholly physiological and zero percent psychological.  Once he fixed everything physiologically, it eventually translated into a psychological belief that he had in fact cured himself.  

“That gave me a level of confidence. I was biased towards never worrying about any of those anxieties because I believed that they were gone,” Chris Masterjohn surmises.

Further Learning  

To know more about methylation and gene expression, I suggest checking out Chris Masterjohn’s Masterclass. It is a comprehensive program where you will learn everything you need to know about the science behind nutrition and its effects on our health. He also has a fantastic podcast called Mastering Nutrition, available on iTunes.   

Chris Masterjohn earned his Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences in 2012 from the University of Connecticut at Storrs, served as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 2012 to 2014, and served as Assistant Professor of Health and Nutrition Sciences at Brooklyn College from 2014 to 2016.   

He now works independently in health and nutrition research, education, and consulting. Chris Masterjohn has authored or co-authored ten peer-reviewed publications. His podcast, Mastering Nutrition, his two video series, Chris Masterjohn Lite and Masterclass With Masterjohn, and his blog can all be found on his website at  

Get Connected With Chris Masterjohn:  

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 Recommended Reading by Chris Masterjohn

The Paleo Cure – Chris Kesser 

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Nov 15, 2017

The Art Of Acceptance

Acceptance Is The Key To Happiness  

Acceptance is something most of us struggle with. Especially during confrontations or conflicts, we often assert ourselves to be right. But does being right make us happy? According to my guest today, not always. Michael Weinberger is back with us again, folks! And he’s going to explain why it is possible to be happy even if we’re not always right.  

Happy Or Right?  

Michael Weinberger shares that the one question he always asks himself is — ‘Do I want to be happy or do I want to be right?’ Well, until recently, he admits he wanted to be right. However, in reality, he prefers to be happy. Ultimately, Michael Weinberger learned that when he tried to control things and assert that he was right, sometimes the solutions are significantly worse than the actual problems.   

“It’s nice to be right, but I prefer to be happy. I learned this through engagements with my wife and kids,” said Michael Weinberger. “Just because they are not doing the things in such a way how I would do them, doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”

The Art Of Acceptance  

Apparently, acceptance is a present emotion. When Michael Weinberger learned to focus on the concept of acceptance, it allowed him to be present at the moment. And the more acceptance he had towards people and situations, the happier he became.   

Michael Weinberger realized that when he sought the need to be right about something, all he accomplished was wasting time trying to control the past and the future. Ultimately, that need to be right prevented him from moving forward.   

“I was angry if somebody wronged me. I later realized that anger is a past emotion. On the other hand, anxiety, fear, and worry are future emotions. Consequently, it’s funny that the things you are anxious about turn out to be the things you are angry about.”

Living A Life Of Acceptance  

Through his experiences, Michael Weinberger says acceptance is the key to happiness. Apparently, he learned that being right was never worth it. Hence, when he now practices mindfulness and acceptance, Michael Weinberger always asks himself — ‘How much anger do I need to change the past?’   

“I’m a pretty intense person. And if you told me the proper amount of anger to undo things from my past, I would focus exerting that amount of anger,” said Michael Weinberger. “And instead of focusing on anger, anxiety, fear and worry, we should focus on extending energy towards acceptance.”

Michael Weinberger furthermore explains that we spend a lot of time trying to change the past and the future with unnecessary energy. However, the more time we spend on acceptance, the better off we will be as far as our overall well-being, awareness, and happiness are concerned.   

The Struggle Was Real  

I looked up to my parents who were both strong-willed individuals as well as accomplished entrepreneurs. My father dealt with a business situation wherein he was made to chose — risk being unemployed and earn more money or play it safe and lose money.   

My father initially wanted to take a risk.  But because I was still a baby then, my mother’s fear mode kicked in and convinced my father to take the safe route. Apparently, that was the wrong choice. My father lost everything and had to start from scratch.  

It was a challenging time for the family, but my parents weathered that storm.  They were able to pick up the pieces and eventually became self-made millionaires in their respective business endeavors years later.  

However, my father never really entirely moved on from that downfall years before.  He constantly reminded my mother the choice she made him do and held it over her head that the decision he originally wanted to make was the right choice. Over twenty years, my father tortured himself, all because he focused on ‘being right’ rather than learning from the experience.  

Practicing Gratitude  

Michael Weinberger has had past struggles on acceptance. However, he was able to channel negative experiences into something positive. As an example, there was an instance wherein he had to fly out to North Carolina for a speaking engagement.  

Michael Weinberger woke up early on the day of his flight departure. Thinking all was well when he boarded the plane, things took a different turn when all passengers were made to deplane due to a mechanical problem.   

As expected, everybody was upset and flustered.  And who wouldn’t be? But because Michael Weinberger was aware and mindful of his situation, he calmly chose to book a seat on the next flight out.  With two hours of waiting time to spare, Michael Weinberger utilized that time to work on his presentation.   

Upon arrival in North Carolina, the next hurdle was getting to the event which was an hour and a half away. Michael Weinberger consequently had to cancel his first accommodation and instead book a hotel closer to the venue. Add on to that, the Uber fare going to the place wasn’t cheap.   

Positive Thoughts

Michael Weinberger admitted that once he got to the event, he was taken aback by the seeming lack of participants.  However, choosing to make the most of the situation, he remained positive and ended up meeting some incredible people at the presentation.    

“In the end, I was asked to be the keynote speaker for the entire conference next year. I’m glad I learned to slow down and realize that I had choices for each encounter,” shares Michael Weinberger. “Negative thoughts take only a few seconds to ingrain in your mind while positive ones can take up to 15 seconds.”

That day would have been regarded as a total disaster. However, because Michael Weinberger practiced gratitude, he immediately realized that his primary focus was to improve himself through the presentation. Opening himself up to what the day had in store, it turned out to be the most incredible experience!  

“Be aware. Slow down and experience the emotions. Write down why you’re grateful for those emotions,” Michael Weinberger said. “Obsessions are anti-mindful behavior. If we can just refocus obsession onto a positive behavior or habit instead of the obsessive thoughts of misery and negativity, we can influence how we experience our day and ultimately, our life.”

A Plan For Living

Michael Weinberger is a dynamic and inspiring speaker frequently asked to speak on topics including Mindfulness, Coping with Mental Illness and Addiction.  

He was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in 1994 and has learned how to not only cope but to thrive while living with his illness.   

Michael teaches individuals how to adjust their mindset to be mindful and grateful for everything their life! He is the founder and creator of, a digital mindfulness manager, and wellness platform.   

Everyone has problems, and Michael’s approach helps people apply gratitude, spirituality, and mindfulness to their daily lives. A grateful heart is a happy heart!  

Get Connected with Michael Weinberger!

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A Plan For Living App – On Google Play

A Plan For Living App – On App Store

Recommended Reading by Michael Weinberger

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Self


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Nov 13, 2017


Gluten-Free School

Gluten- Free School

Gluten-free is how more and more people are tweaking their diet nowadays. I remember seven years ago when my husband and I first went gluten-free, few people knew what it meant. My guest, Jennifer Fugo, apparently went through a similar path. And because being gluten-free made her so much healthier, she established the Gluten Free School to help people get their health back.

Life Before Being Gluten-Free

Jennifer Fugo’s journey was similar to most people who have gotten sick. Way back in 2006, she was so much into working out and being healthy. However, despite how Jennifer Fugo was restrictive with her diet, she was gaining weight, felt tired most of the time and very sickly.

She initially thought she was exercising too much, but despite cutting down her workouts, she still didn’t feel right. Even doctors couldn’t diagnose appropriately because Jennifer Fugo’s lab tests all came out normal.

Then one day in 2008, Jennifer Fugo’s friend recommended seeing a nutritionist. Upon seeing that Jennifer Fugo’s diet mainly consisted of bread, pasta, and pizza, the nutritionist advised her to go gluten-free for two weeks.

It didn’t take long before Jennifer Fugo saw results. Within just three days of being gluten-free, she felt more clear headed.  Apparently, brain fog was associated with gluten sensitivity, and it turned out that Jennifer Fugo was gluten sensitive to eggs, dairy, cashews, and pistachios.

“Gluten sensitivity implies that there is an immune reaction that is happening as a result of a specific food like gluten coming into the body. If you are gluten sensitive, you do need to avoid things like oats that are not certified gluten-free,” said Jennifer Fugo.

What Is Gluten?

Many people have heard this term, but very few know what gluten is. Gluten is derived from the Latin word ‘gluten’ which means glue. And like glue, it binds things together. Final products that contain gluten usually have a chewy texture.

“It is a spongy protein that is found in specific grains. Most notably, wheat, barley, and rye. It is also in other ancient forms of wheat,” Jennifer Fugo said. “Gluten binds together ingredients, and it may be hard for some people to digest.”

Advocating A Gluten-Free Diet

Even outside of Philadelphia where Jennifer Fugo lives, she attests that things have changed so much as far as diet is concerned. She says many people in her area are advocates of a gluten-free diet, so it wasn’t hard to find restaurants that offered a gluten-free menu.

However, that was not always the case. When Jennifer Fugo first tried practicing a gluten-free diet, her father, who happened to be a medical doctor, was very skeptical. It was only when her health significantly improved that her father understood how a gluten-free diet plays a significant role in overall health.

“People noticed a big change in me.  Because it seemed like I lost weight when in fact, it’s not fat, but inflammation. I lost inflammation weight,” explained Jennifer Fugo. “When it comes to food sensitivity or autoimmune diseases, the symptoms are all over the place. That is why it is hard for doctors to pinpoint the correct diagnosis.”

The Gluten Free School

Her personal experience drove Jennifer Fugo to put up Gluten Free School in 2011.  Her mission is to empower and inspire gluten sensitive women to get back to living a healthy, joy-filled life.

A program at the Gluten Free School typically lasts six to eight weeks. The school helps women identify root causes, implement diet and lifestyle changes based on their unique health history, and resolve chronic health issues.

“A lot of people don’t understand that you can’t do it halfway. You have to be gluten-free all the way,” said Jennifer Fugo. “If you don’t allow yourself to tune in and go on this journey of figuring out what the imbalances are, they don’t just miraculously disappear. Things build slowly with time.”

Importance Of A Good Digestion

Most people take digestion problems for granted. We often either just shrug it off to something we ate, thinking that it will pass sooner or later.  This is what Jennifer Fugo seeks to educate people on.

Jennifer Fugo says that when our body kicks food out, we apparently lose the opportunity to be nourished by that food. Just because we digested our food, doesn’t mean that the vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats were actually absorbed by our body.

“When that essential toilet flush happens in the digestive system, you’re also flushing out the bacterial diversity which is the microbiome that’s in the colon. It becomes very difficult for good bacteria to re-establish itself in a timely fashion,” explains Jennifer Fugo. “The flipside is constipation.  Because you’re slowing down your body’s ability to release toxins and wastes.”

Effects Of Constipation In Women

Jennifer Fugo says that women must be particularly concerned when they have constipation. When a woman is chronically constipated, estrogen that is processed through the liver must be deactivated.

“Estrogen is deactivated when it is released into the bile. And the bile is dumped into the digestive system. Then you poop out deactivated estrogen. That’s how it’s supposed to leave your body,” Jennifer Fugo said. “But if your poop is not moving at a normal rate, your body can end up reabsorbing it. When that happens, toxins are stuck in the large intestine.”

Because of this, Jennifer Fugo advises to poop at least once a day. Going gluten-free for two to three weeks can also help address constipation.  To keep your food intake in check, it is likewise essential to keep a food journal to track what you are eating.

Transitioning To A Gluten-Free Diet

First of all, if you experience having blurry visions or feel intoxicated, Jennifer Fugo says these are sure signs that food and gluten are causing problem. Ultimately, she advises women not to blow off their symptoms, especially those with autoimmune diseases.

“Going on a gluten-free diet is the first place to start. With most autoimmune diseases, the trigger is in the gut. To reduce the trigger, and slow down the autoimmune process, cut out gluten from your diet,” advises Jennifer Fugo. “Also drink 60 to 80 ounces of water daily. Eat fiber and be active. Try magnesium citrate once or twice a day to facilitate bowel movement.”

Jennifer Fugo likewise clarifies that elimination diet is not the same as a gluten-free diet. People usually confuse the two. She says people typically go too far eliminating too many things only to end up not completing the diet program.

This is because when people go on restrictive diets, Jennifer Fugo says people often eliminate foods that may trigger a problem, but they’re just removing the food triggers. In effect, they are not solving what is causing their leaky gut.

“Start with being gluten-free and see how that goes. Take something out for two or three weeks and try adding it back to your diet,” Jennifer Fugo said. “Observe yourself for  mood swings, emotional outbursts, anxiety or depression.”

Essentially, what Jennifer Fugo is trying to do is encourage people to embrace the natural ways of eating, like consuming whole foods. Most of all, it is also important to keep in mind that because everyone is built differently, everyone’s diet should be unique.

The Savvy Gluten-Free Shopper Book

If you want to know more about eating gluten-free foods, you have to check out Jennifer Fugo’s book.  She thoroughly explains why you should learn to love yourself by taking care of your health.  And the first step in taking care of yourself is getting on the road to health through a gluten-free diet.

Her book details everything you need to know about gluten and how to shop for gluten-free foods. Top it off; the book has mouth-watering recipes that are easy to make; you’ll forget it’s gluten-free!

“Care for yourself. Focus on you. Start paying attention to yourself so that you can be more present, patient and loving to those around you. Because ultimately at the end of the day, that’s what life is all about,” said Jennifer Fugo.

Jennifer Fugo is the founder of Gluten Free School, a website dedicated to teaching gluten-sensitive individuals simple, savvy and empowering steps to get healthy.

Shes a certified Health Coach named a Gluten Free Guru by Philadelphia Magazine who hosts the popular Gluten-Free Sugar Cleanse to empower gluten-free women to take control of their diet, feel great and kick their sugar habit.

Jennifer Fugo is a sought-after expert on healthy, gluten-free living as well as a speaker who has been featured on Doctor Oz, Yahoo! News, eHow, CNN, Huffington Post and Philadelphia Magazine.  She hosts the popular Gluten Free School Podcast to share eye-opening health information vital to living a gluten-free life. Her first book, The Savvy Gluten-Free Shopper: How to Eat Healthy without Breaking the Bank is now available.

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Book by Jennifer Fugo:

The Savvy Gluten-Free Shopper Book









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Nov 10, 2017


Plant-Based Diet

Plant-Based Diet And Its Benefits 

A plant-based diet is mainly packed with nutrients that humans need everyday. People are initially skeptical about whether a plant-based diet fulfills our daily nutritional requirement. However, experts like my guest today assures us that it does. In this episode, Nutrition expert Sharon Palmer will explain how shifting to a plant-based diet is one of the best decisions you will ever make.   

Growing up 

Sharon Palmer grew up in a very natural environment for as long as she can remember. Her mom grew up on a farm in Arkansas, and her father lived the farm life in Minnesota. Both her parents met when they became neighbors in Idaho.   

Her family believes that wellness begins in the soil, and a plant-based diet and nutrition has always been their lifestyle. So even if Sharon Palmer was born in the suburbs in the Northwest, she grew up in a house with a large vegetable garden. Hence, she was very connected to the concept of growing food and eating real food through a plant-based diet.  

Given her family background, it was not surprising that Sharon Palmer decided to pursue a career in Nutrition when she moved to California. She was likewise able to hone her journalistic skills writing and talking about the world of Nutrition.   

“I’m a huge advocate of growing your food. When we are connected with our food, there are rewards. We feel better,” said Sharon Palmer. “There are more benefits to eating a plant-based diet because it is filled with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. You’re never too old to eat better.”

Her Philosophy  

Sharon Palmer stresses that her philosophy is all about making more people realize that they can benefit from eating more whole plants foods through a plant-based diet. She does this by encouraging people to get on that spectrum of consuming whole plant foods and fewer animal foods.   

You’ve heard that fast food is bad, right? Reaching out for those French Fries indeed is tempting! Some may argue that potatoes are considered vegetables but when it is deep fried in unhealthy oil, it’s not considered a healthy diet at all.  

Sharon Palmer affirms this by saying that generally speaking, what most people eat today can be junk foods. Yes, things like French Fries and colas are made from plants, but an excellent plant-based diet is about consuming less processed foods. Real food is whole plant foods, grown close to Mother Earth and minimally processed.   

“A lot of people who eat a plant-based just think that it’s all about eliminating meat. However, the benefit of a plant-based diet comes mostly from what you are eating. That would be all these whole foods like beans and lentils, whole grains like oats and quinoa, barley, fruits, veggies, spices, herbs, nuts, and seeds.” Sharon Palmer explained.

Eating According To Your Blood Type  

There’s a particular type of diet that called blood type diet. The concept of this diet plan revolves around the belief that because blood types have different characteristics, it is best that people embrace a diet by their blood type.   

However, Sharon Palmer doesn’t think there’s enough evidence to link our blood type to what diet we should be on. She says research points that a healthy diet would fit everybody’s genetic profile.   

“By healthy diet, I mean a healthy plant-based diet. Although we are learning more about personal nutrition or nutrigenomics where we recognize that certain genetic profiles might benefit from slightly tweaking their diet. But at this point, I think we can safely say that these overall diet patterns are healthy for most of us,” said Sharon Palmer.  

Obesity and Diabetes  

Sharon Palmer singles out obesity and diabetes because she said there are epidemics of these health conditions in certain countries with a significant ethnic population. This is because people from those countries are following a Western diet which unfortunately has been linked to many diseases.  

Studies show that obesity has numerous physical and mental risks.  Aside from heart diseases and sleep issues, it can also prove fatal by developing into some types of cancer and reduce life expectancy.   

Diabetes, on the other hand, is just as severe.  Initially, symptoms like headaches and itchy skin may seem minor, but if left undiagnosed, it could escalate into something more severe.    

Studies have shown that a considerable percentage of people who have diabetes die of coronary artery disease. Sharon Palmer says a severe complication of obesity and diabetes are caused by having a processed food diet. Hence, it is therefore vital that we alter our eating habits while it is not too late. 

Importance of Vitamin C and Vitamin B-12  

Anemia indicates that a person suffering from this condition has an iron deficiency. That is why Sharon Palmer firmly advises people to make sure to get good sources of plant-based iron in their diet.  

“Another thing is by taking Vitamin C. It can increase the absorption of iron significantly,” said Sharon Palmer. “There is iron in red meat, poultry, and fish. I think when it comes to a plant-based diet, the diet preference is an individual choice.”

On the other hand, Vitamin B- 12 is essential for cognition and many other issues. However, Sharon Palmer says that apparently, Vitamin B-12 can’t be found in a plant-based diet. Hence, you have to take supplements to fulfill your daily nutritional requirement, and it is also essential that you choose a good brand of supplements.  

The Truth About Carbohydrates  

Sharon Palmer shares the fact that people on a plant-based diet usually remove a lot of carbs.  However, she says carbohydrates are not all bad. Apparently, people have an unjustified fear of carbohydrates.  

“When you look at healthy diet patterns of people who live longer, they tend to consume a high ratio of carbohydrates. So you can’t just assume that carbohydrates are bad,” said Sharon Palmer. “However, pay attention to the quality of carbohydrates. Instead of refined flour, eat whole grains especially in their intact form.”

Sharon Palmer also recommends that consuming quinoa and brown rice is the best response to the body. On the other hand, beans, nuts, seeds, lentil, and tofu are fantastic sources of protein that can take the place of animal foods.   

Colon Cancer   

There is a specific relationship between colon cancer and diet. According to Sharon Palmer, a high red meat diet has a significant colon cancer risk. Hence, it is essential to include a substantial amount of fiber in your diet because apparently, fiber reduces toxins that can come in contact with the colon.   

However, eating a plant-based diet does not only reduce the risk of colon cancer but instead prevents many types of cancer as well. Sharon Palmer explains that generally speaking, cancer is an inflammatory disease. So when we eat foods high in anti-inflammatory compounds and reduce red meat in our diet, we are suppressing that chronic inflammation.  

“Make sure you are also getting good sources of carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Americans eat so much meat. Eating whole foods would help our environment, as well as animal welfare and our health. Because the Western diet has been linked to many health risks,” explained Sharon Palmer.

How To Transition To A Plant-Based Diet  

So, you’re ready to start a plant-based diet? Great! Once you commit yourself, Sharon Palmer advises starting with plants rather than animal food. Eat salads using whole fruits and vegetables. This is because the fruits and vegetables lose nutritional value once they are processed. According to Sharon Palmer, Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables are better eaten fresh. The same goes for bell peppers, broccoli, berries, and tomatoes.    

However, let’s face it.  We’re human. And like Sharon Palmer earlier said, we are born omnivores. Hence, it is natural to have meat cravings. But that doesn’t mean following a plant-based diet is hopeless because it’s all about understanding the underlying cause of your cravings.  

“If your diet is not balanced, you will crave it. If you are short on fat or calories, you will feel hungry.  Usually, people who quit eating meat cold turkey experience cravings,” Sharon Palmer said. “This is because the plant-based diet has a different composition. Humans evolved to eat animal food and plants. That’s why a plant-based diet is a personal choice.”

Plan-Powered Diet Book  

Sharon Palmer has two excellent books that are good references for explaining the whole concept behind a plant-based diet. The Plant-Powered Diet book contains incredible recipes and a two-week plan to help you get started on eating your way to health!  

On the other hand, the Plant-Powered For Life book is primarily a cookbook jampacked with 125 delicious recipes. You’ll be amazed how veggies can taste so good! Both books are available on Sharon Palmer’s website.   

Get Connected with Sharon Palmer! 

Official Website




Book by Sharon Palmer

The Plant-Powered Diet


Recommended Reading by Sharon Palmer

Food Rules  – Michael Pollan


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Nov 9, 2017

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Busting Health Myths


Busting Health Myths

Busting health myths is something the Learn True Health podcast has been passionate about. Over the past two years, I have invited experts in busting health myths especially with regards to seeking the best treatments to heal the body. My guest today, T.C. Hale (aka Tony Hale), is no stranger to busting health myths, so read on to find out his big reveals in this episode!

Shifting Careers

T.C. Hale wasn’t busting health myths all this life. In fact, he first started his career in stand-up comedy, a lucrative career that spanned almost a decade. However, Valentine’s Day in 2004 turned out to be the turning point in his life when T.C. Hale lost his voice.

As much as twenty-three doctors failed to diagnose T.C. Hale’s condition. Hence, because T.C. Hale was frustrated with his fruitless doctor consultations; he decided to take matters into his own hands.

“I lost my voice, and it didn’t come back. When you’re a comedian, and you lost your voice, you’re technically a mime. So I was determined to get my voice back,” recalls T.C. Hale. “I went from doctor to doctor, and they all put me on drugs. Nobody could give a proper diagnosis and yet I accumulated a six-figure bill in medical expenses.”

Learning from his own experience, T.C. Hale spent the next six years attending nutrition seminars and reading books. He partnered with health professors and started writing books busting health myths as well.

Physiology Of The Body

T.C. Hale says that he doesn’t use remedies for anything. Instead, he teaches people how to look at their physiology and get a better understanding of the underlying cause of the problem.

A good example is busting health myths like insomnia. There is no one cure-for-all treatment. Like many other health conditions, insomnia may have more than one cause, and each person responds differently to treatment.

“I teach people how to use simple tests. When you understand how to look at these measurements, you can start to get an idea how your body is operating and what areas are malfunctioning,” explains T.C. Hale. “When you can figure that out, you can start to figure out what the underlying cause is.

He adds, “We have to be a participant in our health. The body works in the same way that agriculture works. It works over time. Things move slowly, so we would want to treat our body the same way we treat agriculture.”

Weight Loss

Dealing with obese clients, T.C. Hale refrains his clients from looking at the weighing scale. He explains this is because there’s too much emotion involved in that.

“Just because you’re taking in carbs and sugars doesn’t mean they’re making it to the cells. And when they’re not making it to the cells, the body in return feels like it’s not getting it,” T.C. Hale said. “The body is more complicated than just looking at measurements. Essentially, measurements are the foundation of everything I do, but there are complications from looking at those measurements.”

T.C. Hale also says that no single diet is right for everybody because we all process foods differently. Most diets have you restrict something. Whether it’s a type of food or macronutrient, they all focus on one thing.

“And when you remove that one thing, you usually notice amazing results because that change worked with your physiology in the way your body is functioning,” said T.C. Hale.

According to T.C. Hale, if a person can’t process fat correctly, even eating healthy fats becomes a burden to the body. Consequently, despite eating healthy, your body won’t be able to handle the nutrients if your system isn’t working correctly.

Hence, before starting any weight loss program, T.C. Hale advises to first look into finding the answers to these questions to help fix the areas where your body is malfunctioning:

• Are you processing carbs better than fats?
• Do you have the ability to process fats at all?
• Can you even break down protein?
• Does insulin function in your body in a way that allows the glucose to be used or is it just going around in your bloodstream?

Why People Gravitate Towards Processed Foods

T.C. Hale explains that processed food is easier to break down, and it pulls out some glucose or fuel so you can function as a human being. The brain primarily needs fuel to function so when you take away that source of fuel; you end up feeling miserable.

“People gravitate towards food for a reason. Those foods may not be the healthiest thing, they may cause weight gain, but it allows people to function as a human. That’s the problem,” T.C. Hale said.

In addition to that, T.C. Hale says that when people go on these low carb diets, they increase their fats and remove carbs. However, if they can’t break down the fat because of processed junk, they feel lousy and end up gaining weight. Hence, it is crucial to look at both sides.

Importance Of Digestion

Regardless of any diet plan you have, digestion plays a significant role in overall health. Without proper digestion, nutrients will not be absorbed by the body. Hence, T.C. Hale says it doesn’t matter whether a person is eating the right nutrition, or if the food they eat contains nutrients and minerals. Consequently, they still can’t access those minerals and nutrients if they can’t break the food down.

“You must learn how to digest food properly. If you can’t break down the food that you’re eating, it’s a burden to your body,” explains T.C. Hale. “Everything starts with digestion. If you’re having any digestive symptoms, you need to correct those symptoms first before fixing a lot of problems.”

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is a combination of minerals, sugars, and a little protein. These elements contribute to how thick your blood is. The thicker the blood, the harder the heart has to pump and increase that pressure.

Furthermore, whatever is thickening the blood is different from person to person. Example, a type 2 diabetic is often going to have elevated blood pressure because the excess glucose in the bloodstream is thickening up that blood.

T.C. Hale, however, clarifies that having excess glucose doesn’t always cause high blood pressure. There are times our body is filled with toxins, and a lot of times it can be due to excess minerals. On the other hand, magnesium is a significant factor when it comes to high blood pressure and a lot of times it has to do with proteins not breaking down correctly.

Stomach Acidity

Generally speaking, when the food goes down in the stomach, it starts to acidify. T.C. Hale explains this is when the proteins start breaking down. However, when that acidic product starts to leave the stomach, bile comes down.

According to T.C. Hale, bile is very alkaline. So when an acidic product meets with bile, it creates a sizzle. Consequently, that’s what breaks the food apart and pulls all the nutrients out. So if someone just has the acid side working, they won’t be able to pull all the nutrients out of their food and vice versa.

A lot of things can cause that bile to become thick and sticky where it won’t flow correctly. T.C. Hale says grains and gluten restrict bile flow. Hence, people remove these things from their diet.

Furthermore, T.C. Hale explains that if bile is not flowing correctly, toxins start accumulating and circulating in the bloodstream. As a result, blood pressure can go up. Consequently, when the blood is too alkaline, oxygen can’t leave the bloodstream and go down to the tissues where it needs to be. When it fails to do that, horrible diseases start to develop.

Kick It Books

T.C. Hale is the author of three books — Constipation: Kick It Naturally, Kick Your Fat In The Nuts and Kick Menstrual Cramps In The Nuts. All three books thoroughly explain how and why the body responds the way it does. The books have a fantastic wealth of information and are available on Amazon so check it out!

T.C. Hale’s Courses

Can’t get enough of T.C. Hale? You’re in luck! Because he offers two courses — 4-Week Online Digestion/Foundational Health Course and the 12-Week Kick Your Fat Course.

The 4-Week Online Digestion/Foundational Health Course teaches you everything you need to know about digestion. Primarily, this builds a solid foundation for your body to be able to process the food you eat properly. Best of all, it costs only 50 cents to sign up!

On the other hand, the 12-Week Kick Your Fat Course is an in-depth insight into the truth behind how to lose weight properly and how to make the weight stay off. The course costs $129 and is money well-spent so check it out as well.

Beyond working with many celebrity clients, T.C. Hale is on the executive board of The Coalition For Health Education, a nonprofit association that helps professionals and their clients learn about health through nutrition. Additionally, T.C. Hale teaches monthly webinars about nutrition to doctors, nutritionists and other healthcare professionals from more than thirty-five countries.

You can also find T.C. Hale producing documentaries like Why Am I So Fat? a film that teaches the truth about weight loss while showcasing T.C. Hale’s client, Gabe Evans, who lost 200 pounds in 9 ½ months by treating T.C. Hale’s word as gospel.

Get Connected with T.C. Hale!

Official Website



Books by T.C. Hale

Constipation: Kick It Naturally Book


Kick Your Fats In The Nuts Bookmm


Kick Menstrual Cramps In The Nuts Book


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Nov 6, 2017

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Living Healthy

Living Healthy Naturally  

Living healthy is doable. Episode after episode, I have likewise stressed that achieving optimal health naturally is very possible. I have had so many guests on the show who shifted to Natural Medicine despite being trained in Western Medicine and my guest today is no different. Dr. Phil Carson is again joining us in this episode to share everything you need to know about living healthy.   

Pharmacy Background  

Dr. Phil Carson finished pharmacy school in 1985. Upon graduation, he worked for a pharmacy chain which turned out to be a very stressful job. Despite that, Dr. Phil Carson persevered until he was promoted to a managerial position the following year. His health issues started piling up, from gastrointestinal problems to taking so many medications despite gaining only temporary relief.  

Until one day, while browsing books at a bookstore, Dr. Phil Carson saw a book about Natural Health. Apparently, there was a chapter on digestive issues. He started following the recommendations enumerated in the book and started living healthy. Those steps eventually changed his life!  

Through his new lifestyle of living healthy, Dr. Phil Carson found the underlying causes of his health problems. It turns out that he had low stomach acids. All this time, Dr. Phil Carson was taking anti-acids when apparently, he should have taken acid supplements instead. This discovery hence led him to pursue a practice in Natural Medicine.  

How To Live Until You Die Book  

Dr. Phil Carson had a lucrative career in pharmacy for twenty years until a few years ago when his business went down the drain. Spending a substantial amount of time soul-searching and reflecting about his struggles, he eventually was able to find something more valuable.   

“A few years ago after the crash of 2009, I lost everything. I was trying to build my business that time,” recalls Dr. Phil Carson. “In those dark days, the content of the book came from long nights of thinking and praying. That’s where the subtitle came from.”  

Dr. Phil Carson came to realize that conventional medicines only served a temporary relief.  It just masked symptoms and gave only temporary relief. That is why a lot of people still suffer from various health issues. Consequently, Dr. Phil Carson realized that living healthy and being truly happy can only be achieved if you balance out your whole life.  

Finding Your Life Balance  

Dr. Phil Carson found his passion and calling to help improve people’s quality of life. Inspired and motivated to heal people by living healthy, Dr. Phil Carson developed a plan aimed at helping people through seven key areas of their life.   

First and foremost, Dr. Phil Carson stresses the importance of changing our diet and getting enough exercise.  He recommends veering away from fad diets and establishing a regular fitness regimen.   

“Eliminate white foods from your diet. Processed flour, sugar, dairy are detrimental to our health,” said Dr. Phil Carson. “Then make an effort to exercise. We are not active enough. Just being able to move and being consistent about it is the key to jumpstart your goal towards living healthy.”

Aside from nutrition and exercise, Dr. Phil Carson recommends drinking water often and getting enough sleep.  Taking supplements is also an excellent way to make sure your body is getting the essential nutrients it needs to function well.

“Do not load our body with any food that is too acidic or too alkaline. As for water, spring water should be alkaline because it has minerals rich in calcium and magnesium. Acidic water can lower the body’s PH levels to a certain extent,” said Dr. Phil Carson.

Furthermore, Dr. Phil Carson recommends drinking water before you eat and drink a little water while eating. The rationale behind this is because when we drink water before we eat, water stimulates the production of acids in the stomach.   

However, living healthy isn’t just about the physical aspect. When our soul and spirit is nourished, Dr. Phil Carson says it resonates positively to what we look and feel on the outside.   

Wellness Program  

Ready to take living healthy a notch further? Check out Dr. Phil Carson’s six-month wellness program.  A primary component of the program is helping people improve their nutrition.   

Another essential part of the program is that patients are made to undergo a detox program to cleanse the body of toxins and chemicals that they have been exposed to over the years. This also helps balance out the body’s PH levels.  

“The type of detox that we do is not like the typical ones that you see. Two weeks, 21 days or 30 days is not enough time to administer a complete detox,” explains Dr. Phil Carson. “It may apply to a colon or liver cleanse, but our detox program is for three months because we cleanse the cells of the body.”

Dr. Phil Carson adds that apparently, people are too acidic, that’s why many of us have health issues. However, Dr. Phil Carson says that when we take steps to correct that, it can make a significant difference in overall health.  

Furthermore, he says that when we’re continually putting acids in the body and exposed to high acidic chemicals on a regular basis, our body works hard to keep the PH balance. Therefore, the best place for the body to get the alkaline minerals it needs to maintain PH levels correct is from the bones and the cartilage. And when it does, that consequently contributes to health problems like osteoporosis and arthritis.  

“That is why my wellness program aims to help people get off medication through lifestyle change,” Dr. Phil Carson said. “Sometimes just some basic things like simple lifestyle change can change a person’s life.”

Too many Americans are living as prisoners in their bodies, held captive by bad habits that have drained them of their livelihood and sentenced them to a premature death. These harsh realities are what have kept Dr. Phil Carson passionate about practicing pharmacy since 1985.   

After encountering many patients who were seeking answers when traditional medicine did not meet their needs, Dr. Phil Carson founded Carson Natural Health in 2005 with the mission of helping patients find the best natural solutions to their health problems. He is passionate about improving his patients quality of life and encouraging everyone he comes in contact with to live healthier lives and transform their overall health into a blessing, not a burden.   

Dr. Phil Carson shares many golden nuggets about how to thrive in health, along with breaking through tragedy and stepping into triumph in his book How To Live Until You Die.  

Get Connected With Dr. Phil Carson: 

Official Website



Book by Dr. Phil Carson

How To Live Until You Die

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Nov 3, 2017

Being Lovable

Being Lovable Through Gratitude

Being lovable is so hard to do sometimes, considering many factors can weigh us down. We tend to seek validation from family, friends, and co-workers and when we don’t, our self-worth plummets. Well, Michael Weinberger is back on the show to guide us on being lovable especially at our lowest point.

Struggling Through The Hard Times

It’s hard to think clearly when we are dealing with a lot of problems or facing significant challenges. And Michael Weinberger is no different. He relates that when he was working on his A Plan For Living app, he used to struggle to find gratitude.

Trying to practice gratitude and prayer, it seemed so natural to come up with resentments and things he hated. However, Michael Weinberger slowly realized that in being lovable, he had to learn to slow down and recognize his thoughts.

“Happiness and joy is not a survival emotion. It is a ‘pleasure’ piece,” explains Michael Weinberger. “When I was struggling to find things that I was grateful for, a friend advised that all I had to do was to be lovable today. That hit me. Consequently, the best part of being lovable is that there is no right way to do it.”

Being Grateful And Lovable

When Michael Weinberger was working on his A Plan for Living app, he realized that there is no right way to do gratitude, no right way to pray nor meditate. Essentially, going through and surviving every obstacle results in molding a person to become more lovable.

“By being lovable, I can be more present, I connect more intimately with people around me, and I can solve problems,” Michael Weinberger said.

Think of it this way. We all have that one person in the office or that one family member who is hard to work with or is challenging to be around with. Problems seem harder to solve because we tend to think that we are not going to succeed in getting along with that person. Consequently, we set up ourselves to justify our thought and actions, as well as rationalize and defend our position.

“But if you are lovable, things can work out a lot easier because the connection to the other person in the equation is there,” said Michael Weinberger.

Michael Weinberger cites an example. Let’s say; you’re coming home to your wife. You can go home and be defensive, ready to snap at your wife for not having dinner ready or going home to an untidy house.

However, Michael Weinberger says there is a better choice. Rather than spouting off adverse reactions coming home, you could make a conscious effort to be lovable. This way, your relationship with your spouse significantly improves. You will likewise want to do more for yourself, as well as have the drive to take care of yourself.

How To Love Yourself

Michael Weinberger suffers from bipolar disorder. Because of this, he tends to have suicidal thoughts on a very regular basis. Trying to eat healthily and making the right decision is sometimes difficult. When this happens, Michael Weinberger berates himself whenever he eats poorly.

However, we must realize that people tend to insult themselves immediately. Michael Weinberger says that if we can just be compassionate and love ourselves, then it’s not a catastrophe. All we have to do is learn to become our own coach.

“Making better suggestions and forgiving yourself is being lovable with yourself. Gratitudes are easier, ” Michael Weinberger said. “There are some things on my prayer list to help slow me down. Those include practicing humility, being present, being forgiving, and having patience. Those thoughts help put me into a better state of mind.”

Establishing A Baseline

People are different, and not everyone thinks the same. One way to eradicate the blurry lines of communication is learning how to create a baseline. This way, our thoughts can be understood by other people.

We tend to project unfulfilled expectations onto other people. Then we end up getting upset when other people fail to understand us. Michael Weinberger says this is because when our thoughts and sentiments are not expressed out loud, we cannot expect the reality to happen.

“People believe they’re wandering around in reality. The problem is, we merely wander around in our definition of reality,” explains Michael Weinberger. “We must share our reality with other people. Everyone has their own perspective of the world, and people begin to disagree when they believe that everyone is living in their reality.”

Michael Weinberger adds that reality can be challenged. Gratitude, spirituality, and mindfulness allow reality to change. Essentially, he says practicing gratitude gets you down to your authentic self. Hence, your job is to connect that authentic self to everyone around you.

Michael Weinberger is a dynamic and inspiring speaker frequently asked to speak on topics including Mindfulness, Coping with Mental Illness and Addiction.

He was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in 1994 and has learned how to not only cope but to thrive while living with his illness.

Michael teaches individuals how to adjust their mindset to be mindful and grateful for everything their life! He is the founder and creator of, a digital mindfulness manager, and wellness platform.

Everyone has problems, and Michael’s approach helps people apply gratitude, spirituality, and mindfulness to their daily lives. A grateful heart is a happy heart!

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A Plan For Living App – On Google Play

A Plan For Living App – On App Store

Recommended Reading by Michael Weinberger

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Self


A Plan For Living

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Nov 1, 2017

Empowering Women

Empowering Women To Achieve Optimal Health

Empowering women is a significant advocacy in this modern day and age. Whether it be career women, female students or homemakers, women play a major role in society. However, because of our busy lives, we tend to neglect our health. Hence, I brought in today Dr. Tasneem “Taz” Bhatia who will explain why empowering women became the focus of her practice.

Fortunate Accident

Dr. Tasneem Bhatia developed her mission of empowering women by accident. She initially went to medical school, gradually took her residency, and eventually worked in pediatrics and at the emergency room. Dr. Tasneem Bhatia loved her job, but as time wore on, she was frequently getting sick from consuming too many sodas and junk food.

Her family, later on, noticed that her hair loss was getting worse. Dr. Tasneem Bhatia developed acne problems as well. Consequently, she knew it was an internal thing and suffered a lot from aching joints as well.

“I didn’t know that essentially, I needed to be gluten-free because the gluten was affecting my thyroid. And my thyroid was affecting my other hormones,” shares Dr. Tasneem Bhatia. “Hair loss comes in different forms, so it’s hard to generalize it. Usually, it is caused by nutritional issues and sometimes hormonal or stress-induced.”

However, despite countless consultations with various doctors, nobody was able to figure out what was the root cause of those symptoms. Hence, Dr. Tasneem Bhatia decided to take matters into her own hands and took prescription drugs. It proved to be a wrong decision since there were numerous side effects like low blood pressure. In fact, the side effects got so bad that Dr. Tasneem Bhatia almost passed out.

Not one to give up, Dr. Tasneem Bhatia looked for other options to healing her body. After intensive study and research, she then discovered Holistic Medicine and the benefits of proper nutrition. She likewise got interested in the principles of Chinese Medicine.

Career Shift

Dr. Tasneem Bhatia eventually realized she needed a formal education in a world opposite from Western medicine. Hence, she did a Fellowship in Integrative Medicine with Dr. Andrew Weil, a famous doctor known as the “guru” of Alternative Medicine.

Fortunately for her, Dr. Tasneem Bhatia’s husband was supportive of her career shift. Dr. Tasneem Bhatia recalls that it was practically a leap of faith. Her husband was just starting his dental practice at that time, and she got pregnant. They had a lot on their plate, but the couple persevered to build their respective practices.

“Every single thing leads to the next. It is critical for us to own the responsibility to take care of ourselves and be able to have the empowered life that we’re all meant to have,” said Dr. Tasneem Bhatia.

Super Woman RX

The story behind how Dr. Tasneem Bhatia’s book, ‘Super Woman RX’ came to be is so endearing! Dr. Tasneem Bhatia relates that there were so many reasons for writing this book about empowering women.

“I felt very passionate about empowering women to achieve what they want to achieve and be who they want to be. My daughter suggested naming the book Super Woman RX because she says everyone calls me Superwoman. That’s how the title was born,” Dr. Tasneem Bhatia said.

Another reason for writing the book was after Dr. Tasneem Bhatia realized there were patterns that her patients were falling into—nutritional, hormonal, emotional, ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Hence, Dr. Tasneem Bhatia felt she was empowering women by helping them identify what their type is, use that information to learn how to eat, live, what best supplements are there for them, and how they should be exercising.

“Trying to relate this concept of power types and the importance of finding your power type, as well as understanding what your power plan should be, is not simple,” said Dr. Tasneem Bhatia. “It was hard for me because I was initially educated in Western medicine but pulling it out of my head was way harder.”

Power Types

According to Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, there are five main power types—boss lady, savvy chick, gypsy girl, earth mama, nightingale. Consequently, empowering women is all about having an essence of individuality. Each woman is indeed created in a very distinct way.

“We have a shift as women when we can start to identify patterns and trends. Only then can we collectively change ourselves,” Dr. Tasneem Bhatia said.

Empowerment Tips

First of all, Dr. Tasneem Bhatia recommends setting aside at least two to three hours each week for personal self-care. Women take on multiple roles. Hence, we need to make sure we have sufficient energy to keep us going. One way to do this is to take magnesium every night and use essential oils.

“Be alone by doing meditation, yoga or pray to connect with yourself for five to ten minutes a day. Analyze your behavior and understand where the motivation comes from,” said Dr. Tasneem Bhatia. “We have a responsibility to change our DNA. We have a lot of stuff that we’re carrying around internally, but that DNA can change.”

As far as nutrition is concerned, Dr. Tasneem Bhatia cautions on easing up on the sugar consumption and eat mushrooms like the turkey tail. She also advises taking supplements like vitamin D especially during wintertime.

“One way to prevent cancer is by safeguarding against inflammation. Watch your hormones and metabolism. Furthermore, cut down out on consuming wheat, dairy and high meat which is rotten meat,” enumerates Dr. Tasneem Bhatia.

She adds, “Cancer is ultimately not a genetic disease. It is an environmental disease, and until we understand that, we’re never going to solve the whole cancer equation because too many people are fixated on what their gene markers are,” said Dr. Tasneem Bhatia.

Secret of Good Health

Dr. Tasneem Bhatia attests that no matter how much you work on your health until you get the food component of your health right, everything counteracts. Consequently, food is everything and food matters.

“You have to treat food like medicine. Understand the foods you need, where it’s coming from and how it is sourced,” advises Dr. Tasneem Bhatia. “It is also important for women to understand their hormone levels. Lastly, eat right, detoxify, and learn to manage stress, hormones, as well as inflammation.”

Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, M.D. is a board-certified integrative medicine physician and wellness expert, specializing in women’s health, weight loss, nutrition and family wellness. She is the author of “What Doctors Eat,” “The 21 Day Belly Fix,” and the breakthrough “Super Woman RX.” She has been featured in numerous media outlets including The Today Show, Dr. Oz and Live with Kelly.

Personal health challenges in her twenties combined with a broken health care system motivated Dr. Tasneem Bhatia to pursue an alternative definition of health and healthy living. Early in her medical practice, as a young resident, Dr. Tasneem Bhatia began searching for answers to her health issues. Studying various systems of medicine, she found a wealth of information not yet taught in conventional medical schools.

A pioneer and trailblazer, Dr. Tasneem Bhatia opened her unique and innovative practice, CentreSpringMD (formerly the Atlanta Center of Holistic and Integrative Medicine) in 2009. The practices serve as integrative medical homes for the whole family – from pediatric care to adults, prevention, and advanced therapy for the disease. Expansion continues with multiple locations and providers and the launch of CentreSpringMD Spa and CentreSpringMD Pediatrics.

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Book by Dr. Tasneem Bhatia

Super Woman RX Book



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