
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Learn True Health with Ashley James










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Now displaying: February, 2018
Feb 28, 2018

Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!



Reversing Diabetes

Reversing Diabetes Through Nutrition

Reversing diabetes naturally through nutrition is something people should look into. Robby Barbaro, my guest today, attests that the risks are lower and it has been proven effective.

I found Robby Barbaro because of the 9-day I Thrive series. I highly recommend watching the series because it has 55 doctors and experts, who talk about reversing diabetes and heart disease, as well as tips on how to lose weight. For more information, link to

Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes

Robby Barbaro’s journey to reversing diabetes started when he was first diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 12 years old. He’s 29 years old now, so it has been 17 years since he has been living with diabetes.

Incidentally, it was Robby Barbaro’s older brother who was first diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Soon after, Robby Barbaro complained that he noticed being thirsty with the urge to urinate all the time.  Upon checking his sugar levels with his brother’s glucometer, it was well over 400 which was not a good sign.

Going to the doctor to get an official diagnosis, Robby Barbaro went through tests to measure his carbs and insulin intake.  And because he lived in Minnesota that time, they had the tests done at the world-famous Mayo Clinic.

Tests confirmed he had Type 1 diabetes. Looking back, Robby Barbaro recalls it was unusual that such a famous clinic didn’t tell him that nutrition could help in reversing diabetes.  

Diet Shift

Robby Barbaro was a competitive tennis player. He says the sport helped keep his Type 1 diabetes under control. In addition to that, he eventually made some dietary changes and took supplements.

But what changed his whole perception in reversing diabetes is when he moved to Florida and chanced upon a book that he saw at Barnes and Noble. Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About book was popular that time. According to Robby Barbaro, the book contained one sentence that planted a seed in his mind that he could use nutrition in reversing diabetes.

Typical Diet

“I’ve been eating nothing but fruits and veggies for 11 years. Not cooked but rather raw and low fat, plant-based whole foods,” said Robby Barbaro. “Then I came across the Weston A. Price foundation which is a step in right direction.”

Eventually, Robby Barbaro learned not to eat processed foods and was eating grass-fed beef. During college, he was also a part of a website community discussing diets when somebody suggested watching this animal rights movie. That movie had a significant impact on Robby Barbaro.

“That’s how I got to the plant-based world. I started a coaching program wherein the first week was eating purely bananas. It was a profound experience,” shares Robby Barbaro. 

He adds, “I was floored by my insulin sensitivity just by eating bananas. Then I began to adopt a low-fat diet. The next week I had bananas and lettuce. It was the beginning of a plant based-diet.”

Robby Barbaro reveals that eating a plant-based diet doesn’t deprive you of nutrients. He gets his calories and energy from fruit and minerals from greens and non-starchy vegetables like zucchini, carrots, arugula and many more. He has also erased gluten from his diet.

“I felt good, my skin cleared, and allergies are gone. Every time you eat well, you are nourishing every single cell,” Robby Barbaro said. 

Importance Of Insulin

Robby Barbaro and his Mastering Diabetes coaching partner Cyrus Khambatta both have Type 1 diabetes, and insulin is what keeps them alive. According to Robby Barbaro, the whole teaching point of insulin not being the enemy is something essential to the Mastering Diabetes program.

My grandmother passed away at the age of 77 in 1987. Incidentally, she also had Type 1 diabetes. And from what I heard, she was one of the earlier receivers of insulin when they were first creating it. Her diet was primarily steamed vegetables, but she made sure to collect the juice and drink it since all the minerals were in there.

“We have made a lot of progress in treating Type 1 diabetes. Today we have glucose monitors, the needles are smaller, and it’s an overall more sanitary experience,” said Robby Barbaro.

Insulin Resistance

Robby Barbaro says that the cause of pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. But for people with Type 1 diabetes, insulin resistance is still a significant factor even if it is not the cause of their condition. 

“Insulin resistance is the precursor to so many other conditions. The number one killer of all people living with diabetes is heart disease. So it’s vital to optimize one’s insulin sensitivity,” said Robby Barbaro.

And how do we know if we’re insulin insensitive? With Type 1 diabetes, it is very easy to assess that. The following determining factors are:

  • How many units of insulin we’re injecting
  • Total carb consumption
  • Blood glucose testing 

Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Robby Barbaro explains that for Type 1 diabetes, you have to make sure you are injecting about the same amount of insulin your pancreas would have normally secreted before it stopped producing its insulin.

“The key thing is to get to the appropriate amount.  The general ballpark number is measured by taking your weight, which is about .6 per kilogram of body weight. That’s a good place to be. If you’re more active, you can get closer to .3 or .4 units,” Robby Barbaro said.

As for those with Type 2 diabetes and taking no medication, Robby Barbaro suggests looking at your fasting blood glucose number. You also have to know the total carb intake you’re consuming. 

“So if you have 200 to 300 carbs per day and your blood glucose is in range, then that’s a good sign that your body is insulin sensitive. Anything opposite that is a sign that you’re becoming pre-diabetic,” said Robby Barbaro.

Testing Yourself

The best way to check your sugar levels is by using a glucometer. Ideally, you should do the test upon waking up and provided you have not eaten for the past 12 hours.

“A level between 70 to 99 is good. If you are 100 to 126, that’s pre-diabetic. And anything that’s 127 and above is a full-on diabetic,” said Robby Barbaro.

Robby Barbaro also reveals that the biggest problem is the food that people are eating. Because eating more meats and dairy is not suitable for long-term health.

“When your blood glucose is out of control, it has a dramatic impact on our mood, behavior and also on our mental clarity. But it is all the more motivation and reason to fix it,” said Robby Barbaro.

Coaching Program

Mastering Diabetes is a program wherein Robby Barbaro and his partner Cyrus Khambatta teach people how to minimize and eliminate medication. But Robby Barbaro also makes it clear that they have a lot of respect for doctors. And aren’t against doctors or the pharma industry in some respect.

Robby Barbaro offers group and private coaching.  To reach out to more people, the programs are now offered at a more affordable rate of $29 per month. He is proud to share that they have seen many success stories in as fast as four days by just altering diets.

For people suffering from Type 1 diabetes, there’s a significant difference of 40 to 60% in four days.  Some people with Type 2 diabetes have even stopped the medication. The diet is served buffet style and is primarily steamed vegetables. 

“The worse thing that can happen is taking too much medication, and we have a team of trained professionals to monitor each person’s progress,” said Robby Barbaro.


Robby Barbaro is the co-founder of Mastering Diabetes and the founder of Mindful Diabetic. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 12 and embraced a low-fat, plant-based, whole-food diet four years after my diagnosis. 

To this day, adopting this lifestyle has been one of the best decisions of his life, and since that fateful day, Robby Barbaro’s hemoglobin A1c value has never exceeded 6.4%. Robby Barbaro graduated from the University of Florida in 2011 and worked at Forks Over Knives for six years before turning his attention to coaching people with diabetes full time. 

Robby Barbaro enjoys exercising every day, spending time with friends and sharing his lifestyle on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Helping people with diabetes has gone from a desire to a true passion, and he loves inspiring others to achieve excellent health.

Get Connected With Robby Barbaro:

Official Website


Instagram – Mastering Diabetes

Instagram – Mindful Diabetic


Recommended Reading by Robby Barbaro

The Forks Over Knives Plan by Alona Pulde M.D.

Recommended Links:

I Thrive


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Feb 26, 2018

Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!


Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure:

The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook: Over 125 Delicious, Life-Changing, Plant-Based Recipe:


Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the major diseases that many people are suffering from. Most people resort to medication but my guest today, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, will teach us how to reverse heart disease through diet. In fact, he has the longest running track record for success.

Early Years

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn was a Yale undergraduate and went to medical school at the Western Reserve University.  He took an internship at the Cleveland Clinic and decided to go into General Surgery. He has been associated with the Cleveland Clinic since 1968. He has also published the most amount of studies over the past 12 years with remarkable results.

After his training, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn went to become an Army surgeon two years after. From the training in Vietnam, he was offered a position in the Department of General Surgery in the Cleveland Clinic.

Career Shift

Halfway through his stint at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn felt increasingly disillusioned. I was doing a lot of surgeries connected with breast cancer and yet he thought he was doing absolutely nothing to the next unsuspecting victims.

“That led me through a bit of global research. In rural Japan in the 1950s, breast cancer was infrequently identified. In the entire nation of Japan in the late 50s, cardiovascular disease was virtually non-existent,” shares Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.  

Twelve-Year Study On Heart Disease

Shortly after, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn embarked on extensive research on everything there is to know about heart disease and how to prevent and reverse it. It was a long process, but ultimately, the study produced significant results on how we can reverse it naturally through diet.

“I was active as a surgeon, and I was not a trained psychologist. For the first five years,  I saw every one of these patients every two weeks,” Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn said. “We checked their weight and blood pressure. We saw significant progress. They lost weight, symptoms disappeared, and we reversed the disease.”

Significant Findings

The study confirmed that coronary artery disease is the leading killer in the United States. But it is rarely found in cultures whose diet primarily include lentils, grains, vegetables, fruit, and legumes. This is why Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn recommends a similar diet to his patients.

“The diet I chose was extracted from those nations where the disease is virtually non-existent like Okinawa in Japan, Euro-China, New Guinea, Central Africa and Northern Mexico. Those countries don’t have the cardiovascular disease because they thrive on whole foods nutrition,” said Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn also says that many experts have agreed that heart disease does not primarily originate from genes nor stress, but rather from nutrition. During the five-year mark of the study, patients who followed a plant-based diet with 10% fat and taking cholesterol-lowering medication showed excellent results. Lipid levels fell, symptoms lessened, and tests showed that their heart disease became stabilized. Some cases even showed a reverse from heart disease.

Revision In Diet

When you have heart disease, it also injures the endothelial lining of the arteries. It turns out that food containing oils, dairy, fish, meat, chicken, sugar, and caffeine deplete mechanisms that protect the endothelium.

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn also says that the typical Western diet also decreases the production of nitric oxide.  Nitric oxide is an essential part of the equation because it protects our blood vessels. 

“We have to have a safe and adequate amount of nitric oxide because it protects the wall of the arteries. It protects us from developing high blood pressure and hypertension as well as blockages or plaques,” said Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.

Success Rate

Upon hitting the 12-year mark of the study, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn shares that he has gathered enough data to prove that changing to the right kind of diet works. Patients were asked to eliminate oil, dairy products, and all types of meat including chicken and fish.

A lot of patients went back to standard care or entirely did not need medication. The results of the study showed that arrest and reversal therapy stops coronary atherosclerosis. By complementing a plant-based diet with medication, it achieves better results than changing only the diet or combining modest diet changes and medication.

Recommended Diet

First of all, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn recommends cutting out oils and animal products from your diet. He says oils amount to 120 calories per tablespoon and it’s just fat with no mineral and no fiber. Plus, he says fat destroys the endothelium.

“I recommend my patients eat green leafy vegetables six times a day. The amount of vegetables is approximately the size of their fist,” recommends Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. “Then add balsamic vinegar because it has acetic acid. It restores cells responsible for making nitric oxide.” 

Among the vegetables that Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn recommends are:

  • Bok Choy
  • Swiss Chard
  • Kale
  • Collard Greens
  • Beet Greens
  • Mustard Greens
  • Turnip Green
  • Napa Cabbage
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Cilantro
  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Arugula
  • Asparagus

He also cautions against taking sugar like Stevia. Apparently, Stevia affects receptors in the brain.

“Eating fruits is okay but not fruit juice. In real fruit, you get fiber. When you separate the juice, the fiber separates from the sugar,” said. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. “I also recommend flax and chia seeds be included in your diet.”

Prevent & Reverse Cookbook

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s staple diet includes oatmeal, raisins, bananas, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. His lunch and dinner would be anything from soups to beans and rice, grains, and vegetables.

For those who would want to try his recommended recipes, I suggest getting his Prevent & Reverse cookbook which is available on his website.  Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn proudly reveals that his diet program is beneficial to everyone regardless of age. In fact, his oldest patient is 95 years old!

“The most severe, strict and extreme diet on the planet today is the one that 97% of Americans are eating every day. That diet is going to guarantee that before they perish, they would have some hideous chronic illness,” said Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. 

Additional Resources

My father died from heart disease, so this subject is close to my heart. For those who want to know more about heart disease, do check out a couple of my past episodes. 

I guested Dr. Jack Wolfson on episode 101.  In the episodes, he talks about how he saw many patients suffering from heart disease and introduced them to natural medicine. Also check out episode 167 with Dr. William Davis who says that having the right diet supports a normal, stable and a healthy blood sugar level.

On the other hand, if you want more information on diabetes and obesity, link to my website Sign up for the free 9-part docuseries and discover the truth about this fast-growing global killer.


Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., received his B.A. from Yale University and his M.D. from Western Reserve University. In 1956, pulling the No. 6 oar as a member of the winning United States rowing team, he was awarded a gold medal at the Olympic Games. He was trained as a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic and St. George’s Hospital in London. In 1968, as an Army surgeon in Vietnam, he was awarded the Bronze Star. 

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has been associated with the Cleveland Clinic since 1968. During that time, he has served as President of the Staff and as a member of the Board of Governors. He chaired the Clinic’s Breast Cancer Task Force and headed its Section of Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. 

In 1991, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn served as President of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons, That same year he organized the first National Conference on the Elimination of Coronary Artery Disease, which was held in Tucson, Arizona. In 1997, he chaired a follow-up conference, the Summit on Cholesterol and Coronary Disease, which brought together more than 500 physicians and health-care workers in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. 

In April 2005, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn became the first recipient of the Benjamin Spock Award for Compassion in Medicine. He received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Cleveland Clinic Alumni Association in 2009. In September 2010, he received the Greater Cleveland Sports Hall of Fame Award. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn received the 2013 Deerfield Academy Alumni Association Heritage Award In Recognition of Outstanding Achievement & Service, and the 2013 Yale University George H.W. Bush ’48 Lifetime of Leadership Award.  

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has also received the 2015 Plantrician Project Luminary Award, the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award, and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award. 

His scientific publications number over 150, “The Best Doctors in America” 1994-1995 published by Woodward and White cites Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s surgical expertise in the categories of endocrine and breast disease. In 1995 he published his benchmark long-term nutritional research arresting and reversing coronary artery disease in severely ill patients. That same study was updated at 12 years and reviewed beyond twenty years in his book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, making it one of the longest longitudinal studies of its type. 

In July of 2014, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn reported the experience of 198 participants seriously ill with the cardiovascular disease. During 3.7 years of follow up of the 89% adherent to the program, 99.4% avoided further major cardiac events. 

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and his wife, Ann Crile Esselstyn, have followed a plant-based diet since 1984. He presently directs the cardiovascular prevention and reversal program at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute. 

The Esselstyns have four children and ten grandchildren. 

Get Connected With Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn!

Official Website

Books and DVDs

Book by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn

Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook

Recommended Links:


I Thrive

Learn True Health – Episode 101

Learn True Health – Episode 167


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Feb 21, 2018



Willpower to stop bingeing is something a lot of people struggle with.  Whether you plan to eat healthily or currently maintaining your weight, having the willpower to stay on track is a continuous effort. I’m thrilled that my guest, Dr. Glenn Livingston, is back on the show to teach us how to make sure we maintain the willpower to stop overeating.

Former Binge Eater

Dr. Glenn Livingston talked extensively about how to stop bingeing on episode 56 of the Learn True Health.  He gave a lot of tips in that episode, so I suggest everyone check it out.

For those who have not heard the initial guesting of Dr. Glenn Livingston on my show, you’d be surprised that he was a former binge eater himself. He struggled throughout his younger years when he went to graduate school until he got married.

He found it had to exercise to career demands and so his metabolism went down.  Having the willpower to stop eating just didn’t seem possible.

Family Of Psychologists

Dr. Glenn Livingston comes from a family of psychologists, so he felt it was essential to follow the same path. Seventeen family therapists to be exact!

When he got divorced years ago, Dr. Glenn Livingston was admittedly unhappy about that. He sought advice from his mother who was also a psychotherapist. That’s when he was able to trace his bingeing, particularly his love for chocolate.

Apparently, because of Dr. Glenn Livingston’s family situation when he was young, he was drawn to chocolate early on and was never really strictly regulated from eating it. That, according to Dr. Glenn Livingston, was the match that lit the fire.

Finding The Connection

Now that he knew the probable cause of his lack of willpower to stop bingeing, Dr. Glenn Livingston went to psychologists, psychiatrists, and even Overeaters Anonymous to research more about bingeing. He also funded a 40,000-person study between the late 90s and early 2000s.

“I got all of these people to take a survey about the food they were bingeing on, their lifestyle, personalities, and digging what the connection was. Then I realized that maybe it was because there was no self-love,” said Dr. Glenn Livingston.

In that study, Dr. Glenn Livingston found out that people who overeat on chocolate tend to be lonely. People who had trouble with crunchy, salty things were usually stressed at work. And people who were drawn to eating soft, chewy stuff like bagels and pasta, tend to be stressed at home.

“The emotional conversation with my mom led me to believe that I would be cured. I was able to forgive myself,” said Dr. Glenn Livingston. “I forgave my mom, and we became closer. And I feel I became a more soulful person.” 

Justifying Emotional Discomfort

Dr. Glenn Livingston was able to come to terms that his bingeing originated from a time in his life where his mother did not regulate him from overeating. But his bingeing still didn’t stop. In fact, he found it as a justification to eat even more.

“If you have a fire that’s out of control, there are two strategies that you can use. You can try to put out the fire, or you can build a fireplace,” Dr. Glenn Livingston said. “A lot of people won’t have that emotional discomfort in order not to binge. I find that it helps a little, but it doesn’t work that well.” 

He adds, “What works better is intervening at the level of that crazy food demon. Learn how to have clarity about how you want food to play in your life and make decisions about food ahead of time.”

Understanding Willpower

Dr. Glenn Livingston says willpower is a fatigable muscle. And there are only so many right decisions we can make on any given day. This fact has been proven in so many medical studies.

“If you tax people mentally with math problems, they have more trouble resisting a marshmallow before and after the math problem,” explains Dr. Glenn Livingston. “Every decision you’re making is taxing the willpower. And that’s why people start the morning with the best intentions, then overeat at the end of the day.”

Furthermore, Dr. Glenn Livingston says that knowing we’re not targeting a loving part of the brain, addiction, on the other hand, targets a very aggressive part of the brain. Now the problem is, once we justify something like eating a chocolate bar, we are opening ourselves up to our lizard brain. 

Lizard Brain

The lizard brain has the eat, mate or kills mindset.  There is no love. Plus, addiction targets the lizard brain.

“You’re trying to nurture that part of you that’s having the craving. But the part of you that’s having the craving, isn’t this nurturing creature,” explains Dr. Glenn Livingston. “It’s no more part of your human identity than your testicles or ovaries are. They can generate urges, but it’s what you do with those urges that form your character, decisions, and way of eating.”

Developing Willpower

First of all, Dr. Glenn Livingston says we need clarity about what healthy food was and what it wasn’t. Focus and be clear about the kind of person you want to be around that food and make a clear commitment to be that person. 

“Just for the moment, put aside the moment that you can’t do it. And imagine what if you did and how would your life be better,” Dr. Glenn Livingston advises. “Go into detail about the specifics of that future. We call this the ‘big why.'”

The ‘big why’ can be anything from wanting to lose weight, eating clean, have clearer skin, have more energy for work, be free from food obsession or wanting clothes to fit better.  Some other reasons for developing the willpower to stop overeating is to be able to socialize or become a better role model for others. 

“When your inner brat says you can’t do this because you’re deprived, think about what you are depriving yourself of, by you eating junk foods,” said Dr. Glenn Livingston. “It’s never a matter of whether you’re deprived or not. Either you’re going to deprive yourself of immediate pleasure, or you’re going to deprive yourself of the big future that you are looking for.” 

He adds, “So what you want to do is make sure that you know both sides of that deprivation equation and make a decision.” 

Get High On Food

Bottomline, Dr. Glenn Livingston recommends that people learn to get high with foods instead of being addicted to something unhealthy. He says it’s beneficial if people shift paradigms by learning the art of focusing and clarity.

If you’re set on getting on that road to health or need an added push, I suggest looking into Dr. Glenn Livingston’s programs. He offers individual and group programs which have produced a lot of success stories.

For added information on anything about how to stop overeating, do check out Dr. Glenn Livingston’s Never Binge Again podcast as well.


Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. is a veteran psychologist and was the long-time CEO of a multi-million dollar consulting firm which has serviced several Fortune 500 clients in the food industry. 

His previous work, theories, and research have been published in major periodicals like The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Sun Times, The Indiana Star Ledger, The NY Daily News, and American Demographics.  He has also guested on ABC, WGN, and/or CBS radio, or UPN TV. 

Disillusioned by what traditional psychology had to offer overweight and/or food obsessed individuals, Dr. Glenn Livingston spent several decades researching the nature of bingeing and overeating via work with his patients AND a self-funded research program with more than 40,000 participants.  Most important, however, was his journey out of obesity and food prison to a normal, healthy weight and a much more lighthearted relationship with food. 

Get Connected with Dr. Glenn Livingston:

Official Website

Free Book

Fix Your Problem



Never Binge Again Podcast

Book by Dr. Glenn Livingston:

Never Binge Again


Recommended Reading by Dr. Glenn Livingston:

Rational Recovery by Jack Trimpey


Recommended Links:

Learn True Health – Episode 56


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Fasting For Healing

Fasting is a fantastic way to heal naturally from several health conditions. According to my guest today, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, fasting is safe and effective when done right. So read on to learn everything you need to know about this healing method.   

Discovering Fasting  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer recalls that when he was in 4th grade, his best friend Doug always beat him in basketball.  He wanted to get healthier to beat his best friend, and he happened to find a book about fasting by Herbert Shelton.  

Herbert Shelton was  American author, naturopath, alternative medicine advocate, pacifist, and vegetarian. He was also a supporter of and fasting. But Dr. Alan Goldhamer still failed in beating Doug despite his efforts to fast and adopt a plant-based diet. Because apparently, his best friend Doug took the same program. 

Pursuing A Medical Degree  

As Dr. Alan Goldhamer got older, he met a chiropractor when he was 16 years old. That chiropractor said he had the best job in the world. He further explained that it's because the body did all the healing, the patient did all the work, and all he had to do was take credit for the good results. Since then, Dr. Alan Goldhamer decided that pursuing a medical degree was his calling.  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer eventually went to a chiropractic school in Oregon. But he says it didn't give him the background that he wanted, which was to be able to take on certain kinds of treatments and specific conditions.   

Due to his desire to learn more, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, later on, went to Pacific College of Osteopathic Medicine in Australia. He did his residency there and worked with hundreds of patients who kept getting well.  

TrueNorth Health Center  

In 1984, Dr. Alan Goldhamer felt it was time to go back to the United States with his wife who is also a doctor. Together they opened the TrueNorth Health Center. Fast forward today, it's been 33 years since they have been helping people recover their health using diet and lifestyle modification.   

He shares that usually when people have diabetes, heart conditions or autoimmune disease, their physician will usually recommend taking 1 to 5 drugs. If you do exactly as you were told, Dr. Alan Goldhamer says those doctors will guarantee you'll never get well. According to him, that's the promise of conventional treatments for health conditions.  

Track Record  

"We have a program that ends the disease. But only if you also eat well, exercise and go to bed on time," said Dr. Alan Goldhamer. "Our alternative approach can get you healthy enough to eliminate the need for medications."  

Most of Dr. Alan Goldhamer's patients were entirely able to remove medications by eliminating the reason why they needed the medication. Dr. Alan Goldhamer says it's really because of a management strategy towards healthy living.  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer's patients who have diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer, obesity and metabolic syndrome have benefited from fasting. The TrueNorth Health Center has also dealt with patients suffering from kidney diseases, although their fasting program is modified.  

Furthermore, Dr. Alan Goldhamer also reveals that his team has done a fasting safety study. Hence, they assure everyone that fasting is safe as long as you follow the appropriate protocols.   

In Dr. Alan Goldhamer's center, patients are appropriately screened and then undergo a physical exam, lab assessment, and monitoring. The center's patients are also seen twice a day by the center's staff of doctors wherein they evaluate every patient's clinical presentation.  

"We had 174 consecutive patients who underwent fasting, and we have seen a wide variety of conditions," said Dr. Alan Goldhamer.  

What Is Fasting?  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer says that fasting has been around for a long time. Virtually most religious traditions recognize it as an essential component for a good reason.   

"Fasting is a biological adaptation. If it weren't for fasting and the ability to fast, our species could not have done what we have done, which is wandering away from the tropics," Dr. Alan Goldhamer said.  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer also reveals that because of the biological adaptation of fasting, human beings can go up to 70 days without eating. This is because our brain has changed from burning glucose to fat. So if you didn't burn fat, we would have to break our proteins down to provide glucose. And after a period, we would eventually die.  

"We are capable of doing fasting. And at our TrueNorth Health Center, we have water fasting programs from 5 to 40 days. But we do not make our patients do fasting any longer than necessary to get the problem solved," said Dr. Alan Goldhamer.  

The Truth About Salt  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer says sodium is an essential nutrient without which we die. He says it is such a critical nutrient that our body is designed to detect it in minimal quantities. In fact, when you can taste natural sodium, you know that particular food is healthy for you.  

"Salt tells you vegetables are good. But when you concentrate it, it artificially stimulates the dopamine production in the brain, and that leads to overeating. That's why people are fat and sick cause they eat salt or sugar," explains Dr. Alan Goldhamer.  

Furthermore, Dr. Alan Goldhamer says salt has a whole bunch of problems when it is introduced in high concentration. Typically we'd be getting about have a milligram of sodium per calorie. But Dr. Alan Goldhamer says people in our culture are often eating 2 to 5 milligrams of sodium per calorie or even more.   

"When we put salt in the food, the body has to hold fluid to neutralize and compensate for it. That's why blood pressure goes up. And it is also why many people aged 65 or older have hypertension," said Dr. Alan Goldhamer.  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer also shares that salt also helps us get fat. Salt makes us eat more before we feel satisfied. And there's a lot of physiological consequences of excess sodium.   

Among the physical effects of salt include:  

  1. Fluid retention
  2. Joint pains
  3. Edema
  4. Swelling
  5. Non-healing of wounds 
  6. Congestive heart failure
  7. Respiratory issues 

"Avoid added salt. Get all the salt you need by eating whole plant foods, seeds, nuts, and fruits. You don't have to add highly processed foods which are full of chemicals," said Dr. Alan Goldhamer.  


In episode 133 of the Learn True Health, Jeffrey Smith was my guest.  He is the creator of anti-GMO documentaries and GMO awareness.   

Jeffery Smith discussed that there was a study in Canada. The study found that eating GMO foods, specifically B2 corn, created the B2 toxin which explodes the stomach of insects. They discovered that when we eat that type of corn, GMO genes get into the bacteria of the gut.   

Over time, the gut started creating the B2 toxin inside of people. Even if they no longer eat corn, their body was still very concentrated with the B2 toxin.   

"We have to figure out how to make plants more resistant to chemicals produced by companies. A great way to reset is through fasting and whole foods plant diet. Only then will clinical symptoms begin to improve," Dr. Alan Goldhamer said.  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer also shares that his team just completed a study with their colleague, Luigi Fontana at Washington University. For the first time, they looked at the microbiome before and after fasting. They are already done with sample collection and data is currently being processed.  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer's Diet  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer usually eats any of the following for breakfast: fresh fruit, leafy greens like lettuce, cucumber, and celery. Sometimes he alternates between oatmeal, cornmeal, nuts or seeds.   

For lunch or dinner, he usually indulges in large salads and steamed vegetables. He pairs it with a serving of complex carbohydrates like potatoes, rice beans, sweet potato, and squash. If he goes hungry between mealtimes, he usually satisfies his hunger pangs with another salad.  

Ideally, the diet has to be very nutrient-rich and low density. Dr. Alan Goldhamer stresses that whether raw or cooked, he is more concerned about what his patients are eating rather than how they are preparing it.   

Best Diet Choices  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer believes that raw foods and vegetables are not always possible to get enough total calories in, without overdoing the sugar or the fat. He says that it is vital to see sufficient calories in the diet which is 10 to 12% of calories from protein, 5 to 18% from fat, and the balance of complex carbohydrates. 

As far as juicing is concerned, Dr. Alan Goldhamer believes that it is indeed suitable for people who can't eat whole foods. But he says the best solution to gain optimal health is to eat whole foods.  

"We're advocating a whole plant food diet with limited amounts of concentrated high-fat foods," said Dr. Alan Goldhamer. "You also have to eliminate foods like meat, fried foods, eggs, salt, oil, and sugar. It's not about changing the food that you have to worry about but rather changing the palate."  


Dr. Alan Goldhamer is a graduate of Western States Chiropractic College and the Pacific College of Osteopathic Medicine and for 34 years has been the director of the TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa CA. TrueNorth is the largest facility in the world specializing in medically supervised water-only fasting. He is the author of the Health Promoting Cookbook and the co-author of The Pleasure Trap.  

Dr. Alan Goldhamer is the principal investigator in numerous studies involving fasting that have been published in the peer-reviewed medical literature.  

Get To Know Dr. Alan Goldhamer!  

Official Website

Books by Dr. Alan Goldhamer

The Health Promoting Cookbook

The Pleasure Trap 

Recommended Link: 

Learn True Health - Episode 133


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Feb 17, 2018

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Homeopathy Choice

Homeopathy Choice is getting famous as one of the top organizations fighting for the protection of homeopathy. But unfortunately, here in the United States, in particular, there is a serious roadblock that may hamper our freedom to use homeopathy. Today’s guest, Paola Brown will elaborate on her fight to make sure homeopathy is a choice that will always be within reach.   

Humble Beginnings  

Paola Brown is a mother of three who lives on a Texas farm with her family.  She was initially an immigrant when her family moved to the United States from Brazil when she was three years old.   

When Paola Brown’s family first moved from Brazil, she recalled that her mother brought a homeopathy kit with her. Her mother knew the family wouldn’t be having regular health insurance since they were a poor immigrant family and her dad was going to school that time.  

When her dad graduated, he eventually got a job shortly after.  Relieved that the family was going to get real medical care, Paola Brown’s mother threw away her homeopathy kit thinking there was no need for alternative methods.   

Personal Health Issues  

Fast forward several years later, Paola Brown developed bladder issues. As soon as she got married, she kept having urinary tract infections and had to take a lot of antibiotics. That eventually opened the door to Paola Brown developing autoimmune diseases like chronic bleeding.   

Doctors recommended painkillers and even joining a support group for oncoming addiction. Paola Brown, who was only 25 years old that time, was offended by the recommendation. Because of that, the doctor encouraged her to look for other alternatives which led her back to rediscovering homeopathy.  

“I searched for a long time and tried a lot of things that made more sense than homeopathy. But I, later on, went back to what my mom used. It 100% cured my health condition,” said Paola Brown.  

Paola Brown says that Cantharis 30 or 200 were essential in her bladder healing. She also used Staphysagria 30. Paola Brown also believes that if only had used Staphysagria for honeymoon cysts when she got married, she most likely wouldn’t have to suffer from the chronic bladder condition for years.   

Understanding Homeopathy  

Paola Brown explains that homeopathy is a specific paradigm within Natural Medicine. It is commonly found in health food stores. Homeopathy uses ultra-diluted natural substances, but after they are prepared into the homeopathic form, they become entirely non-toxic.  

And that’s so interesting about homeopathy. You can use some poisonous substance, dilute it, and it becomes a homeopathic version of that substance.   

“There’s a specific process for the diluted solution. It has to be well done and done by a pharmacy,” explains Paola Brown.  

I am a firm believer in homeopathy. It’s a safe way to treat many health conditions like migraines and fever.  I even use it to treat my son when he has gas, colic pain or teething pains.  

Paola Brown says it is not as easy to learn as essential oils. It takes time, effort and energy. But the effort is worth it because it feels almost like magic when you find the right one.   

Recommended For Moms  

Paola Brown recommends that moms, in particular, should learn about this specific natural method of healing. She has been teaching homeopathy to moms for several years. And she gained many students, enough to form an organization uplifting the benefits of this natural method.  

“We currently have seventy-five volunteers contacting our senators. And we have two main missions,” said Paola Brown. “One is to get the attention of President Donald Trump to talk about the unfair actions on homeopathy of his FDA appointee, Scott Gottlieb and congressmen/women/Senators who sit on the FDA’s oversight committee.”   

Homeopathy Choice  

In hoping to gain the attention of the President and decisionmakers, Paola Brown is encouraging the public to help circulate their letter from their Homeopathy Choice website.   

“The FDA is currently not issuing any new regulations on homeopathy. They’re not trying to take homeopathy away from us right now literally, so we have to be careful not to make that statement. Because if we make statements that aren’t true, the discussion is over and we lose,” Paola Brown said.  

Homeopathy Choice has a scheduled from to Washington, D.C. on February 24 to March 4. Hence, Paola Brown is also inviting people to raise their voices regarding this issue.  

FDA Draft Guidance  

For those who are unaware of the current issue that Paola Brown and her organization HomeopathyChoice are fighting for, it’s connected with the recent announcement of the FDA. The FDA announced in December 2017 through their Draft Guidance Document that they plan to withdraw the Compliance Policy Guide 400.400 (CPG), which is a document that has benefitted the homeopathic industry for three decades.  

Prejudice Against Homeopathy  

Comparing one FDA press release on homeopathy and five FDA press releases on the Tamiflu, Paola Brown says there is an apparent prejudice against homeopathy. She says the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as medical doctors, are participating in a type of ‘medical cleansing’ of homeopathy–a smear campaign to suppress the science and healthcare choice of seven million Americans.   

“It is appropriate for the FDA to regulate the manufacturing of homeopathic medicine, but they should not prevent our right to access this medicine simply because they don’t epitomize it,” said Paola Brown.  

Furthermore, Paola Brown says that FDA’s homeopathy press release states, “People may be placing their trust and money in therapies that may bring little to no benefit and that the FDA has a responsibility to protect the public from products that may not deliver any benefit.”   

Americans for Homeopathy Choice takes issue with these statements because:   

a) The majority of mothers who use homeopathy are highly educated individuals who have the right to use this medicine in their homes. 

b) Even without a college degree, people are smart enough to figure out how to use homeopathy. Around 100 million people from all different walks of life in India use homeopathy as their primary form of healthcare. And given a chance, Americans can use homeopathy successfully and efficiently.  

According to Paola Brown, the FDA should not be infantile the public by saying we are not capable of identifying the benefits or alleged lack thereof, in homeopathy.  

“I’m suspicious that they want that confusion. Because the FDA can say that we have a hard time complying or that we’re confused,” said Paola Brown. “It could be used as their reason to formulate some new regulations. And justify the move by saying they need to regulate this industry more because the public is having a hard time. That’s when we lose our freedom.”  

More Pressing Issues  

Paola Brown says that according to the FDA, homeopathy is just a three billion dollar industry. And the pharma industry has so much more. But think about it. For every one dollar spent on a homeopathic product, that could be the equivalent of multiple in the pharma industry.   

“Think of all those drugs that I could have taken for my medical condition. All those procedures and the medical devices. Cantharis 200 was a huge help in curing my health condition and cost $8 to buy. The trick is finding the remedy you need,” Paola Brown said.  


Paola Brown believes that moms have a unique voice here, and a unique relationship with homeopathy. And she says her organization is particularly offended by what the FDA draft guidance is doing.   

The FDA said in their Draft Guidance, “People may be placing their trust on money, in therapy that may bring little or no benefit. The FDA has a responsibility to protect the public from products that may not deliver any benefit.”  

Paola Brown reacts by saying that looking at a mother’s perspective on that statement; it comes across as the FDA thinks we are too stupid to be able to determine whether or not a remedy works. Ironically, mothers who use homeopathy, especially in the United States, are highly educated.  

“I realize that the FDA has to regulate or protect the lowest common denominator, the most vulnerable in the population. So meaning, they don’t regulate the educated moms. Instead, they regulate who they think is the dumbest person in the crowd,” said Paola Brown.  

She adds. “The result is that the entire market gets dumb down. So basically, the FDA is enabling the public to get more stupid. The FDA is sacrificing the power of the consumer to use and learn homeopathy under their guide. They are disempowering us by depriving us of our choices.”  

Hyland’s Baby Teething Tablets  

There was a time when FDA went into homeopathic pharmacies and ran inspections. The FDA allegedly found varying levels of belladonna in those teething tablets. But Paola Brown says the FDA failed to mention the truth.  

Apparently, even if the levels of belladonna were varied, they were all still well below toxic levels. Paola Brown also learned that one had to take 12 bottles within a short amount of time to maybe reach some toxic level. Despite that, the FDA said it was at elevated amounts which made it sound dangerous, but they weren’t.   

“It became a scapegoat to badmouth homeopathy. And it is the only reason why the FDA wanted to revisit this draft guidance and CPG,” Paola Brown said.   

She adds, “The fact that people are capable of finding value, people choose things based on the perceived value. There is something here that is marginalized and prejudiced. And for homeopathy to survive this long, it is because people find it valuable. That’s how we learn.”  


Paola Brown is a wife and mother of 3 children, and they live on a homestead in Texas where (at peak production) they raise about 80% of their food. She has been a college professor for 13 years and is an activist advocating for homeopathy.   

Paola Brown sits on the board of the Texas Society of Homeopathy, but most importantly, she is the President of Americans for Homeopathy Choice ( She is not a homeopath but is a mom who is passionate about homeopathy, using it as the primary form of healthcare for her family and animals. Because Paola Brown is not a health professional, she can speak freely about homeopathy, and how it has cured her of her many autoimmune issues.  

Get Connected With Paola Brown:  

Official Website



Recommended Readings by Paola Brown

How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor by Robert Mendelsohn


The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis by Cilla Whatnot and Kate Birch



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Feb 15, 2018

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Homeopathy effectively treats fever and several other conditions. To teach us more about what homeopathy is, I’m so thrilled Cilla Whatcott is again on the show for the third time to explain to us everything you need to know about this amazing method of natural healing.

Discovering Homeopathy

Cilla Whatcott has guested on episode 137 and episode 155 where she elaborated on how her homeopathy journey started. She describes herself as a classical Homeopath who has four children — three were adopted from Russia, China, and Taiwan, and one is biological.

She recalls all three kids had problems like asthma, kidney reflux, and migraines. One of her daughters, in particular, had a vaccine injury and suffered from aseptic meningitis.  So early on, Cilla Whatcott realized that it was ultimately up to her to take care of her kids.

A ray of hope happened when Cilla Whatcott’s pediatrician sent her to a Homeopath. Eventually, her children’s health improved considerably. Because of that, Cilla Whatcott decided to study homeopathy. So instead of pursuing a career in dance after applying for a Fullbright scholarship in Europe, she studied in homeopathic school for four years. 

“Initial research just led me into vaccine science. Looking at the studies and attending conferences, it was just asking all the deeper questions about vaccines,” said Cilla Whatcott. “After I attended homeopathy school, I discovered homeoprophylaxis and recognized an amazing alternative to educate the immune system.”

What A Fever Means

Cilla Whatcott has a new video documentary coming out called Real Immunity.  The 2-part documentary one of the topics extensively covered is the subject regarding fever.

Among the experts, Cilla Whatcott included in the film is Dr. Debra Gambrell who I have guested on my podcast’s episode 164. I generally know to have a fever is good because it is a distinct signal to warn you that something is going on in your body.

Some people deal with fevers by soaking in an ice bath. And some people wrap themselves up to sweat out the heat which was what my father used to do. In my episode with Debra Gambrell, she links fevers to neurological development, and that is a necessary function of development.

And when we suppress a fever, we’re inhibiting the brain and all the nerves in the body. Heavy metals in the body also do the same thing. That’s why we end up dealing with memory issues.

Cilla Whatcott also shares that Naturopath Dr. Kendra Becker is also in the film. And she gives the cutest example of first-time fever with the baby and how the parents are ready to lose their mind. She narrates that once parents come out of the clinic after 72 hours, they usually look like they walked on fire.

“Fever is a natural mechanism that nature put in place, for us to create natural viral antibodies. So when you have a fever, your body is producing national antibodies to fight whatever the infection is. And then provide you with lifelong immunity to that particular virus,” said Cilla Whatcott. 

What A Fever Does

Cilla Whatcott adds that a fever also resets the gut. A fever resets our system, develops antibodies, and discharges toxins. It is a keynote of that circular process exercising the immune system. It is the basis of building a lifelong immunity.

Fever And Drugs

To suppress a fever with drugs, Cilla Whatcott says we’re only driving the pathology deeper into the organism. So in the film, Cilla Whatcott featured something she calls the health helix which offers a lot of information and knowledge value about fevers and how to treat it.

“If you suppress the fever, discharge, and the symptoms, it is driven deeper into the system, and you see a deeper pathology,” explains Cilla Whatcott.

Other Conditions

Cilla Whatcott says that another issue is how we commonly deal with asthma and respiratory symptoms. She said we might see it go deeper into behavioral symptoms like ADHD, depression, and anxiety. We will eventually see the trajectory of health going downwards.

“If you remove suppressive toxins and have clean water, air, food and an emotional environment that is supportive, then you have all the components to regenerate,” said Cilla Whatcott.


Like what Cilla Whatcott stressed in two of our past episodes, homeoprophylaxis is a subset of homeopathy where they use different remedies. It is utilized for a lot of health conditions in many countries. Highly effective with no side effects, it has no deaths, and it doesn’t compromise innate immunity.

“It is completely unprofitable for pharma, inexpensive to make and easy to distribute. Even unlicensed personnel can distribute it,” Cilla Whatcott said. “It applies to all genders, all ages, all species and mutated viruses. So when something mutates and a new vaccine has to be developed, it’s not the same compared to homeoprophylaxis. Between effectiveness, safety, and eco-suitable, you can’t beat it.”

My past guest, Dr. Carolyn Dean on episode 227, has the same conviction. She encourages people to continue the fight in implementing safe and natural alternatives to treat various health conditions. 

Truth About Vaccines

Those who have been following my podcast would recall that I mention Ty Bollinger’s “The Truth About Vaccines” video documentary. A lot of people are afraid to watch it, perhaps because they aren’t emotionally ready to learn the truth.

But the documentary is something everyone should watch because it teaches us how to build immunity. In my opinion, Ty Bollinger did a fabulous job. The video includes interviews with celebrated experts.

Educating people to veer away from vaccines is hard work, but some doctors strive to push that cause. I had Dr. Paul Thomas in episode 224, who has over 13,000 patients in his Portland, Oregon practice. He says most of his patients are unvaccinated.

Dr. Paul Thomas shared that during the most massive influenza outbreak they had recently, not one of his kids got the flu. He teaches the patients what food to eat and not to eat.

And to help oversee his patients, he has pediatrician Dr. Linda Baker in his office who does homeoprophylaxis, who incidentally, is a colleague of Cilla Whatcott.

“Ten or twelve years ago, I was teaching Vaccine Information. It was so non-controversial at that time when a local community college allowed me to teach the course,” recalls Cilla Whatcott. “Along came a time when the community college said we couldn’t hold this class anymore. Because they were getting pressure from the health department.

So now, when Cilla Whatcott teaches in different venues, it is a welcome surprise that more parents now know a lot of information. Apparently, more parents now do their research.

“The societal shift was fascinating. It’s a result of the internet, a result of people seeing injuries, and being motivated to step and do what best for their kids. Things are changing,” said Cilla Whatcott.

Mission Behind Real Immunity Documentary

To be able to provide more information to the public, Cilla Whatcott also made a 2-part video documentary called Real Immunity. Her goal was to make something empowering and supportive because she genuinely believes that to raise consciousness, you need to associate with others on the same wavelength as you are. And that strengthens us in such a way as to bring others up.

“And fear is one of the lowest rungs on the ladder of consciousness. Fear doesn’t motivate us and instead, squelches us,” said Cilla Whatcott. “So what I wanted to do is make a film that first and foremost, dispelled fear and teach people how to access that inner wisdom, the intelligence of life or spirit.”

Cilla Whatcott also wanted to provide method tools through her film. She says everybody’s toolkit is unique to them. So to do that, we need to do the research. The underlying theme of the movie means that we can’t rely on someone else to take care of our health because we are born with the gift of immunity.

First part of the documentary is called, “Quested for Real Immunity,” while the second part is called, “Passage To Real Immunity.” The video will be free for 36 hours, and it will be available in DVD form.

There is also an opportunity for people to bring the film to their hometown through the Real Immunity website. People can input their zip code to search for the nearest local theater. A theater screening of the film can be organized provided it reaches the minimum number ticket sales. Plus, the one who was able to raise the minimum ticket sales will be given 5% of the proceeds.

Making The Film

Cilla Whatcott says that the visual and auditory message has a powerful impact. She has taught for years in the community. But she realized there is no way she could educate in the same way compared to making a film. That became her motivation to teach through a new medium.

She originally planned to divide the documentary to seven or ten parts. Then the series shifted to four parts and now finalized to two parts. The first episode is what Cilla Whatcott described as a foundation episode and scheduled to launch on February 22 this year. It dispels the fear and talks about intuition. It also takes a more in-depth look at what makes a competent practitioner and a good patient.

The second episode coming out later this year dives into methods. Cilla Whatcott clarifies that she’s not going to tell the viewer what to do but instead utilize interviews with experts to talk about Chinese medicine, functional medicine, gemmotherapy, homeopathy, and homeoprophylaxis.

“It’s up to the viewer to explore and make those choices. I feel strongly about free urgency. Rather than expecting people to look towards someone else, and say you need to do it. Providing choices is better,” Cilla Whatcott said.

Cilla Whatcott also made a special mention of Dr. Jeanne Ohm from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. According to Cilla Whatcott, Dr. Jeanne Ohm dives into what is the intelligence of life. She is an excellent resource person if anyone wants to get more information on making the right medical choices for kids.

“More than anything, I want to give parents support as the experts for their child. And that they can trust their choices because they have their child’s welfare at heart,” said Cilla Whatcott. 

Challenges In Making The Film

Cilla Whatcott shares that there are a lot of hits and misses in the making of the film. She went as far as taking an online film course and took time to look for videographers. It was hard soliciting funds, getting the right videographer and marketing team but Cilla Whatcott says the effort was worth it.

“I had great relationships with really fabulous people that I respected. That was the easy part. And it is exciting to know that I completed something I envisioned,” said Cilla Whatcott.

Power Of Film

Among the experts Cilla Whatcott included in the film, she said the interviews with Dr. Andrew Wakefield was most interesting. British gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield earned the media moniker, “Father of Anti-Vaccine Movement,” after his controversial research linking MMR vaccine and autism came out.

In Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s paper, he mentioned his discovery of measles virus in the bowels of children and testimonials of mothers who saw changes in their kids after being vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. His paper suggested the need for more studies and recommended that the vaccine is given separately.

A series of events occurred and Dr. Andrew Wakefield eventually lost his license to practice in the United Kingdom. He eventually moved to the United States and began other types of research on autism apart from making films. One of the films Dr. Andrew Wakefield made was titled, “Vaxed.” It exposed the fraud that took place within the CDC and the MMR study.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield also made the film, “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis,” which is about an autistic teenager who was given medication for his condition and the hospital would not take him off the medication even if it had adverse effects. To end the suffering, the mother finally killed her child and tried to kill herself.

The mother was later on charged in court for first-degree murder. During the progression of the case, the prosecuting attorney found out Dr. Andrew Wakefield was filming the child the whole time. The lawyer asked for footage and eventually, the charges were dropped against the mother.


Cilla Whatcott is a board-certified classical homeopath with a B.A. from Arizona State University, a diploma from the four-year professional program at Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, and a Ph.D. in Homeopathy. 

She is an instructor at Normandale Community College and the author of“There Is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis,” and co-author of “The Solution – Homeoprophylaxis.

Whatcott is also the executive director of Worldwide Choice. She likewise offers individualized homeoprophylaxis programs for adults and children. 

Whatcott has been a guest lecturer in France, Scotland, Ireland, Indonesia, the USA, and Canada, and featured in episode 7 of The Truth about Vaccines. She has organized and directed international conferences in 2015 and 2016 about homeoprophylaxis. 

Whatcott also has published articles in several periodicals and magazines. She likewise has a certification as a CEASE therapist for reversing vaccine injury.

Get Connected With Dr. Cilla Whatcott!

World Wide Choice

Real Immunity Documentary

Family Homeopathy Care


Book by Dr. Cilla Whatcott

There Is A Choice – Homeoprophylaxis


Recommended Readings by Dr. Cilla Whatcott

Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries

Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies by Neil Miller

Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky


The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro

Recommended Links:

Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis



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Feb 12, 2018

ReMag Pico-Ionic Liquid Magnesium Supplement by Dr. Dean:

BOOK: Magnesium Miracle - Second Edition



Magnesium is an essential mineral that can cure various health conditions. However, most people take magnesium for granted when along with other minerals, so many illnesses can be reversed. So, we’re fortunate to have Dr. Carolyn Dean elaborate on why magnesium is vital to our health.  

Early Challenges  

Dr. Carolyn Dean went into practice in 1979. Before that, she went through quite a challenge since around that time; women weren’t given high ranks in the workforce even if they were bright.   

Getting her medical degree first, Dr. Carolyn Dean recalls that back then, there were no Naturopathic schools in Canada. But she already thought back then that thirty to forty years down the road, becoming a Naturopath would be popular, and everyone would get on board taking care of health. Dr. Carolyn Dean even thought a three-day work week was possible.  

“But we know what happened. The commercialization of medicine and disease happened, and medicine just turned into the dark side,” said Dr. Carolyn Dean.  


Dr. Carolyn Dean also remembers the obstacles she went through especially for doctors like her who were promoting their dietary supplements.  Their voices were suppressed if it was about supporting natural products.  

“Medical authorities won’t allow us to say something like magnesium might be a health cure. They won’t let you see that because it will mean that you’ll stop taking drugs,” reveals Dr. Carolyn Dean.  

Legal Challenges  

Dr. Carolyn Dean was practicing as a Naturopath and was into natural treatments like Acupuncture and Homeopathy. She also did occasional medical surgeries to help save organs.  

Things started to get out of hand when Dr. Carolyn Dean said some bad things about sugar on a Canadian national TV show in 1991 or 1992. After the episode aired, Dr. Carolyn Dean found herself attacked by the Sugar Institute of Canada. They went to Dr. Carolyn Dean’s licensing board which resulted in the board admonishing her. They even sent spies into her practice.  

“They got this young man to complain to my licensing board that I refused to give him a homeopathic remedy for his allergies on his first appointment. If I gave it to him, he still would have complained. It was a planned thing,” said Dr. Carolyn Dean. 

Years later, Dr. Carolyn Dean had no more license to practice in Canada, since she already acquired her California license. The medical board took the opportunity to hold a mock court in Toronto. They took away Dr. Carolyn Dean’s non-existent license to send a message to medical practitioners that they couldn’t do alternatives.  

“So if people wonder why doctors don’t get involved with nutrition, alternatives, and dietary supplements, it is because they are likely to be attacked,” said Dr. Carolyn Dean.   

I understand Dr. Carolyn Dean’s ordeal.  My hero, Dr. Joe Wallach has been attacked eleven or twelve times by the FDA. He’s very outspoken and has always stood his ground on his research and findings.   

The Magnesium Miracle Book  

There are 65 health conditions that Dr. Carolyn Dean has listed in her Magnesium Miracle book. According to her, those conditions can be triggered or caused by a magnesium deficiency and misdiagnosed as diseases.   

I suggest everyone get a copy of the book as well as Dr. Carolyn Dean’s other published works. It is a wonderful resource to educate you on why minerals are so essential.  

Magnesium And Sugar  

Dr. Carolyn Dean says there is apparently a vindication about magnesium and sugar. Sugar-lobbied groups changed the whole dialogue about sugar and made it about fats. They saw the research thirty to forty years ago, showing that sugar was bad for the heart.   

“Groups buried that research and blamed it on fats. We know that olive oil, coconut oil, and butter are good for the body, but those groups instead lobbied for trans fat which is even worse for health than sugar,” said Dr. Carolyn Dean.   

Burning Fats  

Dr. Carolyn Dean explains that now with all this sugar and excess carbohydrates that the body cannot sustain, our body keeps making insulin. The insulin will push some of the sugars into our cells for energy, the rest in liver storage. Hence, increasing the risk of having a fatty liver.   

“As long as you are eating carbohydrates constantly, you will never burn fat. So the beauty of a ketogenic diet and fasting is that you stop eating carbohydrates to a great extent. After sugar gets used up, that’s when you start fat burning and lose weight,” Dr. Carolyn Dean explains.  

Ongoing Debate  

There has never been a death due to dietary supplements. Despite that, Dr. Carolyn Dean says many medical authorities are still saying supplements are dangerous. And lucky for us, things are different now than it was before. Today, our voices can be heard especially since more people are seeking treatments the natural way.  

One major issue at hand is the fact that the FDA made an announcement recently, planning to pass a guideline wherein people can no longer buy homeopathic remedies. The verdict is still pending. Because currently, there is a write-in and call in period wherein the public is allowed to comment on these proposed FDA guidelines making homeopathic remedies into drugs.   

Codex Alimentarius  

I recall Dr. Rima Laibow, who is a successful doctor of Natural Medicine. She graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970 and had studied more than 16,000 pages of Codex Alimentarius documentation.   

Codex Alimentarius is a compilation of medical standards, codes of practice and guidelines on food, food production, and food safety. But Dr. Rima Laibow believes it is a severe threat to health freedom. She spoke lengthily about it in her speech at the 2005 National Association of Nutrition Professionals conference  

On the other hand, Dr. Carolyn Dean encourages people to support the causes of the National Health Alliance. Among the organization’s current focus is spearheading activities to fight against the suppression of Natural Medicine. This is because medicine companies look at Natural Medicine as competition.  

Importance of Dietary Supplements  

Dr. Carolyn Dean says we need dietary supplements to make up for the loss of vitamins and minerals in our body. She reveals that a hundred years ago, we could get approximately 500mg of magnesium in our diet. But now we’re considering ourselves lucky even to get at least 200mg of magnesium in our diet. The alarming thing is, not any of this information is brought out to the public.  

“For all the processing the body goes through to burn fat for energy, we need other co-factors for those metabolic processes. And magnesium is necessary for 700 to 800 different enzymatic processes in the body,” Dr. Carolyn Dean said.  

Dr. Carolyn Dean also says that patients are usually clueless on how to maximize taking supplements. It was also a learning process for Dr. Carolyn Dean. Years ago, she initially was anti-supplements after trying to work with her heart palpitations, leg cramps, and neck pain.  

“In my efforts to get healthy, I realized I was the poster child for magnesium deficiency. But I found out I couldn’t take one pill of magnesium without getting the laxative effect,” said Dr. Carolyn Dean. “Years after I wrote my book, I even was trying to interest minerals manufacturers in researching, and making non-laxative magnesium.”  

ReMag Supplements

She adds, “Finally, I made my own. When people started to take my ReMag supplements, they didn’t need anything else. They started feeling better,” said Dr. Carolyn Dean.  

In further studies, Dr. Carolyn Dean also found out that the body absorbs only 4% of magnesium oxide. The rest becomes a laxative. She also explained in her first book that 500mg of magnesium oxide has 300g of elemental magnesium. Taking Dr. Carolyn Dean’s line of supplements in effect regulates so many factors that our body needs to function well, especially our heart.  

“The heart is one big muscle. Magnesium controls muscles and nerves. If you don’t have enough magnesium, your muscle goes into spasm because it has too much calcium,” said Dr. Carolyn Dean.  

She adds, “Magnesium doesn’t act like blood thinner. But it prevents the excess calcium from building up, and calcium triggers blood clots. The enzyme that balances cholesterol is controlled by magnesium.”  

Suggested Diet  

First of all, Dr. Carolyn Dean recommends taking Epson salt and magnesium citrate in powder form, mix with water and sip through the day. Mostly, it is essential to stay hydrated.  

Dr. Carolyn Dean recommends drinking half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water. Then add ¼ tsp of Sea salt or Himalayan salt to every quart of drinking water.  

For solid foods, Dr. Carolyn Dean’s favorite is making a huge salad mixed with salmon for protein and macadamia nuts pate. Macadamia nuts are high in fat, but they’re fantastic!  

To make the pate, mix 8 ounces of lemon juice concentrate, 4 ounces of water, one teaspoon of unrefined sea salt, a handful of garlic and blend with 2 to 3 cups of nuts.   

Dr. Carolyn Dean’s favorite treats, on the other hand, is eating frozen organic strawberry with a quarter cup of heavy whipping cream. She sometimes mixes it with kefir and eats it with ice cream. 

Her simple banana treat sounds just as delicious! She suggests taking a frozen banana, roll it with a tablespoon of cacao powder, a tablespoon of coconut oil and sugar substitute.  

She also affirms that there are a lot of fun things you can do with a ketogenic diet. Out of all the diets, the ketogenic diet is an excellent detox from sugar, it gives the pancreas a nice rest, and it is an anti-inflammatory diet.  

Diet Tips

For more diet tips, Dr. Carolyn Dean personally recommends linking to the website of Dr. Jason Fung, also known as The Diet Doctor. Dr. Jason Fung is a Canadian nephrologist and the leading expert on how to fast the right way.  

People have to take responsibility for their health on so many levels. A Naturopath or a Holistic doctor each has their way of running things. They have their line of supplements, so do your research.   

“When you take charge of your body and provide it with the best absorbable basic nutrient building blocks, you can overcome most health problems,” said Dr. Carolyn Dean.   

Additional Resources 

Aside from Dr. Carolyn Dean’s impressive list of published books, you can also tune in to her 2-hour call-in radio show at, Mondays at 4 pm PST. She also has an amazing blog filled with informative articles that will help you find your way to better health so check it out!  

Dr. Carolyn Dean also has a free online newsletter, a valuable online 2-year wellness program called Completement Now! You can also learn about Total Body ReSet program using her unique Completement Formulas: RnA Drops, ReMag, ReMyte, ReCalcia, ReAline, ReStructure, and ReNew at 

Dr. Carolyn Dean is a Medical Doctor and Naturopathic Doctor. She is the author of 110 Kindle books and 35 health books. She is on the Medical Advisory Board of the non-profit educational site – Nutritional Magnesium Association. Her magnesium outreach has won her an award from the Heart Rhythm Society in the UK for “Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm Management-2012.”  

Get Connected With Dr. Carolyn Dean! 

Official Website

Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Completement Formulas

Facebook – Dr. Carolyn Dean

Facebook – The Magnesium Miracle

Facebook – RnA ReSet

Completement Now Wellness Program  


Book by Dr. Carolyn Dean

The Magnesium Miracle


Recommended Links: 

Dr. Rima Laibow – 2005 NANP speech

National Health Alliance

Dr. Jason Fung – The Diet Doctor



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Feb 9, 2018


“Upside: Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead”

"The Age Curve: How To Profit from the Coming Demographic Storm"



Demography plays a big part in understanding populations all over the world. Several agencies provide updated data that prove shifts in demography affect health systems. To know more about how demography changes our lives, demographer Kenneth Gronbach will explain all of the factors that influence the world population in this episode.  

Advertising Industry  

Kenneth Gronbach shares that before he got into demographics research, we were working in the advertising and marketing industry from 1979 to 1991. His most prominent client was selling American Honda motorcycles and represented 140 dealers from the tip of Maine, Pittsburg and Washington D.C.  

The motorcycles were shipped from Japan, and they were selling like hotcakes since 1986. When they stumbled on a sales problem in 1986, Kenneth Gronbach and his team decided to reduce the price of the motorcycles. They also developed scooters in an attempt to revive the market.   

But their efforts were futile. By 1992, the industry’s Japanese brands fell by 80% which left them clueless. Eventually, it led them to close dealerships.  

Discovering Demographics  

Kenneth Gronbach recalls that he first stumbled on the importance of demographics in 1996 when he was in his office reading a full-page editorial.  That editorial indicted the whole Generation X by labeling them as slackers, lazy, and couch potatoes because they were allegedly not performing at the level of the Baby Boomers.   

Generation X are those people who were born between 1965 to 1984. A skeptic of the editorial, Kenneth Gronbach called his research department and asked them to research everything about Generation X.    

Generation X Revelation  

The report from Kenneth Gronbach’s research department was surprising.  The research team said that apparently, Generation X would never perform at the level of the Baby Boomers.    

According to the report, Generation X was not lazy. There were just fewer babies born from 1965 to 1984 than there were in 1945 to 1964. Boomers are bouncing off to 80 million, and Generation X is only 69 million.  

“So I think we solved the issue with motorcycle sales. Because if Generation X is 11 to 12% smaller, a 25% reduction in the size of the population will wipe out any market,” said Kenneth Gronbach.  

Effects of Generation X  

Generation X made a significant impact in population. Kenneth Gronbach says they shut down maternity wards and hospitals because they weren’t needed. Research reports indicate that the Baby Boomers were producing way over 4 million babies a year while Generation X dropped to 3 million babies a year. As a result, they also closed 30% of the public schools.  

Kenneth Gronbach also said that Detroit did not figure out why they couldn’t sell the same number of highly profitable SUVs to this new Generation X. This is because nobody bothered to count them.  

“Adding on to the problem was that in 2008 when Baby Boomers were bumping up against retirement and had their entire retirement in their home equity,” said Kenneth Gronbach. “Baby Boomers decided it was time to get the equity out and move to Florida. And they did so in massive numbers.”  

Labor Problem  

Another important situation affected by the demographics shift is labor. Kenneth Gronbach says that Generation X is currently people aged 34 to 53 years old. It is a small generation. And because Generation X was missing 9 or 10 million people, just in time for the Baby Boomers to demand services, labor was in a jam.  

“Immigrants from Mexico came in and took a lot of the entry-level jobs. Without Latinos, we wouldn’t have enough babies now to sustain our country and culture,” said Kenneth Gronbach.   

He adds,”If you look at the lion’s share of the Latinos in the United States, we have a huge block that is currently 34 to 53 years old. And the ones that stayed were socio-economically advancing which is wonderful. Culturally, they are a perfect match for our country.”  

Apparently, in France, the indigenous folks did not produce enough children, so they didn’t have enough labor. On the contrary, in 2007, the United States broke the live birth record. It was first set in 1957 when there were 4.3 million Boomers. In 2007, it grew to  4,316,000 babies where 25% were Latinos.    

Diving Deep   

Once Kenneth Gronbach understood the power of demographics shift, he went into 21 years of research. He eventually got to meet Dr. Nicolas Eberstadt who got his degree from Harvard University and is the State Department Demographer. 

Upon comparing data, Kenneth Gronbach and Dr. Nicolas Eberstadt concluded that their findings are the same. Dr. Nicolas Eberstadt even commended Kenneth Gronbach’s research data because it combined demography and marketing, something the State Department wasn’t capable of doing.  

Crime Rate  

Kenneth Gronbach also revealed that women are less likely to commit crimes compared to men. He says crime is committed by men aged between 15 to 30 years old, who are currently considered Millenials. He also forecasts that the rate will continue to rise as years pass by.  

Millenial Problem  

“The population of Millenials is larger than the Boomers. Most of my demographics is Generation X,” said Kenneth Gronbach. “The old end are just starting households and marrying late. They couldn’t leave home early in life because they’re not welcomed into the labor force.”  

Kenneth Gronbach explains that 50% of Millenials coming out of college are unemployed. Boomers are not leaving the labor force because they couldn’t afford to. Things have indeed turned around. The Boomers are currently aged 54 to 73, and they are retiring a little bit late.  

Demographics And Health  

Kenneth Gronbach predicts that the health choices of Millenials will significantly impact the health industry. He says Millenials prefer cleaner food and are more inclined to GMO-free, and responsibly-sourced animal products.  

“They are going to shift. I speak to farmers all the time and tell them they have to deal with GMO issues because the market is going to force them to do that,” said Kenneth Gronbach.   

Silent Generation  

Between 1925 and 1944, we produced a generation called the Silent Generation. According to Kenneth Gronbach, there are only 50 million of them, and these are primarily Generation X’s parents.   

The Silent Generation followed the generation before them which was the G.I. Generation from 1905 to1924. The G.I. Generation was the generation that fought in World War 2. It was a massive generation of about 70 million and following them was a tiny generation.   

“So the needs and demands of the Silent Generation who were born from 1925 to 1944 were small. Then come along the Boomers who demanded more service. Generation X on the other hand, needed more labor,” said Kenneth Gronbach.  

Distribution Problem  

Data shows we produce enough food to feed 14 billion people and we throw half of it away. So Kenneth Gronbach believes we don’t have a food problem but rather a distribution problem.   

It started when something happened in 1964. Half of the women in the world dropped below replacement level fertility which is 2.2 kids. And it never looked back. The rate of growth of our population is declining.   

“We will probably grow to 10 or 12 billion by 2050 or 2060. And then the population of the earth is going to begin to subside,” said Kenneth Gronbach. “But the problem is, the majority of the earth is market economies which rely on consumers.”  

Fertility Issues  

In the recent Heavy Metals Summit, we saw that a lot of factors are affected by the presence of heavy metals in the environment we live in and the lifestyle we have.   

So we also need to consider the outside effects on fertility when we talk of demographics. One of the external forces affecting fertility dramatically is that women are waiting to get pregnant. And the older you get, the hard it is to get pregnant.   

But that’s a challenge nowadays because both parents need to work. And the added stress contributes to fertility issues.   

Housing Problem  

Kenneth Gronbach says there are currently 330 million people in the US and 10 million of these are illegal. But demographers count illegals because they are in the country.   

Furthermore, Kenneth Gronbach shares that the number of housing units that are available in the U.S. is about 155 million. The two most substantial parts of our population are Baby Boomers numbering to 80 million and their kids, numbering 68 million. 

“A lot of people in their 20s are living at home because they are not welcome in the labor force. So they’re moving out, starting households and getting married takes longer. The problem is because a lot of Boomers are refusing to die and get old,” said Kenneth Gronbach.  

Currently, Kenneth Gronbach says we are 25 million housing units short of our needs. And the demand for housing is going to spike for the next few years.  

Kenneth Gronbach’s Books  

Demographics is such an exciting topic, and it will make you understand how population changes generation after generation. To those who would like to know more about demographics, Kenneth Gronbach has written several books that have proved to be an excellent resource.  

Kenneth Gronbach’s books include: 

Upside: Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead 

Decades of Differences: Making It Work

The Age Curve: How To Profit from the Coming Demographic Storm  

Whether it be through his books or speaking engagements, Kenneth Gronbach says that the primary aim of his work is to educate, entertain and inspire people.  

Looking Ahead  

Looking ahead, Kenneth Gronbach says that compared to any generation in history, the Millenials are going to be infinitely more respectful of each other. He also forecasts that Houston, Texas will continue to attract Millenials because of the quality of life, cost of living and job opportunities.  

As far as commerce is concerned, he cites three categories where there is a significant possibility for growth:  

  1. Healthcare – demand for better food
  2. Eldercare – going to be off the charts
  3. Deathcare- the need for more funeral homes and crematoriums 

“There will be a diversity of cultures in the future. The power of shifting demography changes commerce like medicine, food, and everything that we consume,” said Kenneth Gronbach.  


 Kenneth Gronbach is an internationally respected demographer who has been able to forecast societal, commercial, economic, cultural and political phenomena with uncanny accuracy. His unusual blend of marketing savvy and common sense demography, based on twenty years of proprietary demographic study, set him apart. Kenneth Gronbach keynotes all over the United States and does customized demographic research.  

You will find that Kenneth Gronbach’s stable position that the United States is the best Nation on earth and his firm belief that the country’s best days are ahead seasoned his spirited presentations with an apparent pro-American enthusiasm.  

Kenneth Gronbach built KGA Advertising, INC., a $40 million consumer/retail advertising agency, from the ground up in the 1980’s and 1990’s. One of his clients, a fashion apparel retailer, grew from $10 million in annual sales to over $400 million on Kenneth Gronbach’s watch.  

Kenneth Gronbach’s hobbies include building hot rod Mustangs and Porsches. He and his family enjoy boating and fishing on Long Island Sound.   

Kenneth Gronbach graduated from California State University at Long Beach and currently lives in Connecticut with his Baby Boomer wife of 41 years and two Generation Y daughters.  


Get Connected With Kenneth Gronbach! 

Official Website  



Books by Kenneth Gronbach

Upside: Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead 




 Decades of Differences: Making It Work



 The Age Curve: How To Profit from the Coming Demographic Storm

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Feb 6, 2018

Book: Dirty Genes

Dirty Genes

Dirty genes is a significant factor why we do not reach an optimal level of health. Our body needs healthy genes to function properly. But unfortunately, many people are still unaware of this vital aspect of health.  That’s why we’re so lucky to have Dr. Ben Lynch here with us today to explain everything you need to know about dirty genes. 

Childhood Interest  

Dr. Ben Lynch was 16 years old when he was first introduced to biochemistry in high school. He thought it was the best class he ever had because it taught him about how the body works.   

Because Dr. Ben Lynch became fascinated with how our body was wired, he went on to pursue a medical degree in college. But it was not long before he realized that standard medicine and the conventional route was not for him.  

The turning point in his career path was when Dr. Ben Lynch got sick during a trip to India. Finding a cure for his illness, he was introduced to a peculiar form of medicine. Dr. Ben Lynch recalls that the one treating him checked his tongue, pulse, and gave a weird prescription. Surprisingly, he felt better after 40 minutes!   

That experience eventually led Dr. Ben Lynch to pursue a career as a Naturopathic Doctor by getting his degree at Bastyr University. But Dr. Ben Lynch still felt it wasn’t enough until he developed an interest in Environmental Medicine. This led him to discover epigenetics.  

Focus On Epigenetics  

Dr. Ben Lynch was very much concerned about how a poor environment can make people very ill and develop dirty genes.  When he learned that genes were a significant factor in the entire process, he started to dive deeper into genetic research.  

“Our genes require tools. Most of the tools come from the food that we eat. If we are providing our body with healthful, wholesome foods, our genes get the tools they can use to function. Such as protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals, water, air, and sunlight,” said Dr. Ben Lynch. 

He adds, “We give genes those tools through nutrition, breathing properly, hydration and avoid doing stuff that makes them do excessive work like chemicals in the environment, wi-fi signals, and polluted air.”  

And that’s so true! I first heard about epigenetics from Dr. Joe Wallach. He wrote the book, Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission. The book explains how nutrition supports the genes to be healthy. It’s a very informative book, and I recommend all you listeners to include this in your reading list.    

Air Purifiers  

Pollutants in the environment are unavoidable. But because they cause dirty genes, Dr. Ben Lynch says one way to clear the air is using air purifiers. Air purifiers can clear the air of chemicals and elements like smoke, pollen, and dust.    

Good brands of air purifiers include IQAir and Alen Air. But Dr. Ben Lynch puts in a word of caution if and when you decide to get one.  

“Air purifiers have an engine.  I recommend plugging it in and turn on outside to let it off the gas,” advises Dr. Ben Lynch. “Because nowadays, everything is wrapped in plastic. When you turn it on, there are so many volatile organic compounds that are being emitted.”  

Dr. Ben Lynch also advises avoiding having carpets if you want to avoid having dirty genes. Because apparently, carpets are sponges that hold dirt. There are also a lot of other odd compounds in carpets. It traps dust and humidity, attracts molds and dust mites.   

Gas And Cooking  

We also know that gas is a toxic substance.  That’s why Dr. Ben Lynch strictly advises that gas is something that needs to be outside. So, if you’re cooking, you need to be using your exhaust fan.   

“Smoke from oils have formaldehyde, destroy genes and burdens the body. Then a lot of people are taking antacids, which are inhibiting their primary detoxification system,” said Dr. Ben Lynch. “People are also loading up with Tylenol. This depletes primary antioxidants. So be wary of what you buy over the counter.”  

Dr. Ben Lynch says it is also bad to inhale smoke from cars. The carbon monoxide binds to the hemoglobin. And when carbon monoxide seeps into our tissues, it can eventually kill us.   

“You increase cardiovascular disease risk from inhaling smoke. People who are exercising in more polluted areas are also increasing cardiovascular risk,” Dr. Ben Lynch said. “That has to do with a gene called NOS 3, which is an important gene to keep clean.”   

Dirty Genes Course  

To those who would like to know more about the causes of dirty genes, do sign up for Dr. Ben Lynch’s course. The course provides a lot of insights on how to optimize your eating habits, and to have a better experience without supplements.   

“The course guides people through the fundamentals of life. It also educates people why we need folate to make our body function right,” said Dr. Ben Lynch.  

According to Dr. Ben Lynch, folate is essential in things like:  

  • regulating white blood cells 
  • fighting infection 
  • regulating red blood cells so we can breathe 
  • regulate our platelets 
  • nourish our neurotransmitters so we can think 
  • helps repair DNA when chemicals invade into our system 
  • essential in kids’ growth 
  • makes skin healthy since our skin creates skin cells all the time  

Importance Of Folic Acid  

Folic acid is a form of folate and is one of the B vitamins that we need. The U.S. recommended daily allowance of folic acid is 400 micrograms. These may be gained through food or dietary supplements.  

“Folic acid binds preferentially to the folate receptors and folate transporters in the body. It goes through the DHFR (dihydrofolate reductase) gene.  This gene can handle 200 micrograms of folic acid before it gets saturated,” said Dr. Ben Lynch.  

But Dr. Ben Lynch says some people have a genetic problem with this particular gene. Apparently, the folic acid can’t get through the DHFR gene. It has to go somewhere, so it ends up staying in the blood. Researchers call it unmetabolized folic acid.  

“What unmetabolized folic acid does, is that it will get to your folate transport protein. Folic acid blocks transportation of the folate and getting inside the cell,” explains Dr. Ben Lynch.   

Dr. Ben Lynch also reveals that people can be functionally folate-deficient. This is because they are functionally depriving their cells of the number one type of folate in their body which is methylfolate. Common side effects include experiencing brain fog, moodiness, and an unexplainable toxic feeling.  


Ready to dive deeper into how genes work? Dr. Ben Lynch developed a genetic report called StrateGene. It uses 23andMe instead of ancestry because according to Dr. Ben Lynch, ancestry mainly has ancestral DNA. In order words, he says you don’t have clinically relevant genes on to run through a genetic report.   

StrateGene also provides you a map so you can see what dirties up the genes. It also provides a quick glance at how vitamins, minerals, medication, and chemicals interfere with certain things.  

“If you see any condition run in your family, there is most likely a genetic component there. And if you lead a lifestyle that is healthy, the chances of you struggling with that condition is lower,” said Dr. Ben Lynch.  

But Dr. Ben Lynch says the more important factor is finding out what genes you inherited that is probably causing your illness. Knowing which genes are born dirty can give you an insight on where you should be spending more time and caution. And the cool thing is that you can support yourself through very targeted actions that will help the weaker genes.   

What are Dirty Genes?  

Now many of you may be wondering what dirty genes are. Dr. Ben Lynch explains that dirty genes are genes that are not functioning at it’s best. One can inherit dirty genes from your parents. And it usually does not function as well as it should be in your particular environment.   

“You can inherit it. Genes also get dirty by sitting in the garage after turning on your car or turning on your gas stove and not turning the hood on. Dirty genes are also from eating unhealthy or from chronic stress,” said Dr. Ben Lynch. 

Juicing, Raw Foods And Cooking  

Dr. Ben Lynch advises that if you cook your leafy green vegetables, steam them for a short period. That’s where you’ll get your folate. Apparently, the longer you cook, the more your folate will be destroyed.   

“Leafy greens are great. But if you have a weak constitution and digestion, eating raw, cold vegetables can be hard on you. So you might want to steam them,” Dr. Ben Lynch advises. ” If you have a frail palate, steam veggies and have soup. Keep in mind your body temperature, the power of your digestion and how you feel after. Listen to your body.”  

Dr. Ben Lynch claims to love juicing as well. He says he prefers using a Blendtec over Vitamix because it is not as noisy. I like Blendtec, too. But I have heard feedback from friends that it breaks down.   

Incidentally, I had the Vitamix expert Lenny Gale on my show a couple of times.  His website Life is No Yoke is packed with info on the different Vitamix models as well as yummy recipes using Vitamix. So I invite everyone to check out his website.   

Histamine Intolerance  

Dr. Ben Lynch also recommends a good brand of probiotics to keep our microbiome healthy. Some health conditions like headaches, runny nose, asthma and leaky gut is a sign that one may have histamine intolerance.  

Histamine in the stomach and small intestines is good because it stimulates the stomach acid, movement of stool and immune response. But it is not good to have too much histamine in our gut because it could lead to digestive issues like diarrhea, and acid reflux.  

Link Between Vaccines And Genes  

Dr. Ben Lynch shares that vaccines have a role in specific environments for certain people. But he believes vaccines are hurting our kids and pregnant women. The same goes for flu shots.   

Ideally, Dr. Ben Lynch recommends that parents should wait until their child is at least 12 years old before getting them vaccinated instead of when they are newborns. This is because any heavy metal will interfere with a plethora of genes.   

“You can take all the supplements you want, but if you have metals, genes won’t work well. Avoid metals like aluminum because they interfere with neurotransmitters in the brain,” said Dr. Ben Lynch.  

He adds, “I am not pro-vaccine, but I don’t think they are all bad. I just think if we do use them, they should be used selectively.”  

I recently had a great interview with Dr. Paul Thomas on vaccines, and the need to have a vaccine-friendly plan. We talked extensively about choosing when and which vaccines are safe so do check out that episode as well.  

Dr. Benjamin Lynch, ND received his Cell and Molecular Biology, BS from the University of Washington and his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (ND) from Bastyr University. His passion for identifying the cause of disease-directed him towards nutrigenomics and methylation dysfunction.   

Currently, Dr. Benjamin Lynch researches, writes and presents worldwide on the topic of MTHFR, methylation defects and genetic control. He is the President of, a supplement company oriented towards disease prevention and health promotion. He also founded and directed, an educational institution providing specialized training for both health professionals and consumers.  He lives in Seattle, WA with his wife, Nadia, and three boys, Tasman, Mathew and Theodor.   

Get Connected With Dr. Ben Lynch!

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Seeking Health  







Book by Dr. Ben Lynch

Dirty Genes



Recommended Reading by Dr. Ben Lynch

The One Thing by Gary Keller



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Feb 2, 2018

BOOK: The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health—From Pregnancy Through Your Child’s Teen Years -



Safe Vaccines

Safe vaccines are beneficial only if we are informed and educated about what exactly are we being injected with. My guest today, Dr. Paul Thomas is neither pro or anti-vaccine. Now, how is that possible? Well, you’re in for a real treat today learning what exactly are safe vaccines.  

Growing Up In Africa  

Dr. Paul Thomas grew up in a village in Africa since his parents were missionaries. At four years old, he became used to living in a hut with no running water nor electricity. Despite that, Dr. Paul Thomas says his childhood was terrific. Being culturally immersed, he even thought of himself as African.   

“Coming from a different culture like that, you are inherently just a little more open to other ideas. One gift my parents gave me was to question authority. That was instilled in me since I was a student in middle school,” recalls Dr. Paul Thomas.  

It’s interesting to note that Dr. Paul Thomas even went to high school with the daughters of former president Nelson Mandela. Fast forward years later, Dr. Paul Thomas pursued a medical degree at Dartmouth Medical School in the United States and eventually took his residency in California.   

Residency Years  

During his residency in the mid-1980s, Dr. Paul Thomas says that’s where he first saw benefits of vaccines. Pediatric hospitals were filled with children who had various diseases, and meningitis was particularly prevalent.   

Administering vaccines for meningitis became a routine.  Dr. Paul Thomas said that studies even showed that it was effective. The HIB vaccine added later on to the vaccine schedule, and it was also effective in reducing meningitis. Naturally, it became apparent that those were safe vaccines.  

The Fine Line  

Dr. Paul Thomas also says doctors are only taught benefits of the vaccines and not the side effects. They see worse cases in hospitals. Hence, they get the mentality that they need to prevent these things. Dr. Paul Thomas says this is also why doctors have a hard time letting go of this “vaccine miracle” concept.   

“Honestly if you ask pediatricians today, most will tell you that the most preventative health thing that they can do, gives vaccines. That’s how they are trained,” said Dr. Paul Thomas.   

Autism And MMR  

So many studies have come out over the years arguing on what are safe vaccines. It’s a never-ending debate. Dr. Paul Thomas has read so many materials on safe vaccines, and one, in particular, intrigued him.  

Dr. Paul Thomas across the article by Dr. Andrew Wakefield in 2000, where Dr. Andrew Wakefield wrote about the MMR vaccine and autism. According to Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Andrew Wakefield didn’t say the MMR vaccine caused autism. That article which was later on retracted, only suggested that perhaps there might be a link. Dr. Andrew Wakefield was just presenting some case studies in that particular piece.  

“I didn’t think vaccines were a part of the problem of autism. In my experience, I saw zero cases of autism in the four years I was at Dartmouth Medical School in the early 1980s,” said Dr. Paul Thomas.  

But Dr. Paul Thomas also shares that during his 3-year residency from 1985 to 1988, he did see a couple of cases of PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified).  PDD-NOS is the equivalent of the autism spectrum child today.   

Despite that, Dr. Paul Thomas says it was nothing like the severe cases these days where you see a child who is normal about a year of age and then regresses to being non-verbal, miserable and disconnected.   

Ideally, Dr. Paul Thomas says that we should only be administered one aluminum-containing vaccine at a time. Furthermore, he advises waiting till after age three before a child is given the MMR vaccine.   

Shifting to Alternative Medicine  

Dr. Paul Thomas started knowing more about alternative medicine around November 2007. He became active in attending conferences and learning about Integrative Medicine.    

Dr. Paul Thomas remembers that the turning point in his career was seeing a two-year-old patient in a push stroller.  The toddler’s head was going back and forth. Dr. Paul Thomas takes pride in being able to connect with kids. But in this case, he wasn’t successful.  

“I couldn’t connect. It was the fourth case in four years. That was the last straw for me,” Dr. Paul Thomas said. “So I told my partners I would stop giving Hepatitis B vaccine to newborns and slow down the vaccine schedule. Within a month, I was ousted from the partnership after a secret meeting.”   

Blessing In Disguise  

Looking back, Dr. Paul Thomas says being ousted from the medical practice partnership was the biggest blessing of his life. Six months later, Dr. Paul Thomas opened Integrative Pediatrics, which is his pediatric practice today.    

From a thousand patients, Dr. Paul Thomas says it grew to over 13,000 patients in the next few years. He even had to be closed to new patients for several years, because his practice couldn’t keep up with the demand.   

Safe Vaccines  

Dr. Paul Thomas says that generally speaking, what people look for is really informed consent. This means people want to have the ability of choice, ability to have a doctor who listens to them and a doctor who’s educated and informed on what exactly are safe vaccines.   

“You don’t have to dig far to know that vaccines have caused tremendous harm. Have they had benefits? Absolutely. Which is why I remain somewhat on the neutral side in saying that I am not anti-vaccine,” said Dr. Paul Thomas. “I’m pro-safe vaccines. I’ve progressed along to the point where I now don’t believe there is such a thing.”  

In other words, Dr. Paul Thomas says it’s impossible to have 100% safe vaccines. This is because we are injecting things that stimulate the immune system. This alone poses some benefits and risks. Apart from that, Dr. Paul Thomas says we’re also injecting toxins and elements that overstimulate the immune system.  

Informed Choices  

Dr. Paul Thomas reveals that medical students are not taught that there is a vaccine compensation program. Doctors aren’t trained about the vaccine adverse events reporting system.   

Furthermore, Dr. Paul Thomas says it is essential that we need to look for a doctor who asks the ‘why’ questions. And do our research as well.  

The Vaccine-Friendly Plan   

Dr. Paul Thomas’ book is about a safe and effective approach to immunity and health.  It covers a vaccine-friendly plan from pregnancy to a child’s teenage years. The book is really for people who genuinely want to follow the CDC schedule.  

The guiding principle of the book is to minimize toxins, minimize risks, and still get some protection. Dr. Paul Thomas also singles out that aluminum is toxic, yet if you postpone some of the childhood vaccines until they’re older, it will make sense for a lot of reasons.   

“I wrote my book because after I started my practice, I instituted what I called the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. Don’t do vaccines during pregnancy,” advises Dr. Paul Thomas. “No Hepatitis vaccine until you’re at least pre-teen unless the birth mother has Hepatitis B. And there’s no need for polio because it’s not infectious.”  

Vaccine-Friendly Plan Limitations   

Under the plan, Dr. Paul Thomas has gathered data from over 1000 patients.  From the batch, 894 patients were vaccinated, and 238 patients weren’t vaccinated.   

From that data, Dr. Paul Thomas found out that all of the patients with autism was in the group that was most vaccinated. On the contrary, there was no autism in the unvaccinated group.  

“But a little caveat. There were 3 cases in the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, of children who were starting to show autistic-like symptoms such as decreased eye contact and language delay,” shares Dr. Paul Thomas. “Anytime I would see any delay; I would immediately stop further vaccines. I wish doctors and family practitioners would follow that principle.”  

Dr. Paul Thomas also reports that three kids in the Vaccine-Friendly Plan and five kids in the vaccinated group returned to normal. This was after Dr. Paul Thomas stopped administering the rest of the vaccines.  

Hepatitis Vaccine  

Dr. Paul Thomas believes that Hepatitis A Vaccine is unnecessary. In fact, Dr. Paul Thomas has not encountered a Hepatitis A case in his entire medical career.   

For children, in particular, Dr. Paul Thomas says Hepatitis A is a benign, mild, cold, flu-like illness. It is harmless and apparently, we develop a natural immunity to it. Hence, we do not need a vaccine for it.   

Dr. Paul Thomas recalls that it was around 2001 that doctors were giving Hepatitis B  vaccine to teenagers. Years before that, the vaccine was only given to healthcare workers.   

So scientifically speaking, Dr. Paul Thomas says it made no sense injecting a newborn.  This is because babies have an immature immune system and it is unnecessary to vaccinate them with a vaccine preventing a disease that they won’t see until they become teenagers.  

“We already know from all sorts of vaccine research that the younger you are, you get less of a protective antibody response,” said Dr. Paul Thomas. “This is why we do all these boosters for these childhood vaccines because we get such a weak response when we’re very young.”  

Chicken Pox Vaccine  

Dr. Paul Thomas says the whole situation surrounding chicken pox is tragic. He shares that before 1965, we all had the chicken pox. We mainly had to be around people who had chicken pox to boost our immunity.   

Since we had this vaccine program, the medical field then started adding a booster around 1995. Dr. Paul Thomas said the vaccine did pretty well for a long time. Shingles were in fact, only something that old people got.   

“Before the chicken pox vaccine was instituted as a national program, we had about 50 deaths per year in the U.S. from chicken pox. Not many died due to shingles. Now, it’s the opposite. There are fewer deaths from chicken pox and more from shingles. Shingles even occur in children now.”  

Big Bucks  

We all know that the medical field is a lucrative business. Pharmaceutical companies earn a lot from selling medication and doctors are often willing to grab the chance to earn a lot from the medication they prescribe to patients.  

“Two big incentives are pushing doctors and hospitals to do vaccines. One is financial, and the other is quality measures,” reveals Dr. Paul Thomas.   

He adds, “The markup on vaccines is as low as $1. But an average of $15 per shot is given to doctors, not counting all the child visits. Other states have a $200 per patient bonus by having children fully-vaccinated.”  

Herd Immunity  

Dr. Paul Thomas says that in medical school, students are taught that by vaccinating the population, you are protecting everybody including those not yet vaccinated. In some cases, this is true. But in most cases, Dr. Paul Thomas says it’s completely wrong.   

Dr. Paul Thomas cites Hepatitis B as an example wherein the herd immunity is not applicable. Essentially, you can’t have herd immunity if the vaccine is not working. But some data shows vaccinated people can still carry and transmit disease. So, they are contributing to infecting the herd.   

Another study shows results of patients who had the influenza vaccine. Apparently, when a vaccinated person coughs, Dr. Paul Thomas says they are in fact, emitting 630% more influenza than an unvaccinated infected person.   

“Vaccines trigger an antibody response to one particular thing. It does nothing to boost the rest of your immune system,” Dr. Paul Thomas said. “The only way to know if the vaccine is truly improving our health would be through long-term studies, comparisons, and health outcomes over several years.”  


Dr. Paul Thomas has started a registry, the PHOI, to gather more information about vaccines.  It is also an excellent resource to find out what are the safe vaccines.   

“It’s not for everybody to sign up. Because to be a part of this registry, you have to be at present, in my clinic with a newborn. We are only registering newborns, and we are going to track their health for 18 years,” said Dr. Paul Thomas.  

Dr. Paul Thomas is happy to announce that there’s also another clinic in Houston that’s coming on board plus a couple more mainstream clinics. The goal is to look at all parameters that might affect health outcome.   

“There are plenty of things we can do, and a lot has to do with having a balanced immune system,” said Dr. Paul Thomas. “It’s not how well you vaccinate that determines your health. It’s how balanced your immune system is.”  


Dr. Paul Thomas shares that immunosuppressant drugs are one of the top 5 moneymakers in the United States. However, immunosuppressant drugs put one at risk for infection and cancer. As a result, Dr. Paul Thomas believes we’re creating a perfect storm by destroying our body’s immunity and triggering inflammation.    

“We need to eat real food, get extra vitamin D and reduce stress. Our body is wired for fight or flight because our hormones set it up,” said Dr. Paul Thomas. “Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise, fix the biome, get healthy bacteria in the gut and eat organic foods to bring down the toxic load.”   

Be Informed  

Speaking of toxic load, you’d be surprised to know how much toxins and heavy metals we have in our body. There was a Heavy Metals Summit recently, and I’m inviting listeners to sign up to check out the fantastic speakers participating in the summit.  

“Remind listeners to let parents be parents. Insist on informed consent. It means you’re told the risk, the benefits and alternatives to the procedure. Then your choice needs to be honored,” said Dr. Paul Thomas. “Secondly, we need more platforms to get the word out there. Every person has to go on this journey. And have the courage to reject junk science.” 

Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D., F.A.A.P., received his M.D. from Dartmouth Medical School and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California San Diego. He is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, board-certified in Integrative and Holistic Medicine, and a diplomat of the American Board of Addiction Medicine.   

Dr. Paul Thomas taught residents and medical students from 1988 to 1993, practiced at Westside Pediatrics from 1993 to 2008 and opened his practice in 2008 Integrative Pediatrics, where he currently serves over 13,000 patients in the Portland, Oregon metro area.   

Dr. Paul Thomas is the Founder of PHOI (Pediatric Health Outcomes Initiative). He is a Founding Director of PIC (Physicians for Informed Consent). And a Co-Chair for OFMF (Oregonians for Medical Freedom). He is the co-author (with Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.) of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-From Pregnancy Through Your Child’s Teen Years published 2016 from Ballantine. 

Get Connected With Dr. Paul Thomas! 

Official Website

Pediatric Health Outcomes Initiative

Vaccine Friendly Doctors

Facebook – Dr. Paul Thomas

Facebook – The Vaccine-Friendly Plan

Facebook – Integrative Pediatrics

Facebook – Dr. Paul Thomas MD


Book by Dr. Paul Thomas
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan Book

Recommended Book by Dr. Paul Thomas

An Epidemic of Absence by Moises Velasquez-Manoff



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Feb 1, 2018

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Developing Consciousness For Healing

Developing consciousness for healing is a power of the mind that most of us have yet to explore and maximize. Being healthy is not just about being physically fit.   

So, for today’s episode, my fantastic guest, Ned Wolf, will teach us some actionable steps on developing consciousness. Because we need to pay attention to our mental, spiritual, emotional and energetic aspects as well.  

Starting Point  

Initially working as a journalist and writer in the corporate world, Ned Wolf was in his mid-30s when he received an award. During the ceremony, he recalled that a member of the audience stood up and asked him what was he going to do with the rest of his life.  

“I said that if I have to do this the rest of my life, I’m going to go out and shoot myself. I was aghast at what I said,” shares Ned Wolf. “Within six months, I left the corporate world and went back to school to study Holistic health. My subconscious said that I could not devote my talent to supporting organizations when in my heart the greater dream was to support individuals.”  

Ned Wolf further explains that he decided to pursue a career in Holistic health to gain a clearer perspective of how the world exists. A big part of his work is helping people in developing consciousness so that they can become better versions of themselves.    

We Are Energy  

Ned Wolf says that every person is a powerful collection of energy that is essential in developing consciousness.  We are also the most powerful manipulator of energy. Now, if only we can incorporate that awareness into the question of health, the whole process of healing becomes much simpler.   

“We are intimately connected with what causes health, what causes the well-being or what detracts from it. But we don’t realize that our attitude has something to do with the results of our healing,” said Ned Wolf.   


Ned Wolf says that when we do not see the importance of developing consciousness of our body’s energy, blame and self-pity become stumbling blocks of healing. He says blame and self-pity blocks accepting responsibility for the incredible power we have as beings of energy and spirit.  

I experienced that when I was a teenager when I got money from my dad’s change drawer to buy junk food. Overwhelmed with self-pity, I blamed others for my misery.   

That is why Ned Wolf advises taking steps in developing consciousness to tap into our awareness.  We then would be able to recognize our potential. Being aware of what we can do produces positive energy from within us.  

“We must accept that our consciousness is incredibly powerful because we get whatever we concentrate upon,” explains Ned Wolf. “It is our choices, our thoughts, our beliefs, our feelings that are creating our state of health.”  

What Is Dowsing   

So how do we shift perceptions to create better health? Ned Wolf recommends dowsing. Dowsing uses a pendulum or other tools.  It is a process that aims to help us access intuitional knowledge.   

Ned Wolf first learned of dowsing while he was living in Australia. Here he learned how to identify an herb for healing through an aboriginal way. Apparently, dowsing is a tradition that dates back to thousands of years ago.  

“Aborigines are taught to go out into the bushland focusing their consciousness of the illness or medical problems they want to resolve. They do this by listening to the plants sing,” Ned Wolf shares. “When they hear the plant that sings the loudest, that’s the plant to use for helping remedy a particular problem.”  

It makes sense.  Because these are pure intuitive skills that we are capable of maximizing if we just learn the art of developing consciousness. It’s all about training the body to listen and training your conscious mind to listen to your body.   

“Knowledge that is not limited by time and space perception. But rather access to other dimensions of the self,” adds Ned Wolf.  

Dowsing For Healing   

Ned Wolf says dowsing is indeed a powerful tool for healing. It essentially acknowledges the access to inner sources of knowledge. Dowsing also strengthens intuition and intellect so that they can work in partnership.   

“In our world, we often get caught up in the battle between intuition and intellect. They seem to be at odds with one another,” said Ned Wolf. “But as beings of energy and beings of spirit, the intuition and the intellect were meant to work with each other.”   

Our Powerful Brain  

I am reminded of this fascinating book called The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. The book explains that the brain is not the only place where we store information. Apparently, our memories are stored holographically through our entire body and nervous system.  

The Holographic Universe book is filled with many examples how our body works.  We have a limiting belief system that we’ve adopted because we were taught that way. But our body is so much more capable of many other things.  I highly recommend this book to expand your knowledge. It’s mind-blowing!  

“That’s one of the great gifts of dowsing. It helps access that broader source of information. The placebo effect is that unexplained ability that we can measure,” said Ned Wolf. “People who had brain injury do not respond at all to the placebo effect.”  

Taking Accountability  

Ned Wolf says that we are responsible for our well-being. He believes one of the great gifts of Holistic health is to help people dealing with illness realize that they can open their minds.  They can also experience greater well-being in the process.  

“One of the realms that I like to operate is helping clients realize that it is how they use their consciousness that’s producing their state of health or lack of it. For example, our dreams have information on how we can heal.”  

Dreams and after-death experiences highlight the power of energy and consciousness. But Ned Wolf says we do not need to die to realize this aspect of our existence. Understanding the afterlife can be complicated but Ned Wolf mentioned that philosopher and author Dr. Raymond Moody’s books on the subject are an excellent resource.  

“We do not need to die to get to this place. Sometimes people need to work with their attitude to discover how they’re blocking their dreams,” said Ned Wolf. “Part of the growth is being able to accept the dark places within ourselves, not condemn them but rather recognize there’s something that seeks to heal.”  


Ned Wolf also mentioned that radionics is another tool that can we can benefit from. Radionics is an alternative medicine claiming that diseases can be diagnosed and treated with an energy that is similar to radio waves.  

“It is also similar to Homeopathy. It’s a study on how particular frequencies affect imbalances, emotional congestions or unresolved emotional conflicts,” Ned Wolf explained. “Radionics also helps an organ in the body release that unresolved conflict.”   

Actionable Steps For Healing  

Ned Wolf believes that the first and foremost step to healing is learning to love yourself. Especially that part that is in ill-health. It is also important to be aware that as long as we do not know the power of our consciousness, chances of healing are much more remote.  

“Learn to adjust so we can use consciousness constructively. Self-reflecting is also important,” advises Ned Wolf. “Physical imbalance can also mean we are using consciousness expressing vibrations of hate. And hate causes destruction. So take out judgment, self-condemnation, and self-punishment.”  

Ned Wolf again mentions dowsing.  This is because dowsing is a natural state where our consciousness connects with the consciousness of the cells in the body.   

“If we can allow that possibility to exist, we can start using those channels and listen when the body speaks to us,” Ned Wolf said.  

Spiritual Mentoring  

Ned Wolf does offer spiritual mentoring for people who are engaged in the process of supporting others in their healing. I advise checking out his amazing website to have access to his books, videos, and blog where you will learn so much about the power of healing.  

Speaking of mentoring, I’m also offering an online program to help you end your anxiety. I have spent 14 months collecting information on removing anxiety, and I’m giving it to you for free! Link to my Free Your Anxiety webinar so you can end your worry and control your fear from this day forward.  


Ned Wolf wrote his first book when he was seven years old. He wanted to write a compilation of what he found useful in life so that he wouldn’t forget the essential ideas later on.  

When Ned Wolf is not working on his novels, he serves clients as a counselor, mediator and natural healer. He uses vibrational therapies, including Reiki energy, Rebirthing breathwork, and vibrational remedies that are produced radionically.  

Ned Wolf got his Holistic Health Practitioner Degree from Pacific School of Holistic Health 1987. He learned a lot about himself playing tennis twice a week and singing.   

Ned Wolf writes music for the soprano sax and also perform at markets, pubs and open mic nights. He is also a student of Tai Chi and has taken much inspiration from Jane Roberts Seth books.  

Get Connected With Ned Wolf!  

Official Website




Books by Ned Wolf

The Nandia Trilogy 

 Awaken Your Power To Heal 


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