
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Now displaying: April, 2017
Apr 28, 2017

Metabolic Balance

The Metabolic Balance Program

Metabolic Balance is a plan from Germany that's been in use for over two decades. Sarica Cernohous tells us how this is effective for detox and weight loss.

I'm so glad to have Sarica Cernohous back on the show. We had so much to talk about the last time she was on my podcast.  A lot of people have benefited from her LAPIS technique. And now she is releasing a re-write of her book, The Funky Kitchen.

"It means so much to me that people listen to me. With the LAPIS Method and the Funky Kitchen, I feel like I distilled it through my filter." said Cernohous.

Striving for Optimal Health

I totally can relate to what Cernohous wants to achieve.  Through my podcast, my primary aim was also to educate people on how to be healthy the natural way. 

We're all striving for optimal health. I was introduced to fermented foods way back early on by a pharmacist. I wasn't really big on that then and I didn't even know the health benefits. That all changed when I interviewed Cernohous.

"The flavor profile of these types of foods does not say 'Eat a ton of me'. It says, 'Have a little bit. I'm nice compared to the other things you're eating'. The flavors of these foods are unique," said Cernohous.

Cernohous says a person can follow her suggested techniques. But because of the landscape, the taste will differ.

Finding Out About Metabolic Balance

"When I was at the early stage of promoting my book, I can to know about this program from Germany. Metabolic balance," Cernohous said. "It felt like the perfect bridge between being a person who fermented everything. And really where most people needed to be in relation to food, vitality & wellness."

Internist and nutrition expert Dr. Wolf Funfack is the founder of the program. He developed the Metabolic Balance system with Sylvia Bürkle, who is a graduate Engineer of Nutrition and Food Technology. Their company, Metabolic Balance GmbH & Co. KG was established in 2002 in Isen, Germany.

Cernohous explains that the plan is pretty new to the United States. She says it is based on a person's lab values, healthy history, and health goals. The plan basically treats food as a medicine for the body.

Committing To The Program

"We have to be strict with the foods in the plan. In Germany, they will not create the plan for the person if there are too many stipulations. There's a limit to how many things we can restrict," explains Cernohous.

What's amazing is that even with calorie restriction, we can still have weight issues. Because it's what the calorie is made of. There are so many factors to consider. Plus, we're exposed everyday to toxins like estrogen-disrupting chemicals. So our bodies are in effect, fighting to detox. We're not increasing our nutrient load to compensate for the toxic environment that we're living in.

"My patients step into a completely different frame on mind. Instead of just focusing on their weight, the goal now is, 'How to continue to make myself feel better'", said Cernohous.

She further explains, "Every body's optimized weight is completely different. My interest is helping people be the best person for themselves. That's an evolution that comes as we unearth these patterns of cellular information."

The LAPIS Method to Eliminating Cellular Inflammation

Initial Phase

I personally love the idea of mono-diet cleansing as the initial phase. It is nourishing and gentle on the body.  It is a neutral blood sugar diet.  Basically, it's a nice balance.

Phase Two

After the first phase next is the Modified Phase 2. Modified Phase 2 is when you are working with the foods that have been selected for you.  Cernohous was quick to add that in this 12-day portion, there is no added oil.

Cernohous says that once the person is off the mono-diet, their palate is much more cleaned up. She says in the Western world, we created flavor enhancers for everything which are toxic for the brain like MSG. Hence, we are training the body to recognize the spectrum of real flavor.

"That also gives the body leaning on its fat reserves a bit for a longer burn on the nutrition that was consumed. That's a huge part of what we're doing," Cernohous said. "This is one of the eight and a half rules. From the completion of one meal to the next, you need to have a minimum five-hour break."

Now that completely shifts my mindset. I personally have done a lot of fasting and that is such a pain in the butt. Oftentimes, I feel dizzy and sick.

Cernohous' Metabolic Balance program is kicking on fast mode for short bursts. This way, it allows the body to use up all the nutrients you ate and dipping in the fat a little bit with each meal.

The more detox symptoms you are experiencing when you're detoxing, it means your liver was compromised more than it should. It signifies you have depleted your nutrient reserve.

Phase Three

After the Modified Phase 2, Cernohous' program incorporates oil back into the diet. But it's different for every person. The patient stays in the program until they're 6 or 7 pounds shy of what the goal weight is.

"Phase 3 incorporates other foods that were not in the plan. We also work with a weekly treat meal. It's new information to the body. It's good for the metabolism," says Cernohous.

Phase Four

Phase 4 on the other hand, is moving back into foods of everyday life. By this time, it is expected that there is body awareness towards the foods we eat. The body signals become very clear.

"We are setting the stage for that healthy biome to maintain a healthy weight. The aim is to respond to the message that the body is trying to deliver," said Cernohous.

I just know a lot of listeners are like me who want to try the LAPIS Method. My body will shed some weight for sure. But what I'm really excited about is getting a diverse gut biome. Because I now know so many health benefits that come with that.

This lifestyle gently cleanses and detoxes everyday. Hence, we need to have pro-active stance to combat our bodies being bombarded with toxins on a daily basis.

To sign up for the LAPIS method, click the link below along with other references:

Sarica Cernohous, L.Ac., MSTOM, BSBA is anationally-certified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Herbal Medicine, practicing Japanese-style acupuncture.

She also practices Japanese-style acupuncture and a coach for Metabolic Balance of Germany.  In addition to that, she serves on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Nutrition Professionals.

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Book By Sarica Cernohous

The Funky Kitchen

Recommended Readings By Sarica Cernohous

The Art of Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz

The Web Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuk

The PRO-VITA! Plan by Dr. Jack Tips

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Ashley James

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Apr 26, 2017

Allan Bell: From Victim To Superhero

Alan Bell is the author of Poisoned. It tells how a prosecutor turned his medical mystery into a crusade for environmental victims.

I have a lot of guests who have stressed the negative effects of environmental toxins from chemicals to ordinary items such as make-up. People are getting sick and doctors are making them drink lots of medicines.

"I was a prosecutor in South Florida in the 80s. That time, they were filming 'Miami Vice' and I was there. Suddenly I came down with really bizarre medical symptoms. I started getting a sore throat, my eyes started burning me, my lungs started burning," Alan Bell said.

It progressed to the point where Alan Bell began feeling fatigue. Like flu that wouldn't go away. So he went to several doctors but they didn't know what was wrong.

It became worse and Alan Bell was experiencing seizures. He went to the Mayo Clinic, Cleaveland Clinic and National Jewish Hospital among others.

Finally one day, there was a physician at National Jewish Hospital in Colorado who told Bell he was poisoned based on blood test results. He flew back to South Florida and talked to his investigators and told them the doctors' findings. He instructed them to investigate what was causing his condition.

"I went to another doctor in South Florida who specialized in environmental health. He told me the building I was working in is making me sick. I didn't believe him at first but when my investigators came back with results, they affirmed what this Florida doctor said. That was my 'Ah-ha!' moment," recalls Alan Bell.

That doctor advised him to get out of South Florida and settle somewhere else far away. He referred Alan Bell to a support group that deals with people who are environmentally injured.

"Hence, they relocated me to an 800 square foot bubble in the middle of the Arizona desert. So along with my wife and daughter, we went to Arizona, to that bubble in the middle of nowhere," recalls Alan.

Inside the bubble was nothing. In addition to that, it was like a cold, steel cell. Consequently, Bell ended up in a wheelchair. And his health deteriorated. Soon, his wife couldn't handle the situation so she left and left their child with Alan.

"I fought to stay alive for the sake of my daughter. All I had in the bubble was a phone, fax, pencil and paper. Hence, I began to use those tools to talk to the top scientists on the planet," said Bell.

In my quest to regain health, Bell stumbled upon a Pandora's box. But he discovered that his plight was just the tip of the iceberg.

The scientists Bell talked to said all human disease and premature deaths, boils down to two common denominators:

1. The genes you were born with.
2. The environment that you are exposed to.

"More people get sick and die from environmental exposure than all those afflicted with AIDS, automobile accidents, war, and crime combined. This is the silent epidemic of the 20th century," Bell said.

In addition to that, Bell tried to look for charities looking into this so he could donate money to them. But there was nobody who was focusing on saving the humans.

"I spoke to health organizations. But they focused on their separate diseases. And they recognize that there is a huge environmental component to the separate disease that they look at. But none of them were focusing on how all of those diseases are inter-related to common environmental factors," said Bell.

The Environmental Health Foundation

"I started my own little charity inside my little bubble and called it The Environmental Health Foundation. At that time I was able to get the support of then Vice President Al Gore, Eugene Cernan (the last man to walk on the moon) as many more. In addition to that, we were able to raise money and donated it to research," shares Bell.

"Then I called this one doctor who did a brain scan on me. He found out I had brain injury due to the chemical exposures. So he put me on a new medicine at the time, which is an anti-seizure medicine."

Slowly but surely, Bell got well. It was amazing because, by that time, Bell was trapped in that bubble for 8 years. It took a while to be re-introduced to society.

Lawyers Jan Schlichtmann (the lawyer portrayed in the movie A Civil Action) and Ed Masry (the lawyer portrayed in the movie Erin Brokovich) worked with Bell to look into this environmental case.

Many victims were like me and Bell helped them. Bell was a victim, became a survivor, became a health advocate and legally helped other people. He has come full circle.

Bells says, "That's what prompted me to write this book called Poisoned. So I could share my personal journey with everybody else. To alert them that you could modify your lifestyle and prevent this from happening to yourself and your family."

Latest Statistics

The alarming environmental statistics should wake us up. We can't afford to anymore put our head in the sand and ignore that our children are dying of cancer due to exposure to pollutants. Some research shows there are toxins that have contaminated placenta blood of the baby. Our children are literally being born toxic.

Since 1950, more than 85,000 chemicals have been introduced into our environment. And few of them have been tested for their toxic effects on humans. We can't rely on our government to protect us and we can't rely on our doctors to cure us. It's up to you should protect yourself.

"The only reason why I got sick from it is because it was a brand new building. They merely re-circulated the old air to save energy costs. I was too sick to sue them. By the time I got better the statute of limitations (4 years) are gone," shares Bell.

But years later, when Bell walked into the building, he was fine. It was like a brand new car. The nice and new smell is toxic. But when a car is two years old, the smell dissipates. The toxins dissipate as well. Same thing with the building.

Bell says the difference between now and then is, now they require new buildings to have at least 10% fresh air coming into the building. When he got sick, there was no such law.

Lesson Learned

"My book teaches you to be smart on what to buy. You don't have to give up anything. If you want to figure out how to live longer and healthier, by this book," said Bell.

Alan Bell has devoted his life to helping victims who cannot fend for themselves. Despite overwhelming odds, his personal misfortune has turned into a benefit for others.

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Book by Allan Bell


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Ashley James

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Apr 24, 2017

Life Purpose

Life purpose varies from every individual.  Yet we often don’t realize our life purpose because we are too absorbed in other things.

We could be eating right, exercising and eating supplements. But if we’re not plugging into our spiritual health or not finding out our purpose is in life it is useless. What’s the point in life if we’re not living our path?

Leigh Martinuzzi had an amazing journey before he settled in Japan. Hence, he left a corporate life to help people find their life purpose.

“I lived in Japan 10 years ago when I was single and no kids. Two Christmases ago, we thought of going on to explore Japan because I had connections here. It was an easy decision and we moved to Japan within a few months,” said Martinuzzi.

Comfortably adjusted by now, he has no regrets. “Consequently, we’re living the life.  And I love the experience and adventure.  Just to have the ability to do allows me to grow. Since we also wanted the kids to grow up in a new culture,” shares Martinuzzi.

Martinuzzi realized a corporate life was not for him.

“I felt that disconnect and I was introduced to a podcast. First of all, outside work, I was doing things that didn’t add value to my life. Therefore, I brought back writing back into my life,” Martinuzzi said.

He then realized his life purpose. Hence, he has his own podcast to share what he has learned to help other people do the same.

Finding Your Life Purpose: The Hidden Why

Martinuzzi says if we don’t express ourselves and really let out what we’re learning, we miss out on a big part of life.  Furthermore, expression is one of the keys to great meaning. 

And it makes so much sense. Just recently, Easter just happened and my friend invited me to her church service. It was totally out of my norm because I was raised Anglican. Because I wasn’t used to a liberal and uplifting service.  Yet the minister said something that hit me hard.

He was talking about redemption. He said if there’s something you really don’t want, like being homeless or depressed, take that as your purpose to help people in that situation you don’t want to be in. I was thinking about charities for children after that. Most noteworthy, I felt a calling.

This is the perfect question to ask ourselves—What is it that I hate to suffer from? How can I help others not suffer from it?

“There are elements from the past that can help us figure out what life purpose is. For me, I realized in my past that the condition state of our lives, we become detached from our life purpose,” Matinuzzi shares.

We have a sense of disconnect since we’re conditioned to fit a mold that helps us to fit into society.

Life Compass

Martinuzzi this is our navigational tool to help figure out what our life purpose is. These elements are:

  1. Dreams and passions
  2. Skills and talents
  3. Core values
  4. Needs and desires

Our problems are usually because we are guided by the externals of life rather by being guided within. And that’s where the suffering is usually arising from.

“Once I started to climb my own journey in life, I started to evolve my ‘what’ to my ‘why’ more deeply. In finding that I found my happiness and still working on it,” Martinuzzi said.

Lessons by Interviewing People 

Martinuzzi also suggests these steps to help you figure out what is most important to you. 

  1. Connecting to the why and becoming your own leader in life.
  2. Awareness helps bring balance. Be more present in each moment. Meditation is helpful.
  3. You have to do the work that is important to you. Be persistent in that. 

Martinuzzi’s life compass is correct. I started this journey to find it myself when I started doing this Learn True Health podcast.

One thing that really inspired me is Health Coaches. Health Coaches have the amazing ability to impact someone’s life.

The old paradigm is to see a doctor when you are sick. Yet Health Coaches, on the other hand, can sit with you on a regular basis.  Especially relevant is they help their clients to gain balance in holistic health.

Reality Behind The Statistics

Recent statistics report that children born in this generation have a lower life expectancy rate.  It’s scary thinking that we would outlive our children. One in three people has blood sugar issues. In addition to that, one in two men or women in their lifetime will experience cancer.

These statistics need to be stopped. If you’re the type of person who knows you could benefit from it, I highly recommend getting a Health Coach.

Becoming A Health Coach

I am training to be a certified Health Coach in 6 months. I am absolutely loving this program. The Insitute for Integrated for Nutrition was started over 25 years ago by Joshua Rosenthal. I was able to interview him and you may listen to our podcast episode # 106 – “How This Man Is Shaping Holistic Health

Ask yourself that question.  Consequently, Martinuzzi says most of the time it doesn’t. He says suffering only happens to what is real. Once you’re aware of that, you can start to remove the unnecessary things in our lives.

“Only conscious, living things can have that suffering. Example, money can’t cause us suffering unless we let it. Questioning what really matters allows you to focus on things that really matter to you,” said Martinuzzi.

Most of my listeners’ big concern is not having time to eat right because they don’t have time to do so.

“The jobs are not going to suffer whether you’re there or not. What is going to suffer is you,” explains Martinuzzi. “That’s the challenge we have to face. Our survival is really up to ourselves.”

Furthermore, he says we are now more prone to suicide and overeating. Three million people are at risk of dying due to obesity. Compared to one million people dying from starvation. That really puts things in perspective.

Sometimes we get caught up in our belief system. But we don’t have to let our thoughts control us. A good source of reading is Hacking the Universe by Forrest Knutson.

“I personally liked the book 10% Happier by Dan Harris. He is so direct and honest. It really showed the truth and the journey he had into meditation,” said Martinuzzi.

Finally, we should take time everyday to look within and calm our mind. Life purpose can only be realized if we free our mind of external things that don’t really matter.

Leigh Martinuzzi is The Hidden Why Guy. He’s an expert in lifestyle design. He helps people go from living a life they hate to living a life they love. He assists people via speaking, coaching, writing and podcasting.

 Get connected with Leigh Martinuzzi!

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Recommended Readings by Leigh Martinuzzi

Hacking The Universe by Forrest Knutson

10% Happier by Dan Harris



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4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

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Ashley James

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Apr 21, 2017

Healing Emotional Eating

How to stop emotional eating? Health issues arise if we don't overcome this disorder. Emotional eating is actually overeating due to negative emotions. 

Hello, True Health Seekers! One thing we're not talking about today is food. Rather, we're going to talk about healing beyond food.

Personally, I feel like my audience is a lot like me. We've tried everything. We've been on every diet, whether it be soy free or vegan. For some of us, we swung from one side of the spectrum to the other when it comes to diet and emotional eating. And yet we still can't find the missing pieces to healing.

This is where we really need to go within and see what's going on. To discover if there are some components that have nothing to do with food and that can heal my body.

Holistic Nutrition Expert and Transformation Coach, Shana Ekedal is an educator and a trailblazer in the area of mind, body, and spirit wellness. At the tender age of 10, her parents divorced. She started emotional eating, basically having an unhealthy lifestyle.

"The real wake-up call happened when I was diagnosed with skin cancer on the bridge of my nose," says Ekedal. "Oftentimes we don't realize things until we have a physical ailment going on."

Ekedal eventually started the road to healing. She did a self-evaluation which questioned why she was abusing her body with emotional eating.

Taking The First Step

"Most of the time, we want to know what the end result is. It really made me trust in making the first step and then more will reveal itself," she shares.

I totally agree with Ekedal. We just have to be open to the guidance and opportunity that is coming our way. We should set our minds to eat better. If we do, it consequently becomes this gateway where all these other things are opening up. Some gateways to healing our body are yoga, meditation, cycling class, going vegan and many more.

Ekedal's journey to healing took her seven years.  This was because she tried a lot of things that didn't work. Or the stuff that wasn't working were the stuff she didn't need. Eventually, she resolved to help others as well.

I believe that when you're a healer, you're like a sales manager. You end up doing what you love doing which is helping people. When you think about, say for example---real estate, that is a huge transition in someone else's life.

According to Ekedal, different people are built different ways---genetically, mentally and emotionally. The reason why you eat has nothing to do with food.

"I'm personalized with the people I work with," says Ekedal. "People should have coaches or healers because these people guide them to the things they don't see. Those are our blocks. When we can't see it, we can't do anything about it."

Family and Friends Vs. Coaches

It is good to have family and friends around to help us. But they have a bias or an agenda. We need to have someone in our life who is just our advocate.

They're just there for you to help you be that mirror so you can gain clarity. Only then can you can make the decision and empower yourself to make the best decisions for you.

That's why I love coaches. Because they are there for you yet they don't have an agenda. In addition to that, they got a lot of tools to help you succeed.

Ekedal says there are ties in family--energetic ties. And there are patterns in family systems that run generations like alcoholism or substance abuse.

She says we are a soul born into a body that comes into a family system and we need to survive. Furthermore, we look around and say, 'how do we survive this environment?'.  Only then do we start integrating what the rules are.

"Sometimes, who you are as a person at the deepest level is not at resonance with the people that raised you. Like a scientist born in a family of artists," says Ekedal. "It can be difficult for people to be validated, accepted and loved in that system that questions what we like."

And it does make sense.  It's like being rejected from the tribe is synonymous to death. Ekedal also says there's a world of infinite possibilities. In that world, you can be who you are and still be loved and accepted in your family. Furthermore, you can learn to communicate in a way that's very effective.

Digging Deeper Into Emotional Eating

"Emotion is energy. It needs to move. We're born to cry when we feel sad. We grow up learning to store emotion. We start choosing when we can feel things," says Ekedal.

"Over our lifetime we store this emotion about stuff that happened. And instead of feeling that, we eat, drink or become an addict over something. We do all these behaviors to not feel this stuff."

Ekedal developed methods so people don't have to re-experience the pain. She says that energy needs to be released. Her methods enable you to be free not be at the mercy of cravings. She stresses that we don't realize the factors that are driving us to the food.

Techniques to Address Emotional Healing

  1. Be aware

- Jot things down. Those things are the golden nuggets on how your personality was built

  1. See if there are themes

- Examples are loss of life, betrayal, negative thinking or low self-esteem. It's about taking radical responsibility for who you are.

When we give away our power or blame others, we're left with no power to change our life. When we create a belief system, we look for evidence to prove we're right.

Positive Outlook

A positive outlook is truly a powerful healing method that you should not take for granted. Ekedal agrees by saying we should learn to de-escalate situations instead of being reactive.  So smile, take a deep breath and tell your loved ones that you love them no matter what.

Ekedal is the host of Be Well Live, a live interactive online show featuring thought leaders in the health, wellness, and personal development space. She has been published in the Journal of Nonverbal Communication and is a featured contributor for Awareness Magazine.

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Recommended Reading By Shana Ekedal

Daring Greatly - Brene Brown

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Ashley James

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Apr 17, 2017

What is Vitamix?

Vitamix makes healthy eating easy and fun.  Lenny Gale explains in detail how to use this blender to ease into a plant-based diet that sticks.

A few years ago, I had a lot of health issues. My hormones were out of balance. Because of that, I was always catching colds and my blood sugar was out of control. I had no energy and as a result, I felt tired all the time.  In addition to that, coping with brain fog, regular headaches, and insomnia, I was consequently miserable.

Finally, after a few years of searching, I found it. Natural medicine turned me on to supplements. Hence, taking supplements is so important to the integrity of our body. Furthermore, I found out that we need 90 essential nutrients every day. To support 37.2 trillion body cells, we need 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, 2 fatty acids and 60 minerals.

During my healthy journey, I also learned about foods to avoid for better health. As a result, I started to eat more fruit and vegetables the way God intended us to.  The more I did, the more I didn't want junk food.

Discovering Vitamix

First of all, I have this love-hate relationship with every blender my entire life. Yet I feel it's sacrilegious to call it Vitamix than a blender because it's so much more than that.

When I was growing up in the 80s and 90s, we had the original model at home. I was probably about 10 years old making piping hot soups within five minutes which was cool. Even kids can operate a Vitamix, therefore making eating nutritious food more fun.

Life Is Noyoke

In my search for an updated model, I chanced upon Lenny Gale's Life is Noyoke website. The site is packed with wonderful recipes. Most noteworthy is that it also has a truckload of tips on changing how we eat.

Life is NOYOKE (pronounced "no-YOLK") is the online home for Vitamix affiliate, Lenny Gale. With wife Shalva, they maintain a Vitamix guide in addition to publishing a weekly vegan Vitamix recipe.  They also and handwrite a weekly newsletter.

"This is what we do. We make recipes, improve and get feedback from people. Honing what we do best means putting plants in our Vitamix to make awesome things," Gale proudly says.

Healthy Recipes Using Vitamix

I noticed that when I started eating whole foods, I had more energy. I was less hungry and furthermore, my cravings went away. It was definitely a shift. Back then, being so sick was my norm. Yet when I started eating healthy, my body finally woke up. In addition to that, I also learned to love experimenting with recipes.

The blender truly enables you to make several kinds of healthy meals any time of the day. From the hot soups, smoothie bowls and green juices, you can also blend delicious dips.

"A daily blend can really make life so much easier. Knock out one of your two or three meals a day and save money," says Gale.

Signature Recipe: Cashew Queso

Once you start using this blender, our taste buds and cravings consequently change. Hence, I love using Vitamix since it's such an easy guideline to quickly getting good food.

The Cashew Queso is by far the most popular recipe and easy to make. It can be paired with chips or vegetables, pasta, tacos or used as a soup base. Best of all, it's dairy-free.


Almond milk - 240 ml (1 cup)

Nutritional yeast - 60 ml (1/4 cup)

Raw almonds - 120 ml (1/2 cup)

Raw cashews - 120 ml (1/2 cup)

Red bell pepper - 1 whole, de-seeded obviously

Kosher salt - 10 ml (2 tsp)

Garlic powder - 3 ml (1/2 tsp) (couple cloves fresh garlic would work)

Onion powder - 10 ml (2 tsp) (or 1/2 onion, sautéed)

Crushed red pepper - a few shakes (to taste)


  1. Add liquid ingredients to your Vitamix.
  2. Then add rest of ingredients.
  3. Start blender on low, ramp to high.
  4. Blend on high for 6 minutes (or use preprogrammed 'Soup' setting).
  5. Serve.

Types Of Vitamix

Especially relevant is the fact that Vitamix has an extensive series of assorted models.

  1. Legacy Series - the C and G-Series has classic styles with control options and varied container sizes.
  2. Personal Series - meant for single and double servings, this is the perfect size for small meal portions.
  3. Ascent Series

Ebook: The Perfect Mix

"It's not a recipe book. It provides a 3-step process for easing in into a plant-based lifestyle. With the help of Vitamix," clarifies Gale. "How do we break down that barrier? How do we get through that? That's what we go through in this book."

Gale further explains that The Perfect Mix is not something that you have to invest in. "It was written for you to sit down and be done with it in under an hour. It's like having a conversation with me. "

Normally sold for $2.99 on Amazon, the ebook will be given free this week until Friday, April 21st, 2017.

Lenny Gale left a promising career in corporate financial consulting and the CPA license he worked so hard to get to start Life is NOYOKE in 2012. Today, he is in charge of all things Vitamix, including maintaining the Vitamix buyer's guide. His favorite foods are green olives, falafel, and scotch.

Get Connected With Lenny Gale!

Official Website 



Book by Lenny Gale:

The Perfect Mix: How To Use A Vitamix To Ease Into A Plant-Based Diet (That Sticks)

Recommended Readings By Lenny Gale:

The China Study By Thomas Campbell

Switch By Chip Heath and Dan Heath


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Apr 15, 2017

Hashimoto's Disease Is The Root Cause Of Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto's Disease is the number one cause of an underactive thyroid.  According to Dr. Izabella Wentz, it accounts for 90%- 97% of cases of hypothyroidism.

Hashimoto's Disease is known as an autoimmune condition in which the body's immune system is attacking the thyroid. As a result, inflammation from Hashimoto's disease leads to hypothyroidism. Hence, treatment of Hashimoto's disease with thyroid hormone replacement is simple and effective.

Izabella's Story

First of all, a diagnosis doesn't actually uncover the root cause. Holistic medicine rather points you in the direction where you could begin to learn. Consequently, the term second opinion should really be just getting opinions so you finally get some traction.

Dr. Wentz narrates, "I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's during a routine physical at age 27. I was trained about the pathophysiology of diseases, as well therapeutic treatments. Our professors always stressed lifestyle interventions."

"Thus, I was confused, as there were no mainstream lifestyle interventions for Hashimoto's or any autoimmune conditions.," says Dr. Wentz. "It seemed unnatural to me to do nothing as a part of my body was being destroyed."

Therefore, this is why I love Naturopaths. Yet with a medical doctor, you can't spend the detailed time with them. It's just the way the system is set up. Whereas with Naturopaths, they really spend time with you and get to the root cause.

Symptoms of Hashimoto's Disease

Mayo Clinic, a non-profit health organization, lists the following symptoms:

  1. Fatigue and sluggishness
  2. Increased sensitivity to cold
  3. Constipation
  4. Pale, dry skin
  5. A puffy face
  6. Brittle nails
  7. Hair loss
  8. Enlargement of the tongue
  9. Unexplained weight gain
  10. Muscle aches, tenderness, and stiffness
  11. Joint pain and stiffness
  12. Muscle weakness
  13. Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)
  14. Depression
  15. Memory lapses

According to Mayo Clinic, these are some health problems of untreated hypothyroidism:

  1. Goiter - Constant stimulation of the thyroid cause the gland to become enlarged. As a result, a large goiter affects appearance. Furthermore, it interferes with swallowing or breathing.
  2. Heart problems - Increased risk of heart disease is associated with Hashimoto's disease. Hence, high levels of "bad" cholesterol result in an enlarged heart and heart failure.
  3. Mental health issues - Depression, as a result, becomes more severe over time. Furthermore, sexual libido in both men and women decreases.
  4. Myxedema - Especially relevant signs and symptoms include drowsiness. In addition to that, profound lethargy and unconsciousness are evident.
  5. Birth defects - Consequently, babies born to women with untreated hypothyroidism have a higher risk of birth defects. These children, as a result, deal intellectual and developmental problems.

Thyroid Health Root Cause and Healing Protocol

Through my own health journey, I learned about the negative effects of gluten. Gluten causes leaky gut. As a result, leaky gut stimulates the immune system to create an autoimmune response. Yet not everyone will have this condition. Consequently, everything has to be aligned to create that.

In a survey Dr. Wentz conducted, 88% of people who attempted to go gluten-free consequently felt better. In addition to that, 79% felt better due to a dairy-free diet. Soy, on the other hand, is linked to the development of autoimmune thyroiditis.

Hence, it is not surprising to find out Dr. Wentz also went gluten-free. As a result, Dr. Wentz lists three definitive steps to jumpstart the road to recovery:

  1. Reduce stress levels - Autoimmune conditions are linked to stress. Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to relax and get plenty of rest. Furthermore, when we are in rest and digest mode, it promotes healing.
  2. Balance blood sugar - First of all, avoid carbohydrates.  Eat a lot of healthy fats, protein, and vegetables instead. Sugar swings result in the weakening of adrenals and cause a spike in thyroid antibodies.
  3. Go gluten, dairy and soy free - Consequently removing them from your diet help reduce symptoms and the autoimmune attack.

Other Ways of Intervention

"First of all, when you're not properly digesting your food, you're going to be more tired. Because your body's main function is to digest food. That's when I started taking digestive enzymes," reveals Dr. Wentz.

Hence, she suggests the following to help address Hashimoto's Disease:

  1. Selenium supplement; 200 mcg per day
  2. Betaine with pepsin supplement
  3. Adding NAC 1800 mg enzymes with food
  4. Adding Wobenzym with food
  5. Supporting the adrenals and liver by incorporating healing foods

In addition to that, Dr. Wentz recommends removing toxic products from home. Most noteworthy is identifying Flouride as a big thyroid toxin, found in our water supply and toothpaste.  Furthermore, Dr. Wentz suggests using glass containers or mason jars since plastics are harmful.

Long-Term Advocacy

In conclusion, Dr. Wentz is committed to raising awareness. The Thyroid Secret Documentary Series and Hashimoto’s Institute Practitioner Training is offered to patients and healthcare professionals. Furthermore, Dr. Wentz offers international consulting and speaking services.

"We have to be the change we want to happen," says Dr. Wentz. "I want to change how thyroid disorders are treated. Furthermore, I believe every thyroid patient should have access to proper diagnosis. Appropriate medication management and education about lifestyle interventions is also necessary."

Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP is an internationally acclaimed thyroid specialist and licensed pharmacist. She dedicated her career to addressing the root causes of autoimmune thyroid disease. This after being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in 2009.

Her book, Hashimoto’s The Root Cause is a New York Times bestselling patient guide. Furthermore, her recently released Hashimoto’s Protocol is  #1 NY Times bestselling protocol-based book as well.

Get Connected With Dr. Izabella Wentz!

Official Website


Books by Dr. Izabella Wentz!

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause

Hashimoto's Protocol


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Apr 13, 2017

Healing Foods

LAPIS Method:


Cooking healthy helps optimize our weight. Pre-digestion Specialist Sarica Cernohous teaches us how cooking Healing Foods is actually fun, easy and flavorful.

How our Food Choices Evolved

I love traditional, holistic medicine. There is a medicine that we have been using for thousands of years. In the last 150 years, we turned away from nature to use chemical compounds.

Nature will help you survive. We completely forgot that it's food that nourishes us. Food is what feeds every cell in our body.  Hence, we should learn the art of cooking healthy.

Consequently, whatever we eat does have its consequences. One in four women gets cancer while one in three people are pre-diabetic. An alarming statistics is that fact that one in sixty-eight children are born with autism. Whereas 30 years ago, it was one in ten thousand.

Cooking Healthy To Maximize Nutrition

I have learned so much from Sarica Cernohous. Her years practicing holistic medicine, helped people shift and start cooking healthy. As a result, this maximizes the nutrition they are getting out of their food. In addition to that, it also boosts all the health benefits from just cooking right.

"One of the hats I wear is the foundation of my thinking. Because it is related to my practice of traditional Chinese medicine. That's like a 5,000-year old pursuit," says Cernohous.

Cernohous further explains, "When I first learned the theory of this medicine, I felt that it was a language that I had lost. It was such a common and reasonable yet sublime and powerful way of looking at the world. Hence, that has really infused in everything that I do."

The Funky Kitchen

If you're struggling with weight issues, there's a link between gut and healthy bacteria.  Especially relevant is that healthy bacteria in your gut helps maintain weight. Cernohous' course teaches you how to do this. Furthermore, the six-week course educates you on how to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria by cooking healthy. This is also based off her book with the same title.

"First of all, I began studying how the foods of our ancestors were prepared. It is not just about bringing healthy foods into your diet. These healing foods should be prepared in a manner to extract their maximum nutrition. Hence, the Funky Kitchen was born."

A distinct factor of Cernohous' course is how to the proper preparation and benefits of fermenting foods.  She also advises to properly space out the times of your meals, preferably every five hours.  This is to give your body time to break down the nutrients.

"Fermentation allows us to take a large molecule. And through the activity, it leaves out these more macro-components into their more micro-pieces," explains Cernohous. "It takes this big, obnoxious gluten protein molecule. Finally, through the enzymatic activity of fermentation, that is cleaved out to smaller amino acids."

Cernohous also adds, "This creative design of life vitality wants to just express itself. It doesn't take a whole lot to begin to shift things. But it does require a commitment to doing it."

These are the modules covered by the course:

Week 1: Sourcing, Tools, and Overview

  1. Identifying the best tools for the kitchen
  2. Guidance on top-notch resources for the ingredients you’ll need
  3. An overview of some of the concepts and practices we’ll be covering in the weeks to come

Week 2: Culturing and Fermentation Basics with Water Kefir and Yogurt

  1. Discover the #1 thing that has been missing from the foods you’re eating
  2. Go beyond the basics and learn how pre-digestion works to relieve strain on your digestive track
  3. How to make culturing and fermenting easy, safe, and affordable

Week 3: Fermenting Veggies

  1. Short-ferment and long-ferment recipes with safe techniques to get the maximum nutrition with the minimum fuss
  2. How to integrate fermentation into your diet if you have health issues with your thyroid
  3. Easy ways to use the ingredients, spices, and herbs, as well as using the foods available

Week 4: Nourishing Broths

  1. Discover the power of long-extracted broths to boost your health and vitality. Vegetarian recipes are also available
  2. Easy broth recipes
  3. How to extract deeply-held amino acids and collagen and put them into a delicious broth

Week 5: Soaking, Fermenting and Dehydrating Nuts and Seeds

  1. Delicious preparation of  nuts and seeds
  2. The best preparation methods to eliminate the parts of nuts and seeds you don’t want to eat
  3. Easy long-term storage solutions with delicious serving ideas

Week 6: Proper Preparation of Legumes and Grains

  1. This information is transformational even if you’re eliminating gluten-bearing grains from your diet. And if you are a vegetarian, this module is KEY to your healthy experience with nutrition
  2. How to properly remove anti-nutrients and how you process the grains can start to break down gluten
  3. The best ways to make the difficult-to-digest components of these foods easier to digest and put to use in your body so you get the maximum health benefit

"Another thing is that grains when prepared properly, can give you a nice hold between meals. Protein is the most important in terms of what it does for the body. It's also the most challenging to put to use. Hence, keep it to one protein per meal," advises Cernohous.

LAPIS Lifestyle Method

This program, on the other hand, focuses on the relation between weight loss and food. This is a compilation of the best aspects of her practical and clinical experience.

Especially relevant is that it is a metabolic and lifestyle restructuring for her clients.  It is basically a roadmap for living a balanced, joyful lifestyle.

"This is my free webinar where I discuss why weight loss is such a struggle.  I discuss why keeping it off for the long haul is equally hard.  Finally, I suggest how real, whole foods can be the final answer to your struggles," says Cernohous.

Main points of the training include:

  1. Why the usual approaches to weight loss have been such failures
  2. Why modern approaches to weight loss make it nearly impossible to keep the weight off for the long haul
  3. How to balance metabolism in 8 steps

Cernohous shares, "The diversity is such an important thing. Consequently, that comes by eating a diverse diet. But eat a diet that is nutrient dense. But what I see people doing is they think nutrient dense also means 'complex'. That is not the case at all."

I believe weight loss should be a by-product of the healthiest living possible.  Cernohous agrees, "And that is why I don't call it weight loss. I call it weight optimization. I'm not here to make everybody skinny. I just want you to be the best version of you."

Sarica Cernohous, L.Ac., MSTOM, BSBA is a nationally-certified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Herbal Medicine, practicing Japanese-style acupuncture.

She also practices Japanese-style acupuncture and a coach for Metabolic Balance of Germany.  In addition to that, she serves on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Nutrition Professionals.

Get Connected With Sarica Cernohous!

Official Website

Lapis Method 

Funky Kitchen

Naturally Living Today on Facebook

The Funky Kitchen With Sarica on Facebook


Book By Sarica Cernohous

The Funky Kitchen

Recommended Readings By Sarica Cernohous

The Art of Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz

The Web Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuk

The PRO-VITA! Plan by Dr. Jack Tips

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Apr 7, 2017

The Underlying Cause of Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating is common especially when you are stressed.  However, most people do not realize this leads to very serious health disorders.

American Psychological Association (APA) reports that majority of American adults are overweight or obese. Hence, the risk for Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease is increased. Furthermore, the research reveals a connection between stress and emotional eating.

Bodies store more fat than when people are stressed.  In addition to that, cravings are usually for sweet and fatty foods.  As a result, people feel lazy or sluggish.

Thirty-eight percent of adults say they have overeaten or eaten unhealthy foods in the past month because of stress. Half of these adults report engaging in these behaviors weekly or more.

Thirty-three percent of adults blame it on stress while twenty-seven percent say they eat to manage stress. On the other hand, thirty-four percent say this behavior is a habit.

Causes of Emotional Eating

Tricia Nelson, an emotional eating expert says, "Emotional eating is not only about overeating. It has a lot to do with the food you're drawn do as well."  She adds, " People know what excess food is doing to them. Unfortunately, people don't think about what it's doing for them."

Doctors have identified that some common causes of emotional eating are:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Childhood Obesity
  3. Depression
  4. Fatigue

"People think emotional eating is about food and weight. But the emotional part has everything to do with it. We eat because we get stressed out. We get to that tipping point where we just can't take it anymore. And we reach for food," Nelson explains. "That tipping point happens when we're filled with so much stress and anxiety that we bust out basically." 

Tricia's Story

Tricia Nelson has been battling emotional eating since her early 20s. After years of experimentation with 12-step programs, therapy, and self-help books, Tricia finally hit a spiritual and emotional bottom. None of the diets seemed to work for her.

"I've been an emotional eater my entire life. Basically, I love food. Sugar, fat, and starch. Those were my food groups," says Nelson. "I ended up going to therapy."

Tricia attended Amherst College and began her career working at the Seattle Art Museum. While in Seattle she began working with a spiritual healer, Roy Nelson who would later become her husband. Roy helped her recognize and heal the root causes of her addictions.

By creating a positive lifestyle, Tricia was able to stop drinking and emotional eating. She has maintained a fifty-pound weight loss for close to 30 years now.

Ways to Curb Emotional Eating

When you look at holistic medicine, true health is emotional, mental and spiritual. If you have an imbalance in one you have an imbalance in all because it's all inter-connected.

WebMD comprises a team of medical doctors specializing in various fields.  Here are some of their recommendations to help you get your mind off emotional eating:

  1. Talk to a friend.
  2. Read a book or magazine, or listen to music.
  3. Go for a walk or jog.
  4. Meditate or do deep breathing exercises.
  5. Play a game.
  6. Do housework, laundry, or yard work.
  7. Write an email.

Doctors also suggest keeping a food diary. It is a good idea to jot down your food intake and the time of your meal. You can also add the thoughts or emotions you have at each meal or snack. You may find patterns. For instance, you might notice that you eat for social reasons, such as when other people encourage you to eat or to fit in with a group.

You may also want to work with a counselor in "talk therapy." It's a good place to plan other ways to handle your emotions and how you relate to food.

Heal Your Hunger: 7 Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now

Tricia's book is set to come out this April.  It will be available through, Goodreads, Booksamillion and other fine retailers.

"I caught the emotional eating personality. In the book, there's a chapter on the anatomy of an emotional eater. What is does is it explains a whole lot about personality traits that make up the emotional eater personality composite," Nelson explains.

Nelson also says emotional eaters are a breed of their own, "Not all people are equal. And that's why I have the emotional eating quiz because there's a spectrum. Personally, I think we're all in the spectrum. We're all emotional eaters."

"Food is too tantalizing. Everybody falls prey into it. It's just a matter of where you fall in the spectrum of severity and severity of consequences," Nelson says. "When you really do have the problem and you've been trying different things to overcome it, it's important to know that, if the things you tried haven't worked, it's because you're missing a vital information about the emotional eating personality."

In the book, Tricia shares specific steps to help you get to the heart of why you overeat and how to stop. By identifying the underlying causes of emotional eating, Nelson says you can finally understand and heal your hunger.  Eventually, this will enable you to enjoy a life of total health and freedom.

For added reading, her husband Roy also has a book called Love Notes from Heal.  The book is about addictions and the addictive personality.

Tricia Nelson is an internationally acclaimed author, transformational speaker, and emotional eating expert. She has been featured on dozens of radio and television networks, including FOX, NBC, CBS, KTLA, and Discovery Health. 

Together with husband Roy, they spent the past three decades studying the addictive personality. Nelson shares her findings in workshops and retreats both in person and online. Many doctors, psychologists, and other health practitioners benefit from her insight about what drives people to overeat and how to stop.

Get connected with Tricia Nelson!

Official Website



Book by Tricia Nelson

Heal Your Hunger: 7 Simple Steps To End Emotional Eating Now

Recommended Reading by Tricia Nelson

Love Notes From Hell by Roy Nelson


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Apr 5, 2017

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue is usually a result of stress or lack of sleep.  However, nutritional deficiency is actually the main cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

In A Nutshell

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports more than one million Americans have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. America's watchdog on health security reveals Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects people of all ages. According to CDC, the illness has a higher risk factor than multiple sclerosis, lupus and several types of cancers.

Dr. Lewis is a staunch advocate for proper nutrition and optimal health.  Hence, he is likewise appalled with the current statistics of Americans struggling with health problems.

"We give about four times more medications than other nations on earth. We give more diagnostic tests and more surgeries. But America is dead last in overall health according to the World Health Organization and The Commonwealth Fund," he says.

Common Causes of Chronic Fatigue

  1. Stress
  2. Viral Infections
  3. Hormonal imbalances
  4. Genes

Other Causes of Chronic Fatigue

Dr. Lewis shares current studies from medical journals have reported other causes of the illness.  The Journal of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine and American Journal of Industrial Medicine cites the following:

  1. Organophosphates in pesticides
  2. Formaldehyde
  3. MSG
  4. High fructose corn syrup
  5. Cleaning agents

Consistent Bowel Movements

Dr. Lewis further reveals having slow bowel movements likewise cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  The nutrients in one's diet will cause gastrointestinal disturbance and acid reflex 95% of the time.  When one has gas, bloating or belching, it is a clear sign that food is not breaking down properly. Constipation may also lead to liver problems as well as develop various types of cancers.

His wife Janet, who is a Certified Natural Health Consultant explains,"The colon is getting bigger and bigger. All the toxic waste getting in there can't come through. All of that leeches out to all the organs in the body. Organs are not getting the nutrients that they need to be healthy."

You Are What You Eat

Supplements really changed my life about six years ago. I was struggling with my health my entire adult life.

"If you put the nutrient level in and everyday detoxify. Your body can work in ways that you forgot how good you could feel," affirms Dr. Lewis. "Food changed in the last thirty to fifty years. The average man's sperm count is down 50% in fifty years. Average little girls are developing their secondary sex characteristics many years before they should. That causes all kinds of ovarian and uterine problems and Chronic Fatigue overlaps."

The Truth About Gluten

My husband and I completely went organic about eight years ago. We cleaned up our diet, significantly decreasing gluten and dairy in our diet. I stopped getting sick from the throat and bronchial issues, chronic fatigue, and nutrient deficiency. My infections stopped happening and I added high-quality supplements.

Dr. Lewis likewise equates gluten to bad health, " There is four to forty times more gluten than there was just a few decades ago. Gluten messes with your gastrointestinal track. It leads to leaky gut syndrome, depression, anxiety, diabetes, thyroid issues, and infections."

Common Myths Around Nutrition And Supplements

There is so much of our belief system influencing our actions. Based on my personal experience, I woke up with more energy after just a few days of taking multi-mineral supplements.

I took Chromium, Vanadium, Aspartic acid and this whole complex which help regulate blood sugar. I no longer had hunger pangs every 45 minutes without side effects.  Taking metformin was also a thing of the past since it made me so sick.

"To have something different, you have to do something different. You have to go into the spiritual realm and create courage in order to get well," says Dr. Lewis.

Dr. Lewis further explains the three general types of supplements:

  1. Mediocre - supplements that do not give a new reality of feeling good
  2. Toxic supplements - supplements that do more harm than good
  3. Pharmaceutical grade - supplements that are really strong enough to give your body enough to work with

Effects of the Environment

How we live also dictates our overall well-being. The soil has depleted minerals because of our farming practices. A hundred years ago, we used to put ashes in the soil from our earth because we would cook with fire. Now we don't, so we fail to re-mineralize our soil.

In fact, there is a huge spike in chemicals that we are being exposed to during the last thirty years.  Despite that, we haven't increased the nutritional load to support the body in detoxifying those chemicals.

Dr. Lewis again stressed the importance of getting the sufficient nutrients for our body to cope. "We're so toxic, that you have to up the nutrient level. It does matter how good you eat. It does make a difference. Otherwise, you'll never have the nutrition it takes to detoxify your body from the environment."

Treatments for Chronic Fatigue

Dr. Lewis and wife Janet generally acquire the services of Labcorp and Quest for lab tests of their patients.  Among the most common tests for CFS diagnosis are tests for urinalysis, food allergy, and stool.

Eating organic products is not enough.  The couple usually recommends natural supplements to their patients.  They say 80 to 90% of all cancers are caused by poor diet and toxic environments. "Natural medicine takes a minimum of  3 months to start making changes. And then it takes one month to take effect for every year you had that problem," Janet clarifies.

They also suggest sufficient intake of the following:

  1. Amino acids
  2. Essential fatty acids like fish oil
  3. Magnesium

Other Steps To Improve Health

The couple also suggests using non-toxic chemicals as well as avoiding the storage of empty bottles in your house.  They explain that remnants of some products can contribute to bad health.

Dr. Lewis says getting help from family significantly helps one cope with an illness.  "I ask people to have joy in their eyes, love in their hearts and laughter on their lips and have a good day in spite of it all."

Dr. Lewis is the author of  "The Thyroid Sniper".  He is based in Texas with wife Janet who is a Certified Natural Health Consultant.  Together they run Doctor's Nutrition, offering medical lab services at affordable rates.

Get Connected with Dr. Stephen and Janet Lewis!

Doctors Nutrition




Book by Dr. Stephen Lewis

The Thyroid Sniper by Dr. Stephen Lewis

Recommended Reading by Dr. Stephen and Janet Lewis

Detoxify or Die by Sherry Rogers

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Ashley James

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