
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Jul 28, 2017


Finding The Root Cause of Diseases 

Resolve Underlying Issues That Make You Sick

When we acquire illnesses or diseases such as cancer, it's not all about our genes nor the food we eat. My guest Trina Hammack went through severe health issues which led her on a quest in finding the root cause of her illnesses. I can't wait to share her story with you. She's such a ball of energy!

Not many know that emotions play a big part in our healing. It is frustrating how Western medicine plays it down by masking our symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs. Because of this, Hammack made it her mission to empower people by using natural methods to heal.

Battle One: Lyme Disease

Hammack was living a blissful life in Big Sur until one day in 2003. Developing a rash after a mushroom harvesting activity with her son, Hammack initially thought that it was because of poison oak.

However, when the increasing symptoms went from bad to worse, it set off Hammack's alarm bells. The exhaustion gradually became consuming, and Hammack found herself often catching her breath. Trying to sleep likewise was an effort after she started having seizures.

What made it more frustrating for Hammack was that even doctors were clueless about her condition. After countless efforts to finding the root cause of her illness, the verdict finally came out---Hammack got Lyme disease in the brain.

The news came as a surprise to Hammack. How did she get the disease when she led an active lifestyle? Apparently, Lyme disease hides well in the body. Despite that, Hammack was determined to find a cure through natural methods since she already had reservations about conventional medicine.

Hammack's healing journey included homeopathy, biofeedback, as well as nutrition and detox protocols. Going down the path of Natural Medicine proved to be a good move since Hammack eventually got better.

Battle Two: Heavy Metals, Molds Poisoning, and Parasites

While Hammack seemed to have healed from Lyme disease, it was apparently too early to rejoice. She eventually found out she had an infected root canal and poisoned with heavy metals like mercury and lead.

In addition to that, Hammack was also mold-poisoned after she moved into her house that time. It got so bad because the micro-toxins were building up in her system. Apparently, clearing up molds turned out to be a regular job because the layers are deep.

To make it worse, Hammack, later on, learned that liver fluke parasites were feeding off the heavy metals that were poisoning her. She found it out through a quantum analysis process and hence, needed to do a liver fluke protocol.

Battle Three: Ovarian Cancer

One would think the worse is over, right? Wrong. In 2008, Hammack received the biggest blow --- she had ovarian cancer. She was understandably devastated and shocked. The avalanche of emotions was simply overwhelming!

Getting a grip on what is her biggest challenge, Hammack was determined to fight a different battle. This was after Hammack witnessed the futile chemotherapy treatment of her mother for breast cancer.

Understanding How Cancer Works

It's so easy to jump on the treatment wagon especially when it is something as serious as cancer. However, Hammack says, no matter how hard it may seem, we have to calm down to first clearly understand how cancer works.

"Trauma from early on is a trigger to cancer now. When you have trauma or shock, and you don't resolve it, you carry that in your brain until you resolve it," Hammack explains. "You'll see patterns play out in your life and your subconscious is getting you to address it."

Hammack further explains that after you 'let go,' that's when cancer shows up. And because while you are in that conflict, either one of two things is happening---you're breaking down tissue, or you're building mass.

Hope 4 Cancer

Turning instead to her friend Dr. Antonio Jimenez, Hammack sought remote treatment at Hope 4 Cancer. In this institute, Hammack worked on finding the root cause of her cancer and was eventually healed.

Looking back at her health journey, Hammack realized that we must not stop searching for answers. Consequently, digging deep for questions sheds light on the real reason why we get sick from illnesses like cancer or toxins.

"The more root factors you have, the bigger issue you can trip. When there is inflammation of the cell wall, it blunts the hormone and nutrition receptors," Hammack explains. "So you can't get the nutrition in, and you can't get the toxicity out."

The Seven Key Principles of Cancer Therapy

One may ask, what is so special about Hope 4 Cancer? Well, for one thing, they uphold the seven fundamental principles of cancer therapy which is a new approach to fighting the disease.

The fundamental principles cover the mind, body, or spirit that is affected by cancer. Furthermore, these principles are essential to allow the body to heal and recover from cancer.

According to the Hope 4 Cancer website, the seven key principles include:

1. Non-Toxic Cancer Therapies
2. Optimize Immune System
3. Full Spectrum Nutrition
4. Detoxify
5. Oxygenate
6. Eliminate Microbes
7. Spiritual and Emotional Integrity

Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy

Do you know that cancer and other illnesses can be healed with light and sound? It sounds crazy but it's true and it has been proven.

Hope 4 Cancer offers the Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy wherein sound and light were used to destroy Hammack's cancer cells. The institute claims it to be an effective therapy, with a 20 to 30% reduction in tumor size in a short span of eight to ten days of treatment.

The treatment has been proven more effective with Holistic nutrition practices and detoxification programs. This led Hammack to learn other types of health alternatives such as Germanic New Medicine, Homeopathy, Functional Nutrition, and emotional, physical as well as energetic components of healing.

Frequency Specific Micro-current Therapy

When Hammack started her journey in finding the root cause of her illnesses, she eventually learned how to work with frequencies' micro-currents. The Energy Medicine is actually not a new kind of treatment. In fact, the healing method was invented way back in the 1920s.

"I use a machine on my clients to take down the trauma and inflammation in the brain, as well as the nervous system in one session," said Hammack. "I can mix and match different frequencies with the conditions and problems, so it is also great for emotional stuff."

Cellular Detoxification

According to Hammack, her cellular detoxification program is likewise an effective treatment for clients who are looking into finding the root cause of their illness. A primary purpose of the program is to find ways of detoxing the cells.

Success Stories

Hammack recalls a female client in her 30s who is a mother of two and had a stressful job. Since the woman was not responding to chemotherapy, she sought out Hammack for treatment.

"Chemotherapy doesn't work 97% of the time, especially if there is an emotional trauma in the brain. The chemotherapy procedure stops the healing phase from finishing itself," explains Hammack.

Because she had breast and bone cancer, Hammack deemed it best to first work on the emotional aspect of healing. When treatment commenced on June 2014, the results were not immediate.

However, with continued energetic and emotional healing methods, things started looking up by September 2014. By December that same year, Hammack happily shared that the woman was finally cancer-free!

"Most people don't die from cancer itself. They die from an obstruction or from treatment," Hammack said.

Co-Relation Between Emotions And Healing

The late Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's Germanic New Medicine apparently found a co-relation between emotions and healing from illnesses. According to his study, trauma marks on the brain can be seen via a CT scan.

Hammack strongly affirms this fact. It turns out that her ovarian cancer was linked to a childhood trauma wherein she was taken away from her father at the age of 3. Since Hammack didn't see her father for 43 years, that signified a deep loss conflict.

"If you look at my brain scan, you can see my trauma marks. It represents a particular type of conflict," Hammack explains. "That type of conflict co-relates with a very specific organ. As for my ovarian cancer, it was because of a deep conflict."

Hammack says this concept applies to other health conditions as well. The following are some examples of conflicts which Hammack says are co-related:

Lungs - relates to a feeling of dying
Breast - relates to somebody taken away from you. This can also signify a home or work conflict.
Bone - relates to a deep self-devaluation about not being a good mother.
Liver - relates to survival conflict
Colon - relates to holding on to anger in the family.

Weight Loss And Healing

Hammack says weight loss likewise has an emotional component. Apparently, we put on weight as a protection for some kind of trauma.

When we start beating ourselves up for having extra weight on, we put on more weight. Putting on weight protects us not only from our original trauma but also from ourselves. Hence, that is why we get fat.

"A root factor of weight issues is also molds and micro toxins that your body can't filter out. It can be tricky to detect because it is invisible," said Hammack.

Hammack's Website

Hammack's website is so empowering! Hammack is aptly dubbed as the "Root Cause Warrior For Health." Leaving no stone unturned, Hammack teaches others how to reclaim their strength and vitality while making each step feel natural and effortless.

Hammack is also currently preparing to launch a new treatment program called Cancelling Cancer. The 2-part program first works on the with the physical toxic load and detox at the cellular level, while the second part works on the emotional aspects of healing.

Resolving Emotions For Healing

Lastly, for those who wish to try Hammack's method of healing, she suggests that you look at the emotions surrounding something in your life. As you write down the first emotion, follow it up with the next emotion.

Once you have completed your list, look at the set of emotions and think of what it reminds you of earlier in your life. This way, you can find patterns in what you need to resolve as well as identify its co-relation to a particular disease.

Trina Hammack CHC, FDN is an internationally sought after holistic Health and Wellness expert working with people who desperately want to reclaim their health and vitality. She shows them how to ditch the band aid approach and resolve their underlying Root Cause issues once and for all so they can look and feel terrific.

Having healed herself naturally from Lyme Disease and Ovarian Cancer, Trina understands how it feels to be faced with a serious diagnosis. Trina has made it her mission to spread the word on how to become empowered and heal using natural methods.

Her amazing story and teachings have been featured on The Truth About Cancer Docu series, The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit, The 21-Day Body/Mind Detox Summit and The Global Health and Healing Summit.

Get Connected With Trina Hammack!

Official Website

Recommended Reading by Trina Hammack

Enlightenment Comes In The Dark - Katherine Davies


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Jul 26, 2017

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Developing Real Immunity

It has been the norm for decades to have ourselves vaccinated, thinking this would protect us from diseases. But do vaccines do the job? Apparently, more and more studies show that vaccines do more harm than develop real immunity.   

To those who are seeking real immunity, well, today's your lucky day.  For today's episode, I'm having a repeat guest---Dr. Cilla Whatcott!   

For the listeners who weren't able to catch Dr. Cilla Whatcott on episode 137 here on Learn True Health, my guest is a staunch advocate of homeoprophylaxis. Homeoprophylaxis helps build real immunity to infections.  Most importantly, it is safe and efficient alternative compared to vaccines. 

The Truth About Vaccines  

Whatcott is set to launch her Real Immunity video documentary series in 2018. While it is currently still in production, I'm inviting everyone to watch "The Truth About Vaccine," by Ty Bollinger.  Like his other project, "The Truth About Cancer" video documentary series, the educational films are both available on my website.  

I find it so shocking that a significant majority remain clueless about the gravity of the controversy surrounding vaccines. Did you know a main ingredient of vaccines is using aborted babies? Yes, you read it right. Babies!   

And it doesn't stop there. Vaccines contain mercury, heavy metals, glyphosate and other harmful components.   

From what I heard, "The Truth About Vaccines," will be offered online for free. Hence, please do watch the series and share it with someone who you know could benefit from it.  

So is there real immunity using natural methods? The answer is a big YES! Furthermore, building immunity naturally does not cause disease.   

Dr. Cilla Whatcott's Mission  

"Mahatma Gandhi once said that the power elicited by fear is nowhere near as effective as the power elicited by love," said Whatcott.

Whatcott firmly states that her primary goal is to provide a wealth of knowledge to parents about vaccines. She likewise aims to educate more people about homeoprophylaxis in particular.

"This should be the mantra of all parents because, in Western medicine, fear drives us to take vaccines. And ultimately, our love for our children guides us in all the decisions that we make," Whatcott said.  

Effectiveness Of Homeoprophylaxis   

Homeoprophylaxis one form of immunity building. It is an integral part of developing real immunity naturally by at least 90%.   

"Our birthright is having a robust immunity. That's how nature created us. We gain that immunity through contact with bacteria and viruses," Whatcott said. "We also develop real immunity by making sure we have a healthy gut biome especially in the first two years of life."

Apparently, Homeoprophylaxis is popular in countries like India, Mexico, Cuba and South America. It is, however, unfortunate that it is not widely popular in the United States yet.  

Alarming Statistics  

I empathize with Dr. Whatcott. Growing up in Canada and coming to live in the United States, I thought the culture and mindset would be the same. Boy, I was wrong. I had culture shock!  

It was a rude awakening when I found out that despite having to pay a substantial amount for health care, a lot of Americans suffer from a lot of health issues. Some of these problems are high infant mortality rate, cancer rate, obesity, and diabetes.   

Furthermore, a lot of us have to deal with seasonal allergies.  But I realized that most of these illnesses are caused by an unhealthy diet. In fact, we think going to a doctor is health care when in fact it is merely disease management.  

Remaining Optimistic  

Whatcott, however, is hopeful that more people, especially parents, are slowly trying to choose natural alternatives for better health. She claims her client base is steadily rising since people now look for doctors who can connect with patients.  

"I have more parents coming to see me and who want to do it naturally. The mere fact that you can sit and listen to a client that is healing right there," said Whatcott. 

I likewise share Whatcott's frustration whenever I hear medical doctors giving the wrong drugs or administering the wrong dosage. What is even more appalling is that they hardly put importance in embracing a healthy diet. It is infuriating!  

Developing A Healthy Immune System   

Many factors lead to a healthy immune system.  Like a smooth-running factory, real immunity entails having a good nutritional support and metabolism.  

"Doctors can't tell you about nutrition. They are not trained in nutrition at all. It is outside their scope of practice," Whatcott declares.

Miller's Study  

Whatcott also mentions a significant study done by medical research journalist Neil Z. Miller. Miller's study on critical vaccines showed that measles, mumps, chicken pox, prevent chronic diseases.   

Furthermore, the study indicates that lymphomas, tumors, ovarian cancer are prevented when you develop measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Now, the big question is---"So why are we preventing ourselves from getting them?"   

Whatcott affirms that the three last health conditions are not deadly diseases. Western medicine stresses the need for us to be vaccinated to prevent those health conditions from happening.    

Furthermore, Whatcott says there was a surveillance study conducted about chicken pox in 1995. That time, the rate of shingles went up because chicken pox is a retro virus.  

"If the immune system is stressed, it can come out as shingles. But when you get an external boost from other people having chicken pox, it tones your immune system and keeps you healthy," explains Whatcott.  

Goldman's Findings  

Speaking of shingles, Whatcott mentions another significant study that was conducted by Dr. Gary Goldman. Goldman had a background in computer science and worked as a data analyst on the project.  

However, Goldman quit in 2002. Apparently, his superiors, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), were trying to suppress the findings on shingles. Consequently, he managed to have his study published in the Vaccine journal in 2003.  

The Truth About Flu Vaccines  

Whatcott also reveals another mind-blowing controversy.  This time, about the flu vaccine. According to her, Cochrane Collaboration, a non-profit organization doing meta-analysis says the flu vaccine when administered to patients under the age of 2 years old, is no better than placebo.   

"The flu vaccine was proven by studies that it does not prevent flu-related hospitalizations.  Bottomline, there is no benefit," Whatcott said.

According to a study done in 2012, flu vaccine increases the antibodies for a particular strain. However, Whatcott says the innate arm of the immune system is compromised. Hence, people with the flu vaccine are more prone to pick up other varieties of flu strains.   

"Antibodies are not the gold standard of immunity. The gut biome, nutritional status, emotional environment are the things that build immunity," explains Whatcott. "Your innate health and immunity are what keeps you healthy long-term and prevents chronic disease,"  

I strongly agree with what Whatcott said.  Honestly, I think a flu shot might help you a little bit. But it disarms the immune system as a whole. That is why a lot of people nowadays are diagnosed with autoimmune disease.   

Real Immunity Video Documentary   

Whatcott's video project promises to be a wealth of information about how to develop real immunity naturally. Insights from Chinese medicine, functional medicine, and chiropractic methods will be included in the film.  

The documentary will likewise interview client testimonials and experts like Jeanne Ohm, editor of Pathways Magazine, as well as Dr. Andy Wakefield. Wakefield is a pediatric gastroenterologist who wrote a paper saying his study found measles virus in the bowels of the children who were given vaccination shots.  

Remote Practice  

Whatcott primarily holds practice in Minneapolis. With over a decade of helping families, her practice also extends to providing services online.  

Having changed the lives of many people over the years, Whatcott aims to educate more people about the dangers of vaccines. Promoting homeoprophylaxis is just one way of erasing the fear of omitting vaccines from our life.  

"Anything that we do just to maintain our health status is going to build immunity. The primary elements to achieve optimal health is through nutrition, exercise, sleep, healthy relationships and rational emotions," Whatcott said.  

Cilla Whatcott is a board-certified classical homeopath with a B.A. from Arizona State University, a diploma from the four-year professional program at Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, and a Ph.D. in Homeopathy.  

She is an instructor at Normandale Community College and the author ofThere Is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis," and co-author of "The Solution - Homeoprophylaxis.  

Whatcott is also the executive director of Worldwide Choice. She likewise offers individualized homeoprophylaxis programs for adults and children.   

Whatcott has been a guest lecturer in France, Scotland, Ireland, Indonesia, the USA, and Canada, and featured in episode 7 of The Truth about Vaccines. She has organized and directed international conferences in 2015 and 2016 about homeoprophylaxis.   

Whatcott also has published articles in several periodicals and magazines. She likewise has a certification as a CEASE therapist for reversing vaccine injury.  

Get Connected With Dr. Cilla Whatcott! 

World Wide Choice

Family Homeopathy Care


Learn True Health - vaccines

Book by Dr. Cilla Whatcott

There Is a Choice - Homeoprophylaxis

Recommended Readings by Dr. Cilla Whatcott

Dissolving Illusions - Suzanne Humphries (Vaccines)

Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies - Neil Miller (Vaccines)

Impossible Cure -  Amy Lansky (Homeopathy)

The Complete  Homeopathy Handbook - Miranda Castro (Homeopathy)



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Jul 25, 2017

Quest To Cure Cancer

Embarking On The Quest To Cure Cancer

I'm sure most of us have encountered a family member or a friend who underwent a quest to cure cancer. While most of you think that Stage 4 cancer is fighting a losing battle, my guest today will prove you wrong.

Eric Remensperger is a lawyer by profession and developed Stage 4 cancer in May 2016. His doctor immediately told him to undergo chemotherapy, blocking off all other avenues to launch a quest to cure cancer. Doctors also informed Remensperger that he only had seven months to live.

Striving To Live Healthy

Remensperger resolved to live a healthier life in the early 90s when he decided to quit smoking. He became motivated to work out regularly when he moved from New York to Los Angeles in 1995. Years later, he would even get into yoga.

To complement his healthier lifestyle, Remensperger likewise shifted to a low-fat, high protein diet. Apparently, his efforts seemed to be paying off because his physique improved a lot.

Discovering Acupuncture

While Remensperger looked like he was positively changing externally, he, on the other hand, continued to suffer from chronic health problems. Some of his health issues included frequent urination at night as well as chronic coughs and excess phlegm.

Frustrated with allopathic treatments, he sought to try acupuncture, and it worked! Remensperger was so impressed with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eventually, he went as far as investing in a wellness center that provided Holistic treatments.

Dietary Change

Remensperger continued his wellness journey for several years. He went through a dietary transformation and was even a vegetarian and a vegan for some time. Before his cancer diagnosis, Remensperger was on a Paleo diet.

Devastating News

Remensperger's world turned upside down so fast in 2016. He was attending in Texas attending a Paleo conference that time when he recalled having several physical symptoms like a cough, urination problems, and bladder spasms.

After seeing a doctor two weeks after, the devastating news came in --- Stage 4 prostate cancer.

Remensperger initially broke down and questioned everything he did the past several years. He was so confident about living a healthy lifestyle, so naturally, he couldn't understand why he still developed cancer despite his efforts.

Starting The Quest To Cure Cancer

However, Remensperger was not a quitter. He was not ready to throw in the towel. The very next day after receiving his health diagnosis, Remensperger decided to embark on a quest to cure cancer.

"I woke up one morning thinking that this could be a blessing. I'm a big believer of gratitude. I thought this could be the best thing that could happen to me," Remensperger said.

Past Case Studies

In his quest to cure cancer, Remensperger initiated a thorough cancer research. One of the case studies he read up on was a test wherein a nucleus of a cancer cell was inserted into the cytoplasma of the healthy cell without its nucleus.

The cell was injected into 60 mice. Test results showed that only one of the mice grew a tumor. Apparently, the mitochondria within the cell silenced the disease. When another group reversed the experiment, 98 % of the mice developed cancer.

Hence, Remensperger said the results speak for itself. The outcome of the tests consequently tells us that obviously, cancer is a mitochondrial problem and not a DNA problem.

"Everyone is producing cancer cells in their body all the time. It just a question of how your system is handling the cells" Remensperger explains.

Remensperger's Road To Healing

In Remensperger's case, surgery was out of the question because his type of cancer was outside the prostate. Nevertheless, Remensperger remained optimistic with his quest to cure cancer.

I agree with Remensperger that having a positive outlook helps in healing not only cancer but other illnesses, too. In fact, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer has conducted studies wherein he proves that there is a co-relation in the emotional and mental side of things. Hamer could even trace it back by doing a brain scan.

"The body created the environment to promote these illnesses, but we can support an environment to allow the body to heal," said Remensperger. "Do what you can to shift your body back to a healing state. Once you do that, cancer will start to regress."

Methods of Healing

In his quest to cure cancer, Remensperger discovered there are a lot of other things you can do that has a chemotherapeutic effect. These methods that are healthy and do not destroy our cells and immune system.

For one thing, Remensperger advises getting oxygen into your system. He likewise used ozone treatments. According to Remensperger, ozone has been proven to be extremely toxic to cancer cells. In fact, a 1980 study showed that a small amount of ozone could inhibit 90% the growth of cancer cells.

Remensperger likewise stresses that taking vitamin C is important. He says most people think of vitamin C as an antioxidant, which is true if taken in regular doses. However, in high dosages like 50 grams and above, it converts hydrogen peroxide into your system.

"Getting a good sleep is also part of detoxification. Seven months later, my urologist declared that my prostate and lymph nodes are normal," shares Remensperger. "I was finally in full remission because I let my body do what it is designed to do."

Healing Through Diet And Medication

However, Remensperger says there is no one approach to cure cancer. You don't have to have everything dialed in correctly. But you have to have everything dialed well enough to function the way it should. So your body can do what it is designed to do, which is heal itself.

"I think I got sick because I wasn't using that approach. I had those crazy shakes everyday that had 47 ingredients in it," said Remensperger.

Remensperger now advises people to make shakes three days a week, which is a big part of his protocol. This is because he realized his body needed to clean itself out.

"Diet is something we live with. I recommend a Ketogenic diet, wherein 65% to 70% of the diet comprises plant-based fats like avocados, nuts, and coconut oils," Remensperger said.

Remensperger also found that mixing turmeric powder in tea is healing, as well as turmeric in supplement form.

As for medication, Remensperger took Casodex, which is a pill that shuts off testosterone receptors. Lupron is also a common hormone therapy for men who have prostate cancer.

William Hitt Medical Center

Remensperger is not the only one I know who has benefitted from ozone treatments. A friend of mine had cervical cancer and became cured after getting an ozone treatment from the William Hitt Medical Center in Tijuana, Mexico.

The Hitt Center provides alternative treatments for all kinds of illnesses aside from cancer. Apart from ozone treatments, they also offer amino acid supplementation. Apparently, ozone is an effective way to kill viruses.

Looking Back, Moving Forward

In hindsight, Remensperger says what motivated him to go on his quest to cure cancer was his skepticism towards the pharmaceutical industry. That led him to find other methods that had fewer side effects and a better outcome.

"I just felt so happy waking up everyday feeling blessed, waking up to another day. That is probably the most effective thing---the energy you have for life," Remensperger said. "Priorities change when you face your mortality."

Quest To Cure Cancer Website

Remensperger's website launched just last May 15, 2017. He says he opted to do the website to be able to regularly update new information about cancer and available healing methods aside from the usual traditional treatments of Allopathic Medicine.

Also included in the website is Remensperger's five pillars, which thoroughly explains the process of healing and its components:

1. Sources of Life Force - grounding, sunlight, hydration, oxygenation
2. Nourishment - supplements nutrition, hydration
3. Detoxification - detoxification , emotional detox, sleep
4. Movement and Play - movement passion purpose play, healthy relationships
5. Therapeutic Interventions - oxygenation, IV therapies, hygiene

Eric Remensperger was a "health-nut" long before being diagnosed with cancer in 2016. He thought he was immune from chronic health problems because Remensperger thought he had a healthy lifestyle.

Remensperger's experience is proof that it is unrealistic to assume that one can avoid cancer simply by eating a healthy diet, whether it's ketogenic or plant-based. He says nutrition is important, but it is only one of numerous elements.

Get Connected With Eric Remensperger!

Official Website

Recommended Reading by Eric Remensperger

The Plant Paradox




Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!

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Jul 22, 2017

Empathic Coaching

Empathic Coaching With Kimberly Lackey

Life is not always a bowl of cherries. When we feel depressed, we yearn to talk to someone. Friends or family are always not around to help. So finding someone who is great in empathic coaching can indeed lift our spirits. 

So guess who I have again on my show today? Kimberly Lackey! For my regular listeners, I'm sure you remember her. And for those who don't, Kimberly Lackey happens to be a Health Coach who does some awesome coaching with empathy.   

Integrative Health Coaching

Aside from coaching with empathy, Lackey shared her cancer journey in our previous episode here at Learn True Health. Her health ordeal turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it helped her to understand people more.  

Some of you might be apprehensive in hiring someone like an Empathy Coach. But coaching with empathy is a process of gaining a client's trust by sincerely being an active listener.  

I honestly think it is wonderful to hire someone who can understand you. Then navigate those roadblocks in your life through coaching with empathy.  

Staying Active  

And what is new with Lackey? Well, after beating cancer and dealing with an arthritic condition, she admirably completed a triathlon.   

Furthermore, Lackey shares that training for a half marathon in preparation for the triathlon was the hardest. She said running is her least favorite event.   

However, that struggle to run isn't slowing Lackey down. Apart from continuing her business of coaching with empathy, she is currently training for the Giants race in San Francisco.   

Life Change  

The last time I spoke with Lackey, she was preparing to move to Northern California from Hawaii.  It was indeed an interesting transition time for Lackey during the past six months.  

Aside from coaching with empathy, Lackey and I also tackled the topic about fear in the previous episode. Lackey herself had to deal with fear when she moved out of Hawaii.   

It took Lackey quite a while to process the reality that she was going to separate from friends and family. Going to an unknown place was scary for her. And who wouldn't be, right?  

Lackey says her whole business model has changed a lot during the first half of the year. Coupled with her fear of moving to California, friends, and family had to reassure her that things will turn out well. And it did. 

"Saying yes to life, I have met some amazing people. Regarding the community, I feel very connected," said Lackey.  

Exploring Writing And Publishing  

Lackey enjoys helping people sort out their issues. But this time around, she decided likewise to pursue her love for writing. Publishing children's books is something she'd also want to fulfill, among other things.  

"I love writing. If only I were supported emotionally when I was a child, my health journey would have been different," reveals Lackey.  

Reaching Out Through Public Speaking   

Public speaking is also something Lackey loves to do. This way, she gets to speak out and share her ideas to others.   

In fact, Lackey has done numerous speaking engagements in schools. She hopes to inspire kids to be more active in giving back to the community. And Lackey indeed has been setting an excellent example.  

Lackey has been actively fundraising for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society over the past few years. She, however, does something unique with the society every 4th of March to commemorate her cancer remission for 12 years now.   

Real People, Real Problems  

Kids are different nowadays, but we can't blame them entirely. Parents and society are primary factors on why dealing with children is currently a challenge.  

Parents are often busy working. Hence, we fail to be more attentive to our children's diet, what kind of friends they hang out with and changes in their behavior.   

As a result, we now have to deal with an alarming increase in cases of childhood cancer and other illnesses as well as teenage suicide. Society is also responsible for why there is an enormous pressure to look skinny and look good externally.   

Nurturing Kids With Empathy  

Raising children by nurturing them with empathy feeds their soul. When their mental and physical health is in the proper place, they would be able to grow up appreciating who they are and the people around them.  

Empathy empowers us to be well-rounded individuals, strong enough to face challenges. There would be fewer instances of angry outbursts in social media and fewer cases of cyber bullying.   

"Kids are like are sponges. They are amazingly receptive, but we don't give them any credit," said Lackey.  

Valuing Friendships  

I think it is harder for adults to make new friends compared to kids. We, adults,  have to exert more effort if we want to meet new friends.  

It's true. Lackey says it was indeed hard for her to move to California because she felt so disconnected. But because she is a coach, Lackey knew she had no choice but to practice what she preaches.   

"Just do the things you love, and that's where you'll find people who are like you. I kept an open mind," Lackey said. 

She also says that one should know when to set up boundaries. Because there is so much empowerment in taking responsibility for ourselves.   

"Realistically, we can't wait for someone else to treat us the way we want. We need to set our lives up," urges Lackey.  

The Art Of Communication  

The foundation of all stable relationships and friendships is communication. We have to realize that expectation builds resentment.  Hence, that's where bigger problems arise. So how do we avoid that?  

Once you've entered into an agreement, make a fresh start and give each other a chance to rebuild that trust. According to Lackey, a broken agreement is a perfect time to be empathic and initiate a discussion.  

Learning To Be More Empathic  

And just how can we be more empathic? First of all, Lackey says we have different levels of empathy.  While it is easy for some people to understand the personal issues of others, some individuals need ample time to connect. 

Looking Ahead   

Lackey plans to further nurture her gift of empathy by joining a team of health coaches. She believes that in being with like-minded people, practice is more fulfilling instead of treading the entrepreneurial path.   

As for the rest of us, Lackey offers three simple tips on how to develop our empathic nature:  

  1. Remind yourself to be grateful.
  2. Write down the three things you are thankful for.
  3. Reach out to somebody different every day and tell them how grateful you are to them.

Kimberly Lackey received her BA in Communications with a Business Concentration from Auburn University. She holds a Florida Teaching Certificate in K-6 and English 6-12 and a Florida Real Estate Sales Associate. She also took a course at the Institute of Integrated Nutrition.  

Volunteering is her passion and Lackey previously served as a Board Member and Special Events Chair for High-Risk Hope. Lackey was also involved with the Junior League of Tampa.  

She participated in the Junior League of Tampa's volunteer training process, served as a writer for their publication and acted as Public Relations Chair.   
Through her teaching roles, she previously organized after-school cooking clubs. Lackey is likewise active in community events, especially if it involves sports.  

Get connected with Kimberly Lackey!  

Official Website




Recommended Reading by Kimberly Lackey

Love Warrior - Glennon Doyle



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Ashley James

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Jul 22, 2017

More info on IIN's Health Coach program:

Listen to my interview with IIN's creator, Joshua Rosenthal:

Health Coach Certification Information:

If you needed more info about IIN’s curriculum, check out these three resources:

a. Integrative Nutrition’s Curriculum Guide:

b. The IIN Curriculum Syllabus:

c. Module one of the IIN curriculum:

I just got word that starting Monday, July 24th, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition is offering an unprecedented ZERO DOWN promotion with a number of special bonus gifts, so I wanted to give my listeners the heads up a few days early!

What makes this $0 Down offer so amazing?

•    Anyone who enrolls in the Health Coach Training Program between July 24th – 28th can get started for absolutely nothing down. They won’t have to make their first payment for 30 days! If they aren’t completely satisfied – they’re out nothing. Zip. Nada.

•    25% off Tuition (Yes, that’s 25% off Pay in Full or Monthly Payment Plans!)

•    Bonus #1 – Full tuition for IIN’s 'Launch Your Dream Book’ course, where you will learn to write, publish, AND promote your own book in 6 months! So whether your dream book is a self-help, children’s book, cookbook, memoir, or novel, this course will support you!  

•    Bonus #2 – Reserved VIP Seating for our 2-Day “IIN Live” Weekend Conference featuring the most innovative rock stars in the health and wellness world. Past guests have included Arianna Huffington, Dr. Andrew Weil, Christiane Northrup, and Dr. Lissa Rankin.

•    Bonus #3 – WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! An Exclusive Invitation to attend an intimate LIVE event with world-renowned health and wellness guru and IIN visiting teacher David Wolfe & Integrative Nutrition Founder Joshua Rosenthal on Sunday, September 10th at 1PM in New York City!

This is a once in a lifetime chance to personally meet two health and wellness rockstars (as well as other IIN students and grads). This is an intimate venue and space is very limited. If they can’t attend in person, no worries! They’ll have access to an exclusive recording in their IIN Learning Center.

If you or a friend really want to join the Health Coach Training Program NOW (but won’t have the money until the next paycheck or just want to give us a try) this is the perfect time for to enroll!

Call IIN's VIP line (844) 315-8547 to speak with an awesome staff member, get all of your questions answered, and take advantage of this offer!

Please share this with those in your life who you know would love to learn more about becoming a Certified Health Coach! Let’s keep rocking the ripple effect!

Jul 19, 2017


Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy: Breaking The Barriers

There are so many misconceptions about people who have cerebral palsy. Win Charles, is one awesome woman who will show us how she strives to live a fulfilling life devoid of medication.

I am excited about today's show because despite the fact that Charles was born with a disability, her health journey is truly inspiring.

Born With Cerebral Palsy

"Cerebral palsy is a lack of oxygen at birth which is what I acquired. When I was born, I only weighed one pound and 17 ounces," shares Charles.

Honestly, I didn't know much about cerebral palsy. I assumed that if someone were in a wheelchair, those people would immediately have spasms or tremors.

Common Misconceptions

I initially thought people with cerebral palsy are less intelligent than those without the condition. Yes, I admit, I was wrong.

In fact, one of my favorite TV show, "Speechless," served as an eye-opener for me. The TV show stars Micah Fowler, who incidentally has cerebral palsy.

I think it was brilliant that the production team opted to cast a real person with cerebral palsy rather than casting an actor who would just act out the part. It's cool, right?

"Micah Fowler, the actor in the TV show Speechless, has a severe form of cerebral palsy. He can't function at all," Charles explains.

She adds, "In my case, I have a hundred muscle spasms a day. And I try my best to control them without taking opioids."

Aside from Fowler, one of my favorite comedians also happens to have cerebral palsy. And I must say, he is spot-on funny!

So, lesson learned. Just because someone has cerebral palsy, it doesn't mean that people who have cerebral palsy are mentally slow or incapable.

Effects Of Opioids

Doctors incidentally prescribed the drug to Charles from 2006 to 2009. For those who are unaware, the most common opioid usually taken by people with cerebral palsy is Baclofen.

"Baclofen is a muscle spasm and muscle relaxer. In 2009, my family noticed the medication was making me act like a zombie," recalls Charles.

Charles for sure is not the only person to experience the adverse effect of opioids.  Why medical doctors continue to prescribe it to patients is truly appalling.

Nevertheless, Charles' mom was adamant. Charles vividly recalls that her mother firmly told the doctors to take Win off the medication.

Finding The Right Doctor

Aside from opioids, Baclofen is a common drug for people with cerebral palsy. Nowadays, doctors go as far as prescribing it to people with back pain or muscle spasms.

Traditional doctors are quick to prescribe medication rather than explore other options like physical therapy. So it is best to find a doctor who listens to you.

If a doctor tells you something, please voice out. Get a second opinion. Be brave enough to explore different alternatives that work and are more efficient.

Traditional Medicine Vs. Natural Medicine

"My mom had a book where she noted all my surgeries and medications," Charles said. "She knew too much anesthesia in my body was not good."

Incidentally, Charles also mentioned that she felt a great impact after hearing my Episode #137 where I had Dr. Cilla Whatcott on the show.

Charles remembered her mom who was hospitalized for some time due to meningitis but believed in her body's ability to heal itself naturally.

"Meningitis can be cured through Holistic Medicine. But traditional medicine thinks otherwise," said Charles. "Hopefully, that line of thought will change in the future."

Trailblazer For Cerebral Palsy

And how does someone like Charles cope with her health condition? First and foremost, Charles stays away from opioids and other drugs.

Second, she makes sure to stay active by doing sports. Yes, you read it right. Charles swims, rides a bike, runs and has even competed in the prestigious Kona Ironman Triathlon.

However, Charles admittingly says that because of her health condition, she has limited physical capabilities. But that is not stopping her.

We truly do not have any excuse for not stepping out of our comfort zone when there are people with disabilities doing impressive feats.

Understanding Cerebral Palsy

I was likewise surprised to learn from Charles that cerebral palsy can also be acquired by accident. A friend of hers choked on a piece of popcorn when he was two years old.

Hence, acquired cerebral palsy and is now non-verbal.

Galileo Neuromuscular Tilt Table

Charles explains that the device enables patients to be flexible. But because the device is big and bulky, Charles only gets to use the device at the gym.

The device used by Charles was donated by Amanda Boxtel who was paralyzed after a skiing accident in 1992. Boxtel currently serves as Executive Director for Bridging Bionics Foundation.

According to research, Bridging Bionics Foundation the aims to bridge human mobility with exoskeletons and bionic technology. Thanks to Boxtel's donation, people like Charles can do more than just being wheelchair-bound.

Let me just say; I love technology! There is a beautiful marriage that I think we can incorporate ancient healing arts with modern science.

But let me make myself clear. Modern science is not the enemy. It's how we use it and making sure that we are using it holistically.

Benefits Of Reiki

Charles says that willpower and mindset is a big part of dealing with cerebral palsy. She also says that Reiki, the Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction also helps because it promotes healing.

But honestly, I was previously skeptical about Reiki. Because when I was about 15 years old, I sprained my ankle so bad.

Doctors told me I wouldn't be able to walk for two weeks. Then a coworker at my summer job then offered to do Reiki on my ankle.

After the painless session, the swelling had gone down, and I stood up. In fact, I remember being so happy that I even started dancing right then and there!

I was a full believer in Reiki after that fateful day.

Butterflies Of Wisdom

Charles started the podcast, "Butterflies of Wisdom," four years ago.  The show was launched right after she wrote her autobiography.

The show features inspiring people who are making a difference in this world both in business and disabilities. To check out the show, and know more about Charles' advocacy, please click the links below.

If you liked this episode, please share it with someone you love.  Let's turn this ripple into a tidal wave. Have a great day everyone!

Win Charles defied the odds by becoming an author despite having cerebral palsy. Her memoir "I, Win," is an amazing story of how she remembers her life through the years. 

Charles is also a CEO of her own jewelry design company and motivational speaker. She tours all over the country to raise awareness about cerebral palsy. 

Get Connected With Win Charles!

Official Website


Butterflies of Wisdom Podcast

Book by Win Charles

I, Win


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4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

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Ashley James

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Jul 17, 2017


The Juicing Diet

The Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing Diet

Going on a juicing diet is not just about mixing fruits and vegetables in a blender. Here in this episode, Cherie Calbom provides us with an in depth explanation on juicing as well as tips on how to do it right.

I first heard of Cherie Calbom through Ty Bollinger's "The Truth About Cancer" video documentary series. Aside from Calbom's amazing story on how she got into juicing, she also shares how her body expelled a tumor after doing a short juice detox. It sounds crazy, but it's true!

Initial Juicing Experience

Calbom got chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia when she was in her 20s. It got so bad to the point that she had to quit work.

However, instead of settling for a life of medication, Calbom resolved to find a way out from her health issues.

"Years ago, juicing was not that popular yet. But when I heard about juicing, I bought a juicer and went on a 5-day juice fast," recalls Calbom.

To her surprise, Calbom's body expelled a tumor the size of a golf ball on the fifth day of her juice fast. To this day, she has no idea where the tumor was in her body, but nevertheless, she was glad to get rid of it. Hence, her love affair with juicing began.

Detox Symptoms

After her initial experience on juicing, Calbom thought her life would immediately and entirely change. It didn't. Calbom admits she still had good and bad days.

Apparently, what nobody told Calbom back then were the detoxification symptoms that went hand in hand with juicing.

Despite that, Calbom remained consistent in drinking vegetable juices even way after her 5-day juice fast. She also ate a lot of vegetables and even went vegan that summer. After three months, Calbom finally felt like a brand new person!

Since then, Calbom knew she stumbled upon something extraordinary as far as health is concerned. Wanting to know more about detox, Calbom consequently went back to school and started working for her masters' degree in Whole Foods Nutrition.

Recovery Through Juicing

A year later, Calbom went back to Southern California. One night, she was house sitting for some friends when burglars broke into the house. The horrible incident almost ended in tragedy.

Calbom further revealed that she almost died due to huge physical as well as mental injuries. However, having gone through one healing journey, Calbom was confident that she could again do a juicing diet to recover.

So even if her right hand was in a cast back then, Calbom managed to do a juicing diet everyday. Hence, she recovered quite well.

How Juicing Works

"Our bodies are designed to heal. But we have to do our part because people usually want people to do it for them. That's where the juicing diet comes in," said Calbom.

Calbom explains that a juicing diet is like having pre-digested food. Since the nutrients are in liquid form, the juice can get right into our system within half an hour.

Having digestive issues, too? No problem. Calbom assures that since the juice gets the nutrients in our body effectively, healing can work quite fast and that's fantastic news!

Rising Epidemic

If you recall in my last interview, I tackled the issue on how 70% of the adult population in the United States is taking at least one prescription medication. We have this alarming epidemic wherein people are filling their bodies with toxins.

Over the counter, we have enough drugs that clog our liver and kill us. Back when we were kids, I distinctly remember people had a healthier lifestyle.

Hence, I think Calbom's solution is smart. Embracing a juicing diet truly helps the body get as much nutrition as possible.

Symptoms Of A Toxic Body

Most of us shrug off symptoms, when in fact it is our body's way of warning us that something is amiss. Hence, Calbom says these are the common symptoms that we should look out for:

• Brain fog
• Mood changes
• Depression
• Poor digestion
• Bloating
• Gas
• Weight gain
• Cellulite
• Constipation
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• Bad breath
• Allergic conditions
• Headaches and migraines
• Pain in the eyes
• Vision problems
• Fluid retention
• Swollen legs and feet
• High blood pressure
• Hypoglycemia
• Blood sugar instability
• Inability to tolerate fatty foods
• Nausea
• Abdominal pain
• Acid reflux
• Chronic fatigue
• Bad pain
• Brown spots
• Insomnia
• Kidney problems

Calbom's 30-Day Detox Program

Calbom has a 30-day detoxification program that she administers every month. It starts on the second Tuesday of every month and clients has been raving about how effective the program is.

In fact, Calbom recalls that she had a female client who was on her 3rd week of detox. Around that time, that particular client happily informed Calbom that all her cellulite disappeared in less than a month.

Furthermore, the client said she wasn't even exercising because she was detoxing. Hence, the positive effect of juicing despite the absence of a high-impact activity was unexpected.

Benefits Of Juicing

"The juice is so effective because it doesn't have anything but the soluble fiber. So it goes right into the system," Calbom said. "It can be therapeutic, healing, and provides antioxidants as well as cleanse the body."

She also says we get a concentration of nutrients that we don't get just by eating it. Juicing is apparently also excellent in healing the gut and providing prebiotics.

However, like most people, we're only human to feel hunger pangs. Let's face it. A juicing diet is entirely different from eating something solid. But it is not enough reason for us to junk the idea of juicing.

Calbom suggests eating avocados if you couldn't stay on the juicing diet. This way, we do not veer far away from a juicing diet, and it keeps our hunger pangs at bay. She says you should likewise have yourself checked for parasites if you feel hungry all the time.

Personally, I tried also juicing before. I mainly tried beets, but alas, it did not turn out well. Apparently, you can have a negative juicing experience if you do not have the proper guidance. And boy, did I learn my lesson well.

Success Stories

Like a lot of staunch juicing advocates, Calbom has had countless stories of clients who tell her their pain went away after doing a juicing diet. Most of her past clients apparently suffered from arthritis.

Calbom remembers one particular a female client so well. The woman had rheumatoid arthritis and spent most of her time in bed. According to Calbom, getting up and walking was truly was a big struggle for that client.

However, upon undergoing Calbom's juicing diet, that client successfully survived through 3 days of juice fasting. Then on day 4, something short of a miracle happened. That client proudly showed Calbom that she finally could walk again! Awesome, right?

Best Juicer

"The best juicer for you is the one you are going to use everyday. I do not use the best juicer on the market as far as getting out every nutrient and preserving every enzyme," shares Calbom.

Calbom uses a centrifugal juicer that is fast to use and fast to clean. She says so many people are busy doing other things. Hence, a juicer that is simple to use and maintain would suffice.

Difference Between Smoothies, Juicing, And Protein Shakes

The debate on which liquid diet still generates varied opinions. Calbom sometimes does both a glass of juice and a smoothie. Calbom, however, makes her healthy smoothie with part of the juice she made for the day.

"It seems to me that people add more fruits in smoothies. I rarely put fruits in my juice except for lemon because I'm all about getting the greens in," Calbom said.

People who have tried Calbom's veggie smoothies say it is mushy and fibrous. We can eat a piece of fruit a day, but Calbom aims to get more people to eat more vegetables through juicing.

Aside from that, Calbom also works with individuals who get too much sugar from their smoothies. In the end, she remains firm in declaring that there is nothing else that can replace juice because it gives your body the rejuvenating nutrients it needs.

Juicing For Various Health Issues

Feeling tired or drained? Calbom usually starts her day with a big glass of green juice. She says it's a great energizer.

For people with thyroid issues, Calbom suggests watercress juice with a drop of iodine. Combining it with cucumber, carrot, ginger or green apple can make your juice taste even more awesome!

Calbom likewise cooks food with coconut oil. Not surprisingly, Calbom's clients attest they were able to get off medication ever since they started cooking with coconut oil. And I agree. Coconut oil does wonders for health.

For stress and fatigue, Calbom says juicing a lot of greens rich in magnesium helps a lot. Different herbs, getting off sweets and gluten likewise improve the health.

The Turbo Diet

Incidentally, Calbom also has an efficient weight loss juicing diet called The Turbo Diet. According to her, one meal a day equals a glass of fresh juice.

There are just so many reasons why people lose weight with juicing. Most of us are too acidic due to an unhealthy diet. The list goes on and on.

"But when people remove the substances that harm their health and provide the nutrition that supports a healthy body, they see very encouraging changes," Calbom said.

Cherie Calbom MSN holds a Master of Science degree in whole foods nutrition from Bastyr University.

Known as "The Juice Lady" for her work with juicing and health, she is the author of 33 books including her latest The Juice Lady's Guide to Fasting and Sugar Knockout.

She and her husband offer juice cleanse retreats throughout the year, 30-Day Detox online and Garden's Best Juice Powder. She has lectured worldwide on juicing, detoxing and fasting including consulting for the Royal Family of the UAE.

Winner of the TTAC Lifetime Achievement Award for her work with juicing and detoxification, Calbom's blogs and books on juicing, cleansing and health have helped thousands of people live healthier lives.

She has appeared on CNN, Fox News, and WCBS/NY. Her articles have appeared in NY Daily News, Miami Herald, Essence Magazine, First for Women, and Woman's World.

Get Connected with Cherie Calbom!

Official Website



Books by Cherie Calbom

The Juice Lady's Guide to Fasting

 Sugar Knockout

The Big Book of Juices and Green Smoothies

The Turbo Diet

The Juice Lady's Living Foods Revolution

Remedies for Stress and Adrenal Fatigue

 Remedies for Thyroid Disorders

 The Weekend Weight Loss Diet

The Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing for Health

 Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing For Life


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1) Integrative Nutrition's Curriculum Guide:

2) The IIN Curriculum Syllabus:

3) Module One of the IIN curriculum:

4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

Watch my little video on how to become a Certified Health Coach!

If this episode made a difference in your life, please leave me a tip in the virtual tip jar by giving my podcast a great rating and review in iTunes!

Thank you!
Ashley James

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Jul 13, 2017

The Food Revolution

Ocean Robbins' Food Revolution Network

Food is not just a commodity - it's also a community. Ocean Robbins expounds in this episode on why becoming informed about your food is an act of liberation and empowerment for yourself and your world.

Today's guest is going to blow you away. In fact, his family has probably touched your life in some way. If you've eaten one of the delicious 31 flavors of ice creams that Baskin Robbins serves, then his grandfather has affected your life.

Ocean Robbins is my guest today, and I am so inspired he dedicated his life to helping people to live a healthy life through sustained agriculture and a whole foods diet. He is also on a mission to save the planet.

Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Empire

Ocean Robbins' grandfather founded an ice cream company called Baskin Robbins and Ocean Robbins' dad John, grew up with an ice cream-shaped swimming pool in the backyard. He was groomed from early childhood to one day join in and run the company.

John Robbins invented the Jamoca Almond Fudge flavor and a lot of other flavors. But he walked away from running the business and followed his path.

One of the primary emphasis for that was that his uncle, Burt Baskin, who was Ocean Robbins' grandfather's brother-in-law and business partner, was dying of heart attack. He died at the age of 54.

"My dad's uncle Burt was one of the most successful entrepreneurs in American history. He seemed to have everything, but he didn't have his health," shared Robbins. "That was an eye-opener for my Dad."

Moving To Canada

After a few years, Ocean Robbins' dad moved to Canada with his mom and built a one-room log cabin.  They practiced yoga and meditation for several hours a day and named their kid Ocean.

"I grew up monetarily poor, but I grew up with healthy food and a lot of energy. I ran my first marathon when I was ten years old," Robbins recalls.

Diet For A New America

When Ocean Robbins was 12 years old, his dad started working on a book called 'Diet for a New America' which came out in 1987. It became a runaway bestseller. It's about how our food choices affect our health and happiness.

Ocean Robbins says the media had a blast that time. They called his dad 'The Rebel Without The Cone,' because of this would-be ice cream heir, became an advocate for healthy food.

Ocean Robbins' grandfather was initially devastated that he didn't take over the company and ended up selling the business. He was bitter when he retired and blamed my dad for it.

Turning A New Leaf

In 1990, Robbins' grandfather had severe health problems --- diabetes, high blood pressure and weight issues. His doctors told him he didn't have long to live unless he read this book and followed its advice.

It turns out that the book doctors wanted Robbins' grandfather to read was the one written by Robbins' father. So he read the book and got incredible results. He then lived for another 18 years.

Robbins' grandfather cut down on meat consumption, stopped eating sugar and ice cream. He ate a lot more vegetables and whole foods.

Drive To Help Others

"We've seen in our family, what can happen when we follow the standard American diet. And we have also seen what can occur when we make a change," said Robbins. "So that drives me to want to help people."

At the age of 16, Robbins ended up co-founding an organization called YES! (Youth for Environmental Sanity) that he directed for the next 20 years.

"Everywhere I went, I saw how people eat and the impact it had on their health. More people were suffering from chronic disease," said Robbins.

Eventually, Robbins decided to work with his dad and help take this food revolution message to the modern era. He wanted to use the online technology, so they launched The Food Revolution Network in 2012.

Robbins says they reached more than a million people through their live online event. Here they saw that all over the world, people are hungry for change. They are fed up with toxic food.

"People are so sick of being sick. They want to change their lives. And that gives me immense hope," Robbins said. "I can see how toxic our food system has become, but I also see how much better they can be with the change."

Medical Doctor Turned Believer

Robbins narrates that there's a practicing physician in Oregon named Pat who was 50 pounds overweight. He had several health issues. Then he participated in Robbins' food revolution event and learned about whole foods plant-based diet.

He changed his diet, got off medication and lost 50 pounds. After that, he went as far as changing his medical practice from focusing on health rather than pills.

"Honestly, Pat is struggling to make it work financially as a doctor. Because he doesn't have too many patients anymore since they don't need him anymore," Robbins revealed.

And insurance companies reimburse based on pills and surgery. They don't reimburse based on spending an hour talking to a patient about nutrition.

But according to Robbins, Pat is committed to figuring out a way to make it work financially to do the right thing.

Because now that he understands what's at stake, it's not acceptable to him to spend his life profiting off a system that is dependent on sick care.

Alarming Statistics

The Naturopathic model of health is that symptoms are not healthy. These symptoms are the language of the body talking to us.

"Three-quarters of medical expenses in the United States goes towards managing lifestyle-caused chronic illness," Robbins said.

He added, "Medical costs are the leading cause of bankruptcy for families. The cost of Medicare in the United States is expected to double in the next generation."

Meanwhile, the federal government provides billions of dollars a year in subsidy for so-called commodity crops like corn, wheat, and soy, that are processed into high fructose syrup, white flour and animal feeds for factory farms.

So we are subsidizing the very things that science tells us we should be eating less off. Not to mention, it is destroying our environment. They are the leading source of climate change.

The Food Revolution Network

"There is some effort involved if you want to change. It takes time, energy and attention to make a new habit," said Robbins.

We only have a small amount of willpower. Most of what we do in our life is out of habit. Creating change takes some attention.

Robbins says that The Food Revolution Network is about a movement. A movement in our lives and a movement in our world.

Ultimately, we want real food. The top barrier people face is time, money and confusion about what is healthy and what is not.

Furthermore, Robbins says we need to create other ways in having speed and convenience in eating real food. Like cooking in bulk or food sharing programs.

Consequently, choosing healthy food is maybe the best financial decision you made in your life. It will save you money in medical costs and increase your productivity.

Save Money While Eating Healthy

  • Minimize eating out. Making your food is cheaper and healthier.
  • We need to eat less processed sugar, white flour, and carbs.
  • Avoid eating factory farm animal products and dairy.
  • Eat more legumes, vegetable, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
  • If you will eat animal products, chose wild fish.
  • Stick with your shopping list. Avoid impulse purchases.
  • Plan on what meals to cook.

"Whether or not you ever go to, you are a part of us every time you choose real food over processed food," Robbins said. "Every time you get informed, inspired and empowered, you are part of The Food Revolution."

Ocean Robbins is co-founder & CEO of the 450,000+ member Food Revolution Network. He has spoken in person to more than 200,000 people in live events, and he has organized and facilitated hundreds of seminars and gatherings for leaders from 65+ nations.

Ocean founded Youth for Environmental Sanity (YES!) at age 16 and directed it for the next 20 years. He serves as adjunct professor at Chapman University and is a recipient of the national Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service, the Freedom's Flame Award, the Harmon Wilkinson Award, and many other honors.

In addition to that, he is the author of The Power of Partnership and co-author of Voices of the Food Revolution and Choices For Our Future.

Get Connected with Ocean Robbins!

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 Books by Ocean Robbins

The Food Revolution

Voices Of The Food Revolution

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Jul 10, 2017

Natural Medicine To Transform Your Body To Optimal Health

Healing Through Natural Medicine

So many truths about cancer have been exposed and my guest Dr. Gosia Kruszewski affirms that healing by natural medicine is effective.

She stresses the importance of empowering people to take full control of their health and help them understand how to take care of their body.

Kruszewski advises to always get to the root of the health issue, instead of just treating the symptoms. And to also use only 100% natural, safe and truly effective remedies that are proven by natural medicine to heal the body.

Surrounded By Nature

My guest today is a Naturopathic doctor, Dr. Gosia Kruszewski. Kruszewski has a robust system of Holistic Health that helps people to detox, lose weight and rid the body of cancer.

She grew up in Poland and lived there until she was 20 years old. Then Kruszewski moved to Australia with her mom. She has lived in Australia for 30 years.

Kruszewski describes her life in Poland as harsh, but she had a lot of contact with nature. She says she felt free and ate fruits a lot. Kruszewski was immersed in nature, so naturally, she wanted to explore the healing nature of plants since then.

In Poland, Kruszewski says they also have a long tradition of fermenting foods, cooking soaps and preparing meals from scratch. Fast food was not familiar to her then.

When Kruszewski moved to Australia, she wanted to pursue her love for plants and learn about Naturopathy, so she studied at the oldest and most prestigious college in Australia, which is the Southern School Of Natural Therapies in Melbourne, Australia.

Devastating News

It took Kruszewski five years to get a degree which was hard because she was not fluent in English that time. When she graduated, she wasn't sure on what exactly what to do.

Then her mom got lung cancer at the age of 56. It caught the family by surprise because she had a pretty healthy lifestyle.

Kruszewski started to do intensive research to educate herself about cancer and treatments. She was confused, helpless, anger, fear and frustrated.

That time, there were only three standard treatments ---- surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

"I remember the day when we sat together at the oncologist office in Melbourne, who in an entirely disconnected way announced that my Mum had six months to live," Kruszewski recalls.

Impact Of Her Mom's Death

Kruszewski's mother passed away six months later, after exhausting chemotherapy treatment, where she lost her hair, heaps of weight, suffered nausea, vomiting, look all gray, and her happy eyes lost that unique shine she always had.

I went through the same feeling when my mom was diagnosed with liver cancer and passed away shortly after. There is no guidance especially since the internet was pretty much still new then.

She likewise led a healthy lifestyle. The cause of her cancer was probably when she went to a medical doctor who scared her into taking a synthetic hormone to avoid having brittle bones since my mom was past menopause.

"As my mom was dying, the hormone was taken off the market for killing too many women," said Kruszewski. "The prescribing doctor herself, Dr. Marla Shapiro, got cancer but she survived and went on to become a well-known TV doctor in Canada."

But Dr. Shapiro did not know that this drug was harmful because she trusted like we all trust the FDA. Apparently, one-third of the drugs in the market are taken off the market for killing people.

Words Mean A Lot

"My mom's doctor was not even looking at me nor my mom when her doctor broke the news to us," Kruszewski lamented. "It was said in the most cold-hearted and unsympathetic way, yet she recommended my mom take chemotherapy even if death was inevitable."

Kruszewski remembers Dr. Bernie Seigel saying doctors need to learn how to speak to their patients. Because the words can make or break you. Nobody has a right to tell you how long you will live. Some will be motivated, and some will lose hope to live.

Because of this, Kruszewski decided to learn as much as she could about natural medicine so she can help people with cancer. She says it was evident that hospitals were making people sicker.

"We have to educate ourselves. That's how we heal. We have to understand the subject instead of blindly trusting doctors," Kruszewski said. '

Consequently, Kruszewski wanted to put all her knowledge of natural medicine into practice. So she found a clinic around where she lived. They specialized in alternative treatments or natural medicine to treat cancer. Not surprisingly, Kruszewski was happy to be part of that team.

Connecting With Patients

"Your ability to heal comes from believing that you will heal. So you have actually to open up and believe in what you are doing," Kruszewski said. "That is why I love the work of Dr. Bernie Siegel. His approach truly connects with the patient and understanding the story."

Dr. Siegel said that our feelings alter our body's chemistry. And this is the main reason I also believe my mom got cancer due to having trauma as a child. Emotional issues like anxiety were never addressed.

"That clinic where I was working, a majority of the patients were also dealing with lots of emotional issues," said Kruszewski. "Just through conversation, connecting and understanding, we created very warm, healthy, positive environment for them. They felt safe."

Kruszewski says people were trying to live again through her approach to helping them heal. It was a huge part of the treatment. Their condition was improving and was feeling confident.

She also says that she advises her patients not to go back their oncologists because they would often feel hopeless and helpless again.

Career Setbacks

Unfortunately, Kruszewski said the clinic closed down because too many people were getting well. Plus, they were not properly registered and selling products that were not approved by the governing agency.

"I got several threats from my association that they will take my license away if I continued treating people with cancer," shares Kruszewski. "Those letters say that I, as a Naturopath, am not allowed to handle people with cancer."

That only made Kruszewski more determined to continue to help people through natural medicine. Fast-forward ten years today, she has a lot of patients that she treats to help them heal.

"Simplicity is the way to go. Getting back to basic nature is exactly what we need to do because we are disconnected. We need to listen to our intuition and body signs," Kruszewski advised.

Frustrated And Angry

Kruszewski had a patient who initially had breast cancer. When she went to see Kruszewski, she already had chemotherapy. She was angry and frustrated.

The Kruszewski found out that patient used to love photography and tried to shift the energy to inspire her to talk about photography again.

Kruszewski asked the patient to look through her old photos and that same woman called Kruszewski a week later. She was a changed person because she was now willing to take photographs.

"We had a deal. She took some photos and got excited again. Two weeks after, she was a different person," Kruszewski said. "Sometimes, we need to be excited again. Now, she's doing well. I did not change her treatment that much."

Kruszewski focused more on discovering the passion in people. She says it is a huge component of the healing process of natural medicine.

Tips To Eradicate Free Radicals

Free radicals can be harmful to the body and damage major components of cells, including DNA, proteins, and cell membranes.

The cell damage caused by free radicals, especially the damage to DNA, can cause the development of cancer and other health conditions.

"Free radicals are caused by chemicals, electromagnetic radiation, and stress. The additives in food, chemicals, tap water, heavy metals and medication we are taking, create free radicals," explains Kruszewski.

Kruszewski advises that we have to eat organic food. We also have to avoid chemicals in products like toothpaste, soaps, and shampoo.

Taking showers with tap water and without filters is another source of toxicity.

Free From Radiation

Another thing Kruszewski is so concerned about is the radiation from electronic gadgets like mobile phones is also harmful when near babies. Because the baby's brain is not properly formed yet. It interferes with our vibration.

"We need to drink more water because water helps eliminate free radicals. Fried foods are also such a nasty contributor of free radicals. Also, avoid dairy products," Kruszewski said.

Furthermore, Kruszewski says we have to make the body more alkaline by eating more vegetables. Get more movements and breathe properly. Taking the right supplement is also important. Glutathione is a potent detoxifier.


Gosia Kruszewski - Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist specializing in detoxification, gut health with the main focus on cancer support.   

Gosia has been interviewed in the documentary 'The Truth About Cancer' sharing the experience of her Mum who died of cancer. The documentary has been watched by millions of people around the world and thousands of people connected with her story and ask her for the assistance.   

That's how the Cancer Recovery Plan was born. This Plan was designed for those who are looking for natural ways to prevent cancer and to recover from cancer after the chemotherapy. It's a simple, easy to follow and include into the everyday routine plan.   

Gosia feels privileged to inspire and assist her patients to live better, more fulfilled lives. In her 20 years of practice as a Naturopath and a Medical Herbalist, she had an opportunity to help thousands of people to completely transform their health.   

She is seeing the patients in her own practice called Detox house (Queensland, Australia) and it available on Skype gosia.kruszewski  

Gosia has a Bachelor of Health Science - Naturopathy (completed at the oldest and most prestigious college in Australia, Southern School Of Natural Therapies in Melbourne, Australia).  

Get Connected With Gosia Kruszewski!

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Detox House

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Recommended Reading By Gosia Kruszewski!

Practicing The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle

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Jul 7, 2017

Holistic Weight Loss

Achieving The Right Weight Loss Mindset

So many of us are battling with weight loss. Some have found the journey to be harder than others but my guest Byron Morrison shows us that weight loss and maintaining our weight is doable, as long as we have the right mindset.

I have guested Byron Morrison on the show in the past where we also touch on the topic of weight loss, so I’m glad to have him back on the show. He’s my inspiration.

Most of us lead busy lives and tend to neglect the kind of food that we eat. And when we are not conscious of what we eat, our health takes a nosedive, and our productivity suffers.

Bryon Morrison efficiently helps people to achieve weight loss goals without starving or slaving in the gym.

Unhealthy Past

Years ago, Morrison was 50 pounds heavier. Hence, he often didn’t want to leave the house. He had no clue how to eat healthily or how to exercise.

Then his dad was diagnosed with cancer. That, he says, became the eye-opener to take good care of his health and achieve weight loss.

Then Morrison studied nutrition and eventually got qualified as a personal trainer. A few more years down the line, he wrote his book so he can help a lot of people.

“I wanted to show people that weight loss is achievable and it is all about balance,” said Morrison.

Yo-yo Weight Gain

I have been on several diets through the years, and although I would lose some weight, I tend to gain it back.

“The biggest thing in successfully keeping the weight off is to have the right mindset. You have to change your relationship with food. So it becomes an endless cycle,” Morrison explains.

Furthermore, Morrison says metabolism then slows down, so people find it hard to make the weight stay off. Starving yourself destroys your metabolism.

Until you get to the bottom of why you crave food, losing weight is always going to be a short-term fix. Morrison is so against dieting, so he tells his clients that they are not restricted from eating anything.

“We teach them how to shift their mindset regarding their relationship with food. Once people learn not to eat on impulse, they will naturally cut down on sugar intake,” said Morrison.

Four Fundamentals

Morrison recommends this four steps to help build a good foundation to weight loss:

  1. Eat vegetables every single meal.
  2. Drink more water on a daily basis.
  3. Walk more on a regular basis.
  4. Get more sleep.

Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgeries do more harm than good. The problem is, we have limiting beliefs where we convince ourselves that we’re going to fail and there is no point trying.

“I think weight loss surgeries are ridiculous. There are situations where it is essential, but many people are doing it, it does more damage than good,” Morrison said. “Our bodies have incredible healing mechanisms, so you have to give it time to heal.”

Troubleshooting Tips

Morrison says it helps if you keep a food diary to jumpstart into training yourself to be in the right mindset. Monitor everything you eat as well as your feeling at the time you ate or drink something. Once you recognize the link, you could remove the trigger points.

If you need to have something sweet or have any food craving, have a glass of water first and wait 15 minutes. There’s a good chance the cravings have passed.

“It takes your brain 20 to 30 minutes to recognize when you’re full. The key is not to act on impulse,” advises Morrison. “Make small changes, so you won’t feel you’re depriving yourself.  That’s how you listen to your body.”

Once you break the trigger of acting on impulse, that’s when you start taking control of your relationship with food. Don’t let the food control you.

Morrison also said that the reason why people have such messed up relationship with food is that our lives are so stressful and we tend to feel the food is the only thing we can control.

He also relates a story wherein there was this one lady who did this over and over for a few weeks. Apparently, her eating habits improved a lot aside from weight loss.

Another one of his female clients claimed she couldn’t do diets. But Morrison says that first of all, you have to accept that you don’t have to be perfect. Don’t be scared of failure or judgment.

He also advises that when you find your weight plateau, do not panic. Do a food diary again to re-assess food portions and calorie intake.  Aside from that, increase exercise.

Eating Socially

Morrison says if you know you’re going to a restaurant or a party, plan. Have a look at the menu beforehand.

Avoid fried foods. Order appetizers or a snack beforehand so you feel full. Hence, you’re less likely to binge. At buffets, if you have to go back for seconds, get vegetables.

Become A Better You

Morrison’s book has a holistic approach to improving your well-being. Rather than just looking at diet and exercise, it discusses all the factors involved.

This includes your mindset, managing stress, how much rest and recovery you get, improving your relationship with food. It’s not about being perfect, but rather it’s about being better.

“A lot of people expect motivation to happen for them. But they need to recognize that they are their motivation,” Morrison said. “As soon as you start and push yourself, that’s when the motivation will come.”

Byron Morrison is the Author of the book ‘How To Be Healthy’, as well as the founder of Tailored Lifestyles Coaching. His work is all about helping as many people as possible live healthier and happier lives by taking a holistic approach to losing weight, becoming more active, managing stress, as well as improving wellbeing.

He is qualified in nutrition and weight management, REPs level 3 personal trainer, behavior change coaching, nutrition for sports and exercise.

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Jul 3, 2017

Truly Heal Cancer Protocol

Truly Heal Cancer Protocol And Chemotherapy

How to heal cancer has long been a controversial topic. While chemotherapy has been the traditional choice of treatment, its success rate and a list of side effects have diverted people to seek alternative ways of finding a more efficient cure, one of them being The Truly Heal Cancer Protocol.

Spearheaded by Marcus Freudenmann, The Truly Heal Cancer Protocol is backed up by a fact-based research on what causes cancer. This episode will educate us on several natural options available for us to treat cancer minus the adverse effects of chemotherapy.

Finding A Cure

I learned about Freudenmann through Ty Bollinger’s “The Truth About Cancer” video documentary.

Freudenmann’s story is so inspirational.  He has traveled around the world and has met hundreds of doctors who are curing cancer naturally. He ended up making a documentary out of it.

Consequently, he dedicated his life to educating people and sharing these cancer curing remedies after a dear friend died of cancer. What I love about his story is that he has gone to find doctors who are getting very high results and finding out the real cause of cancer.

Risks of Chemotherapy

“I think the biggest problem we have is being completely helpless. My friend was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor immediately suggested chemotherapy,” narrates Freudenmann. “It was an early stage of breast cancer, and I felt that the treatment was wrong.”

The doctor made it so urgent so that patient followed suit. After the very first round of chemotherapy, more like the first two injections, Freudenmann’s friend immediately got terribly sick.

Consequently, Freudenmann’s friend died from the side effect of the treatment on her third session. Freudenmann was upset and argued with the doctor. They tried to look for solutions, but it was way too late.

“When you don’t know the facts, and you don’t know the background, it’s very complicated. So I started reaching out to the best clinics in the world,” said Freudenmann.

Together with his wife, who is a Naturopath, and their four children, Freudenmann traveled for around three and a half years from one cancer clinic to the next searching for the best treatments, latest discoveries, and cutting-edge solutions.

Freudenmann said he had met people who had 50 to 60 rounds of chemotherapy and they are still functioning. He believes they must have had the most outstanding liver to be able to go through that.

Once Freudenmann was able to gather enough material for the free video documentary, that’s when he started to put together a training program which comprises The Truly Heal Protocol.

Research Challenges

Freudenmann said that finding a common thread was a big mission. Europe, Asia and other places all have different modalities treatments and possibilities. The biggest challenge was to decipher why a treatment worked for someone and not for someone else.

It took Freudenmann almost eight years of research and working with doctors. The trick question there was what causes the disease in the first place since it is not the same scenario for every patient.

“So it dawned on me that it’s not about treating the patient, killing cancer or getting rid of cancer,” Freudenmann said. “It’s about finding what triggered cancer in the first place and removing that cause.”

Early Patients

Freudenmann recalls that there was one woman who was searching for the problem. None of the treatments worked. When they made her undergo a non-toxicity test, she came back with an extreme load of rat poison.

Freudenmann’s group then looked at the cause. It turned out that somebody previously threw rat poison in the attic of the woman’s house to get rid of rats. Through the years, the rat poison disintegrated and seeped into other corners of the house making everybody in her family sick.

“We started a complete detox program on the woman and activated the detox pathways in the liver. All of a sudden, the tumors began to shrink. This proves that first and foremost, we need to figure out what causes cancer and why isn’t the body healing,” concluded Freudenmann.

Freudenmann also realized that it’s a very emotional business and that as soon as they started working from the back end, that’s when the results came.

“We work with different clinics now where we look at what is not working in your system and how can we get rid of that. It is wonderful to see results in patients,” Freudenmann said.

The Truly Heal Cancer Protocol

Freudenmann explains that when one has a cancer tissue and healthy tissue, the difference between the two tissues is 20 to 40,000 times higher heavy metal concentration in the cancer tissue than in the healthy tissue. So it’s like cancer cells become hogs for heavy metals.

In The Truly Heal Cancer Protocol, they test for different factors. First, many people do not address infections and infectious diseases. Infectious diseases have a lot to do with latent infections.

“Antibiotics do not cure bacteria. They just scrape the membrane off those cells. Which means the bacteria is still alive,” Freudenmann said. “There are many side effects from all those bacteria that are still alive.”

Furthermore, Freudenmann said that if you have no oxygen in your system, the enzymes that protect the cells are not produced. The immune system goes down, and we are susceptible to infection and virus.

The Truly Heal Cancer Protocol also looks for deficiencies because according to Freudenmann, we eat so many foods but it is often mineral deficient.

He advises that we need to be conscious of what we live in because we need to avoid all further problems. It can be the stress level, the food we eat or medicines we take that can cause havoc in our body.

Freudenmann also noticed in many patients that they do anything want, they have the best treatments in the world, but they fail to reduce the stress levels. Hence, they cannot succeed in getting well.

Emotional Factor

Freudenmann’s friend had a 29-centimeter long sarcoma along his spine and was initially doing extremely well. He did all the treatments and removed many of the causes, and his body was healing. The sarcoma completely disintegrated.

But Freudenmann narrates that his friend’s wife told her husband that she originally wanted to separate from him if he didn’t get any better. The emotional state out of this confrontation exploded the tumor overnight. Within a week, it grew to 48 centimeters, and it choked his friend to death.

Freudenmann says this proves our immune system responds to emotional stress more than anything else. In fact, in some countries, like Austria and Switzerland, they do some acupressure on the feet to release emotions.

“There are plenty other co-relations. Traumas and emotional events that have not been released can trigger weight gain,  cancer, and other illnesses,” Freudenmann concluded. “And that is why having an environment that is conducive to health is a significant factor to recovery.”

Loving Cancer Course

Aside from The Truly Heal Cancer Protocol, Freudenmann made a unique course available for patients. The course helps transform one’s fear of having cancer into what is cancer trying to do to you or what is it trying to teach you, what is it trying to change, what is it bringing into your life that you can be grateful for.

The program helps patients go through the areas and search the different factors on what would be the benefit of having this disease. According to Freudenmann, it’s a journey of consciousness and awareness.

Other Website Resources

Freudenmann’s initial resource is a program educating patients on how to prevent cancer.

This is apart from his video documentary and blogs containing several informative articles on the truth behind cancer and efficient treatments.

Another big part of Freudenmann’s program is his Ozone treatment. Freudenmann explains that we lack oxygen in our system and although it is not a cure for cancer, it does have a lot of advantages. It teaches you how to energize, strengthen and build your immune system.

However, Freudenmann stresses that the main thing they do is educating health coaches. He has put together a protocol by developing an app which takes you through the protocol where you get to work hand in hand with a coach or a doctor.

While there may be several options available to battle cancer, Freudenmann says the most important thing is to stay calm.

“The biggest problem we have with cancer and with most diseases is we panic and get into that reactive mode. If you go into the pro-active form, that’s where you will find your cure,” Freudenmann said.

Cancer Is Curable Now

Marcus Freudenmann has a wealth of information to share and has inspired millions of people around the world with his seminars, workshops and common sense videos (over 3 million views on YouTube alone ). He has produced the bestselling documentary “CANCER is curable NOW” and co-authored the book “HEALING CANCER with COMMON SENSE”

Together with his wife Sabrina ND he founded the TRULY HEAL academy where health coaches and health practitioners from around the world learn how to use an advanced form of functional medicine to reverse chronic degenerative diseases. Marcus offers many programs for patients, coaches as well as health professionals to speed up their awakening to a simple form of medicine which provides lasting results.

Get Connected with Marcus Freudenmann:

Official Website



Recommended Reading by Marcus Freudenmann:

The Breakthrough Experience by Dr. John F. Demartini

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Jul 2, 2017

 Practical Spirituality

Practical Spirituality, Life Purpose & MeditationHow to implement practical spirituality into your daily experience? I have an exceptional guest on the show today. Dr. Richard Loren Held is an advocate of practical spirituality which I think is so spiritual and powerful.

Spiritual Background

Held has always had a passion for the spiritual arena and writing. So he went to complete a doctorate in Divinity and become a senior leader in a church since 2013.

He doesn't believe in having just one life path but Held started in 1985 working in a 'new thought' church. It blossomed from there and awakened by a passion for the pursuit of Truth.

Held's work in platform ministry came years later. It unfolded quite organically and beautifully. Consequently, he was already associated with the community when the job became available.

Practical Spirituality

I had experience with Sunday school essays because I grew up in an Anglican Church. It is a lot like Protestant. I also used to go to Sunday school and had a lot of questions that made me curious.

On the other hand, Held was raised in a positive, Methodist environment. He likewise had questions on spirituality, but although he was not punished for that, it certainly wasn't explored.

"And that doesn't make us feel very spiritual since we end up going to church just for the act of it," Held said. "And the merely going through the act of going to church doesn't feed the soul. It just feels like belonging to a club."

Held also says that soul unfoldment can be inaugurated, inspired and formed on a Sunday morning but that's only where it starts. And by no means is it completed there.

Unity Church

Held says that regardless of the teachings of other religions, the Divine is the same. In Unity, people consider themselves devout Jews, Catholics, Christians, Atheists and many others.

"Everybody embraces each other with genuine curiosity and profound respect. I don't think religion needs to be separated from one another," said Held. "We all experience something different. So no one is right or wrong."

Personal Ideology

Held's current ordination is an Interfaith Minister. He believes humans explore, experience and seek to describe the Divine through lenses of geography, culture, era and more.

While these "lenses" are necessarily unique, Held says that the Divine which we seek to explore, experience and describe is One.

So it is that an appropriate understanding of "religion as the lens" frees us to engage each other and our respective traditions with genuine respect and authentic curiosity.

Addiction To Factuality

Held also believes that we're made in the image of God, but it doesn't make sense to give God a gender when He's the Infinite and the Creator. How could we possibly put a limitation or boundary on that?

My husband and I found each other online. And we instantly connected. After three emails to each other, we realized we had the same spiritual beliefs and the same values.

We both quickly agreed that God is love and He's everywhere. That's when I told myself that he's the man for me.

"This allows us to mature in matters of spiritual understanding. This addiction to factuality is relatively new," explains Held. "It's a post-enlightenment dynamic."

Furthermore, Held explains that in the culture of the Judeo-Christian Bible, during the time of the Rabbi Jesus, his listeners would not have expected his teaching parables to be factual. They would have sought the truth of the story completely regardless of the factuality.

"It doesn't matter when Jesus was born. For us to mature spiritually, we must evolve beyond this addiction to factuality," Held said.Pursuing One's Spiritual Truth

Spiritual Truth

According to Held, personal value comes from an individual pursuit of Truth. Unity's core teaching is God is the highest reality of existence. God is non-opposable.

"The only place where we can experience the Divine is in our own heart," said Held. "It requires a turning from the world of multiple authorities to that inner world and to that power that resides within you."

I remember growing up and read in the Bible that rather than praying publicly, do it in private. My relationship with God is not public. No one needs to know about it. It's my personal experience.

Held says all great people who come into this world ultimately leave the same plea.

It goes something like this: There is a power that is greater. I have access to this power, and so do you. So stand up. Claim your rightful place as a co-creator in this world. You were never meant to cower in my shadow but to stand instead upon my shoulder and to reach further in your lifetime than I have been able to reach in mine.

Power of Prayer

Held explains that in their tradition, they believe that it is integrated. They believe that who we are in consciousness affects all aspects of our life.

"Our spiritual practices changes us. In a world that would often leverage prayer as a way that we change God, to get Him to do something for us, we hold it very differently," Held said. "Prayer changes us. Don't pray for a changed life if you're not willing to have a changed mind."

Growing up, I thought God wanted me to go to Church more often before he gives me what I want. Prayer was like my contract with God. It changed as years went on. Every thought is communication with God. He is with us at all times.

Held says God doesn't know the difference between what we want to create and what we want to avoid. God only knows what we think. God's work in our lives can be no bigger than the container we provide.

If God is life, then we honor God by living - boldly and comprehensively, with neither false humility nor sheepish restraint.

"You are quirky and peculiar and odd and all the other things you've feared for so long because it's in your spiritual makeup to be so," explains Held. "So deliver a full, unrestrained dose of who you are to the world, trusting that it must serve a noble purpose."

Getting Off Pain

Held says that sometimes, it is the moment of deepest pain that push us back into soul growth. It takes vulnerability to get off the pain. It takes less and less courage as we get more and more in pain.

He believes that we, of our egoic selves, underestimate the resources which support us.

Held also says that in our moment at which we relinquish that sense that we control it all, that it is our power that governs it all, that it is our resources which sort it all, when we relinquish that, it is at that moment that avail ourselves to real power.

Because it is a power that is beyond our egoic selves, capable of engineering something remarkable.

Final Thoughts

Held clarifies that in his brand of Christianity, he is allowed to love anyone regardless of what their religion is or if you are gay. His brand of Christianity doesn't let people out.

"As we evolve spiritually, as we mature, we find ourselves not drawn away from people but drawn to them," said Held. "We find ourselves capable of loving more people. We all recognize that we are all climbing the same mountain."

Find someone that represents the outer edge of your boundary and learn from them. Let it change you.

"Develop a regular spiritual practice such as meditation, yoga, study, music or chant. Cultivate the curiosity and the courage to ask great questions about God and humanity," advises Held.

DR. RICHARD LOREN HELD holds multiple degrees including a Doctor of Divinity from both the United States and in Europe.

A professional musician, published author, award-winning businessman and currently, the Spiritual Director for Unity in Lynnwood, Washington, Dr. Held's work has been noted as, "Thought-provoking and soul-nudging - that rare balance of profound and profoundly simple."

In 2014, he was invited to serve on the Advisory Committee for the Association for Global New Thought which launched the Synthesis Dialogues with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence.

He has created music for such notables as Dr. Maya Angelou, Marianne Williamson, Mark Victor Hansen, Victoria Moran, Jack Canfield, Barbara Marx-Hubbard, Dr. Jean Houston, and Gary Zukav. He has collaborated with such notables as Jo Anne Worley (Laugh-In) and Grammy Award-winning artists Connie Dover and Oleta Adams.

Get Connected With Dr. Richard Loren Held!

Official Website

Recommended Reading by Dr. Richard Loren Held

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach



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