
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Now displaying: January, 2019
Jan 29, 2019

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Spiritual Healing

Our soul’s spiritual healing is a significant component of health.  Time and time again, we have stressed that optimal health is never only physical but rather mental, emotional and spiritual. My guest who will explain all about our soul’s spiritual healing is none other than Spiritual Healer, Medium, Animal Communicator, Medical Intuitive, Eternal Psychologist, Author, and Natural Born Exorcist Eric Thorton.

Discovering His Gifts

Eric Thorton grew up with people telling him his gifts are “on.” To them, he was a Master, referring to his innate ability like spiritual healing. He was born with the ability to see, hear, experience, communicate with things that are beyond human sight.

“We all see things at the corner of our eyes. And we see a flash, but there’s nothing there,” said Eric Thorton. “I get to feel it right in front of me. But I learned at a young age not to talk about these things. Because people didn’t want to hear it.”

When Eric Thorton would see a physical problem, he gets information primarily on anything he concentrates on. As he got older, Eric Thorton went into construction and used his gift on his work. 

Physical Experience

When his brother got the flu, Eric Thorton would feel his flu and get the flu. His brother, on the other hand, would feel better. Because of that, people thought that Eric Thorton was sickly when in fact, he absorbed his brother’s illness.

“I’d resist the healing energy and cause heat in the palm of the hand and bottoms of feet. And then because you are resisting, your pancreas drains all your blood sugar, and you get this pain in your side,” explains Eric Thorton. 

He adds, “I keep my hands and feet covered. And I get these dark red marks till they turn brown. I kept my hands to myself and didn’t share it with anybody.” 

Brother’s Illness

When Eric Thorton was ten, his 12-year-old brother had terminal cancer. A day before surgery, Sister Denise who was a friend of his mom, came to the hospital. She knew Eric Thorton was a healer and could do spiritual healing.

Sister Denise told Eric Thorton to put his hand on his brother and join them in prayer. His brother went into surgery the next day, and the cancer was gone!

“I started healing 30 years later when Sister Denise got me into this full-time. People feel odd around it, and they will feel special things. It’s an ongoing thing throughout my life. I can turn it off so to speak now. It can be overwhelming,” Eric Thorton said. 

Healing A Friend

Eric Thorton had a client from his construction business who was dying from cancer. He was a psychiatrist. His wife called Eric Thorton one day, to tell him her husband was in the hospital to die, and she was asking for a healer with spiritual healing capabilities.

After a little prodding, Eric Thorton went with Sister Denise, and upon putting his hand over his client, Eric Thorton felt this tremendous energy come over himself. The whole process took an hour and drained Eric Thorton physically. His client had a demon inside of him which was making him sick.

Eric Thorton believes the demon probably got into his son who was three to four years old. His son had instant pneumonia when Eric Thorton went home from the hospital. They prayed and went to the hospital where his son was diagnosed with double pneumonia. The next day, his son got better.


Eric Thorton soon realized that if he was to help people, he can’t get sick. He had gifts. However, no books were written about people like him.

“Gift of faith, not in a church, but in what you are experiencing. Gift of command, the gift of second sight, second knowledge, and hearing,” said Eric Thorton. 

He added, “We are souls, and our body is temporary. But we have a soul experience. It is experiencing growth and other beings. I’ve learned that’s what we are. We identify with the body. And we identify with the body; we get things like allopathic medicine.” 

But Eric Thorton also says allopathic medicine is not good at the difficult things or the things that get us ill. So, he is forced to listen to the guides, angels and other beings about what is going on with the individual and why they have the illness.

An Exorcist

Eric Thorton explains an exorcist removes energy. It can have a life of its own, or it can be in another being’s life. It can be dramatic, but most of it isn’t. He learned over the years that we label different types of energy and beings. And labeling makes it more difficult to come to a neutral state in the energetic field.

“I’m constantly learning new types of energy like though forms. Thought forms can appear,” reveals Eric Thorton. “People can see them as a being or in the more intense as someone thinks of something, the thicker that energy gets. It can control the behavior of people that contribute or part of that culture. And it tells you when you are within the culture and when you are leaving that culture.”

So, with people who have cancer, people like Eric Thorton disconnects them from their thought forms. They see some positivity.  Through the years Eric Thorton also learned what questions to ask and raise the questions. He looks at where the symptoms come from.

Spiritual Healing and Energy

To understand spiritual healing, we must first know that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. The energy is where everything we do affect us. Everything is in everything we do. Every intention, every thought and it affects our mental, spiritual and physical health. 

“I work with a lot of doctors. We can clarify what’s blocking. What I learned through the years is that like energy comes together. The power of positive thinking is amazing,” said Eric Thorton. “And the power of negative thinking hits us first. It comes from a past life; it comes from this life, it comes from attitude we get from childhood. We all experience it.” 

Understanding Anger

Angry people don’t hang out with people who are not angry. Eric Thorton says, on the other hand, positive people don’t want to hang out with someone who is negative.

“Angry people draw angry situations to them. They draw angry words, behavior, actions, and angry entities. And it is designed that way to make us grow,” Eric Thorton explains. 

He adds, “Anger is a primary emotion. Our primary emotion is safety. Everything relates to safety. Even getting married or falling in love relates to safety. Because we do things better in numbers.”

Understanding Emotions

According to Eric Thorton, secondary emotion is things borne out of frustration. Frustration and love have to do with you being safe. While anger comes when you are frustrated, unheard and unrecognized, that’s why he says anger is a tertiary emotion. It’s a reaction to a reaction.

“A soul doesn’t have emotions. The soul could learn emotions, and the soul looks at anger as amazing. It’s an opportunity for growth,” said Eric Thorton. “So, we look at anger, negative emotion, and positive emotion as an opportunity.”

And Eric Thorton adds that if we all look into opportunity, we won’t try to get away from it. We wouldn’t deny it. But we would go through with the emotion. So, he advises looking at every emotion as an opportunity. Anger turns into positive searching. In the same way, that frustration is an opportunity for conversation.

Room For Growth

Eric Thorton looks at entities as something to learn from, grow from and then it can be removed from the energy field. He believes that if it is commanded out of someone’s energy, you do not hear anything.

“You’re still leaving that negativity in that person. And that energy will come back and fill the space. That’s why a typical exorcism is so difficult,” Eric Thorton said. 

When Eric Thorton was growing up, he got to see the psychology of what he was seeing energetically and watch it unfold physically. Then he started learning about this balance between spiritual energy and physical. Eric Thorton then began to understand what was going on. And that works with animals as well.

“We grow from our past life. And we bring that into this life in the form of things that we’re good at and things that we have fears of. So, we bring those things forward. Our past life gives us most of our innate abilities. Most of it is positive,” said Eric Thorton. 

Making a ChiBall

Eric Thorton says making a ChiBall is mostly intention. Just do it. You experience it in your body; you have a reaction and channel that through the third chakra.

“It comes out and creates this massive energy in front of you. Put your hands above your belly button,” Eric Thorton said. “Start thinking, and you can push at this space, so your hands are split apart. And you push together as you’re pushing this opportunity. You can feel resistance.”

Feeling Your Way Through

For the sake of the energy exchange, Eric Thorton says you don’t have to go through that extent. But it’s good practice to that extent, to start feeling it. And realize that something is happening here. Everybody can feel it.

“Medicine men and women don’t participate in the drama of their clients. They have compassionate detachment, so they can have a way more compassion,” Eric Thorton said. “If you have compassion attachment, your body gets overwhelmed, and you get sick.” 

He adds, “But if you have compassion detachment, compassion is wonderful. You get to help people without being harmed in the short run or the long run.” 


A session with Eric Thorton internationally recognized metaphysical counselor, exorcist, psychic, healer, and author of Educating the Soul, Spiritual Healing, and Our Eternal Psychology® can awaken the spirit within you. Healing and liberation through clear channels by a gentle, loving and humorous man. The gift you receive is your Self. 

As a Spiritual Healer, Psychic, Medium and Exorcist, and animal talk and healer, Eric Thorton has found a profound new avenue to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual healing for you and your pets. He has accomplished this by combining the gifts of healing with those of the psychic, medium and exorcist.  

Eric Thorton’s unique abilities are now available to others for both therapeutic and healing processes, in person in the Seattle area and remote sessions anywhere on the planet. 

Eric Thorton points out that we spend much of our time taking care of the conscious mind and body for ourselves and our pets that we often lose sight of the essential parts, how our subconscious mind and our spirit play in the delicate balance of our health and that of our furry loved ones!

Get Connected With Eric Thorton!

Official Website



Recommended Reading by Eric Thorton

Educating the Souls, Spiritual Healing and our Eternal Psychology

Jan 24, 2019
FREE - The Hormone Fix BOOK:

The Hormone Fix BOOK

FREE - The Breeze Through Menopause Masterclass:

The Breeze Through Menopause Masterclass


The Hormone Fix

The Hormone Fix book is an excellent resource for those who want to learn to balance their hormones. Men need it as well, but for this episode, we’ll dive into the contents of The Hormone Fix by focusing on women. No less than the author of The Hormone Fix, Dr. Anna Cabeca, is going to cover all that in this episode.

Tumultuous Journey

At the young age of 16, Dr. Anna Cabeca saw her then 52-year old mother has diabetes. She had cardiac bypass surgery after being diabetic for 15 years. Her mom passed away when Dr. Anna Cabeca was 29. That time in her life motivated her to research, and eventually, Dr. Anna Cabeca became a women’s health advocate.

Dr. Anna Cabeca soon fell in love with functional medicine. From college, she researched a lot and went to osteopathic medical school. At 38, Dr. Anna Cabeca struggled with her health. She was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure and early menopause.

Another Child

During her health crisis, Dr. Anna Cabeca was told she would never have another child, and that was devastating. She was on the road to diabetes. But when Dr. Anna Cabeca went on a healing journey around the world, she found natural solutions.

Eventually, Dr. Anna Cabeca recovered became pregnant and delivered her youngest child at 41 years old. From her experience, Dr. Anna Cabeca realized that for one to gain health back, it’s 90% lifestyle and nutrition. 


When Dr. Anna Cabeca became well enough, she wanted to empower women naturally via a hormone fix through natural supplements and hormones to heal their body.

Dr. Anna Cabeca recalled the time when she was diagnosed with her health issues and told that it’s unlikely to be irreversible as well as infertile. That time, someone advised her to take Maca.

Maca grows above 11,000 feet in Peru. It contains a type of protein that is not found in any other plant. And Maca is an alkalinizing cruciferous vegetable and also good for breast health.

“Maca is rich in arginine. Arginine increases nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is exactly how Viagra works. It increases blood flow. It’s a fascinating root,” said Dr. Anna Cabeca. 

But because Dr. Anna Cabeca hated the taste of Maca, she made some taste combinations like adding fruit or greens. Maca is an adrenal adaptogen. And so Dr. Anna Cabeca added some adaptogenic components like turmeric to her formula.  Hence, her product Mightly Maca was born.

Role Of Cortisol

Dr. Anna Cabeca went from breastfeeding to completely never having a drop of breast milk after her health trauma. If she intellectualized the physiology of her experience, she says she can recognize complete neuroendocrine access system breakdown. And it’s what people experience with PTSD.

“And to a certain level, adverse childhood experiences. These tend to rear their ugly little head in the perimenopause period when our neuroprotective hormones such as progesterone are dropping,” Dr. Anna Cabeca said.

When we are under stress, we get an outpouring of cortisol. So, our adrenal glands predominantly produce our cortisol. When cortisol goes up, our hormone oxytocin goes down eventually.

And when cortisol is going up, progesterone levels are going down. Furthermore, progesterone starts to decline in our mid-30s. It is also the precursor to the production of cortisol.

“When cortisol is being poured out, that’s your fight or flight responder. It’s the natural rescue hormone. So, we need it in times of crisis. It keeps us on higher alert, but it burns out our system over the long haul,” explains Dr. Anna Cabeca.

She adds, “Everything you do that brings you joy increases oxytocin. It puts cortisol back in balance. Like sex, intimacy, orgasm, laughing, dancing, and hugs. Oxytocin is also the anti-aging hormone.”

Causes of Low Progesterone

Dr. Anna Cabeca says that if you have low progesterone, we experience estrogen dominance. Symptoms include PMS, hot flashes, irregular period, and irritability. We can get this experience of estrogen dominance because we have so many estrogen disruptors.

“We need to do two things when we have low progesterone. First, clear out the excess estrogen. Then empower our body to have a healthy balance of progesterone naturally,” Dr. Anna Cabeca said. “We experience low progesterone naturally just with aging. When our ovarian function declines in our 30s, it also happens because of stress and toxins.”

She adds, “Difficulty sleeping, irritability, waking up in the middle of the night, and PMS are also associated with low progesterone.”

Effects of Sugar

Regarding detoxification, Dr. Anna Cabeca believes it’s about improving nutrition in our diet. We can do this by removing toxins from our body, from alcohol, sugars, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and even chemicals in our skin care products.

“Sugar increases blood glucose, and that’s going to increase our insulin which can further disrupt progesterone and other hormones,” said Dr. Anna Cabeca. “I’m a fan of getting our body into ketosis so having intermittent fasting, having very low carbohydrates. But healthy low carbs, leafy greens, cruciferous veggie are my carbs of choice.”

Dr. Anna Cabeca also advises eliminating many fruits we eat. Because fruit is sugar, too. We need a steady state blood sugar control. And the more glucose, the more insulin in the body, that’s where some people start to suffer from hypoglycemia and low blood sugar reaction. 

Hormone Fix

Women generally in need of a hormone fix are confused about what’s happening to our body and are just in a state of confusion pre-menopause. Moods are all over the place. Hence, Dr. Anna Cabeca says this clarity is getting into the keto green state, heightens awareness. That is the state you don’t want to leave.

On the other hand, when women have fatty liver disease, one of the best types of hormone fix that we can do is intermittent fasting. Dr. Anna Cabeca advises giving your body time to rest and restore. But approach getting alkaline. Start checking urinary PH to get alkaline. And support phase one and phase two liver detox.

Doing a Detox

When we have elevated liver enzymes, Dr. Anna Cabeca says we have to support this detox process. Many people are aware of methylation. And we need to support methylation.

“Because that’s one way our body takes toxic compounds and makes them less toxic. So that they can be removed safely from our body,” Dr. Anna Cabeca said. “Dark leafy veggies, cruciferous veggies, eggs, healthy proteins, and fats can help that process. Supplementation also helps.”

Going Deeper

One product Dr. Anna Cabeca recommends for women with gallbladder disease, or those who had their gallbladder removed is LV-GB complex. A company called Designs for Health produces it.

Another key to gaining optimal health is making sure you get an excellent laboratory to administer your tests. Lab tests dig deeper. Look for essential lab markers like your vitamin D level.


The DHEA hormone in men and women spike in our 20s. Then it goes downhill from there. But the healthier optimal number for women is over 100 and 200. For men, it should ideally be over 300. It depends on your lab results.

Urinary PH and ketone testing are also important because we see how our lifestyle affects us. The hot flashes eventually go away, but many women suffer for five to ten years.

“Insulin resistance is one of the reasons why women suffer. My program helps eliminate it. But vaginal dryness continues as well as loss of lubrication, discomfort, and urinary leaking,” said Dr. Anna Cabeca.

She adds, “So that’s where I add in DHEA and natural moisturizer in a topical form. I created Julva, anti-aging topical cream for the vulva. Plant stem cells also add to the anti-aging benefits.”

Progesterone and Estrogen

According to Dr. Anna Cabeca, progesterone as we age, when we’re ovulating, should ideally be around above 10 or 20. It declines in the mid-30s. For 70 to 80-year-olds, she recommends using bioidentical topical progesterone cream as a hormone fix.  Ultimately, there are a lot of factors why our hormones are not balanced. That’s why we need hormone replacements.

“Testosterone levels should also be in check. If a woman is post-menopausal, I avoid oral hormones especially oral estrogens. For those over 56 years old, I get them on oral estrogens to a transdermal estrogen, which is a topical estrogen formulation,” Dr. Anna Cabeca said.

She adds, “Estrogen is important for brain health. It is important for hormone receptor status and balance with progesterone. Transdermal estrogen is safer than oral estrogen especially over the age of 56.”

Typical Meal

Dr. Anna Cabeca shares that a great example of a keto green breakfast is smoked salmon with capers, tomatoes, onions with steamed spinach. And drizzle it olive oil. It’s less than five grams of carbs and keeps blood sugar healthy for five hours or so.

For lunch, Dr. Anna Cabeca likes a salad based on arugula, cilantro, and mint. Then add curry chicken salad on top of it. It’s chunk chicken with mayo, extra olive oil with turmeric or curry seasoning, and cut onions with sprouts. Then drizzle with olive oil and olive oil vinaigrette.

An ideal dinner would be bone broth. Dr. Anna Cabeca usually has a tabouli salad with lots of parsley. You could also use cauliflower rice, but Dr. Anna Cabeca likes using broccoli sprouts for that extra crunch. Then add some cut tomatoes and onions with lemon juice, olive oil, and some dressing.

Dealing With Cravings

Dr. Anna Cabeca says when it comes to cravings, physiology drives behavior. It’s about willpower and physiological factors. We have to empower our physiology to improve our willpower. To enable yourself to say yes when you need to and no when you don’t.

“Start the morning doing the right steps. Do it by working with digestive juices in the morning. Start with healthy fats. And fast between 12 to 15 hours,” advises Dr. Anna Cabeca.

As for chocolate cravings, opt for dark chocolate. But periodically detox from sweeteners. Instead of stevia, Dr. Anna Cabeca suggests trying vanilla extract. Then blend with cinnamon.

Weight Struggles

Dr. Anna Cabeca is no different from most of us. She also struggled with weight her entire life. And she struggled with cravings. She realizes that part of that was due to food sensitivity.

She knew keto was good for weight loss. There are even studies that show improved ketone secretion in the combination of adding alkaline components in the animal study model.

Dr. Anna Cabeca also believes that there’s also a spiritual clarity that comes with fasting. That’s what we can also experience doing this keto green lifestyle.

“No matter what you are doing, there’s hope. The more we take care of ourselves, better care we can take of everyone else. Put yourself on your priority list,” said Dr. Anna Cabeca. 


Dr. Anna Cabeca, an Emory University trained gynecologist and women’s health expert was diagnosed with early menopause at age 38 y.o. Devastated she went around the world looking for answers and healing and found it. She is now a triple board-certified, menopause and hormone expert. She is internationally acclaimed for her work in gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine, and anti-aging and regenerative medicine. 

Dr. Anna Cabeca has changed the lives of thousands of women across the globe, connecting to others through humor, honesty, and passion. Her book “The Hormone Fix” and other empowering transformation programs have helped women of all ages become their best selves again. Her successful line of all-natural products features the alkaline superfoods drink Mighty Maca® PLUS and the rejuvenating vulvar cream Julva®. 

Recently, Dr. Anna Cabeca was named “2018 Innovator of the Year” by Mindshare Collaborative, the premier community for health and wellness influencers and entrepreneurs. In 2017, the Age Management Medicine Group presented her the prestigious Alan P. Mintz Award for Clinical Excellence.

Get Connected With Dr. Anna Cabeca!






Books by Dr. Anna Cabeca

What’s Happening To My Hormones (Free E-book)

Coming soon on Feb: The Hormone Fix (For pre-orders)

Recommended Links

Breeze Through Menopause Masterclass (Free class by Dr. Anna Cabeca)

Jan 22, 2019

Come join me in Dr. Ritamarie's 5 day "healthy Keto" challenge and get some great tips and recipes for healthy, clean, healing eating!

Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology

Hormone Hacking Breakfast Menus

First interview with Dr. Ritamarie:

How to Break Free From Fatigue with Easy Homemade Hormone Balancing Elixirs That Work Like Magic

Brain Boost Recipes

"Blended Greens for Health and Longevity" Free E-book


The 5-Day Healthy Keto Challenge

Have you heard of the 5-Day Healthy Keto Challenge? I'm sure many of you have listened to the benefits of doing a ketogenic diet. But if it is not done right, your health will suffer more. If you're interested in doing ketogenic diet the right way, then this 5-Day Healthy Keto Challenge episode is definitely for you. Listen in to my guest, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, who will show you how to do it right.

Before we get started, let's kick off the topic with an announcement. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is giving out a free 5-Day Healthy Keto Challenge via her Facebook group. Cool prizes like US$ 25 Amazon gift card and a free Body Balance class worth $2,000 is up for grabs.


Before getting into the 5-Day Healthy Keto Challenge, you first have to understand what ketosis is. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says ketosis is not for everybody. It's a matter of knowing how your body is processing carbohydrates.

"I saw so many people teaching keto, and I just cringe when I see pictures of what people are eating," said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. 

She added, "So, I decided to do a healthy keto diet for people to reap the benefits of ketosis. And do it in a healthy, plant-based way. People usually end up getting thyroid issues from any diet intervention."

Ketogenic Diet

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says a ketogenic diet is typically done with tons of oil, not whole foods plant-based fats, not whole foods fats. Mostly, we need to provide the macro and micronutrients that the thyroid needs.

"I also don't believe that a ketogenic diet is necessarily meant for long-term use. Ultimately, it's a case to case basis depending on the person's health. The traditional way it's done is so devoid in food that is good for us," Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo said. 

How Ketosis Works

We have fuel that the body needs to burn for energy. And all the cells need energy. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says we also need energy for cellular metabolism and taking in nutrients. So, we have a choice between fats or sugar.

"When we rely on sugar for fuel, we get hungry between meals. But when you rely on fat for fuel, the fat doesn't get converted to sugar. It is burned in the form of ketone bodies which is a byproduct of fat," explains Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.

Even if you're not eating anything at all, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says most of us have extra stores of fat. We got a thousand calories at most of the extra glycogen which is the storage starch sugar form. So, we have enough fat on our bodies to last for weeks or months.

"The body gets efficient, and it's not constantly hungry. That's why so many people are doing it for the weight loss. It is also fuel for the brain and helps your memory, focus, repairs the brain, and calms the nervous system," Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo reveals.

But Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo also says we should make sure a health practitioner helps monitor us. Because if you do it wrong, most people end up taking in too much protein, because ketogenic is not a high-protein diet but rather a high-fat diet.

Decreasing Inflammation

By design, a ketogenic diet does not have grains in it. And according to Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, it doesn't have gluten and soy. Dairy is usually not there because it is high in sugar.

"Grains sometime irritate the gut, leading to leaky gut. When ketogenic diet is done properly, and we're doing it with anti-inflammatory fats and anti-oxidants, we get the best of both worlds," said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.

Recommended Diet

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo recommends eating highly-pigmented vegetables and fruits. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, it is nutrient-dense and low calorie.

"Generally, nutrient-dense foods are deficient in one thing---calories. So, you need to add to those nutrient-dense foods. Foods that are calorie-rich but also contain nutrients," Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo said. 

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo also recommends salads and non-starchy veggies with good fats, avocados, olives, coconut, nuts, and seeds. She says that when you heat oils, you create oxidated byproducts.

Different oils have the varying extent to which the damage happens. Because oxidated byproducts have free radicals damage to the cells. And that's what we should avoid.

Effects On Gallbladder

When we eat a lot of fat, we're putting a lot of demand in the gallbladder to produce and release bile to help with the digestion. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says people who have had their gallbladder removed should be cautious before going on a ketogenic diet.

"Fat burns cleaner in the brain than sugar. It doesn't have as many byproducts in the brain unlike sugar," said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. 

She adds, "Some studies have linked people with Alzheimer's disease who had an excess of sugar and insulin throughout their lives. Insulin is a fat storage hormone that has a lot of negative effects."

Finding Your Sweet Spot

There are a lot of tools to keep your blood sugar in check. One is the glucometer where it will instantly show what your blood sugar level is. The ketone meter, on the other hand, is used to test blood levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate, a ketone that your body produces when in ketosis.

You can also get a urine test or have a lab do your bloodwork. This way, you can monitor what foods you eat as well as your stress levels and sleep patterns. From there, you can modify to keep yourself in an ideal range. It's not about the diet but the lifestyle. Doing tests teaches you how to take control of your life.

The Sweet Spot Solution

Sweet Spot 30-Day Metabolic Reset Kit contains the shortcut plan for you to follow for 30 days to jumpstart you back into balance. Most common health challenges can be traced back to insulin resistance or pre-insulin resistance --- a condition that most medical professionals wouldn't catch until it became full-blown Metabolic Syndrome or Diabetes and after a lot of damage had been done.

The Sweet Spot Solution is not a cleanse or a deprivation diet. It's an easy-to-follow program that includes 30 days' worth of recipes, menu plans, and checklists that make it quick and easy to create delicious, filling waist-trimming meals.

As soon as you register, you'll be sent to a web page that includes MP4 videos, MP3 audios and PDF documents. Everything you need is laid out in a thoughtful format on one easy to access page.

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says you will witness a dramatic change in your blood sugar and insulin resistance. You’ll reverse damage to your insulin receptors and even improve their function.

Healthy Levels of Glucose

According to Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, somewhere in the 70s or low 80s is an ideal glucose level. Although lower than 70 is still fine. A lot of people who eat more towards ketogenic, their blood sugar gets lower.

If you feel awful and your blood sugar is below 60, you should also identify what is metabolically out of balance. Maybe you are toxic and need to work on your liver. It can also be the lack of nutrients to keep blood sugar steady. It varies from person to person.

Causes of Insulin Resistance

One cause is low levels of micronutrients. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says the majority is because of continually being in a state of hyper insulin and high blood sugar for so long. We have to dig deeper.

"The cells on the outside that are supposed to pick up insulin and glucose and to take them into the cell to use them to make energy, get damaged. They get damaged due to chemicals, inflammatory chemicals, toxins, oxidized fats," said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. 

She adds, "Or they could be damaged by high levels of insulin over a long period. When you expose a cell to too much of something, it creates defenses. High levels of a ketogenic diet possibly affect thyroid function and receptors as well." 

Importance of Sleep

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo also says people who are training and working muscles may get away with a little more sugar in their diet than the average person. Lack of sleep probably has some inflammatory mediators.

Things that don't get cleaned up during a good night's sleep affect the cells and increase insulin resistance. Even a healthy person can have a temporary insulin resistance the day after a bad night's sleep.

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo likewise believes that the standard American diet and lifestyle for processed foods, lots of oxidized fats and chemicals in the environment affect insulin resistance.

Why Keto Diet Balances Hormones

All the stored hormones come from fat. All the stored hormones come from cholesterol. And if we are too deficient in fat, we don't have the building blocks to make those hormones.

"My Healthy Keto Diet is good for people whose weight has plateaued. Not everybody has to be vegetarian or vegan to do this diet. But it can be a hundred percent. This diet is also good for people who want a healthier way to eat," said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. 

She adds, "People with inflammatory joint and other diseases get better because the diet takes out irritants. Ultimately, get a health practitioner to guide you through the diet."

Typical Day

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo usually doesn't eat her first meal before lunchtime. She starts her day with a green smoothie.  And she usually has avocadoes or hemp seeds, walnuts, coconut meat, coconut yogurt or some fermented food.

For those who want more recipe ideas, check out Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo's Hormone Hacking Breakfast Menus on her website. It gives you an idea of what the first meal of the day should consist of.

"I space my meals four hours apart. Lunch can be a wrap instead of bread or a nori wrap. There are some nice slices of bread and crackers that make nice sandwiches. Soups are also good," suggests Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. "Dinner can be a stir fry like stuffed peppers. I also use a lot of sauerkraut, yogurt, and kimchi. Feeding your microbiome with fermented food is good."

Damage from High Sugar

Your red blood cells are covered with sugar. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo explains that people who have high levels of sugar over time, they are damaging the blood vessels and nerve supply in the feet and fingers.

That's why a lot of persons end up with amputations. It also damages parts of the kidney. One of the common causes of kidney disease is uncontrolled high blood sugar. It does the same thing in the retina of the eyes.

"Insulin is a little bit different. High levels of insulin stiffen the blood vessels. Which in turn, causes hypertension," said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. "If you are in a state where there has been a lot of insulin and damage to those vessels, they are much stiffer. And they don't respond the same way. That can cause sudden heart attacks and stroke." 

The 5-Day Healthy Keto Challenge

The 5-Day Healthy Keto Challenge was developed as a strategy that would help kids with epilepsy. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says it was not intended for healthy people to do it long term. And it has not been tested long-term.

"I do know that you want to be measuring, you want to be looking into bloodwork, you want to be sure it is not throwing you into an unhealthy state," said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.

It's a case by case basis. So, it's important to listen to your body and get some guidance from a health practitioner before going into The 5-Day Healthy Keto Challenge.

Other Programs

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo's website has so many services and programs that can add to your knowledge about nutrition. They have the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology and a couple of shorter programs.

One short program is about insulin resistance, so you become a certified insulin resistance coach. They also have a full certification program on nutritional endocrinology. It has sections on functional assessment mastering and functional nutrition mastering. Looking at psychological issues, body system, and lifestyle pieces is likewise part of the program.

"Don't take this lightly. This is your health. You get this one body. Enjoy it, take care of it while you're here. Do the best you can. Because nothing tastes as good as healthy feels," said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.

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5-Day Healthy Keto Challenge

Books by Ritamarie Loscalzo

Unstoppable Health

Recommended Links:

Episode 304 - Nutritional Endocrinology

Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology

Hormone Hacking Breakfast Menus

How to Break Free From Fatigue with Easy Homemade Hormone Balancing Elixirs That Work Like Magic

Brain Boost Recipes

"Blended Greens for Health and Longevity" Free E-book


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Jan 17, 2019

 Become A Health Coach-Learn More About The Institute for Integrative Nutrition's Health Coaching Certification Program by checking out these four resources:

1) Integrative Nutrition's Curriculum Guide:

2) The IIN Curriculum Syllabus:

3) Module One of the IIN curriculum:

4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

Watch my little video on how to become a Certified Health Coach!


Dr. Christianson's video on how to do a neck/thyroid exam:
Book - Metabolism Reset Diet


Heal Your Thyroid Holistically

To heal your thyroid holistically is not as complicated as it seems. There have also been numerous opinions on whether iodine is good or bad for our health in the long run. To enlighten us about how to heal your thyroid holistically and other health issues linked to our thyroid, I’m so happy to have Dr. Alan Christianson back on the show.

Dr. Alan Christianson has helped so many people over the years addressing thyroid and adrenal issues. A significant component of how to holistically heal your thyroid is through the right diet. That’s why Dr. Alan Christianson wrote the book, The Metabolism Reset Diet, which is launching on January 29.

Thyroid Health

Dr. Alan Christianson says thyroid health does affect a lot of systems in the body. Especially brain development on kids. And to date, he says it’s been estimated that there’s a lot of billion people on planet earth who didn’t get the brain function they deserve because they lacked iodine as they grew up.

And whenever the topic is about how to heal your thyroid holistically, iodine often comes up.  For those who are unaware, iodine is one of the first elements that is ever isolated. The name itself comes from the violet color the element has.

“The thyroid medication contains active thyroid hormones. And they are built from iodine. And getting too much can seem a lot like too little regarding how it affects the body,” explains Dr. Alan Christianson. 

He adds, “The amount that you need is about a hundredfold of what you find in the bloodstream. So, the bloodstream concentrates iodine. And the concentrator is important because it’s a nutrient that you wouldn’t get on a consistent basis. But the pitfall about that concentrator is that if we get a lot of it, we shut down the factory.”

Too Much or Too Little Iodine?

Before you embark on the journey of how to heal your thyroid holistically, there’s a lot of tests available in the market to aid you in finding the best solution. There are spot urine tests, which means random samples of urine is analyzed.

Dr. Alan Christianson also shares that there are the 24-hour urine test and a recent thing called iodine challenge test. The iodine challenge test is where you take a big dose and see how much you excrete in the time afterward.

“A lot of those tests are decent to gauge how much iodine a population has. So, if you were to go to Central Africa and screen a thousand people with spot urinary iodine test, you get a good hunch,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. “But because there is so much variation in any one person’s random urine sample, you have to test thoroughly.”   

He adds, “Some of the best tests would only require about 200 tests for one person to have 90% of accuracy. So, there are no good tests, but thankfully there’s also no known human diversity regarding iodine absorption or excretion.”

Diet Choices

To heal your thyroid holistically, diet is a critical component. Dr. Alan Christianson reveals that one population can be at risk for getting low iodine if their food is more stringent and that’s pregnant women. And with the healthy intake of seafood and a good variety of produce in the diet, it’s easy not to become deficient.

The other group that can be at risk are raw food vegans who don’t use any iodine-fortified salt. Dr. Alan Christianson likes sea salt for general use because this way, you get some magnesium. So, if someone was consuming no animal products and especially just raw foods, they can get low iodine.

“Sea vegetables are rich in iodine. Most forms of sea vegetables have enough to be useful but not enough to throw your way out of the ballpark,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. “Kelp helps a lot. Tiny amounts could be useful. Nori has pretty reasonable amounts of iodine.”

Dr. Alan Christianson also mentioned that by adding iodized salt to food, people could get reasonable amounts. He also said that pretty much all multi-vitamins will have between a hundred or two hundred micrograms. 

Too Much Iodine While On Medication

Dr. Alan Christianson explains that if someone is between their supplements, their diet, and medication, it creates more overall resistance to thyroid hormones in their body. So, the amounts that we need regarding thyroid and iodine are a small quantity, like one to two hundred micrograms or a tenth of a grain of salt.

“Some studies show that megadose iodine is an effective treatment for fibrocystic breast disease. We have to think through side effects, and thyroid complication as whether or not is it worth it overall,” said Dr. Alan Christianson.

Hashimoto’s Disease

A Japanese physician discovered Hashimoto’s because the Japanese have the highest rates of autoimmune thyroid disease and thyroid cancer. According to Dr. Alan Christianson, they also have the world’s highest iodine intake.

In the U.S., Dr. Alan Christianson reveals that we have a lot of goiter cases especially in a lot of great lakes and areas where there is a lot of fresh water. But we didn’t have autoimmune thyroid disease.

“The thing with Hashimoto’s as an autoimmune disease, if you don’t see it then you don’t know that it’s not there,” Dr. Alan Christianson said. “So, people have hypothyroidism, and sometimes the doctor may test for thyroid antibodies. Half the time, the thyroid antibodies are negative.” 

He adds, “But people who have Hashimoto’s disease, half the time their thyroid antibodies never show up. So, there are few cases of hypothyroidism that are not autoimmune.”

Graves’ Disease

Graves’ disease, on the other hand, is also known as toxic diffuse goiter. It is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. Based on numerous case studies, it often results in and is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. Apart from that, it frequently results in an enlarged thyroid.

“The part about being hyperthyroid perpetuates the autoimmune attack. You may see odd things that may not be helpful but seems to be effective for one person,” Dr. Alan Christianson explains. “And with more appropriate treatment, in pulling someone out of hyperthyroidism and getting iodine right, many can heal and stay stable again.” 

He adds, “It’s not about the pill. The question is always can I be vital and happy and thriving again. So, focus on that one. It’s really about how you’re going to feel and function.”

Advocating For Ourselves

Dr. Alan Christianson says the patient’s well-being is most important. But thyroid levels also affect health in ways that you wouldn’t know based on symptoms alone. Your TSH signal, for example, that’s a growth signal to the thyroid. And it can be a growth signal for something connected with health issues like heart disease and diabetes.

“So, it’s important to monitor our thyroid levels annually, to make sure we’re not getting too much or too little. Cancer that’s growing the fastest among women is thyroid cancer. The rates have gone up since the end of the 90s. It has gone up three-fold,” shares Dr. Alan Christianson.

Dr. Alan Christianson also believes that people with thyroid disease should have a minimum of a baseline ultrasound when the thyroid is down. The American College of Gynecology, in fact, recommends self-neck checks on a monthly basis as part of wanting to heal the thyroid holistically. 

Nutrient Deficiencies

Dr. Alan Christianson stressed that selenium is essential for all things thyroid. Those who are low in selenium are more likely to have an iodine deficiency and vice versa.

“So, it’s most important to get a screen for your TSH and your thyroid antibodies. And it’s important to know not just what’s normal but what should optimal look like,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. “There’s a certain amount of thyroid antibodies that are considered perfectly fine.”

Other Measures

Dr. Alan Christianson says the number of people who have thyroid problems is much higher than people who have perfect thyroid function. And when you look at the healthiest populations, their average scores of T4 and T3 pretty much are the average scores in the blood test. T3 and T4 are highly regulated by the body, and they only reflect the state when the body is off by extremes.

On the other hand, T2 is not measurable. Dr. Alan Christianson says healthy people have reasonable amounts of that. People who are on thyroid treatment that does not include T2, tend to be lacking in it. He also said that T2 by itself seems to have the most significant roles to play in metabolic rates, and also would regulate ovarian function.

Truth About Cortisol

There have also been references wherein popularized the idea of how the adrenals are unable to produce cortisol. Dr. Alan Christianson mentions that there’s a disease called Addison’s disease. He went on to say that at a surface look, someone with Addison’s disease could have very similar cortisol levels to another.

“If you assume the problem is low cortisol, somebody is likely to think of giving more cortisol. And a lot of cases like that where someone is giving you a lot of cortisol at your worst, you might feel a lot better short-term,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. “But you can also measure the brain talking to the adrenals, in the same way, the brain talks to the thyroid.”

And the difference between Addison’s disease and adrenal fatigue is that in adrenal fatigue, the brain is telling you to slow down. That’s why Dr. Alan Christianson believes that prognosis can differ from person to person.

Hence, in wanting to heal your thyroid holistically, one has to do the research apart from finding an excellent practitioner who is knowledgeable. Ultimately, it’s about how to become a self-advocate for your health.

“Stay active with their work and hold on to it. You can radically transform the quality of your life by doing the right things with your lifestyle. Don’t give up on having that vision come through for you,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. 


Dr. Alan Christianson is a Naturopathic Endocrinologist who focuses on Thyroid function, adrenal health, and metabolism. 

Dr. Alan Christianson has been actively practicing in Scottsdale since 1996 and is the founding physician behind Integrative Health. He is a NY Times bestselling author whose books include The Metabolism Reset Diet, The Adrenal Reset Diet, and the Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid Disease. 

Dr. Alan Christianson regularly appears on national media like Dr. Oz, The Doctors, and The Today Show.

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Thyroid Self-Exam

Books by Dr. Alan Christianson

Adrenal Reset Diet



Metabolism Reset Diet


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Jan 16, 2019

 Become A Health Coach-Learn More About The Institute for Integrative Nutrition's Health Coaching Certification Program by checking out these four resources:

1) Integrative Nutrition's Curriculum Guide:

2) The IIN Curriculum Syllabus:

3) Module One of the IIN curriculum:

4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

Watch my little video on how to become a Certified Health Coach!


Building Biologist

Have you ever heard of a building biologist? A few of you may know what a building biologist is, but many have not. It is essential to understand that a building biologist can significantly help improve our health.  Check out this episode where I have Integrative Health Coach, Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and Building Biologist Cathy Cooke who can explain how an expert like her can change your life.

True Health is not about eating healthy and having a positive mindset. Sometimes, we do all that, yet we will find ourselves still dealing with chronic issues and erratic sleeping patterns. And more often than not, the culprit is something invisible like electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and other harmful frequencies in our environment.

Personal Struggles

Like most experts, their road to better health and helping people was brought about by personal health issues. And Cathy Cooke is no different. She struggled with health issues for 30 years starting around 1986. And even got bit by a tick at 12 years old.

“Lyme disease was not on the forefront that time. I got extremely sick. And I tried to find answers by seeing dozens of practitioners,” recalls Cathy Cooke.

And just a couple of a years ago she was finally able to improve her health with the help of a doctor. Cathy Cooke then researched everything—food, supplements, and the environment. And the more she got back to nature, the closer she was to how we’re supposed to live, the healthier she felt. Eventually, Cathy Cooke wanted to help other people. 

Educating Herself

In her mission to help others, Cathy Cooke pursued further studies and training. She started to eat better but had sleep issues. She also had tinnitus in her left ear for ten plus years. 

Through her research, Cathy Cooke noticed that EMFs kept coming up. She then decided to stop using a cellphone for a few days and her tinnitus when away within two days.

Cathy Cooke then stopped using wi-fi or decreased exposure. She began having a better sleep pattern and her thyroid issue, and anxiety went away. That made her all the more determined to train as a building biologist.

“When you close the wi-fi, the heaviness goes away. It’s a difficult thing to get skeptical people to understand because they don’t see it. Something happens at a deeper level that’s affecting you on a cellular level,” said Cathy Cooke.

She adds, “If we are in an electromagnetic environment and we have metals, that’s also going to act like an antenna. And will cause us to have more symptoms.”

Building Biologist

A building biologist will be able to assess your house for air quality and what they look out for is molds. Mold exposure can be devastating, as well as chemical exposure. Plus, a building biologist also looks out for areas that emit electric, magnetic, radio frequencies and microsurge electrical pollution or dirty electricity.

According to Cathy Cooke, the Institute of Building Biology and Ecology started in Germany in the 80s. After World War II, Cathy Cooke says soldiers were promised a house and all the chemicals left over from the war. Out of those excess chemicals came all of these chemically-based manufactured products like pesticides. And a lot of it went into building materials.

“Many people started to get sick in Germany inside their homes. Because all the chemicals are off-gassing. So, the Building Biology started in Germany to help these people to address their health symptoms and to clean up air quality,” Cathy Cooke said.

She adds, “And we started bringing in this EMF component. So, in the 90s, we developed a branch of Building Biology Institute here in the US. That’s where I was trained in air quality and EMF.”

Electric Component

Cathy Cooke explains that electric components come from electrical wires running through your walls. And then voltage comes out to our living space.

Our body is electric, so when we add on these other fields, Cathy Cooke says our body has a hard time communicating because it has human-made electric fields interfering with that communication.

Magnetic Component

Magnetic fields are from power lines. Cathy Cooke explains that if you have wiring errors, there are magnetic fields. The magnetic field will also come from appliances.

Some appliances include the refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, and even an alarm clock. Another appliance is a space heater which should be 8 to 10 feet away from you.

Microsurge Electrical Pollution

Microsurge Electrical Pollution, on the other hand, comes from the power that we are putting onto our electrical system. Cathy Cooke says the power that our gadgets are hooked on to our electrical lines creates spikes or a microsurge of electricity on the sign waves.

Radio Frequency

Radio frequency is what most people think of when we are talking about EMF. Cathy Cooke reveals that our cellphone, Bluetooth devices, smart meter, and all wireless communication devices have radio frequencies.

In recent years, there has been a growing concern over the impact of 5G. The 5G frequency has not been determined yet, but there are a lot of uncertainties. So, Cathy Cooke says the goal is going to be shorter waves.

But she also says that just because one frequency is higher than another, it does not mean it is worse or better because there are different impacts.

Steps We Can Do

One main suggestion of Cathy Cooke is not to use wi-fi. Instead, get an ethernet cable and plug the computer into the modem or router. This cuts out radio frequency exposure.

If there are a lot of members in your household who need to use the internet, Cathy Cooke recommends running multiple ethernet cords through your house. Or you can also unplug if you are not using it, especially at night.

Another way is to put your router in a shielding material like a metal box or place a cloth drape over the router. Cathy Cooke has that special type of cloth shield on her website. She also cautions people on the clothes they wear.

“Not everybody does well with material that they wear or put on your body. Some may find that it makes those symptoms worse. For the highly sensitive people, they take the jewelry off,” said Cathy Cooke.

She also suggests educating our neighbors regarding the effects of wi-fi, especially when you live in a building with so many units having their own wi-fi devices. Encourage communication between members of the community and get the guidance of a building biologist. 


According to Cathy Cooke, the flicker from LEDs disrupts the nervous system, and we can’t see that. So, it is better to have old school incandescent light bulbs. Not the CFOs nor the compact fluorescent light. Because they give off a lot of dirty electricity.

Safer Use Of Gadgets

Cathy Cooke recommends placing our cellphone in airplane mode. It is also not advisable to use a cordless phone which is even worse than a cellphone.

The is also a meter that you can buy to measure frequency. Otherwise, just like you can plug your computer in the ethernet, you can do the same thing with your phone. You can’t receive a phone call, but there are ways to make phone calls through the internet.

Another way is using a safe sleeve phone cover. It has a shield that will drop some of the exposure. Cathy Cooke also recommends using an air tube headset with the phone.

An air tube headset is like earbuds, but halfway up, the electrical cord turns into this plastic tube. So, the cord or wire is not going all the way to your head. This way, it cuts off the electrical field.

Green Wave Filters

Green wave filters can address areas affected by magnetic fields. But Cathy Cooke says one has to know how to test or use this to prevent the situation from getting worse.  The green wave filters along with other products to reduce EMFs are available on Cathy Cooke’s website.

“How much is your addiction to technology impeding the things that bring fulfillment and joy to your life,” said Cathy Cooke. “And if we look at it that way, I think it’s sometimes easy for us to put our technology down and refocus why we are here. And what brings fulfillment to our life.” 


Cathy Cooke has been working as an Integrative Health Coach since 2014. She is a Board-Certified Holistic Nutritionist with the National Association of Nutritional Professionals. Recognizing that many of her clients were ‘doing everything right’ yet still suffering from health issues, she realized that many home and work environments were contributing to illness. 

Seeing dramatic improvements in her health after limiting radio frequency exposure from wifi and cell phones, Cathy Cooke received training and certification from the International Institute of Building Biology and Ecology, affording her the expertise to evaluate all areas in a person’s life that may be contributing to illness. 

Originally from Kansas City, Missouri, Cathy Cooke now lives in Boise, Idaho. She is available for consulting via Skype and phone and is also willing to travel as needed for home assessments.

Get Connected With Cathy Cooke!

Official Website


Recommended Reading:

Nourishing Traditions – Sally Fallon



Recommended Links

Episode 59 – EMF Pollution – Sal La Duca

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Jan 11, 2019

Rise: How a House Built a Family
Audio Book and Paperback:

Cara Brookins is best known for being the mom who built her own house using YouTube tutorials. She has been entertaining, educating, and inspiring audiences with her keynotes and presentations since 2004. She’s the author of eight books, including Rise, How a House Built a family, which tells the story of building her 3500 square foot house with the help of her four children by watching YouTube tutorials and googling things like foundation work, plumbing, and gas lines. News of Cara's family story went viral in more than 75 countries and was viewed two billion times. Rise has now been optioned to become a major motion picture. Inspiring audiences to build bigger lives remains Cara's greatest passion.


Build A Life You Want

To build a life you want is what we should all aim for. Life is short. And it is up to us to make the most of it, regardless of what situation we are in. My guest today, Author of Rise: How a House Built a Family, Cara Brookins is such an inspiration. From dealing with domestic violence to building her own house, she has defied the odds and proved that it is indeed possible to build a life you want. 

Domestic Violence

Cara Brookins weathered through many storms before she became who she is today. She was a victim of extreme domestic violence when she married her first husband who slowly descended into having full-blown paranoid schizophrenia. Because he became dangerous, they divorced. But for ten years after that, he kept coming back and tormented Cara and her children.

Then Cara Brookins met another guy, who seemed to be the right answer. They eventually married, but he also ended up physically abusive. After two terrible marriages and children who were aged 17, 15, 11, and two at that time, the experience affected her two older kids. The situation turned even more severe since they now needed a place to live.

Building A House

Her failed marriages and the threat of being homeless gave Cara Brookins the idea of perhaps building a house herself.  They were living in a house that was up for sale that time and could not afford to keep it.

She believed that it was primarily the need more than the inspiration to make their lives better. So, in the Fall of 2007, when Youtube was a brand-new website then, Cara Brookins started to research.

Cara Brookins was a computer programmer by profession, and that helped a lot. At first, she started watching videos for work to learn new computer languages. And then she saw videos on how to build a house. Broaching the idea to her kids, they were open to try it. They only had money to buy a piece of land and building materials but not enough money to hire people to build their house. 

Getting Started

Cara Brookins says people helped along the way. Building the house took 20-hour days for nine months straight. She had to make sure they were on schedule because she had a 9-month construction loan.

“In the beginning when we first had this idea, it didn’t seem radical. People were stunned, but my kids were already beaten down for more than a decade at that point. There was always somebody in control. And there was always this layer of fear. There was no action we could take that would make it better,” recalls Cara Brookins. 

She adds, “This idea of building a house was the first time that gave us the opportunity to go out and take physical action to visibly and tangibly make our lives better.” 


Before building a house, Cara Brookins and her kids were stuck in a crippling survival mode. They didn’t have a close family that could help them through the trauma.

“You kind of pull inside yourself, each one of you and each day. We had to quickly learn not only how to communicate what we need and our ideas. And we also learned how to anticipate one another’s needs and talents,” Cara Brookins said. 

She adds, “The level of doubt is hard to describe because, in retrospect, people think it must be fun building, exciting and empowering. Instead, when you bite off more than you can chew, it knocks you to your knees. Everything we tried to do, it was multiple setbacks before we move forward. Not surprisingly, that level of self- doubt, made them so much harder.”


According to Cara Brookins, to build a life you want, we want to think that the moment you take action, it’s the changing point. But for her, it’s like after the action was taken.

“That happened to me most often. I was forced into taking action because I had to. The city and the bank would not let me proceed with this house until I had water. A deadline forced me,” said Cara Brookins. 

She adds, “And once that happened, I can see in retrospect how ridiculous my situation was. And how ridiculous I had made my situation by not taking that option. That’s when I made this conscious effort not to do it anymore.”

Taking From Experience

Cara Brookins believes that when you feel paralysis and fear to take the next step to build the life you want, we usually think of the worst-case scenario. And believe that we are going to survive, learn from the experience and be better next time. For Cara Brookins, the transition was after she saw the effect of her doubt, hesitation, paralysis, and procrastination.

“Get over yourself. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Walk in the lows and ask that ridiculous question. Have fun with it,” suggests Cara Brookins. “We learned that early on. Whatever your goal is, and if you go all in, you will figure out a way if it is your only way of survival.”

Cara Brookins also believes that to build the life you want; you need to put reminders in your path. And designing your life around the thing, you want to do and the person you want to be.

Another important factor on how to build the life you want is recognizing that when you procrastinate, our brain is going to be continually fighting for that feeling of wanting or accomplishing something. Cara Brookins says it’s a whole lot easier for it to win at something it knows you are successful at that for your brain to allow you to go out and take that risk.

“As soon as you are aware of that process, your brain is designed to hold you back. Because doing risky things can get you eaten by a tiger,” said Cara Brookins. “That’s your primitive brain saying don’t go trying difficult things, stay here and do the safer thing. That’s how we get trapped in these cycles.”

Positive Outcome

Today, Cara Brookins and her family reside in a 3,500 square foot house. The house has five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big library, a 3-car garage, a big shop, and a treehouse.

While there aren’t that many photos of the construction period, Cara Brookins’ house is a testament that anything is possible.  She is still humbled by the fact that her story inspired so many people.

“The kids became close. Not only do they support each other but they call each other out. And lovingly call each other out. There is a level of honesty,” Cara Brookins said. 

She adds, “The key is in our society. We have forgotten the value of taking physical action of going out and doing something that’s physically hard. And the way that it bonds you together.”

Rise: How a House Built a Family

Cara Brookins’ Rise: How a House Built a Family book, inspired many people to do their projects or build a life they want. The book has lessons that you can apply to your business as well. The book also appealed to men who took Cara Brookins by surprise.

“In retrospect, it shouldn’t have because it is that physical activity that men do better and more often than women. Men are better in turning to that while women tend to turn to more talk and internal things,” said Cara Brookins.

In getting out of your comfort zone, the risk you feel is natural. Because Cara Brookins says, it is scary to put everything you got into one massive dream. And the only way that you can make something that big is to put everything into it.

The first time Cara Brookins considered writing a book about building her house was when she was talking to another writer who encouraged her to write about it.  That writer’s agent called Cara Brookins who eventually tried to write the story.

But the book didn’t sell. It took Cara Brookins six years of constantly giving up and going back in writing fiction. Because it was so hard for her to tell the bad part and she worried about the effect, it would have on her kids.

“To get to a point where I was willing to share the worst moments of my life, I wrote in a raw and honest way. In a way that it was exceptionally vulnerable. And my kids had to be ok with it, too,” said Cara Brookins.

Then when her agent called to inform her that it was sent to publishers, the next hurdle was to see how many people like the book. Many did, and the rest is history. 

Maximize Resources

When Cara Brookins started her journey in building a house, there weren’t many resources available. Now, anything is possible. With smartphones and so many resources online, she encourages everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to explore and learn.

“We live in an amazing time. But then it becomes hard to focus. And hard to figure out which of those things you need or want. And how do those things go together,” said Cara Brookins. “I think that’s more of the procrastination we have now. Many people are paralyzed in their reality.”

Motivational Keynote Speaker

Cara Brookins’ profession was being a computer programmer for 18 years. In her spare time, she wrote books. But becoming a motivational speaker allowed her to reach out and inspire more people to build the life they want.

“It’s hard to get on stage. Because it proves that no matter how many big things you do, you will still face other things that are big, scary and challenging to overcome and have to talk yourself through it,” Cara Brookins said. 

She adds, “The more that I did it from each time I learned, I change my presentation the way I saw myself. And the way I saw my goal. My goal was not for me. But it was for the audience, and what I wanted them to feel. It transformed into this thing that I love.”

Ultimately, becoming a speaker is a good thing because Cara Brookins loves sharing what she went through. She also does workshops for companies about procrastination.

See You At The Movies

Although Cara Brookins plans to write some more non-fiction books, she is currently busy ironing out the details of an upcoming Hollywood film about her life.

Cara Brookins is co-producing the film along with the lead actress of the upcoming movie. She hopes the movie will inspire people to take action and do great things. And that their past does not define their future.

“It’s about how to make yourself the type of person to take action. Part of it is setting goals and declaring it. It’s also to improve the way that your current situation looks and feel,” said Cara Brookins. 

She adds, “Whatever you think you might be able to do, whatever you think you want the most in your life, go do it.” 


Cara Brookins is best known for being the mom who built her own house using YouTube tutorials. She has been entertaining, educating, and inspiring audiences with her keynotes and presentations since 2004. 

Cara Brookins is the author of eight books, including Rise: How a House Built a family, which tells the story of building her 3,500 square foot house with the help of her four children by watching YouTube tutorials — and googling things like foundation work, plumbing, and gas lines. 

News of Cara Brookins’ family story went viral in more than 75 countries and was viewed two billion times. Rise has now been optioned to become a major motion picture. Inspiring audiences to build bigger lives remains Cara’s greatest passion.

Get Connected With Cara Brookins!

Official Website

Rise: How a House Built a Family



Book by Cara Brookins

Rise: How A House Built A Family



Recommended Reading by Cara Brookins

5 Second Rule  – Mel Robbins


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Jan 9, 2019



The vibration of Beliefs And Frequency of Emotions is a way of gaining control of our body. It is healing and unleashes the human potential. The person who will help us understand the power of vibration is my guest, Jeremy Koester.

Traumatic Past

Jeremy Koester, who is an educator has a truly inspiring story. Aside from losing over a hundred pounds, he was able to bounce back from a traumatic childhood and helping people who need a solid support system.

Jeremy Koester was born into a lot of generational trauma. His grandmother was abused and raped when she was a teenager, so she ran away from Galveston at the age of 17.  She went to Hollywood to be a starlet and met Jeremy Koester’s grandfather who came from Germany.

The trauma that Jeremy Koester’s grandmother brought with her was passed down to Jeremy Koester’s father who ran away from home when he was 13. As for Jeremy Koester, he shares that he did better coping than his elders but still had a lot of mental health genetics and behaviors passed down to him.

Personal Struggle

Jeremy Koester was morbidly obese at age 33 and was depressed. He felt he was trying to be something outside of himself that wasn’t authentic. And thought that he was doing what someone else told him he had to do.

“I felt there had to be something more to life than this. So I decided to change the way I use food. This was in August 2010. I made better food choices. It took two years to lose 100 pounds,” recalls Jeremy Koester.

During this time, Jeremy Koester started seeing mental issues. He got divorced, but his kids motivated him to keep going. It was never really about losing weight but instead being passionate about his life.

“Going through those things, facing those things allowed me the opportunity to develop myself into this guy that I am now,” Jeremy Koester said. “Getting to live life passionately, and help people by teaching them how to be advocates for their health.”

Advocating Your Health

Jeremy Koester advises starting with the things that are picking up at the moment. He says the most important thing is what’s present in that exchange. For Jeremy Koester, everything is vibration. It’s about the information being passed to the things that we believe is coming from our nervous system. And they are making meaning instantaneously through their prior associations.

“Most of us are locked in this choosing framework. What we’re choosing is based on a belief system that was mostly handed to us,” said Jeremy Koester. “I open up the space to observe their choices. And I open it up with gratitude. Having an internal dialogue when you make choices is important. You have to ask yourself what you want.”

He adds, “We all have completely different genetic makeups. And we all have different habits that brought us to today like bloodwork or our environment. The beliefs that we have set up the behavior of how we show up and choose in the world.”


Jeremy Koester says it is scientific that it is the vibration of our body that we pick up on each other. There is a vagal nerve tone that’s resonating from our bodies. And looking at the spaces to be able to make those shifts is what he is so passionate about helping people be an advocate for themselves.

“The happy chemical serotonin, 95% of that is produced in your gut biome. It’s about balance and getting back to homeostasis,” Jeremy Koester explains. “The main storyline to my experience is how impactful my diet is to my emotional life. Every one of us is a unique bag of science. We are all completely different.”

He adds, “We have a lot of opportunities right now especially in western culture to eat well and to do right by our chemistry.” 

Home Frequency

Jeremy Koester says the emotions we feel are a frequency that we are putting through our body and cells out into our environment. It specifically goes into the spaces of what we are holding space to happen in our life.

An example is when we struggle to wake up as soon as the alarm clock goes off. We then think of a lot of things, like the feeling or struggles we have to face.

These things are vibrations of our belief system. It courses through our body and out into the things that we are doing, being and feeling into the all the spaces we go in to.

Getting Started

One of the things Jeremy Koester teaches in his course is diaphragmatic rhythmic breathing. He likes to pair it with his meditation practice which he learned from Emily Fletcher at He says it’s the closest thing to sleep breathing and to be able to get his nervous system reset.

Jeremy Koester also says diet is a significant benefit to help this practice be more effective. If you can calm your nervous system and get your body into alpha waves, you will feel calm, present and centered and clear. Only then can you choose with intention about what you want to do.

“It’s the vibration that’s reinforcing our nervous system.  We get the opportunity to look at things that are uniquely human such as feelings,” Jeremy Koester said. “Also, we have this opportunity to look at the fact that these things are our vibration. And that’s filling all of the things that are happening around us.”

He adds, “This vibration is actual scientific energy. It is an authentic experience about ourselves, that are vibrating.”

Rhythmic Breathing

Rhythmic breathing pairs well for Jeremy Koester with meditation but not necessarily. It’s getting into a comfortable position where his back is supported. He advises being seated to have some grounding. Your feet have to be on the ground, the back is supported, and the head is free. Do what you want with your hands and close your eyes.

“Simple nature of it is belly-breathing. A very specific belly-breathing in a gentle and relaxed state. Breathe through your diaphragm. Allow the stomach to pouch out. It’s an opportunity to be vulnerable and trusting,” said Jeremy Koester.

Ideally, you should breathe in for 5, hold for one. Then breathe out for 5, hold for one. While doing that, relax your shoulders and head. Get your mind to be present to what your body is saying. The length of time to do this varies, but Jeremy Koester practices it for over 20 minutes. 

How To Make A Change

First of all, Jeremy Koester advises coming into observation of it. It is the beginning of all change. Because frequently, he says when we’re thinking about making those changes, we’re not in the middle of it. So, you have to learn gratitude.

“Because if you feel depression, it’s a vibration that’s in your body. It’s a vibration that has a genesis. And if we look at it, all of it is something we have chosen in the past that has been brought to now,” said Jeremy Koester. “It’s looking a completion that I say is a vibration. And gratitude is that vibration. It’s a call for love is another way to look at it.”

Jeremy Koester also suggests not to hide from it. But instead get present with it. At times it can be overwhelming but try to give as much gratitude as you can. You will gradually feel you have enough space within you to feel that vibration.

Belief System

When you have mastered the art of feeling your vibration, start looking at this automatic language which is the belief. The belief about yourself. And according to Jeremy Koester, the wording is specific.

“When people say the word should, it is a projection of expectation. And ‘should’ has a place.  It’s the application of wisdom. There are dependencies where ‘should’ works,” said Jeremy Koester.

He adds, “But when in projection, especially in beliefs and language that we have programmed in our neocortex that is a trigger based on the vibration and the feeling that comes up from our bodies, we have the opportunity to re-program those things.”

Learn To Smile

A smile is a powerful thing to do to both yourself and others. Because of this, Jeremy Koester tells people to smile until they are happy. He says it feels weird because it’s as if you’re choosing a behavior that is empathetical to the way your body feels. But it shifts your body. And your body will listen to your decision that you’re making.

The actual choice of gratitude doesn’t have to be a vibration of gratitude. You can choose to say thank you or welcome. And you’ll start seeing that you can choose to dance while you’re not feeling good and then you start feeling good. That choice to no longer resist the irritation but to welcome it, is a natural choice you’re making. You make the time to sit and allow that feeling to be there.

“You might still feel that frustration, but that’s okay. That’s the beauty of gratitude. It’s saying this feeling is okay,” Jeremy Koester said. “This is your opportunity to love yourself. And this is your opportunity to give this actual biological vibration the thing that it’s looking for which is a completion.”

Negative Choices

Negative choices are people having a neuro experience. Their nervous system has this thing where they are not catching what they’re doing. They are just reacting. Instead of pointing out what they did, acknowledge that they’re having an experience and try to find out what is going on. Try to find a way to support them on how to be kind when others are not showing that.

You don’t have to choose to perpetuate that choice of being rude or mean. You can create a different experience. Getting into that practice of validating their emotions and getting into this space is seeking understanding of the other in that environment.

Morning Rituals

Jeremy Koester says he plans his morning rituals with blocks. And allow himself as much choice as he wants in his morning rituals. There are common ones which are non-negotiable wherever he is in the world. His diaphragmatic, rhythmic breathing paired with his meditation is a must-do. And he’s been doing it for two years now.

Jeremy Koester also does different aspects of journaling. One is gratitude journaling, or doing The Artist’s Way morning pages which I got from the Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal. It’s about getting the mind to be present, focused and to slow down.

Jeremy Koester also has a lot of sounds that he incorporates into that space called ohming. To him, it’s about the vibration he makes. It’s about the power of the human voice.

“If I can choose the way I feel, then my voice and the words that I say are the choices of the vibration that I put out in the environment,” said Jeremy Koester.

If you want to learn more about how to be more connected with yourself, check out Jeremy Koester’s website.  His coursework is all about body, mind and energy practices which will significantly change the way you look at yourself and life in general.

Vibe My Tribe Online

According to Jeremy Koester, there are two applications of artificial intelligence. One is military, and the other one is advertising. Some bots are programs that are on the internet making fake profiles and selling things to people.

So, he says the way of our future is this idea of authenticity that people can tell there’s a vibration of the human on the other side of things. Look at the concept of current marketing practices. We go in this space and ask these questions that often are predicated with bias because the person that’s asking is wanting to sell you something.

“I help people launch an online community where the people that want to be a part of what they’re doing in the world gets you engaged on their level. And you get to set your framework of how you want to show up in the world,” said Jeremy Koester.

He adds, “As my parting words of wisdom, keep going. Whatever it is or whatever you’re facing, don’t give up on yourself. There’s somebody out there who can support you.” 


Jeremy Koester‘s background as an educator and entertainer set the stage for the massive behavior change he’s created in his life. His accomplishments around his weight loss, the pursuit of mental health and living to one’s highest human potential inform his work as a community builder and his leadership of Resonant Sovereignty students in their personal growth. He co-creates new realities for humanity in our collective. 

Born and raised in the foothills of LA into a mix of religion and mental health instability, Jeremy Koester joined the Air Force after high school. After moving to San Antonio, he taught middle and high school students. Three amazing kids later, his life was still defined by his hidden depression, workaholism and living out of integrity with what he truly believed in. 

Knowing there was a rich, connected life of authenticity that he was disconnected from, he set out on a new path to right his direction and connect deeply with his intuition. Jeremy Koester redefined his belief systems and took responsibility for how he showed up in life. He made massive changes in his life, leveling up his career so he could make huge positive impacts in the world, losing over 100 pounds and keeping it off (for over six years now). He built a support group for reversing diabetes and obesity, actualizing his decade of field research into human connection, community and engagement. 

Jeremy Koester’s Resonant Sovereignty coursework shares his lessons, practices, and insights for a bold and intuitive life well lived. Standing on the shoulders of giants, the latest bio-geometric epigenetics research and his success in behavior change, he offers an engaging, empowering and transformative experience.

Get Connected With Jeremy Koester!


Vibe My Tribe



Book by Jeremy Koester:

Being An Empath (Publishing soon!)

Recommended Reading:

Transparency by Penney Peirce



Recommended Links:

Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal

Episode 320 – Relationship With Food – Heidi Schauster

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Jan 5, 2019 -- Blog, Book, and Practice information
Nourish: How to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Body, and Self


Relationship with Food

Our relationship with food goes hand in hand with our physical and emotional self. Some may say it is hard to get our diet choices on the right track. But honestly, our eating disorders or food cravings sometimes aren’t because we are hungry.  To explain how to heal our relationship with food, I have Dietician and Book Author Heidi Schauster in this episode.

Eating Disorder

Heidi Schauster didn’t have the best relationship with food when she was younger. She struggled with eating disorders during adolescence. And went through a recovery process that included some study of nutrition.

Heidi Schauster decided to study nutrition in college because she was obsessed with food. However, she was also a strong science geek and was interested in physiology and anatomy.

She thought she would go on to medical school, but Heidi Schauster didn’t like the lifestyle. So, she chose to pursue studying nutrition instead. Studying nutrition was helpful in Heidi Schauster’s recovery.

“I was a ballet dancer, and I thought dieting was the norm. And that I needed to eat more food than I thought. Studying nutrition helped me relax a little bit more to understand how food was needed in my body and muscles. And I allowed myself to eat more,” said Heidi Schauster.

Getting Inspired

Heidi Schauster has been helping people deal with their relationship with food for 23 years now. It was a far cry from her teenage years when her relationship with food was so chaotic.

Heidi Schauster almost had to relearn that sense of pleasure and enjoyment from food. As a culmination of her recovery work, it helped that she had experience watching kids enjoy food again when she worked at a children’s hospital in Boston. That inspired her to help people.

Nourish: How to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Body, and Self

Heidi Schauster wrote Nourish: How to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Body, and Self because she wanted to create a nutrition book that was not going to be triggering for someone who is recovering from an eating disorder. She wanted it to be something that was also accessible to people who don’t have an eating disorder but feel like their relationship with food was funky.

“I don’t know how anyone can not have a funky relationship with food sometimes in this culture. There are so many things pointing us in the direction of using food to better ourselves,” Heidi Schauster said. 

Heidi Schauster believes that when anyone today struggles with their relationship with food, there is fear involved.  For some, it’s bigger fears than others. Hence, reintroducing food is a very slow program wherein a trusting relationship must be developed first.

“We’ve gotten so mind-driven over our food choices. And we think about what we should eat so much. As a result, we don’t drop into our bodies and ask what would be right for you right now and listen to that response,” explains Heidi Schauster. 

She adds, “If someone is very out of touch with their body, and not used to inhabiting their body or making decisions on what to eat, it can feel foreign to trust again.”  

Steps To A Well-Balanced Diet

First of all, Heidi Schauster advises to let go of the diet mentality and sense of trying to fix the body through food. We must accept that our body is ideal. When you come from that place of body acceptance, then you tend to make different choices around eating. Your choices will tend to be healthier.

Another way to get your diet on track is thorough diffusion. It is a behavioral technique where you listen to your thoughts and approach it as an observer. Then you decide how to behave.

“It just gives you a little space to take care of yourself and your body. And doesn’t necessarily mean you must go on a diet,” Heidi Schauster said.

Negative Thoughts

According to Heidi Schauster, negative thoughts are a part of life, and they appear for a reason. And it’s nice to know why they are coming up. What happens over time is that people start to behave from a place of self-care when they have negative self-talk instead of reacting to those negative thoughts in a self-destructive way.

“Negative thoughts can be little messengers telling us that something is not right in the system. Sometimes when we find ourselves scourging for food. It’s not because we are hungry. It’s because we need something and we can’t figure out what it is that we are needing,” explains Heidi Schauster. 

She adds, “And so while food is here and it’s pleasurable, pause and slow down a little bit. You may find that there is something else beneath that compulsion that drives you to eat or starve.”

Different from Drug Addiction

Heidi Schauster believes that we can’t be addicted to food in the same way that we are addicted to other substances. We don’t have to have a relationship with heroin or alcohol to live. But we have to face nourishing ourselves with food several times a day. We can’t deny that highly palatable food has an addictive quality to it or psychologically dependent on it.

“When people are eating enough and balanced way, food often comes into balance quite well,” said Heidi Schauster. “We can become much more addicted to food or driven to eat in an out of control way or coping way when we’re not eating well on a regular basis. There are psychological and emotional reasons.” 

She adds, “Our work ethics sometimes is why people don’t eat well throughout the day. Our bodies end up starving at the end of the day. Food activates all of the senses, but it’s not the same as being addicted to drugs.” 

Getting Back On Track

Heidi Schauster says getting back to a more embodied way of eating takes practice. It can mean getting reacquainted with your hunger and fullness cues. Some of it is also exploring what might be going on underneath. Ultimately, it takes work to figure out what is the eating style that serves you and your life the best.

And eating styles are different because our bodies are different. Our bodies are unique, and everybody’s journey is different. If you want to get back on track, it may help to ask yourself these questions:

  • What is going on with my body at these different points during the day?
  • What sensations do I have around hunger or fullness?
  • What are my unique habits around food that feel good and ones that don’t feel good?
  • Why can’t I stop doing them?

If somebody is not used to making choices about food from an embodied place that connects to your body, hunger and fullness can be elusive. That’s why Heidi Schauster advises people to close their eyes, take a deep breath, get into your body and ask on a scale of 0 to 10, where are your hunger and fullness.

It’s all about pausing or checking in regularly. Ask what is it that you need at any given moment. See if your need for connection is not being met and figure out how can you meet that need. It’s something you have to do for myself.

Internal Family Systems

Heidi Schauster says there’ s a branch of psychotherapy called Internal Family Systems. It is useful in identifying those parts that are there to protect us. And they have a purpose. A lot of Heidi Schauster’s clients have benefited from this method of healing their relationship with food.

“It recognizes that we live in all of us like a family of parts. Some of those parts are younger than others. But they are all trying to help regulate and stay together in this world,” Heidi Schauster said. 

She adds, “Some of those parts are protectors. And some of those parts are managers. Plus, they might be doing something in this world that we don’t like. Like the part of us bingeing or inner outbursts. If we can understand that, we can build compassion within ourselves for ourselves.” 

The Right Diet

According to Heidi Schauster, the field of nutrition is a young field and always evolving. That’s partly why we feel we are contradicting ourselves. Because science is always evolving and changing over time, adding to the complexity of the situation, there are always studies that come out and get interpreted a certain way.

“I try not to create judgment around anybody’s food preferences and desires. But rather allow them to explore what makes them feel good and what doesn’t,” said Heidi Schauster. “It’s about connecting to yourself and being able to make those choices. And it gets back to mindfulness. It’s about dropping into the present moment.”

A Nourishing World

To get more information on how to improve your relationship with food or get a copy of Heidi Schauster’s latest book, do check out her website because there’s such a wealth of information there.

“We are all worthy of care and love, compassion and nurturing. We all deserve to have our needs met. And there is not one that can do that better than ourselves,” said Heidi Schauster.

Heidi Schauster is a nutrition therapist with over 20 years of experience in the field of disordered eating. She is a writer, consultant, and certified eating disorders registered dietitian and supervisor, based in the Greater Boston area. She is also the author of Nourish: How to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Body, and Self. 

Heidi Schauster completed her dietetic internship and Master’s degree at Tufts University and began her career at Children’s Hospital, Boston. After completing an Adolescent Fellowship at Children’s Hospital, she worked as Clinical Dietitian Specialist for Inpatient Psychiatry and the Outpatient Adolescent Clinic. Since 1999, she has maintained a full-time private practice. She is the founder of Nourishing Words Nutrition Therapy in the Greater Boston area.

In addition to counseling, Heidi Schauster consulted with schools, universities, and professional groups, and lectured widely on the topic of disordered eating.

Heidi Schauster also provides individual and group clinical supervision for my colleagues in the nutrition field who work with disordered eating. She is a Faculty Member at Plymouth State University in their graduate level Eating Disorders Institute.

Heidi Schauster teaches nutrition education and counseling course that is part of a unique training program for professionals in the health and mental health fields who want to obtain special training in eating disorders. 

Get Connected With Heidi Schauster!

Official Website






Book by Heidi Schauster

Nourish: How to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Body, and Self 



Recommended Reading by Heidi Schauster

Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elise Resch


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Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future Book



Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future is a unique book. It teaches you how to dig into your past and create a new and better version of yourself. Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future is about the power of self-awareness, letter writing, and self-reflection.

To tell us more about how Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future came to be, Personal Growth and Development Author Jeanette Schneider is here to talk about it in this episode.

Becoming a Mother

Jeanette Schneider shares that the inspiration behind writing her book, Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future is her daughter. She was inspired when she became the mother of a little girl.

Jeanette Schneider’s daughter Olivia was born in 2011. And having worked in a male-dominated industry, her daughter opened her eyes to reflect on her relationships and the course of her life.

“I was raised in a very patriarchal society, family and religion and moved to work in a male-dominated field. So was brought into the mindset that women by design are inferior to men,” said Jeanette Schneider.


So, Jeanette Schneider started down the road of self-discovery. She wanted to understand how to advocate for women and girls in the workplace. Shortly after, Jeanette Schneider stumbled on an accidental project wherein she invited successful and amazing women to share their stories. They challenged her to do the same, by uncovering the story of her beginning.

“I wrote a letter to my younger self which was part of this project. The first sentence was, you will spend most of your life believing you are unlovable,” Jeanette Schneider said. 

She adds, “I had to go back to my past to find out what message I received throughout my life that made me believe that way. And why I felt so strongly about helping women and girls.” 


Jeanette Schneider recognized from a very young age of five that her mother was an alcoholic and an addict. She never said it, but her actions made Jeanette Schneider feel that she wasn’t as worthy of love as others. 

“You don’t realize through the course of your life how all of these messages and belief systems are infused within the DNA of who you are as a person,” Jeanette Schneider said. “And because of the conversations I had with my mother, I would show up in the world believing I didn’t belong there. It created some trouble for me in every aspect of my life.”

Meaning Of Lore

According to Jeanette Schneider, the word “lore” is an old word. It’s the folklore of your life. For Jeanette Schneider, it was looking back on the folklore and all the stories she believed about herself and all the things in her life.

She stresses that it had her daughter that made her think of who she was when she was a little girl. And what she needed to do to unhinge herself so that she could be the best person to guide her daughter.

Touching Base With The Past

Jeanette Schneider firmly believes in the power of visualization. She thinks we are too caught up in our minds. So, we have to sit back for a minute, close our eyes and envision a younger version of ourselves. Get your younger self clear in your mind, and he or she will naturally come to you.

“Pick out what does she look like, what are the expressions on her face, what is her stance and where is she,” suggests Jeanette Schneider. “Once you get clear on what she looks like, and the word that comes to mind as you’re looking at her, ask her what she needs from you. And a lot of times, that’s the big message.” 

For Jeanette Schneider, she had this poor, little, dejected girl looking at her at five years old saying she just wanted to be loved. She wants to be protected.

“And I think with everyone’s visualization process, it starts to unlock little unconscious memories and beliefs. We need to almost re-parent ourselves in these moments,” said Jeanette Schneider. 

A New You

It’s been quite a journey for Jeanette Schneider. Recognizing she had this belief system is a sobering moment. She started to realize precisely what situations made her believe that she was unlovable and that was quite a journey.

“Since I wrote the letter, I completely restructured the way I entered friendships and relationships,” Jeanette Schneider said. “I got very purposeful, and I finally know my value because I had to go back and unwind all of the old and rewrite it.”

Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future

Jeanette Schneider initially started her advocacy wanting to help women. But she says her book, Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future is appropriate for both men and women.  A lot of men have told her that her book helped them as well.

“The book puts you like almost in a workshop, and there are five sections. The first section is the past. And that’s uncovering all the old belief systems. At the end of each chapter there is something called do the work,” explains Jeanette Schneider. 

She adds, “I suggest people read it without a journal at hand. So, they can answer the questions in the Do the Work section. It will help you pull things out of you and ask yourself some profound questions. And I even suggest the act of free writing.” 

The second section of Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future is about moving to active choice orientation and how we are the choices that we’ve made for better or for worse. Jeanette Schneider says it’s walking with that victim mentality and blame mentality. It encourages you to make an active role in the choices you are making.

The third part of Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future is manifesting the future. We also tap into our future or higher self. Start a relationship and conversation with the future you.

“Understand what it is we need to do now. It may be forgiving ourselves, to move things along,” said Jeanette Schneider.

The fourth part of the book is talking about your teacher. Jeanette Schneider says it’s so important to create our own purposeful messaging.

“It’s important for us to structure our friendships. And also help our children structure their friendships, their self-talk, and knowledge of who they are as individuals and their boundary making abilities as well,” Jeanette Schneider said. 

She adds, “A lot of times we don’t give children the ability to make their boundaries. So, they walk into poor relationship choices as they get older and not knowing how to advocate for themselves.”

Last part of Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future has a workshop feel. It is about pulling the old stuff out. And getting clear on what the new you looks like and aspires to be. Jeanette Schneider says it is about how you can allow that new version of yourself to influence either your children or people around you.

Key Things To Remember

Jeanette Schneider says self-development, learning to develop stronger boundaries and creating a new paradigm for yourself also requires hard work. And the shifting of relationships as well. So even if it painful, it has to be done.

“The best thing that happened to me is self-awareness. And that is understanding how I react in situations and recognizing that a lot of times things had nothing to do with me. Most fights happened because you triggered someone else or the language that you used,” said Jeanette Schneider.

How To Get Started

First, Jeanette Schneider suggests going back to your visualization and always start there. Start with the younger version of yourself because you get very pure.

Every time we look back, we change our time. When we look at our younger self, we take on a very nurturing tone. You are going to find your stance soften. Some of the questions you can ask yourself are:

  • What are you most proud of?
  • What is your greatest accomplishment?
  • What was your biggest lesson, and have you gotten far enough away from it?
  • What was your most humbling experience?
  • What were you missing as a child?
  • Who do you need to forgive and is that person you?

Then Jeanette Schneider advises looking at that future version of yourself. Ask what do the people who surround you look like? Who surrounds them? What are the characteristics of the people that surround you?

“Look at the relationships, characteristics, and values of those relationships. It understands the tribe of people who are surrounding the future version of yourself. In that visualization, there might be some clean up you might need to do,” said Jeanette Schneider. 

She adds, “The past is there to teach you. And if you feel resistance, lean into it. Those messages and things will show up in other ways. It will show up in future relationships. When you feel the tears start to come or start to close your mind, that’s where you lean deeper into who you are because the other side is so much more blissful.” 


Jeanette Schneider is the founder of Lore Advocacy, a network of professional women whose goal is to inspire women to change the world through a gender lens of equality, self-actualization and the fearless shattering of glass ceilings. 

Jeanette Schneider stated Lore and Little Things ( in 2015 as a platform catering to women who want to be part of a conversation that is positive, present and offers no advice other than trust yourself and harm no one. Her debut book, Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future is to be released in September 2018. 

Jeanette Schneider has brought her empowering lectures and workshops to The Influencer Academy, The Women’s Leadership Conference at MGM, Alturas Institute, KaiaFIT, Bank of America, Girls for Progress and more. Her debut book, Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future is to be released in September 2018. 

In addition to her work in women’s equality, Jeanette Schneider is a Senior Vice President in the financial services industry. She serves on the boards of Spread the Word Nevada, the President’s Advisory Council for The Smith Center for the Performing Arts and The Alturas Institute. 

In 2015, Jeanette Schneider was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Women’s Chamber of Commerce in Nevada and was selected as a Vegas, Inc. “Woman to Watch” in 2016. 

Jeanette Schneider is the proud mother of Olivia, age 7, and in her spare time enjoys travel, yoga and charity work.

Get Connected With Jeanette Schneider!

Lore and Little Things

Jeanette Schneider

Book by Jeanette Schneider:

Lore: Harnessing Your Past to Create Your Future



Recommended Readings by Jeanette Schneider: 

Wishes Fulfilled – Dr. Wayne Dyer



Change Your Thoughts – Dr. Wayne Dyer



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