
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Learn True Health with Ashley James










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Now displaying: March, 2019
Mar 27, 2019

Susan Luschas, Ph.D., is an MIT-trained scientist and engineer. She was forced to apply her critical thinking skills to debug her own family's health problems. She has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of her life on doctors, experiments, and research. She didn't stop until her family achieved radiant health. Doctors started sending their un-healable patients to her. In January 2016 she published everything she knows for free, about Dental Infections, Autism, Diet, Lyme Disease, Parasites, Methylation, Chelation Therapy, and many other topics, on the website Debug Your Health.

Susan's Site:

Back to Eden Gardening:

Debugging Your Health

Susan Luschas, Ph.D. recounts how their daughter’s diagnoses of failure to thrive and full-blown autism led the family to undertake a journey of healing through diet, sleep, stress relief, detox, and supplements. Desperation led to the discovery of “new science,” and they compiled the resources in their website, Debug Your Health, for anyone to use for free. 

[00:00:14] Ashley James: Hello, true health seeker and welcome to another exciting episode of Learn True Health podcast. You are in for such a treat today. This interview is mind-blowing. You are going to love it.

One of the things we talked about in the interview was the importance of using the sauna to help detox. I already let you know that my absolute favorite company is Sunlighten Sauna last February, so it’s been over a year. I finally made the purchase to get a Sunlighten Sauna. My naturopath has told me I needed to use this type of detox. It’s very gentle, but it is the most effective way to remove toxins stored in our fat cells.

I noticed an improvement in my inflammation. It went down. My liver health began to improve. I started to lose weight. I lost about twelve pounds in my first month of using it. Of course, that was inflammation. Some of that might have been fat, but that was toxins and inflammation, and I started to feel better. Now, I can’t even imagine life without using my sauna. I use it almost every day. It is so relaxing. It’s me time. It’s a wonderful experience.

I had several episodes where we talked about the benefits of sauna therapy. You can go to and search. There is a search function on our website where you can type in ‘sauna.’ I have interviewed the founder of Sunlighten, as well as one of the women who work there. I know she is listening — hello! It was a great interview with both of them because we dove into wonderful stories of how the body heals itself using this type of therapy.

Not everyone can have a wooden sauna in their house, apartment, or condo, and so Sunlighten does have a portable system. It’s wonderful for doctors, massage therapists, and acupuncturists. What it provides is the ability to get the benefits of sauna therapy in a very small space. It becomes about the size of a massage table. You can store it away in your closet when you’re not using it.

Many of my listeners have contacted me and told me that they purchased the Solo system, and they enjoy it. The reason why my husband loves it is your head is not inside. You’re not breathing in hot air. For me, I love the 3-in-1 Sunlighten wooden sauna where my whole body is in it, and I’m sitting in it. I really enjoy that. The air is not that stuffy and hot. It’s very enjoyable.

But some people get claustrophobic, or they just don’t want to breathe in hot air. With the Solo system, you’re lying down on non-toxic bamboo-based memory foam. It’s very comfortable, and then you have this cocoon around you. Everything is non-toxic, ultra-low EMF, and you begin to sweat in a gentle way, but your head is outside of it on a pillow, and so you’re comfortable. A lot of people end up falling asleep or meditating while they’re doing it. It’s so relaxing.

Afterward, you take a towel, wipe it down, and put it away. You take a shower, and that’s it. It’s something that you can do for half an hour a day, in your evening or your morning, or after a workout because it does reduce the pain and inflammation from workouts. People do notice that they bounce back or rebound after their workout, depending on what your goals are, whether it’s endurance, weight loss, or detox.

For me, my biggest thing is detox and weight loss, but some people do it for the cardiovascular benefits. There are studies that show that it significantly helps to balance blood pressure, and so there’s that cardiovascular component. But whatever your goals are, I have found that sauna therapy is incredibly supportive.

If you want more information, give them a call. You can Google Sunlighten, give them a call, and talk to them about their different systems and what works best for you. I do know that they will give us a great special. I told Sunlighten, “Hey, if I enjoy this and it works for me, I’m definitely going to tell my listeners about it.” I want to make sure that we get a group buy discount, that all of my listeners get some kind of special, and so they gave us a great deal. Just like anything else that I use and recommend, I make sure that I get some great deal because if we’re all going to buy it together, we might as well get some special, right?

If you do have a sauna and you’ve been using sauna therapy, join the Facebook group, Learn True Health on Facebook, and please share your experience. I want to know how it’s positively impacted your life. A lot of the listeners keep sharing that sauna therapy has been key to helping them to get on the other side of what they’re suffering from.

I know you’re going to love today’s show. Enjoy, and as always, continue to share this podcast with those you know it’ll help. My goal is to help over a million people to get their health back and to discover true health for themselves. I’m going to do that with your help. Together, we’re going to turn this ripple into a tidal wave and help as many people as possible to learn true health.

I am so excited about today’s interview. We have with us an amazing woman, Susan Luschas, Ph.D., who has a story that you are going to love hearing. Her website is Debug Your Health. That’s a hundred-percent free website that is a gift to the world, a resource of all the information she has collected on how to heal the body.

I love your website. I love your mission. I first heard about you through Scott Forsgren. We’ve had him on the show twice, and the listeners loved learning from him. He healed himself from Lyme disease and has gone on to help many others do the same, as well as other people who don’t have Lyme disease but want to learn how to gain better health.

Susan, he highly recommended that we have you on the show because your resources are phenomenal. I’m excited to learn more about you and how you came to build the website, Debugging Your Health. Welcome to the show.


[00:06:45] Susan Luschas: Thank you. Thanks for having me. It’s so great that you’re out there doing podcasts like this with information that you can’t always find online or with your health care provider. Thank you for doing this podcast.


[00:07:00] Ashley James: Absolutely. You’re welcome. I do it because I spent years being sick. I think similar to your story, when I started finding the answers that helped me, I knew I had a mission to spread this information. Let’s hear your story. Take us back to the beginning. What led you on this path? You are an MIT-trained scientist and engineer. What made you focus on health?


[00:07:25] Susan Luschas: Out of desperation, which is how I think many of us end up working on health issues. My desperation was not my health. It was the health of my oldest child, and I always say the only thing worse than being sick yourself is having a child who’s sick.

What I did with my oldest child was I took her around to all of her doctors and said, “What’s wrong? What can we do?” She had all kinds of diagnoses. She had failure to thrive — super skinny, not growing enough. She had mood issues. She didn’t want to eat. She was nauseous. There were behavior issues — all kinds of things, sometimes, not wanting to go to school or do things that she used to want to do. I’d take her here or there, and she got all kinds of diagnoses.

We tried everything that everybody said. Doctor A would say, “Take vitamin C,” we took vitamin C. Doctor B would say, “Go to the hospital and get these x-rays,” we went to the hospital and got the x-rays. She was hospitalized twice for various tests. We went in for upper GI, a barium test, and an ultrasound. Anything anybody told us to do, we did and went to the end of that road with Practitioner A, and then we’d go on to Practitioner B.

I was spending all these time and money driving my child around, trying to figure this out, and finally, I realized clearly after all these practitioners and hundreds of thousands of dollars per year deducted on our taxes, even though we have insurance — they don’t know. We came to that conclusion.

And so the question is, “Who does know?” Thank God, my husband and I have the resources that we could fly anywhere if we had to, pay money if we had to because we both had engineering jobs. But it was unclear that even if we did that, anyone would be able to help us. At the end of the day, we did end up flying to one practitioner. But anyway, if I continue as to what happened, we got to the end of the road, and it became, “Are we going to institutionalize her and go on with working?” because I was struggling to work between all these doctor appointments, her being sick and what-not?

The other idea would be, “Let’s give it a try ourselves. Let’s use our heads here and try and figure it out by ourselves.” Because after all these practitioner visits and all these, along the way I’m thinking — because I’m an engineer and scientist and I’m trained to think. So I would say, “What about this? What about that? What if we do this?”

I didn’t even care if it was Western. I didn’t care if it was Eastern. I didn’t care if it was energy. I didn’t really care what it was. I’d gladly stand on my head for five hours a day if that helped her. It didn’t matter what kind of modality it was.

My husband and I almost got divorced over the issue, but finally, I said, “Well, you’re going to drive her to the institution.” He’s like, “No, I can’t do that.” I said, “Well, then we’re going to try it ourselves.” If you won’t even drive her and drop her off, then we got to try it ourselves.

I took over essentially as her primary care provider and called all the shots. I started thinking of these practitioners as consultants on my team. I stopped going to them and doing what they said. I started going to them if I needed to and taking what they said and maybe thinking about it or considering it, and then either do something related to that or not. It started to change my thought about how I approach health and wellness and these practitioners.

To summarize, my husband and I started doing muscle testing. We learned how over many years of just practice, practice, practice. That ended up helping to give us a lot of the answers. Does she need an antimicrobial? Does she need detox? Does she need to go in the sauna and sweat?

Fast-forwarding, we got her back to what I would say is about 90% health with mostly diet and gut work. We started with no gluten. That didn’t do anything. No dairy — that didn’t do anything. No grains, we went to one cup of rice a week — that didn’t do anything either.

I had already gotten rid of all sugar, any sugar — not like we ever ate much of it anyway. But finally, I got rid of fruit and the last couple of rice, and boom — she went completely autistic, rocking back and forth in the closet. My husband freaked out, almost divorced me for the second time, and said “We got to stop. We got to give her some fruit and some rice.” I said, “No, this is part of her detox. We have to support her detox pathways and get her moving through this.” Sure enough, a couple of days of full autism, she came out just the best we’ve seen her in many years.

This whole process took us several years of her life. At one point, she had gotten so sick, and she could barely walk. She couldn’t go to school. She had gotten down to that point, but what ended up being the big hitter for her was the diet and gut piece. By the time we had eliminated all these stuff, and she was finally doing better, the diet was basically meat and vegetables — no sugars, no grains, no processed food. It was grass-fed meats and organic vegetables. We had always eaten organic vegetables, but we had to get rid of everything else and shift her gut.

I also fasted with her at age four and six. She is now twelve, so it’s hard for me to remember. I think it was around age four, five, or six — something like that. We fasted twice for thirty days. Who would do that with a kid that’s failing to thrive? But that’s what she needed at that time. That got her 90% on the way, and then right about that time, our family had a horrible head lice infestation. I never had head lice before. It turns out the head lice spread whatever she had to the rest of us.


[00:14:18] Ashley James: Oh, wow!


[00:14:19] Susan Luschas: Right around that time that she was finally better and we got the head lice, almost simultaneously a couple of things happened. One was we finally got a positive Lyme diagnosis. She had been tested for Lyme many times over these years, and it always came out somewhat negative, meaning negative but maybe positive on band 41, which some practitioner say band 41 could be a dental infection. It could be an infection somewhere else. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s Lyme.

Right around that time that she was better, we tested again for Lyme, and she came up positive on every single active band. Basically, what happens is the Lyme Western blot test, which is not the test, but that’s what we were using, measures antibodies. If your body is not fighting it, there are no antibodies. If your body is too overwhelmed to fight it, you won’t produce the antibodies that the test is looking for. It turns out that’s what she had.

She had Lyme and every single co-infection that comes with Lyme that we’ve tested for. She has Borrelia, Babesia, Mycoplasma, and Ehrlichia. Everything that we’ve tested for, she got with the Lyme. She had a couple of tick bites. We’re assuming the Lyme came from the first tick bite she had, but can’t prove that for sure. The head lice infestation, you can catch Lyme from head lice. There are people who say you can’t — not in our experience.

About six months after the head lice, the rest of our health started to go down the tubes — myself, my husband, and her little sister. Luckily, she had suffered for years, so we didn’t have to. I knew exactly what it must be. I knew exactly where to look. Her suffering sort of saved the rest of us from a lot of Lyme suffering because we already knew where to look for that.

Going back to her health, she was about at 90%. She still had some things that were a little funky, like the Lyme went after the hypothalamus and she stopped sweating. She lost the ability to sweat. Here in NorCal, we have a lot of sun, and she would literally get red in the face and all over, and she wouldn’t sweat. We had to solve that problem, which was a weird problem to solve in a young child. We ended up solving that with some supplements and constant sauna therapy, which she still does to this day.

She also had this horseshoe rash that kept coming on her arm. It wasn’t bothering her, but it was bothering me. It’s like, “Something is still going on there. Something is still wrong there.” Potentially, she can have even better health than she has now. I don’t know who this child is because she’s been sick for so long. I don’t know what healthy looks like for her. I assumed she was healthy because she was going to school, playing sports, and acting like a normal kid. She is eating. She’s sleeping. She’s back on the growth chart — all those things.

But the horseshoe rash bothered me. I figured it must be some parasite because it came and went usually with the full moon. That’s when our family flew to Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis. He’s the only one, in my opinion, that we have right now who’s treating parasites. To be fair, I knew they were parasites, so obviously I tried a bunch of things at home. I tried every known parasite herb and supplement and things like that. The one thing I had not tried at that point was enemas because how do you do an enema in a five-year-old and her sister was two or three? So that was the one thing I hadn’t tried, but all the other supplements, rife machine, and light therapy — we had done all that for parasites and weren’t there.

That’s when we flew to Simon Yu. We worked with him on the parasite piece. He helped fill in some pieces there. We came home, and then I finally said, “This kid got to take some enemas.” We started doing enemas in a five-year-old, which some people say is child abuse. It turns out it was one of the best things I ever did for both the children. I made them both do it because Simon tells us that if one person in the family has parasites, probably everyone does, and they’re very easy to catch and re-catch and spread around. I was intelligent enough to treat the whole family while we were treating her.

Immediately after the enema, we had some worms come out, and the kids definitely stepped up their behavior, and their overall health and well-being after the enema started, and then we ended up doing prescription parasite medications that Simon prescribed us as well — super steps forward for us.

Along the way, once you have Lyme, one of the things you have to do is try to clear up other infections. Things like parasite infections, hidden dental infections, your gut, structural issues, chiropractic/osteopathic issues, you need to make sure your body is methylating and getting all the minerals it needs. You need to make sure your heavy metal level isn’t too high, that you’re constantly detoxing. There are all these things you need to do to solve Lyme disease in addition to the diet in the gut.

The diet and the gut process was the big piece, but to be fair, we were doing some of these other things, too. Along the way, we had done many forms of chelation, most of it natural versions, and many forms of detox, minerals, and things like that to support. Along the way, my husband and I also went through the dental infections and clearing those out, gallbladder and liver flush, parasite medications, orthodontics. The kids mostly went through that — all kinds of topics that we had to go through to regain health.

At the end of all these, I was like, “Wow, I actually feel better than I have in twenty years. I’ve never felt this good.” I think most of that for me was clearing out my dental issues and clearing out my parasite issues. It’s like, “Whoa, whole new life! Who cares if my body is fighting Lyme in the background?” I just felt so much better — so much more vitality. Some of these chronic problems I’ve had all my life like cold hands, cold feet — that’s all gone. Tight shoulders, tight back, tight neck — that’s all gone.

A lot of these little things that I just thought were normal are gone. In the end, I felt like we got to better health than we ever had, and it educated us a lot by necessity about diet, gut, how to live, and how to detox. I think those are essential tools these days. If you want to shine your light as brightly as you can in this world, you have to take care of your health and body.

At the end of all these, I realized that a lot of the things we did and a lot of things we learned were nowhere to be found. They were things we had tried or discovered, or trial and error, and maybe offbeat things. I thought if I had all this information five to seven years ago, I could have saved myself hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of my life and years of my children’s lives. That’s worth a lot. That’s huge.

My husband also said we need to disseminate this information, get it out there so it can help people like us, people who are looking for improved health. So the question then became, “What’s the best way to do it?” I’m not interested in becoming a health practitioner; neither is my husband. So we just put up a website with basically all the information organized as well as I could on all these topics.

It’s completely free. There are no pop-ups. I’m not trying to sell you anything. I don’t make any money. There is a ‘donate’ button. My husband and I committed to put this website up and fund it for five years. Beyond that, we figured if people donate in, we’ll keep it up longer or depending on how things go. If people donate enough money, I could do some little studies or little scientific research that’s more up our alley than becoming a health practitioner.

Everything on the site is completely free. One of the gifts of it is that we’re not trying to sell anything. I have no loyalties to anybody. I’m sure I have offended almost everybody who clicks at the site on one topic or another. But at the end of the day, I respect other people’s opinion, and this is the information that we went through and helped us, and so that’s what we put out there.


[00:23:39] Ashley James: Awesome. That’s so great. I know my listeners are going to go to your website and donate to support your cause as they read through your website and find that it is helping. The website is You’re the perfect person to put that website together, between you and your husband being MIT-trained scientists and engineers. You have that methodical, logical mindset and it shows on your website. I think that’s wonderful.

I know that everyone right now is thinking to themselves, “Where do I start?” You mentioned some symptoms that people think are genetic or normal, like “My hands are cold. My feet are cold. My shoulders are always tight,” or sleep issues, gut issues, emotional/mental issues, and the list goes on. Little things, little symptoms they’ve had for many years that they might not have a diagnosis, but they have a bunch of symptoms. They’re not truly happy with their health, and they don’t know where to start because there are a million parasite concepts out there. There are a million supplements out there. They don’t know whether their problems are dental, detoxing, methylation, or epigenetic. Where does someone start when they have a host of symptoms, and what they’re looking for is supporting the body at the root level and the body’s ability to come back in the balance?


[00:25:10] Susan Luschas: That’s a tough one because we didn’t know where to start. We were shooting in the dark. One practitioner says metals, and another practitioner says gut. We’re shooting all over the place in the dark.

I think a great starting place though, in general, without hearing specifics of what the symptoms are, is just back to basics which is lifestyle issues — sleep, diet, stress relief or whatever you do to de-stress. The other thing would be if you’re in a toxic situation. For instance, I worked for years in a lab where lead was soldered, and it was not ventilated. If you have some work hazard environment like that, if you’re in a toxic situation, detox is part of that, too.

For some of us, we got a lot of heavy metals, maybe passed down from our mom who maybe had a lot of fillings, anything like that. Today our air isn’t really clean anymore. Our water is not clean anymore — our environment. Detox is always a good one to start with.

We are so socialized at every event, it feels like, that it pretty much transcends to a sugar event. Anything at school, work, or whatever, these events turn into sugar events. The sugar addiction thing is a real issue. My personal opinion is that sugar is one of the most addictive drugs out there, and it’s legal. It’s really hard to get off it. You go through classic cocaine addiction withdrawal symptoms. People get shaky. They get sweaty. They spend a day in bed. Our family definitely went through that. My oldest child, she went through a couple of days of full-blown autism when we finally got all the sugars out of her diet.

Diet — organic, vegetables, meat. Our family is not a fan of any grains or sugar, so we tend to eat more of paleo or keto. Now we’re to the point where we can eat a little bit of rice or a little bit of whatever. If we’re at someone’s house for dinner with meat, vegetables, and rice, we’ll have a little bit. It’s a special treat, but to this day these still aren’t things that we have in our house or that we cook at home. We still cook a lot of our food. We spend a lot of time cooking. My children are now twelve and nine, and they make one meal a week, which is great for them to learn about these things. Eat a good diet. That may not be exactly our diet for everybody, but clean it up basically.

Sleep — we all need sleep. We need uninterrupted sleep, with no lights. I am personally a fan of going to bed when it’s dark and wake up when the sun comes out. I think that’s naturally what our bodies were meant to do, but you’ve got to prioritize sleep.

Stress relief — there’s so much information coming at us these days. There are a thousand text messages, a thousand emails. There are a thousand things to do somehow. Technology has done amazing things for our lifestyle, but on the other hand, somehow many of us have gotten busier and distracted with more things to do. How you manage stress is a big challenge for all of us.

I can tell you what our family does. Maybe some people have kids, and they’re interested in what the kids do as well. Personally, I like to exercise. I didn’t list it as one of the lifestyle things because for me it goes under stress. I exercise every day. I do think it’s important. Everyone should be exercising every day for twenty minutes. It may be high-intensity aerobics. It may be walking. Whatever it is, I think exercise is really important.

The other thing I do for stress is I meditate every day. Not everybody is into meditation, but I think it’s worth trying. You don’t necessarily have to sit and act like a monk. You can walk in nature and focus on your breath. That’s another way to meditate.

For stress relief, some people maybe go out with friends or plan a vacation or something like that. These are all great ideas. For my kids, we learned how to breathe deep, how to calm our emotions. My kids and I chant and sing. Sometimes singing can help. We also do yoga.

The other thing we do to relieve stress is that we go to services on Sunday. I didn’t think about religion as necessarily relieving stress, but for some people, it really can — a connection to something greater than themselves, and a reminder of their life purpose, that their life is to shine as brightly as possible. Sometimes religion can help people.

To disclose because I’m pretty straightforward, our family goes to a yoga and meditation temple — it’s Kriya Yoga. They have scriptures and sort of a normal Sunday service. At the center temple, the kids learn how to calm themselves down, how to breathe, how to see things from a different perspective, how to take a step back.

Detox –– I think that’s important in everyday life these days. The main things our family does for detox are probably sauna therapy and enemas. We still do enemas, not so much anymore for parasites but more for detox. The sauna is sweat therapy, so you can get some of that if you’re exercising. There are lots of other things for detox. Yoga can help get things moving. Lymph massage — there’s the chiropractic or osteopathic piece of it. There are all kinds of ways to detox.

Supplements — sometimes your body needs different supplements.

That’s a general place to start — start with the basics of lifestyle. Once you’ve got those dialed in, see how you’re feeling. That may clear it up for many people. I think leading a cleaner lifestyle, for some people it can allow their immune system to function better and fight whatever infections that they may have be they dental, parasites, or dealing with heavy metals or the wrong bacteria in the gut. A lot of times, if you clean up your lifestyle, your immune system can function better, and you can fight off some of those other things better.


[00:33:19] Ashley James: Yeah, that’s something that I keep hearing. Scott Forsgren shared that, and Dr. Klinghardt and many others who’ve been on the show have shared that if the body was like a fish tank and it is sick — it’s got green goop all over it, the weird algae — it’s just an unhealthy, anaerobic tank full of bad bacteria. The fish in the tank will suffer. But if you clean a tank, and now you’ve got crystal clear tank, you can even see there’s water in it because it’s so clear, and there are good, healthy bacteria in there and it’s fully oxygenated, then the fish are going to thrive.

That’s the same with our body. When the body is toxic, the parasites live. It’s like a parasite hotel. Whereas when you make the whole body so healthy through all the things you’ve just talked about, then it becomes inhospitable to these co-infections and parasites. It makes it so those who are fighting all these Lyme co-infections, parasites, or gut dysbiosis, it makes it harder for the bad stuff to live here in the body, and it makes it easier for the good stuff, the good bacteria to thrive.

It makes so much sense. You weren’t majorly sick your whole life, but you had those symptoms. And then you had that new Lyme diagnosis, so you weren’t a chronic Lyme person suffering for years luckily. Through working on the foundations of your health, you felt even better than you ever had before. I love that. I think that’s so cool. I definitely want to get into talking about hidden dental infections and detox a bit more.

But first, I have some questions about your story. After you removed that one cup of grains a week and you had completely removed fruit, so the only thing she was eating was a low-carbohydrate diet with meat, healthy fats, and vegetables, how did you know that while she was rocking there and holding herself, full-blown autism, that she needed to continue? Of course, the knee-jerk reaction, as your husband had, is the same thing I would do. I’d go, “No, this is wrong. Oh, my gosh, we’re going in the wrong direction.” How do you know it was the right direction and you need to help her through it to the other side?


[00:35:49] Susan Luschas: Good question. I had heard in all of my research and looking online, reading, following people like Klinghardt and Scott once we got the Lyme diagnosis. I read through most of their stuff at some point in time. Not that I remember all of it, but I read through so many things about the topic of Lyme, specifically autism and things like that.

I knew she had some autistic symptoms before she went fully autistic, but it’s like, “Yeah, she has some autistic symptoms.” But most kids do these days. When she went fully autistic, it’s like, “Okay, this is full autism.” But I had heard that a lot of times autistic kids have to get worse before they get better. That wasn’t a new concept. I don’t have a specific reference for it off the top of my head. I have to search around for it, but I can remember reading that and hearing that a few different places or a few different people saying that. Now, the question is, how do you find the guts to do it?

I had read that before, and I had the mommy intuition or just the gut feeling that the right thing to do was push through. Between those two, in your head, you have to lose the fear. I am generally pretty fearless. If you look at the website, you’d be like, “Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe she did that to her five-year-old.” But at some point, getting better was so important for my child and me.

But like I said if some practitioner had told me, “Stand on your head. Do a headstand for five hours a day,” I probably would have tried it. I just really wanted us to be better so that we could be the best people we could be in the world. My husband was against it, but I said, “Then you drive her to the institution.” He said, “No, I’m not going to drive her to the institution.” “Well, then, this is what we’re doing,” because I had kind of taken over as a primary care provider. I had taken some time off work. I had to because of my health but also to work on her health. I was the primary care provider and called the shots.

It was a combination of having heard of it before, having that gut intuition, and just being a little fearless. Her MD pediatrician told me before — not to rag on her right now, but she has a practice in the area with a year-long waiting list, like your kid will be eighteen before you get into this person’s practice. She told me that I would kill the child by taking out fruits and grains because the child won’t get enough sugar. My child was already on the failure to thrive diagnosis, below the growth chart.

She told me already we can’t do that. There’s no way. And I said to her, “Okay. But then what can I do?” because I had already everything she said years ago. She said, “You could try this homeopathic remedy,” and I’m like, “We did that three years ago or five years ago, remember?”

It’s funny because now she recommends this to a lot of people. It’s cool though. To her credit, she has learned, and she’s seen it not just with us, but with other people. She recommends this and is now writing blog posts in this direction, which is very cool. But I think, sometimes in life, life deals us crises and uncomfortable situations. Sometimes there is some nastiness, but we have to calm ourselves down, take a deep breath, live our lives, and go for our intuition and our knowledge.

I’m not saying anything anybody says on the internet you should try at home. You should think about it yourself. You should research it. Things like that are what I did. But at the end of the day, I had to go with my thinking and thoughts and think for myself, which is something a lot of people don’t do when it concerns their health. They don’t think for themselves. They want a practitioner to tell them X.

The problem is, in some topics, like chelation is a fantastic one. You can go to all these MDs who’ve been practicing chelation for ten, twenty, some of them thirty years, and ask them, “How do you chelate lead or mercury out of the body?” In my case, it was more of lead. They’ll all give you a completely different answer. Some of them will say oral DMSA. Some of them will say you need IV DMPS once a week. They’re all over the spectrum. They don’t know what’s the answer. We don’t really know how to chelate the body.

They know they’ve done some things in the past and it’s worked for some people, but you start to realize that a lot of these practitioners, they may be one small piece of the puzzle. But I have yet to find the practitioner who has all the pieces of the puzzle and understands each piece. I think that’s where we have to take over our health, find all these pieces, and figure out how they piece together.


[00:41:38] Ashley James: Yes, I love it. I love that you said, consider the doctors and experts on your team as though they’re your team. Don’t put them on a pedestal. You hired them. They’re your employees, and you’re the CEO of your health. If we have that mindset, we can fire and hire the right doctors for us that are going to inform us, and we definitely want to get second and third opinions because I don’t want to be a guinea pig. I don’t want to go to one doctor, whether it’s a naturopath or an allopathic practitioner and be told to go on one protocol to find out that they’re guessing based on someone else’s experience or based on some study where some people, for a small percentage, had results. I want to know what works, the one that works all the time, and I want to know why. We need to advocate for ourselves and be willing to step up and go to more than one practitioner to find the answers.

It’s really interesting, the experience you went through. Now, your daughter, is she on the spectrum? Is she autistic?


[00:42:53] Susan Luschas: My answer is no. I do not see any autistic symptoms in her on a daily basis. Occasionally, maybe once a year, I’ll be like, “Hmm, she’s acting a little funny or a little moody. Maybe we should hit an enema. Maybe we should test.” We do muscle testing now at home all the time like a lot. What I’ll do is I’ll pull up the enema bucket. I’ll be like, “How is she testing? Does she need an enema? How is she testing on the sauna? Does she need to go to the sauna? How is she testing on some supplements?” Activated charcoal is a go-to for her.

For example, I’ll pull out a bunch of things and start testing, but I’m not sure if that’s really moody. Now, she’s 12, so she’s going on puberty. So the answer is, no. As far as I know, there are no autistic symptoms. In the school, they have no knowledge of any of this, and I kind of keep it that way. She has no special tracking or anything. They think she’s a completely normal kid. Not to brag about that child, but she is at the top of her class academically, and she plays lots of sports and has lots of friends. To be honest, I can’t even keep up with her schedule half the time. Thank god, she has a bike and now can bike herself to practice and friend’s house and whatever.

She’s living a pretty healthy normal American life. She eats. She’s on the growth chart. I’m not a huge person myself. So I think on the growth chart, she’s been following around 25-30%. My second child is following about 50%. That’s just how she’s built; she’s built a little differently, I don’t know. But I’m happy with 25-30%. I’m still 25-30% myself because I’m not a big person, and she’s 12. So I would say no, she’s got no more autistic symptoms.

It’s interesting because her kindergarten teacher moved to a different state. Her kindergarten teacher no longer has the ability to influence anything regarding her schooling, so I told her, “She had a full autism diagnosis. According to her pediatrician, she is diagnosed with autism, and she always will be because we can’t cure autism.” If you ask her pediatrician, she’ll be like, “Yes, of course. She’s on the spectrum because she always will be.”

I told her kindergarten teacher, “You know, she had a full autism diagnosis,” and she just looked at me and she goes, “No, she didn’t.” That was pretty cool because, in kindergarten, she was still going through a lot of things. She was able to start kindergarten on time, but even at kindergarten, she was still going through parasites and still detoxing, chelation, and learning to sweat again. She was still going through all that in kindergarten, but the kindergarten teacher said, “No, I don’t think she was autistic at all. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


[00:46:15] Ashley James: This is the biggest paradigm shift that people could go through that is like coming out of The Matrix for help. Almost everyone has watched the movie The Matrix where Neo takes the red pill and all of a sudden he wakes up in a totally different world, and he realized his entire life he’s been living in a pod, and he’s been hooked up to a digital computer. What he thought was real was actually computer.

This experience, if we were to imagine ourselves being pulled out of the matrix or paradigm of the mainstream health care and pretend for a moment, suspend disbelief, suspend your belief system and go, “Autism doesn’t exist. There’s a world in which it doesn’t exist,” and yet the symptoms exist. Imagine no one has ever invented the word ‘autism.’ No one has ever diagnosed it as a disease. What we see is a bunch of children, more and more in the last thirty years, with symptoms, and the doctors have not created a box called disease to label it.

The symptoms are our guide to supporting the child to go towards health, and when the symptoms get worse chronically, we know that there’s something wrong — there’s something we’re doing wrong in diet, in detox, in methylation. Something is going on, and when we support the child, and ultimately they get better, the symptoms are our guide.

Back when I was in school when I was a kid, it was like one in 10,000 was diagnosed as autistic. Now, it’s one in 40 children, almost one kid for every classroom in the United States, and there’s a spectrum. Unfortunately, you get some diagnosis, and the doctors can tell you, “Your kid is going to be that way his whole life. Let’s get him on drugs now.”

And then we stopped. We shut down. We stopped searching for answers. We stopped searching to help them, and we keep bringing them to McDonald’s and Burger King. We keep going to 7/11 giving them Slurpees. We keep injecting them with things, giving them pills, and letting them eat pizza. We have a disconnect between what goes in their body is either healing them or harming them, and because we’ve been told they are ADHD, autistic or whatever label, they’re just baked into the cake, we cannot change it. You can’t change it, therefore, why would you even try to look for answers?

We’re set up in a world in which we’re told to be dumb and not search for answers. But if we can suspend our disbelief and imagine that there’s a world where diseases don’t exist — any disease — labels don’t exist, but symptoms. Symptoms are the truth. I can’t give you a barrel of diabetes. It’s a label that we’ve used so that we can medicate.

But if we look at symptoms and go, “How can I support the body to come back into balance?” Forget that there’s disease, but look at symptoms and support the body, then we can begin to take action. I want to get people so motivated and get their mindset in a place where they realize that even though their doctors told them they’re going to be sick for the rest of their lives, there are actions they can take.

Anything a doctor says that makes you not want to keep seeking answers has been the wrong thing. They’ve told you the wrong thing. You want always to seek the answers. You want always to get information. You want always to look to support the body. I love that what you’re showing us today is another powerful example that the body demonstrates illness and out of balance through symptoms, and it can be neurological, behavioral, emotional or mental. But the physical is demonstrating illness through all these different symptoms, and the more we support, the more it’s going to come back in the balance.

When I had Dr. Klinghardt on the show, he shared that there are thousands of kids he has helped in the last forty years, who were diagnosed with full-blown autism and now they do not have autism. I nearly fell off my chair. Absolutely — because now what we’re seeing is basically a misdiagnosis. There’s a bunch of sick children whose bodies are toxic. They’re unable to detox. They have heavy metals. They’re not methylating correctly. Parasites — you name it. We’re feeding them junk, and when you do that to a child, those symptoms are going to demonstrate. And then we give them a diagnosis so that we can feel like there’s no hope. But again, if we pull back this idea that there’s a diagnosis, and instead go after the symptoms, then we can help them. Then we can take action.

That’s my biggest passion is to shift us to a space feeling helpless to feeling empowered.

Why did you choose to cut out grains and fruits? What was it doing to your daughter’s body? Were the grains and fruits feeding an infection? Were they feeding the parasite? Were they causing inflammation? Were they inhibiting her ability to detox? What was it about grains and fruit that was so disruptive to her health?


[00:52:26] Susan Luschas: That answer is very easy, and it’s I don’t know. I can tell you what I think based on hindsight as a little bit 20/20, or it’s not necessarily 20/20 — I have a guess or a theory based on my experience. Again, I don’t sell anything, so I’m not biased towards any product or anything like that. One of the things we were monitoring at that time was her stool test — microbiology and yeast stool test. We also did through normal labs. You could do Doctor’s Data. There are other companies besides Doctor’s Data. There is Rocky Mountain or whatever they’re called now and some others.

We’ve been monitoring her stool test through these various companies over the years. There’s always some dysbiotic bacteria. No one in our family ever had yeast because we just never ate enough sugar to begin with. We never ate dessert anyway. We never went to McDonald’s anyway. We weren’t that kind of family. It’s amazing that we could have such serious gut problems when we never ate that badly anyway.

We’ve been monitoring stool tests over time. Of course, being a scientist, I want to plot these things versus time on an X and Y axis. She definitely always had some dysbiotic bacteria in there. Sometimes it would be the same ones coming up over and over. Sometimes a new one would come up.

Of course, on these tests, there are thousands, if not millions of other bacteria that we don’t even know how to test for, that are important in digestion and for our immune system. So after the grains and the fruit, my theory is that taking those out of her diet radically shifted the balance of the bacteria in the gut. It may not be just bacteria. It may also be yeasty things. Even though we never tested on yeast, it doesn’t mean we don’t have it. There are beneficial forms of yeast. It could be some viral things that were going on in her gut as well.

I am personally of the opinion that if you have some dysbiotic bacteria, let’s say E. coli — it’s actually a normal flora for us as humans, but it can become dysbiotic, and certain strains of it are more dysbiotic than others. You’re probably not going ever to get rid of that completely. You’ll get to the point where it won’t show up on a stool test. But if you go back to your old lifestyle habits, it will probably come back on your stool test, which has been my experience. I’m not of the opinion that we necessarily get rid of these dysbiotic bacteria or these nasty things in our gut, but we can radically shift the balance by the food we eat.

I’m not a huge fan of probiotics, while I’m on the topic. We’ve tried so many over the years. If you dig deep enough in the website, there’s an article about which probiotic is best. I actually have a table of the probiotics and what I think they’re best for, like killing your gut or stomach flu, digestion, or whatever.

I’m not a huge fan of any of them in terms of healing your gut or shifting the balance. I think most of the probiotics we take, we just come out the other end. Personally, I think you have to get doses in several billions to even try to do anything. But I think the better way to shift the balance in the gut is through diet. The one exception to that is there is a probiotic for E. coli specifically that I think can be very useful for those people out there who do have dysbiotic E. coli. Other than that, I’m not a huge fan of the probiotics.


[00:57:02] Ashley James: Are you a fan of fermented foods to help with the gut culture?


[00:57:08] Susan Luschas: Yes and no. Our family makes our ferments. We have a humungous crock-pot, so big the kids can play hide and seek in it. We don’t make sauerkraut from less than twenty head bunches. I’m just thinking, right now at the house, we have red kraut with ginger, green kraut with garlic and dill, and we have pickles. We make our ferments, and we always have, and we always had fermented foods, but we were still sick. So the answer is no, I don’t think fermented foods are going to radically change some of these very serious infections and issues.

On the other hand, if you’ve never eaten fermented foods, I think it’s something we should all be doing every day anyway, just in that general health category. We should all be eating fermented foods at every meal. I’m not even perfect about it. At least one meal per day has fermented foods in our house, usually two, sometimes I get the third.


[00:58:25] Ashley James: When someone has severe dysbiosis, obviously cutting out the sugar, potentially cutting out grains, eating fermented foods as a staple anyway for basic health, but then would you say that feeding the healthy gut bacteria through vegetables — is that your solution? In that case, are you looking more to taking supplements and herbs to restore the balance?


[00:58:58] Susan Luschas: You mean like how do I feed the good guys?


[00:59:02] Ashley James: Feed the good guys, starve the bad guys — yeah.


[00:59:06] Susan Luschas: That’s the hard part. When you’re doing something — for example, a 30-day fast like I did with the oldest child twice — naturally, everything is going to go down. But in general, the dysbiotic guys, in my opinion, tend to feed more on sugar than the good guys. The good guys are a little more able to extract sugar from vegetables than the bad guys are. The bad guys usually tend to get dysbiotic because of excessive sugar.

Back to what my pediatrician said, “You can’t take that out of her diet. She’s not going to get enough sugar.” There is sugar in vegetables, believe it or not. Broccoli today is not the broccoli that I grew up with, unfortunately. We’ve sort of engineered but not genetically, but we have selected our vegetables more and more over time based on what tastes good, and what tastes good to most people is usually the sweeter ones.

I’m of the opinion that we do get quite a bit of sugar even just from vegetables, and that is enough for the good guys, believe it or not. Our family does occasionally now eat some vegetables like sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes have a lot of sugar in them. We don’t often eat sweet potatoes, but we can eat those, and we do eat them once every couple of months or something. It’s not a staple for us. It’s kind of like someone said, or it was in some research somewhere that the fruit of today is like the candy bars our grandmas ate in terms of sugar. We just selected these things to be more and more sweet, less and less nutritious.

One thing our family does — we’re lucky we have a garden, not a huge one. We do grow quite a bit of our food. I would love to grow 100%. We’re not there, but maybe someday and we’ll keep striving for it.

[01:01:19] Ashley James: Very cool. I found a documentary just a year ago. It’s a free documentary on YouTube called Back to Eden Gardening, and it teaches people how to garden even in the desert. It’s using a type of mulch that preserves the moisture of the soil, so you do very little watering. You do very little weeding, and it remineralizes the soil through the mulch.

This man — his story is fascinating — just like you, for free, teaches people how to garden. It’s called Back to Eden Gardening. I recommend people watch it on YouTube. Even if someone just has a few square feet of a back yard or front yard, they can turn it into something that can grow them some kale, zucchini, or fresh herbs to get started.

Last year, because we have 5 acres to work with, I convinced my husband. He wanted to do 10 x 10, and I convinced him through a lot of coercion to do 25-foot-by-50-foot garden, which is a huge endeavor for our first garden ever. I was learning. I think I planted everything too deep, but what did take was the massive amount of zucchinis and squash, which took over the whole garden because I had no idea how big these things get.

Last summer, that’s all we did. We eat zucchini that we grew ourselves — giant zucchini steaks. I figured out a hundred new ways to make zucchini, and of course, everyone that came to our house walked away with an entire grocery bag full of zucchini. But it is so rewarding and so much fun to grow your own food. You know where it came from. It’s fresh. It’s so delicious that you don’t need to add any seasoning to it or cover it with anything unhealthy like cheese or whatever people put on vegetables if they don’t taste good.

We would sometimes sit out in the garden, eat it straight out of the garden. It’s amazing what happens when you gain contact back with the soil. You have that access to freshly grown food. We forget what real food tastes like until we have that first experience. I absolutely agree with you. That is something to do for decreasing stress, a great family activity, and great for health as well.

The first time you did the enemas with your children, what was in the enemas? Is it just water? Is it a coffee enema? The first enema you did that had worms come out that convinced your children this was viable.


[01:04:14] Susan Luschas: We just did a Fleet enema from the drug store because I didn’t know how it was going to go. I got a Fleet enema from the drug store and did it on myself first. With a kid, especially a young kid, the little one at that time we did it was three-ish. I think she was about three or four; it’s somewhat a bit of a blur. But I did it on myself first, and then I said, “Okay, kids, we’re going to do this.” I wrote a whole article on my website. If you’re interested in the topic, definitely read the article because I had to bribe the children.

I don’t bribe my children. But this was one of the issues where I had to bribe the children. It turns out that we don’t watch TV. We don’t have TV service or anything like that. So I bribed them with being able to watch TV.

How do you watch TV if you don’t have a TV service or TV? I got a portable DVD player, and I checked out some Little House on the Prairie episodes from the library. It was one of those mommy win-win moments, where I get to do my enema, and they get to watch this wonderful programming of Little House on the Prairie which talks about values and ethics, and they’re getting social-emotional learning. If they started crying or creating a fuss with the enema, I turn the movie off, so they stopped. Once they stopped and were ready to cooperate again, we turn it back on. We only had to turn it off about twice the first time, and then they got the feeling, “Oh, yeah, we really want to watch TV because everybody watches TV.” So I had something very easy to bribe my children with.

I just had the Fleet enema because I’m like, “Okay, let’s see how it goes.” No one recommends doing an enema on a three-year-old — “You’re gonna kill them.” But luckily, Kerri Rivera had done it on her young children as well, and she had posted some instructions and some tips and things like that. That gave me, at least, one level of confidence that someone else had done it on a young child.

It turns out, that was one of the best things I ever did for the children. The three-year-old, the enema was already over, and the movie was over. We sat in the bathroom getting her ready for bed, and we’re brushing teeth and what-not. She just said, “Mommy, that enema was great. We have to do it again.” I said, “Why?” She said, “Because the worm just came from my head and it came out of my body.” That’s what she told me at age three, and I was like, “Whoa!” She was on the toilet when we were having this conversation. She got up from the toilet, and there was a baseball-sized tapeworm out of this three-year-old. I could not believe it.

I started losing my blood pressure. I started fainting. I just had to pick myself up literally off the floor because I couldn’t believe it. I shot some pictures of that particular worm. So my experience generally with the enemas is they’re fantastic for all people that have worm-type parasites especially. Do it a week before the full moon if your symptoms flare with the full moon. If they’re flaring with the new moon, do it a week before the new moon or a few days before the moon, somewhere in there. Hopefully, you’re going to get quite a few out with the enemas. That’s just absolutely fantastic. Hopefully, that’s enough that you feel better and you just live your life and enjoy life.

For some of us who’ve had parasite infections for a long time and they become systemic, they’re not just in the digestive tract. There are other places in our body. That’s when you want to think about parasite medications, in my opinion, but enemas are actually fantastic.


[01:08:28] Ashley James: Were your daughters constipated before or did they have totally normal bowel movements? I can’t wrap my brain around just a regular pharmacy-bought Fleet enema. Why would that have caused worms to come out? Why is that different than just going poo if they don’t have any constipation?


[01:08:49] Susan Luschas: My kids never really had any constipation. They were pooping a couple of times a day usually — sometimes once a day, sometimes two or three times a day. They never had constipation issues that I was aware of. I am not a poop digger, so it’s possible that they had worms in their poop, and I never saw it. Some moms or dads fish out the poop and go through it. I have never done that, looking for worms or whatever. I don’t tend to go in after they go to the bathroom and look at their poo, and no one has ever said to me, “Mommy, what’s that in my poo?” So it’s 100% possible worms were coming out of their poo, and I just never noticed it, but who knows?

In my opinion, it’s just saline water basically and it just literally washed them right out. What they do is grip on to the walls of the digestive tract. There are all kinds of worms out there, but most worms tend to come into the digestive tract, slightly before the full moon to mate and meet each other, and then they go back to potentially being systemic in other parts of the body. If you hit them with an enema around that time, when they’re just literally sucking and holding on to the walls of the digestive tract, sometimes you can break some of them loose, and they’ll flush out. Especially when you have hundreds of them, then it’s usually easy to flush out a couple so that you can see them.


[01:10:30] Ashley James: The Fleet enema is only in the rectum and part of the colon. It’s not going into the whole colon, is it?


[01:10:38] Susan Luschas: It depends on how much water you do for the size of the person. I forget what the number is, but I think the digestive tract of kids at age five to eight or something like that is 80% of what it is in adults. They have as long of a digestive tract as we do to the first order. It’s not as physically big, but it’s almost as long, not significantly shorter. So it depends on how much water you do for the size of the person. The Fleet enema from the drug store has instructions on it. Initially, I followed that, and then I realized, that’s not enough. We need to do more volume.

As for the topic of Fleet enema versus coffee enema versus whatever other kind of enema, it depends on what you’re trying to do. I’m of the opinion that, for example, if you think you have worms, I don’t think it matters. It’s just about the volume of water to flush a couple of them out so you can see them. I think for worms — anything. It doesn’t matter what you put in it.

If you have, for example, an autistic child and you’re trying to get them to detox quickly, like my child who went fully autistic, personally I would muscle test the child first and see what would work the best. But without the ability to muscle test, I would hit him with activated charcoal and the enema. That tends to work very well for autistic children to get an immediate detox. We’ve even done minerals in the enema. We’ve done probiotics in the enema. We’ve done homeopathic remedies and drainage remedies in the enemas. It just depends on what we’re working on and what we’re doing.


[01:12:42] Ashley James: For those who don’t know, because people are thinking, “You’re just putting it up your butt and then releasing it into the toilet. Why are you putting all these things in it?” That’s because the skin is so thin there that we absorb it quickly and there’s a vein that goes right to the liver. The quickest way to deliver some nutrients to the liver is through the rectum. I have felt that. I have done coffee enemas.

Coffee enemas are not Starbucks coffee that you put up there. It’s a blond blend. You want it to be organic. You don’t make it strong. It’s not drinking coffee. It’s totally different. But when you do a proper coffee enema, it delivers that caffeine to the liver, which forces the liver to increase the amount of antioxidant that it makes.

It does a bunch of other things too, but it’s cool that it stimulates the liver to go in overdrive and do a lot more detoxing. Those who are in chronic pain sometimes feel hours of relief from doing a coffee enema because it causes the liver to ramp up its efforts to make more antioxidants. There are all kinds of good things, but you’re right — we need to think about what we’re here to solve.

If it’s something as simple as we want to see if we could flush out some worms, that’s one thing. But we can use it to deliver some nutrients to the body as well. It’s an interesting topic — the idea of doing it.

Our son is turning four this week, and if I had to, I think I could talk him into it, but it will be a very interesting conversation. But when a child is sick, they’re willing to do anything if they believe it’s going to make them feel better. Your daughter immediately started to feel better. That’s amazing. It’s so exciting.


[01:14:45] Susan Luschas: Yeah. We even went to who can get out the biggest worm contest. So you can make it fun — who can get out the biggest worm and who can get out the most worms, who can get out the fattest worms, and who can get out the worms where you can see all the organs inside.


[01:15:06] Ashley James: Kids are more fascinated than grossed out at that point, and then when they start to feel better, then it’s like, “Whoa, this is working. Let’s keep doing it.”


Now, you also mentioned that your daughter had lost the ability to sweat. Can we talk about that? I do know some adults that have lost the ability to sweat, and I think that’s quite fascinating to learn. Why do people lose the ability to sweat, and how can they get it back?


[01:15:38] Susan Luschas: I’m not an expert on any of these topics, but I can tell you our experience with losing the ability to sweat. I think the Lyme Borrelia went after her hypothalamus. I think that’s what happened in her case. I don’t know other people who’ve lost the ability to sweat. I’m not sure if that’s the case for them or not. Personally, if someone comes and says, “I’ve lost the ability to sweat,” I would say, “Just get a Lyme test.” It would be good to know.

If you’re feeling great, you don’t have to do anything about it. But you may want that information just to double check that. We didn’t know what to do to get her to start sweating again, and no practitioner had answers to get her sweating again. We tried all kinds of things over the years. What finally worked in her case were two things: forced sweating in the sauna, which was incredibly painful.

For someone who doesn’t sweat, to go in the sauna is torture in many ways, so this was another case where I got out the DVD player and the episodes of Little House on the Prairie, and I bribed her to sit in the sauna. When she was watching the TV in the sauna, she lost track of how horrible she was feeling and how she was almost passed out right in the face, which is a scary thing for a child. But we could always bring her out and put her in a nice bath if we had to, but we were trying to push the limits of what she could sweat. Slowly, over time, time being many months, she finally started to sweat. We would go into sauna until she either passed out initially or gave us one drop of sweat — literally one drop, and it’s like, “Okay, that’s enough.” And then the next time, it was like, “Can you give us two drops before you go out?”

We just worked up, and now we still go in the sauna as part of our healthy lifestyle routine. She sweats almost like a normal person now. Now, she’ll start sweating at the same time the rest of us do and sweats about the same amount, which is super. And now we stay in there for 30 minutes at 125-130.

This is also challenging with the child because you can’t just take them to the gym. What you want to do as an adult is to be cheap about it and go to the gym, go in their sauna, try it out, see how you do with it and how you like it, get used to it before you potentially buy a home one. But with children, you can’t do that. When we were at Simon Yu in Saint Louis, he has a sauna that he’ll let children try out, so we were able to try it out a little bit there, and then decide, “What do we want to get for our home use to help her start sweating?”

Number one was forced sweating in the sauna, and it was incredibly painful. But we finally got there over many months.

The other thing though that she needed with the sauna at the same time was a hypothalamus supplement. It was the one from Bio-Design, I think. It’s a hypothalamus supplement that she needed at the same time. She took two of those twice a day for a couple of years. It’s desiccated hypothalamus supplement from Bio-Design, and she took two capsules twice a day for two years.


[01:19:23] Ashley James: Is that an herbal supplement?


[01:19:25] Susan Luschas: It’s desiccated hypothalamus — I think it’s bovine. I’m not sure what it is about that supplement. If you’ll ask me, “Why that? Is it actually the nutrients in the hypothalamus?” I don’t know. It could be energetic. I don’t know why, but that’s the thing that she needed along with the sauna. The homeopathic remedy was helpful too, but the two essential things were the sauna and the desiccated hypothalamus supplement. Again, I don’t get any money from that endorsement at all.


[01:20:06] Ashley James: For sure. Why did sauna therapy work for your daughter?


[01:20:09] Susan Luschas: Good question. I don’t know is my constant answer. It’s just like anything else — it’s practice. Just kind of like baseball, you got to practice hitting the ball with the bat, and you’re going to get better. I think it’s just practice of pushing her body to the point where it should be sweating and getting her body, “I should be sweating, but my hypothalamus isn’t working right or whatever.” Just keep pushing. In a way, I almost think of it as an allergy shot. They give allergy shots so that you get used to whatever the allergen is and potentially your allergy goes away. I’m not a fan of allergy shots, but I kind of think of it as somewhat the same theory.


[01:20:58] Ashley James: It does make sense. You’re trying to force the body to sweat. With her, in her condition, you wanted to help her detox. Sweating is supposed to be one of the gentlest and effective ways to get rid of fats or toxins. That’s the body’s way of getting rid of toxins through the sweat glands. When you’re not sweating, your body is not detoxing, so something is going on.

Were there concerns that she was not methylating? Were there concerns that her liver was not going through both stages of detox? Were there other areas you’re looking to see where she wasn’t detoxing?


[01:21:43] Susan Luschas: Let me go back for a minute to the sweating. I wasn’t smart enough back then to understand what you just said about sweating being so important to detoxing. I was doing it so she could play soccer because she would get red in the face and collapse at the soccer games. That’s the major problem. You can’t play soccer if you’re passed out. I was doing it for different reasons. I didn’t fully realize that.

Yes, we went through all these other detox things like methylation. She has mutations, as do our whole family has various methylation mutations, as do most people out there have them. We had gone through methylation. She tends to be a Methyl-Guard Plus by Thorne person. There are tons of methylation supplements out there. We’ve tried almost all of them, it feels like, maybe not, but we’ve tried quite a few.

Initially, she needed that support of Methyl-Guard Plus. She needed one capsule twice a day usually. Now, she hardly ever takes the Methyl-Guard Plus. She doesn’t need it very much anymore. The question is why. I’m not sure. I think it’s just her body is functioning in a much better place with improved lifestyle, being that she sweats now, she has a better diet, things like that.

I think from her sister, the little sister, the tongue tie was a huge part of the methylation puzzle for her. The little sister also needed methylation support, but after she got her first frenectomy. She didn’t need as many methylation supplements anymore, so if someone is dependent on methylation supplements, in my experience, the two places to look would be clean up the rest of your lifestyle, meaning things we already talked about.

The second place to look would be frenectomy or frenulum. It’s this flap of skin that connects your tongue to the lower jaw too tight. Another thing you could look at related to that without having a frenectomy is some kind of an osteopathic treatment, and a lot of times the osteopath could give you an opinion on whether they think that’s too tight or not.


[01:24:14] Ashley James: I’m a little confused about the chicken or the egg. Are you saying that when someone has a frenectomy, and they had their frenulum cut so that it’s stretched out more, that after that they don’t need as much methylation support?


[01:24:29] Susan Luschas: Right. That’s been our experience.


[01:24:35] Ashley James: I’m kind of like in “mind being blown land” — my son needed to have a frenectomy. When he was seven days old, his naturopathic pediatrician did a little surgery and cut his frenulum, and then he could suckle. In doing a little bit of reading deeper into this and a little bit of research, I discovered that there’s a hypothesis that it’s a mild deficiency of folate in utero that is causing the tongue ties and the lip ties, much like a large deficiency would cause spina bifida. And so they’re thinking a mild form in the mother, and I have methylation issues on 50% of both branches for the MTHFR. It was interesting to think that.

I was saying that because of methylation issues, they needed a tongue tie. Their body, in utero, didn’t develop correctly in a minor birth defect sort of way. And you’re saying that when it’s corrected, something happens to the body that makes them able to methylate better?


[01:26:05] Susan Luschas: Yes. I don’t know if it’s true for everybody. I can say it is true for us. If you go to my website and you click on the methylation tab, there’s one reference — Ben Lynch ND. He wrote an article, “The Intersection of Tongue Tie & MTHFR.” I am so glad he wrote that because I found that article after I noticed that after the frenectomy — so we had the frenectomy not because we thought it would improve our methylation. This is all hindsight.

We had the frenectomy for other reasons, and by the way, I’ll mention, both my kids suckled just fine and breastfed for eighteen months. It was never an issue with breastfeeding. We only did this as older children. I noticed myself because, of course, I don’t do anything on my kids without doing it myself, so I got a frenectomy as well.


[01:27:15] Ashley James: Really?


[01:27:16] Susan Luschas: Yeah. I didn’t do it first. I did it at the same time as the younger child. I felt a huge improvement after that frenectomy.


[01:27:31] Ashley James: That is fascinating. I’m like mind-blown. There’s part of Kriya Yoga where you are to stretch the frenulum. Do you know about that part of Kriya Yoga?


[01:27:40] Susan Luschas: Yeah.


[01:27:44] Ashley James: I’m wondering if there’s a meridian that is at that base of the tongue that is related to the liver or methylation, detox, or something. It would be interesting to talk to an acupuncturist and see if there’s something there — an energetic channel.

If we’re coming at it logically, if we’re coming at it very Western thinking, this doesn’t make sense. It’s the methylation problem that probably caused the tongue tie, so why is it that reversing a tongue tie would then affect — like changing something physical in the body affects something biochemical? In a Western mind, it would go, “That doesn’t compute.” But of course, we’re looking at it, this world of health, from a much broader perspective.

We don’t know all the answers, but let’s dive in and see. Here you are finding that it did work. You found relief through having the frenulum stretched or cut, and so did your children. Is this part of the dental procedures? You talked about hidden dental infections and some dental procedures that you had done that made a difference? Was that around the same time?


[01:29:08] Susan Luschas: We did those within a few years of each other. These aren’t really infections. This is just the structural issue, as you mentioned, of the frenulum being too tight.

The other thing I noticed when I did do the frenectomy in myself is that my posture was straighter, so I felt like I didn’t need to go to the chiropractor as often, and I have this naturally straighter posture now. It almost felt like, afterward, I learned how to walk again because I was feeling so different.

The other part I was going to mention as you were talking about the structural connection to the biochemistry, another thing we do for detox is chiropractic treatments. My kids go to the chiropractor or the osteopath. We switch between the two different practitioners, actually switch between four different practitioners because they all have different strengths.

I think chiropractic is part of detox or osteopathic. I think this topic of the methylation and the tongue tie and the connection between the two, this is new science. I don’t think we’ve figured this out yet at all. The only reference I could find on it was a blog post that Ben Lynch wrote. I just haven’t been able to find any other real science about it. But I can say observationally, with both of my children, after the frenectomy they were less dependent on their methylation supplement. That was not true for me, but I was never dependent on the methylation supplement. I never needed to take it every day as they did.

[01:30:50] Ashley James: Fascinating. Oh, my gosh. My mind is blown. I’m so excited to dive deeper into this. That’s really interesting. Can you touch on the importance of smoking out hidden dental infections and how to treat them? This is such a hugely important topic. Hidden dental infections can cause abscesses in the brain, heart disease, just a long list of problems that you wouldn’t think would start in the mouth.


[01:31:30] Susan Luschas: Exactly as you said, these dental infections can cause symptoms anywhere in the body. You’re talking about acupuncture meridians. Each tooth is on a meridian on the meridian chart. Depending on which tooth is infected, that can affect your lungs, liver, kidneys, and all kinds of things.

Most people, the hidden dental infections would be either a socket from an extracted tooth, a root canal, or an implant. All three of those could be the source or the location of the hidden dental infection. In my case, I had wisdom tooth sockets that hadn’t been extracted when I was sixteen years old. Those were all four infected. I had no root canals. My husband had a root canal, and his root canal was infected. My husband had his root canal pulled, and immediately noticed improved chiropractic in his back. He said he felt like his back just got completely re-adjusted, and again he also said he almost felt like he had to learn to walk again because it was so different. He also had less brain fog after it was removed.

From my cavitation surgery — when you go into an extracted tooth socket, it’s called cavitation surgery — I just felt like my shoulders dropped, my neck relaxed. That was also in a different chiropractic situation.

The other big thing for me was, I got rid of the ringing in my ears. I’ve had ringing in my ears as long as I can remember, apparently since I was 16. Finally, after the surgery, my ears are quiet. So cool.

The tricky part of this is none of us like to lose our teeth if we’re losing the root canal. Going into a wisdom tooth socket, dental surgery is uncomfortable and unpleasant — period. There’s no way to sugar-coat that at all, as far as I’m concerned. It is very difficult to get to the point that you decide to make that decision to do it, but the benefits of it can be truly amazing, really life-changing.

Not for everybody — I have cases where people have the cavitation surgery or have a root canal pulled, and they’re like, “I feel the same.” It depends on the person, the symptoms, and whether that’s bothering them or not. I think a lot of us with Lyme though do have to address the dental infections again because we need the immune system not to be fighting with dental infection but rather to be fighting the Lyme, and it also gives one last place for the Lyme to hide in our bodies.


[01:34:39] Ashley James: How would someone know if they have a hidden dental infection?


[01:34:45] Susan Luschas: That’s part of the problem of it. There’s no great way. One thing you can Google or you can go on my website is the tooth/organ chart. It’s like an acupuncture meridian chart with the teeth on it. You go to the tooth/organ chart, and then you look up the teeth that you have that are either extracted, implants, or root canals. Hopefully, that’s not every tooth. Hopefully, you just got one or two teeth in those three categories. And then you look down at that meridian, and you see on the chart, “What’s bothering me?”

In my case, for example, I had the wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth is inner ear if you click on the chart or Google tooth/organ meridian chart. Surprise, surprise, my ringing went away. Who knew? Shoulder/elbow — like I said, my shoulder has dropped. Some spinal segments here — C8, T1, T5, T6, T7 if you tend to have discomfort; S1, S2, S3, if you tend to be needing adjustments in those a lot; organs are heart, duodenum. I didn’t notice any problems with my heart or duodenum before or after, but those aren’t really organs you notice. Just go down the meridian on the chart for those teeth, that will give you one clue.

The other thing my family does is muscle testing. If you have a practitioner who muscle-tests, or if you muscle-test yourself, even better. Sometimes you can see a hidden dental infection. You can’t see if it’s infected, but you could see maybe a pocket, for example, of an extracted tooth. Mostly, I’m talking about x-rays for extracted teeth. You can sometimes see that they left in the periodontal membrane when they extracted the tooth, and sometimes you can see that membrane and a pocket where the infection could live. There’s an example of that on my website if you click on ‘Dental’ and you scroll down. There’s an example of my x-ray, and I circled the pockets so you can see on the x-ray what I’m thinking about. That tells me I have pockets.

It doesn’t necessarily tell me I’m infected there, but it’s a clue. The symptoms on the meridian on the chart are one clue; the x-ray may be another clue; muscle testing may be another clue; and then the other way is you can fly to St. Louis and Simon Yu is still practicing, bless his heart. He is diagnosing them as well. He uses acupuncture meridian assessment. He has an electronic machine that measures acupuncture meridians, and that’s how he diagnoses them.


[01:37:42] Ashley James: Oh, my gosh. That is so cool. I am a little bit in shock right now. I had my wisdom teeth taken out years ago. I wish I had kept them in hindsight. For the last few months, I’ve had like 1 in 10 discomfort. There’s a sensation in my left lower jaw, right where the socket is, where the tooth used to be.

On the same side, I’m having hearing problems. I’ve been having chronic ear infections. I’ve been using mullein oil, warmed up onion muffs, or cold/hot compresses — all kinds of stuff to help. I kept blaming it on the fact that I do sleep a lot on my left side. I was thinking maybe it was my pillow, so I replaced my pillow to one that breathes more. I wear studio headphones all day long. I’ve been taking them off of my left ear because I thought maybe it’s my ears being constrained too much. But I didn’t think that it could be a possible problem with the wisdom tooth socket to my ear. That’s pretty interesting.


[01:39:05] Susan Luschas: I want to give also one caution about this. There’s a diagnostic part figuring out, “I think I have an infection in my root canal or my wisdom tooth socket.” Then there’s the how-to-fix-it part. Unfortunately, this is not an easy topic. Again, go into my website because there’s not much other information out there. I wrote an article about cavitation surgery and also root canal surgery, and on that, there’s a PDF file.

If you do not have the surgery with the one practitioner that I recommend — I hate to be a snob like that, but I only have one practitioner that I recommend because he’s the only one consistently getting good results — then print out this PDF file and at least take it with you to your dentist, oral surgeon, or whoever you’re having do this. At least take it with you and say, “There’s a checklist. Do you do this?” because this dental surgery can kill you. It’s a very serious thing. I went septic after my first time because my practitioner made tons of mistakes. You could argue my body didn’t heal it, but he also made quite a few mistakes. Hindsight is always 20-20, so I had it redone. I have had it a second time.

I also know lots of people have had this cavitation surgery or root canal pull or whatever, and they’ve gotten worse, or the infection hasn’t gone away. It is an art to find a practitioner who can do this right. We have people flying to see the one practitioner that I recommend. We have people flying to see him, and I think if you have the money, that’s the right thing to do because he’s the only that I’m trusting and recommending at this point. I do get lots of emails, calls, and what-not from people who have gotten to other practitioners. I just am not seeing the same kind of results from other practitioners. Finding the right practitioner for this is also not trivial.


[01:41:19] Ashley James: What’s his name?


[01:41:21] Susan Luschas: His name is Robert Jarvis. He works out of Santa Rosa, California, which is not too far away from where I live, it just so happens. But he’s the only one that I am recommending at this time. He actually retired, and then some other people and I got him to come back. He still is practicing, and he has just been doing this forever, and he’s really good at it.

The other thing is, I hate to say this, but I think the energy of the practitioner also matters, having someone who cares about the patient and you feel cared for. He is professional, caring, and all of that. I’m just going to give his phone number because he does try to hide them sometimes. His phone number is 415-924-6551. He practices out of Marine Dental Wellness right now. He is semi-retired, but I think he’s still practicing three days a week last I checked.


[01:42:37] Ashley James: That’s amazing. Thank you so much for sharing that. I have a friend who’s a doctor here in Washington. She went to her holistic dentist, and soon after developed an abscess in her brain that left her blind, and she had to get major brain surgery, almost died. Now, she’s not blind anymore, but when she’s under stress, she goes blind. That’s pretty scary. She went back to the dentist and talked to him about it, not in like “You did this to me,” but, “Hey, soon after you did this work, I developed a brain abscess and almost died.” He got very angry at her and very defensive. It’s scary.


[01:43:25] Susan Luschas: It is scary. That’s why I took some time to emphasize that point, that these dental procedures can be very scary. Personally, I think we have a few people doing them that don’t know what they’re doing. That’s why I published this PDF checklist, print it out, take it with you, go through the list with your dentist or your oral surgeon before you have it. Show it to them, give them a copy; I don’t care. They can send me all kinds of nasty grams or whatever — I get them all the time.


But the good news is, because of this checklist, we have had a few practitioners improve their procedures. That’s what this is intended to do. I’m putting myself out there, my family is putting ourselves out there, and we’re hoping to help people get better, and also to help some of these practitioners improve their procedures. I know the practitioner who made some mistakes on me because I’ve heard from other people that he’s definitely not doing some of those things anymore. That’s a huge win. We’re all learning. We’re all in this together. But if you want to maximize your chance of getting it right the first time, I would go with Dr. Jarvis and do it now before the man does retire.


[01:44:45] Ashley James: I wish you would start teaching more doctors.


[01:44:48] Susan Luschas: I know! I’ve been working on that with him. I’ve had numerous conversations with him about that. If anybody is still listening out there and goes to see him, please tell him the same thing. If enough of us tell him, he usually does it.


[01:45:06] Ashley James: Could this be something that someone could film him teaching and then disseminate the information to dentists, or is it really hands-on, something that they need to be there in person? Film him teaching everything and just put it up on YouTube and get it out there for enough dentists to start to learn or people to bring to their dentists. That’s one thing to think about.

I think you saw much. This has been a wealth of information. I really want to have you back on the show. You are welcome any time you want a platform to share information.

You did mention that you have a list of things that your kids do themselves now as their own routines for helping maintain their health and relieve stress. Can you share some of the things that your kids do on their own?


[01:46:10] Susan Luschas: The biggest thing that comes to mind there is social. I have a social tab on my website which is funny because now there’s social media. But back when I started doing this, that wasn’t as prevalent.

One of the big things my kids do is social acceptance or social strength. In other words, when other kids are eating junk at lunchtime, every day they sit next to kids who eat all kinds of junk at lunchtime, that’s a huge challenge for them. And birthday parties — they always get picked up after the first hour, so they don’t have to be around the food. It’s a huge challenge to build that social and emotional strength to be healthy and to still feel mentally supported and okay and accepted at school. I think that’s challenging, and that’s something that they do every day.

How do they do that? We talk about it a lot at home. We eat dinner and breakfast together every day as a family. We talk about it. We talk about how the kids are starting to notice that certain kids can’t behave or don’t do well in school and look at their lunch box. They’re starting to notice some of those connections themselves, so we’d talk about that and support it at home. Some of the other things the kids do are that I always tell them now that they’re older, they’re 9 and 12, they need to tell me when they’re not feeling well. Sometimes, they’ll come up and say, “Mama, I need an enema.” I’ll be like, “Why?” They’ll be like, “I don’t know. I just need one.”

Sometimes you have to follow that inner intuition or inner knowing that we all have, but a lot of times, it gets stifled by culture, by other people imposing views or inability to hear our voice. I’ve also had them come up to me and say, “Mom, I need some activated charcoal.” So kind of being in touch with their voice.

I think some of this go back to religion and Kriya Yoga, and some of these meditation, yoga, and self-awareness, social/emotional learning tools. A lot of schools don’t teach social-emotional learning, but our school luckily has a couple of programs. One is called Recess 101, and the other one is called Schnitzel Shop. I want to plug both those programs that are getting into schools right now that teach kids how to be different, how to think for themselves.

That’s more the main thing that comes to mind. But on the physical, practical level, my kids make one meal a week. My kids work in the garden. We still do enemas and sauna. They go to bed at a reasonable time. My 12-year-old complains about going to bed every night at 7:30, but on the other hand, I think she recognizes that that enables her to make every sports team that she wants to and be at the top of her class without studying. It’s just those basic things. I think she’s starting to make the connection between those healthy lifestyle routines. The kids will also sometimes come, and they’ll be like, “Mom, I’m tired. I need to go to bed even though it’s not 7:30.”

Those are some of the things that they do, and then there are some things we “force” them to do, like take some supplements if they need them, or if we’re working on chelation, it’s a constant topic that we work on, and then we take a break, and then we work on it.

Another thing they do is they stuff their pillboxes, and we do that as a family. When we were doing the parasite medications, we even compounded our medications at home. The kids would help, which is kind of maybe crazy, but once you get into the parasite world, it might not sound so crazy anymore.

I think, also in the topic of kids and health, chores are important in general to build self-esteem and self-confidence. That’s what you really need to have a healthy kid. You need them to have the self-esteem and the self-confidence to be different because healthy, unfortunately, especially in public schools these days, is different.


[01:50:52] Ashley James: Very well said. Sounds like they’re listening to their bodies and advocating for themselves, and you’re setting them up for success later in life. Those are lessons that we as adults are still learning. That’s brilliant. We didn’t even get to dive into chelation. I’d love to have you back on and do a whole another exploration around chelation, heavy metals, and detox. We’d love to have you back. Thank you so much. This has been ‘enlifting’ — enlightening and uplifting.

Your website is Of course, I’m going to create a discussion in the Learntruehealth Facebook group, so those who aren’t there yet, please go to or search Learn True Health in Facebook, join the group, and join us in the discussion around this episode as we continue to bring up things that we love about this episode and things that we’re still learning and uncovering from your website. I’m sure there will be lots of comments from the listeners as we learn more from resources.

Thank you for putting it together. I’m a big fan of your mission. We’re definitely kindred spirits in that regard. I am grateful for what you do. Thank you. I’ll make sure that I donate to your cause as well, and I invite the listeners, if they found value in everything you’re sharing and also website, to please donate anything that helps. It does cost money to host websites and continue to be the owner of a domain. Like you said, if you raise enough money, you will put even more effort into the website and compile data from studies and bring us more resources that are unbiased. That is beneficial for all of us, so thank you so much.


[01:52:55] Susan Luschas: Thank you for having me. It’s been fun to talk to you, and thank you for what you’re doing with this podcast.


[01:53:02] Ashley James: Absolutely. All right, let’s have you back on the show. I’d love to continue this discussion.


[01:53:06] Susan Luschas: Sounds great.


[01:53:07] Ashley James: Are you into optimizing your health? Are you looking to get the best supplements at the lowest price? For high-quality supplements and to talk to someone about what supplements are best for you, go to, and one of our fantastic true health coaches will help you pick out the right supplements for you that are the highest quality and the best price. That’s Be sure to ask about free shipping at our awesome referral program.

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Accidental Cure

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Hidden dental infections:

Mar 26, 2019

Discover The Truth About Cancer - Eastern Medicine

The Truth About Cancer was a groundbreaking docu-series that brought us uplifting and inspiring information from successful holistic doctors, cancer survivors and whistleblowers all sharing that we can cure and prevent cancer and that the power is in our hands.

Since TTAC came out over a million people, have watched it around the world. I have spoken about how influential The Truth About Cancer has been in helping many of my listeners and friends. And I have interviewed the documentary creator, Ty Bollinger on the show!

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Mar 21, 2019

Tap Into Your Best Self - Seattle
Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (PDT)
Lynnwood Convention Center

Tap Into Your Best Self - Austin
Saturday, June 8, 2019, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Tap Into Your Best Self - Las Vegas
Sunday, June 9, 2019, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Tap Into Your Best Self - Atlanta
Saturday, June 22, 2019, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Tap Into Your Best Self - Philadelphia
Sunday, June 23, 2019, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Brad's site:

Tap into Your Best Self

[00:00:03] Ashley James: Hello, true health-seeker and welcome to another exciting episode of the Learn True Health podcast. I am thrilled to have you learn from Brad Yates today. I love his technique. In today’s interview, he had me do it, and he has you follow along and experience this type of acupressure that you see instant results with.

It’s really funny because as I was following along with his instructions, I’m tapping on the different acupressure points, and I wasn’t noticing while he was doing it. But then by the time we were done, I felt drunk. I was so calm and relaxed. It was really interesting how quickly it lowers cortisol.

In fact, he talks about some studies that prove using this technique significantly lowers stress hormones. He’s going to be coming to some major cities live and teaching his daylong class. I’m attending the one that’s coming up in Seattle. That is going to be Saturday, April 13th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Lynnwood Convention Center in Seattle. I would love to see you there.


As you listen to this interview today, if you think yourself, “Man, I love to join Ashley and do Brad’s live event,” it’s called “Tap into Your Best Self.” He teaches you all the techniques to take EFT into your daily life to decrease stress and stop cravings. He has a technique that completely has you stop craving, allows you to lower anxiety, increase happiness, and increase productivity. He has 800 different videos on YouTube using this technique in different ways in your life to enhance and enrich your life. You get to learn all about it in person with him.


So in Seattle, Saturday, April 13th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you want to join me, go to, and that will take you to the page to sign up. I’d love to see you there.


If you’re not in Seattle, he is coming to some other cities. He’s coming to Austin, Texas, Saturday, June 8. You can go to to get tickets to June 8th’s “Tap Into Your Best Self” class.


For Las Vegas, it’s Sunday, June 9th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can go to


For Atlanta, Georgia, he’s going to be there Saturday, June 22nd, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Go to to sign up there.


He’ll be in Philly on June 23rd. Go to learntruehealth/philadelphia.


I know you’re going to love today’s interview. Please share with those that you know would love a powerful technique to help them get better sleep, focus more, better energy, decreased stress, and increase the feelings of joy and happiness in their life and an overall sense of awesomeness. I think all of our friends could use that, so definitely share this episode with your friends.


Again, if you’re in the Seattle area, please come to the training. I would love to see you. I’m excited to bring a ton of my friends, and I can’t wait to take his daylong course -- to sign up for that. Have a fantastic day and enjoy today’s interview.

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[00:03:43] Today is going to be so much fun. We have with us Brad Yates. He is an expert in emotional freedom technique. If you’ve never tapped yourself into better health or a better mood, then you are in for quite a ride.


EFT is very interesting if you’ve never experienced this. I’m looking forward to those who’ve never experienced EFT to hear what Brad has to say and to follow some of his wonderful tools. He is going to guide us through some techniques.


For those who have experienced EFT, you’re going to appreciate how Brad teaches it today.


Welcome to the show.


[ 00:04:25] Brad Yates: My pleasure. Thanks so much for having me on.


[ 00:04:28] Ashley James: Absolutely. You came highly recommended. One of our avid listeners, Naomi, told me that I absolutely had to have you on the show. You were coming to Seattle to teach a class here locally, but you also teach all around the world. Online, you have teleseminars, and you teach in person as well. We’re going to discuss how people can learn from you later in the show, but first I’d love to get into your story. I am curious, how did you become an expert in emotional freedom technique?


[ 00:05:02] Brad Yates: How does a grown man find himself tapping on his face for a living?


[ 00:05:06] Ashley James: Right, exactly.


[ 00:05:08] Brad Yates: Well, I knew from a young age that that’s what I was going to do -- hardly. I was a professional actor. I got a degree in theater. I had traveled around the world doing children’s theater, and then I moved to Hollywood to become a movie star, you know, as one does.


While there, I met a woman, fell in love, and got married. When our first child was on the way, I was thinking, “Maybe I should have a back-up career, too?” Rather than finding the normal, steady kind of job, I trained to become a hypnotherapist because I’ve always been fascinated by the power of the mind.


I started doing that and fell in love with it. It was great transitioning from being an actor into being a hypnotherapist because I had a trained actor’s voice. That was really helpful. For a change, when my audience fell asleep, that was actually a good thing. So I enjoyed that, too.


I was still pursuing my career as an actor while building a practice as a hypnotherapist. After a couple of years, when our second child was on the way, it really hit me that this is the career that I was meant to have, doing personal development work. As much as I loved acting, this was much more fulfilling. It just felt like a better use of my gifts and talents.


We made the decision to leave Los Angeles and move to northern California. In that process, through some other hypnotherapists that I had gone to know online, I kept hearing about this tapping process. There was this energy psychology conference going on in Las Vegas, and I really ought to go check it out.


So I went and I took a one-day training with Gary Craig, the founder of Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT. It was fascinating. This process of tapping on your face, which admittedly looks a little strange to people when they haven’t seen it before, looks a little odd. But having come from my acting background and one of the things I’ve done as an actor was I had gone through Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, at this point, tapping was not the strangest thing I’d ever have to do. I was a little more open-minded than some people might otherwise be doing this tapping.


What sold me on the tapping process was he passed out Hershey’s Kisses to everybody and said, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how much would you like this chocolate right now.” I was an 8 or 9 because I was a bit of a chocoholic. Then we did some tapping on chocolate cravings, and after a couple of moments of tapping, I could not eat the chocolate. I had as much interest in it as I did in the foil wrapper. I didn’t eat chocolates for two years after that. Just no desire whatsoever.


I was thinking, “Hmm, this is very interesting. There’s something to this process.” When I came home from that conference, I started experimenting with hypnotherapy clients. At the end of the first session that I tried, I said, “We’ve got a few minutes left. I just want to try this simple little technique,” and did the tapping. Little by little, it became my main modality. I still use a bit of hypnosis in a lot of my sessions, but tapping became my main modality because it’s so simple to use.


It quite literally puts the power in the person’s own hands. They have the power at their fingertips so that wherever they might be, they’re able to use this technique. So I started building my career as a tapper.


Right around this time or shortly afterward, YouTube happened. I thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a tapping video that people could use to start their day? I’ll call it Tap of the Morning.” It was the only video I ever intended to create. I put it up, and then about six months later, I had an idea, “There really ought to be a video to end the day, and I’ll call it Tap of the Evening, and now I’m done.” And then a few months later, I had another idea, and then another idea, and now it’s been a decade and I have over 800 videos on YouTube. So here I am.


[ 00:10:01] Ashley James: Very cool. I have to ask you to teach us the chocolate tap. Can you do that?


[ 00:10:09] Brad Yates: Yeah, and it’s very much the same as any other tapping protocol. Tapping or emotional freedom technique is originally based on acupuncture. For thousands of years in Chinese medicine they’ve said there is this flow of energy through the body along these pathways called meridians. When this energy is flowing naturally, we experience our natural state of health and well-being physically and emotionally.


When this energy gets disrupted in some ways, then we don’t feel so good. We have discomfort, stress, anxiety, fear -- things like that. So by stimulating the same kind of points that would be used in acupuncture, we cultivate that healthy flow of energy. We start to feel better. When we feel better, we think better, and we make better choices.


We also have modern research. You mentioned that you’ve spoken with Dawson Church. Dawson had done a research study where they measured people’s cortisol levels. Cortisol is one of the stress hormones. They did a double-blind study. The group that did the tapping, their cortisol levels dropped by an average of 24 percent, which was so remarkable. The lab technicians throughout the first batch, saying something had to go wrong because that couldn’t be possible, ran it again and found, “Oh, wow, that really did happen.” It is that effective as a stress relief.


When we look at the fact that we make most of our choices at an emotional level, especially when we’re not feeling so good, we look for “What will make me feel better? What has traditionally made me feel better? What do I associate with happiness?” Chocolate, ice cream, cake -- all associated with parties. Besides the sweetness level, there is all these emotional stuff around sweets.


As we tap, we clear out whatever stress we might be experiencing that’s telling us to go and make a questionable choice from a health perspective and try to take care of ourselves. And then we look at it and say, “That’s not something I want to put in my body right now.”


[ 00:12:34] Ashley James: Very cool. It doesn’t just have to be chocolate, but when we have that craving, or we feel like we’re moving towards using food to comfort us, then you can use the tapping to decrease the stress, so then we’re not going to be using food to soothe us.


[ 00:12:57] Brad Yates: Right. We’re no longer using it as a drug, and we’re able to say, “What do I want that’s healthy for my body?”


[ 00:13:05] Ashley James: My concern with EFT -- and maybe this is my misconception -- is that people are not having a conscious experience of their unconscious resolution. They’re tapping and they’re feeling better, but what if there are stuff at the unconscious level that they need to process and learn from and move through? Does EFT allow for that?


[ 00:13:32] Brad Yates: Yes, I think that EFT allows for more than a lot of other processes, which is why it can be so beneficial in conjunction with talk therapy. I always look at it as a complementary therapy rather than an alternative therapy. But the reason that we so often don’t see that unconscious stuff that’s bothering us is because it doesn’t feel safe. Part of us says, “Don’t go looking at that.” We have a stress response that tells us to look away.


One of the analogies I love is, a couple of years ago, we got my wife a new car. We went all out and got the car with all the bells and whistles -- literally, like all the chimes. It has this chime that when you cross a lane on the freeway, a chime goes off unless you’ve used your turn signal. It’s letting you know you’re crossing the line that you weren’t maybe supposed to. So if you’re drowsy and you’re weaving, it’s letting you know that.


We have that internally as well. We have this line around our comfort zone, and when we start to cross that line, a chime goes off. We have a stress response. Something says, “Warning! Stop!” and tries to course-correct us and keep us back in our comfort zone. When we go looking for those things that are uncomfortable, it tries to stop us.


So many of those things that those lines are defined by are things that have happened in the past. If we have an incident where someone has mistreated us, we will make a decision about ourselves based on that -- like, “Oh, I just don’t deserve nice things,” or “People are always going to be mean to me,” or “I’m not good enough.” That memory, that belief is going to get stuck in there and create that line to keep us safe in our lane.


It’s not going to want us to know what’s there. It’s like, “No, you don’t have to worry about what’s going on here. You stay in your lane. Don’t worry about all that other stuff.” We have a stress response when we go looking for that, and so we often avoid those places where the healing could happen.


With the tapping, we’re clearing that stress response. We relax, and we’re able to say, “No, I’m okay. I can take a look at this. I can go up in the attic and start looking through the boxes to find out what might be creating the problem.”


I believe it creates more of an opening. Now there are times when we don’t have to, and when I’m working with clients, I’ll often use the wording, “I’m allowing myself to see whatever I need to see and clearing whatever I don’t need to see.” Like taking the trash out from your kitchen -- you have your trashcan in the kitchen, you put stuff in there, and at the end of the week, you tie up the bag, you take it, and you throw it in the garbage.


You don’t have to open the bag up and go back and reexamine, and it’s like, “Here’s the milk carton I finished yesterday, and there’s the egg carton from three days ago. I don’t know what that is. Maybe I should figure out what that is before I can throw it away.” We tie up the bag and throw it, and we know that it’s gone. Very often, it happens like that.


The tapping -- it’s peeling the layers of the onion, so we’re able to see what we need to see. Sometimes we’re able to clear something, and we know that we have that freedom because we’re able to cross that line without the chime going off anymore.


[ 00:17:05] Ashley James: That makes a lot of sense because it’s not the day to day or the week to week stressors like, “That person cut me off,” or “Someone didn’t put their shopping cart away.” The little things that might set us off because when we have an accumulation of many small negative events, and we haven’t figured out how to deal with stress on a day-to-day basis, then it can add up.


We don’t need to sit there and emotionally process why that person not putting their shopping cart away made us so angry because really what it is is an accumulation over time of the garbage that we’re not dealing with and the stress level was getting higher and higher. But then also, every time something little happens that makes us angry, we’re lighting up that Gestalt neurologically inside us of all the major events that we haven’t resolved yet.


We need to take out the trash. We don’t have to examine the trash, the little day-to-day things, but we want to get to a safe place where we can examine the underlying root of the major issues that we’re still holding on to -- the sadness, the anger, the fear delimiting decisions. Those major past events that are unconscious, tapping allows us to clear out so much of the junk so that we can feel safe enough to process those events to release them as well.


[ 00:18:43] Brad Yates: Right. So if there’s something at the bottom of the trashcan that is stuck in there and has been rotting, in general sometimes we’ll focus on the simple, little things in the trashcan and go, “I can look at this. It’s probably this that smells.” I believe that tapping allows us to fill more confident and feel safer to go and say, “What’s really in there? What do I need to deal with here?”


As you said, it does build up. That’s the thing. That’s why I always recommend to folks, tap on a daily basis. Make it part of your energy hygiene. We have physical hygiene, and most of us wouldn’t go more than a day or two without taking a shower or brushing our teeth because we don’t wait until the people around us are holding their noses and saying, “Hey, dude. Take care of that.” We do it as a maintenance thing to make sure that the filth and grime don’t build up.


But stress, most of us have no way of dealing with that on an effective level. We may have ways of masking it, whatever our drug of choice might be -- chocolate, alcohol, reality TV. People of all kinds have different ways of trying to mask it, “so I don’t have to look at what might be bothering me.” Tapping is a great way to re-mediate that stuff just like taking a daily shower or brushing our teeth.


[ 00:20:13] Ashley James: I love that you said energy hygiene. I’m also imagining that this is emotional hygiene as well.


[ 00:20:19] Brad Yates: Sometimes I say that as well. It’s almost interchangeable in many ways because how we experience energy is that people say, “You know what emotion is -- it’s energy in motion.”


[ 00:20:33] Ashley James: When I interviewed Dawson Church, he talked about how there are studies now showing that using EFT is incredibly effective at addressing post-traumatic stress to the point where it’s now starting to be implemented with vets.


Something that’s in my mind, I think it was today or yesterday, a teenager shot herself to death in Florida in a high school. Just thinking about the suicide rates in our teens, which is out of control -- it’s unacceptable. One death is unacceptable, but now it’s almost like a common occurrence to hear this violent acts that are happening in our teens. We don’t have anything set up in our education system to teach emotional intelligence or emotional hygiene to our youth.


Can you talk about your experience with EFT, since you’re a father, in working with children and teens?


[ 00:21:40] Brad Yates: Yeah. Dawson has done great work in speaking with the VA and getting them to see the benefits of tapping for PTSD. I have another friend of mine, Dr. Laura Laden, who went to Parkland in Florida after the school shooting to work with people and also in Sandy Hook in Connecticut to deal with the trauma. She’s also worked with genocide survivors in Rwanda and using the tapping to clear the stress from that.


The thing is that we don’t have these tools. Stress relief tools are not taught to children. There are starting to be more schools that are introducing mindfulness, and that’s great. Several years back I kept working with clients, and as we were tapping and peeling layers of the onion, so many of the issues that were troubling them were rooted in childhood events.


I thought, “I got to do something here to introduce tapping to kids so that they can learn how to deal with that day.” Something unfortunate happens, they clear that day rather than having that lane change chime, keeping them in a very narrow lane for the rest of their lives. So I started to write a book called the Wizard’s Wish about a wizard who discovers tapping, and they shot some videos with my daughter, so I have a brief series of videos for children for tapping.


I have a new book called “Garden of Emotions” that has QR codes throughout the book that take folks to tapping videos for kids on how to have a great day, how to have a positive attitude and all kinds of things like that.


There is a lot of effort right now to get tapping into more schools. I have a friend, Dr. Peta Stapleton in Australia, who is a university professor of psychology. She has a program called Tapping in the Classroom. This is a program for teaching teachers how to introduce tapping into their classrooms to deal with stuff. The cool thing is the country of Slovenia has paid for their teachers to go through this program. It’s like, “Okay, US. If Slovenia can do it…”


[00:24:14] Ashley James: Right? Oh, my gosh. What are the results? Have the children in Slovenia improved? Statistically, has there been a noticeable difference?


[00:24:28] Brad Yates: That I don’t know. I have to check in with Peta and find out if they’ve done any research in follow-up in Slovenia. Apparently, the government in Slovenia was impressed enough with the research that Peta had done in the schools in Australia working with test anxiety because there’s a place where kids get all stressed out, and nothing is teaching them how to deal with that stress.


There’s also nothing teaching them to deal with the stress they might be feeling in their lives anyway. You have a child who maybe that morning their parents had a huge fight. They come in, and they’re expected to take a test and they’re going to be graded on their knowledge based on how they do that day, which may have been the worst day they’ve ever had because there’s nothing to help them be in the right state of mind for the most beneficial learning environment.


There are numerous studies now with all kinds of benefits from it. But absolutely, being able to introduce this to kids so that, if you get to teach it young enough, then long before they get to high school, they already have coping mechanisms that can help them deal with so much of the stuff that comes up by at school. We say, “Wow, high school. Someone that young is feeling drawn to hurt himself in that way.”


Or even in lesser ways -- all kinds of different traumatic things that kids do themselves. But even at that young age, they’ve already gone through years of traumatic events maybe. And so often, without any acknowledgment of it, and parents do the best they can based on their limited programming, a kid might be going through something tough and the parent will say, “Just walk it off,” or “Don’t talk about it.”


The stories of children who have been molested. They try to tell their parent, but because it’s some other family member, it’s like, “No, you can’t talk about that.” It just has to go inside eating away at the person.


As we build these resources, we’re dealing with that stress with the tapping and not just talking about it, having that mind-body approach and dealing with the physical things that go on with trauma, which can be so effective.


[00:27:13] Ashley James: Absolutely. Stress alone can create ulcers and can epigenetically trigger dormant diseases like autoimmune conditions. There’s a big link. I believe the statistic was like 70-something percent of those with fibromyalgia have had more than three adverse childhood events. You look at those who are morbidly obese and more than not they will talk about the trauma they experience ongoingly as a child.


We’re using food, , and substances that might not be healthy to cope with the day-to-day emotional stress of growing up, and then our parents not having the resources. So this, we can stop. We can stop that vicious cycle that’s getting passed down from generation to generation because the parents can learn to tap, the children can learn to tap, and they can learn how to pause.


You can unpack it and explain there are so many reasons why EFT works. The first reason that I like is that it’s a break state. We’re stopping, and we’re just doing a little bit of an internal check. We’re breathing, and it’s just that slight pause in between the stressor and allowing it to bottle up inside and eat us alive, and that pause is so helpful.


And then, of course, you mentioned that you were tapping on meridians, these energy centers in the body. Can you go deeper and talk about maybe your favorite aspects of why EFT is so interesting?


[00:29:02] Brad Yates: So many things. So much of it is fascinating. One of the catchphrases with EFT is “Try it on everything -- whatever is bothering you.” As you said, stress is so prevalent. There are those who will say that stress is at the root of at least 95% of our issues. It’s either the cause of our issues, physical and/or emotional, or at least it worsens it. There may be things that there is an actual physical component that’s not based on emotional stress, but feeling stressed about it makes the problem even worse.


Sometimes, when I’m tapping with somebody who has some physical condition, I was like, “I’m not going to say we’re going to cure cancer or whatever issue it might be -- physical issue. But if we can lower the stress about that, lower the different emotional pains that might be coming with that guilt, sadness, anger. The body has such powerful natural healing abilities that as we free up our emotional resources from that stress, that gives us a better ability to heal.


[00:30:32] Ashley James: That’s a great point. Even if it only did one thing -- because it does a bunch of things. Even if it only decreases stress in the moment, how incredibly powerful is that. So many of us haven’t been taught because our parents didn’t know and our grandparents didn’t know. We haven’t been taught techniques for how to deal with stuff in the moment without reacting.


Think about road rage, for example. It’s just a bunch of babies with cars reacting. We’re just over-reacting to each other. It’s incredibly unhealthy. Especially with social media, we see all these bullyings, and it’s just reaction, reaction, reaction. We read something and immediately we’ll spew out hateful things. There’s no emotional intelligence, that pause between the feedback whatever the input and then how we choose to react to it. We're just like babies.


[00:31:26] Brad Yates: Yeah, we’re triggered emotionally, and we go into fight or flight, which made a lot of sense a hundred of thousands years ago when there were actual life-threatening situations. But our mind still responds the same way. Someone looks at us cross-eyed and we go, “What?” and we go into that thing. When we go into that fight or flight, our prefrontal cortex goes offline. All of our creative, clever thinking, bye-bye.


Then we do something reactive, and then someone else gets triggered, especially with social media, as you said. There’s so much of it and so many of the things that are put out there are triggering. So many of them are meant to be triggering. There are people who want you to be triggered because the more triggered you are, the less clearly you think. The less clearly you think, the easier you are to control. There’s a method to that madness.


Tapping is a great technique to use when you’re driving and someone cuts you off. We feel like there’s a personal threat. It means we attach meaning to all these things -- “Oh, that person cut me off. They think they’re better than I am. They think that I don’t deserve to be able to drive where I’m at.”


No, they didn’t think that at all. They didn’t even see you. They’re probably completely unaware of your existence, and they may be rushing to the hospital because a loved one has just been admitted. You have no idea what’s going on for them, but we create these meanings that are stressful to us. EFT works to reduce stress, that’s why it’s so effective with so many things.


I was introducing this to someone years ago, I think it was in Stanford University. I was talking about doing a workshop there, and they were put off. They said, “Yeah, it sounds like a panacea. It just cures everything.” I was like, “No, I’m not saying it cures everything. It helps deal with the stress, but since stress is involved in almost everything, that’s why it’s so beneficial with all these different things.” But it’s not looking at it as some magic bullet that we can understand.


We’re still figuring out the exact mechanism, but we do see that the stress was reduced. In fact, there are more different physiological markers they’re finding -- an improvement in gene expression, lowered cortisol, various other things that they’re seeing with groups doing the tapping. With all of those different benefit, it just makes sense to do this if you can get over the fact that it looks a little strange at first.


[00:34:41] Ashley James: How similar or different is it to acupuncture or acupressure? Acupuncture and acupressure use meridians of the body, and they create similar results in that they lower cortisol and stress levels, but you have to go to an acupuncturist. In the middle of your exam, when you’re stressed out or at night with your choco craving, you can’t get up and go to your acupuncturist. It’s utilizing meridians of the body. Is it similar or is it totally different?


[00:35:13] Brad Yates: It is a form of acupressure, the difference between, as in one of the catchphrases, “it’s emotional acupuncture without the needle.” Certainly, some acupuncturists have their own needles. They can apply to themselves on their own, but most of us wouldn’t want to. Most of us should not be applying needles to ourselves. To have this tool literally at your fingertips wherever you are is amazing.


What I also love about it is that it’s so simple. When I do the tapping, it’s a very creative and intuitive process for me. I say all kinds of things. It’s an exploratory process of looking for what might be the underlying issues here, what could be at the root of this. But the tapping on its own, even without any words, will help us relax.


It’s something you could immediately start doing. As you’ve said, if you’re feeling stressed about a test, you can’t suddenly go to the acupuncturist. But you can tap, and there are subtle ways to tap where people won’t even notice that you’re doing it. This is what makes it so profound in terms of stress relief techniques because you can go to a number of stress relief workshops and they’ll tell you about all these things you can do, like meditation and making sure you get a good night’s sleep and eating a healthy diet.


But when you’re in that moment, taking the test or about to have an interview or whatever it is and you’re feeling stressed, it’s too late to be able to go and get a good night’s sleep the night before, or you  may not have the time to take a long walk, and you may be too stressed out even to try to meditate, try to close your eyes and breathe steadily.


But tapping is something that doesn’t require anything else. It can be done almost anywhere. I look forward to the day when tapping is known by enough people, that someone can be tapping in public and nobody will look twice. Or they’ll see someone tapping and go, “You know what, that’s a reminder. I didn’t tap yet today, and I have a little bit of stress that I should clear.” It’s just a friendly reminder, folks.


Before big meetings, treaty signings and meetings over economic or whatever, people tapping beforehand to clear the stress that comes up when they get triggered, and then everyone will have their prefrontal cortex engaged and look for the best solution as opposed to that one that serves their emotional needs. Like you said, these babies looking to suit themselves and looking to “I need to get what I want right now.” That’s just a fear response -- people acting out of fear.


As we calm ourselves down, we say, “There isn’t a saber-toothed tiger here. My life isn’t really in danger right now. I can take the time to look at what’s going to suit me at this moment.”


[00:38:21] Ashley James: Imagine 20 years from now in Slovenia, we’ll visit there, and on some street corner will be just people tapping. Just look around busy streets, people coming in and out of banks, tap, tap, tap. It’ll be great. They’ll be the prime example for the rest of the world to follow in their footsteps.


[00:38:44] Brad Yates: Those lists on happiest places to live -- Slovenia right at the top. What is it about the Slovenians?


[00:38:53] Ashley James: How old are your kids now?


[00:38:54] Brad Yates: My kids are now 19 and 21.


[00:38:57] Ashley James: Oh, my gosh. So they really were raised tapping.


[00:39:01] Brad Yates: To a certain extent. I wish that I had written my children’s book when they were younger. They were both almost too old for it when I wrote my first children’s book. I would certainly do tapping at times with them, but what your parents do is always uncool especially if what your parents do is tapping on your face. So there was some push back.


[00:39:32] Ashley James: Really?


[00:39:33] Brad Yates: Yeah. Now, I would sometimes find that they would do tapping without letting me know because they certainly weren’t going to admit it, but later they might admit it and use it at times. But it was one of those things that I didn’t want to push, so it wasn’t something that they were forced to do like so many parents force their kids to do things, and there’s just resentment and resistance and things like that.


[00:40:00] Ashley James: Got it. So get them while they’re young, right?


[00:40:03] Brad Yates: Yeah. Teach them before their resistance builds. I’m always inspired when I hear from teenagers who are using the tapping. That’s so awesome because that’s a tough time when you’re caught up in the hormones and need to look cool to try something like this. So yeah, to teach it to kids who aren’t yet worried about that is really beneficial.


[00:40:34] Ashley James: Can you share some stories of success of anyone? If teenagers come to mind, can you share some stories of success that you’re really proud of?


[00:40:44] Brad Yates: I worked with a young man who loves playing baseball but got beamed. He was at bat and the pitcher hit him with a ball. Events will happen to kids, and we see the sort of thing that happens to people all the time and go, “It’s no big deal. Just walk it off,” without recognizing that for some reason, how it affected that child at that moment was not the same as how it would affect them at some other time, or how it might affect some other child.


For some other child, that moment getting beamed by the ball, it’s like, “Ouch, that hurts,” but they walk it off and they walk to the plate. But for some reason, it had an emotional impact on this kid. He couldn’t play baseball. He was afraid to go up to bat. We did some tapping and the next thing I hear from his parents, he’s loving baseball again.


Working with older folks, one of my favorites was a woman whose husband had served her with divorce papers on her birthday. Twenty years later, she was still thinking about it and had anxiety.


We were able to get to the point where she was laughing about it. It was like, “Boy, he was never good at birthday presents,” and she was then free from that to look at it and go, “Yeah, it was an unfortunate situation, but I don’t need to stress out. It was bad enough that day. I don’t need to feel bad about it anymore. Given that he was that kind of person, I’m better off without him.” So it was a gift.


To have those, to be able to change your mind about the situations, and then the freedom that we see -- I always love hearing stories from people saying, “I’m in a situation that used to cause me a lot of upset, and I don’t feel that now.”


For me, I had this occur with flying. I had a traumatic event with flying years ago, and after that every time I went to the airport, I suffered. I was flying to Houston once, and I was at the airport on my phone trying to calculate how long it would take me to drive instead of flying. I realized that I wouldn’t be able to make it to my event on time even if I drove all night. So through tapping, I can now be very relaxed in an airport and walk on the plane and not feel uptight. It definitely makes life a whole lot easier.


[00:43:42] Ashley James: Yes. I had a lot of anger that I was having problems processing from someone who had done a very large, harmful thing to my family, something that was unforgivable. I realized that forgiveness isn’t about forgiving the person. It’s about letting go for you. I’m not harming him by holding on to my anger. The person is out of my life. It doesn’t matter whether I’m happy or I’m angry. Either way, it’s not going to hurt him. But somehow, we hold on to anger like it’s going to hurt that other person. It’s just hurting ourselves.


[00:44:26] Brad Yates: Right. Taking poison and hoping the other person suffers.


[00:44:29] Ashley James: Exactly, but tell that to someone who’s angry. I was trying, but at the same time the effects of what he did were still harming my family, so I was in it in the moment. I was in it, being triggered by it.


And so I used EFT, and I like to say I’m the most open-minded skeptic. I’m open-minded enough to try everything, but the placebo effect does not work on me. I’m a mismatcher. I don’t believe anything is going to work anyway, but I’m not going to get the nocebo effect. I’m not going to talk myself out of a benefit. I’m just an open-minded skeptic.


By the end of it, I was laughing. Now, I just had neutral feelings about that person. I went from almost obsessing, thinking about that person, and how many ways I could strangle him for what he did, to just going, “Yeah, whatever. Take it or leave it, that person is not in my life, and I’m just going to move on.” That was less than 15 minutes of EFT, so that was a really interesting experience.


[00:45:44] Brad Yates: Yeah, it’s amazing how quickly it can happen. To make it clear, it doesn’t always happen. These one-minute wonders, that can occur. It doesn’t always happen that way. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of tapping to clear out the emotional distress because there may be all kinds of different aspects. Sometimes it happens very quickly and sometimes it very slow.


Unfortunately, because people will sometimes hear about those very quick shifts, they expect that it has to happen that way or it’s not working. I’ll say, “It’s like taking supplements. The results might not be immediate.”


[00:46:28] Ashley James: Right, take one vitamin C and then get angry that your cold isn’t gone.


[00:46:33] Brad Yates: Right. Expecting that you should suddenly all feel all this vim and vigor from taking one vitamin. Or even doing sit-ups. If you’re really out of shape and you do the three sit-ups and go, “Hey, I don’t have a six-pack yet. What’s the deal? Sit-ups don’t work.”


[00:46:51] Ashley James: Yeah, lies. [laughs]


[00:46:53] Brad Yates: It might take a few more, like a couple of hundred or thousand more. But what happens is it’s always providing some benefit even if it’s very subtle.


[00:47:07] Ashley James: Do you tap every day?


[00:47:10] Brad Yates: I do. It’s generally the first thing I do in the morning. For me, it’s not just a matter of if I’m distressed. Like taking a Tylenol -- you take a Tylenol when you have a headache. There are some people who take that on a daily basis for whatever reason, but for me tapping isn’t just a solution to a problem that I am aware of. It helps clear out stress that I’m not aware of because I just sort of take it for granted that there may be things at a subtle level that I’m not aware of.


Just like I brush my teeth even if I don’t see anything sticking out between my teeth. I take a shower even if I’m not aware that I stink because it’s a daily process for me. I just like to have my energy as clean as possible.


We’ll often block ourselves from taking positive action in the world in terms of our career, our health, so we might resist doing certain things because we have a little programming telling us it’s not safe, it’s not comfortable -- “Exercise, that’s going to be so uncomfortable.” So I’ll do tapping to clear any resistance to going out and doing what I can do today so that I can have the best day possible.


[00:48:42] Ashley James: Very cool. Can you walk us through that tapping exercise, the Awesome Day tapping exercise? Let’s do that one.


[00:48:54] Brad Yates: I have two videos called Amazing Day. One of them is a shorter version of it. For anyone new to tapping and not familiar with it, what we’re going to do is we’re going to take our index and middle fingers. You can use either hand and tap on either side of the body. Many people will switch back and forth, or they’ll tap both sides at the same time with both hands. I often tap with both hands at the same time. In all of my videos, I tend to tap with the right hand just because it’s simpler that way to demonstrate it.


But right now, go ahead and take your right hand. With the fingertips of your index and middle fingers gently tap on the side of your left hand. We call it the karate chop point. So if you’re to imagine you’re going to use a karate chop to break some board, you’d use that edge of your hand right between your wrist and your pinkie. Just a light tap, tap, tap motion. Gently tap in there.


[00:49:52] Ashley James: Is it like up and down the flesh part that’s below the pinkie finger?


[00:49:58] Brad Yates: Yeah, just right in the middle between your pinkie and your wrist. While we’re tapping there, we state what the issue is. Tapping is generally used with a negative statement, and this freaks a lot of people out. It’s like, “What? I’m supposed to do positive thinking. I’m not supposed to think about negative things because that will make negative things happen, so I should only focus on the positive.” So when we do EFT and say, “Even though I’m so angry at this person…,” it’s like, “What? You can’t talk about anger.”


[00:50:32] Ashley James: Traffic, taxes, doctor bills, mortgage…


[00:50:34] Brad Yates: Yeah. You don’t mention any of those stuff. Ssh, quiet, quiet, quiet! Politics -- No, don’t say that word! [laughs]


But what we resist persists. So it’s like if you have a beautiful living room with a beautiful carpet and you also have a beautiful dog, and one day your beautiful dog leaves a not so beautiful gift on your carpet. You are not going to stand there and say, “I’m not going to focus on that. I’m just going to look at where the carpet is still clean and beautiful.” Because if you do that, you’re going to step on it and you’re going to spread it around.


Besides, you’re kidding yourself because as you’re looking at the clean carpet, part of your mind is going, “There’s poop there.” So we’re just lying to ourselves if we’re just trying to focus on the positive when something is bothering us.


[00:51:30] Ashley James: Icing on a mud pie.


 Yeah. Now, this is not a matter of just sitting there on the sofa and looking at the dog poop and going, “Oh, there’s dog poop.” We don’t just want to keep going over and over the problem and focus on it, but we do want to clean it up.


So the tapping is we’re going in, we’re acknowledging it’s there, we’re cleaning it up, and we get rid of it. And then we can go back to enjoying our living room without having to worry about walking around. So that’s why we focus on the poop.


And then we’ll rate that on a scale of 0 to 10, whatever the discomfort is. If I’m feeling angry, I would say, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how angry am I at this person? It’s about an 8. Where in my body do I feel it? It’s a tightness in my stomach.” There may be different physical symptoms of whatever is bothering us.


Just like with the chocolate craving where we asked on a scale of 0 to 10, how much do you want that chocolate. So you have a measurement of where the distress is, so then we’ll tap on the side of the hand and say, “Even though I have this anger or even though I want this chocolate, I chose to love and accept myself.”


Then we make that statement three times, and that’s just creating some room to work with. It acknowledges the issue but also that we accept ourselves because all of the issues that we have are there to protect us. Our anger is there to protect us. It’s like the smoke alarm going off and telling us. Now, it may be a false alarm, but most of us don’t deal with what the issue is, we just sit there and try to drown out the sound of the smoke alarm. We actually want to do it and find out what’s going on. We would state the issue and say, “I love and accept myself even though I have this issue.”


The next part we’re going to tap is the eyebrow point. Right at the beginning of your eyebrow, just above your nose, just about the middle of your face, and gently tap there. We’ll generally tap five to seven times depending on what wording we’re using. So I may say a phrase that is a little bit longer, and this way we may be tapping the point twenty times and that’s okay. It’s not like it has to be exactly between five or ten or the whole thing doesn’t work.


Gently tap right at the beginning of the eyebrow, and we would say, “All of this anger.” Follow the eyebrow out to the side of the eye, the corner of your eye socket and gently tap there -- “All this anger.”  Then following the edge of your eye socket to under the middle of your eye just above your cheek -- “All of this anger.” Then right below your nose, just above your upper lip, gently tap in there -- “All of this anger.” And just below your lower lip, just above your chin -- “All of this anger.”


Then we go to the collarbone. If you feel your collarbone just about come together, there’s a little U-shape at the base of your throat, and you can tap all of your fingers there or even make a fist and tap where the collarbones just about come together -- “All of this anger.” Now, about four inches below your armpit, just right about bra strap level and I’m sure even the guys can figure where that is, just tap in there with all of your fingers and say, “All of this anger.”


[00:55:09] Ashley James: So it’s below the armpit?


[00:55:11] Brad Yates: Yeah, four inches directly below your armpit. And then finally, the top of your head. So using all of your fingertips again, just tapping around in little circles around the crown of your head -- “All of this anger.” And then take a deep breath. And then we check again and say, “Now, on a scale of 0 to 10, how angry do you feel?” particularly paying attention to wherever in your body you might have been feeling that.


[00:55:39] Ashley James: Like super calm.


[00:55:41] Brad Yates: Yeah. So you’re already feeling the benefits of that stress relief. Even in the example like this where you might not have been feeling angry, hopefully after an hour talking to me, you’re not feeling angry.


But even without feeling any anger and being in a relatively relaxed state, you can also say, “Yeah, but I’m even more relaxed now just after this little bit of tapping” because we’re just calming the body down and clearing out any level of stress that you might not have been aware of ahead of time.


So that’s the basics of tapping and EFT in a nutshell. Now we’re going to have some fun with it.


[00:56:21] Ashley James: Good. Yeah, I didn’t really have any anger to begin with, but I was going with it and I tapped my hand for a while as you were talking, and I’m like, “Okay, I don’t feel anything.” And then we’re tapping the forehead, don’t feel anything, tapping the eyebrow, cheek, nose, lip -- don’t feel anything. Tapping by the throat, I’m like, “Okay, he’s cool.” I’m tapping down below the armpit, and I’m like, “Whoa! Wait a second. I’m feeling like really good right now.”


It’s interesting. Don’t judge it. Just do it because it’s--


[00:57:02] Brad Yates: And we’re peeling layers of the onion, that’s the thing. With the tapping, we create a safe place for things to come up, so even though you weren’t aware of anything bothering you, through the tapping, some things might have been coming up and getting released without you even having to know what they are. It’s like, “I’m suddenly feeling better. I just took the trash out. I don’t know what was in there, but the room feels fresher now.”


[00:57:29] Ashley James: Have you worked with addicts who want to stop using drugs or alcohol?


[00:57:35] Brad Yates: For three years I taught a course at Sacramento Drug Court, and this was a court-mandated program for people coming out of jail on drug offenses, and they have to go through a recovery program. So for three years, I taught a class once a week. That was very interesting. It was a very different audience for me.


[00:57:56] Ashley James: Did they like it? Were they receptive?


[00:57:59] Brad Yates: Not everyone was receptive to me coming in and telling them to tap on their face. But those who were willing, it was so awesome when they were open to it. Some guy would come back and say, “This blip really works.”


I was like, “That’s why they bring me in here each week to teach it to you.” This is not just, “Hey, you know what, we’re letting them out of jail, but we still need to punish them, so we’ll make them tap on their face each week. That will be further service to society, a little bit of extra punishment for their crimes.”


[00:58:42] Ashley James: [laughs] I bet.


[00:58:45] Brad Yates: So it was awesome to see that. And I have worked with folks with different addictions. Again, whether it’s chocolate, or drugs, or alcohol, there is that part of this that is looking for some relief as you’re saying earlier about. Kids looking, they’re not learning from their parents how to deal with that stress, except that they are because they’re seeing their parents drink or smoke or do whatever it is that they do, and from a young age, we’re just learning by example.


As a small child, we learn everything from watching and emulating parents that’s around us. That’s how we learn how to talk. That’s how we learn how to walk. That’s why we have the same accent that our parents we have. Wherever we come from, we speak the same language.

As a small child, it’s not that we say, “Okay, this is how people talk. All right, I’ll do it that way.” “Oh, this is how people walk. I’ll do it that way.” “Oh, this is how people deal with stress, eating a pint of ice cream. No, that didn’t sound healthy; I’m not going do that.” We don’t have that reasoning ability. “When people get upset, they yell at each other, and maybe they throw things to each other. Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a good idea. I won’t do it.” No, we learn that this is how adults, this is how people are supposed to deal with a situation, and so we pick up so much of that stuff.


[01:00:12] Ashley James: Absolutely. My son is turning four this month, and I can’t believe how many times I’ve caught myself going, “Oh, my gosh. I’m just like my parents. This is crazy because it’s so unconscious.” As much as we don’t want to be like our parents, it’s just reactionary. I can definitely see EFT being a tool to help us to put that break state in there, so we can stop that vicious cycle.


[01:00:39] Brad Yates: That’s what the tough thing is about, knowing the stuff that with my children, when I’d find myself losing my temper and saying things like, “Oh, dang it, I know better than this.” Ignorance is bliss, and then I can just yell at my kids and not worry about it. But knowing this, but not yet being perfect…


[01:01:00] Ashley James: Well, there’s no such thing as perfection when it comes to parenting. It’s just love them as much as you can and you’re going to be great at it.


The tapping exercise you just taught us, if we don’t have anger but we want to do it every morning to take out the garbage, what can we say during it?


[01:01:16] Brad Yates: Now, we’ll do our Awesome Day tapping. First, I want to give you folks that demonstration of the very simplest form of tapping. Obviously, the simplest form is just tap, and you already know the points now, and of course, as I said, I’ve got over 800 videos on YouTube that you can find.


But if you’re feeling stressed, you can just tap. You can tap while saying prayers, while saying affirmations. You can sing a song, or you can just be silent. The tapping is going to be beneficial.


But if you want to use words to focus on a particular issue, what I just showed you is the way to do it and say, “Even though I have this issue, this anger, this chocolate craving -- whatever it might be…” And at each point, repeat that phrase, and that will be beneficial.


Now, the way I do it, I like to be a little more creative and explore what might be going on. But we can also do tapping with a positive statement. There’s some controversy about this. Some people say, “No, tapping is only to re-mediate negative things, and you should always just focus on the negative things.”


For me, the joy, love, and peace are our true nature, and anything else is just covering that up. So as we focus on the positive, we’re naturally going to be addressing whatever is in the way. If I say a positive affirmation, if I say I’m healthy and I don’t feel like I’m healthy,  I’m just naturally going to be bringing up the arguments. So I will be doing the tapping on anything that is not health-minded, that is not positive, that doesn’t feel good.


So I find that by tapping on the so-called positive, we naturally clear out whatever is covering up the positive. So I’d refer about the Michelangelo process. Michelangelo said that the statue is already there perfect inside the marble. All he had to do is chip away what didn’t belong to reveal the masterpiece inside. To me, that’s a perfect analogy for what we’re doing with the tapping.


Whether we’re focusing on, “Here’s a piece of marble that doesn’t belong, like this anger, this chocolate craving. This is a block of rock that doesn’t belong here, and I could chip that away.” Or I can be focusing on, “There’s this magnificent statue inside, and I’m clearing away what doesn’t belong with my focus being revealing that masterpiece.” Either way, I’m chipping what doesn’t belong.


With that in mind, go ahead and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and hold it, and let it go. Just go ahead breathing comfortably. Just follow your breath through your body. Allow yourself to check in with how you’re feeling emotionally and how you’re feeling physically. Go ahead and rate yourself on a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being awesome -- “I feel awesome right now.”


If it’s less than a 10, don’t judge yourself for where the number is at. It’s not a matter of you should be a 10, or you should feel awesome 24/7. It’s not a test. Just allowing yourself to get an idea of, “Where am I at right now?” Allow yourself to be aware of what might in the way of that being a 10. Just allowing yourself to be aware of whatever might be going on in there. Allow yourself to be aware of any thoughts, beliefs or memories that might be coming up, that might be lowering your feeling of awesomeness. Just allow yourself to be aware of what feels relevant and what feels important.


Take another deep breath, and open your eyes if you like. Go ahead and start tapping the side of your hand. Ashley, if you will be my echo voice and repeat back what I say, and then everyone else, just tap where I tell you to tap and repeat back what I say along with Ashley.


[01:05:44] I choose to have an awesome day, and I choose to love and accept myself. I choose to have an awesome day, and I choose to love and honor myself. I choose to have an awesome day. I mean because why not? I think I deserve that. If I have any doubts about deserving it, I choose to clear that because I choose to have an awesome day. And I choose to deeply and completely love, honor and accept myself, and maybe anyone else who might show up today because I choose to feel that awesome.


Tapping the eyebrow point -- I choose to have an awesome day


Side of the eye -- I choose to have an awesome day


Under the eye -- I choose to feel awesome


Under the nose -- I choose to do awesome things


Under the mouth -- I choose to perform in an awesome way


Collarbone -- I’m allowing myself to be awesome


Under the arm -- Because the more I allow myself to be awesome


Top of the head -- The more I’m likely to feel awesome


Eyebrow point -- And create an awesome day


Side of the eye -- Because I get to create my day


Under the eye -- What I’m thinking and feeling


Under the nose -- Is going to contribute to the kind of day I have


Under the mouth -- So if I choose to have awesome thoughts


Collarbone -- And feel awesome feelings


Under the arm -- That’s what kind of day I’m going to have


Top of the head -- Part of me might be saying


Eyebrow point -- Yeah, right


Side of the eye -- You know some of the steps you got to do today


Under the eye -- And some of it is definitely not awesome


Under the nose -- How could I possibly have an awesome day?


On the mouse -- It’s not up to me


Collarbone -- All these beliefs


Under the arm -- That it’s not up to me


Top of the head -- Who taught me that crap?


Eyebrow point -- And were they a Nobel Prize winner?


Side of the eye -- Who says they’re right?


Under the eye -- If I choose to have an awesome day


Under the nose -- I can even deal with these things


Under the mouth -- And still feel awesome


Collarbone -- And I might even have an awesome outcome


Under the arm -- I’m certainly going to have a better outcome


Top of the head -- By approaching it this way


Eyebrow point -- I’m open to the possibility


Side of the eye -- That even if some of the things I have to do today


Under the eye -- Are not exactly fun


Under the nose -- I can still choose to have an awesome day


Under the mouth -- And I’m clearing whatever might get in the way of that


Collarbone -- Whatever fears might be coming up


Under the arm -- Whatever doubts might be coming up


Top of the head -- I’m letting that stuff go


Eyebrow point -- Whatever resistance I might have to having an awesome day


Side of the eye -- And part of me might say


Under the eye -- What a silly thing to say


Under the nose -- Why on earth would I resist to having an awesome day?


Under the mouth -- I don’t know. Why do I do that on a regular basis?


Collarbone -- Because the extent to which we’re not experiencing what we want


Under the arm -- Tends to be the extent to which we’re resisting it


Top of the head -- Whether that’s health or money


Eyebrow point -- Or just having an awesome day


Side of the eye -- I don’t do it consciously


Under the eye -- But at some unconscious level


Under the nose -- I have this belief that my day shouldn’t be awesome


Under the mouth -- Once in a while I’m allowed an awesome day


Collarbone -- But certainly not on a regular basis


Under the arm -- And it’s not because I’m bad or stupid


Top of the head -- It’s just my programming


Eyebrow point -- I probably haven’t known a lot of people


Side of the eye -- Who usually have awesome days


Under the eye -- In fact, I’ve known an awful lot of people


Under the nose -- Who very rarely had awesome days


Under the mouth -- And I learned to expect that


Collarbone -- And I really love and appreciate myself


Under the arm -- For creating a life that makes sense to me


Top of the head -- And now I’m open to changing my mind


Eyebrow point -- Why not have awesome days most of the time?


Side of the eye -- I know that life can happen


Under the eye -- And sometimes it’s challenging


Under the nose -- So I’m not setting up an expectation


Under the mouth -- But every moment of my life


Collarbone -- From this moment forward


Under the arm -- Is going to be pure bliss


Top of the head -- Although I’m totally open to that happening


Eyebrow point -- I won’t set up an expectation


Side of the eye -- Such that I then have to be disappointed


Under the eye -- But I choose to make it as awesome as possible


Under the nose -- And I’m clearing any reason why I couldn’t or shouldn’t


Under the mouth -- I’m clearing any belief that I don’t deserve an awesome day


Collarbone -- Clearing all these old messages


Under the arm -- That might tell me I don’t deserve it


Top of the head -- That was just misunderstanding


Eyebrow point -- The truth is


Side of the eye -- I’m a magnificent child of the universe


Under the eye -- Worthy and deserving of the best this world has to offer


Under the nose -- Nothing is too good for me


Under the mouth -- Because I could go outside


Collarbone -- And see the same beautiful sky as anybody else


Under the arm -- And I choose to see this as a sign


Top of the head -- That as far as the universe is concerned


Eyebrow point -- I’m just as deserving as anybody else


Side of the eye -- So I choose to have an awesome day


Under the eye -- I’m worthy and deserving of an awesome day


Under the nose -- I’m clearing any old reason


Under the mouth -- Why I couldn’t or shouldn’t have an awesome day


Collarbone -- All those old arguments


Under the arm -- About how it’s supposed to be hard


Top of the head -- It’s supposed to be a struggle


Eyebrow point -- And clearing any fear


Side of the eye -- If I do have an awesome day


Under the eye -- That’s going to really upset some people


Under the nose -- I’m going to be sitting here having an awesome day


Under the mouth -- And some people that I might care about


Collarbone -- Might get really pissed off


Under the arm -- Oh, sure, you’re having an awesome day


Top of the head -- And in the past


Eyebrow point -- My programming might have told me


Side of the eye -- Oh, I’m upsetting this person


Under the eye -- In order to make them feel better


Under the nose -- I need to feel less awesome


Under the mouth -- I’m not sure how that really helps them


Collarbone -- Me feeling less awesome


Under the arm -- It’s not going to make anyone else feel more awesome


Top of the head -- That would be like standing at the beach


Eyebrow point -- Enjoying the view of the ocean


Side of the eye -- And having someone with me


Under the eye -- With their back turned to the ocean


Under the nose -- Complaining about the view that I get


Under the mouth -- So I turn my back to the ocean


Collarbone -- Now we’re both missing the view


Under the arm -- I choose to keep enjoying the awesome view


Top of the head -- And encourage this other person to turn their butt around


Eyebrow point -- As a matter of fact, I am having an awesome day


Side of the eye -- I encourage you to do the same thing


Under the eye -- And if you have to tap on your face to do it, fine!


Under the nose -- I think it’s worth it


Under the mouth -- I choose to have an awesome day


Collarbone -- I choose to feel as awesome as possible


Under the arm -- Letting go of whatever gets in the way


Top of the head -- Setting myself free to feel awesome in body, mind and spirit


And take a deep breath.


[01:16:20] Go ahead and close your eyes again, and go inside, and check in with how you’re feeling on a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being awesome. See if that number has gone up. For a lot of you, the number will go up. For some, it may go dramatically up.


If you don’t feel like the number has gone up, and it is possible that for some folks the number may have gone slightly down because what we’ve done is we’ve uncovered some stuff that you may not have been consciously aware of -- that stress that you’ve been avoiding because it didn’t feel safe to look at.


So it’s like, if you’re going to clean your living room because you have company coming over, and you look at it and go, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how clean is it already? It’s probably about an 8, but I want it to be a 10, so I got to clean it up.” In the process, I lift the rug, and I find there’s dirt that was swept under there. I removed the sofa, and I find there’s dirty laundry under the sofa. It’s no longer an 8 out of 10 on how clean it is. Now, it’s like a 3 or a 4.


Would we say, “Oh, man. I never should have gotten to clean my living room. It was much cleaner before I started cleaning.” No, because now you can clean it out. When it’s clean, it really will be clean as opposed to just looking like it’s clean. So if the number feels like it’s gone down or it’s just the same, hopefully, you’re aware of, “Yes, but now I’m more aware of why I’m not feeling as awesome as possible right now, and now I can do something about that.”


[01:17:54] Ashley James: I feel like I just got off the elliptical trainer after exercising for 45 minutes. I have that endorphin high. I feel really good.


[01:18:03] Brad Yates: Cool.


[01:18:05] Ashley James: Seriously, I feel like I just walked out of the gym. Pretty awesome.


[01:18:11] Brad Yates: In a way, you did.


[01:18:13] Ashley James: My arm definitely feels it got a workout. That’s for sure.


[01:18:19] Brad Yates: As I demonstrated the first time around, some of the tappings are just really quick and you can tap just one point. I’ll even do a full round. You can tap for a few moments.


But when I’m doing around like this, I go with whatever word you’re coming up, and sometimes it will go on for 20, 30, 40 minutes as the ideas are flowing and just covering all kinds of bases. As you could hear through that, it’s like I’ll be going off on one idea, and then an idea will come up about, “Well, here’s another reason why I might not allow myself to feel awesome. Oh, it might upset other people. Okay, I want to deal with that. I want to try to explore any of the reasons that I might have at an unconscious level as to why I couldn’t or shouldn’t feel awesome.”


As I clear up those misunderstanding, it’s like, “Oh, actually it makes sense for me to have an awesome day. I’m giving myself permission to have an awesome day.”


[01:19:17] Ashley James: I can definitely see that your experience as a hypnotherapist has come in handy and your ability as an actor to improv and to use hypnotic language to help that person to bring stuff up to process while you’re tapping.


[01:19:36] Brad Yates: Everything we do leads us to where we are. For better or for worse.


[01:19:43] Ashley James: Right. So cool.


[01:19:44] Brad Yates: We could make it better.


[01:19:46] Ashley James: So we do this every day. That will be awesome. Coming back to the idea of food addiction, like someone addicted to chocolate, will they do this? Will they do the tapping those points that you’ve shown us? Is there a different set of points that they tap for that?


[01:20:06] Brad Yates: I would use the same points, and you could say, “This chocolate craving,” as I had set it up when I was talking through this. Ask how on a scale of 0 to 10, how much I wanted the chocolate, and I said it’s about an 8 or 9, and then tapping to the point, you could say, “This chocolate craving.”


I remember Gary saying some things like, “Mmm, yum. It’s going to taste so good. Oh, I’m going to enjoy it so much. It gives me such happy feelings.” Just playing with the wording like that, then stop whenever you like to stop after one round. You can go a couple of rounds, and then say, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how much is that craving there?”


As I’ve already said, I didn’t eat chocolate for two years. And then I went back, and I will go through periods where I’ll have some chocolate. Just recently, the Easter candy has come out, and those Reese’s peanut butter eggs are a soft spot for me. I have a couple of those, and I’ll be, “That’s enough. Now, I’m going to clear my system, and I want to go off sugar for a while,” and I’ll tap. Those things can be sitting out in front of me. I’m just likely to eat those as I would a rock because it doesn’t look like food to me. There is no craving there.


What will that take to get to that point? I don’t know. It will vary for some people. For some folks, they can tap a couple of points, and they’ll look at them and go, “Yeah, I won’t eat that.” That first time with the Hershey’s kisses, he had us then take a bite of it. I couldn’t eat it. It tasted too sweet and chalky. It felt like compressed chemicals, which in many ways it is. You couldn’t force me to eat it at that point.


You can get to that point, and I remember someone in the room saying, “Please don’t make me tap on this because you’ll ruin french fries for me. Please don’t ruin chocolate for me.”


[01:22:23] Ashley James: That’s so funny.


[01:22:25] Brad Yates: You might go through this, so don’t use this on something that you don’t want to give up forever because you might. But again, it might come up again because you have years of programming telling you that this is what fixes the problems for you. “When I’m upset, chocolate makes me feel better.”


That’s why you see people with drug addictions. It’s like, “I know that I’m likely to wake up tomorrow in my own vomit, but still at this moment right now, it’s worth it.”


That’s the brain. That’s allowing ourselves to recognize that the self-sabotage is just misguided self-love. When we are harming ourselves in those ways, it’s not that we’re trying to do ourselves in. Even though it may look like it, like “Wow, I’m trying to kill myself here,” whether it’s quickly or slowly with unhealthy food.


But we’re not thinking that way. What we’re thinking is, “I’m in pain at the moment, whether it’s just mild anxiety or stress, or actual, real, gut-wrenching emotional pain, and I need to fix this.” Over the years, “Hey, chocolate always made me feel better. Ice cream always made me better.” Cookies, cigarettes, alcohol -- whatever it might be. “Even though I know there are going to be unfortunate consequences, I will deal with those later. Right now, I have to deal with the pain that’s present in this moment. I can’t be bothered with possible pain that might happen in the future. “


And as one might start saying, “I’ve heard of people who lived to 120 years, even though they drank and smoke. So, hey, there’s no guarantee that drinking and smoking are going to cause me pain and hurt me. But I do know that the pain I feel right now is real.”


Allowing ourselves rather than beating ourselves up for our unhealthy behavior, really having some self-compassion and appreciating the love and intention, and then choosing to find a healthier alternative, you generally drop a habit. You have to replace a habit.


Tapping is a very simple and effective way of really dealing with the pain that’s right there and clearing it out. Because that emotional pain, as you’re saying about the person that you’re angry at, something that happened in the past is not happening in the present right now.


So often, when we look at the fact that the body is constantly regenerating itself -- old cells are dying off, new cells are growing -- virtually the entire body is replaced over a period of seven years or so. So many of the things that are bothering us happened to a person that doesn’t even really exist anymore at a physical level. We’re just holding on to the energy field, and we can change our mind about that if we allow ourselves to.


[01:25:30] Ashley James: I like that you brought up that this is the habit that we can use to replace. We can replace those other habits with this. We learn coping mechanisms from our parents and the people that were around when we were growing up. Those coping mechanisms might not serve us right now, but we don’t have anything else. So now we can go, “I’m not going to run to the cigarettes or the alcohol or the sugar or the porn addiction.”


As you said, it’s a misguided self-love because we’re in pain, but we can use the tapping, and if we want to also in addition to that, use affirmations or positive self-talk or positive imagery, or use tapping and then make sure we go to a therapist or hypnotherapist or some counselor to augment.


[01:26:24] Brad Yates: Yes, I’m a big proponent of 12-step programs because I’ve known people in the past who were not aware of how challenging addictions are. I’ve known people who said, “This person was saying they needed a drink and it was like a 10, and I tapped with them, and it was a 0. So they’re cured of alcoholism now.” I’m like, “No, no, no!”


The fact that you’ve helped them clear the craving at the moment doesn’t deal with a lifetime of addictive behavior. So if you’re dealing with addiction, especially one that has life-threatening consequences, have a program of continued support.


I’m open to the possibility that in some cases you could tap away so much that kind of unhealthy craving never shows up. But I would never tell somebody after losing the craving at that moment that they’re done because that would be highly irresponsible.


[01:27:28] Ashley James: But it’s a tool that we use at the moment, and we can use it preventively every morning when we wake up. We can also use it at the moment during times of stress at stoplights, in between business meetings, throughout the day, and when we go to bed at night. Use it for like one to two minutes a few times a day to clear out the stress, lower the cortisol, so then we’re not going to get to a point where we have to self-soothe.


[01:27:58] Brad Yates: Right. The tapping, in terms of addiction, helps in two ways. One, it deals with the immediate issue of the craving and whatever is bothering us at that moment. It can also be used to heal those past injuries that contribute to the addiction.


Over time, we can clear out so much trauma and emotional pain that we rarely, if ever, feel inclined to do something self-destructive. It’s what helping at both levels. It’s not just a band-aid at the moment, but it does help to clear the pain that’s underneath the addiction. Don’t assume that it’s all gone after a few minutes of tapping.


[01:28:49] Ashley James: When I say addiction, I’m referring to 100% of the population. I think that a small percentage of population will use addictive substances where it’s obvious. But 100% of us have been known to use something to self-soothe, whether it’s bingeing on Netflix, eating a pint of ice cream, choosing to smoke cigarettes or whatever -- do behaviors that we know aren’t healthy -- play video games all night. We have self-soothed. When I say addiction, what I meant was unhealthy coping strategies.


[01:29:25] Brad Yates: Yeah, we all have drugs of choice. We all have to face challenging situations, and we all have our different ways, our learned behaviors, our defense mechanisms, our different ways of self-soothing, of making ourselves feel better. Unfortunately, so many of those are unhealthy things.


Some people learn very healthy coping mechanisms -- lucky them. But you’re learning healthy mechanisms now. Virtually anyone has some less than ideal way of dealing with emotional or physical discomfort.

[01:30:09] Ashley James: But now we have a new tool that is safe, effective, healthy and a great alternative.


[01:30:16] Brad Yates: Yes.


[01:30:17] Ashley James: Awesome. This was so much fun, Brad. I know we could talk all day long, but I’m really excited for you to tell the listeners more about how they can learn from you. The links to everything you do are going to be in the show notes of today’s podcast at, including access to your 800 YouTube videos. But I know you also have online workshops and in-person workshops. Tell us how people can work with you.


[01:30:43] Brad Yates: Thank you. You can find that information on Tap With Brad and in the links in the show notes. Besides the YouTube videos, I do have online courses, and I also do live workshops. Coming up very soon, I’ll be up in your area, in Seattle. Thank you for helping me find a venue.


[01:31:07] Ashley James: Absolutely. You’re doing it at the Lynnwood Convention Center, right?


[01:31:11] Brad Yates: From your recommendation.


[01:31:12] Ashley James: Yes, I’m so glad that you chose that. I’ve been there several times for events, and then I’ve been to events where people who aren’t from Seattle choose to rent a venue in the downtown Seattle, and no one goes downtown Seattle for events. It’s just like crickets.


I hope that you get standing room only at your event to the Lynnwood Convention Center, and then in the same parking lot is one of the best spas for women. It’s a Korean spa. Only for women -- sorry, Brad. But all the women afterward could go to the spa. It’s this amazing, very relaxing spa. So they’ll already be relaxed, and then they could just walk across the parking lot to the best spa, my favorite spa to go to.


So Brad, tell us about Seattle -- what are the dates and how can people who are local buy tickets.


[01:32:13] Brad Yates: The Seattle workshop is going to be on April 13th. The workshops that I have coming up will be daylong workshops, from 10 to 4. It’s a lot of tapping. It’s peeling a lot of layers of the onion. I sometimes do two-hour workshops, and sometimes I do full weekend workshops.


I like having the longer workshops where we have a chance to clear stuff out, then find the next layer, clear stuff out, and get to an amazing feeling place.


And then in June, I have workshops coming up in Austin, Las Vegas, Atlanta, and Philadelphia. Later in the year, I will be in Toronto and Vancouver, and probably in some other places. I just haven’t gotten beyond the next several months.


[01:33:18] Ashley James: Fantastic.


[01:33:19] Brad Yates: Hopefully back in the UK maybe this summer.


[01:33:23] Ashley James: Very good. Those are some great cities. I know we have wonderful listeners in all those cities. Looking forward to them attending your live workshop. What’s the difference between watching YouTube videos and attending a live workshop?


[01:33:38] Brad Yates: The live workshops -- one, they’re a lot more fun just because you have a live audience. It’s fun for me as an actor to have an audience. That’s my favorite thing to do. But also the group energy is also powerful, and everyone who goes to live events says that you feel the other people with their energy shifting and it’s combined energy.


So many people have said, “I have something that I want to bring up, and I just couldn’t. And then someone else said exactly what I wanted to say, brought up exactly what was bothering me,” and that happens all the time. So those things that we feel unable to voice or we didn’t even know. That happens all the time too. People would say, “I didn’t know that was bothering me until this person brought it up, and it feels so much better now.” There’s an amazing group energy that’s really powerful.


Not that tapping through the videos is not powerful on its own. I try to make it as fun as possible. Bring in some humor, so it’s the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down as opposed to, “Alright, now let’s deal with this unhappy situation and tap, tap, tap.” It’s already painful enough. Why do I want to do that? Not that we don’t deal with some heavy stuff sometimes, but taking that lighter approach.


I say to folks, “If you like my videos, you’re going to love the live workshop. If you love my videos, you should already be signed up for a live event.”


[01:35:19] Ashley James: Very cool. Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun. I like that you brought up you might not think of your problem in that way, and then you hear someone else say it. So people can grab the mike and share, but the introverts who are listening right now are freaking out. You don’t have to put your hand up or share the mike, but someone who does, you might start to see your problem in a different light. That’s very cathartic to hear other people resolve their problems. Do you do on-stage one-on-one coaching with people?


[01:35:54] Brad Yates: I rarely do that now. Sometimes if I do a longer workshop, there might be times where it feels appropriate to bring somebody up to work more specifically on them. But in general, I’ll ask the audience. It’s all created by the group that’s there. Every workshop is different because it’s always a different group. But I tend to leave them in their seats so that the tapping around that I do is for everybody and I’m looking at everyone as we go through it. It’s only in the longer workshops where there may be times where that feels appropriate.


[01:36:31] Ashley James: Awesome. This has been so much fun, Brad. I am very excited to hear about all my listeners, their results working with you. We have a great group of our listeners, our Facebook group, the Learn True Health Facebook group. After we publish this show, I’m sure we’ll be chatting in that group about you and my listeners’ experiences as they follow your YouTube videos and hopefully also see you live.


Is there anything that you’d like to say to wrap up today’s interview?


[01:37:04] Brad Yates: The last thing I always like to say in interviews is to express the importance of self-love and learning to love yourself. I do believe that we all do love ourselves, that’s why I say that self-sabotage is misguided self-love. But allowing ourselves to acknowledge that love, because so often so many of us have programming saying that loving yourself is wrong, it’s arrogant and conceited, and things like that.


It’s really at the root of turning things around for yourself and your relationship with others and the world at large as you allow yourself to love yourself more -- real genuine love. Arrogance is trying to pretend, trying to convince yourself that you’re better than other people. If you’re doing that, that’s because you have some doubt.


When you acknowledge how awesome you are, you can’t help but start to see how awesome other people are and help them to realize that too. It’s a total win-win situation.


Any reasons you might have as to why you couldn’t love yourself more, please tap those away. Allow yourself to acknowledge your awesomeness and share it with the world, and thank you for doing that.


[01:38:15] Ashley James: Awesome. Thank you so much, Brad. It’s been such a pleasure having you on the show today. You are welcome any time if you want to teach us more EFT and how to have an awesome day and awesome life.


[01:38:28] Brad Yates: My pleasure. Thank you so much for having me on the show, Ashley. I had a great time chatting with you, and I greatly appreciate this opportunity to share this work with your listeners.


[01:38:39] Ashley James: Wasn’t that a fantastic interview with Brad Yates? Don’t you love EFT, and won’t you love to go and meet him live and in person and do his class? If you can, you should do that.


I’m going to make sure the links to all of the dates of his live events are in the show notes of today’s podcast at But to iterate in case you don’t have a pen handy, I want you to know that the upcoming dates are: Saturday, April 13th, at Seattle. You can go to to sign up there. Saturday, June 8th, in Austin, Texas. You can go to sign up there. Sunday, June 9th, in Las Vegas. Go to to sign up there. Saturday, June 22nd, in Atlanta, Georgia, and go to to sign up there. Finally, to come to his Tap Into Your Best Self class in Philly. Go to


I hope to see you there in Seattle if you’re local. If not and you do go to one of the other classes, make sure that you say hi to Brad and tell him how much you love his interview. We should definitely have him back on the show.


If you like this interview, too, come to the Facebook group and comment. Let me know what you think. I know we’ll start a discussion about this interview after it goes live in the Learn True Health Facebook group.


Funny story I have to share with you -- just today, one of our listeners, Mercy, posted in the Facebook group, and she said, “Can I just say how much I love Ashley James and Learn True Health. My husband just called from the car on his way home from a business trip and said, ‘Hey, I’ve been listening to your girl Ashley James,’ and then he started telling me about one of the episodes like I haven’t heard it yet. He was pumped up about minerals and several other tidbits. Thank you, Ashley, for putting out the best podcast on true health.”


I got to tell you, I was smiling ear to ear. It totally tickled me pink, and I said, “Hey, tell me his name. I got to do show notes.” So his name is Neil Westfallon, and I hope I said that right -- big shout-out to Neil. I always love it when husbands and wives, or boyfriend/girlfriends or partners, sisters, brothers, and I love it when friends get together and listen to the show. I always love it when I hear that someone said, “Yeah, my friend turned me into this, or my sister or my cousin turned me on to this.”


What I get a lot is, “My mom turned me on to this,” or I’ll get a mom saying, “My daughter turned me on to this,” and I love it. I love that we can share this information and that we could have this common ground of wanting to celebrate and build and cultivate true health together.


Isn’t it amazing that we can express our gratitude and love for one another by sharing podcasts like this that will help enrich their lives? Thank you so much for sharing this podcast. Join the Facebook group if you haven’t already and join the fun discussions there.


Neil, big shout-out to you. Thanks for having a fantastic business trip traveling home while listening to the Learn True Health podcast. Can’t wait to see you guys in the Facebook group, and have yourselves an excellent rest of your day.

Get Connected With Brad Yates!






Books by Brad Yates

The Wizard's Wish

A Garden of Emotions

Co-author: Freedom at Your Fingertips

Song: Nekzlo - Moments (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright
Music. Video Link:

Mar 16, 2019 use coupon code LTH to get 10% off!

Living The Good Life Naturally

I am very excited to welcome back to the show, Kristen Bowen, the founder of Living The Good Life Naturally and my favorite Magnesium Soak!

I am a huge fan of this magnesium soak. I’ve been experimenting with different forms of magnesium supplementation for eight years, and this one has been the most effective by far for helping me achieve full cell saturation levels of magnesium.

In this interview, I go into more detail and share my experience with using Kristen Bowen’s Living The Good Life Naturally Magnesium Soak. We first had Kristen on Learn True Health in Episode 294: Magnesium Foot Soak.

Sleep Through The Night

I’ve been using Living The Good Life Naturally Magnesium Soak since last summer with my husband and our 3-year-old son. Before this soak, it would take us up to 2 hours each night to get our son to sleep! Even with taking liquid magnesium as a supplement approved by his Naturopathic Pediatrician he was still always wound up!

The very first night he did his regular bath with a 1/8 cup of Kristen’s Living The Good Life Naturally Magnesium Soak in his bath he ASKED us to put him to bed without reading his regular five books because he was ready to sleep!!!

Ever since then we have regularly added this concentrated magnesium to his nighttime baths, and he has stopped fighting us at bedtime. He falls asleep quickly and stays asleep through the night. Plus he is calmer during the day!

And that is just his results! My husband and I have also noticed fantastic results of our own. There is a Facebook post in our podcast’s Facebook group with 175 comments of people in the community sharing how great this has been for their health and the health of their family.

One community member made a video sharing how this magnesium soak has stopped her life-long migraines!

Several others have shared that it has helped them finally get better sleep, stop restless legs, aid them in more energy and fewer or no feelings of stress in their day.

Our body needs magnesium for over 1,800 cellular processes, Dr. Carolyn Dean shared in Episode 227: Curing Diseases with Magnesium.

Magnesium is the most important mineral for health and the one we are chronically low in all of the time!

Lab Test For Magnesium Levels

If you are not sure that you have a magnesium deficiency, you can get a $50 blood test called the RBC Mag test. You can get it from if you are in the US.

You want your number to be between 6 and 7.2. Most people are below 5, which means they are chronically deficient. When you are deficient in magnesium, it affects hormones, immune health, soft tissue health, stress, sleep, the brain! The list goes on and on. Every system of the body requires magnesium, and every system begins to breakdown without it.

That is why this magnesium soak is so effective. As you can tell, I have become a big cheerleader of Kristen Bowen’s Living The Good Life Naturally Magnesium Soak. I was very skeptical at the beginning. I am open-minded enough to give something new a try, and I will let the results speak for themselves. And they did!

Near the beginning of our interview Kristen shares that for the next two weeks Learn True Health listeners will get a free jar of her 100% natural Magnesium Muscle Cream plus the regular 10% off that LTH listeners normally get by using the coupon code LTH.

What Saved Kristen’s Life

This interview was quite a rollercoaster ride of life-changing health information! In our first interview, Kristen shared her story. At her lowest point, Kristen was 70lbs, in a wheelchair and having 30 seizures a day with her hair falling out in handfuls and brain fog so bad she could barely talk.

She tried everything to regain her health. It wasn’t until she discovered this pure, concentrated magnesium from the Zechstein Sea that she began to gain her health back!

Kristen came to discover that with this specific type of naturally occurring magnesium we absorb 20 GRAMS of bio-available magnesium in a one hour bath with this magnesium soak! This is the most effective way to get magnesium into your body for relaxation, pain relief, sleep, and anxiety!

For her, within weeks of using the soak, it helped end her seizures, combat her autoimmune disease and restore her health to the point where she could walk, talk and think again! She said it was like a light bulb went on inside her. She had been so minerally deficient for so many years that the magnesium she was soaking in filled her like a car engine on empty gulping in gallons of fuel at the gas station.

How To Achieve Low Maintenance Health

In our interview, Kristen brings up an interesting point. Looking at her life, some might think she has to do a lot of things each day to keep on top of her health. These small, daily rituals have built a strong foundation of wellness that allows her to thrive. Her investment into supplements, clean foods, online workshops, holistic medical devices like saunas, herbs, lotions, treatments like massage and acupuncture all have been part of building this foundation.

And now, over 12 years after Kristen was able to liberate herself from the frailty of illness the MDs said she would never recover from, she has built a foundation of health so strong that she refers to her health as “low maintenance.” She shares that the years of hard work do pay off. It takes the right mindset, lifestyle, and food choices to have low maintenance health.

Importance Of Boron For Our Health

Many of our listeners reached out to Kristen after our first interview with a barrage of wonderful questions. The most common one was, “After I reach cell saturation, how can I maintain and hold onto my magnesium better?

“Kristen shares that many other deficiencies and conditions can “burn through” our magnesium stores quickly, like a boat with a leak, leading to perpetual mineral deficiency.

“If you use the magnesium soak daily and are unable to reach full cell saturation after 30 days, we have a crack in the foundation. I did not rebuild my health by chasing symptoms. But rather I built a strong foundation. Adding boron helps you hold on to that magnesium. It’s like a booster pack for the magnesium,” said Kristen Bowen.

Kristen Bowen says boron helps you hold magnesium in your cells. If you’re experiencing the benefits of magnesium, but you have to soak all the time, you may have a boron deficiency.

“Boron gives the cell wall flexibility. And the cell wall is like your brain. It’s what communicates the information in your body. If you don’t have enough boron, you are stopping the communication at the cellular level,” Kristen Bowen explains.

She adds, “Boron can also help bring the inflammation markers down and help regulate the inflammation in your body which is attached to your pain level. It also helps your pancreas balance blood sugars.”

In different areas of the world where there is naturally occurring boron, Kristen Bowen reveals that cancer cases are lower proving the importance of this trace mineral in preventing disease.

“Boron works through the parathyroid and helps re-mineralize the bones. But a lot of women will have hormone problems when they add boron,” said Kristen Bowen. “The missing component is cortisol. It is stress. I call it the magnesium mindset.”

Recognizing Our Power

Kristen Bowen believes we have to recognize how powerful we are. Many of us are “addicted” to our stress and use cortisol to get us through the day. When we produce excess cortisol, it is giving us a short-term fix. It gives us a little bit of energy and clears our head in the short term.

“But one of the long-term consequences of living off of our stress hormones is that it robs us of the building blocks that our body uses to make progesterone and estrogen,” said Kristen Bowen.

She adds, “If we have some cortisol issues, we need to be a little slower adding boron until we have soaked in magnesium long enough. Because that will help you get on top of the cortisol issues so when you do add that boron, you’re not having issues with your hormones as well.”

Maximizing Boron

Kristen gets her boron from the all-natural, 100% boron, cleaning agent “20 Mule Team Borax”, Kristen Bowen recommends taking about one liter of water and mixing it with a rounded teaspoon, shake and let it dissolve before taking it.

“One teaspoon equals three milligrams of boron approximately. So, I take anywhere from 18 to 24 milligrams a day. But if you chose to take your boron this way, make sure you buy the one that is without the fragrance and 100% all natural. That is why I use 20 MuleTeam Borax, which is 100% boron, the same quality they put in supplements for a fraction of the cost,” said Kristen Bowen.

She adds, “Because there are some places in the world where the 20 Mule Team Borax has fragrance added. That’s not appropriate to ingest. Best thing to do is take the 30-day challenge where you get to full cell-saturation of magnesium before you add the boron.”

Kristen says you can also get boron from foods like raisins, almonds, dried apricots, and chia seeds, as long as those foods were grown in boron-rich soil. If you take time to gel chia seeds, it creates a polysaccharide and helps mops up excess cortisol in the body. It is also a food source of B vitamins which is crucial to holding magnesium in the cell.


If you have PCOS, Kristen Bowen suggests not to take boron first because it’s just going to aggravate the problem. Instead, you have to do more to support decreasing cortisol and improving magnesium levels. And that’s where chia seeds come in to play.

When chia seeds are properly soaked, it will help mop up some of that excess cortisol, and the polysaccharides help as well. So, when your body is ready to handle boron, it’s not going to throw you into converting testosterone at a faster pace.


According to Kristen Bowen, every time we have that cortisol spike, it strengthens the biofilm that coats the lining of the gut and harbors harmful candida. The stronger the biofilm is, the harder it is to break the candida down and rid ourselves of unwanted parasites.

“Magnesium is good at helping the body to clean out the candida-rich toxic biofilm. If you have had extra cortisol and a candida issue, the magnesium breaks down the biofilm,” Kristen Bowen said.

Vitamin C

It’s also essential to understand vitamin C dosing. No one can tell you how much you need. It’s different for everybody because the strength of your adrenals determines it.

Kristen shares that you can only hold as much vitamin C as your adrenals are strong. The stronger your adrenals, the better your body can utilize vitamin C. When we are under toxic-stress our body burns through our vitamins and minerals faster, leading to deficiency and furthermore, illness.

Most people believe that the RDA on the vitamin bottle is the maximum dose we should ever take of vitamins C. However, it is the MINIMUM required amount of vitamin C to barely stave off disease.

If you want to be barely diseased than only take the daily RDA amount, we want TRUE HEALTH; so we are going to take more vitamin C than the minimin RDA of 50mg!

Dr. Mathius Rath studied under the famous Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, and after his death continued his research on the importance of vitamin C and amino acid proteins. Dr. Rath has several free ebooks available including one called Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks, and People Do where he outlines fascinating discoveries on how vitamin C works at preventing and reversing cardiovascular disease.

An interesting fact that he points out about animals is most of them produce their own vitamin C, much like we produce our own vitamin D internally. A goat will have about 16 grams of vitamin C coursing through its bloodstream at any given time while a wolf will have 32 grams.

If a human adult is twice or three times the size and weight of a wolf, how many grams of vitamin C do you think we require for optimal health and healing? The US Government says only 50 mg, while researches like Dr. Mathius Rath and Linus Pauling say we need many grams of vitamin C each day. If we are not getting it from eating a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, then we need to consider supplementing our vitamin C from a whole foods source.

Acerola Cherry Powder for Vitamin C

Kristen Bowen experienced a miraculous recovery in her gut health when she added Acerola Cherry Powder to her protocol. Acerola Cherries are naturally high in vitamin C, and when made into a powder it becomes a potent vitamin C supplement that is bioavailable and easily absorbed and utilized by the body. You can buy her Acerola Cherry Powder from her site and be sure to use the coupon code LTH for 10% off.

Kristen Bowen’s favorite way to take Acerola Cherry Powder is mixing a drink that has some coconut water, grapefruit juice, and good green algae. My favorite algae is from Be sure to use coupon code LTH for 20% off!

Toxic Stress

The abuse Kristen Bowen went through as a young girl set the stage for high cortisol levels later in life. A groundbreaking study conducted in 1995 by the Centers for Disease Control and the Kaiser Permanente health care organization in California looked at the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and overall outcomes in life. They found that the more ACEs we experience will set the stage for what has been now coined as “toxic stress” later in life.

Toxic stress is when the body is overreacting to everyday occurrences as if they are threats. A door slams, a car alarm goes off, someone yells, these sounds are enough to set off the fight or flight response in the body. For someone who went through Adverse Childhood Experiences, those sounds feel like dangerous threats and spiral their body into extreme stress. All day long they are overstimulated by little sounds or sights their body perceives as threats.

If you know you had ACEs as a child, it is imperative that you take action now to lower and manage your stress; otherwise, this study concluded that you have a greater the chance of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, substance abuse, smoking, poor academic achievement, and early death.

The good news is there are many things you can do to be proactive to mitigate the effects that ACEs have on your stress levels, including soaking in magnesium!

It was fun to hear Kristen share that as women, as the matriarch, as the mom and wife, we set the tone for digestion at the table. It is set by the female who sits at the table. Our mood affects digestion for everyone dining with us! If we are in a state of relaxation and joy, everyone can relax and digest and absorb the nutrients in their food. If we bring our stress to the table, or worse, all eat in front of the TV, we are setting up our body and the health of our family to fail. We cannot properly digest and absorb the nutrients in our food when under a state of stress.

“To create low maintenance health, we have to take into account and claim how powerful we are. For me it was a real mindset shift in helping to re-wire my brain,” said Kristen Bowen.


Remember how I said this interview was a roller coaster of health information? Well, the biggest plot twist was when Kristen shared about her experience with expelling parasites from her body.

At some point in her recovery, Kristen realized she had hit a wall. All of her symptoms pointed towards parasites.

For over a year Kristen Bowen performed expensive parasites cleanses with little results. Eventually, she stopped taking the abrasive herbs designed to kill the worms, amoebas, and flukes she felt was causing her symptoms and instead turned to study further about the gut’s biofilm and what she could do to support her body in making her gut an inhospitable hotel for those unwanted pests.

That is when she discovered the before mentioned Acerola Cherry Powder, and it’s benefits to help aid her in making the parasites leave her body.

After adding the Acerola Cherry Powder to her daily protocol, along with soaking in her magnesium and taking boron, she began to expell parasites from her body!

However, each month they would return only to be expelled again. She did her research and found out that when we have low stomach acid the parasites can reproduce each month and continue to thrive.

Kristen tried taking HCl supplements, but they did not agree with her. Instead, she looked to natural ways to stimulate and support her stomach to make healthy acid. She found that drinking fresh celery juice did the trick!

“I use 16 ounces of celery juice on an empty stomach every morning,” said Kristen Bowen.

Parasite Release

Kristen Bowen believes that on the subject of a parasite release, it’s not just about checking off a list and making sure you got all the supplements. You must put that mindset and be willing to take your power back.

“Because your energy goes up, your ability to communicate goes up; your ability to follow through with ideas fills up. We have to be willing to increase our accountability,” said Kristen Bowen.

When Kristen Bowen experienced that parasite release and was able to figure out the need to build hydrochloric acid, walking away from the constant reproduction cycle happening, that’s when Kristen Bowen achieved low maintenance health.

“We are the CEO of our health and body! We don’t just lift ourselves. It is our gift. Our feminine gift is to lift others around us. Tapping back into that power is crucial,” said Kristen Bowen.

Living The Good Life Naturally

As a treat to Learn True Health listeners, Kristen Bowen is giving 10% off whenever you buy her products on her website. Just type the coupon code LTH at checkout. And for every jug of magnesium soak, Kristen Bowen includes a free jar of magnesium muscle cream for a limited time.

To those who have suggested that the magnesium soak be available in a powder or flake form, Kristen Bowen says the effectivity will be compromised.

“The purity, quality of the product and ability to get cell saturation is crucial. And flakes do not meet my standard. I would never sell anything that I’m not willing to use myself,” said Kristen Bowen.

However, Kristen Bowen says you can’t get the full cell saturation with the cream, but people do see more localized results. It cannot replace soaking, but it’s a beautiful spot treatment to relax muscles and decrease pain and inflammation.

Get Connected with Kristen Bowen:

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Facebook – Living the Good Life Naturally

Instagram – Kristen Bowen

Instagram – Living the Good Life Naturally

Recommended Reading by Kristen Bowen

Healing Is Voltage by Jerry L. Tennant 


Mar 14, 2019

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How to reach Emily Becker: eckerservices


Natural Remedies For Hair

Natural remedies have been proven by numerous studies and testimonials to be effective especially when it comes to hair and skincare. Apart from healthy hair, having glowing skin is a positive outcome of being able to take care of your health. My guest Emily Becker dealt with hair loss or alopecia for several years. But she was able to correct that along with other health issues by using natural remedies.


Emily Becker was 17 years old then when she tried to dye her hair. A week after she colored her hair, she saw a patch. Emily Becker initially thought it was from chemicals and hair dye. But eventually, she felt like maybe it was something more. A few years after, the hair was growing, but it would fall out again. It still hadn’t dawned on her to try using natural remedies.

Fast forward a few years later, Emily Becker got married at 21 years old, and a few months after, all her hair fell out. That started her big search for natural remedies.

“I didn’t want to take the steroid creams and injections because of the side effects. And I had itchy parts all over my body. What I realized after a while, my hair on my body was also falling out,” recalls Emily Becker.

Turning A New Leaf

Then one day, Emily Becker heard a radio commercial for a doctor who does lectures around the United States. She was able to go to one of his, and it was life-changing.

The doctor asked Emily Becker some questions about her diet and bowel movement. Then he identified what she needed nutritionally.

“He wanted me to stop eating grains, wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Plus, he wanted me to take supplements and become gluten-free,” said Emily Becker. “Within two weeks, I noticed my body becoming itchy and noticed my hair growing again. It was life-changing because I was bald for a year and a half.”

She adds, “I had to go through all those emotions of watching my hair fall out. And I became depressed. Most of us who lost their hair go through the depression. Even the men that I’ve met and lost their hair, too.”

Dealing With Health Issues

Emily Becker became pregnant in January of 2013, but before that, she had an irregular menstrual period. And Emily Becker also had a miscarriage which was tough and heartbreaking. She had terrible mood swings, too.

“I believe that it was about 70% physiological. Looking back, I can almost feel in memory the changes as I was getting healthier. When I first changed my diet, I almost went into a rebellion stage. I was having withdrawals from the foods that I miss,” Emily Becker said.

Before her health improved, Emily Becker would get so upset with her fingers because her cuticles were so split. They would bleed. And Emily Becker would have tiny bumps all over her hands like warts. She also had night sweats, dry skin, and acne. Hence, she was so grateful to have worked with a doctor who wanted to make a more Holistic approach.

“The hardest part of switching my diet and everything else was trying to find the right stuff. It included the make-up and shampoo which I had to make sure there was no barley or anything like that. That’s when I started to look into making my products for myself,” said Emily Becker.

Starting The Business

The first thing Emily Becker ever made was a belly wrap to address cellulite—4 ounces of carrier oil, add a little lemongrass, grapeseed, lavender and just a tad of frankincense essential oils to stimulate skin cells to regrow and restore themselves. You rub the mixture onto your belly, wrap your belly using a food wrap and leave it on for about an hour. Emily Becker says it’s effective because she used it herself.

“Coconut oil is great, but I don’t like the greasy feeling of it. I only use it in my body lotions. I recommend shea butter which can moisturize and won’t have that greasy feeling,” Emily Becker said.

She adds, “It’s more healing than any butter out there because it has the highest healing properties. If you can find it raw, it’s even better. And the oil I like for my face is tamanu oil. It makes your skin glow.”

Expanding Her Product Range

Emily Becker never thought she’d start a business. She said making products was initially to help her my father-in-law find something he can put on his hives that weren’t a steroid.

“Even going through the Naturopathic route, he’s always struggled with hives. So, I made him a very basic shea butter and beeswax salve with those essential oils. The jar lasts two years,” Emily Becker shares.

Then Emily Becker mother-in-law started getting allergic. She had some favorite face products from a company that has products with natural ingredients in it. But it also has fillers and chemicals to preserve. So, Emily Becker made her a face cream made of shea butter.

“Eventually I made body lotion for some people for Christmas. Within a month or two, people started asking for it and offered to pay me. I started a small business making all-natural products that are truly natural,” said Emily Becker.

Emily Becker also made a skin salve for psoriasis, eczema and general skin damage. She makes it with the tea tree that she grows in my own home. Emily Becker infuses the tea tree with jojoba oil and blends that together to create a skin salve. She also mixes it with carrot seed and lavender essential oils.

Emily Becker’s daughter also helps her make a fire-shimmering lip gloss. It hydrates your lips, and it’s a beautiful shade of autumn red.

Like her lip gloss, Emily Becker’s natural deodorant, face cream, lip balm, hair mask, rollers, face mask, face serums, beard balms, body lotions, face cream without the essential oils are made with all-natural ingredients. She also doesn’t use water in her products. Instead, Emily Becker uses aloe vera juice.

Rhassoul Clay

Emily Becker says she uses rhassoul clay for her face and hair mask. Because when you use clay on your skin, it draws out the toxins.

Rhassoul clay is the densest type of clay.  Studies have shown that rhassoul clay will reduce dryness and flakiness. It will also improve the texture of your skin because of the minerals in it.

“If you have rhassoul clay in your hair mask, it’s like empowerment for your hair. It gives a full body texture and softness to it. Furthermore, it also helps lock curls. So, I use rhassoul clay for both my skin and hair mask,” Emily Becker said.

The hair mask comes in a little applicator. Emily Becker says to take the clay powder, put into applicator with a little bit of water. Shake it and squirt it into your scalp with the applicator.

Make sure your hair is combed all the way through and tie it up. Let the mask harden and do its work for 20 minutes and rinse. It rinses out pretty quick. And because it grabs all the oil and grime from your hair, you don’t need a shampoo or conditioner.

There are so many wonderful natural remedies on Emily Becker’s Etsy shop so make sure you check out the website. Rest assured, all her natural remedies contain no chemical ingredients and just as useful to address your various skin and hair problems.

“There’s hope, and you’re not alone. Just stick to the help you have. You can reach out to many people. If you want to hear from me, I’d love to hear from you. Just be patient, and you’re still beautiful,” Emily Becker said.


Emily Becker is not a doctor nor a scientist. She’s a mother and a homemaker. She also played video games for a living before getting pregnant. Limited on money and not willing to always be in the hands of the M.D., Emily Becker followed doctors, and N.D.’s that she trusted (Glidden, Fuchs, Mercola, Wallach. She has the giant Alternative Health reference book and spends tons of time researching including using

Get Connected to Emily Becker!

Remedies By Emily

Facebook – Emily Becker

Facebook – Remedies By Emily



Mar 12, 2019

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Easy Wins

I recently guested on the Easy Wins Podcast of Personal Trainer and Health Coach, Mitch Harb. The episode expounds on some easy wins towards weight loss and body transformation, as well as achievable daily habits to get giant results. So, read on to discover how easy wins can improve your overall health.

Turning Point

My Learn True Health podcast has been so fulfilling since it first launched in 2016. Today, the podcast surpassed four million downloads, and I feel blessed that my mission of helping people get their health back is taking off.

But it didn’t feel like easy wins were achievable during the lowest points in my life. I had many health struggles for years and was even bed-ridden at one point.

Eleven years ago, I met my husband. At the time, I was type 2 diabetic, I had chronic infections, chronic adrenal fatigue, and eventually had to quit my job. I also struggled with brain fog, infertility, PCOS, and depression because doctors told me I couldn’t have kids.

Dealing With Depression

What kept me together despite my health struggles was my mindset. Through my journey of learning true health, I learned NLP or neuro-linguistic programming and became a Master Practitioner and Trainer of it. I also learned timeline therapy, hypnosis, and coaching because I knew I needed to work on my emotions as well.

My depression was at its worse when my mom passed away in my 20s and my father followed shortly after. I was so depressed and broken when my mom died of cancer. I wanted to find a solution, come out the other side to be stronger and better. That’s why I discovered NLP.

While I felt like a prisoner of my own body, my spirit, mind, and mindset weren’t. That’s what kept me going. And that’s when I decided to pursue a career to help people.

Neuro-linguistic Programming

Neuro-linguistic Programming is a mixture of behavioral psychology and cognitive therapy. It’s an understanding of the conscious and unconscious mind. Back in the 60s, the creators looked around therapists who are getting outstanding results.  They created a system around what they do to replicate those excellent results.

Tony Robbins is a great example. He took the practitioner level with Richard Bandler and John Grinder who were the creators of Neuro-linguistic Programming. They allow you to shift your beliefs, mindset and emotional state, as well as let you change even your unconscious habits. The technique works, and you need to know when to use each method to help you.

Neuro-linguistic Programming is not deep hypnosis. There’s a light trance to guide the person to their aha moments and breakthroughs. But it’s not manipulative in a deep state of trance.

Find Solutions

Back in 2005, my health was getting worse and didn’t understand anything about nutrition or healing my body. Then I realized you have to set the intention of what you want. I wanted to find the answers to my help problems.

So, in 2008 when Netflix just started streaming documentaries, my husband and I started watching health documentaries. The first one we watched advised people to shop within the perimeter of the grocery store. In one week, we cut out all the junk food we were eating.

Food Choices

With a month of just eating meat, eggs and dairy, vegetables and fruits, my husband and I also went sugar-free and avoided processed foods. My chronic infections went away with a whole foods diet.

Years later, I came across a Naturopath who had an interesting way of explaining supplements, nutrition, and diet. Hence, I started following his recommendations. My diabetes went away in three months, as well as my chronic adrenal fatigue and brain fog.

Plus, my PCOS corrected itself. My infertility went away, and we now have a 4-year old boy conceived naturally. To think we tried conceiving for six years. It turned out; easy wins entailed doing diet and lifestyle changes.

Because of my success, I felt had to get this information out there. Hence, the Learn True Health Podcast was born. With over 300 episodes, we have interviewed experts. That’s why I love the mission of Mitch Harb. Because making easy wins is how I got my health back one little step at a time.

Minerals And Supplements

In 2011, when my husband and I intentionally went gluten-free, I lost 25 pounds of water weight in a month. I went down two ring sizes, and my husband went down two and a half ring sizes.

At this point, I realized that minerals are essential. Before I took supplements, I was hungry all the time because my body was craving minerals. Our cells need sixteen minerals to make insulin work with the cell.

One of the minerals is chromium, and the other is vanadium. They are trace minerals and the most important thing you can give to your body. We’re not getting it well in our diet anymore because of the farming process over the last hundreds of years.

Furthermore, we don’t mineralize the soil, and we don’t rotate the crops. Plus, pesticides like Monsanto’s Roundup is a chelator. As a result, they bind to the trace minerals in our soil, and they wash them away.

I don’t think I would have resolved all my health issues if I had only eaten healthy foods because I was so deficient in minerals. However, I’m not saying supplements are the answer. Supplements fill in the gaps, and sometimes that is the missing piece that puts the whole thing into place.

Sugar-free and Dairy-free

To be able to be sugar-free and dairy-free, you have to admit there’s an addictive component to dairy. Every dairy from every animal including humans has an addictive component to it because we have to make the calf or the baby want to suckle and drink the milk to survive.

But the problem is when we take the milk and concentrate it, it stimulates dopamine and all the feel-good hormones. It feels good to consume dairy, but 51% of the population can’t tolerate it because it comes from the immune system of another animal.

Sometimes our immune system reacts to it which can cause a lot of inflammation. So, for a month, try the elimination diet and observe the reaction of your body. Every month, eliminate one thing, do a test and reintroduce it. You can do a blood testing for this, but they’re not accurate.

Boosting Energy Levels

Balancing blood sugar gives you more energy. And drinking enough water is essential because if there’s a 5% reduction in our hydration, we have a 25 % reduction in our energy production.

On the other hand, B-vitamins are great which you can get from vegetables. But the best thing to boost energy levels is having a good sleep. Sleep hygiene also is a fantastic thing to look into like wearing blue-blocking glasses.

Blue-blocking glasses block the light from the blue light which mimics moon-based sun. It tricks your brain into thinking it’s not time to make melatonin or the sleep hormone. But when you wake up, get some sunlight directly on your eyeball because that burns away the melatonin and resets your sleeping rhythm.

Try also to stay away from caffeine. Caffeine is a replacement for sleep, and that will lead to adrenal burnout and exhaustion. Healthy sleep habits set you for healing mode and more energy to do more things. There is an adjustment period, but the rewards are more significant in the long run.


I eliminated twelve bad foods that this Naturopath recommended. Bad foods cause damage to the body and inflammation. So, I took away the foods that were harming me, filled my body with foods that are healing, took supplements for three years and then consulted my doctor to help me increase my healthy cholesterol.

My doctor determined I should get on some Chinese herbs. Then I finally got pregnant the next month. It’s a case-to-case basis so consult a health practitioner you can trust.

As for men, some studies show that the last 12 months of a man’s health goes into the health of their son. But the woman’s health is more important because the baby is living in her womb and living off the nutrients in the woman’s body. The reason why we have so many miscarriages is that the body is saying it cannot support the baby on a cellular level.

Traditional medicine is just starting to acknowledge this. Pharmaceutical medicine wants to suppress knowledge around Holistic Medicine. The best thing you can do to get pregnant is to prepare the body for over a year before conception. Take your supplements to make sure you’re getting all the minerals — 16 minerals and 12 amino acids.

Also, make sure to avoid eating crappy foods that cause inflammation and damage to your body. Avoid being exposed to chemicals and pesticides as well. Eat food that makes you feel good for days after. Then do a food and mood journal to get to know your body more.

An excellent book is Dirty Genes by Ben Lynch. The book gives a good understanding of how to support your body based on your genetics in terms of nutrition. Folate, iron or folic acid is good, but there are many other nutrients you need to support the body.

The Right Mindset

I have a technique I love to teach through my Free Your Anxiety webinar. Not only does it get to the root cause and eliminate anxiety, but it sets you back towards success.

The body and the mind create anxiety when we’re focusing on the things we don’t want to have and having it happen. Example, if you wake up in the morning with fear, procrastination, worry, and anxiety, these are all symptoms of the same problem. Then eventually your gut health suffers as well as your hormones. 

Negative thoughts also trigger stress mode and its robbing the body of resources because you’re taking the body out of healing mode. Instant survival mode exhausts your long-term resources. It can cause disease and will not help you heal. 

Try this simple technique:

  • Close your eyes.
  • Float 15 min past the successful completion of the event that you’re interested in completing.
  • Imagine yourself a year from now looking down on your life and look at it from the standpoint of success.

The whole point of this technique is that you have to make up a vision in your mind. Imagine yourself at a particular moment in time, and it is working out successfully. It’s what you want in your future.  A positive mindset is when a problem arises; you want to solve it from the logic brain and be calm and centered. Because ultimately, stress never helps you solve a problem.

Critical Thinking

We were raised to be victims of society. In any giant industry profiting from people being a certain way, there are very few institutions that want us to be free thinkers.

An excellent resource is John Gatto’s book, Weapons of Mass Instruction. He was a teacher who won outstanding awards. It talks about the history of our school system is designed to make good little factory workers. 

School systems systematically took critical thinking out of the educational system 150 years ago. It’s called the Trivium. It’s a 2500-year old system taught in Plato’s era. You can link to the Trivium Education website if you want to learn more about critical thinking.

Again, I want to emphasize that stress is not an emotion but getting rid of it is life-changing. You don’t feel stress. But instead you accumulate it, and your body snaps when you ignore the signs.

But you can cure yourself through easy wins. Bring stress down by laughing every day or do meditation. Doing five things every day that bring down stress are considered easy wins. Ultimately, find the things that bring you joy so you can achieve true health.

Get Connected With Mitch Harb!

Easy Wins Podcast

Easy Wins Website

Recommended Links:

Episode 57: Sleep Quality – James Swanwick

Learn True Health Free Discovery Session

Free Your Anxiety

Take Your Supplements

Dirty Genes Book by Ben Lynch

Weapons of Mass Instruction Book by John Gatto

Trivium Education

Mar 7, 2019

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The infrared oven I recommend:

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Intuitive Eating

Many of you have heard the power of intuition. That power of intuition we all have can also apply in eating intuitively to heal our gut and improve our digestive health. To explain how we can develop our intuition towards making the right food choices, my guest, Author of Thin From Within and The Go with Your Gut Way to Lose Weight, Robyn Youkilis will dive into that and more in this episode.

Ideal Figure

Robyn Youkilis’ journey began when she was just 13 years old. It was a time when her body started to have a defined shape. Hence, she started getting conscious especially because magazines featured women who supposedly had the ideal form.

It ended up that Robyn Youkilis thought there was something wrong with her body and that she needed to fix her body. Because of this, she started looking into the diet culture.

“At the same time, my mother was always an incredible cook, whipping up wonderful dishes. So, I always had a deep love and appreciation for food. However, it also led to the torment,” recalls Robyn Youkilis.

It eventually confused Robyn Youkilis through her teenage years until her 20s. But when she started dating her then boyfriend who is now her husband, Robyn Youkilis learned how to buy her food at the Farmer’s Market.

Turning Points

Another turning point was when Robyn Youkilis went to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She enrolled in the school as she started getting into cooking more for herself and her boyfriend. It was here when Robyn Youkilis made the connection between how she ate and how it was making her feel.

But the real turning point was when Robyn Youkilis and her husband talked about starting a family. Little by little, she shed more of that obsession and more of that unhealthy view of self. Robyn Youkilis eventually brought in more nourishing food, cooking for herself and connecting to who she already was.

Create Your Space

Robyn Youkilis’ job as a health practitioner and an individual is to create a little space. She advises people to create some support and some lightness around showing up for yourself in that change.

“Create a space so you can have this consistent conversation with yourself. When you have these little turning points along the way, they can serve you instead of taking you down,” Robyn Youkilis said.

She adds, “Everyone deserves to feel amazing in their body. And your body wants that for you. No matter what you feed it, your body will digest it for you. We can’t have our focus on so many different things. You have to think about it and feel it as well.”

Listening To Your Intuition

First, Robyn Youkilis says we must understand that it’s going to be a winding path and it may take some time. She usually likes to teach this practice to clients where you put one hand on your lower abdominal wall and let that go.

“A lot of us spend a lot of our day sucking it in, especially women. And it’s really about giving yourself a moment to breathe into that space. At that point, ask yourself what would make you feel most supported,” said Robyn Youkilis. 

She adds, “You have the answer already. Often, we’ll hear a little helpful voice from our intuition.” 

Robyn Youkilis says journaling is also good because it means your thoughts have space and they feel valid. You may not do anything with those thoughts. But just having a place for that helps, rather than turning to food to experience comfort, space or a place.

“In learning to listen to your intuition, you would learn to figure out what feels more supportive in a given situation,” Robyn Youkilis said. “For example, having a grounding practice like taking a bath when you go home for the day can help you feel supported instead of turning to food.”

Understanding Your Cravings

According to Robyn Youkilis, a healthy craving feels like it’s something nice to have. And a craving that you might want to gather a little more information on is one that feels like you have to have it.

There might be a nutritional deficiency going on there, or it might be something around your day. Ultimately, Robyn Youkilis says it takes little moments from our day where we can start to have that conversation more deeply with ourselves.

Eating Using Intuition

Robyn Youkilis loves all kinds of food. But it doesn’t have a grip on her because she says her diet now is much more supportive of her gut and her body.

“Focus on the gut because that is the center of your body. Our digestive system is responsible for so many things on even more than just digesting food,” explains Robyn Youkilis.

Having A Healthy Gut

A healthy gut better absorbs the nutrients from the food you’re eating. Robyn Youkilis believes you get more out of what you’re consuming. You’re going to feel better from that food. A healthy gut also means a happier you because 90% of our serotonin is produced in your gut. And 80% of our immune tissue is in our gut.

“Aside from the mental conversation going on, there’s a lot at play. Something that may serve you this month may be different next month,” said Robyn Youkilis. “So, know that there’s never going to be the one thing that’s going to fix all the things. It’s always going to be a lot of parts of this conversation.”

To have a healthy digestive system, Robyn Youkilis also reveals that it is ideal for releasing waste at least once a day.  She recommends a huge glass of water first thing in the morning and gives your system a chance to flush itself out. For others, it may be a dehydration issue for our colon.

Importance Of Hydration

Juicing organic celery first thing in the morning is quite trendy. Robyn Youkilis says there are some medicinal benefits, but she believes that part of the reason why it’s working so well for so many people is that it’s hydrating their body on a cellular level.

Robyn Youkilis says adding chia seeds to water is also helpful. Chia seeds act as a lubricant and essentially allow your organs and the cells of your body to integrate the hydration into your body. A pinch of Himalayan sea salt or lemon water can also help with hydration.

“The ultimate goal is to connect to our intuition more so that we can digest not just our food, but we can digest our lives,” said Robyn Youkilis.

Importance Of Chewing

Robyn Youkilis stresses that another important thing is how you chew your food. Take time to eat your food well. It’s a miracle worker.

“The science behind that is because our stomach does not have teeth. It wasn’t designed to break down whole chunks of food the way we usually do it,” Robyn Youkilis explained. 

Robyn Youkilis also says some foods are harder to digest like nuts, dried fruit or some leafy greens. That’s why raw, dense, leafy greens are going to cause a little bit of bloating or stomach upset. Red meat is also hard to break down.

Meal Prep

Meal prep for Robyn Youkilis means making some basics ahead of time. A lot of people take this further and meal prep specific meals. But in Robyn Youkilis’ book, she teaches readers first to boil an egg and roast two trays of vegetables.

“Prep your greens and keep in the fridge, ready to go. Once you have done these basic items, I also talk about a power parfait in the book. It’s like an amped up yogurt bowl so that you feel full longer,” said Robyn Youkilis.

Robyn Youkilis does meal preps for the week, and when it’s time to put it together, she will use a basic template. The Rule of Five Plates is part of what she teaches in her book.

“I would have the power parfait in the morning, mix and match based on this little light template for lunch. Dinner will be some prepped things. Keep it simple and get real with your meal prep. It’s about having these staples ready in the fridge,” advises Robyn Youkilis.

For me, the Panasonic infrared oven significantly made meal prep easier. The oven heats things fast like two to three minutes. I use glass containers without the lid. It heats up way more than a microwave would, so you have to use a mitt.

Rule Of Five Plates

Robyn Youkilis has a meal prep class showing how she meal preps and walks you through it. She does the templates from the Rule of Five Plates mostly for lunches.

One template is greens. Raw or steamed is fine. Mix up the greens. The next template is healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, butter, coconut oil or some good healthy fat. Sliced almonds or goat cheese is also good.

The third template is protein. Wild salmon, grass-fed beef, organic chicken, lentils, trout, sardines, smoked mussels are sustainable options. Know what you have and know what your resources are.

Number four is fermented foods. That is where the gut health comes in, and it’s going to be the food that helps you digest the other foods better. Fermented foods can be raw fermented sauerkraut, fermented carrots, radishes or kimchi.

“I have some recipes in the book that’s easy to do. Fermented food is rich in live probiotic bacteria which will feed on the good bacteria in your gut and create a happy, healthy microbiome,” Robyn Youkilis said.

The last template is a cooked vegetable. This is where the meal prep comes back into play. It could be anything from cubed sweet potatoes, roasted zucchini or roasted carrots. Ultimately, you can do so many different things using the templates.

“For dinner, you can have a bean pasta with some tuna and kale. And then I would eat some of my fermented radishes on the side,” said Robyn Youkilis. “I’m always thinking more greens, healthy fats and fermented food. Also, know when you need new inspiration to shift things up.”

She adds, “I don’t want you to feel bad about what you’re doing or not doing. You got this. Life is always changing, but you can do it. You are designed to thrive, heal and to feel good.”


Robyn Youkilis is changing the way thousands of women and men around the world relate with food, and she’s redefining what it means to eat and be healthy. 

Robyn Youkilis is a Certified Wellness Expert, TV personality, and author. She’s frequently featured as the go-to expert on The Today Show, in People Magazine, + Redbook. And she is the founder of her health coaching company Your Healthiest You. 

Robyn Youkilis has been featured by The Cooking Channel, The Wall Street Journal, Men’s Fitness, The Huffington Post, CBS News, and more. Known for her straightforward yet supportive coaching style, Robyn Youkilis helps clients break free of the craziness of dieting and connect to their truest and best selves-through practical action steps. 

Robyn Youkilis’ first book, Go with Your Gut: The Insider’s Guide to Banishing the Bloat with 75 Digestion-Friendly Recipes is now available in bookstores. 

Robyn Youkilis is changing the way thousands of women and men around the world relate with food and she’s redefining what it means to eat and be healthy. 

Robyn Youkilis is a Certified Wellness Expert, TV personality, and author. She’s frequently featured as the go-to expert on The Today Show, in People Magazine, + Redbook. And she is the founder of her health coaching company Your Healthiest You. 

Robyn Youkilis has been featured by The Cooking Channel, The Wall Street Journal, Men’s Fitness, The Huffington Post, CBS News, and more. Known for her straightforward yet supportive coaching style, Robyn Youkilis helps clients break free of the craziness of dieting and connect to their truest and best selves-through no-nonsense action steps. 

Robyn Youkilis’ first book, Go with Your Gut: The Insider’s Guide to Banishing the Bloat with 75 Digestion-Friendly Recipes is now available everywhere books are sold. 

Get Connected With Robyn Youkilis!

Official Website

The Chewing Challenge

Meal Prep Workshop

Books by Robyn Youkilis

Thin From Within Book

Go With Your Gut Book

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Panasonic Infrared Oven

Mar 4, 2019


Whole Plant Hemp Phytocannabinoid Therapy

Phytocannabinoid therapy can be significantly helpful if you’re looking into alternative ways of healing. I’m sure most of you have heard the benefits of hemp to address health issues. But surprisingly, whole plant hemp phytocannabinoid therapy can also heal pets. My guest Nicole Davidsohn has an exciting story to tell regarding phytocannabinoid therapy as well as educate us on the other healing benefits of this wonderful hemp herb.

Series Of Accidents

The Eva company story began in spring 2014 with a series of accidents. Eva founder Dane Kemp was in a near-death experience because of a car accident but still came to work. He did, however, suffer from post-concussion syndrome.

His partner and co-founder Nicole Davidsohn, on the other hand, was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Doctors initially thought it was a stomach flu. Even with a flu protocol it never stopped. Nicole Davidsohn was misdiagnosed. It was only after a colonoscopy that she discovered she had ulcerative colitis.

“The biggest thing I noticed with ulcerative colitis was fatigue. The way that it hurt my life was that I just wanted to sleep all day and I had no appetite,” shares Nicole Davidsohn.

Before Nicole Davidsohn was diagnosed, she was a raw vegan. After her diagnosis, Nicole Davidsohn was prohibited by her doctor to eat raw foods and vegetables. So, she ate boiled chicken and sweet potatoes to get back on track.

A few months later, Nicole Davidsohn fell on a flight of stairs. She ended up with misplaced ribs and extreme pain throughout her nervous system. Nicole Davidsohn still did a high-intensity workout class but felt worse after. Hence, she was rushed to the E.R., stopped going to work and eventually went into depression spiraled by her injuries.

Health Struggle

Weeks went by, and Nicole Davidsohn tried the medication the doctors gave her. The medicines were really strong which made Nicole Davidsohn sick. She slept a lot, avoided the sun and noise. Dane Kemp convinced her to move into their home in Baltimore so his mom could help take care of her, but Nicole Davidsohn’s condition didn’t improve.

One night, Dane Kemp suggested to Nicole Davidsohn that they go to Oaksterdam University in California. He initially wanted to take their cannabis seminar on the history of growing. It was timely because, in 2015, the industry was beginning to open up.


Nicole Davidsohn says cannabis helped Dane Kemp in the past with attention issues. But on the East Coast, it’s not easy to get. Even if Nicole Davidsohn had a medical card for her ulcerative colitis, it limited her to two grams per day of the only strain they had which was blue dream. Blue Dream is a strain to get you thinking, be creative and invigorate your mind.

“You can’t just smoke any cannabis and get relief from it because you have to have the correct ratio of cannabinoids and terpenes to help you with your specific ailment. In D.C., the dispensary you go to is dependent on your address,” Nicole Davidsohn said.

Seeing An Opportunity

Because of this, Dane Kemp saw an opportunity and also saw a way to help people. Taking a seminar at Oaksterdam University, the couple learned so much about cannabis, cannabinoids, growing it, its history, starting a business, and learning about the industry.

Nicole Davidsohn also called up an old friend in California who gave her a bag of medical cannabis goodies like edibles, vapes, and joints including a type of caramel popcorn which contained THC. It was the first time she used cannabis as real medicine.

Nicole Davidsohn ate the popcorn at night and slept well. It did have Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC in it, but she wasn’t high when she went to class. Instead, she just used it after class. The THC popcorn ultimately made Nicole Davidsohn feel better.

Going back home to the East Coast, the couple did some preparations to move back to the West Coast to start a new life and begin healing holistically.

Cannabis Juice

When Nicole Davidsohn was in California, she had been studying the work of Dr. William Courtney who was famous for cannabis juice. She eventually wanted to grow her own vegan cannabis plant and juice it.

“So, I bought an aero garden, planted some seeds and started growing cannabis like a normal herb on the counter. When it was big enough, I stuck it in my juicer with some turmeric and ginger. It tasted great,” said Nicole Davidsohn.

Cannabis has acidic cannabinoids in its raw form. THC is THC-A, so it has a carbon molecule on it. Nicole Davidsohn says that for it to become psychoactive, or to make you feel high, you need to heat it to 220 degrees Fahrenheit for a certain amount of time.

“When you juice it, just like you would go outside and take a fresh apple off a tree, chop it up and put in your juicer. I would take the bud off the plant and put in the juicer,” Nicole Davidsohn said. “It extracts all the cannabinoids, terpenes and chlorophyll which is super healthy for you. You won’t get stoned.”

Effects of Juicing

First thing Nicole Davidsohn felt was that her eyes widened, and her brain cleared up. It gave her four to six hours of energy. One reason is that raw cannabis is full of nutrients. It’s also a complete protein with all the essential amino acids. It has a ton of vitamins and minerals, too.

“The reason why I started juicing was to help my brain recover, but it was also to help get my colitis back in remission,” revealed Nicole Davidsohn. “I think because I needed the nutrients, it started to slow my digestion and bring my body back to homeostasis instead of an inflamed state. It didn’t heal my post-concussion syndrome. I went to speech therapy for that.”

She adds, “Juicing is not the easiest thing in the world. I juice three times a week. But once I made a container of it, it last three days unless you vacuum seal it then it will last seven days. I wasn’t consistent at first. For the first year, I was juicing every month and taking other cannabinoids as well.”

Birth Of Eva

Starting the company Eva, they began as the first 100% comprehensively lab-tested dispensary delivery in Sonoma County. Both Dane Kemp and Nicole Davidsohn got familiar with the certificate of analysis on everything. Eventually, Eva was the only dispensary in California in 2015 to have their menu comprehensively third-party lab-tested.

“The juice inspired the capsules that we have. I made one called Better Brain which has Bacopa, Matcha and the whole hemp plant flower in it. The speech therapy plus the juice and Better Brain capsules helped my brain to heal,” revealed Nicole Davidsohn.

Mary The Dog

Mary was Nicole Davidsohn’s a Pit/Dalmatian mix who received a terminal lymphoma diagnosis in October 2016. She was given three months to live with or without chemotherapy.

Nicole Davidsohn was making the juice at the time and helping people with assorted health ailments. So, she thought of giving Mary the juice by incorporating it in her food. It was not long before Mary went from being fatigued to energized.

“We also bought some CBD oils and mixed it with the whole plant. They were raw oils. But Mary did not respond the same way compared to when she was given the juice,” recalled Nicole Davidsohn. “I think because the oil is fat-soluble, and it takes a lot longer to digest and be absorbed.”

Nicole Davidsohn continued to give Mary the juice with turmeric and ginger. The dog continued to stay energized and didn’t get sick. After Eva company developed Better Pet Relief for Mary’s cancer and arthritis, Mary’s cancer has gone into remission.

The capsules also help manage Mary’s arthritis. Aside from this, Nicole Davidsohn also adds a little bit of black pepper extract into Mary’s diet to help in the absorption.

Compatibility With Hemp

Nicole Davidsohn explains that we have an endocannabinoid system. Endo means inside. We already have receptors and cannabinoids in our body. And cannabinoids are also found in the plant cannabis. But when we’re stressed out, we make fewer cannabinoids naturally.

“When we take in external cannabinoids from hemp or cannabis, it’s like getting a multivitamin. So, it’s fulfilling that deficiency. I like to think of it as vitamins,” said Nicole Davidsohn. “When I think of the endocannabinoid system, I think like it’s just another set of receptors for a vitamin that we aren’t taking any more.”

She adds, “I believe we have an epidemic of what I call endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome. When people are deficient in making their natural cannabinoids, they feel so much better when they ingest CBD oil, Eva CBD capsules or edibles.”


First of all, Nicole Davidsohn says their capsules can’t cure, treat or manage any disease. For dementia, in particular, she suggests their product, Better Brain. Nicole Davidsohn also revealed that the element Bacopa was used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for dementia and there are studies behind it. But cannabis can also do that.

All of Eva’s capsules contain whole flowers, so everything is raw. And it is made of organic hemp flowers. It aims to clear the brain and give you that phytocannabinoid nutrient in case you’re deficient in it which could also be causing memory loss. Nicole Davidsohn again assures everyone that the capsules will not get you stoned.


According to Nicole Davidsohn, the capsules are formulated to last four hours. If you’re looking to last an entire day of super brain power, Nicole Davidsohn recommends taking one capsule when you wake up and another one in the afternoon.

“The formulas are based on research I did to find the best dose of Bacopa, cannabinoids, and Matcha green tea,” Nicole Davidsohn said. “Bacopa is also an adaptogenic stress reliever. People use it for stress relief, and they also use it for pain relief.”

Panic Attacks

For panic attacks, Nicole Davidsohn highly suggests their Better Mood product. It contains Valerian Root, Lemon Balm, and Hemp.

A little dose of Valerian Root helps you calm down. It’s used for insomnia, anxiety and increase GABA receptors. Nicole Davidsohn says Lemon Balm is safe even for kids. Many kids take Lemon Balm for anxiety and focus.

Pain Medication Addiction

Nicole Davidsohn says their formula may help someone with a pain medication addiction by employing phytocannabinoid therapy. As a person tapers off the hard pain drugs, Nicole Davidsohn suggests taking Better Relief Capsules. However, it is advisable to work with a doctor to help taper off the medications and increase the intake of raw cannabinoids with turmeric and ginger.

“Many studies have shown how CBD and whole plant hemp can reduce the side effects of withdrawal by nourishing the endocannabinoid system,” said Nicole Davidsohn. “If we’re able to supplement the body with phytocannabinoids, it would help people get off pain medications more quickly.”

Eva’s products are also safe for children because it is non-psychoactive. Nicole Davidsohn says all their capsules are whole herbs, whole plants, and raw vegan.

Better Brain and Better Mood Capsules can help children focus better and address their emotional issues like anxiety. Nicole Davidsohn also says that one of the big things that children can benefit from phytocannabinoid therapy is to help them reduce toxin overload. 

Full Spectrum

Full Spectrum would be including all of the cannabinoids and the naturally present terpenes in the plant. Nicole Davidsohn says you can get a Full Spectrum extract which would be using the whole plant.

“Take a whole hemp flower, put it in some olive oil, shut it and put it in a dark place. Shake it once every day. Leave it in the dark cupboard for two weeks,” advises Nicole Davidsohn. “Then strain the oil out from the flower, and now you have a Full Spectrum Tincture.”

Full Spectrum means it contains all of the cannabinoids and all of the terpenes that are naturally present in the plant. Nicole Davidsohn reveals that their company uses therapeutic hemp, specifically grown to be phytocannabinoid-rich, organic and does not have any contaminants in it.

Eva Products

There have been many success stories of people who have benefitted from cannabis juice and Eva’s products. Other worthy products to check out from the Eva website is Better Sleep and Better Pet Relief. As mentioned previously, Better Pet Relief helped Nicole Davidsohn’s dog get on the road to recovery. 


I’m thrilled to announce that Nicole Davidsohn is generously giving away ten bottles of Eva’s herbal supplements. Go to the Learn True Health Facebook group to find out how you can win. Each of the ten winners will have the chance to choose the formula of their preference so make sure you check out our group. 

Eva is also giving a 20% discount to Learn True Health listeners. Just type in the LTH discount code upon checkout at the Eva website.

“I am grateful being on a podcast speaking about Eva, our goals and our passion and our love for the world. And I’m grateful for this show and listeners who listen with an open mind and are here to learn. The goal is to have a happier and healthier world than where we are now,” said Nicole Davidsohn.


Nicole Davidsohn was born in Los Angeles, CA and raised in Lancaster, CA.  She grew up the youngest of 4 becoming the first in her family to attend college at Antelope Valley Community College before transferring to UC Irvine on a full scholarship.  

Nicole Davidsohn received her BA in Psychology in 2011 and later received national certifications in personal training and nutrition consoling. In 2015, she left the world of personal training and fitness to attend Oaksterdam University before moving west to start Eva with Dane Kemp.

Get Connected With Nicole Davidsohn!

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Energetic Boundaries - Part Two

This is part two of our interview with Metaphysical Counselor, Exorcist, Psychic, Healer, Eric Thorton who talks about how energetic boundaries play a significant role in healing. Energetic boundaries are in everything we do.

Even what we experience in this life is brought about by energetic boundaries from our past lives. To know more about energetic boundaries, energy exchanges and how it affects our whole being, check out this episode.


Whatever it is you do, it’s going to come to you naturally in a future life. Eric Thorton says that in all of our lives when we resolve issues, we bounce energy typically.

“For example, if a person has committed suicide in a past life, it is a bad thing. The knowledge that would come into it subconsciously like fear of a high object will affect the present life,” said Eric Thorton.

He adds, “So then you’re going to start re-living being thrown off a high object. You’re going to think about negative things and then feel negative. And then they are going to remember jumping off a high object, and then they’re more likely to do that again.”

Eric Thorton also explains that if they are tapped that suicide is not a bad thing, it’s just a way of dying. And start having memories from jumping from something high, they can feel sad. It removes it from the table for the next life.

Going Towards the Light

Just because we die doesn’t mean our soul dies. Even ghosts have energetic boundaries. Eric Thorton says so many ghosts and souls have not moved on. Because they’re afraid of the things, they were tapped that were going to happen after they died.

“In our life, just like if you’re taught suicide is bad, if you are taught that this is the way to heaven, then that’s what you’re going to be looking for when you die. And if it’s not there, you might think it’s going to lead to hell and don’t go to how people would call it — the light,” Eric Thorton said.

He adds. “The light is knowledge. So, when you do die, you leave the body and see everything around you. You don’t feel your body anymore, and you have full knowledge and full personality.”

Dealing With Death

If you’re taught to fear death, Eric Thorton says you are going to fear death. And you most likely won’t move ahead as easily or at all.

“People who become ghosts, some of them are become ghosts simply out of fear,” said Eric Thorton. “Others don’t move on because of their narcissism. They must control the family. They’re the patriarch or matriarch. They hang back to control people.”

He adds, “If they are a ghost with some possessions from the life they just left, we call out a poltergeist. Because those kinds of ghosts will have a hard time separating themselves with their possessions, that’s why you’ll experience situations where things move even when no one is there.”

Level Of Possession

Eric Thorton reveals that depending on the level of possession, the poltergeist can walk into your energy field just like a ghost can. That’s another set of energetic boundaries. Once you enter the energy field, it can control every aspect of your body in every way. It changes your personality. You can’t protect yourself. If it happens, it happens.

“If you can make it safe for people to explore who they are on a soul level, that’s when they can get through the drama and start coming out on the other side of the field. And you have to do it step by step as per each’s guides,” said Eric Thorton.

Using Your Gift

“Everybody wants my gift. And the fact is, if people have my gift, I earned them in a past life and this life,” said Eric Thorton. “On the gift of second sight, it can break your brain. So, you have to be psychologically ready for that. And anyone who says they want it is not psychologically ready for that. That is the first dead giveaway.”

This is because Eric Thorton says Masters are born. It takes a unique gift to recognize energetic boundaries and how to use it properly. Masters have these series of past lives that had old souls and gained the wisdom that keeps their brain from doing drama.

Because ultimately, if you are seeking to be a healer, you have to care. And you have to understand what energetic boundaries are. If you don’t care, you still have some learning to do. And Karma is the learning tool.

“If you don’t care, you have to learn to care. So, you will live life then, or you aren’t cared about in whatever way it is. And that’s your karma. You learn by not being cared about, and you learn to care. That’s the learning tool,” Eric Thorton explains.

Acceptance and Truth

The soul doesn’t learn by reading a book. Eric Thorton says the soul learns by doing things. Humans have to legitimize where we are at to feel safe. So, people legitimize bad behaviors, so they feel safe. And the safe is righteousness and proof.

“Possessions play on the filters that we develop so they can keep you in a certain pattern. This is where the bigger possessions start to come in. These are the ones that will make your belief system so strong,” said Eric Thorton.

He adds, “Different influences are thought forms. Those are cultural thought forms. Denial is a big wide river. It gets worse when you deny it.”


A session with Eric Thorton internationally recognized metaphysical counselor, exorcist, psychic, healer, and author of Educating the Soul, Spiritual Healing, and Our Eternal Psychology® can awaken the spirit within you. Healing and liberation through clear channels by a gentle, loving and humorous man. The gift you receive is your Self. 

As a Spiritual Healer, Psychic, Medium and Exorcist, and animal talk and healer, Eric Thorton has found a profound new avenue to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual healing for you and your pets. He has accomplished this by combining the gifts of healing with those of the psychic, medium and exorcist.  

Eric Thorton’s unique abilities are now available to others for both therapeutic and healing processes, in person in the Seattle area and remote sessions anywhere on the planet. 

Eric Thorton points out that we spend much of our time taking care of the conscious mind and body for ourselves and our pets that we often lose sight of the essential parts, how our subconscious mind and our spirit play in the delicate balance of our health and that of our furry loved ones!

Get Connected With Eric Thorton!

Official Website



Recommended Reading by Eric Thorton

Educating the Souls, Spiritual Healing and our Eternal Psychology




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Energetic Boundaries

Energetic boundaries play a significant part in healing. It’s so powerful that we do have to understand how it affects us to be able to make it work in our favor. Energetic boundaries cover protection and spiritual healing. My guest, Internationally-recognized Metaphysical Counselor, Exorcist, Psychic, Healer, and Author Eric Thorton will explain how energetic boundaries affect karma, suicide, anger, frustration, exorcism, and possessions.

Energy Exchange

To understand energetic boundaries, we must first learn about energy exchange. Energy exchange is about learning to exist in this world. According to Eric Thornton, we need to look at people in the range of sensitivity being old souls and younger souls. Younger souls would be less sensitive and aware of the things around them.

“The way I describe it is they would have a small radar dish. The people that are sensitive have a large radar dish. Every person is in a different class,” said Eric Thorton.

He adds, “If you have a large radar dish, you’re doing to have to take in way more information. Even the sound of the way people talk to you will draw a different way of you absorbing it. Like anger. You can feel it before it even happens. The computer can pick up that frequency so we can read the frequency.”

Four Levels

In the energy exchange, Eric Thorton says four significant areas spell our energy boundaries. It’s here where we can look at the different responses in those four areas which are daily, institutional, contractor and regret levels.

“The daily level is our interaction with everybody every day. Apparently, positive and negative interactions have different yet significant effects on our hormones,” said Eric Thorton.

Thought Forms

Eric Thorton says talk therapy is one way to level out our hormones. If you do something that’s not particularly pleasant, pull your energy back. This daily or everyday level applies to everything we do.

“If someone comes in here and I work with them, when they leave, I give them their energy back. Not the energy that we got rid of. We do this with all types of energy,” Eric Thorton said.

He adds, “If you’re taking a lot of information, you’re trying to get serotonin and dopamine from your interactions. When you find yourself in a challenging situation, visualize the energy and send it back out. That is a thought form.”

Eric Thorton says thought forms are the energy our brain created. It can be peculiar. We need to consider that these thought forms are bombarding us at all times. And they stress us. Whether we’re aware of them or not. And that stress level can be recreated all the time, all day long.

Stress and Paranoia

Stress and paranoia involve another set of energy boundaries. When we are stressed, Eric Thorton reveals it means our subconscious mind has gone through the entire scenario. It happens so fast, and it comes out of you whether you’re covering it up consciously or not.

Eric Thorton also says paranoia is also a thought form. If you have enough thought form of paranoia and you haven’t done anything about it, the thought form is going to build up enough to attract its possession of paranoia. Then you become a paranoid person.

“You open more doors of energy to come in. When a possession comes in, you think the energy of what you’re hearing is the inner voice that use your brain power to influence you,” said Eric Thorton.

Anger, Suicide, and Frustration

Other significant negative emotions that we have to keep in check are things like suicidal thoughts, anger, and frustration. The energy surrounding these emotions are strong and will most likely lead to something bad if not addressed.

The human body is designed to create filters for different situations. Eric Thorton says we develop these filters for anger in particular due to our biological make-up. That energy of anger makes your anger so bad.

“And when you learn about your anger, and you learn about what happened to you, you can heal the wound. It inspires you to heal,” Eric Thorton said.

Creating Something

Eric Thorton says the contractor level, in particular, is everything we create. It’s when we put our life into everything we do with our hands and our voice. You have to learn to write, learn to think in everything you create.

For example, before you press send, or before you file the document, you look at it and pull the energy out of it. Then it comes back to you. You depend on your brain and your history to keep the show going.


Even how much we eat says a lot about our energy boundaries. There’s a mental, psychological and emotional factor around food.

“Are you allergic to food? We crave what we are allergic to.  You have to see what the components that are causing the behavior that they don’t want,” said Eric Thorton. “You also have to consider an individual’s ability to change their meal pathways slowly. The bigger brain has sound and sight. The digestive brain has feelings.”

Spirits and Healing

The pain and level of possession can affect your energy. For example, the energy of a poltergeist can control every aspect of your body. It changes your personality. A ghost can also influence your energy field.

“If you can make it safe for people to explore who they are on a soul level, that’s when they can get through the human drama and come out on the other side of the sphere,” Eric Thorton said.

Utilizing Your Gift

There are a select few who have been blessed with an extraordinary gift. Their senses are way above the rest. However, some do not know how to use it properly. Hence, it is essential to be aware of how we use our gift to make sure it does not cause pain or harm to yourself and others.

“Some people have gifts like the gift of sight. You can experience things that can break your brain. So, you have to be psychologically ready for that,” explains Eric Thorton. “And anyone who says he wants it is not psychologically ready. That is the first dead giveaway. You learn techniques and get certificates to say you mastered something.”


If something changes in a person’s life, the guides will create karma. Generally, karma also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect. This is where the intent and actions of an individual can influence their future.

Good intent and good deeds lead to good karma and future happiness. On the other hand, bad intent and bad acts contribute to bad karma and suffering in the future.

“I live it, too. I have made serious errors and judgment because I was taught incorrect information. And I have to admit those errors. It gets worse when you deny it,” said Eric Thorton.


A session with Eric Thorton internationally recognized metaphysical counselor, exorcist, psychic, healer, and author of Educating the Soul, Spiritual Healing, and Our Eternal Psychology® can awaken the spirit within you. Healing and liberation through clear channels by a gentle, loving and humorous man. The gift you receive is your Self. 

As a Spiritual Healer, Psychic, Medium and Exorcist, and animal talk and healer, Eric Thorton has found a profound new avenue to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual healing for you and your pets. He has accomplished this by combining the gifts of healing with those of the psychic, medium and exorcist. 

Eric Thorton’s unique abilities are now available to others for both therapeutic and healing processes, in person in the Seattle area and remote sessions anywhere on the planet. 

Eric Thorton points out that we spend much of our time taking care of the conscious mind and body for ourselves and our pets that we often lose sight of the essential parts, how our subconscious mind and our spirit play in the delicate balance of our health and that of our furry loved ones!

Get Connected With Eric Thorton!

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Recommended Reading by Eric Thorton

Educating the Souls, Spiritual Healing and our Eternal Psychology


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2) The IIN Curriculum Syllabus:

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Ashley James

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