
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Aug 28, 2017

Feminine Sensuality And Sexuality

Passion As Prayer: Rediscovering Feminine Sensuality and Sexuality

Over the years, women have become stronger and capable of multi-tasking. But living in this fast-paced world can leave us feeling burned out. If you’re looking for ways to reconnect with your feminine nature and recharge your sensuality and sexuality, look no further. My guest, Deonesea La Fey, is here to help you regain your inner radiance.

Getting Past A Trauma

Surviving several years of sexual molestation as a child, Deonesea La Fey realized in her early 20s that something was amiss back in those years. Hence, she went through several years of actually working on that trauma. And just like a Phoenix, Deonesea La Fey rose from the ashes.

“A part of my healing was that I already knew I was missing something. That empty feeling was from my early sexual experiences with boys and young men,” said Deonesea La Fey.

However, during her healing process, Deonesea La Fey encountered Tantra and Tantric teaching. Hence, she started to understand how her body locked the trauma in the tissues of her vagina, womb, and belly.

As Deonesea La Fey slowly found her path to healing, she likewise found her calling to help other women. Following her heart, she has been helping women find their spirituality and sexuality for a decade now.

Your Body Is A Temple

Deonesea La Fey’s work is centered on women’s spirituality and shifting their belief system to realize that our body is our temple. And because it is the “house” for our spirit, we must understand how to keep it whole.

Apparently, it is when we are complete, that we would know more how to give and likewise to receive. Deonesea La Fey says we become whole only when we understand our authentic inner self.

“When I reject some parts of myself or hate myself, I’m saying to Creator, ‘You didn’t do a good job here,'” explains Deonesea La Fey. “Whereas if I embrace my whole being, I can experience so much love and appreciation for this body temple and all of its functions. I can become the source of my pleasure.”

Channeling Your Inner Self

True beauty radiates from within. But how do we achieve that? What is the essence of femininity? Deonesea La Fey helps women find the answers by helping them understand the dynamic of finding their inner selves through their sensual and sexual energies.

Apparently, learning how to breathe properly is an excellent way to tap our sensual and sexual energies. According to Deonesea La Fey, being able to do so not only taps our sexual and sensual energies but it also shifts our place in consciousness to realize that our senses are meant to give us the experiences of this life with joy.

“Breathing techniques help that energy move. Breathing is a major access point to our sensations, whereas the belly is our center power and creative center,” Deonesea La Fey explains. “It is our sense of how we relate to others and our access to power.”

War Between The Sexes

Society has long integrated into our thoughts that men and women can’t entirely get along because our characteristics are poles apart. But in reality, women do have masculine traits, just as men have feminine qualities as well.

The essence of femininity is about getting softer and vulnerable. It is about finding power in vulnerability. In fact, Deonesea La Fey says women start building their feminine energy, hence becoming radiant and magnetizing to men. In effect, it gives men the opportunity to be masculine when they relate to a woman.

“All of that fighting disconnects us from our hearts and disconnects from the deeper, genuine needs of our beingness,” said Deonesea La Fey. “There are a lot of ways that both men and women can embody feminine and masculine traits. It’s all about recognizing what our differences are.”

A man’s sexuality is often related to fire. Hence, Deonesea La Fey says that a man’s ‘fire’ starts in his loins and grows up into his heart. A woman’s arousal, on the other hand, starts from her mind and trickles down to her loins. When fire and water meet, it forms a steam. Hence, it’s alchemy.

Success Stories

One of the biggest things Deonesea La Fey does with women is successfully developing their movement, particularly pelvic movement. She describes it as something like belly dancing but learning it in an organic way of moving. Deonesea La Fey says this helps women stir up the energy and get them circulating.

Deonesea La Fey apparently has taught numerous workshops using this particular form of movement in the West Coast here in the United States. She likewise has managed to teach the same workshops in other parts of the world as well.

Recalling one woman who dealt with a past trauma, Deonesea La Fey found the opportunity to remind the woman that she still had a choice. The woman was able to move the fear out and eventually found inner peace.

Sensuality, Sexuality, And Tantra

Deonesea La Fey has noticed that majority of the women she tried to help didn’t know how to show or identify the real essence of sensuality. That goes the same for knowing what embodies Tantra, which is commonly but incorrectly associated with sex.

“Tantra is taken out of context in our culture. It means different things to different people,” Deonesea La Fey said. “There are different styles, different schools and different lineages of Tantra.”

In fact, Deonesea La Fey incorporates some tantric practices that coordinate the breath waves with movement. Especially with women who have suffered from trauma, Deonesea La Fey usually recommends tantric massages.

Understanding Your Yoni

You would be surprised how so many women in the modern society remain uncomfortable in talking about their vagina. On the contrary, it is very much a revered topic in the Hindu culture. For the Hindus, the vagina or ‘yoni,’ is a symbol of divine procreative energy.

Deonesea La Fey explains that inside a woman’s vagina, there are different levels of spongy tissue. Knowing how to massage it in a certain way apparently, helps maintain our blood circulation. It also connects us to our Kundalini or our primal energy located at the base of our spine.

“Ultimately, we want our Tantric energy to be fully spread throughout our bodies, not localized and centralized in only one place. And that’s where breathing properly can come in,” Deonesea La Fey said.

Generating Feminine Radiance

Ever wonder how some women seem to look beautiful all the time? There’s that certain glow from within that radiates sensuality, sexuality, peace, and happiness.

“When we start generating, cultivating and living with feminine radiance, we light up. We become radiant, and that joy draws things to it,” said Deonesea La Fey.

She adds that we become a magnetic energy if we just learn to generate feminine radiance. That magnetism, in effect, brings us what we truly desire.

Exercises To Develop Feminine Radiance

In earth-based spirituality, Deonesea La Fey says we think a lot about things with regards to the elements. A women’s sensuality is often considered earthy and our sacral or second chakra is essentially about working our pelvis.

Here is an essential exercise recommended by Deonesea La Fey:

1. Close your eyes and be aware of your breathing.
2. Get in touch with your belly rising on inhale and falling on exhale. Take deep breaths. Drop your attention down to your belly.
3. Take deeper breaths and breathe directly to the pelvic bone, down to your labia and yoni. Breathe into that space and imagine your perineum, bottom and yoni all make the bottom side of the bowl.
4. Imagine the bowl filling wth water and see that water slowly filling in.
5. Feel the water filling your pelvic bowl from your roots out to your hips, hip bones, and womb space. Continue to visualize until your pelvic bowl is filled with water.
6. Imagine yourself connecting your breath with water. Continue to breathe deeply.
7. Imagine using your breath to encourage water to walk up to your backside.
8. Let the water come up into your mind, across your mind and brows.
9. Allow the current of water to cross like a mist in front of your body. Let it flow naturally to your front side. Feel the nurture of this water.
10. Then allow all that water to settle down back into your pelvic bowl, then to the belly, hip bones and to the sacrum.
11. Breathe in and out. Wriggle your fingers and toes before opening your eyes.

Like anything that is new and foreign to us, it takes a while to get used to the exercise. However, Deonesea La Fey promises that the natural element of feminine energy is overwhelmingly soothing once we get used to doing this exercise.

“Our body has so much wisdom and knowledge. It has so much to offer,” said Deonesea La Fey.

Deonesea La Fey is a Queen Visionary and founder of Passion as Prayer. She is a sensuality coach, movement facilitator and Ordained Priestess who is intensely trained and experienced in sensuality and embodiment practices, ecstatic dance forms, and initiatory rites.

Deonesea La Fey supports women to release themselves from past experiences. She also helps women inhibit their eroticism so that they can find their pathways to ecstasy. Her work is based on the knowledge that our sensuality and sexuality can be a powerful source of creativity, passion, and joy.

In addition to holding her private coaching practice, Deonesea La Fey leads women’s empowerment workshops and sensuality retreats at home and abroad.

Get Connected with Deonesea La Fey!

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Recommended Reading by Deonesea La Fey

The Good Girl’s Guide to Bad Girl Sex by Barbara Keesling

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Aug 25, 2017

Eliminating Wheat and Grains For Better Health

I’m sure you have heard how grains and sugar are bad for our health. But did you know that wheat is the most dominant and the worst of all grains in particular? Today’s guest, Dr. William Davis, will expound on all the reasons why we should start eliminating wheat and other grains from our diet.   

Starting His Crusade  

Dr. Davis is a Cardiologist, Author and Health Crusader. His campaign on eliminating wheat and grains started after his mother died of sudden cardiac arrest.   

Apparently, so many people have suffered from silent heart disease. It was worse 20 years ago. The only tools we had available for treatment then, were having a low-fat diet and taking Statin drugs.   

With the existing medical procedures back then, it failed to prevent the health condition of Dr. Davis’ mother from worsening. Hence, the tragedy jump-started Dr. Davis’ long research on what kind of food makes us sick, as well as exposing the real agenda of pharmaceutical companies.  

The Truth About Cholesterol  

“Cholesterol is more like an innocent bystander in this process. But it makes a lot of money for the pharmaceutical industry,” Dr. Davis boldly declared.  

Surprising, right? There have been numerous studies over the recent years, saying LDL-cholesterol is not as bad as people think.  But because pharmaceutical companies rake in so much profits, they make it appear that cholesterol primarily causes heart disease and cardiovascular mortality.   

“They say heart disease is caused by cholesterol. But it’s not entirely accurate. It is simply a crude marker for the particles that cause heart disease,” explained Dr. Davis.

Furthermore, Dr. Davis says that LDL-cholesterol is such a crude, unreliable value. He says this is because LDL-cholesterol levels assume that we all eat the same. It assumes that we all have the same triglycerides value. In other words, it makes many crude assumptions that are simply not true.   

The Truth About Wheat  

And why should we drop all grains and sugar? How bad is it? Dr. Davis explains that with grains, in particular, it exerts all sorts of toxic effects in our gastrointestinal tract.   

“Grains also gets into the blood stream. And because grains are highly-inflammatory, many people have an adverse reaction to wheat germ and gluten,” Dr. Davis revealed.  

Furthermore, Dr. Davis clarifies that people mistakenly think that gluten is the primary problem. Apparently, it is just one factor in a long list of many other toxic components in grains. Dr. Davis believes that people will start eliminating wheat and avoid grains altogether, once they understand how toxic it can be to our health.  

Dr. Davis cannot stress this enough — Grains cause many chronic diseases. Wheat causes inflammatory edema. And what does this inflammation mean? Apparently, inflammation underlies a lot of diseases like cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, dementia, and heartburn.  

Personally, I agree with what Dr. Davis said. I had previously had type 2 diabetes but I was able to reverse it ever since I followed a gluten-free, grain-free diet. Finally being able to get rid of chronic adrenal fatigue, I was likewise able to lose 25 pounds of water weight.  

Foods To Avoid  

There is an extensive list of sugary foods and grains that have proven to be detrimental to our health. However, topping Dr. Davis’ list of foods to avoid are the ones that raise blood sugar. These foods are cornstarch, rice flour, tapioca, starch and potato flour.   

Blood sugar levels are measured through a glycemic index chart. And according to Dr. Davis, cornstarch has the highest glycemic index at 100. This index level means it is equivalent to pure glucose, higher than any other food known to man!  

Apart from that, cornstarch can cause cataract and hypertension, as well as develop high blood sugar and high insulin. Research also shows that cornstarch triggers the growth of inflammatory fat around our organs, increases heart disease risk, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and cancer.   

Foods To Eat  

Now that you know more or less what foods to avoid, Dr. Davis however, cautions us on eating the foods that we think are healthy for us.  According to Dr. Davis, eating whole foods is advisable. However, we must avoid eating the seeds of grasses because that’s what grains are.   

Other recommended foods to include in our diet are raw nuts, healthy oils, grass-fed meats, real cultured cheeses, and vegetables except for potatoes. Much as fruits are healthier than candies, Dr. Davis suggests limiting fruit intake especially bananas, mangoes, and grapes.  

Genetic History  

You may wonder why Dr. Davis is adamant in telling people to avoid eating the seeds of grasses. Well, Dr. Davis explains that this is because humans do not have the digestive apparatus to break down the components of grasses.   

And did you know that the kind of wheat we know today is different from the wheat that is specified in the Bible? Yes, it’s true that even wheat has evolved over time!  

“The genetic distance between the wheat of today and the wheat of the Bible is vast,” said Dr. Davis. “Regardless of race, we all have 46 chromosomes. Modern wheat has 42 chromosomes. Wheat specified in the Bible has 28 chromosomes, and the predecessor of the wheat mentioned in the Bible has 14.”  

Furthermore, Dr. Davis said that people developing tooth decay in the ancient times were very rare despite having no toothpaste. It was only when grain was prevalent in people’s diets, that bone diseases and iron deficiencies became common health complaints aside from tooth decay.  

“Grain is something you eat to survive another few weeks but pay a long-term health price,” concludes Dr. Davis.  

And just like the politics behind pharmaceutical companies and their aggressive campaign for drugs, it’s all about the money. There is simply so much money to be profited from promoting products made from grains or sugar.  

Coping With Wheat Withdrawal  

First of all, Dr. Davis stresses the need to look deeper into analyzing what we eat. It is important to know if the food we eat has grain components.   

Once we are aware of what not to eat, the next big challenge is how to cope with the withdrawal symptoms once you have started eliminating wheat and other grains. People often report having little energy, but there are ways to counter the withdrawal symptoms. 

Dr. Davis strongly advises avoiding Statin drugs. In place of that, taking supplements like iodine, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium help get your body on the right track. In addition to that, taking probiotics also addresses constipation, as well as the feeling of being bloated.  

Another useful strategy is to consume salt to compensate for salt loss whenever we urinate. Last but not the least, remember to hydrate since eliminating wheat involves fluid loss.   


Thinking of how to go about eliminating wheat and grains from your diet for real? Dr. Davis’ website is a gold mine of information!   

Aside from having links to his books, recipes and success stories, you can also access Dr. Davis’ blog as well as his Undoctored Inner Circle. Undoctored is a very comprehensive program that can empower you to live a life free from drugs and doctors.  

Dr. William Davis is a Cardiologist and a New York Times #1 Best Selling Author. He is also the Medical Director and Founder of the Wheat Belly Lifestyle Institute, as well as the Cureality Program. 

Get Connected with Dr. William Davis: 

Official Website  




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Aug 23, 2017

The two videos Michael Weinberger Promised he would share during our interview:

Get The App!  A Plan For Living -


The Happiness Formula

All of us have varied definitions of happiness. Some find it in material things, and others find it in relationships. But do you know that there is a formula to be happy? My guest, Michael Weinberger will show us an amazing way to how to truly be happy through his Happiness Formula.

The Dark Years

Life wasn't always a bowl of cherries for Weinberger. Having been diagnosed in 1994 with bipolar disorder at the age of 17, Weinberger went through some troublesome years at school, which dragged on until he got married and started his career.

However, it didn't stop there. Apparently, Weinberger's biggest struggle was his weight. When he was 32 years old, he reached a shallow point in his life. Nothing seemed to go well, and that led him to the brink of suicide.

Weinberger eventually was able to pick up the pieces of his life. He joined programs that helped him manage his weight as well as change his negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones.

A Plan For Living

Once Weinberger got back on track, that's when he decided to create A Plan For Living. He says he initially created it out of necessity to manage his own life and that others could benefit from it as well.

A Plan For Living app focuses on gratitude, spirituality, and mindfulness. It also deals with impulse control, anxiety, fear, worry, and frustration. According to Weinberger, this tool is a saving grace for anyone who has been through the worst challenges in life.

Learning How To Commit

Before embarking on anything, commitment is necessary. Without commitment, nothing would prosper. Your inner self must be willing to get out of your comfort zone to see results.

Citing himself as an example, Weinberger said he needed to commit himself to lose weight. Thirty-nine weeks ago, he decided to commit to one push up or one crunch a day for a week.

Much as Weinberger wanted to stick to his commitment, he initially beat himself up and felt sorry for himself. However, Weinberger rewired himself slowly. Not wanting to burn himself out, he gradually got himself on track.

"In my heart, I was interested in having a life, but I wasn't committed to having a life. I was living with anxiety, fear and worry," Weinberger said.

The Happiness Formula

So what is the Happiness Formula? According to Weinberger, it is a combination of gratitude, spirituality, and mindfulness. Once we achieve these, we could then be more aware of what we are feeling.

And once we are aware of what we are feeling, we learn to understand that the Happiness Formula is not at all complicated. It is how we react to whatever problems or challenges we face.

The Importance Of Mindfulness

Mindfulness means that you are in tune to what causes your problems. Consequently, it gives you the power to control your own life. That is why mindfulness is a major component of the Happiness Formula.

Weinberger says that we have five primary emotions: anger, fear, grief, joy, and worry. Hence, knowing how to process these emotions empower us to act appropriately rather than react on impulse and regret it later.

Creating A Gratitude List

I'm sure all of you have heard that being grateful for the simplest things matters in a big way. Weinberger believes that the victim mentality destroys people. Hence, the importance of creating a gratitude list is an essential component of the Happiness Formula.

While we can mentally note the list of things we are grateful for, being able to write it down allows us to delve into why we are thankful for the things that we choose to write down.

A gratitude list can empower us to face challenges, move forward and become more aware of ourselves. Once we become aware of ourselves, our demands become more realistic. When we become practical, the negative self-talk diminishes.

"The focus is on awareness. Make it a conscious decision and work on your communication skills with people," said Weinberger. "I think positively so when negative things happen; I'm ok with it."

Looking Ahead

We've all heard the cliche that the best way to get over a mistake is to learn the lesson and move forward. It seems broad and easier said than done, but Weinberger's A Plan For Living app aims to guide you through that.

The results won't happen overnight, but it's all about taking it one step at a time and celebrating the little victories along the way. It's all about the journey. Because ultimately, happiness is a choice.

"My mission is to see people struggle with this because I used to. I believed that the universe was going to take care of me. It had impacted every relationship I had," said Weinberger.

Michael Weinberger is a dynamic and inspiring speaker frequently asked to speak on topics including Mindfulness, Coping with Mental Illness and Addiction.

He was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in 1994 and has learned how to not only cope but to thrive while living with his illness.

Michael teaches individuals how to adjust their mindset to be mindful and grateful for everything their life! He is the founder and creator of, a digital mindfulness manager, and wellness platform.

Everyone has problems, and Michael's approach helps people apply gratitude, spirituality, and mindfulness to their daily lives. A grateful heart is a happy heart!

Get Connected with Michael Weinberger!

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A Plan For Living App - On Google Play

A Plan For Living App - On App Store

Recommended Reading by Michael Weinberger

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Self





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Aug 22, 2017

Breathe - The Book:


Breathing Techniques


Learning The Right Breathing Techniques

We all know that we need to breathe to live. But are you aware that most of us do not know how to breathe properly? Well, you're in luck today because I got Dr. Belisa Vranich, a breathing expert who will teach us proper breathing techniques that have significant health benefits.

Dr. Vranich's Backstory

Dr. Belisa Vranich was a clinical psychologist for 20 years before she got into the business of teaching people proper breathing techniques. She likewise has an extensive background experience in psychometric testing, administering IQ tests as well as neuro psychological evaluations.

Then up until a decade ago, Dr. Vranich started going through a lot of stress. After trying out yoga, she liked the breathing techniques and decided to study more on the subject. After gaining knowledge and experience, Dr. Vranich eventually decided to offer a program called The Breathing Class.

The Breathing Class

We all say breathing is important, but most people often don't know how. Our lack of knowledge of what are the right breathing techniques affects all our health and wellness in every way.

Upon signing up for the program, clients are initially made to undergo a functional breathing test. This test can show how breathing patterns affect people physically and mentally.

Consequently, The Breathing Class is a lung workout and tailor-made for each client. Dr. Vranich teaches breathing techniques that can either calm the person or make them more alert. Part of the process includes strengthening the breathing muscles, exercising the diaphragm and promote meditation habits as well.

"I initially didn't think I'd be teaching meditation. But my class is a breath-centered meditation," said Dr. Vranich. "You can get into a trans-meditative state by breathing well."

Who Her Clients Are

Dr. Vranich says her clients are from all walks of life. From athletes to corporate executives, each has their program tailor-made for their needs. Based on her experience, corporate people aim to be more happy and productive.

Dr. Vranich likewise singles out golfers. According to her, golfers are the only ones with no culture of breathing. Their heart rate is the lowest, and their body is the quietest.

Did you know that even SWAT teams and sharp shooters need proper breathing techniques? Surprisingly, a lot of Vranich's clients are from the military.

"When I'm working with military and law enforcement, they want specific things," shares Dr. Vranich. "Most of them want better endurance and the ability to cope with stress."

Aside from that, they require breathing techniques that can keep them alert for hours. And because the nature of their job is stressful, they need techniques to help them sleep better and deal with pain as well.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Vranich applies the 4462 method. According to her, it is called the tactical breath and adapted from the military. Breath counts are inhaling on 4, hold on 4, exhaling on 6 and hold on 2.

Dr. Vranich likewise helps clients who were initially diagnosed with asthma. According to her, asthma is the disease of the exhale. After doing a battery of tests on the client, Dr. Vranich can now determine how weak their respiratory muscles are.

Benefits From Proper Breathing

Dr. Vranich's primary goal in offering The Breathing Class to people is to get them off medication. Hence, it thrills her when her clients eventually can either lessen their medication or completely get off drugs.

Dr. Vranich also shares that most of her clients attest that their sleeping patterns have improved significantly after undergoing her breathing class program. A lot of them likewise have reported that they were able to get rid of their acid reflux.

Causes of Breathing The Wrong Way

There are many reasons why people do not breathe correctly. Sometimes, it may be due to physical or mental stress. Dr. Vranich also says one of the primary causes is also anxiety.

"Anxiety can cause you to breathe in a shallow manner and vice versa. The way you're breathing supports that anxious state," explains Dr. Vranich. "When you breathe with your shoulders, your heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol goes up while your immune system goes down."

Another cause of improper breathing is due to digestive problems. Hence, Dr. Vranich stresses the importance of changing the way you eat.

"Most people with digestive problems aggravate their condition because they do not use their diaphragm to breathe," Dr. Vranich said. "The digestive system doesn't have the support to do the right thing."

Consequently, once we learn how to use our diaphragm, our digestive system significantly improves. Furthermore, it also gets rid of inflammation in our body.

Dealing With Chronic Pain

Vranich also credits John Sarno's Healing Back Pain book. According to Dr. Vranich, the book gave her a lot of insights on how breathing and chronic pain are linked together.

Sarno focused more on the emotional causes of back pain. However, he affirmed that there is less back pain if we know how to breathe with our diaphragm.

Common Myths and Mistakes In Breathing

Vranich enumerates the common situations wherein we fail to breathe properly:

• Failure to move the middle of our body leads our breath to go on top of the body to our shoulders and clavicles.

• We are often emotionally guarded. Hence, we fail to breathe from our diaphragm.

• Bracing the belly does not make our abs strong. Our core will be much more robust if we expand on the inhale and exhale by squeezing on those muscles.

• A six-pack is a beautiful muscle. However, it is not a good muscle because it acts as a muscular corset. It stops us from getting a deep inhale. Hence we have to work a lot in loosening those muscles.

Importance Of Breathing From The Diaphragm

If you're not using your diaphragm to breathe, your esophagus isn't getting the support it needs. Consequently, this means you will not be able to keep acid reflux at bay regardless of what you're eating.

"The diaphragm is like a secondary esophagus," Dr. Vranich said. "When you breathe with your diaphragm, you're helping your throat keep acidity down in your belly where it should be."

Basic Breathing Techniques

Here are three basic breathing techniques that Dr. Vranich says you can do:

• Standing position: Take a belly breath. Know why you are doing it and do it right. Expand your middle, sides, and back. Do this for two weeks throughout the day.

• Lying position: Lie on your back. Put books on your belly. On inhale, push the books away. On exhale, let the books fall and squeeze your body.

• Seated position: Rock forward by letting the body go and inhale. Rock back as you exhale and feel it primarily in your hips.

Dr. Belisa Vranich is a renowned clinical psychologist, public speaker, and the author of Breathe: The Simple, Revolutionary 14-Day Program to Improve your Mental and Physical Health.

As founder of The Breathing Class™, Vranich has taught and lectured nationwide on topics related to dysfunctional breathing patterns and stress. The Breathing Class™ addresses both physical and psychological problems related to oxygenation that is out of balance. It also teaches people to breathe in a way that maximizes balanced inhales and exhales.

Dr. Vranich has taught workshops that cater to a broad audience. From the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY, to staff and clinicians at the San Diego Marine Base.

Dr. Vranich also regularly works with corporations and hospitals throughout the U.S., including The Young Presidents Organization; Jump Trading; Flotek, Inc.; UCLA; Sony Music; Coty Inc.; Soho House, New York City; and the U.S. Department of Justice.

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Aug 18, 2017

Register To Watch For FREE: The Truth About Vaccines:

Healing For Children With Autism And Other Disorders

Close To Her Heart  

Several medical statistics have forecasted that more children will be diagnosed with autism than cancer, AIDS and diabetes combined. In fact, my guest today, Dr. Debra Gambrell, agrees to the current statistics. According to the report, children diagnosed with autism are increasing at an alarming rate. 

Dr. Gambrell is a board certified pediatric anesthesiologist who went to Osteopathic school in Kansas City.  She likewise underwent a traditional internship at the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. She also completed a pediatric anesthesia fellowship at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles in 2009. 

Autism is something close to Gambrell's heart because her son, Lucas, was diagnosed as autistic shortly after he was born. Her child's condition eventually led her to embark on extensive research on autism for the past ten years.  

Opening The Second Practice  

Apparently, there is more to autism than just medication and behavioral treatments. Gambrell shared that she had great success in healing her son three years ago. Consequently, her son Lucas is now doing well in public school.  

Because of her success in treating her son, Gambrell decided to open a second practice. The practice focuses on helping children diagnosed with autism, sensory disorders, asthma, seizures, ADHD, obesity and other chronic diseases.   

Living In A Toxic Environment  

According to Gambrell, the toxicity in our environment is rapidly increasing. Hence, this level of toxicity changed the common diseases to the diseases of neurologic origin.   

Dr. Gambrell also believes that there is more to digest in our environment. In addition to the physical things to digest, we also have to deal with increased fear, EMF and bad air quality.  

Apparently, the state of the environment that we live in is a contributing factor to a child diagnosed with autism. And because the bodies of autistic children are more physically dense, it's a long process for them to digest. Consequently, their immune system loses its inherent intelligence.  

"Anything that we don't digest is called residual undigested proteins," Gambrell explained. "And anything undigested in the body can trigger the disease. That's the current state of children today."

Anthroposophical Medicine  

Rudolf Steiner developed this branch of medicine. It aims to heal the body, soul, and spirit through health and wellness.   

"Anthroposophy is a way to know your environment. It also has to do with your thought processes and your feelings," said Gambrell. "It's a study that allows the person to be able to find a grounded center in reality."

Under anthroposophical medicine, rhythmic massage, therapeutic eurythmy, and therapeutic arts are used for healing. Among the three, rhythm plays a big part and is sub-divided into Nerve-Sense, Metabolic/Limb, and the Rhythmic force.   

Sensory Disorder  

There are 12 physical senses. Among the 12, we have five senses that we typically talk about -- hear, taste, touch, smell, see. Often, we fail to realize that we also have to have a sense of balance, movement, word.  

"We know autistic children are not able to point," shares Gambrell. "They're not able to look at something because that requires them knowing who they are and what's outside of them. That line gets blurred."  

In the case of children diagnosed with autism, some people confuse autism with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Despite that, studies conducted by the Star Institute for Sensory Processing Disorder show that at least three-quarters of autistic children have symptoms of SPD.  

However, the Star Institute also clarifies that most children who have SPD are not always diagnosed as autistic. Consequently, regardless of what the diagnosis is, both autism and SPD require medical intervention.  

Developing Consciousness  

There have been many cases that autism may be addressed through detox and natural medicine. Gambrell likens how society deals with autism to a glass ceiling that we need to shatter. She believes the capability and consciousness of the child depends on how parents handle the situation.    

"In anthroposophical medicine, the idea is that as the child grows, consciousness comes into the body," Gambrell explains. "The more toxins the child is exposed to, the less consciousness can come into the body."

Gambrell cautions that the changes might not be dramatic, but the child's growth will eventually be evident over time.  Once the child learns to use their will forces, consciousness comes into the body.  

Treating Fevers  

As Gambrell's son Lucas was being treated naturally for his autism, she recalled the time when her son developed scarlet fever. Apparently, that was the pivotal moment wherein Gambrell realized we shouldn't panic over fevers.  

According to Gambrell, fevers can be a destructive process if not managed correctly. Hence, we must use it as an opportunity to be aware and create a warm environment for the child.  

Gambrell suggests the following ways to handle the situation when your child has a fever:   

  • Encourage activity to avoid making the child feel lethargic.
  • Do not make the child eat during the hot phase of the fever.
  • Give your child warm fluids.
  • Make sure your child is peeing regularly.
  • Be aware of the patterns of the fever.
  • Listen to your instinct.
  • Keep a journal to note down your observations.

Increasing Warmth in Your Child's Environment  

Gambrell also gives these tips in making your child's environment warm. It helps boost the immune system and minimizes the risk of getting sick often:  

  1. Eat meals at the regular time everyday. 
  2. Experience morning sunlight. 
  3. Eat together and eat happily. 
  4. Dress in clothes in natural fibers. 
  5. Do not use air conditioning when you don't have to. 
  6. Eat foods that are resonating naturally with our frequency. 

How Parents Can Support A Child  

I'm sure you've heard the saying, 'Love yourself first.' It sounds selfish, but it's not. In fact, Gambrell says that the best way to support a child is for the mother and father to support themselves.   

Once you achieve self-care, you are now capable of creating a predictable rhythm for your child.  Furthermore, Gambrell says most parents blame themselves when they have a child that is born autistic. And that is wrong. It is no one's fault.  

"Look at what you need. Think of how you can warm up the environment. Think of ways how you can defragment all the chaos that is happening," encourages Gambrell. "What can the parent do is to get a rhythm. This way, you have the extra energy to deal with the meltdown of your child."  

Dr. Debra Gambrell graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine (now KUMBC), in 2003. After completing her Transitional Osteopathic Internship in Darby, PA, she completed an anesthesia residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.   

Gambrell then completed a pediatric anesthesia fellowship at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles in 2009 and remained for two years as an Assistant Professor. She is currently undergoing a 5-year Anthroposophical Medical training program in pursuit of a certification in this field. Gambrell was also a student of Dr. James Jealous, the leader in Pediatric Biodynamic Osteopathy education for physicians.   

In addition to Pediatric Osteopathy and Food Antigen Testing, Dr. Gambrell practices both adult and pediatric anesthesia throughout Sonoma County. She enjoys consulting with surgery centers to ensure the safety of the pediatric patients they treat and has been part of the Mending Kids International group in Haiti as well as Making Kids Smile with the Pediatric Dental Initiative in Windsor, CA.  

Get Connected With Dr. Debra Gambrell:  

Official Website

Recommended Reading by Dr. Debra Gambrell

A Guide to Child Health: A Holistic Approach to Raising Healthy Children




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Aug 17, 2017

Check Out The Aromatherapy Training!

Essential Oils

Maximizing The Benefits Of Essential Oils  

I'm sure you have heard the multiple benefits of essentials oils. From cleaning to natural medicine and detoxification, there are more than a hundred uses of essential oils. And yes, even cooking! So we're in for a treat today because my guest, Leiann King, will teach us how to use these oils properly.  

The use of essential oils dates back to the ancient times. It has proven to be beneficial because of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. However, King says we should avoid overusing it since it is a chemical.   

Getting Into Essential Oils   

King is a certified master herbalist and international certified aromatherapist. She will be getting her raw foods certification soon. Married to a farmer, she is a proud mother of...drum roll please...nine children!   

And because King didn't have any health insurance, she learned to use essential oils, especially as a natural medicine. Using essential oils for 15 years, King's pharmacy was her backyard.   

During those years, King became frustrated with the essential oils workshops and seminars she attended. It didn't leave much of a mark for her to feel a significant long-term change. Hence, this was when she started to create her blends to maximize the benefits of essential oils.   

"People don't know the vast benefits of aromatherapy. Essential oils can trigger mechanisms in your brains," said King. "It can also call back positive experiences, release negative experiences or lock in something you want to have happened."

Foundational Aromatherapy  

King's devotion eventually paid off. Aside from being an internationally certified aromatherapist, master herbalist, and certified Iridologist, she was also able to write a book.  

Co-authored with Brenda Wright, Foundational Aromatherapy is an informative guide to essential oils. The original edition has successfully sold thousands of copies and is now in its second edition.   

Readers will learn all about the simple and fun ways to use over 70 kinds of essential oils. The 250-page book is a plethora of information! Inclusive of easy-to-do recipes, the book also teaches you how to create your own blends.  

Food Zoning and Reflexology 

Some people are not aware that our body's blueprint is connected to our feet. It starts on the neck of our big toe and is correspondent to the brain and our spine. The essential oils travel through our blood stream and lead out to every organ in the body.  

King was admittedly initially clueless about this. She credits a woman named Barbara from her town. Barbara was a foot zone therapist and previously studied with a renowned herbalist, the late Dr. Raymond Christopher.   

Over time, King learned a lot about herbal plants from Barbara. In addition to that, Barbara also taught her about juicing, fasting, and sprouting as well. These methods empowered King to keep her growing family healthy the natural way.   

Favorite Essential Oils  

There are a lot of essential oils that you can buy. However, there are a handful of popular ones used for everyday ailments.  

King says that Rosemary is not just good for cooking. In fact, when she was studying for her degree, she often used Rosemary. When used topically, Rosemary can also be used to soothe muscles.  

King also shares that over the years, she usually uses Peppermint to treat colds. However, she cautions using Peppermint to a 2-year old and stresses the use of a dilution chart. Furthermore, Peppermint must not be given to elderly persons with high blood pressure.     

Peppermint actually has a broad range of medicinal applications.  Beneficial for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, it can be used as a personal lube for females as well.   

"An essential oil must be diluted with a carrier oil like olive, coconut, jojoba, grapeseed, lotion, cream or water," King explains. "Knowing who will use it and where in the body are they putting it maximizes the benefits of essential oils."  

Another popular essential oil is Dill. Almost identical to Caraway seed oil, it has a high carvone content and used to treat colic and gas pain.  

Did you know that essential oils can be used to treat drug addiction? Surprisingly, yes! According to King, using Rosemary, Lemon and Peppermint in proper doses is recommended. However, a Rosemary and Lemon combination will also work just fine.  

Essential Oils For Food  

A famous chicken recipe uses Rosemary and Lemon. Rosemary and Thyme are likewise a favorite choice of herbs when grilling steaks.   

However, King cautions on using essential oils because some people tend to overdo it. Make sure the essential oils you use for cooking is organic, ethically-farmed and not made with concentrated pesticides.  

"Internal usage approval by the FDA has nothing to do with the quality. When an essential oil is approved to take internally, all that means is that the bottle was packaged in a food-approved facility," said King.  

King further explains that because essential oils are chemicals, our liver breaks down chemicals. One must undergo a full aromatherapy consultation with a certified clinical aromatherapist before taking essential oils internally.  

Aromatic Living Subscription  

Unfortunately, many companies are just after the business profits rather than strictly implementing safe essential oil usage. This is one of the reasons why King is passionate about reaching out to people.   

Hence, King developed Aromatic Living where according to her, is a place where the good life happens! Signing up for this subscription is awesome.  You'll get to learn from using essential oils in all areas. Furthermore, you'll get to participate in webinars and watch King's archived videos.   

Aside from the delicious food recipes, you'll also get to learn how you can choose oils based on the color of your eye. Aptly called the Aromatic iridology, the program is exclusive to King.   

Under this program, one can learn to use spiritual practices from Native American Iridology in harmony with using essential oils. Now, that's fun!  

Leiann King is a powerful motivator. She has mentored and trained thousands of individuals and families to have excellent health, relationships, and businesses. Leiann is also a farmer's wife and mother of nine.   

King is a Certified Master Herbalist, Certified Iridologist, raw food enthusiast and an Internationally Certified Aromatherapist. She is a professional member of both NAHA and AIA (serving as Utah state representative for AIA) and registered with the Aromatherapy Council. King also shares her knowledge as owner and founder of Applied Aromatic Institute, an online aromatherapy certification school.  

Get Connected With Leiann King! 

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Essential For Oils

Foundational Aromatherapy



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Book by LeiAnn King

Foundational Aromatherapy

Recommended Reading by LeiAnn King

Passport To Aromatherapy




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Aug 15, 2017

Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!

Katherine Anne Boyd's FREE Health Discovery Session:


Access To Joy

How To Get An Access To Joy

Whether it be through our career, health, relationships or spirituality, we seek avenues that give us access to joy. Contrary to what most people believe, having access to joy is easily attainable. Hence, my guest today, Katherine-Anne Boyd, will teach us how to be truly happy.

When my mother died in 2002 during my early 20s, I was utterly devastated. In an attempt to make myself whole again, I attended a team management leadership program. That's where I first met Katherine-Anne Boyd.

Little did I know that fateful meeting would be the start of a great friendship. After staying three years in the program, I started off as a coach for Boyd, and we eventually became so close, that she played a big part at my wedding entourage.

Dealing With Health Problems

Boyd overcame personal health problems before transforming herself into a health coach. Starting out as a life coach before focusing on health, Boyd initially was in a constant search for pathways that would give her access to joy.

Boyd recalled having to deal with a fish scale disease or ichthyosis when she was younger. Hopping from one allopathic doctor to another, Boyd was made to test out drugs and chemicals to heal her condition.

During that period, her treatment led her to gain weight. As a result, she explored a lot of diets. It was initially hard for Boyd to deal with weight issues especially since she was physically active.

Apparently, there were a lot of underlying issues that prevented Boyd from having access to joy. First of all, Boyd shares that a dear friend horribly failed her. Then her mother fell it and passed away shortly.

Downward Spiral

Consequently, because all these events happened within ten months, Boyd ended up doing physical activities as a reaction from her grieving. This led her to develop a severe leg infection and doctors consistently prescribed antibiotics to prevent her condition from getting worse.

Much as Boyd wanted to avoid pharmaceutical drugs, she couldn't get off medication due to her leg infection. Furthermore, she had digestive issues as well. And because she likewise gained a lot of weight, Boyd felt ill. There seemed to be no access to joy.

Picking Up The Pieces

Eventually, Boyd realized that she had to do something about her health. She was tired of being sick. Enough is enough! So one of the first things Boyd did was to look at how she was eating.

"I needed something to feel good. So I started eating healthy by eating natural and organic foods. Eventually, my body healed," said Boyd.

Managing your life can be overwhelming, so Boyd suggests making small changes to make a significant difference. Furthermore, we all need to learn how to take in some breathing space.

Apparently, Boyd's health changes were her access to joy. And because of this positive change, she was able to lose more than a hundred pounds in the last year and a half. Now that's a fantastic achievement!

Eating Right And Sleeping Right

Boyd's weight issues gave her valuable insights into understanding why not all diet or exercise works for everyone. This is because each body is different and things change over time.

Like most health coaches, Boyd also stresses the importance of drinking water and getting enough sleep. To those who do not like drinking water, adding a slice of lemon helps flavor the water. Adding vitamin C or a drinking a vitamin mix is also beneficial.

Not surprisingly, Boyd likewise advises avoiding sleeping near the TV or gadgets. According to her, the blue light from the television disrupts our sleep cycle. Hence, turning off all electronics and gadgets should be turned off at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

I'm sure you all also have heard the advice that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Hence, Boyd says one should make time to prepare a healthy breakfast. Boyd's personal favorite is making breakfast salads.

"Breakfast salads balance your glycemic load to avoid sugar spikes," revealed Boyd. "My meals are salad is full of vegetables and protein-based. Sometimes I eat cauliflower rice which is a great alternative to white or brown rice."

Focusing On Health Coaching

Now that Boyd has her health on the right track, this motivated her to embark on a health coaching career. Her primary goal is to educate people to make the best of their career, relationship, spirituality, as well as health and wellness.

"The gift of a coach is to lift people up and help people be the best version of themselves," said Boyd.

Coaching Vs. Counselling

"As a coach, I'm a guide on the side. I listen to what it is that is not being said. Then support my client to achieve what they want," Boyd explains. "It's not about prodding to confess to me their deep dark secrets."

As an example, Boyd recalls a client who came to her with a career problem. However, it turned out that was having problems at home. Because that client's home was always full of activity, there was no private space for her to relax.

Eventually, the client heeded Boyd's advice on the need to create space by selling her house and moving to a new one. Having a private space in her new house turned out to be life-changing for Boyd's client. Finally, that client achieved her access to joy.

On the other hand, Boyd explains that therapists primarily provide therapy. That's the way they are trained.

"There is an excellent reason if someone needs to see a therapist. However, a coach is someone who supports and someone who mentors," Boyd said. "I provide a loving, listening space to improve their life."

Self-Care As An Access To Joy

"Self-care is something not all of us know how to do. We spend a lot of times numbing ourself," said Boyd.

In addition to that, Boyd said people tend to avoid working on a health issue because of fear. People feel scared to identify with serious health problems potentially leading to serious diseases like cancer.

However, Boyd says there are ways of improving health. And she finds it inspirational to show people it can be done.

"Food is part of self-care. It is access to joy," Boyd said. "Happiness can also be found in your relationships. Don't be afraid sometimes to say no and just simply have fun!"

Katherine-Anne has two degrees, BA and MBA, and certifications in Human Resources, and as a Trainer and Master Coach of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time-Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy. She has taught clients life skills and peer counseling.

Katherine-Anne is a Reiki Master, who brings a holistic approach to healing and life. She seeks to “tread lightly” on our Planet, with the intention of having her clients experience greater joy in their lives through achieving their goals, using her coaching to find ease in all areas of life.

Katherine-Anne has a belief in a Higher Power. That knowledge has led her to spiritual explorations that included many faiths and ancient and modern mystical traditions. She is grounded in her Spiritual Practice and holds a space of peace for her clients to explore their faith development.

An early interest in health had Katherine-Anne explore the best supplements available, and at one time, hold a certification as a Sports Nutrition Specialist.

Get Connected With Katherine-Anne Boyd!

Official Website



Recommended Reading by Katherine-Anne Boyd

Why We Get Fat: And What We Do About It - Gary Taubes





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Aug 11, 2017

Structured Water


Healing with Structured Water  

No matter what diet you’re into, experts have always stressed the importance of drinking enough water daily. However, did you know that water can be tweaked to maximize its effect? My guest, Dr. Igor Smirnov did that by inventing structured water through the MRET technology.  

Healing Benefits of Natural Spring Water  

Smirnov’s work started in the 1980s around the time when the Chernobyl accident happened in Russia. A lot of victims suffered from radiation disease due to the accident and had to undergo rehabilitation.   

According to Smirnov, medical doctors eventually noticed that in one rehabilitation place, victims seemed to have excellent recovery results compared to victims from other centers. Apparently, they realized that a significant factor in their recovery was because the victims primarily consumed natural spring water.  

Extensive research was then done at the St. Petersburg University. Smirnov initially believed it was because the water had exotic minerals or compounds. Another theory was maybe not the chemistry but rather the physics of water.   

However, after further testing, Smirnov and his team discovered that there is a particular molecular structure in water. Hence, this was the reason why it helped cure the victims’ radiation disease.   

What Is Structured Water?  

“Structured water is important in human physiology because it has a linear structure,” explains Smirnov. “In scientific terminology, it has a polarized oriented molecular structure which was discovered in the  second part of the 20th century.”  

Smirnov further explains that this structure resembles the structure of intracellular water in the human cell and living cells. Consequently, it means this structured water has a profound effect on the biochemistry of the body.   

And because it is ready for consumption for stimulation by the cell, this particular structure is fundamental. Smirnov shares that it took him years to understand this concept involving the molecular structure of water and that it matches the structure of intracellular water in the human body.   

Molecular Resonance Effect Technology  

It took Smirnov several years to develop a technology to replicate this type of water in the laboratory environment. When he did, he named this technology, Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET).   

Based on MRET, Smirnov managed to develop different types of products. Some of the products include the MRET activation device which helps activate water and water-based products.   

However, Smirnov clarifies that not every natural water can produce the same effect. Apparently, only natural water from particular places like high mountains in Russia, Tibet, and Himalayan mountains are the most preferred ones.

Based on the studies conducted by Smirnov’s research team, people residing in those high mountains live longer.  Furthermore, because they consume natural water from those places, they are likewise less prone to infectious disease.   

Physics Of Water  

Conducting further tests, Smirnov discovered that structured water has effects on water conductivity and electrical conductivity. It was also tested on infected mice and found that there was no inflammation while their body was fighting infection.   

MRET treatment in water or structured water apparently makes water a ‘super liquid.’ Hence, making it very beneficial to the body.   

“It can penetrate and reach the blood vessel and cell membrane. In addition to that, it has positive physiological effects,” shares Smirnov. “This structured water also suppresses harmful bacteria growth.”  

Cancer And Structured Water  

Smirnov claims that drinking MRET water or structured water reduces the growth of cancer cells and growth of tumors in the body. Based on their tests, the lifespan of mice was 60% higher, hence making the death rate significantly lower.  

Consequently, it was indeed proven effective on humans. During the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, Smirnov’s team sent MRET water to the victims of the incident and had positive results after consuming the structured water.  

The structured water likewise benefitted people undergoing chemotherapy from Singapore, Malaysia, and the United States. Based on their feedback, patients got less negative results from chemotherapy.   

Some of the side effects prevented by consuming structured water are headaches,  inflammation, and nausea. Smirnov also recalls a chemotherapy patient from Los Angeles whose blood test turned out normal after drinking the structured water.  

Hydration And Quality Of Water  

Our body eliminates toxins through the water system of the body and delivers nutrients to the body through fluids. Hence, it is important to stay hydrated because water is sensitive to any physical effect, not just electromagnetic radiation. But the benefits of water is furthermore maximized is MRET-treated.  

“Regular water is just purified water. This has no positive effect on the body,” explains Smirnov. “It’s good water, but it can’t produce significant natural physiological effects.”  

Smirnov also cautions against any water or water container found anywhere near high voltage power lines or strong electromagnetic fields. Because the molecular structure of this water is ruined, it poses an adverse effect on our body.  


“Alkaline water is good if you’re suffering from too much acidity,” Smirnov explains. “But on a regular basis when the body is healthy, your blood is supposed to be slightly alkaline, urine slightly acidic and saliva should be neutral at 7.0 ph.”  

Smirnov says drinking MRET water, whether one is a little alkaline or acidic, helps pull the body back into balance. It is likewise not good to put any additives in water.  

MRET Device  

Smirnov’s device can treat two liters of water every half hour, and structured water can last several weeks. He also advises using clean water before using the device.   

He also stresses that MRET is not a filtration technology but rather an activation technology. Hence, if the water is not pure, you have to use filtration first to remove metals or organic particles.  

“MRET water has an excellent anti-oxidant effect. When we conducted testing on plants, the MRET water significantly made the leaves grow faster,” claimed Smirnov.    

Can we cook with this water? Yes, we can! Smirnov says the structure of the water only gets ruined if it reaches boiling point.   

Apparently, the taste of food and drinks changes when you use structured water. Smirnov had a partner in Taiwan who happened to be a tea ceremony master. Using structured water, he claimed that the tea tasted better.   

In another case, another acquaintance in Singapore treated cheap wine with the MRET device and claimed it also tasted better. Now that’s fantastic!  

Wave Rider  

Apart from the MRET technology, Smirnov also developed products which help eliminate the adverse effect of electromagnetic radiation on human body. This device protects the human body against electromagnetic radiation from cellphones, computers, laptops, microwaves, tv, and wi-fi.  

According to Smirnov, the Wave Rider helps restore the brain to normal function and sleep patterns improve. This is because the device protects individuals within a 30-meter radius device and changes the structure of the electromagnetic field.  

“The healthy life begins with safe and clean Food, Water, Air and no electromagnetic smog,” said Smirnov. “My mission statement is to keep developing new technologies that can help improve our lifestyle.”



Dr. Igor Smirnov graduated from St. Petersburg Naval Academy in 1975, Faculty of Nuclear Physics (Fission Reactors) and Engineering with a Master’s of Science degree in mechanical engineering. Continuing his education into the next decade, he was actively involved in advanced research regarding the effects of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations (EMFs) on human cellular physiology at St. Petersburg State University, graduating in 1986 with his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.   

His advanced research and study of the psychosomatic development of children swimming in infancy were conducted at St. Petersburg Children Hospital. The results of his research were significant enough to be published by the World Health Organization in Munich, Germany.   

Smirnov’s research has been issued in the St. Petersburg University Press, and in peer reviewed magazines such as Explore Magazine, The Electric Space Craft Journal, The Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, and The European Journal of Scientific Research.   

He also lectures extensively and makes speeches at international scientific congresses and conferences such as International Biophysics Congress (2008), Anti-Aging International Conferences (2003-2008), International Microwave Symposium (2007), Bioelectromagnetic Society Annual Meetings (2004-2007), Rutgers Symposium on Lunar Settlements (2007), The Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine Conference (2006), Thailand National Cancer Center Symposium (2005), Thailand Ministry of Public Health and The Chemistry Society of Thailand Meeting (2005), Asia-Pacific Electromagnetic Fields Conference (2004), The First Asia and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (2002), Effects of EMR on Biological Systems Conference (2000). He is a President of Global Quantech, Inc., a biotechnological research company, and a Member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society of America, the Biophysical Society and the Association of American Engineers.   

After the catastrophic nuclear plant radiation leak at Chernobyl, Russia in 1986, which caused more than three million cases of cancer, Dr. Smirnov, and his scientific team investigated the normalizing effect of particular mountain spring water on victims of the radioactive fallout which lead to his invention of the molecular resonance effect technology. He was awarded two United States patents “Method and Device for Producing Activated Liquids and Methods of Use Thereof”  and “Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Material and Device.”   

Get Connected with Dr. Igor Smirnov!

Official Website  

Wave Rider  

MRET Cellphone Radiation

Books by Dr. Igor Smirnov

Applied Biophysics of Activated Water

 Molecular Resonance Effect Technology


Recommended Reading by Dr. Igor Smirnov

The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor



Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!

Buy the MRET water activation device:

Molecular Resonance Effect Technology: The Dynamic Effects on Human Physiology

Introduction to the Biophysics of Activated Water

Applied Biophysics of Activated Water: The Physical Properties, Biological Effects and Medical Applications of MRET Activated Water


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Aug 8, 2017

Medical Marijuana

Reaping The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana 

We have heard many benefits of medical marijuana. However, there are still some skeptics regarding the effectiveness of this plant, and many others still regard marijuana as an illegal drug. My guest today, Dr. Karen Munkacy, will shed light on why medical marijuana is better than conventional medicine.

Breast Cancer Survivor

Dr. Karen Munkacy is a breast cancer survivor. Upon being diagnosed at the age of 40, she has undergone 28 radiation sessions and a double mastectomy.

During the four months that she was undergoing aggressive chemotherapy treatments, a friend suggested taking medical marijuana. Munkacy also heard about medical marijuana’s benefits. But not wanting to break the law, Munkacy refused the treatment.

Although Munkacy is grateful to be in remission, going through a plethora of surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy treatments were not easy. Hence, Munkacy resolved to find ways to help other cancer patients ease their pain and suffering.

Medical Marijuana Research

Not forgetting her friend’s recommendation to use medical marijuana, Munkacy researched about the medicinal benefits of cannabis supported by scientific evidence and medical support. Her medical background gave her the perspective to assess her findings.

Munkacy also began to began to speak publicly about her experience with cancer. This way, it could encourage lawmakers and health care professionals to support legislation, allowing the use of medical marijuana to alleviate patient pain and discomfort.

Passing the Bill

Eventually, Munkacy was able to get the medical marijuana bill passed in Massachusetts in November 2012. The bill passed with 63% votes. That encouraged Munkacy to lead an organization creating the best medical marijuana medicines.

With a pioneer staff of 16 employees, Munkacy’s primary aim was to uphold the highest standards to cultivate medical marijuana and educate patients as well. Investing a lot in lab equipment also assures patients that the extractions and dosings of the medical marijuana are exact.

Primary Benefits

There are many other benefits of medical marijuana. Aside from the alleviation of pain and discomfort, medical marijuana also works for nausea.

“It’s the only anti-nausea medication that also stimulates appetite. It works for anxiety, depression, and inability to sleep,” said Munkacy. “Medical marijuana is very safe with no side effects. Hence, it is the perfect medication for people in hospice care.”

Unfortunately, some hospitals remain to be hesitant in the use of medical marijuana. Munkacy recalls a female patient wherein using medical marijuana significantly eased her pain, anxiety, and depression.

That patient was able to sleep at night, had an appetite, and her nausea decreased. However, when the hospice found out that she was using medical marijuana, she was forced to leave. Consequently, her family had no choice but to take over and oversee her treatment.

Father of Medical Marijuana

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam is known as, “The Father of Medical Marijuana.” The title was given to Mechoulam after he discovered the endocannabinoid system.

Consequently, studies show that medical marijuana inhibits the vascularization of tumors. It binds to receptors in our digestive tract. Hence, it can help with inflammatory diseases and problems like Chron’s disease.

Despite that, Munkacy acknowledges that it is still hard for doctors to write recommendations. Consequently, doctors rely on top medical literature to declare effectivity of a drug or treatment before recommending it to patients.

However, Israel has a different take on medical marijuana. Munkacy reveals that the Ministry of Defense in Israel pays for soldiers with PSTD to get medical marijuana.

Unfortunately, for those in the United States, medical marijuana is not readily available for American soldiers with PSTD. Indeed a sad plight for people who serve our country.

How The Body Processes Marijuana

According to Munkacy, if you use medical marijuana everyday, you can have withdrawal symptoms if you just abruptly stop it. So it is best to do it under a doctor’s supervision.

“Medical marijuana is processed through the liver. There are different effects when you inhale it vs. when you swallow it,” Munkacy said.

Munkacy says that when you inhale medical marijuana, it goes into your lungs and right into your bloodstream. On the other hand, when you swallow it, it gets absorbed in your digestive tract, and the blood flow from your gastrointestinal tract goes right through your liver.

“The more educated you are about this medication, the more efficient it’s going to be for you. You’ll be able to harness its effects and use it to the way that works best for you,” said Munkacy.

Garden Remedies Products

Under Munkacy’s Garden Remedies product line, there are a variety of medical marijuana products that patients can use to treat their various health problems:

Flower Strains
• Bruce Banner #3
• Chem 4
• Commerce City Kush
• Cornbread
• Longs Peak Blue
• Girl Scout Cookies
• Granddaddy Purple
• Scott’s OG

Premium Rolls
• Bruce Banner #3
• Cornbread
• Longs Peak Blue
• House Blend

Vape Pen Selection
• Otto#2
• Tangerine Kush

• Star Killer Rosin
• AJ Sour Rosin
• Taffy Distillate
• Keif Bar

• Medicated Honey
• Fruit Drops
• Medicated Sugar
• Medicated Finishing Rub
• Stone Hard Candy
• Dark Chocolate Coins
• Caramel Sauce
• Caramel Chew

• THC Tincture
• CBD + THC Tincture

• G-Caps

Garden Wellness Spa Products
• Medicated Relief Lotion
• Mediated Lotion bar
• Garden Immersion Bath Salts
• Lip Balm
• Bath Fizz

Munkacy’s lab constantly looks for the best ways for patients to ingest medical marijuana. Products that are taken orally do not taste great. But Munkacy assures that every product they have is made from high-quality ingredients.

Changing Lives

Munkacy shares that people with terrible migraines benefit from their products. Some even commit suicide because of the severity of the pain brought about by migraines. Hence, medical marijuana is a miracle for many because it changes people’s lives.

“We teach patients that the joint you’re getting on the black market is probably different from what you’re buying from us,” said Munkacy. “Ours is more powerful and works better.”

In addition to that, Munkacy says statistics show that cancer cases did not increase with people who smoke medical marijuana for long periods. However, hobby smokers usually develop chronic bronchitis. But if they stop, lung function goes back to normal within a month. Now, that’s awesome!

Facing Challenges

There are currently over 40 states in the United States that have legalized marijuana in different forms. However, Munkacy says it is still difficult to get the right type of medical marijuana.

Unfortunately, the University of Mississipi is currently the only place where you can get medical marijuana. Hence, researchers have had a hard time getting the types of strains that they want to study despite having several cases of success.

“There was a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. This study documented that CBD, which is one of the compounds in medical marijuana, treats intractable pediatric epilepsy,” shares Munkacy. “This compound doesn’t make you high, but rather it controls seizures.”

Looking Ahead

Despite the challenges promoting the use of medical marijuana, Munkacy remains unfazed in her mission to have more people use this treatment. Since pharmaceutical drugs have proven to be a failure for a lot of individuals, Munkacy offers her products to anyone who needs it.

“Our most common patient problem is a severe chronic pain. You can keep using more of it until your pain is under control,” Munkacy said. “Unlike narcotics, there is no fatal dose in medical marijuana.”

Furthermore, Munkacy assures that each patient is given immediate attention as well as ample time for consultation. Rest assured, Munkacy is confident that her life’s mission will eventually be realized one step at a time.

Dr. Karen Munkacy’s medical experience is extensive. In addition to her background as a board certified anesthesiologist and pain management specialist, she is a former faculty member at UCLA and USC Medical Centers in Los Angeles and has worked as a researcher and international medical consultant.

Munkacy was trained in pain management and received her medical degree from the University of Michigan Medical School. She is also an active proponent in the public arena of the use of medical marijuana.

In this role, Munkacy is a member of Americans for Safe Access, the largest organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to medical marijuana. She was a leader in the successful ballot campaign for the legalization of medical marijuana in Massachusetts and helped persuade the Massachusetts Medical Society to sponsor a physician education program on the medicine.

Munkacy currently brings all her energy and integrity to Garden Remedies as it launches its efforts to deliver to patients the safe, compassionate and proven relief they deserve.

Get Connected With Dr. Karen Munkacy!

Official Website

Recommended Reading by Dr. Karen Munkacy

Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine by Lester Grinspoon



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Aug 4, 2017

How To Detox Metals From Your Body

Having done a lot of episodes covering different health topics, I noticed that one of the most requested ones is about detoxification. So here’s a treat for all of my listeners! I have with me today, Wendy Myers, an expert who is going to teach us how to detox metals.

I was thrilled to find out Myers is a past graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN).  I’m likewise set to graduate from the same Institute soon. So for those who want to pursue a career in Health Coaching or just enrich your knowledge in Health and Nutrition, I highly recommend IIN.

Discovering Her Mission

Myers confirms that there is indeed a link to exhaustion and chronic fatigue. And I agree! I have likewise made a great effort changing my diet as well as take supplements or herbs to increase energy. But doing detox protocols is the only way to go if you want to zero in on getting rid of toxins from your body.

On the other hand, Myers said that she started to get into learning how to detox metals when she first became pregnant. Aiming to achieve optimal health in anticipation of the birth of her child, she devoted a lot of time reading books on how to detox metals.

Zeroing In On Metals Detoxification

Her commitment to teaching herself how to detox metals further escalated after she gave birth and her dad being diagnosed with esophageal cancer shortly after. Understandably, Myers was devasted!

Throughout her research, Myers discovered that toxic metals are the cause of many types of cancers. Hence, knowing how to detox metals is part of cancer recovery. However, because Myers dad was also a heavy smoker for the past 40 years, he died just six months after his cancer diagnosis.

In hindsight, Myers was not discouraged in pursuing her thirst to know more about how to detox metals. In fact, her father passed away because of his cancer treatment and not because detoxification wasn’t effective.

Right after Myers’ dad passed away, she pursued further education in nutrition school. Within three months, she launched her website which focuses on how to detox metals in honor of her father.  What a great tribute!

Benefits Of Bioenergetic

Myers currently has two podcasts. Live to 110 focuses on how to detox metals and all other subjects while her Supercharged podcast launched just last August 3. Supercharged focuses on Bioenergetics and different ways to increase your energy.

“Bioenergetics is the future of medicine. One of the problems I have in wanting to get healthy, is that we’re trying to elicit a change in our physical body,” said Myers.

Myers further explains that conventional medicine uses drugs while functional medicine uses supplements. But what we don’t realize is our body functions energetically. Incidentally, Myers said Einstein likewise had the same view regarding how our body works.

How Our Body Functions

“The majority of information transfer in our body happens in our body’s energetic field,” Myers said. “So when I started implementing the Bioenergetic program about six months ago, people starting feeling dramatic changes within 30 days.”

According to Myers, there are various causes of energetic blockages.  Some energetic blockages include EMF, emotional trauma, adverse childhood events, abuse, and loss. These issues cause physical problems as well.

However, Myers says Bioenergetics is not the same as Homeopathy. According to her, the problem with Homeopathy is that it’s hard to pinpoint where in the problems in the body are.

“In Bioenergetics, we have software to do a scan where you can see the problems in the body,” explains Myers. “This is because symptoms don’t co-relate to what the real issue is.”

Bioenergetics Success Stories

Myers recalls one client who had a terrible panic attack. It was so bad that she couldn’t find the energy to go to work. However, within just a month of doing the Bioenergetics program, she was able to go back to work.

Myers says what drives certain behaviors is still not entirely clear.  However, by doing a brain scan under a protocol developed by Dr. Ryke Hamer, we can see trauma marks in the brain.

Furthermore, Myers says you can resolve those traumas. Resolving traumas can be done by doing the protocol recommended in the Bioenergetic program since Dr. Hamer’s therapy is incorporated in it.

“The body starts working better because many pain is emotional. And by addressing emotional traumas, people find a resolution,” Myers said.

How To Find The Right Practitioner

Myers recommends linking to her website for inquiries on how to find a good practitioner for you. Knowing how to detox metals properly does need proper guidance for it to be effective.

“Detox is like a lifestyle. It is not something you just do for a few months,” Myers said. “Furthermore, while there is no perfect testing, tests have to be safe and slow.”

Aside from getting proper testing, Myers also recommends her Mineral Power program wherein clients are given minerals needed to give the body more energy to detox.  And while she is not a fan of fasting for detox, Myers recommends a modern Paleo diet.

Symptoms Of Heavy Metals Exposure

Heavy metals poison enzymes that transfer nutrients into the mitochondria. Hence, it was difficult to detect what kind of heavy metals causes what health problem.

However, Myers says people in an industrial environment pose a significant risk. Common symptoms include brain fog, adrenal thyroid dysfunction, heart disease and high blood pressure.

In addition to that, skin conditions can be caused by mercury while aluminum affects the nervous system. On the other hand, nickel, cadmium, lead and again mercury, interfere with the proper function of hormones.

But to my surprise, I was shocked when Myers revealed there are also metals in supplements and organic foods! Apparently, because glyphosate found in the food we eat, it can also cause gut dysfunction.

Taking The Right Protocol

“It takes 2 to 3 years to remove a majority of metals. And because we are constantly exposed to metals, we have to continue doing various protocols like Mineral Power,” said Myers.

Myers also recommends taking the BioSil supplement. According to her, BioSil grabs metals and remove it from the body because it has a binder capacity. Furthermore, taking BioSil with citrus juices makes it absorb better in the body.

Aside from taking the right supplements, Myers recommends doing infrared sauna as well as coffee enema twice a week.  As far as diet is concerned, doing a basic Paleo diet is good since we need apparently need animal protein to detox.

Limitless Energy Book

Myers believes that you will never achieve true wellness with heavy metal toxicity. Her book, Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue is likewise an excellent resource to educate us on how to detox metals.

“My aim is to educate you about what metals are causing your health issues and how to detox them,” Myers said. “I’m thrilled to take you on this journey to save your life or the life of your family.”

Wendy Myers is a functional diagnostic nutritionist in Los Angeles, California. She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York and had a degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. 

Myers uses Hair Mineral Analysis and other functional medical tests to design custom Mineral Power programs. This is an individualized targeted nutrient therapy program to facilitate toxic metal and chemical detox, heal the adrenals and thyroid, regain energy and brain function and reverse and prevent disease. 

Myers’ site aims to inform you about how to achieve optimum health, energy, and vitality. One that empowers you to improve your health through the Paleo diet, Mineral Power, detoxification and natural treatments for your health conditions.

Get Connected With Wendy Myers:

Official Website







Book by Wendy Myers

Limitless Energy



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Aug 3, 2017

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Aug 1, 2017


Simple Ways of Finding the Right Diet

People nowadays are getting more health-conscious. Food just used to be a source of survival, but it is now a primary way to help our body reach optimal health. But with so many diets around, what is the best technique in finding the right diet?

My guest today, KJ Landis is not a stranger to dieting. Like me, Landis struggled so many years finding the right diet. But despite Landis' active lifestyle, the weight just couldn't stay off. It was frustrating!

To those who have not heard of her, KJ Landis is a fantastic author and health expert. On this episode, Landis shares valuable tips on finding the right diet and how to maintain your ideal weight. Her weight loss journey is truly inspiring.

Recovering From Pain

Landis revealed that used to be obese as a child. The sadness she felt seemed endless and overwhelming because apparently, she was molested by relatives from age 7 to 12.

When she turned 12 years old and celebrated her bar mitzvah, Landis finally took hold of her life. With her newfound courage, she finally faced her perpetrators. When Landis refused the abuse, only then was she able to shed her pain.

Battle Of The Bulge

Life seemed to pass by in a blur. Years later, Landis landed a job working at the Hilton in San Francisco where she stayed for 15 years.

As years went by, Landis gradually packed on the pounds. By the time she was 46 years old, she has gained a total of 50 lbs. Hence, Landis decided to undergo liposuction.

Landis was all set after paying a down payment for her liposuction. However, her husband insisted the procedure is pointless. He believed Landis would gain all the weight back if she didn't focus on finding the right diet instead.

"I looked into other options, and HCG intrigued me," Landis shared. "After seven weeks of daily research, I decided to go on an HCG diet."

HCG Diet

Landis began the HCG diet in January 2012. She followed HCG Body For Life protocol with Colin F. Watson. Then in 60 days, Landis lost 50 pounds. Now that's amazing!

First of all, HCG is a hormone that is naturally found in every human. And Landis says that for one to use HCG, you have to use an injection aside from getting a prescription.

The next important thing to remember when you're on an HCG diet is to drink water. In fact, Landis drank a gallon of water everyday. Consequently, when you increase water in your diet slowly, Landis says you can identify if you're hungry or merely emotionally and socially hungry.

"The HCG is not meant to be a yo-yo diet. It's intended to be a permanent lifestyle change. All diets are eating lifestyles," explains Landis. So if I want my eating lifestyle to be a permanent change, it's to re-educate how we are supposed to eat."

Eating The Right Kind Of Food

However, Landis didn't stop there. Losing so much weight motivated her to research how to keep the weight off. Making an effort to stay gluten-free and dairy-free is not easy.

Even eating whole foods can be a challenge.

But all successful endeavors take some amount of effort before it can be achieved. Apparently, the secret lies in being able to identify every ingredient in the food that you eat.

Consequently, the hard work paid off. When Landis succeeded in proving the benefits of choosing the right kind of food to eat, people started asking advice. That's when Landis decided to create her protocol.

Basic Rules of Eating Healthy

"Re-educate yourself on how humans are supposed to eat in the ancient ways," said Landis.

The following are some of Landis' suggestions on how to gradually change what you eat:

• Slowly increase calories and fat.
• Eat healthy protein.
• Add fruits, vegetables, and carbohydrates to your diet.
• Rarely eat anything made from grains or processed, refined sugar.
• Eat lots of fish and seafood, organ meats and raw, unpasteurized dairy.
• Avoid processed food.
• Eat high fats and healthy fats.

Eat Well, Be Well Protocol

This is the 9-week solution that Landis developed. Many clients have attested that it is efficient and the results are amazing! An overview of the program is as follows:

• Week #1 Increase water
• Week #2 Eliminate gluten
• Week #3 Reduce all grains
• Week #4 Reduce fruits from your diet to one or two times a day
• Week #5 Reduce fruits from your diet to one or two times a week
• Week #6 Swap out the fats
• Week #7 No more sugar in any form
• Week #8 Consume raw dairy, pasteurized eggs and chicken, wild crop meat, and fish
• Week #9 Give up beans and legumes

Solid Support Group

Landis credits her weight loss success to a support group, most especially her husband. She says that because her husband believed in her ability to write a book, Landis now has four publications sharing her knowledge on finding the right diet.

Initially, Landis started her information campaign via health and wellness workshops at the San Francisco Public Library. The free workshops covered a broad range of topics like good and bad fats, fermented foods, as well as health benefits of chocolate, wine, and yogurts.

'I Am' Statements

But what good is changing what you eat when you are not entirely convinced it would work? This is why Landis says you must learn to align your emotional and mental mindset. She recommends keeping a journal to write down your big 'why' and repeat it every day.

"Write down three things daily, and write these statements starting with 'I am.' When you have an 'I am' statement, it is a positive psychology statement," explains Landis.

Furthermore, Landis explains that when you consistently repeat the 'I am' statements, you create neuro pathways in the brain. Hence, your life will have a new belief system. The new belief system in effect will create an action that will model the lifestyle that you desire.

I think Landis' technique is useful. Because when you verbally declare you want something, it creates conflict inside. There is resentment, and you tend to blame others.

On the other hand, when you say 'I am' and 'I have,' you are in effect, taking responsibility. It allows you to see an image of yourself in the future.

To further illustrate, Landis recalls a period wherein she had a back problem. Because it was inflamed, it took her a month to recover. Throughout that whole time, Landis felt like a failure.

Landis initially doubted her credibility to be a health coach. But then she reminded herself of the 'I am' statements for her to change her life. For 30 days, Landis repeatedly told herself that she was pain-free. True enough, she was back in action in 30 days!

Super Self With KJ Landis

Landis' website is such a wealth of information. One aspect that everyone should check out is her section on recipes. Most of the recipes can be made in 30 minutes or less. And it tastes just as good as it looks for sure!

KJ Landis is an author, educator, former model, health and life coach, photographer and role model. She has inspired thousands with her holistic approach to health and wellness. Her ability to communicate effectively, compassionately, and with patience has helped build the self-esteem and attainment of others' life goals.

Landis grew up the youngest of five children in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was taught that food equaled love, and she was greatly loved. At age 12, she was 5'2" and 173 pounds.

Her doctors told her parents that if KJ continued to eat in a current manner, she would be a heart attack candidate within months. This scared her parents and the 12 year old into learning about portion control and nutrient dense foods that were beneficial to a young girl's wellness.

The next two years saw a 40-pound weight loss, a height increase of 8 inches, and a newfound love of exercise. Then the pendulum swung in the opposite direction. KJ had a fast metabolism from ages 14 to 16, and her weight plummeted to 102 pounds at her lowest, where her height was 5'10."

This made her extremely happy, as now she could eat anything she wanted and she didn't get larger!

Get Connected With KJ Landis!

Official Website




Books By KJ Landis

Superior Self

 Happy Healthy You


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Ashley James

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