
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Now displaying: May, 2018
May 31, 2018

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Clean Eating Kitchen

How many of you have heard of the Clean Eating Kitchen which teaches you how to make easy, healthy food? Yes, it is possible! My guest, Carrie Forrest focuses on Holistic living after going through a health crisis. And I’m excited that she’s sharing diet tips that can improve your health significantly.

Unhealthy Childhood

Carrie Forrest has gone through so many health battles — PCOS, autoimmune disease, eating disorders, panic attacks, anxiety, IBS, migraines, depression, and thyroid cancer.  But that’s getting ahead of the story.

Carrie Forrest shares that she was unhealthy the first 30 years of her life. She lived in California, grew up in the Midwest and ate a standard American diet. Her childhood was drinking sugary drinks and foods out of cans and boxes since processed foods started to take off in the early 80s. It was indeed a far cry from her Clean Eating Kitchen lifestyle.

“I also had a very not stable childhood home, and I was moving a lot. There was also financial instability,” said Carrie Forrest. “I think I had some thyroid disease starting in my late 20s. The signs had icy hands and feet. I also had thick hair most of my life, and my hair got thin.”

Growing Up Years

Breastfeeding was also not popular when Carrie Forrest was born. Soon, it caught up to her during puberty years when the first signs that something was wrong appeared.  It turned out that Carrie Forrest developed signs of PCOS in the late 80s.

Carrie Forrest didn’t have a lot of weight issues. But she would often go to the dentist for cavities filling put in due to unhealthy food choices. Furthermore, she never had a regular menstrual cycle.

During her college years, Carrie Forrest was put on birth control. But she still did not make the connection between starting oral contraception and food choices. To make things worse, about six months later, she had her first panic attack. Things went downhill from there. 

Cancer Diagnosis

Around 2005, Carrie Forrest recalls that there was one time when her OB-Gyne felt her neck after Carrie Forrest complained about feeling fatigued. That was the first time a doctor had examined her thyroid. Her doctor did feel something in her neck and recommended that Carrie Forrest see an endocrinologist.

After doing an ultrasound test, the doctor told Carrie Forrest that she would need thyroid hormones one day because her thyroid is scarred. At that point, Carrie Forrest started learning about nutrition and went on her way. Plus, there was also a lot of anger issues stemming from her childhood that Carrie Forrest needed to work through.

“The doctors were trying their best. It’s not like they were hiding something from me. There are many ways the doctors of today could do a lot more to be educated because the information is out there,” said Carrie Forrest. 

She added, “I have a degree in Public Health Nutrition. And that’s like a mainstream degree where we look at studies that back up a theory. The scientific studies probably haven’t caught up. And so mainstream medicine continues to look at the older evidence.”

Life-changing Moment

Carrie Forrest says that watching the movie Super-size Me made her realize that things had to change. But apparently, the concept for Clean Eating Kitchen originated from skimming through her grandmother’s cookbooks.

The cookbooks of Carrie Forrest’s grandmother was full of recipes that used processed foods. Carrie Forrest then realized that she was the third generation of society that has been fed processed foods.

“I was in my late 30s when I needed thyroid surgery. It was in 2012 when I went for a check-up via ultrasound. I thought I was doing everything right. But it turns out I could have had the beginnings of cancer way back in the 80s because of eating processed foods,” Carrie Forrest said. 

Surviving Cancer

Carrie Forrest is now cancer-free. The standard medical procedure for treating her type of cancer was to remove the whole thyroid. She regularly does blood work to keep her health in check, but she also had to change her diet.

Taking thyroid replacement hormones is needed for those recovering from thyroid disease. Carrie Forrest’s challenge was to figure out the right dosage.

“I had the Hashimoto’s Thyroid disease which isn’t autoimmune disease. But I didn’t take it seriously. When I had my thyroid removed, it wasn’t until a few more years when I started seeing a functional medicine physician,” said Carrie Forrest. 

She adds, “I had Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease for a good 10 to 15 years before I developed cancer in my thyroid. My body had been producing antibodies that whole time.”

Changing Diets

Since Carrie Forrest needed a healthier diet, she discovered that becoming dairy-free and gluten-free is less inflammatory for her. But because she craved animal protein, she switched from a vegan diet to a paleo diet.

This reminds me of the interview I did with Dr. Mark Hyman wherein he adopted a “pegan” diet, combining some elements from the paleo and vegan diets. But still, the amount of meat remains lower than the standard diet, and the meat is grass-fed.

It has been 7 or 8 years that Carrie Forrest is dairy and gluten free. And she has seen a considerable difference. One of the significant improvement is that her body’s antibody levels went down.

Carrie Forrest however, says traveling is challenging. Because not all places have a wide range of healthy food choices. She also recommends keeping a journal to note down food choices. 

Another a huge component is also dealing with emotional stress and anger. In this regard, doing yoga can work wonders. Carrie Forrest also mentions that she underwent a program at the University of San Francisco called Emotional Brain Training. It involved the idea of neuroscience and journaling your thoughts, and that helped her heal.

“Learn to express. Addressing anger or emotions heals. There are emotional roots in every health condition. So, tapping into those feelings are significant. Also, work with a professional,” recommends Carrie Forrest.

Clean Eating Kitchen Website

Carrie Forrest’s Clean Eating Kitchen website is such a delight! It’s full of tips and recipes that are healthy for you. To further encourage people to embrace healthy eating, Clean Eating Kitchen involves only three to five ingredients.  Healthy eating becomes fun, easy and nutritious. 

“The recipes are all gluten and dairy free. I like to make it simple. Smoothies are perfect for breakfast, and that’s where I like to add more healthy ingredients,” said Carrie Forrest. “I also noted that a lot of people are budget-conscious so my recipes have seasonal ingredients but a lot of it is vegan.”

From her website, you’ll also find a link to her Clean Eating Kitchen podcast.  There’s a link to her podcast episode to teach you how you can make easy and delicious vegetable dishes that kids will surely love. So make sure to check that out! 


Carrie Forrest is the creator of the blog, Clean Eating Kitchen, where she shares gluten- and dairy-free recipes and resources. Carrie is also the host of the Clean Eating for Women podcast, designed to inspire women to take control over their health, with a focus on holistic health.

Carrie Forrest has Master’s degrees in both business administration (University of Southern California) and public health nutrition (University of Massachusetts, Amherst). More importantly, Carrie is a woman who has used real food and a balanced lifestyle to manage a variety of health conditions, including PCOS, autoimmune disease, eating disorders, panic attacks, IBS, chronic migraines, and depression. Carrie is also a survivor of thyroid cancer since 2012.

Carrie can be found online at her website,, or on Instagram or Facebook @cleaneatingcarrie.

Get Connected With Carrie Forrest!

Official Website

Clean Eating Diet Challenge



Clean Eating Every Day Cookbook

Clean Eating Kitchen Podcast

Recommended Reading by Carrie Forrest

Wired For Joy by Laurell Mellin



Recommended Links:

Episode 237 – Diet Myths – Dr. Mark Hyman

How To Make Vegetables Taste Delicious – Carrie Forrest


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Ashley James

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May 24, 2018

Free Your Anxiety Workshop 50% Off Coupon For Memorial Day Week:

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For 50% off and gain access to the FULL Free Your Anxiety Workshop guaranteed to eliminate your anxiety or your money back! Enter coupon code: thankyou

 I designed this program after working with thousands to successfully end anxiety.

- Ashley James


Health Is Wealth

Today I did a fun interview with Alive and Well Podcast where I talked about how health is wealth. Brittany Adams is the host of the show. She usually interviews leading health and wellness experts who give valuable advice on how to achieve true health.

Sickly Kid

I was a sickly kid, and I was far from true health. It was a constant juggling between dealing with ear infections and throat infections. My mom also had her health issues, coping with candida which was not common during the 80s. In my health is wealth journey, my mom happened to meet a Naturopath who advised her to change her diet. We got rid of yeast, wheat, and sugar. In place of no grains, we shifted to eating whole foods and taking supplements.

Growing Up Years

I grew up hanging out in the health food store and was healthy until I was 13 years old. The rebel in me kicked in. I ate a lot of unhealthy foods, and so my health went downhill. I took the phrase, ‘health is wealth’ for granted. It was sad for me to be told at 19 years old that I would never have kids since I developed a bad case of PCOS and chronic infections. That’s why I was always on antibiotics. Plus, I was hungry all the time. During my 20s, I developed type 2 diabetes, chronic adrenal fatigue, and dealt with mood swings. My health situation was crazy! 

Improving Health

When I got married, my husband and I love to watch health documentaries. We shopped and ate organic foods. It was not long before my chronic infection stopped. My quality of life went up significantly. We truly realized that health is wealth.

On our quest for true health, my husband and I tried so many diets over the years. We started studying with different Naturopathic physicians. It was not until seven years ago when we met a Naturopath who later on became our mentor.

When I changed my diet and tried to adopt a healthier lifestyle, I was able to reverse my type 2 diabetes, and ultimately got rid of PCOS. My husband and I can honestly attest that Natural Medicine can make significant changes as far as true health is concerned. Plus, we are now proud parents of a beautiful three-year-old boy.

Helping Others

As someone who spent years struggling with health problems, it served as my motivation to help others once I got better and I wanted other people to also realize that health is wealth. I remember a particular friend of mine who had chronic issues. He was passing one kidney stone a month and always chronically in pain. Guiding him through some changes, that same month the kidney stones stopped. That was seven years ago, and it never returned.

Another friend of mine was in her 60s. She was born with a genetic skin condition, and 90% of her body is covered in scales. After I helped her, my friend’s body recreated new healthy skin. These are only two of the numerous success stories I have helped achieve, and it’s proof that no matter how old you are, your body will heal. You can reverse medical conditions. And always remember that a diagnosis is not a life sentence.

Learn True Health

The number of people I have helped over the years increased. So, two years ago, I was thinking how else I could reach out to more people who needed help. I really wanted more people to embrace the importance that health is wealth. That’s why I started the Learn True Health podcast.

Personally, I’m still on my health journey. And I’m still learning how to improve health especially now that I know health is wealth. So being able to interview health experts on the show significantly adds to my knowledge of true health.

The Best Nutrients

First, a disclaimer. I am not promoting a vegetarian diet since I know everybody is different and there’s no one diet for everyone. My primary mission is to promote eating more real food. I went from being Keto to Paleo before I became a vegetarian primarily on a whole foods diet since last year.

A big part of my show is to not buy into any diet dogma, nor is it all about eating for weight loss. It’s more about the experience of shifting of how you eat to feel your body and see if you get overall better results. As far as minerals are concerned, you need to have your minerals in balance with other minerals. The best thing to do is to get all 60 minerals together in a combination that is plant-derived and easy to absorb. Then there are macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytochemicals.

For phytochemicals, broccoli is a perfect example. There are a thousand phytochemicals in broccoli. I can go on and on how being on a plant-based diet is beneficial. But like I said, not everyone likes vegetables. It’s best to do it one step at a time for your palate to get used to it. Try it out for the first two weeks. Choose the vegetables you like and eat the ones that get you excited.

The Right Foods

There are many ways to enjoy eating vegetables. A former guest on my show, Dr. Joel Fuhrman says that when we eat broccoli, we must eat it well and chew it properly. By doing that, we create chemicals that have anti-cancer properties.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman recommends sauteeing half a cup of mushrooms and cook it with onion and broth before adding it to a salad or brown rice. According to him, this reduces the chance of ever getting cancer. Personally, I made sure to eat foods that are rich in fiber. Ideally, six to eight cups of fiber from whole food make a significant difference in the long run. This is because fiber binds to all the toxins in our body.

I also steer clear of baked goods because it’s calorie-dense. Once I fixed my diet choices, I noticed my bowel movement also improved. If you can adopt healthy food choices, you can also help the body remove excess estrogen. 

Food Addiction

It’s so easy to fall into the food trap. Food addiction is real. Any processed food has been designed to be hyper-palatable, so it excites and hijacks your brain. Also, don’t eat food with a logo because it takes about one to three months to bring the dopamine back down. Salt, sugar, and oil are primary ingredients that companies use in processing food. They use these ingredients to hijack your brain. So go for the whole foods. You’ll feel you have more energy and stamina, as well as feel cleaner and not sluggish.

Purple cabbage is my absolute favorite. I’ve grown to love it so much that it takes like candy! I also like beets. Another way to make your food naturally tasty is to use the seasoning you love. I happen to love Asian flavors and tend to use ginger and green onions.

A great way to grate ginger is to freeze it first before grating. Learn to play with seasonings. You don’t need to cook with butter or oil. Instead, cook food with water or broth. For more info on food addiction, check out Dr. Douglas Lisle and Dr. Alan Goldhammer’s book, The Pleasure Trap. It’s a great resource identifying how food addiction is a severe health disadvantage. There are so many helpful books out there that teaches you how to live a healthier lifestyle.

Be on the lookout for resources that will teach you the following:

  • how to live with fewer calories
  • gain more nutrition
  • naturally lose weight
  • choosing foods with anti-cancer properties
  • identify foods that help the body detox faster
  • how to give your body more energy
  • reducing toxins

Free Your Anxiety Program

True health isn’t just about the physical aspect. It’s also about the mental, emotional and spiritual aspect. My Free Your Anxiety Program has benefitted a lot of people. It helped many people eliminate anxiety, and as a special treat for everyone, I am giving a 50% off this Memorial Day Weekend.

Money back guaranteed. The world of Holistic or Natural Medicine has so many exciting things waiting to be discovered.

So, I am inviting everyone to stay tuned to my Learn True Health podcast regularly. Let’s turn this ripple into a tidal wave and walk the road to true health together! 

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Free Your Anxiety

Alive and Well Podcast – Ashley James’ guesting

Recommended Reading by Ashley James

The Pleasure Trap


Alive & Well Podcast:


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Heavy Metal Summit:





Do You Have Anxiety? End Anxiety Now! Learn Two Powerful Mind Tricks for Removing Anxiety, Ending Worry, & Controlling Fear So It Stops Controlling You! Attend my FREE Webinar that Will Teach You How! Click Here!


Do you have a blood sugar issue? I can help you achieve healthy, normal and balanced blood sugar naturally!

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Ashley James

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May 21, 2018

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Unbreakable Success

Ever thought of why some people seem to have unbreakable success? Unbreakable success is something very doable, but the problem is, most people do not know how or where to start. To get you on your way to achieving unbreakable success, my guest, Aaron Keith Hawkins is the perfect person to show you how.

Unbreakable Success Podcast

Aaron Keith Hawkins started podcasting in 2015. But the show initially went by the name Best Life Of Your Life. Aaron Keith Hawkins couldn’t really pinpoint why he named his show like that. All he knew was that he wanted to help people live a better life.

Shortly after, Aaron Keith Hawkins took a hiatus from podcasting for a few months. He used the break to talk to people about business and branding. That was when he thought of renaming his podcast Unbreakable Success.

“Most people start out with good intentions. But inevitably when people are struggling, something comes along to break those intentions,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins. “I prepare people so that when problems come, they are prepared for it.”

He adds, “And those problems won’t break them down. Because they have already mentally and physically prepared themselves to think that life is going to hit you in the face from time to time.”

What Motivation Means

Aaron Keith Hawkins took up a course in leadership and professional coaching. But he refuses to label himself as a motivational speaker.

“Motivation is a real thing. But I don’t think motivation wins in the long run. Motivation works when you’re feeling motivated. And that’s pretty much the only time it works,” Aaron Keith Hawkins said. “What gets us through those moments when you’re not feeling motivated is your sense of identity.” 

Blissful Life

Aaron Keith Hawkins grew up in New Jersey and was pretty much an average kid. He started his career in his early 20s by becoming a police officer. It was not long before he got married and had a baby.

“My biggest problem in hindsight was that everything was good. And when things are good, there was no need for me to change anything or question anything,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins.

Rude Awakening

Life was good. But one day in December 2009, Aaron Keith Hawkins woke up past midnight with massive chest pain. At that time, Aaron Keith Hawkins was already working as a medical technician for 13 years.

Aaron Keith Hawkins recalls a sharp pain radiating down his arm. He ended up self- diagnosing himself. He got up and tried to walk it off. But it didn’t work. Realizing that he might be having a heart attack, Aaron Keith Hawkins decided to wake up his wife. His wife called 911 just as Aaron Keith Hawkins slumped and collapsed on the floor.

“What was odd is that I wasn’t scared. I got hit with regret. In a flash, I thought of every single opportunity where I could to do so much more and create something more with my life,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins.

He adds, “I realized I had been settling by not intentionally trying to be a better husband or father. All I was doing was the fact that I just did what naturally came to me. Suddenly I realized I left so many opportunities on the table.” 

Turning Point

Following Aaron Keith Hawkins’ collapse at home, he stayed in the hospital for a couple of days. Doctors think he had a mini-stroke rather than a heart attack. They sent Aaron Keith Hawkins home after a month when he got a clean bill of health.

“I think it was a miracle that I had that experience. To be suspected of having a mini-stroke weirded me out because I was a healthy guy. I work out all the time, and I ate well. It was both the worst and best day of my life,” declares Aaron Keith Hawkins. 

That day when Aaron Keith Hawkins got released from the hospital, he and his family went to the mall. Aaron Keith Hawkins recalls that he got teary-eyed.  Overcome with gratefulness that he was alive, he decided not to waste any more time and opportunity.

“I knew that something changed. That started this whole journey after that. As long as we’re alive, we ask one of two things. It’s either we can ask why these things happen to us or we can create the why,” Aaron Keith Hawkins said.

Dealing With Our Egos

Aaron Keith Hawkins says there can be a lot of hurt egos when things happen to us. It’s either due to a break-up, or the weight doesn’t seem to come off. Ultimately, our ego can get involved in demanding an answer. Aaron Keith Hawkins says the real question is asking ourselves why things happen to us. It can wind up feeling like a label.

We should learn to be responsible for our thoughts and actions. When things go wrong, it’s not the end of the world. Instead of being trapped in our past, it’s really about what we learn from our experiences and stop comparing ourselves to others.

“There are plenty of times that things happen, and it has to get your attention. And some things need to be done. The second half is that your emotions are going to come from what you pay attention to and the story that you attach to it,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins.

Most of Aaron Keith Hawkins’ clients are entrepreneurs or people with the entrepreneurial spirit. But when he coaches, it’s whole life coaching. And Aaron Keith Hawkins shares that more often than not, his clients reach out to him because of specific reasons.

“I’m very much about the why. Because I very much enjoy learning about who the person is. I attract entrepreneurs because they have this sense of mission behind them,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins. “Personally, I thrive on it, and I love coaching people through it because I wasn’t doing it before.”

Learning Curve

Over the years, Aaron Keith Hawkins learned a ton of lessons. He ended up looking for a pattern that was consistently creating success not just for himself but also for people he interacted with.

Aaron Keith Hawkins first wanted to condense it to something small and simple so that he can use it regularly. Secondly, he tried to turn it into something that can help others achieve unbreakable success.

How To Achieve Unbreakable Success

Just by making a simple framework, Aaron Keith Hawkins developed what he calls the Four Principles of Pure Success. The word “pure” is an acronym:

P – Pivotal choice

U – Unconditional high standards

R – Reflective comparison

E – Elevating our situational response.

So, from this formula, learn to take 100% responsibility for your response to every single circumstance in your life. Learn to take complete ownership.

“One of the first things I learned in this world of personal and professional growth was from a speaker who said that if you want to change your life, you have to change your standards first,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins.

Aaron Keith Hawkins noticed that people could embrace that belief. But more often than not, we have a lot of these high standards until things hit the fan. And when it hits the fan, the standards go out the window.

To learn more about the four principles of success in detail for free, check out the link available on Aaron Keith Hawkins’ website. Aaron Keith Hawkins says you will learn a lot about how to improve your success and empower you in many areas of your life.

“If we don’t have unconditionally high standards, by default it means that our standards are conditional. Which means, “I’m only going to perform this well ‘if,'” said Aaron Keith Hawkins. “And that ‘if’ is a problem. That’s where lives fall apart.” 


Aaron Keith Hawkins ‘s mission is to help you recognize that you are capable of succeeding in literally every aspect of your life once you realize success is a lifestyle to live, not a trophy to chase. In addition to being the host of Unbreakable Success podcast, Aaron Keith Hawkins is a personal performance and relationship coach who works empathetically and strategically to quickly guide his clients toward transformational changes in their own lives, careers, and marriages. 

Aaron Keith Hawkins completed his graduate studies at the University of Oklahoma where he majored in Leadership with an emphasis in professional coaching. He has spent over two decades as a public servant. Currently a Police Captain, he’s still serving his community as a Law Enforcement Executive. Aaron Keith Hawkins and his wife have been married for 21 years and live in New Jersey with their 12-year-old daughter.

Get Connected With Aaron Keith Hawkins!

Official Website

Four Principles of Success




Recommended Reading By Aaron Keith Hawkins:

The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins


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Ashley James

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May 17, 2018




Glyphosate was identified as the cause of a lot of diseases. But what is alarming about this is the fact that there are no definitive or apparent symptoms to warn us that our health is in danger. It’s invisible, too. To explore the science behind this silent killer, I’m happy to have Dr. Stephanie Seneff, who’s a returning guest on the show.

Concerns About Autism

The first time I had Dr. Stephanie Seneff on the show, we talked about the link between glyphosate and autism in episode 89. She researched on which vaccine stood out and linked to autism. Initially, she thought anything with aluminum or mercury was the culprit. But it turned out that MMR has an incredibly strong signal to autism. 

“I was concerned over ten years ago. When I saw the autism rate go up, I was concerned about the vaccines, like lead and mercury in the teeth fillings. But I didn’t know how to explain the disruption of the gut that you see in association with autism,” said Dr. Stephanie Seneff.

It was about 5 and a half years ago that Dr. Stephanie Seneff heard a talk from Professor Don Huber, who is over 80 years old and still active, giving lectures all around the world about glyphosate. Dr. Stephanie Seneff recalls that the event was a total epiphany for her.

“I’m so convinced that this chemical is responsible for the autism epidemic. But also responsible for the epidemic of a long list of diseases and conditions that are tormenting us today. Glyphosate is a major player,” Dr. Stephanie Seneff declared.

The Truth About Glyphosate

Dr. Stephanie Seneff believes that chemical companies do an excellent job of deflecting. They usually blamed something else. Diving into what glyphosate is, Dr. Stephanie Seneff says it can mess up the protein in the kidneys that preserve the water used to concentrate the urine.

“So, when you’re in the high heat and sweating, you lose water. You need to be able to retain water as much as you can,” said Dr. Stephanie Seneff. “And the critical proteins involved with retaining water is compromised by glyphosate. There are many other proteins as well but bottom line, the kidneys are affected.” 

What Is Glycine

Glycine is a building block for protein. It’s an amino acid. We can digest glycine through foods like fish, meat, dairy, and legumes. It can be used to treat several memory problems and metabolic disorders. Glycine also protects our kidneys from the effects of drugs and alcohol. 

“We wrote a complex paper looking at all these proteins that had critical dependencies on glycine to work properly. What I have been doing is picking a disease, deep dive into it, and look at the proteins involved in that disease,” said Dr. Stephanie Seneff. “I look at their dependencies on glycine. It is a beautiful story from a scientific standpoint.”

Dangers Of Glyphosate

Dr. Stephanie Seneff says studies have shown that glyphosate goes into the testes, causes damage and leads to cancers. It also disrupts the cells that protect the sperm. The cells get calcium overload, and they’re exposed to glyphosate. Dr. Stephanie Seneff is also looking into the theory that glyphosate damages fertility.

But according to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, research papers have shown that glyphosate paralyzes the gut. She narrates that there was a woman who tried to commit suicide by drinking glyphosate. The woman had a massive dose of it in her stomach. And her gut froze because it could not contract. Fortunately, the woman survived.

Other studies have also shown that health conditions like obesity and depression are linked to glyphosate. Even serotonin deficiency is related to this harmful chemical.

Discovering Glyphosate

“Glyphosate has been in the market since the mid-70s. It strips metals off pipes. Because it’s a very good metal chelator,” said Dr. Stephanie Seneff. “They didn’t discover until later that glyphosate was so good at killing plants.”

Dr. Stephanie Seneff shares that the Europeans had a lot of resistance in the last few times they tried to renew glyphosate in their respective countries. And it’s getting harder to renew it. But in the United States, it wasn’t hard at all.

“In the late 1990s, they discovered they could put a bacterial gene into plants to give them a superman behavior. They protect the plant by putting this bacterial gene. That’s the GMO roundup,” said Dr. Stephanie Seneff. “They do this successfully in some core crops that go into the processed food industry. For example, corn, soy, and canola oil are sugar-based. No wonder sugar is bad for you because it’s covered in glyphosate.” 

She adds, “Then they started to get roundup resistance. Weeds were showing up. So they had to use more glyphosate each year to kill these weeds. Which is why the usage went up exponentially.”

Dr. Stephanie Seneff further explains that at this point, it reached a crisis point. There were very resistant weeds. There wasn’t enough glyphosate on weeds enough to kill it. So, companies started introducing dual products containing glyphosate and 2,4-D, which is a component of Agent Orange. 

Agent Orange

Agent Orange is a mixture of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy acetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. It contains the chemical contaminant dioxin as an impurity, which in turn caused many deaths.

I know Agent Orange destroys nerves. It causes incredible pain. According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Agent Orange is even showing up as congenital disabilities. She says it is generational.

Be Careful Of What You Eat

Dr. Stephanie Seneff says it’s quite feasible to switch to a 100% certified organic diet. Companies are spraying so much glyphosate on wheat, which is why Dr. Stephanie Seneff thinks it is the reason why we have an epidemic of gluten intolerance.

“Because the wheat is sprayed right before the harvest, it goes into the wheat germ which is the healthiest part of the wheat. It’s the part that has the highest part of glyphosate contamination,” said Dr. Stephanie Seneff. “Wheat bread is going to be more highly contaminated than white bread. Levels are also high on samples of legumes, chickpeas, lentils, hummus, and garbanzos from Canada and the U.S.”

On the other hand, Europe has much lower levels of glyphosate. Dr. Stephanie Seneff also believes that some of the crops that are sprayed before the harvest end up with a higher concentration of glyphosate in the food products, as well as the ones that are GMO roundup ready.

Aside from being selective of foods when you eat out, Dr. Stephanie Seneff recommends the book Poison Foods of North America. The book educates us on what foods to avoid and identifies the most contaminated foods on the planet.


When you eat foods that are contaminated with glyphosate, Dr. Stephanie Seneff says you usually don’t get like a bellyache or a headache that’s very obvious. When you are exposed to it, most of it works its way through your body unchanged and goes out through urine or feces. But there’s a small percentage of it—1 or 2%, that goes into the tissues.

“Because it has a whole glycine molecule there, the machinery that recognizes glycine. This is my theory. It recognizes glyphosate as glycine and puts it into the protein. And if that’s true, it explains so many things,” said Dr. Stephanie Seneff.

Recommended Lifestyle

First and foremost, Dr. Stephanie Seneff recommends eating organic foods. We must also be wary of our environments like golf courses and even schoolyards because a lot of chemicals are used to maintain the grassy areas. Another way to adopt a healthier lifestyle is educating people not to choose glyphosate, especially when killing weeds.

“There are natural ways to kill weeds like vinegar and salt or pulling by hand. Dandelions are protective against glyphosate. Herbs are important to keep the gut healthy,” said Dr. Stephanie Seneff. “Consuming sulfur-containing foods like seafood, garlic, and onion is good. Eating preventive foods, whole foods and probiotics help. It’s also healthy to get out in sunlight.”

Dr. Stephanie Seneff says even the use of cotton for clothing and use of tampons should be avoided.  Cotton is dirty if it’s not organic.

For added resources on knowing how to avoid glyphosate, Dr. Stephanie Seneff recommends checking out the Organic Consumer Organization and Moms Across America websites. 


Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and a PhD from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. 

Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide, Roundup, and the mineral, sulfur. She has authored over two dozen peer-reviewed journal papers over the past few years on these topics.

Get Connected With Dr. Stephanie Seneff!



Recommended Reading by Dr. Stephanie Seneff

What’s Making Our Children Sick?: How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What Parents (and Doctors) Can Do About It – by Michelle Perro and Vincanne Adams

Recommended Links:

Episode 89 – Autism

Organic Consumer Organization

Moms Across America

Poison Foods of North America


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May 14, 2018


The term and concept of homeschool are often misunderstood. People usually worry about the socialization aspect of opting to homeschool children. But this is far from the truth.  The kids of my guest, Daniel Louzonis is doing well academically and socially, and I am thrilled to have him dive deeper into the homeschool concept.

Traditional Education

Like most people, Daniel Louzonis had a traditional education background. He grew up in an academically rigorous system in Massachusetts, graduating from high school in 1992.

Daniel Louzonis worked to get into an Ivy League school and eventually got into the University of Pennsylvania. He was the captain of the math team in college and found college math easier than high school.

Rude Awakening

After graduation, Daniel Louzonis eventually started his career trading stocks. Although he found nothing wrong with his educational path, he suddenly realized he was already 30 years old with a wife and baby, and at a crossroad dealing with a dwindling career.

Daniel Louzonis had to reinvent himself at 30 years old. He realized that apparently, his educational path wasn’t sustainable. Accidentally embarking on a journey of self-education, Daniel Louzonis started blogging and refreshing his knowledge through the internet.

During his self-discovery journey, Daniel Louzonis discovered that he had vast untapped potential and that the path he was previously on was suboptimal. 

Homeschooling His Kids

Daniel Louzonis decided to deviate from the traditional system by homeschooling his firstborn child, John. When John was around three and a half years old, Daniel Louzonis started doing Kumon workbooks with him.

“My son was exposed to individualized instruction at a very young age. He made leaps and bounds with his learning progress. At 18 months, he did 2,200 pages of Kumon books,” shares Daniel Louzonis.

John’s progress in math was significant. He was able to finish 6th-grade math, and at five years old, he also finished phonic reading. Daniel Louzonis reveals that John started algebra, nine months before John was scheduled to start kindergarten. Now, that’s amazing!

Reality of Homeschool

After deciding to put John under a homeschool program, Daniel Louzonis could see that John could never go into a school environment because he was just too advanced. He never knew that homeschool could produce such significant results in kids.

“The context was interesting. Because at 30 years old, despite having an Ivy League education and geographic mobility, I never heard the word homeschooling,” admits Daniel Louzonis. “My initial impression was that the parents were in the kitchen creating a makeshift school at home.” 

He adds, “I had no idea that homeschooling is a misnomer. And it didn’t even begin to describe the educational possibility that was available to kids who were educated outside the system. Plus, I don’t say homeschool. I say, educated outside the system.”

Reasons To Homeschool

Daniel Louzonis says there are five to ten core philosophies in homeschooling. And people chose to homeschool their kids for varied reasons. Some homeschool for religious reasons, do hybrid homeschool or flexi homeschool. For families who travel a lot, their kids usually do world homeschooling. Other kids opt for homeschool to devote a majority of their time to focus on sports or music. 

“Homeschooling is marked by extreme freedom. So, it defies labeling. Some people in the homeschooling system are chauvinistic, but that goes with the territory. You have to be a free thinker and confident on what you do,” advises Daniel Louzonis.

Some parents turn to homeschooling their kids because of bullying incidents in a traditional school. The reasons change over time. Bottomline, Daniel Louzonis says homeschooling is a good option because not everyone is into academics.

I believe that the parents are the executive function of the child. Once a child has the means or logic brain solidly in place, that’s when parents can hand over the executive function to the child. 

Things To Consider

Seriously thinking of putting your kids to homeschool? Daniel Louzonis says the first thing one should do is to be introspective. Write down your current situation and the role your environment plays in your current situation. Think long and hard about what you wrote.

“Everything that a person has today can all be traced back to their education or inputs they received along the way. If you want a substantially different outcome for your kids, we have to change inputs,” Daniel Louzonis said. “Parents who are not willing to look at their situation critically, will not have that growth mindset.”

Coaching Session

Daniel Louzonis does coaching sessions for three hours a week for 52 weeks. The program costs US$ 50,000 and the sessions are very intense.

Daniel Louzonis says most of the parents want him to work directly with their kids. And a lot of it is math. This is because math is the building block for attention span and mental discipline.

In some cases, Daniel Louzonis only works with the parents. He helps them fix their mindset or improving and maximizing the home. 

“Home is the biggest fulcrum for a child’s intellectual development whether they are in school or not. TV, for example, makes books boring. With no TV, books become the most fascinating thing,” said Daniel Louzonis.

Dangers Of Technology

Daniel Louzonis affirms that his kids have zero television time. He believes it is the most important thing he ever did with his kids. Another thing parents should be wary of is video games.

According to Daniel Louzonis, video games trigger the hyperarousal of the brain.  It leads to the destruction of fine motor skills, short attention span, and short-term memory. One of the worst gadgets a kid could have are cellphones, iPads, and laptops.

Socialization Skills

One of the greatest fear of any parent is the fear of their kids being left out or bullied in school. In reality, every one of us who have been on the school path, we’ve all felt left out at some point. Daniel Louzonis says that whole fear is a legacy of our schooling.

“My kids don’t know what’s it like to be picked on. Kids do not need to be put in a hostile, toxic, hyper-conformist peer environment to know how to get along with others,” said Daniel Louzonis.

History Of School

I have previously looked into the Trivium Education, where the program focuses on general grammar, formal logic and classical rhetoric. There are just so many healthy alternatives out there to educate our children. And it’s our responsibility as parents to choose the right school or learning method for them.

Speaking of school, Daniel Louzonis shares an interesting trivia on how schools came to be. Schools were invented back in 1850 in Massachusetts. It started as an experiment yet had a poor track record and short history.

Initially, the idea was that children had always gone to age-graded classrooms to learn. And everyone assumed it’s the best way for kids to learn. But, according to Daniel Louzonis, there was no basis for that.

“The powers that be wanted to control people. They saw education as a way to get people to stop thinking for themselves,” said Daniel Louzonis. “They didn’t want labor unrest. But that doesn’t change that fact that mass government compulsory education is about population and mind control.”

Fast forward to the 1950s and 1960s; Daniel Louzonis says the schools had a couple of subsidies that don’t exist today and won’t ever exist again. Number one was the chauvinism subsidy, wherein the smartest women in America became teachers. They were not engaged in any other profession nor were they running large companies.

Daniel Louzonis says the second subsidy was family. The family was always together. Parents were married, not like today where many couples are divorced. In the 1950s, grandparents even lived nearby. Now we don’t have extended family living in one neighborhood anymore.

“But on the contrary, because of the internet, the opportunity to travel, and the flexibility for parents to work from home, there are more opportunities to hyper-accelerate kids,” Daniel Louzonis said.

Learning Progress

Daniel Louzonis says staying all day in a traditional school isn’t always productive for kids. He says not much happens within the six hours that the kids are in school.

Furthermore, Daniel Louzonis says that if schools were teaching kids from 9 am to 3 pm, why do they come home with 3 hours of homework. Whereas in homeschooling, kids are done by noontime.

Don’t Fear Math

Daniel Louzonis assures that math isn’t painful. It’s a tool. On the contrary, he says the school is painful. Studying for tests is painful.

But why do we teach kids math? Daniel Louzonis says it’s because kids need to learn to think in logical sequences. On this note, he recommends the Khan Academy as a great online tool to teach kids math at different levels.

“I teach it totally different compared to schools. And my kids do even better. It’s a very heavy emphasis on computation,” said Daniel Louzonis. “But the big thing is, don’t take time off on weekends. Do it like a half hour or 45 minutes on weekends. Eventually, parents learn to love it, too.”

In doing this, Daniel Louzonis attests that you will never slide back. Plus, your child will feel very confident. It would still be hard, but kids wouldn’t have this math phobia that they will carry with them their whole life. Having a math phobia which pushes people into making bad financial decisions.

As for testing your kids, Daniel Louzonis says some people avoid testing because they don’t want to know what grade their kid is at math. But for Daniel Louzonis, he likes tests as a diagnostic tool. He says schools mainly do testing, and it just stresses kids out. But that doesn’t mean we throw out testing altogether.

Einstein Blueprint

The Einstein Blueprint is Daniel Louzonis’ curriculum on how to hyper-accelerate your kids. He has a whole section called Teach To Learn. Under the curriculum, it encourages the concept that one of the things your kid should be doing is teaching something to somebody else.

“It is broken down into different sections. One of them is strictly about the brain and all the things we need to do ideally to our kid’s brain,” Daniel Louzonis said.

Home School Legal Defense Association

The HSLDA is a Christian organization, and there are legal advocates globally. According to Daniel Louzonis, the organization is behind the reason why homeschooling is recognized by law in all 50 states. People pay to raise money for getting advocates from all over the world who work to ensure the right to homeschool.

“I think that school is so bad that it’s addition by subtraction. A lot of people fail at homeschooling because they weren’t rigorous enough, or because the parents don’t read books to their kids. The way I do homeschooling, it should be getting easier every year,” said Daniel Louzonis. 

He adds, “There are also limiting beliefs that if you homeschool, you have to have a PH.D. degree but you don’t. Beyond that is ideally, you want your kids to be on the path of self-education. It’s about creating a natural curiosity and raising life-long learners.” 


Daniel Louzonis is an NYC-based child acceleration specialist. He’s a homeschooling coach and a “math genius” teacher. While Ivy League-educated himself – at the University of Pennsylvania – he’s a major advocate and practitioner of “education outside the system.”

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Recommended Reading by Daniel Louzonis

The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto


Recommended Links

Khan Academy

Trivium Education


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May 12, 2018

Free Enrollment for Sheri's Living Pain-Free Summit:

A Note From Sheri:

"If anyone needs to call me, my phone number is (909) 228-6621
Here is the link to be a CUSTOMER and get $25 of FREE Pain Relief Cream and use the Activation Code: 8ead5559

If someone is interested in earning Rewards Points for buying wholesale, selling the product and earning shares of stock in the company, Here is my link for that



Pain Free

People will generally do anything to be pain free. But more often than not, we tend to go overboard with taking medication.  But what if I tell you there’s an affordable, natural solution to be pain free? Sheri Weaver is my guest today who will tell us all about this amazing product.

Initially Clueless

Sheri Weaver admits that three years ago, she really had no education nor experience about this pain free industry. She was initially into designing gemstones and scarf charms. Designing was a big part of her life.

Then tragedy struck. Sheri Weaver friend’s son got shot five times. Fortunately, he did not die but was in the hospital for quite a long time. He was struggling with so much pain, that taking morphine wasn’t enough for him to be pain free.

Sheri Weaver’s friend then went to a Farmers’ Market saw a stall selling natural pain relief products. She sent it to her son and it was effective! Sheri Weaver thought about her mom and her back pain. But rather than wanting some, Sheri Weaver’s mom requested the pain relief product for another good friend who happened to be suffering more than her.  

It was a perfect chance for Sheri Weaver to see how the product works on somebody with severe pain. Sheri Weaver’s mom, later on, reported that her friend got 50% relief from using the product which is really considered miraculous for those suffering from severe cases.

Career Shift

What happened to the friend of Sheri Weaver’s mom was an eye-opener. During her gems events, Sheri Weaver recalled setting up a small table to sell the pain relief products. And within the first two shows, the products sold out!

That moment served as a transitioning point for Sheri Weaver. She now works as a Marketing Representative for the Real Time Pain Relief company. For the past three years, she has helped thousands of people get off pain pills and be pain free. 

Real Time Pain Relief

The Oklahoma-based company was founded in 1998.  The product was developed by a doctor and a high school basketball coach. Initially, the product was developed for their young basketball players to heal from injury and be pain free.

Among the benefits of the cream include relief from pain, provide the bodies with nutrients that heal, cuts inflammation and promotes blood circulation. Real Time Pain Relief contains 19 healing ingredients, 14 ingredients to fight inflammation and 3 ingredients to increase blood circulation.  It is also capable of penetrating 7 layers below the skin surface.

“It has nutrients to help the body recover from injury faster. In 2011, the company opened a vendor program. We had network marketing but recently transitioned to non-network marketing. This is because we are earning shares of stock in the company,” said Sheri Weaver.

The company now offers wholesale and retail products as well as awarding reward points for purchases. They work alongside chiropractors as well as accredited distributors.

Effectiveness Of RTPR Cream

Sheri Weaver says the creams are used by athletes in a variety of sports. It is heavily used among bull riders and marathon runners.

“It helps 80% of the people with one application. As for the other 20%, it’s not going to help with just one application. Those who have severe pain might need to use it 10 days in the morning and night for it to work in your body,” Sheri Weaver said.

She adds, “It’s like taking vitamins. You can’t take one vitamin. You have to build nutrients. And the more you get it in your body, the less you’re going to have to use it. Because nutrients are building on top of nutrients.”

Sheri Weaver also explains that most of the over-the-counter pain relief creams have such high doses of menthol. They actually burn your nerve endings because the content is too high.

“Your body cannot eliminate that much menthol. You feel that instant relief because it’s burning a nerve ending. It’s not doing anything for you as far as healing. And it only goes a couple of layers down. Our highest menthol content is only 2%.”

Usually, the other creams in the market have 7 to 8% menthol content. Then they have very little healing ingredients besides that. Sheri Weaver is also happy to share that with over 2,000 clients that have tried their products, it has proven that RTPR cream is non-addictive.

Kinds Of RTPR Cream

The products under Real Time Pain Relief basically help and muscle, nerve or joint pain. It’s an immediate relief cream. Starting off with the regular pain relief, it has 19 ingredients for healing, fighting inflammation and increasing blood circulation. 

“Applying cream three or four times a day is not going to hurt you. But it’s not going to be effective. Your body can only absorb so much. If it’s a chronic issue, put it on at least two times a day, morning and night. Midday is fine, but you can only absorb so much.”

The Maxx Pain Cream has 2% menthol plus peppermint. Sheri Weaver reveals that it’s what our bull riders use. It can also be used for deep back pain, severe muscle issues, hip pain, and headaches.

The Sports Cream has 24 healing ingredients.  It addresses problems in the joints like knee or elbow issues.

The Hemp Oil is a new product and a bestseller. Sheri Weaver says it basically has ingredients from several of their top products. It contains the regular cream formulation, peppermint ingredient from the Maxx cream, turmeric and nutmeg from the Sports Cream, wasabi extract and a few other ingredients plus hemp oil.

The Neuropathy Foot Cream has the basic formulation plus eucalyptus and tea tree oil. It is used for those who have plantar fasciitis, diabetes, gout, bunions, athletes foot and cracked feet.

Sheri Weaver says the Skin Rescue cream is great for treating acne. It can also be used to treat psoriasis.

Other Products

Other Real Time Pain Relief products include hand creams, medicated lip balms, gentle formula for sensitive skin and young kids, a daily cream and a cream made of vegan ingredients.  They even included a pet formula as well as a pain relief cream in the form of a bath bomb.

“People get hooked because of the benefits of healing. Put at least two layers on. Because the first layer one puts the first one down,” explains Sheri Weaver. “Instead of using two layers of the same product, we also found that if you put one layer of sports and one layer of max, you are actually getting the benefit of both products and doing the same two-layer process.”

Healing ingredients of the RTPR creams include Aloe Vera, arnica, magnesium oil, turmeric extract, emu oil, lavender oil, menthol, nutmeg extract, rosemary oil, willow bark, witch hazel and vitamin E. The company is also planning to come out with supplements that work really well with the creams. 

Open For Business Opportunities

For business opportunities, combo packages and distribution inquiries, Sheri Weaver encourages people to contact her through the website Real Time Pain Relief or email People may also get in touch by texting her at (909) 228-6621.

They also have a rewards program and an awesome customer special. There’s a $15 online gift card available and can be applied to a $10 tube or you can apply that $15 Gift Card to a package deal for greater savings.  You will also receive a FREE $10 tube of Regular pain relief cream with your order.

For those who would like to get $25 worth of free products, go to and type the 8ead5559 activation code.

Pain Free Summit

Sheri Weaver is excited about the Pain Free Summit happening this month. Inspired a passion to help people, thirty different experts will speak about topics on how to be pain free.

Apart from the pain free methods, people will learn about pain free tips strategies and techniques that people can try at home. People will also learn the right foods to decrease pain.

“Anxiety, depression, childhood trauma, and stress add to your pain. It goes far beyond physical injury. Every speaker has helped thousands of people. But it’s up to you to listen and figure out what options you want to try,” said Sheri Weaver.

Sheri Weaver is a Marketing Representative for Real Time Pain Relief products. Inspired to help people become pain free, she has been helping people heal naturally for three years now. 

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RTPR Activation Code




Pain Free Summit


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May 8, 2018

Dr. Neal Barnard's Website:

Kickstart program:

Dr. Barnard's book: The Cheese Trap:

Power Foods for the Brain:

Documentaries Dr. Barnard has been in:



Almost everybody loves cheese.  It’s not surprising because a lot of delicious dishes contain this tasty ingredient.  But what may seem harmless is, unfortunately, the opposite. To shed light on this reality, my guest Dr. Neal Barnard explains why cheese is harmful to our health.

Studying Dead Bodies

Dr. Neal Barnard shares that what led him to medicine was initially different to what led him to food. It was only when he was already in college, that he decided to go to medical school.

Dr. Neal Barnard admits he didn’t appreciate how important food is during those early years. But before he went to medical school, Dr. Neal Barnard had an eye-opening experience handling autopsies at a hospital in Minneapolis.

From a dead body, the pathologist would show Dr. Neal Barnard what heart looks like after a heart attack or what a brain looked like after a stroke. The pathologist would take a section of the corpse’s ribs off and set it on a table to show Dr. Neal Barnard the coronary arteries.

Dr. Neal Barnard remembered cleaning up a corpse one day and proceeded to have lunch at the hospital cafe. The cafeteria happened to serve ribs that day which immediately turned him off.

“Time went on, and I started to connect to foods we eat as well as health issues. I  started to understand the bigger issues like how animals are abused and how the environment is affected,” said Dr. Neal Barnard.

He adds, “I was selectively inattentive to what animals go through. So I have been making up for lost time. I changed my diet and now endeavoring people to change theirs.” 

Clogged Arteries

Dr. Neal Barnard explains that there are different kinds of fats. The grease extracted from bacon is called saturated fat. This kind of fat causes our body to make more cholesterol particles. And that’s what does damage to the arteries.

“Fat works in a bad way, but it’s more indirect. It stimulates your body to make more cholesterol, then it starts clogging arteries,” said Dr. Neal Barnard. “And I have to say meat is not the number one source. The number one source is dairy. Cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream top the list.”

The Truth About Dairy

According to Dr. Neal Barnard, dairy is high in fat and saturated fat. It’s surprisingly high in sodium, and a lot of salt is made in the cheese-making process. There’s more sodium in cheese than potato chips. That makes cheese very high in cholesterol content.

The Cheese Trap

Dr. Neal Barnard shares that he wrote The Cheese Trap after doing so many research studies. He cites the research conducted in Rochester, New York which revealed that the more cheese men ate, the lower their sperm counts were. Another research showed that people who had the most saturated fats had three times more risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease compared to people who avoided cheese.

Most of Dr. Neal Barnard’s research proved that there is no oil at all in vegan diets. Because of that, people with diabetes got better. They lost weight dramatically, blood pressure, as well as cholesterol levels, went down.

But then Dr. Neal Barnard also noticed that a fair number of people who were part of the study admitted they miss eating cheese. Through The Cheese Trap book, Dr. Neal Barnard enumerates the reasons why.

Why We Love Cheese

First of all, cheese which contains casein is fatty and salty. It also has casomorphins or the dairy protein.  Opiate molecules comprise the dairy protein. And when dairy protein is consumed, the fragments attach to the same brain receptors that narcotics and heroin attach to.

“Milk has casein, too. But when you turn the milk into cheese, you get rid of the whey. You are concentrating the protein and fat. As the protein concentrates, the casomorphin content goes up,” said Dr. Neal Barnard.

He adds, “Cheese is dairy crack. It’s not surprising to get hooked on this stuff. That’s ok if it wasn’t harmful. But it’s loaded with cholesterol and fat. It has hormones in it, too.”

Harsh Reality

Dr. Neal Barnard says meat is a now big issue, and so is cheese. The life expectancy in Japan is falling compared to the years past. Obesity is increasing, and diabetes has increased dramatically. Although cheese is not entirely to blame, it’s a big part why many are suffering from illnesses.

In the United States, meat consumption has dropped by 10% in the last decade. But the rate of cheese consumption is rapidly increasing. That’s why Dr. Neal Barnard says more Americans are not getting skinnier or healthier.

Initiate Change

Dr. Neal Barnard declares that it’s really up to us to make the changes in our life. Getting away from animal products should top the list.

He also says that every few years, a new low carb book comes out. But this is only a short-term fad. People lose weight because they cut down on carbs or starch and sugars.

“It’s healthy for you to eat starch because it breaks down the glucose that your cells run on. About 50% of what we eat is carbs. When we stop eating carbs, we will lose weight. Essentially, if you take out half of what you eat, you’ll lose weight,” Dr. Neal Barnard said.

He adds, “But this was never the issue with diabetes. If you look at Japan before the westernization of the diet, they were eating rice-based dishes. But people had minimal cases of diabetes.”

Dr. Neal Barnard’s research team put this to the test using low-fat vegan diets. Using no animal products at all, people who have diabetes indeed improved dramatically. In some cases, diabetes goes away. 

How To Transition

Ready for a change? Good for you! Dr. Neal Barnard suggests taking baby steps with a 7-day challenge. Don’t take anything out of your diet, but instead,  explore plant-based foods for seven days.

“Figure out which ones you like. Write down breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. In each category, figure out which foods you like. Try healthy plant-based foods. After a week, you’ll have a list full of foods that you discovered you like and works for you,” said Dr. Neal Barnard.

The next step is to try going completely vegan all the time for three weeks. At the end of 3 weeks you’ll see that you’re losing weight, cholesterol is improving, blood sugar, energy, and digestion are all getting better. Your taste in food will eventually start to change, too.

Among the nutrient-rich foods, Dr. Neal Barnard recommends tofu, nuts, seeds, mangoes, and spinach.  He explains all the benefits in detail in his Power Foods For The Brain book.

“Change your diet now and prevent disease. Leave the cows in peace. The healthy food groups are whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and beans. A plant-based diet gives you the nutrition you need. Keep the oils low.  


Dr. Neal Barnard, MD, FACC, is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, DC, and President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. 

Dr. Neal Barnard has led numerous research studies investigating the effects of diet on diabetes, body weight, and chronic pain, including a groundbreaking study of dietary interventions in type 2 diabetes, funded by the National Institutes of Health. He has authored more than 80 scientific publications and 20 books for medical and lay readers. 

As president of the Physicians Committee, Dr. Neal Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, proper nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research. He has hosted four PBS television programs on nutrition and health and is the editor in chief of the Nutrition Guide for Clinicians, a textbook made available to all U.S. medical students. 

Dr. Neal Barnard’s research contributed to the acceptance of plant-based diets in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. In 2015, he was named a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. In 2016, he founded the Barnard Medical Center in Washington, DC, as a model for making nutrition a routine part of all medical care. 

Originally from Fargo, North Dakota, Dr. Neal Barnard received his M.D. degree at the George Washington University School of Medicine and completed his residency at the same institution. He practiced at St. Vincent’s Hospital in New York before returning to Washington to establish the Physicians Committee.

Get Connected With Dr. Neal Barnard!

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Books by Dr. Neal Barnard

The Cheese Trap


Power Foods For The Brain


Reversing Diabetes

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May 6, 2018

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Mainstream Media vs. Truths Of Holistic Medicine

Mainstream Media And What They’re Hiding

Mainstream media was caught covering up the truth so many times.  This not only goes for the Holistic world but in other situations as well. Mainstream media cover-ups have become the norm for those who want to protect their interests. But people like Holistic Health Activist Erin Elizabeth has been defying mainstream media to expose several truths in the health space.

Vaccine Injury Survivor

Erin Elizabeth is an adopted child who worked for a non-profit organization for some years in college. She was a sickly child and recalls developing a high fever from vaccines but survived.

Erin Elizabeth went on to tackle several health challenges throughout life. This includes having surgery to take out her saline implants because it caused a significant weight gain. Her experiences, as a result, gave her the motivation to help people with health issues as well.

The Health Nut Website

Because mainstream media didn’t divulge the truth all the time, Erin Elizabeth saw the need to start her website. So, in 2014, The Health Nut News was born.

Her initial aim was to help other people with vaccine injury. It, later on, progressed into exposing alleged cover-ups of the mainstream media on harmful additives, vaccines and the dangers of taking medication.

But like any venture that needs financial support, Erin Elizabeth saw the need to start a small product line four years later to support the website. I think Erin Elizabeth is doing an excellent mission with her website. It allows us to bring real health information to the forefront.

With so many companies looking out for their vested interests, we have to become our own doctor and health advocate. Every health professional out there also doesn’t have the time to stay on top of absolutely everything. So, no matter how great your naturopath or chiropractor is, it is still up to us to be responsible for our health. 

Stem Cells

Famous actress Angelina Jolie took us all by surprise when mainstream media reported that she had a double mastectomy. The mainstream media went on to say that the actress did it as a preventive measure for breast cancer. Articles further explained that this was after medical doctors discovered that Angelina Jolie carried the “‘faulty gene” BRCA and had an 87 percent risk of contracting the dreaded disease.

But according to Erin Elizabeth, Angelina Jolie’s decision was not the best way to solve the situation. On the contrary, Erin Elizabeth applauds actress Suzanne Sommers’ stand on promoting stem cell or natural alternatives to battle breast cancer.

“Some of the big clinics are now implementing stem cells from bone marrow and adipose, as well as now implementing amniotic fluid into their practices,” said Erin Elizabeth. “It is questionable if there are viable stem cells. But it is safe to use one zone stem cells. I think it would be safer to use your own stem cells.”

Over a year ago, I interviewed an expert on stem cells. It was interesting to hear the different ways on how we can extract our own stem cells, as well as find out which methods are more effective.

Big Health Controversies

There have been so many health controversies that big companies have tried to hide. One scandal was the fact that all vaccines have abortive fetal tissue in them. In effect, all those who are pro-life should also be anti-vaccine people.

Did you know that Pepsi and other food companies use an abortive fetal tissue to make certain flavors? A lot of industries primarily use dead human beings to make their products. Indeed, bad experiences are good for us to learn and to grow from.

“It is scary that it is still going on. And a lot of people don’t know that,” said Erin Elizabeth.

Another controversial topic that Erin Elizabeth has exposed on her website is the issue of Holistic doctor deaths. Many cases are still currently under investigation. The sudden deaths have apparent connections with one another, and it’s sad to know that many were best-selling authors and respected names in the Holistic world.


Erin Elizabeth reveals that she does a water-only type of fasting. But she has to be careful with adrenal exhaustion. Her hometown was hit by a hurricane recently, and Erin Elizabeth vows to dive into a full five-day fasting once she has re-settled.

Incidentally, I interviewed Dr. Darren Schmidt just recently. He said lactic acidosis is the root cause of most diseases. And a five-day water only fasting brings about the stem cells.

So many speculations have sprouted around stem cells and fasting. For example, we’ve often been told that after the age of 24, stem cells are minimal in the body. Personally, I think that’s like medical doctors saying we can’t regrow cartilage. 

Recovering From Lyme Disease

Erin Elizabeth shares that she developed Lyme disease from her 8th-grade camping trip. She was tall for her age, so medical doctors merely said it was just growing pains. As a result, she had to put up with that condition from 1984 to around 2011 or 2012.

“There are more cases of Lyme in Pennsylvania than any other state. But I didn’t realize that. Then I had serious weight gain with breast implants, so I got the implants out,” Erin Elizabeth recalls.

Erin Elizabeth also narrates that as soon as she found out she had Lyme disease, she initially did high-intensity workouts, but it didn’t work. So she switched to yoga which helped. Pilates is also a good option.

Accepting Her Body

After her years of health ordeals, Erin Elizabeth has learned to accept her body the way it is. She also says healing the gut is essential. So, by switching her diet, Erin Elizabeth makes sure the food she consumes is non-GMO and plant-based.

Despite the norm, Erin Elizabeth decided not to do antibiotics. She instead indulges in saunas once a week upon the advice of her acupuncturist. I can relate to the benefits of doing saunas since I have my own Sunlighten sauna.

A past guest, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt recommends not staying in a sauna for more than 40 minutes. Ideally, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt says to only stay in a sauna for five to ten minutes. Then take a one-minute cold shower, lie down for 5 minutes, drink water and then repeat the whole procedure two more times.

Weight Gain

Contrary to popular belief, weight gain happens not because one is lazy.  There are so many complicated reasons, so it’s not important to focus on the number on the weighing scale. What you should be looking out for is fighting toxicity that causes weight gain.  This apart from the effects of implants or viral infections.

“Millenials or Gen X have to work way harder to lose weight than the Baby Boomers.  This is due to endocrine disruptors, pesticides, air quality and processed foods,” said Erin Elizabeth.

Quality Food

Aside from shifting from a high intensity to a low-intensity workout, Erin Elizabeth encourages people to grow their own food devoid of chemicals.  In fact, Erin Elizabeth grows her own mangoes.

I recall a great video documentary which focused on how to grow food naturally.  Back to Eden gardening features Paul Gautschi, who is a staunch advocate of the deep mulch gardening method.

Whatever diet program you do, the most important thing is to pay attention to your bloodwork and do it with the help of a trusted doctor. Doing unsupervised diet programs may end up damaging your health rather than improving it. No one should be on one diet their entire life. Find balance and use food as a medicine to heal the body.

“I did several raw vegan programs. Some experts say that 80% good health is the diet but everybody is different,” said Erin Elizabeth. 


Erin Elizabeth is a long-time activist with a passion for the healing arts, working in that arena for a quarter century. Her site is barely four years old but cracked the top 20 Natural Health sites worldwide. 

Erin Elizabeth is an author, public speaker, and has recently done some TV and film programs for some of her original work which has attracted international media coverage. She was the recipient for the Doctors Who Rock “Truth in Journalism award for 2017.

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May 2, 2018

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Naturopathic Gardening

Have you ever heard of Naturopathic gardening? Chances are, you may not have heard of it or hardly know anything about it. Naturopathic gardening is the practice of growing without the use of chemicals.  But there’s more to Naturopathic gardening.  My guest today, Dr. Jenn Dazey explains why in this episode.

Working At A Health Shop

Dr. Jenn Dazey recalls that when she was a young kid, her mom would teach classes on wild greens and edible plants. Her student called her mom the edible weed lady rather than calling her a herbalist.

When Dr. Jenn Dazey became a teenager, she got a part-time job in a shop, although she didn’t know what the shop was. Working under the table for 5 dollars an hour in Duvall, Washington, Dr. Jenn Dazey learned so much about herbs. It was not long before Dr. Jenn Dazey realized she already acquired quite a bit of knowledge.

“I had always wanted to be a doctor and planned to go to formal medical school. But working in that herb shop opened my eyes to the fact that people don’t always agree with mainstream medicine,” said Dr. Jenn Dazey.

She adds, “In fact, sometimes people get harmed with surgeries that they didn’t necessarily choose. They end up with associated nerve damage or the toxicity related to medications taken from chronic conditions.”

Choosing Bastyr University

At a very young age, Dr. Jenn Dazey realized that medical school wasn’t exactly what she was looking for. She wanted to help people. But the herbs, plants, and nutrition spoke to her more strongly than learning just about drugs and formal medical protocols.

“When I was looking at different medical schools, somebody came in and asked me what my plans were. They assumed I was going to Bastyr University. When Bastyr moved closer to home in 1996, I took it as a sign and enrolled,” Dr. Jenn Dazey said.

Teaching In Bastyr University

Dr. Jenn Dazey is currently one of the core faculty of Bastyr University. She has been teaching for 15 years and teaches organic gardening. Organic gardening is parallel to how Naturopathic medicine works. It is also known as Naturopathic gardening.

“When you learn how important your gut microflora is to your overall health and well-being, you can understand how important their bacteria, fungi, and soil are to the soil’s well-being. And the ability for the plants to have bioavailable nutrients readily in the soil,” said Dr. Jenn Dazey. 

She adds, “When you put the chemicals down, that’s the finished product of the bacterial breakdown of compost. Plants don’t eat compost. They depend on the “gut flora” to process that compost into bioavailable nutrients. Plants take the sun’s energy, carbon, and water. About 75% of that sugar is used as food to maintain the bacteria in the soil.”

Builders And Destroyers

Dr. Jenn Dazey shares that in her university class, she makes students do an exercise called the Builders and the Destroyers. She divides the room in half and partnerships, and students write a recipe.

One is a recipe for destruction. Dr. Jenn Dazey’s students come up with the worse thing they can think of to till the soil. They flip it to the other side of the room, and the Builders have a recipe for rehabilitating that.

“You have to be realistic with what zone you’re in and what varieties are worth trying in those zones. Although I’m constantly amazed that seed savers and plant breeders are coming up with new varieties that are adaptive to short seasons. Under all circumstances, diversity is the key to resilience,” said Dr. Jenn Dazey.

Dr. Jenn Dazey also adds that merely refraining from using chemicals doesn’t guarantee that the soil will be able to produce crops. She says we need to do much more and know the signs and symptoms of when to take action.

Understanding Naturopathic Gardening

In Naturopathic gardening, no chemicals are used to grow plants. But according to Dr. Jenn Dazey, there are many benefits to gardening in general.

We sequester a lot of carbon out of the atmosphere by keeping a garden. Plus, plants have this incredible ability to photosynthesize. When we’re actively building soil in an organic garden, it takes a significant amount of carbon from the atmosphere and puts it into the ground.

“As a gardener doing Naturopathic gardening, you’re going to want to treat the garden more as a whole living system,” said Dr. Jenn Dazey. “Take that Holistic approach even further, where you’re supporting an ecosystem. And creating the ability for the soil to produce nutritious food for years.” 

Biodynamic Farming

Biodynamic farming is slightly different from organic or Naturopathic gardening. Developed by Rudolph Steiner in 1924, biodynamic farming is the first of the organic agriculture movements.

According to Dr. Jenn Dazey, one example of biodynamic farming is taking raw fresh cow manure from a lactating cow and stuffing it into a horn of a lactating cow. It initially takes some pondering to make complete sense. But you don’t need to go that far to be a Holistic farmer.

“There are some very specific preparations and times of the season that you can do things. Biodynamic farming takes organic to a much different level. I do love biodynamics, but I think there’s a learning curve there,” Dr. Jenn Dazey said.

Benefits of Tea

Dr. Jenn Dazey reveals that tinctures weren’t a thing yet back in the early 90s. Bulk herbs were. She says there are qualities to tea that are therapeutic, like the process of making the tea.

But then simply just having plain hot water without any herbs in it is going to be warming. It also helps open pores and gives you more vitality through the heat. Dr. Jenn Dazey recommends infusing most of the tonic teas overnight. And drinking the next day or soaking it for a minimum of one hour.

“Or if you have a cold infusion, cold water is going to be refreshing and have a medicinal quality to it without any herbs. Of course, it depends on which herbs you put in there,” Dr. Jenn Dazey said. “Whether it’s going to be mild, gentle and safe or something that you need to pay attention to dosage, side effects or therapeutic threshold.” 

Healthy Food

Dr. Jenn Dazey affirms that most fresh fruits and vegetables support a healthy immune system. They make the body alkalize and help regulate proper digestion. She says it’s a daily detox of sorts when you can have fresh greens and cooked vegetables in every meal.

Dr. Jenn Dazey cites that kale, brassicas, and cabbage are antioxidants. Brassicas can prevent and fight cancer and inflammation on several different levels. Kelp or seaweed is also a good source of nutrition.

I learned to love kale, and I use kale leaves as a taco shell. For the filling, I have all sorts of stir-fry vegetables and healthy seasonings. The combinations are endless and best of all; it’s healthy and delicious!

“We have an instinct to go after nutrient-dense superfoods. When you’re looking at the mineral profiles of seaweed, it’s pretty intense how that works. For a plant to have a high mineral content on land, it simply has to diffuse with the mineral content of the surrounding water,” explains Dr. Jenn Dazey.

She adds, “For a plant to have a high mineral content in seawater, it needs to hyper-accumulate minerals to a very high level. The potassium levels in seaweed, for example, are going to be miles ahead. A hundred times more than the potassium levels of any land plant that you could encounter.”

Naturopathic Gardening Book

Dr. Jenn Dazey has a book called Naturopathic Gardening: A Basic Gardening Text for Students of Natural Medicine.  It’s currently available on the Bastyr University website.

“It’s a bridge to understanding Naturopathic philosophy by the analogies of the garden. You can make soil vibrant and vital as long as you treat it like a whole living system,” Dr. Jenn Dazey said. “Dig as deep as you can in that one spot and take a little slice of soil out. Depending on what that soil is composed of, you’ll know automatically what to add back.”

Dr. Jenn Dazey also shares that there’s a technique called double digging. This is where you work the surface and the layers underneath separately. We are actively disturbing the soil in the garden. And very particular plants are already programmed in that soil to germinate and start growing.

Apart from the Naturopathic Gardening book, Dr. Jenn Dazey is also slated to launch a recipe book where there’s a section on user-friendly recipes on seaweed. So watch out for that!

Effects In Patients

Getting into Naturopathic gardening has had a lot of positive effects on people.  Dr. Jenn Dazey says she found out her patients enjoy their food more by cooking more regularly.

The food that they eat changes. And all it takes is one little breakthrough to transform someone’s affinity for plants in general. There is no set type of vegetables to grow because everyone has different tastes.  So Dr. Jenn Dazey highly encourages growing a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

“Just like Naturopathic Medicine, it has a different perspective. When you garden with the same philosophy, you have to stand back and look at the whole garden as one living organism. See what your role is before you take action,” said Dr. Jenn Dazey. 


Dr. Jenn Dazey is a core faculty member in the Department of Botanical Medicine. She sees patients in her private practice at Green Bean Natural Health in Monroe, Washington. 

Dr. Jenn Dazey earned her degree in Herbal Sciences from Bastyr University in 2002. She also received her degree as a Doctor in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in 2008. 

Dr. Jenn Dazey’s background includes both clinical and teaching experience. She has worked as an herbalist in private consulting since 2003, and as a primary care physician since 2008. Dr. Jenn Dazey also has worked at Evergreen Hospital in adult health education. She worked with dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals as the lead practitioner for Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy. 

Dr. Jenn Dazey has authored some articles and regularly serves as a public speaker and counselor on the safe and effective use of medicinal herbs. She published the book Naturopathic Gardening, which helps draw parallels in gardening and clinical practice to illustrate the principles of natural medicine better. 

Dr. Jenn Dazey grew up on a local subsistence farm and has been teaching organic gardening and many other topics related to soil and land management since 2002. 

Dr. Jenn Dazey teaches herbal materia medica in both the graduate and undergraduate programs, as well as organic gardening, soil ecology, seed saving, and biointensive IPM for the certificate program in Holistic Landscape Design. She leads students abroad to study medicinal plants in Costa Rica, as well as locally in Washington and Oregon.

Get Connected With Dr. Jenn Dazey!

Bastyr University Website

Naturopathic Gardening Book



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