
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Now displaying: October, 2017
Oct 31, 2017

Deep Nutrition

Deep Nutrition: Going Back To Traditional Foods

Deep nutrition is all about understanding how a change in diet can heal our body. In this day and age, we have so many diets claiming to be the best one. Hence, it can be overwhelming. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated. My guest, Dr. Cate Shanahan will expound in this episode about how deep nutrition produces lasting results.

Finding The Root Cause

It took quite a while for Dr. Cate Shanahan to find her calling—specializing in deep nutrition. Initially acquiring her degree in Biochemistry and Genetics, she felt a strong urge to get into the underlying causes of disease and come up with a genetically engineered solution to the mounting problem of nutrition.

“Doctors do not learn a lot about nutrition. Since I was an athlete, I developed a knee problem that eventually resulted in having to get surgery. I had no choice but to opt to look into deep nutrition to speed up the healing process,” said Dr. Cate Shanahan.

Spontaneous Healing

During her recovery period, Dr. Cate Shanahan’s husband bought her the book, ‘Spontaneous Healing,’ by Dr. Andrew Weil. In the book, Dr. Andrew Weil explains in detail how the body heals itself, whether it be serious diseases, trauma or chronic pain.

The book also shows the correlation between the body and mind when it comes to healing. Consequently, vitamins, herbs, supplements and nutritious foods all contribute to our recovery but having a healthy mindset significantly speeds up the process. And it’s true! I have guested several experts in past episodes of my podcast who have attested to the power of the mind when it comes to healing.

Dr. Andrew Weil likewise threw in a plethora of tips on how to achieve optimal health.  However, Dr. Cate Shanahan says Dr. Andrew Weil’s book had a topic that changed her world—the concept of essential fatty acids.

The book ultimately made Dr. Cate Shanahan realize that a lot of the things we know about nutrition is wrong.

Weston Price’s Theories

Another person who made an impact on Dr. Cate Shanahan is Dr. Weston Price.  Dr. Weston Price is a well-known dentist in the 1930s who formulated theories linking nutrition with dental health as well as physical health.

Dr. Cate Shanahan isn’t the only guest of mine who agreed with Dr. Weston Price’s research.  A few episodes back, I had Dr. Steven Lin on the show who shared that in the Nutrition and Physical Degeneration book Dr. Weston Price published, flour, sugar and processed vegetable fats causes nutritional deficiencies. The book likewise explored the theories that Western methods of preparing and storing foods can lead to different diseases.

Benefits Of Traditional Foods

Ever hear the phrase, ‘Home-cooking is better and healthier?’ Well, it is. Eating meals cooked the traditional way at home is deep nutrition. Dr. Cate Shanahan explains that ultimately, the human diet should consist of four elements: fermented foods, meat cooked on the bone, sprouted foods and organ meats.

Dr. Cate Shanahan says she initially formulated her theories when she started talking to people about traditional foods or deep nutrition. It is all about understanding how a change in diet can heal our body.

According to Dr. Cate Shanahan, people in their 50s and 60s who had parents cooking traditional foods, mostly have their genetic wealth intact. Hence, that genetic wealth is eventually passed on to their children.

“However, that healthy genetic expression gets tarnished as you deviate from the traditions. That was where I felt like I saw something pretty profound,” said Dr. Cate Shanahan.

Dr. Cate Shanahan furthermore says that while she was practicing in Hawaii, she was able to compare 50 and 60-year-olds to younger people. Because older people made better meal choices, they were significantly healthier compared to younger people who suffered from a variety of illnesses like ADHD, food allergies and repetitive motion injuries.

And through her patients, Dr. Cate Shanahan was able to prove that embracing a deep nutrition diet could improve health within a month. She was also proud to share that not one single patient following her diet program has had a heart attack, stroke or blood clot. Most of her patients likewise reported an improvement in weight and cholesterol levels.

Eliminating Vegetable Oils

Dr. Cate Shanahan says sugar is bad for us.  However, she also says to look at it another way—sugar has been part of our diet for so many decades. And ultimately, our body has ways of dealing with sugar.

However, it’s not the same with vegetable oils. According to Dr. Cate Shanahan, this is because we have no methods for dealing with compounds that are in vegetable oils.  And these are toxic compounds as well.

“Some of the toxic compounds are listed in the carcinogen list. They are cytotoxic and genotoxic. They promote free radicals and inflammation,” said Dr. Cate Shanahan. “Vegetable oils are the most inflammatory things that we eat. We probably consume between 25 to 35% of our calories from these vegetable oils. These things are as toxic as mercury. “

Examples of Vegetable Oils  

  • Canola Oil
  • Corn Oil
  • Soybean Oil
  • Peanut Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Safflower Oil
  • Cottonseed Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil

Signs Of Toxins

Dr. Cate Shanahan says that it is tricky to detect toxicity in your diet since it can be symptoms of a lot of illnesses.  However, she says the most common signs of toxins in the diet include heartburn, acne, ADD, depression, bipolar and food allergies.

“Eating any food cooked with vegetable oil is like eating toxic stuff. Once you change your diet, you’ll start noticing fewer signs of inflammation, and you’ll sleep better,” Dr. Cate Shanahan said. “If you also reduce carbs, you will likewise feel better and more energetic within a week.”

Dysfunctional Immune System

Dr. Cate Shanahan clarifies that it’s not that food is inherently bad, but rather people with a dysfunctional immune system are developing more allergies because they are exposed to processed forms of dairy proteins. That is why more and more people develop dairy allergies.

“A lot of time, kids would eventually outgrow their allergies. However, living in a pro-inflammatory environment and increased consumption of vegetable oils and processed foods, make it harder for kids to get rid of their allergies.”

Dr. Cate Shanahan also explains that it is the proteins that we develop allergies to. Consequently, in our messed up food system, these innocent ingredients are being mistaken by an immune system that is not functioning. Hence, we instead should look into the root cause of the immune system malfunctioning, instead of questioning why dairy is bad for us.

Deep Nutrition Book

Dr. Cate Shanahan’s Deep Nutrition book is a must-read for everyone who wants to understand how traditional foods improve overall health. The book also details how saturated fat triggers dietary changes affecting our gene expression and replication.

In the book, Dr. Cate Shanahan likewise shows how modern diet affected our health through the years, the science behind the altered expression of our DNA, our predisposition to disease, and even our physical appearance. She also lays out what traditional diets share in common and some easy-to-follow recipes that can boost your health.

“Eating should be a pleasure. It is a pleasure if you understand how beneficial the good ingredients are,” said Dr. Cate Shanahan. “The reward is going to be measured by your taste buds. Because it is inherently so much better to bite a steak from a grass-fed cow that you cook properly.”

Dr. Cate Shanahan M.D is a board-certified family physician. She trained in biochemistry and genetics at Cornell University before attending Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. 

For ten years, Dr. Cate Shanahan practiced medicine in Hawaii, where she studied ethnobotany and the culinary habits of her healthiest patients. She is the author of two best-selling books and currently serves as the Director of the Los Angeles Lakers PRO Nutrition Program and practices in Newtown, CT.

Get Connected with Dr. Cate Shanahan:

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Deep Nutrition Book




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Oct 27, 2017


Diffusing Arguments

Diffusing Arguments Through Emotional Intelligence  

Diffusing arguments is something most of us struggle with. It’s not easy keeping our emotions in check especially when we feel hurt. I have had Michael Weinberger on the show several times in the past, and I believe he’s the perfect resource person to teach us the art of diffusing arguments.   

A Plan For Living  

I’m ecstatic to have Michael Weinberger once again on the show! He’s the creator of this excellent app called, ‘A Plan For Living.’ It aims to rekindle that spark in your life through gratitude so if you’re feeling down or dealing with emotional issues, do check out this app.   

Many of us take for granted that our emotions play a significant role in our overall health. Lack of love, happiness, vitality, and connection in our life significantly affects us on a physical and mental level. Diffusing arguments become a constant struggle, and consequently, our life falls apart. That’s why during times like these, we feel like a failure.   

The Power Of Reaction  

Michael Weinberger recalls this one instance he had with his employee. This particular person tended to become extremely defensive and frustrated with client behavior. Diffusing arguments between that employee and clients was both a struggle and a challenge.  

Nevertheless, Michael Weinberger helped his employee deal with his emotions.  Eventually, that employee realized that the most significant lesson he learned is that he can’t control what happens to him, but instead he can control how he reacts.  

“The quality of life is based on how you react, not what happens to you. Whenever I don’t know how to handle a client situation, I focus on what I can control,” said Michael Weinberger. “And that control has been learned through the practice of gratitude and spirituality.”

Realizing Your Self-Worth  

Michael Weinberger says that when we realize how many things we are grateful for, our self-worth increases.  He suggests that we must always remind ourselves to be aware of our self-worth, especially before having difficult conversations with others or diffusing arguments. Remind yourself that your self-worth is not going to be impacted by the discussion you are about to have.   

“I just have to worry about how I can control my reaction in response to situations. Because that will determine whether or not I am going to be happy for that given day,” Michael Weinberger said.

In hindsight, Michael Weinberger recalls that he used to take things personally.  He felt that his value as a human being was based on what everyone thought of him. It is a typical human reaction because people do tend to get defensive when they feel they are being attacked.  However, that response could be avoided if you keep your emotions in check.

Finding Happiness   

“Happiness, well-being or your spiritual connection is a choice. It is not something to be taken away from you,” Michael Weinberger said.

Citing an example, Michael Weinberger says he could show up to a meeting and allow someone not to agree with him.  The outcome could go both ways.  Either Michael Weinberger would end up giving others his happiness by reacting disproportionately, or he could stay in his space, and truly listen, be present and hear the words that are being said.  

Diffusing Arguments  

Diffusing arguments is never easy, but Michael Weinberger says it can be achieved. First of all, he suggests removing the noise in an argument. Be present in what the conversation is really about. Ask yourself why are you hurt by the discussion and dig deep into analyzing how the situation makes you feel. 

During an argument, merely state to the other person how you feel about the situation instead of immediately defending your position. Picking on the other person’s feelings won’t help resolve things either.  

“You can only control how you react to a situation. So if you react to a situation on fire, you should expect fire back. Own your side,” said Michael Weinberger. “Open an opportunity for the other person to say how he feels.”

Essentially, Michael Weinberger says that first of all, you have to become aware of the conversation you are having with yourself. Once you have achieved that, only then can you start correcting the conversation you’re having with others.   

Discovering The Root Cause  

In any given situation or problem, Michael Weinberger stresses the importance of knowing the cause of your emotions. Chances are, you realize you have things that were short-circuiting your temper and they were manifesting themselves in arguments about an entirely different topic.  

Consequently, when you can take time and be grateful for what you have, it takes the edge off from arguments. Furthermore, Michael Weinberger says that with gratitude, you preserve happiness and energy that would have otherwise been wasted in the past.  

“I have learned over time that nothing happens by accident. I don’t want to spend any more energy or worry in changing the past because it never served me productively,” said Michael Weinberger.

Michael Weinberger is a dynamic and inspiring speaker frequently asked to speak on topics including Mindfulness, Coping with Mental Illness and Addiction.   

He was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in 1994 and has learned how to not only cope but to thrive while living with his illness.   

Michael teaches individuals how to adjust their mindset to be mindful and grateful for everything their life! He is the founder and creator of, a digital mindfulness manager, and wellness platform.  

Everyone has problems, and Michael’s approach helps people apply gratitude, spirituality, and mindfulness to their daily lives. A grateful heart is a happy heart!  

Get Connected with Michael Weinberger!

Official Website



A Plan For Living App – On Google Play

A Plan For Living App – On App Store

Recommended Reading by Michael Weinberger

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Self



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Oct 26, 2017

BOOK: Thriving in the Workplace with Autoimmune Disease: Know Your Rights, Resolve Conflict, and Reduce Stress 

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Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune Diseases: Thriving In The Workplace

Autoimmune diseases are hard to detect, and some of them are incurable. Dealing with this health condition is a challenge in itself. Having to worry about how to survive in society such as the workplace is an even more significant obstacle to hurdle. My guest, Holly Bertone is no stranger to this situation. In fact, it empowered her to use her experience to help other people cope with autoimmune diseases.

Transitioning Stage

Holly Bertone has always been active during her teenage years and in her 20s. However, like many young people, she was a junkaholic who enjoyed sweets too much.

Resolving to have a better lifestyle, Holly Bertone transitioned in her 30s and got into fitness. She was active in mountain bike races, swimming and running. Consequently, Holly Bertone’s diet improved. She still enjoyed sweets but consumed it in moderation.

Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Thinking that her healthier lifestyle drove her further away from illnesses and diseases, Holly Bertone couldn’t be more wrong. On her 39th birthday, she got a gift she didn’t expect — breast cancer.

Before the doctor breaking the news to her, Holly Bertone recalled that she initially felt a lump as she rolled in bed one morning. It took two months of tests before Holly Bertone’s doctor dropped the bomb.

Life In Remission

It’s hard when you find out you have cancer, but as the saying goes, ‘Life goes on.’ And that’s precisely what Holly Bertone did. Ten days after her cancer treatment ended, she got married.

However, the ordeal wasn’t over. Even after cancer treatment, Holly Bertone wasn’t getting better. Some of Holly Bertone’s friends survived breast cancer and were running marathons, while Holly Bertone could barely get out of bed.

“I picked an aggressive treatment. But in hindsight, I wish I looked for other treatments first, especially nutrition.”

Diagnosed With Hashimoto’s

Six years ago, Holly Bertone complained that she was still feeling sick all the time. Doctors initially did not take Holly Bertone seriously because this was a year after her successful cancer treatment ended. Hence, the testing dragged on and on until doctors found out Holly Bertone has Hashimoto’s disease.

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune thyroid condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, Hashimoto’s disease primarily affects middle-aged women. However, it can also occur in men and women of any age, and in children as well. Furthermore, it is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States.

Coping with Hashimoto’s

Autoimmune diseases can’t be cured immediately, and it indeed can’t be cured overnight by taking a lot of drugs. Holly Bertone’s case was no exception. Everyday was a constant struggle.

“I was still going to allopathic doctors at that time who told me I have a hypothyroid disease. Hence, I took a lot of medicines,” recalls Holly Bertone. “My health got worse. I had migraines, brain fog, cognition issues, joint pains and chronic fatigues for five years.”

The Myers Way

Discovering The Autoimmune Solution book by Dr. Amy Myers was Holly Bertone’s saving grace. The book expounds on the causes of autoimmune diseases and how to reverse it naturally through diet and lifestyle changes.

A New York Times bestseller, Dr. Myers has helped thousands of people suffering from autoimmune diseases. The book provides a step-by-step process towards helping your body improve in a month.

“I followed her ‘Myers Way’ autoimmune protocol. I cut gluten entirely, as well as processed foods and sugar. A week later, I got rid of dairy,” said Holly Bertone. “The more foods I started to eliminate and the cleaner I ate, my health improved.”

Natural Living

Holly Bertone’s battle with Hashimoto’s wasn’t limited to food. Bent on making her living environment as healthy as possible, she eventually got rid of all cleaning products that had harmful ingredients.

Eventually developing her line of natural organic products for the home, Holly Bertone proudly only uses the best natural ingredients for her products. Her line has also expanded to making all-natural beauty products as well.

“I first got rid of harmful cleaning products. Then I learned how to make my own non-toxic cleaning products and natural beauty products,” Holly Bertone said. “It was a month before I noticed significant changes.”

My Mommy Has Cancer Book

If cancer is hard for the person it was diagnosed with, it is hard for family members, too. Children are affected the most. Hence, this book was written to help both the parents and children process their feelings about the dreaded Big C.

The book encourages parent and child to open the lines of communication about everything concerning cancer like chemotherapy, hair loss, surgery and much more. Each little topic has a break-out box that parents go over with their child to help them open up about how they feel.

“My book is for elementary kids. My stepson helped me write it. He was seven years old when I was diagnosed with cancer,” said Holly Bertone. “He and another son of a survivor helped do the illustrations. It goes through the changes that a child sees when his parent has cancer.”

Thriving In The Workplace

If things in the homefront are challenging enough, Holly Bertone hurdled another situation at her workplace. Nowadays, it is hard to find companies who genuinely empathize with employees suffering from autoimmune diseases and other illnesses.

You see, Holly Bertone worked for a federal government agency. For the past two years, Holly Bertone’s management has been very understanding, knowing she has Hashimoto’s disease and chronic fatigue.

However, when the management changed, the new team was not accommodating at all. Consequently, Holly Bertone had to get a lot of paperwork to justify her disability.

“Some laws covered my condition, but there was a lot of retributions against me. The new management was not happy that I was asking for minor accommodations regarding my health,” said Holly Bertone.

One night, Holly Bertone was so sick, that she barely held it together. Her health was failing, and Holly Bertone’s doctor wanted her to get treatment.

“I went to the doctor once, and the manager was not happy that I went to the appointment even if I had 480 hours of approved leaves legally covered. The top management rescinded it,” Holly Bertone recalls.

After four to five months of declining health and stress, Holly Bertone made the difficult decision of resigning from her job that paid a hefty salary. However, treating her experience as a blessing in disguise, Holly Bertone decided to write a book to educate individuals with autoimmune diseases on their legal and disability rights in the workplace.

“The Job Accommodation Network is a non-profit organization under the Department of Labor,” said Holly Bertone. “They can’t endorse my book, but they helped me gather info for accuracy. Their website also has a lot of good resources for people with disabilities.”

Pink Fortitude Website

Holly Bertone believes that the essence of everything that she writes about is taking whatever life hands her and making the world a better place because of it. Her yearning to help people is why she also put up her website called Pink Fortitude.

Pink Fortitude aims to help people suffering from cancer and autoimmune diseases. The website promotes a healthy and natural lifestyle through food, cleaning products and much more.

“I have faced death so many times. I don’t know when my last day is going to be. So I encourage people to strive to live life everyday with fortitude, regardless of what life hands you,” said Holly Bertone.

Holly Bertone, CNHP, PMP, is a health entrepreneur, author, and advocate. She is the President and CEO of Pink Fortitude, LLC and runs the healthy living website

Holly Bertone is a breast cancer and Hashimoto’s survivor and turned these two significant health challenges into a passion for helping others. She inspires others with her quick wit, brutal honesty, and simple ways to be healthy in real life.

Holly Bertone is a Certified Natural Health Professional, a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and is enrolled in a Naturopathic Doctorate program. She holds a Master’s Degree from Johns Hopkins University, a Bachelor’s Degree from Elizabethtown College, and is a Project Management Professional (PMP).

Her accolades include:

2016 Speaker at the Healing Hashimoto’s Summit
2015 Inspire Award from the Tigerlily Foundation
2015 Rookie of the Year Health Activist Finalist for WEGO Health
2014 Woman of the Year from the National Association for Professional Women
Accepted into the National Cancer Survivor’s Day Speakers Bureau
Ambassador for the Tigerlily Foundation and the National Breast Center Foundation

Holly Bertone is passionate about reaching out to cancer and autoimmune survivors, and also volunteers for organizations supporting our military veterans. In her free time, she loves to garden and hit flea markets and yard sales. She is married to a retired Green Beret, is a stepmother, and lives in Alexandria, VA.

Get Connected With Holly Bertone:

Official Website






Recommended Readings by Holly Bertone

Urban Monk by Pedram Shoji


Books by Holly Bertone

Thriving In The Workplace


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Oct 25, 2017

Paleo Thyroid Solution

Paleo Thyroid Solution And Its Benefits  

Paleo Thyroid Solution is practiced by more and more people with thyroid problems, even if it takes some time getting used to the diet plan. However, my guest, Elle Russ attests to the effectiveness of the Paleo Thyroid Solution because it addresses thyroid problems naturally.  

Discovering Paleo Thyroid Solution  

Elle Russ discovered the Paleo Thyroid Solution by accident. Before that, she followed the classic paradigm for a very long time.   

Being a carbohydrates-dependent, sugar burner who over-exercised, Elle Russ admitted that she gave essentially gave herself Hypothyroidism. In fact, she battled two bouts of Hypothyroidism in 10 years.  

In addition to her thyroid problems, Elle Russ got misdiagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. She suffered for two years undiagnosed and had to cope with medication which made it worse.  

What Is A Thyroid Gland  

Why can't we live without a thyroid gland? Well, Elle Russ explains that the thyroid gland is in charge of the production and regulation of all of your hormones, metabolic rate, temperature, heart rate and much more. Using iodine from the food we eat, the thyroid gland makes Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4).  

Apparently, when one is stressed, thyroid issues arise. Over-exercising is one kind of stress, that's why Elle Russ eventually developed thyroid problems. The thyroid can also get shut down if you eat every two to three hours everyday.   

It is essential to keep your T3 and T4 levels balanced. Otherwise, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can develop.  


When you have Hyperthyroidism, it means that your thyroid gland is overactive and producing too much thyroid hormones. Some symptoms include a fast heart rate, anxiety, nervousness, sweating, weight loss, sleep problems and many others.  

"People with Hyperthyroidism poo all the time, so they can't gain weight. They have bulging eyes or an eye disease that is sometimes immune-caused," explains Elle Russ. "And because they are in a hypermetabolic state, at the end of the day, it becomes inflammatory, and they can have a heart attack."   


On the other hand, Hypothyroidism is when your body's thyroid hormone isn't sufficient. Hypothyroidism is why some people have a slow metabolism. The most common cause of thyroid gland failure is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is a form of thyroid inflammation.  

Another alarming cause of Hypothyroidism is surgical removal of the thyroid gland.  Because of this, Elle Russ cautions against depending too much on the conventional treatments. Sometimes, surgery and medication can make thyroid problems worse.   

Elle Russ says that Hashimoto's is caused by eating grains and sugar.  If you can shift your diet like staying away from gluten, it is possible to eliminate taking thyroid replacement drugs.  

"Someone with Hypothyroidism will often feel cold.  The condition is also associated with accelerated aging and falling hair, so you always have to take hormones," said Elle Russ. "Unfortunately in Western Medicine, most doctors are uninformed on the best solution for thyroid problems."

Primal Blueprint  

The Primal Blueprint, authored by Mark Sisson, primarily teaches you how to control your genes by understanding how your body works. It involves healthy food choices and lifestyle changes to reach your optimal health naturally.  

Sisson's research for the book showed that the modern diet laden with carbohydrates and sugars is different from our primal ancestors. Our food choices consequently are the reason behind our numerous health problems.   

"I started working for Mark Sisson about five years ago. The Primal Blueprint re-educates you about food and how to stop food addiction. I noticed so many changes when I shifted my food choices," Elle Russ said.

Keto Reset Diet  

According to Elle Russ, Mark Sisson is also slated to come out with a new book this October called, 'The Keto Reset Diet.' It guides the individual through the 21-day process. However, shifting to a Keto diet is not a walk in the park, and Elle Russ advises anyone doing this diet to do it properly.   

Apparently, if you go into ketosis right away and your body starts making ketones, there are side effects like leg cramps, bad breath and body odor among others. This is because your body is not ready to process those ketones efficiently. However, if the diet is done right, it is known to reverse Type 2 Diabetes.  


When you have Hyperthyroidism, it means that your thyroid gland is overactive and producing too much thyroid hormones. Some symptoms include a fast heart rate, anxiety, nervousness, sweating, weight loss, sleep problems and many others.  

"People with Hyperthyroidism poo all the time, so they can't gain weight. They have bulging eyes or an eye disease that is sometimes immune-caused," explains Elle Russ. "And because they are in a hypermetabolic state, at the end of the day, it becomes inflammatory, and they can have a heart attack."   


On the other hand, Hypothyroidism is when your body's thyroid hormone isn't sufficient. Hypothyroidism is why some people have a slow metabolism. The most common cause of thyroid gland failure is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is a form of thyroid inflammation.  

Another alarming cause of Hypothyroidism is surgical removal of the thyroid gland.  Because of this, Elle Russ cautions against depending too much on the conventional treatments. Sometimes, surgery and medication can make thyroid problems worse.   

Elle Russ says that Hashimoto's is caused by eating grains and sugar.  If you can shift your diet like staying away from gluten, it is possible to eliminate taking thyroid replacement drugs.  

"Someone with Hypothyroidism will often feel cold.  The condition is also associated with accelerated aging and falling hair, so you always have to take hormones," said Elle Russ. "Unfortunately in Western Medicine, most doctors are uninformed on the best solution for thyroid problems."

Primal Blueprint  

The Primal Blueprint, authored by Mark Sisson, primarily teaches you how to control your genes by understanding how your body works. It involves healthy food choices and lifestyle changes to reach your optimal health naturally.  

Sisson's research for the book showed that the modern diet laden with carbohydrates and sugars is different from our primal ancestors. Our food choices consequently are the reason behind our numerous health problems.   

"I started working for Mark Sisson about five years ago. The Primal Blueprint re-educates you about food and how to stop food addiction. I noticed so many changes when I shifted my food choices," Elle Russ said.

Keto Reset Diet  

According to Elle Russ, Mark Sisson is also slated to come out with a new book this October called, 'The Keto Reset Diet.' It guides the individual through the 21-day process. However, shifting to a Keto diet is not a walk in the park, and Elle Russ advises anyone doing this diet to do it properly.   

Apparently, if you go into ketosis right away and your body starts making ketones, there are side effects like leg cramps, bad breath and body odor among others. This is because your body is not ready to process those ketones efficiently. However, if the diet is done right, it is known to reverse Type 2 Diabetes.  

Paleo Thyroid Solution  

The Paleo Thyroid Solution is a lifestyle and weight loss plan. Its primary aim is to optimize thyroid function through a Paleo or Primal diet.   

Furthermore, Elle Russ also did her fair share of research about the Paleo Thyroid Solution. Among the things she discovered is that taking Selenium helps address thyroid problems.  

Consequently, Paleo Thyroid Solution is the ultimate in adrenal management and blood glucose management. Hence, people also go on this diet plan for emotional stability purposes and mental health reasons.   

Furthermore, Elle Russ says that it takes 21 days for the brain to stop depending on glucose. Hence, Paleo Thyroid Solution is about becoming metabolic-efficient and metabolic-flexible.   

"Paleo Thyroid Solution diet is low carb, moderate protein, and high fat. It is in line with our DNA as humans and what is expected of us," explains Elle Russ. "Part of that is not just certain foods, but rather part of that is the lifestyle. It's about getting the preferred fuel of the human body, getting off the carb dependency train and get more fat-adapted."

Primal Blueprint Podcast

Elle Russ is a writer, health/life coach, and host of the Primal Blueprint Podcast. She is becoming the leading voice of thyroid health in the burgeoning Paleo, Primal, Ancestral Health Movements.   

Elle Russ has a degree in Philosophy and is a certified Primal Health Coach, and she serves on the advisory board of The Primal Health Coach Program created by Mark Sisson, bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint. Originally from downtown Chicago, Elle Russ lives and plays in Malibu, CA.   

Elle Russ wrote The Paleo Thyroid Solution after consulting with over two dozen endocrinologists, internal medicine specialists, and general practice MDs, but her thyroid condition was only getting worse. Nothing from doctors resembled a solution or even hope.   

Exasperated and desperate, Elle Russ took control of her health and resolved two severe bouts of hypothyroidism on her own  including an acute Reverse T3 problem. Through a devoted paleo/primal lifestyle, intensive personal experimentation, and a radically modified approach to thyroid hormone replacement therapy, Elle Russ went from fat, foggy, and fatigued  to fit, focused, and full of life!  

Get Connected with Elle Russ:  

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Primal Blueprint

Book by Elle Russ

The Paleo Thyroid Solution


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Oct 20, 2017

Check out the Book: Raw Paleo

Raw Paleo Diet

Raw Paleo Diet And Its Benefits

Raw Paleo is an adaptation of the Paleo diet. One may initially be hesitant to consume raw meat, and honestly, easing into it takes some time. That's why I brought on board my guest today, Melissa Henig, who will explain the benefits of shifting to a raw paleo diet.

Raw Paleo Advocate

Melissa Henig has been a staunch advocate of the raw paleo diet for years. She started on a raw vegan diet years ago but found the diet insufficient to fulfill her nutritional needs.

"I started on raw vegan, but the diet was not very sustainable," shares Melissa Henig. "It had nutritional deficiencies. I bruised easily, I was losing muscle mass, and I always felt anxious."

In her search for a more suitable diet, Melissa Henig's regular health food store recommended a dietary intake of raw cholesterol, as well as fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K. Melissa Henig slowly shifted to a raw paleo diet from there.

Understanding Raw Paleo

According to Melissa Henig, raw paleo primarily consists of consuming meat products in its natural form. The raw foods are unprocessed. These include dairy, eggs and meat, chicken, fish and organ meats that have never been frozen.

The diet also includes raw vegetables and fruits as well as raw bone marrow and vegetable juices. Grains, gluten, and legumes are omitted from a raw paleo diet.

"A lot of it comes back to the enzymes. They help digest and assimilate everything that goes in your body. All raw meat has probiotics and raw milk," Melissa Henig said. "Probiotics is good bacteria and essential for living and healing. We need fats, cholesterol, and protein to survive, and a raw paleo diet helps heals and regenerate tissues."

Parasites And Food Poisoning

A significant factor why people have second thoughts about shifting to a raw paleo diet is because of parasites and food poisoning. Even in places that seem to sell quality meat products, there's always that fear of getting sick because of contaminated meat.

"It's all about sourcing. I drive to the farms, and I choose butcher shops," explains Melissa Henig. "I chose clean meat that is not grain fed because these types of meat do not produce parasites and bacteria."

Typical Diet

Melissa Henig says that the paleo part is the raw meat, which is either beef, chicken or fish. She says raw meat is the new liver cleanse.

For starters, Melissa Henig usually starts her day with saturated fat, because apparently, it is satiating. Apart from the saturated fat, Melissa Henig often pairs it with some raw protein, like a smoothie.

"I have a raw kefir base for probiotics. In the raw milk kefir, I put two raw eggs," Melissa Henig said. "It is a great source of fuel, and my energy can last for hours."

Snacks for Melissa Henig is usually raw cheese with some raw honey. To make sure she keeps hunger pangs at bay, Melissa Henig regularly drinks green juices with her snacks.

As for dinner, it's pretty much light with just a small amount of raw meat. Melissa Henig says paleo people tend to overdo the diet consuming meat three times a day which is not advisable.

Steps On How To Shift To A Raw Paleo Diet

Decided on giving raw paleo diet a try? Good for you! According to Melissa Henig, the healing potential is more significant when eating food in the raw form. Plus, raw meat builds muscle naturally and balances hormones.

First of all, Melissa Henig advises dieters to add a raw egg to a smoothie. This way, you won't feel overwhelmed with the change in diet.

Pregnant? No worries. Raw paleo diet is still safe for pregnant women. Melissa Henig is currently pregnant and is still on a raw paleo diet. In fact, she is considered a high-risk pregnancy because she is already 39 years old.

"Usually, high-risk pregnancies experience digestive problems, but I'm feeling good," Melissa Henig said. "I drink celery juice to avoid edema because celery juice is a good way to get sodium in your body."

Apparently, sodium and salt have an osmosis effect. And this osmosis effect is what keeps the blood circulation going.

"My main mission is to preach that food is medicine. One must be open-minded about getting into a raw paleo diet. Don't be afraid to be around food. Sooner or later, you would eventually feel the difference," said Melissa Henig.

The Raw Paleo Book

Melissa Henig is a Health and Lifestyle Coach, with expertise in holistic wellness. She is the author of the book Raw Paleo. Her coaching program gets women and men to feel sexy, energetic, and motivated!

Raw paleo is a term she uses to describe her omnivorous way of eating RAW but not vegan. She enjoys all types of raw foods including raw dairy and raw meat. Research has proven that Raw Paleo foods are powerful medicine. The raw animal fats and raw animal proteins help to prevent toxins from entering the body while also eliminating toxins.

Melissa Henig's Coaching Program helps women and men to detox, normalize their appetite, quickly burn fat, have more energy, balance hormones, and have glowing skin. Detox and sculpt your body at once!

Get Connected With Melissa Henig!

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Book by Melissa Henig

Raw Paleo

Recommended Reading by Melissa Henig

We Want To Live - Aajonus Vonderplanitz


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Oct 18, 2017

Chef Keith is offering $30 off his online cooking school to all Learn True Health listeners. Please email Chef Keith to ask for your $30 off. :-)

And Be sure to check out his site:

Harvest Eating

Harvest eating is all about eating food from farm to table. Our lives are so hectic, and more often than not, we settle for fast food which we all know is unhealthy, compared to harvest eating. My guest today, Chef Keith Snow, is a staunch advocate of making local and seasonal cooking a way of life and he will expound on that in this episode.

Growing Up Years

Chef Keith Snow is the youngest of four kids and grew up in a very food-focused household in northern New Jersey. His mom is Italian and loves to make meals that weren't limited to harvest eating.

At the age of 14 years old, Chef Keith Snow was exposed to food by initially working as a dishwasher in the early 80s. He continued working at the restaurant for a few years and eventually learned to cook under the tutelage of the restaurant owner who happened to be a former US Navy Chef.

Expanding Horizons

Chef Keith Snow gained more work experience in the food industry by working in Florida, North Carolina, Massachusettes, and California. He regards his stint as Executive Chef at a big ski resort in Colorado in 2000 as one of his most significant accomplishments.

However, a twist of fate altered his career path when he got married in 1999 and had his first child, Olivia, in 2002. Because he wanted to make sure his daughter has a healthy diet, Chef Keith Snow and his wife paid close attention to what the family ate at home.

A few months after his first child was born, Chef Keith Snow quit his job in Colorado and moved to a 12-acre farm in North Carolina with his family.  This leap of faith triggered Chef Keith Snow's desire to focus on promoting harvest eating, or farm to table cooking.

Thoughtful Harvest Products

Thoughtful Harvest Products primarily uses ingredients grown in the United States. This dynamic not only helps the US farmers but also enables the consumers to enjoy the benefits of harvest eating. Unlike the food we buy anywhere else, harvest eating allows us to know where the food we are eating came from.

Keith says that Thoughtful Harvest Products are made from ingredients sourced from small to mid-sized family farms, grower co-ops and artisans producers.  To further provide transparency, names of the suppliers are made public on the Thoughtful Harvest website.

Tasty Education

Chef Keith says that an essential component of harvest eating is knowing how to cook food properly. The courses are Food Storage Cooking, Paleo Beef Cooking, and Farm to Table Cooking.

According to him, the courses under Tasty Education are very relevant and in line with food trends.  The recipes are easy to do and taste amazing for sure!

Diet-Related Diseases

Traditional doctors are known to hastily prescribe medicines when in fact, most diseases can be healed naturally.  Keith got a rude awakening when he learned it the hard way.

Apparently, he had inflammatory arthritis back in 2000 when he was working in Colorado. He underwent surgery which he regrets.  Consequently, it turns out that it was just a diet-related ailment.

Because of this experience, he and his wife took a different route when their 8-year old son was diagnosed with epilepsy. Defying the doctor's recommendation to take medication, they instead resorted to healing their son by changing his diet. Devoid of any side effects, his son is currently doing well and eats 300 to 400 grams of healthy carbohydrates daily.

Vegan Diet

Although harvest eating makes Vegan diets seem easy to do, Keith finds it challenging. Furthermore, he cautions people on blindly following a Vegan recipe because it's not just about sourcing whole foods.

"There are a lot of ladies out there, advertising Vegan diets and wearing swimsuits. It's easy to fall into their trap," said Chef Keith. "But if you look at their recipes, hardly any of it comes out well. It's not carefully crafted food."

Ketogenic Diet

Chef Keith Snow currently follows a Ketogenic diet.  Keeping his carbohydrates intake under 50 grams a day, Chef Keith Snow says it is a challenging diet. Because he wants to make sure the recipes are effective, Chef Keith Snow decided it was best to try it on himself first before promoting it in his Keto Mastery course.

"When you go from burning carbohydrates for fuel to using ketones, this is initially a major stress on your body. It is a major change," Chef Keith Snow said. "And because everybody is different, you have to research first and make sure your goals are attainable."

Furthermore, Chef Keith Snow says that Ketogenic diet entails you to consume a lot of good fats. And inherent with that diet is constipation.

He adds,"Your happy, everyday life is contingent upon you digesting food properly and not being constipated. If you change something up too quickly and become constipated, it is tough to get through a normal day and be productive."

Keith also cautions people about grass-fed beef. Apparently, of all the steaks that are harvested in the United States, only 2% can be classified by the USDA as prime quality.

"It has a lot to do with marbling or the fat content of the meat. That's what makes it tender, but that doesn't make it healthy because those animals are raised on grains and corn. That fat content is not normal for a cow," said Chef Keith Snow.

Slow Food Cooking

Travels to France and Italy gave Chef Keith Snow a broader perspective on what it means to enjoy eating food from a fresh and healthy harvest. Being able to experience how food is cooked and enjoyed particularly in France, enabled Chef Keith Snow to appreciate the dynamics of harvest eating.

After all, Chef Keith Snow says that in real life, people eat comforting foods. And his advocacy is about eating comfort foods that are healthy and meant to be enjoyed with family and friends.

"Slow food cooking teaches a lot of people through different events where your food comes from, who's growing it and how you're growing it," Chef Keith Snow said. "It also celebrates cooking food and eating it. It is about taking the time to source your food from farm to plate, and enjoying the production of the food."

Harvest Eating Cookbook

Keith Snow is the author of The Harvest Eating Cookbook-Running Press 2009, and host of Harvest Eating Radio, which has surpassed 350 episodes and continues to grow a substantial audience of devoted listeners, true friends, and fans.

He has appeared in hundreds of original culinary videos that are showcased on Youtube and many other video sharing websites. The videos have been viewed millions of times since 2005.

Chef Keith also has been featured in many national magazines such as Prevention, Women's Health and Western NC Magazine.  Chef Snow has been featured in some of the most prominent online destinations such as Fox News, Parade Magazine, and Slashfood.  Chef Snow was likewise one of 12 US-based chefs invited to participate in the 4/14 Festival In Dijon France.

Keith has a long history of working within the farm to table community. In 2007, he was a founding board member of the Slow Food chapter in Greenville SC. In fact, the chef has lived on farms since 2003 and has become an avid horseman, gardener and survival homesteader.

Get Connected With Chef Keith Snow! 

Harvest Eating

Tasty Education

Thoughtful Harvest



Book by Chef Keith Snow

The Harvest Eating Cookbook


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Oct 13, 2017

Dr. Travis's NEW Book:

Rethinking Dry Eye (can apply to any disease!)

Dry Eye 

Dry Eye Treatments And Prevention

Dry eye cases are typical, and people often treat it with over the counter eye drops. However, my guest, Dr. Travis Zigler cautions against taking dry eye discomfort for granted. More often than not, dry eye is a cause of an underlying problem that should not be ignored.

Feeling Empty

Dr. Travis Zigler was trained in Western Medicine. He graduated in 2010 from The Ohio State University College of Optometry.

Although he was training under his uncle treating patients with dry eye and other eye diseases from 2010 to 2015, Dr. Travis Zigler felt something was missing. He eventually realized the void in his heart was because he yearned to open his practice.

Leap Of Faith

Without much hesitation, Dr. Travis Zigler and his wife quit their jobs, moved to South Carolina and started two businesses --- a private practice and a commercial practice inside Walmart.

Then in May 2015, as they were building their practices, Dr. Travis Zigler came across a course selling online products. And because they had a lot of time to spare in between practices, the couple explored online e-commerce. That's when they started their company Eye Love.

Eye Love

Eye Love is not just an online company selling eye medication products. Dr. Travis Zigler says that Eye Love's mission is to end preventable blindness.

"We do mission trips every October to Jamaica and work in South Carolina. It costs approximately US$ 10,000 a year," said Dr. Travis Zigler. "Eye Love started as a sunglass company. A year ago at a conference, I met Dr. Stephen Cabral who was a Naturopathic Doctor selling supplements. That inspired me to do the same with Eye Love."

Eye Love currently sells natural supplements as well as products intended to treat dry eye. A whole section called 'Heyedrate' is devoted to addressing the eye condition.

Western Medicine Versus Eastern Medicine

Dr. Travis Zigler openly admits that he was primarily educated in Western Medicine. However, he took a 360-degree turn to shift to Eastern Medicine after his personal experience.

This happened during the time Dr. Travis Zigler and his wife were trying to start a family. After five months of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, they consulted a doctor who seemingly left them with no option but to resort to in vitro fertilization.

However, as the day before the in vitro fertilization approached, Dr. Travis Zigler had a gut instinct that something was amiss. Hence, they canceled the appointment and explored Eastern Medicine treatments instead.

"We did Acupuncture and herbals. About three months later, we finally got pregnant. That led us to question everything we were trained on," Dr. Travis Zigler said. "Eastern Medicine tries to get to the source of the problem. Western Medicine on the other hands, masks the symptoms with medications."

Correlation Between Eye Health And Diet

We all know that diet plays a significant factor in overall health. Five years ago, Dr. Travis Zigler was diagnosed with high cholesterol. This despite the fact that he ran half marathons and was skinny. After switching to a primarily vegetable diet and minimal meat, Dr. Travis Zigler's cholesterol level dropped to 150 from 220 in just two months!

What a lot of people do not know is that the eyes provide signs of underlying health issues. Dr. Travis Zigler says that a dilated pupil can reveal if a person has diabetes, brain tumors or high blood pressure. The yellowish eye is a symptom of hepatitis.

"People have lack of education on food as a healing source. Look at your lifestyle choices. Fried foods are bad because they put the body in a constant state of inflammation," Dr. Travis Zigler explains. "It can cause high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes or dry eye. Fried foods causes oxidated damage and destroy the cells at the back of your retina."

This is why Dr. Travis Zigler teaches patients how to switch to a plant-based diet. According to Dr. Travis Zigler, one must try to avoid meat, dairy, sugar, processed food, fried food, GMOs, and pesticide.

"Eat organic food and frozen fruits. Avoid traditional fish, meat, and eggs," advises Dr. Travis Zigler. " Drink more green smoothies and change your greens from time to time. Add a banana, one and a half cup almond milk, water, a plant-based protein powder and an avocado into the smoothie for variety."

Preventing Eye Problems

Good eyes do not only mean having a proper diet. Dr. Travis Zigler recommends wearing UV protection polarized sunglasses outdoors.

However, when you're indoors, wearing blue light protection glasses five hours before bed is ideal. Taking the TV out of the room and shutting down everything two hours before bed likewise does wonders for our eye health.

Eye Exercises

Dr. Travis Zigler says it is hard to correct something like nearsightedness. Laptops and gadgets make it worse.

"When we look far away, our eyes relax. When we look up close, our eyes are focusing," Dr. Travis Zigler said. "There's something about this constant focus that's causing us to become more nearsighted."

Dr. Travis Zigler adds that while no definite studies are showing the real cause of nearsightedness, we can prevent it through peripheral defocus. He says that if we make our peripheral vision blurry, it prevents nearsightedness from getting worse by 60%.

Furthermore, Dr. Travis Zigler corrects nearsightedness by wearing a hard contact lens at night and soft lenses during the day. It apparently improves vision by 30%.


Dr. Travis Zigler's wife Jenna wrote the 'How To Reverse Dry Eye' book. It is a complete guide on how to treat dry eye and everything else---from understanding the eye condition as well as factors that cause it.

Dr. Travis Zigler is also slated to come out with a book entitled, 'Rethinking Dry Eye Treatment.' Incidentally, it was his Facebook community who named the book. The book explores inflammation, sleep habits, blue light, the importance of essential minerals, supplementation and foods to avoid. Although the book has no food recipes, it does have a meal preparation chart which is easy to follow.

Pay What You Can

Dr. Travis Zigler and his wife currently maintain only one practice, after selling the other one last June. Their current practice implements a 'Pay What You Can' model.

Under the 'Pay What You Can' model, patients are given a recommended price to pay yet they have the option only to pay what they can. According to Dr. Travis Zigler, 95% of patients pay full price, and some patients don't pay anything at all. Whatever money they earn goes back to the Eye Love Foundation.

Looking Ahead

Under the Eye Love Foundation, the public gets a free education on eye health. Dr. Travis Zigler is also planning to award scholarships next year to Optometry students whose goals are aligned with the foundation's mission.

Another goal of the foundation is to create free clinics. The free clinics would be self-sufficient wherein people will not feel pressured to pay.

f "Most people are blind in this world. Number one cause of blindness is a lack of glasses. There are 700 million people right now who are blind because othat," said Dr. Travis Zigler. "So if we could build a sustainability model in countries like Jamaica, we could repeat it anywhere in the world."

Dr. Travis Zigler graduated in 2010 from The Ohio State University College of Optometry with Magna Cum Laude honors. He went on to own two optometry practices in South Carolina specializing in "difficult to fit" contact lens patients and dry eye, but soon found his passion for entrepreneurship.

In 2015, he started Eye Love, an eye wellness company with a mission to end preventable blindness. Along with his wife, Jenna, they continue to work part-time in Optometry and build Eye Love with the goal of eventually opening free clinics in the US and abroad. When he's not working on Eye Love, he enjoys traveling to Jamaica, training for marathons, and playing the ukulele while he drinks his morning coffee.

Get Connected With Dr. Travis Zigler:

Eye Love The Sun

Dry Eye Products

Facebook - Eye Love

Facebook - Dr. Travis Zigler

Twitter - Eye Love The Sun




Recommended Reading by Dr. Travis Zigler

The Dry Eye Remedy

Books by Dr. Travis Zigler

The Dry Eye Book

Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Handbook


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Oct 11, 2017

Check out Dr. Ellie and her Food Allergy Formula:

Changing Diets

Changing Diets Smoothly  

Changing diets can be both intimidating and overwhelming. I have gone through over 30 diets, and trust me; it can get frustrating, too. However, changing diets doesn't have to be a negative experience. Dr. Ellie Heintze is my guest today who will show us the right mindset once you decide to start changing diets.

Previous Life

Dr. Ellie Heintze was a chemist in her 'previous life,' as she likes to call it. Earning her master's degree 12 years ago, it was a time when anything about food allergy was not a prevalent health issue.

It was also around that time that Dr. Ellie Heintze happened to suffer from digestive health issues.  Hence, she decided to consult with a Gastroenterologist which consequently turned out to be a bad experience.

As fate would have it, Dr. Ellie Heintze happened to chance upon a Naturopathic Doctor's clinic who also knew how to perform Acupuncture techniques. This moment, according to Dr. Ellie Heintze, changed her life.

Changing Careers

Dr. Ellie Heintze was surprised that on just her initial visit, she felt immediate relief from her health issues.  The Acupuncture technique was terrific! Because of that positive experience, she became curious about that doctor's natural approach to healing.

While her health issues were traced to food allergies to gluten, dairy, and eggs, Dr. Ellie Heintze likewise became inspired to follow in that doctor's footsteps. The doctor was a graduate of Bastyr University, the same university where Dr. Ellie Heintze eventually earned her Master's degree in Acupuncture and a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine.

Changing Diets

"A lot of people with digestive issues get Acupuncture now. Others are curious about how to start changing diets to a gluten-free one. I call it the gluten-free switch," said Dr. Ellie Heintze.

Dr. Ellie Heintze says that ideally, she encourages her patients to shift to whole foods as well as low-carb foods.  Apparently, this is because she says the gluten-free food is still considered processed.

Label Reading

When you plan on changing diets, Dr. Ellie Heintze says that getting into the habit of reading labels is a good start. This way, you can scrutinize all the ingredients.

However, it's not only in food. Apparently, even supplements need to be scrutinized because it is usually filled with fillers. Some supplements have food dyes and ingredients like titanium dioxide.

"Reading labels can also apply to supplements. There is much information on labels," said Dr. Ellie Heintze. "Focus on the bottom where it indicates other ingredients. If it only has a few words, it's ok. Put it back if there are a lot of ingredients. Also be wary of ingredients that are not familiar."

Eating Right

Dr. Ellie Heintze however, clarifies that changing diets is not just about switching to whole foods. To create a balanced meal, she says it is best to incorporate more vegetables and good fats. Learning to substitute the right foods is also essential to a successful diet.

"Try to take away bread and pasta gradually. Replace it with quinoa and brown rice. Likewise, increase protein," Dr. Ellie Heintze suggests. "Have small, frequent meals and add good fats like avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil. You'll feel full longer, and your blood sugar won't crash."

I agree with Dr. Ellie Heintze's recommendations.  Based on my personal experiences with diets, I tend to feel grumpy and experience moods swings due to unregulated blood sugar.

Essentially, when we set ourselves up for success in the morning starting with a good, healthy breakfast, we set up ourselves emotionally and mentally for the rest of the day. To know what are the right foods to eat, Dr. Ellie Heintze incidentally has a book called, 'A Starting Point: Guide to Gluten-Free Living and Healthy Digestion.'

Making A Smooth Transition

Dr. Ellie Heintze suggests that before changing diets, better do a thorough research. You will feel more empowered if you know the reason behind your actions.

"I see to it that I educate my patients on the 'why' behind changing diets. That way, they are more likely to stick to the process," explains Dr. Ellie Heintze.

Next step is planning correctly. Dr. Ellie Heintze says changing diets can be initially overwhelming because we are so used to eating a certain way. Hence, we must go back to basics. A good example is knowing how to shop at the grocery.

"It can be overwhelming not knowing what to buy. However, once you do know how to shop for the right ingredients, planning meals becomes easier," assures Dr. Ellie Heintze. "Making meals is simple and easy. Personally, I am a fan of making things in bulk by using a slow cooker.

Another way of making a smooth diet transition is to make it a routine. Always be prepared. According to Dr. Ellie Heintze, if there is no food available at home, people tend to fall back on their old habits.

"If you are eating out, know where to stop and eat. Make Sundays your meal planning day. Most likely, it will gradually become second nature," Dr. Ellie Heintze said.

Mindset Shift

Changing diets can work for you especially if you can get people in your household to be your support system. According to Dr. Ellie Heintze, educating the whole family is necessary so they can understand that even they can benefit from changing diets.

"My patients have mostly digestive issues or chronic migraines. Because they want to eradicate taking medication, they are usually receptive to change. Many factors are involved. My patients' health improves after shifting their mindset towards eating right."

How Well Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture is suitable for a wide range of health conditions. According to Dr. Ellie Heintze, it helps the body's natural ability to heal itself. Furthermore, it can activate our parasympathetic nervous system when we are sleeping.

Dr. Ellie Heintze likewise reassures that although people usually feel sleepy after treatment, this means the treatment is working. People can zone out and take a nap to get things back in balance. Consequently, Acupuncture helps the body to adapt better.

"Acupuncture helps with digestive issues as well as help the body heal itself. Seven percent of our immune system is in our gut, and it is also connected to our brain," Dr. Ellie Heintze explains.  "Acupuncture is a whole body medicine, and since our body is a unit, it makes the technique effective."

In addition to that, Acupuncture works well with pain since it addresses pain systematically. Dr. Ellie Heintze says that our 'Chi' moves our blood, nourishes our muscles, nerves, tissues. So if our 'Chi' is blocked, Acupuncture techniques get the energy moving freely. Hence, the pain decreases.  

Ignite Health Program  

Dr. Ellie Heintze's fantastic program lasts for six weeks. The program teaches patients how to make changes in their diet, how to incorporate meals and how to have the right mindset to make the transition successful.  

A component of the program also includes stress reduction techniques.  However, because achieving optimal health does not only mean changing diets, Dr. Ellie Heintze included a module in the program, wherein you will be taught the right kind of physical exercises needed to maximize the effects of your diet change.  

The Daily Cup  

Dr. Ellie Heintze's The Daily Cup podcast is an excellent resource for maximizing your productivity and achieving your goals.  Primarily aimed at educating wellness providers and small business owners, Dr. Ellie Heintze invites fantastic experts on the show who provide a wealth of information.   

"I want our medicine to survive. So we need sustainable and profitable businesses. This way, Natural Medicine can become more mainstream," said Dr. Ellie Heintze.

Dr. Ellie Heintze completed a B.S. in Chemistry and Masters degree in Chemical Toxicity and Carcinogenesis from Northern Arizona University. She attended Bastyr University where she received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and Masters degree in Acupuncture.   

Dr. Ellie Heintze sees patients with a wide range of ailments but specializes in digestive health (Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Celiac Disease), and food allergies. She is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Acupuncturist (East Asian Medical Practitioner) in the state of Washington.  

Get Connected with Dr. Ellie Heintze:  

Official Website  

Simplify Your Practice

A Starting Point Book  




Recommended Reading by Dr. Ellie Heintze

Heal Your Body by Louise Hay

Book by Dr. Ellie Heintze

A Starting Point Guide To Gluten-Free Living And Healthy Digestion


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Oct 10, 2017

A Plan For Living

Getting Motivated

Getting motivated is something most of us strive to do. However, with plenty of things to attend to everyday, we tend to either become stressed, procrastinate or just give up. Well, Michael Weinberger is back today to teach us how to start getting motivated for the right reasons.

I've had Michael Weinberger on the show a couple of times. We extensively tackled on issues like getting motivated, understanding your emotions, finding gratitude, joy and a sense of purpose.

And do I have some exciting news to share! Michael Weinberger returned to update us about his A Plan For Living app. Incidentally, snippets of our conversations here at Learn True Health will be available in his app's segment called 'Morning Motivation.'

Thank God It's Friday

Anyway, how many of you tend to look forward to Fridays and entirely dread Mondays? We usually rejoice whenever the weekend rolls around. Even Michael Weinberger used to have the same mentality.

"I woke up one Monday morning, and I told myself that today is going to be a terrible day. Society and the community dictated that Mondays suck," said Michael Weinberger. "The industry even makes 'Mondays Suck' merchandise, and everyone bought into it."

Talking to other people, Michael Weinberger posed the question, 'Why are Fridays and holidays so amazing?'. Apparently, it is because our body chemistry and outlook feels different. There's just something about declaring, 'Thank God it's Friday!'

Everyday Is Friday

However, Michael Weinberger got a grip on himself and reassessed his definition of getting motivated. Hence, one way how he started getting motivated was telling himself, 'Today is going to be a Friday.'.

"Because if I'm living in the present moment, anything can happen. So, why can't today be as refreshing as a Friday?" explains Michael Weinberger.

Michael Weinberger cited himself as an example. He weighed about 300 pounds and told a friend he wished he could weigh 290 pounds. However, upon reaching the initial goal, he knew he would still be dissatisfied since he didn't lose more weight.

"The reality of it is, we're always projecting out for that next accomplishment. It is almost like we're scared of just being here today," Michael Weinberger said.

Finding Motivation

Michael Weinberger says that people like Fridays so they can be free to do what they want during the weekend. However, have you ever pushed yourself to try doing it at present or during the week? Because fundamentally, nothing prevents you from getting motivated to do things.

"There are jobs and rules. But there's nothing that says you can't accomplish your weekend habits during the week. Learn to make today as special as a Friday," advises Michael Weinberger.

Mondays Suck

So, why indeed do Mondays suck? Why does getting motivated seem hard? According to Michael Weinberger, it is because the day never lives up to the expectations or thoughts that you put in your mind.

"Rather than focusing on 'Woe is me,' and things you don't have, start to focus on things you are grateful for," advises Michael Weinberger. "Instead of focusing or hoping for a specific day in the future, focus on today and make the day what you want it to be."

Interested Versus Committed

There is a fine line between being interested versus being committed. When we are interested in something, we tend to do it only when it is convenient. On the other hand, when we are committed to something, we accept no excuses and focus solely on results.

Michael Weinberger is no different. He struggles when his feelings and thoughts go astray. Then he starts to worry about things that could happen in the future. Consequently, that leads Michael Weinberger to create an unrealistic to-do list and have negative talks with himself.

However, Michael Weinberger soon realized that he was interested in living but wasn't committed to living. He goes through the daily ups and downs of life. However, he never really makes any progress.

"When I created 'A Plan For Living,' it allowed me to rewire my brain on how I react to situations," shares Michael Weinberger. "I started to focus on things I was grateful for."

A Plan For Living

When Michael Weinberger started working on gratitude and spirituality, he likewise had to work on mindfulness. Consequently, it gave Michael Weinberger the opportunity to see what things were overwhelming him.

Once Michael Weinberger was aware of his emotions and thoughts, he listed down the things that interested him as well as the things he wanted to commit. His A Plan For Living app helps you map out your life by creating lists, journaling your progress and keep track of your accomplishments.

"A Plan For Living helped me become aware of myself, my thoughts and feelings. It defines what success looks like as well as how to make me successful," said Michael Weinberger.

Michael Weinberger is a dynamic and inspiring speaker frequently asked to speak on topics including Mindfulness, Coping with Mental Illness and Addiction.

He was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in 1994 and has learned how to not only cope but to thrive while living with his illness.

Michael teaches individuals how to adjust their mindset to be mindful and grateful for everything their life! He is the founder and creator of, a digital mindfulness manager, and wellness platform.

Everyone has problems, and Michael's approach helps people apply gratitude, spirituality, and mindfulness to their daily lives. A grateful heart is a happy heart!

Get Connected with Michael Weinberger!

Official Website



A Plan For Living App - On Google Play

A Plan For Living App - On App Store

Recommended Reading by Michael Weinberger

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Self





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Oct 8, 2017

Living Life To The Fullest

Living life to the fullest is mostly everyone's ultimate goal. Life has so much to offer in terms of personal growth and enriching other people's lives through what we do. However, for some people like my guest, Wesley Chapman, it wasn't a smooth ride. Been through hell and back, he is living life to the fullest by telling his story of survival, resilience, and hope.

Traumatic Childhood

Wesley Chapman's childhood was full of trauma. Born to parents who were both incapable of raising him in a normal environment, Wesley Chapman was diagnosed with 'failure to thrive.'

"Failure to thrive is a human being's lack of the basics that make us up as a species a.k.a. like having love or the feeling of being nurturing," said Wesley Chapman. "The physical side of hygiene, nutrition and basic rights of humanity were likewise inadequate."

Wesley Chapman recalls that people around his parents tried to get them to change their habits. However, rather than turning better, things apparently got worse.

Abandoned And Molested

Before Wesley Chapman turned a year old, his father abandoned the family. He says his mom protected her herself by remarrying out of safety and necessity. Wesley Chapman's stepfather, however, was nowhere near the doting father that Wesley Chapman yearned.

Apparently, it was not long before Wesley Chapman's stepfather showed his true colors. He was insanely abusive to Wesley Chapman and his younger siblings. Consequently, the abuse was physical, emotional and sexual.

"I wake up in cold sweat scared of being molested while watching my siblings being molested. But as the oldest boy, I wanted to take the brunt of the abuse," said Wesley Chapman.

He adds, "Internally; I was torn. It didn't help that my younger brother was mentally disabled. Doctors also thought I was a functioning mentally-handicapped person. I was labeled a lot. Hence, I was made to take a lot of medication."

Being Orphaned

At the age of 6, Wesley Chapman had to deal with his mother who was struggling with a lot of issues. By seven years old, Wesley Chapman became an orphan when his mother also abandoned him and his siblings.

Consequently, that made Wesley Chapman very angry. At a young age, Wesley Chapman was made to feel that he was worthless. Hence, living life to the fullest seemed like an impossible dream.

"I played the victim role, and I was labeled so much. I didn't trust anyone, and I wasn't communicating well with others," recalls Wesley Chapman.

Suicide Was An Option

With so many bad things happening, Wesley Chapman felt hopeless. It seemed like he was never going to be living life to the fullest. Hence, suicide became a daily occurrence.

"If you read my journals, it's crazy how much writing I did. Before the age of 16, I had 12 documented suicide attempts," Wesley Chapman shares. "Plus, the medicines were tearing my body apart. Hence, I became so sick."

Going Cold Turkey

However, at 16 years old, Wesley Chapman got tired of these medical professionals dictating to him how to live life. So one day, Wesley Chapman decided to go cold turkey on all medication. Because of that, he went through withdrawal symptoms but survived through it.

"Looking back, my traumatic childhood was a saving grace. It was something that gave me a chance to strive for living life to the fullest." Wesley Chapman said.

Picking Up The Pieces

Life didn't become rosy overnight after Wesley Chapman decided to eradicate medication from his life. Abuse was daily at his foster homes even after he left his biological family unit. He still experienced physical, emotional and spiritual abuse until the latter part of his teenage years.

Wanting to start living life to the fullest, Wesley Chapman began to read up about health. He mainly focused on how to maintain a healthy liver and the importance of staying hydrated all the time.

Aside from paying attention to what he ate and drank, Wesley Chapman likewise paid attention to his body chemistry. Apparently, every emotion is a chemical reaction. Fast forward since that time, Wesley Chapman has been medication-free for years and rarely takes antibiotics.

"I was tired of a lot of things. So I made a deal with God to do my part by correcting things in my body," Wesley Chapman said. "It also helped that my last foster mom loves me. The support meant a lot to my evolution."

Sowing Success

Wesley Chapman eventually found success in business, marketing, and storytelling. He says one of the essential elements of his journey is understanding the human mind. Learning self-worth is likewise a significant factor in his personal growth.

"Make something happen. Being a victim gets you nowhere. Power, control and empowerment essentially comes from responsibility and ownership," said Wesley Chapman.

He adds, "Choose to have a better life and create something powerful, meaningful and worthwhile. We are not the labels we are given, but rather we are what we choose to be."

Tips On How To Wake Up That Hero Within

First of all, Wesley Chapman says that the initial step is to integrate a sense of deep-rooted honesty within yourself. It goes hand in hand with responsibility and ownership.
Consequently, if you're still pushing pieces of your life onto somebody else, you're not in the honest portal.

The next step is learning how to heal. And people heal in different ways. But regardless of how you recover, understand the 'why' and have empathy to those who affected and infected you. Primarily, you heal by yourself, and you do that by analyzing what life is for you.

"If you're living the healthiest life inside and out, you're going to attract the right people in your life. They're going to be drawn to you in that way," explains Wesley Chapman. "We are living in a world now where more people need to become warriors of strength. That's why I do what I do."

Abandoned by both parents, abused, forgotten and diagnosed to never amount to anything of value – this was the foundation of Wesley Chapman's self-worth. Despite such horrifying beginnings, Wesley grew up to found successful businesses and work with some of the most significant, most respected brands in the world.

Get Connected With Wesley Chapman:

Official Website

Wake The Hero




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Oct 5, 2017

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that is very curable. Most people often experience this because of bad diet, wrong lifestyle and stress. There are conventional medicines to cure irritable bowel syndrome, but my guest, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg, is a staunch advocate of healing IBS through a natural approach.

Conventional Background

Like a lot of Naturopathic Doctors who came from a Conventional Medicine background, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg is no different. He describes himself as a science-minded student who initially planned to get a Ph.D. degree and become a researcher.

Dr. Joshua Goldenberg acquired his undergraduate degree in Biology and Genetics from the University of Pennsylvania. Upon graduation, he eventually found work outside Pennsylvania doing molecular work in a laboratory.


However, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg wasn’t happy being cooped up in a basement laboratory most of the time. Much as he was fascinated by the science of it all, he felt an intense yearning to do something that allowed him to interact with people.

Hence, after deciding not to pursue a Ph.D. degree, he saved enough money and flew to Mexico instead. Travelling around Central America for a year, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg took advantage of this time to figure out what he wanted to do.

Ending up in Guatemala, Dr. Goldenberg met this one person who he considered his oracle. He confided in this person that he was passionate about science, but the art was missing. Because of this, that person told him that he should look into going to Bastyr University and become a Naturopath.

“I found an internet cafe and researched. It was a marriage of science and the heart,” recalls Dr. Joshua Goldenberg. “So I booked a flight home, and within months after touring several other schools, I did end up studying at Bastyr University.”

Career Shift

Dr. Joshua Goldenberg admits that the first year at Bastyr University was hard but challenging. After graduating from Bastyr University, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg eventually found work as a Naturopath Doctor at a family practice clinic.

During his tenure at the clinic, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg noticed that majority of the patients who were treated for healing their gut health had massive changes. Because the response to natural healing was very positive, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg eventually established his clinic which focused on gut health.

Probiotics Research

Dr. Joshua Goldenberg is likewise a researcher. His papers primarily focus on evidence-based practice, irritable bowel syndrome, probiotics, and research methodology.

“We statistically combine research studies and find the truth. What blew me away was the findings on Pediatric Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea,” said Dr. Joshua Goldenberg. “Twenty percent of kids develop diarrhea. And we studied how to protect the kids’ guts through probiotics. It cuts the risk in half.”

He believes that not everyone needs to be taking probiotics since there is a risk to develop blood infection. According to Dr. Joshua Goldenberg, taking probiotics depends on the health situation of the individual.

“I saw how powerful natural medicine could be. Personally, I don’t feel we need pills to stay well,” Dr. Goldenberg said. “The goal should be getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, good diet and strengthen spiritual mindset.”

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), is a condition wherein a bacteria stays longer and multiplies in the small intestine. Typically, the stomach muscle and small intestine should be able to push the food from your stomach through the small intestine and into your colon.

When this muscle action happens, bacteria are usually swept out of the small intestine. However, when SIBO occurs, we tend to experience symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, and cramping.

There are some health conditions associated with SIBO, one of them being Crohn’s disease. According to studies, 60 to 70% of patients have SIBO, and contrasting studies are looking into whether antibiotics or probiotics should be used as treatment.

However, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg says it can be cured naturally. One way is to avoid fermented foods. Other treatments include taking herbal tinctures or supplements and being conscious of what time you eat.


FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. It is a collection of short-chain carbohydrates found in certain foods that contribute to the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal disorders.

A low FODMAP diet is usually recommended to those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. What we eat really does play a big part in healing from IBS naturally.

“A low-FODMAP diet comprises specific foods healthy for you. GI doctors are beginning to use it for everything. It is most effective for SIBO and IBS,” said Dr. Joshua Goldenberg. “It is also used for many GI complaints. It is a hard diet to do, and it is best to do it with the guidance of a medical professional.”

Ongoing Research And Training

Researching more about irritable bowel syndrome and gut health is Dr. Joshua Goldenberg’s biggest passion. He believes there’s a massive amount of medical research out there. Hence, it is difficult for doctors to stay updated with the latest stuff.

Consequently, educating health care providers, coaches and doctors is the primary reason why Dr. Joshua Goldenberg put up his website. He says his site aims to serve as a vehicle for medical professionals, coaches and healthcare practitioners stay up to date on the best available research.

Furthermore, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg says that a lot of research done by outstanding scientists are total garbage. This is because there is a bias between Conventional and Natural medicine. Consequently, there is a need to help providers find studies they can trust.

“It is important to find the right studies especially for Integrated Medicine,” said Dr. Joshua Goldenberg. “There is a need to be better at evidence-based medicine than their conventional peers. That is why I created this website. It teaches them how to evaluate the research themselves.”

Dr. Journal Club

Dr. Joshua Goldenberg is a researcher, teacher, registered naturopathic doctor and founder of Dr. Journal Club, LLC. He is most passionate about the interplay of evidence and clinical practice.

Dr. Goldenberg is an active researcher with numerous publications in high impact scientific journals such as JAMA, Annals of Internal Medicine and The Cochrane Library. His research focus includes irritable bowel syndrome, probiotics, evidence-informed practice, and research methodology.

He is currently Research Investigator at the Bastyr University Research Institute and Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Technology Sydney. He has presented nationally and internationally on evidence-based medicine as well as probiotics and research methodology. His probiotics work has been highlighted by the BBC, The New York Times, The Seattle Times, Prevention Magazine, and Fox News.

Dr. Goldenberg is a passionate educator and currently is faculty for the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine’s Interprofessional Fellowship in Integrative Health and Medicine, where he teaches critical evaluation of the literature and evidence-informed practice. He is past adjunct faculty at Bastyr University, his alma mater, in which he enrolled after receiving honors and distinction in molecular biology from the University of Pennsylvania. He also guest lectures widely.

As a naturopathic doctor, Dr. Joshua Goldenberg focuses on integrative approaches to irritable bowel syndrome as well as other gastrointestinal complaints working in concert with patients’ conventional gastroenterologists. He is the current president of the Gastrointestinal Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

In 2014 Dr. Joshua Goldenberg created the medical education website Dr. Journal Clubto share his passion for the interplay of evidence and clinical practice with the larger integrative medicine community.

Get Connected With Dr. Joshua Goldenberg:

Goldenberg Center

Dr. Journal Club

Twitter – Goldenberg

Facebook – Goldenberg

Twitter – Dr. Journal Club

Facebook – Dr. Journal Club

Recommended Readings by Dr. Joshua Goldenberg

The Power Of Habit  by Charles Duhigg


Elimination Diet 101 – Jennifer Vasche Lehner


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Oct 3, 2017

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Sustainable Weight Loss

Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss

Achieving sustainable weight loss is the primary challenge for everyone who has tried dieting. Chances are, we enthusiastically get on that fitness bandwagon, but we tend to stray for so many reasons. Well, you're in for a treat today because my guest Adam Schaeuble will reveal the secret to achieving sustainable weight loss.

Previously Heavy Dude

Adam Schaeuble amusingly uses the abbreviation 'Ph.D.,' to describe himself. Ph.D. really stands for a degree awarded to people who have gained the highest level of learning. However, Adam Schaeuble uses it to refer to himself as 'Previously Heavy Dude.'

You see, Adam Schaeuble wasn't always the fit guy that he is today. A decade ago at 27 years old, he weighed a whopping 327 pounds!

He was at rock bottom during those times. However, fed up with his weight issues, he remembered that one day at the grocery wherein he resolved to change. He was determined to do something about his weight.

Incidentally, it was also around that time that a friend suggested some personal growth materials. Those reference materials focused on Laws of Attraction which gave Adam Schaeuble the foundation to his mission of achieving sustainable weight loss.

Setting Goals

Like most life planning methods, setting your goals is an essential factor. And wanting to lose weight loss is no different. Adam Schaeuble knew he had to set personal goals to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Adam Schaeuble set five years of goals and set a date---July 9. One goal was to lose 100 pounds. His other goals were getting out of debt, getting married, having kids and establish a thriving business. Adam Schaeuble was a week late from achieving his goal, but nevertheless, he was able to fulfill his weight loss target.

"I read my goals every night, and it took five years to achieve every single goal," recalls Adam Schaeuble. "I realized I had to change. And when I succeed, I wanted to lead by example."

Opening A Fitness Studio

Adam Schaeuble says that what you focus on is essential to achieving sustainable weight loss. It apparently worked for him because being able to keep the weight off motivated him to open a fitness studio to help people.

"I like to help people visualize the transformation process," said Adam Schaeuble. "People are obsessed with diet and fitness hacks. We lose sight of working hard. My stuff works because it has no tricks."

Consistency Is The Key

Adam Schaeuble says that achieving sustainable weight loss is more than the hard work and eating clean. Being focused and consistent is the secret to keeping the weight off.

Consequently, Adam Schaeuble applied this principle when he developed his Amazing Results Formula which comprises his boot camp program. According to him, his philosophy changed his whole town. Combining all the weight his clients lost, it totaled to 35,000 pounds!

Now that his program has proved it works, Adam Schaeuble's new goal is to make his hometown lose a total of a million pounds. According to Adam Schaeuble, people who have failed weight loss programs gravitate towards him. Under his watch, Adam Schaeuble initially teaches people how to apply strategic thinking to the transformation process.

"I put them through what I did, and I created a boot camp," reveals Adam Schaeuble. "I'm big on accountability, and I help develop a develop strong 'why' behind your goal."

Four Phase Cycle

Adam Schaeuble further expounds that this program has four components. These four elements are starting a new program, getting initial results, overcoming challenges and giving up.

To avoid giving up on a weight loss program, Adam Schaeuble says that developing the right mindset can help motivate you to stay on a diet. Apparently, people tend to get excited about starting a diet and then slack off when the program isn't working.

"People need to stop focusing on the first phase and dominate situations. Only then can you can make progress," explains Adam Schaeuble. "Every trip through the cycle, you decrease your willpower."

Typical Diet

Adam Schaeuble's basic plan is eating whole foods five times a day, drinking a lot of water and sweating by doing exercises. He describes his diet as more of Paleo nowadays, comprising proteins, eggs, fish, healthy fats and vegetables.

He considers breakfast as the most important meal of the day. Hence, a typical breakfast would be one scoop dry whey protein, one scoop collagen protein; one can of organic coconut cream, one teaspoon of almond butter and mixed with a little water like pudding.

"My philosophy is you want to use the right tool for the job. I experiment with all sorts of diet regimens," said Adam Schaeuble. "Pick a diet right for you and stick to it. It all comes down to consistency and hard work. Then adapt as we go."

Adam Schaeuble likewise does fasting for 24 hours at least once a week. Apparently, Adam Schaeuble's strategy is to fast only during the day when he is the busiest. This way, he wouldn't be tempted to break the fast.

The Third Component Book

Adam Schaeuble's book is all about the real secret to achieving sustainable weight loss. This fantastic reference material will teach you how to apply his "Amazing Results Formula" as part of your transformation process.

He also believes in what he calls a 'Lifestyle Rehabilitation.' This is all about educating you on the importance of accountability and the ability to plan.

Transformation Website

Going through Adam Schaeuble's website, you'll see a lot of testimonials from Adam Schaeuble's former clients who have lost weight. These are the same people who are in Adam Schaeuble's fitness videos wherein you'll learn the proper exercises for your daily routine.

Other services that Adam Schaeuble offers on his website aside from coaching calls are nutrition protocols, strategic thinking, and lifestyle audit. You will also learn to create a battleplan workbook and be part of his weight loss community.

Support System

Adam Schaeuble continually stresses the need for you to find a good support system to help you achieve your goals. He likewise advises people to do away with being obsessed about the number on their weighing scale.

"People live and die by that scale. The scale is one of my enemies," Adam Schaeuble said. "It's one of the least reliable assessment tools. The scale makes intelligent people say dumb things."

Essentially, Adam Schaeuble says we must never give in to social pressure. More often than not, social pressure is a significant factor on why most people fail to achieve their weight goals.

"Tell your family the reason behind your goal. It's not weird wanting to be healthy, " assures Adam Schaeuble. "Find someone who has done what you want to do and learn from them. Attach yourself to them as an accountability anchor point."

Adam Schaeuble is a former Ph.D. (Pretty Heavy Dude). He once weighed 327 pounds, and after losing 100 pounds himself, he opened up a gym in his hometown of Bloomington, IN. Adam Schaeuble took what he learned from his 100-pound weight loss experience and applied it to his hometown clients. In a five year period, his hometown clients lost over 35,000 lbs.!

One Million Pound Mission

Now Adam Schaeuble is on his One Million Pound Mission. He is taking all of his successful programs and strategies that he has used for his transformation and his hometown clients, and he's putting them online with the hopes of producing a one million pound impact across the globe.

Adam Schaeuble has a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science from Indiana University and has the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification from the NSCA. At his company, TransformationCoach.Me, he holds the positions of Head Coach and Lead Transformologist.

He is also the host of The TransformationCoach.Me podcast where he dives into his best transformation tips and strategies, and he interviews people that have had amazing transformation results to extract their best tips and motivation for the audience.

Get Connected With Adam Schaeuble!

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Recommended Readings By Adam Schaeuble

The Power Of Habit  by Charles Duhigg

The One Thing by Jay Papisan





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