
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Now displaying: May, 2017
May 31, 2017

What Causes Cancer?

Discovering What Causes Cancer And Curing It With Sodium Bicarbonate

Today I have a very famous oncologist with us who found out what causes cancer and has been curing cancer for over a decade using an all-natural substance and without chemotherapy. Dr. Tullio Simoncini trained the traditional way of curing through chemotherapy until he saw there were no results.

I first discovered Dr. Simoncini when I watched the documentary series, "The Truth About Cancer."

Discovering What Causes Cancer

Years before, Simoncini's college professor confessed that the tumor is still a mystery. He was challenged to find what causes cancer.

Tullio reasoned with his professor that there must be some other way to cure cancer because everybody who went through chemotherapy dies. So he vowed to do his research on what causes cancer.

Treating Psoriasis

Then Simoncini was also following some doctors practicing Natural Medicine who were also looking for the answer to what causes cancer. Eventually, Simoncini came to the conclusion that psoriasis is caused by a fungus.

Simoncini treated patients with this condition using iodine solution at seven per cent. Because he says, it can precipitate the proteins of the body of the fungus and wreck them in a short period.

If the spots are relatively small, Simoncini says the solution must be applied 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so that the spots become very dark.

It will cause a sharp pain at first, but when the eschar forms and higher than the epidemic plane, to continue to paint under and above it.

Simoncini's Early Success

One of Simoncini's patients many years ago was a child who was only 11-years-old.  This case immediately gave Simoncini the sign that he was doing the right thing.

With a clinical history of leukemia, the child arrived in a coma at the pediatric hematology ward around 11:30 in the morning that one fateful day.

The child moved from Sicily, Rome, to Palermo, and Naples, where he underwent several chemotherapy sessions to try to battle the disease.

The desperate mother talked to Simoncini that she has not spoken to her child for the past 15 days when they have been moving from hospital to hospital. She said she would have given anything to hear her son's voice again before he dies.

Simoncini assessed that the child was comatose because the fungi colonies invaded the brain and the therapies performed were toxic.

The Italian doctor, therefore, concluded, that if he could destroy the colonies with sodium bicarbonate salts and nourish, as well as detoxify the brain with glucose phleboclysis, Simoncini could hope for a regression of the symptomatology.

And so it did. After a continuous infusion with glucose solutions and phleboclysis of bicarbonate, Simoncini found the child speaking with his crying mother, later that night when he came back to the university.

Treatment Using Sodium Bicarbonate

In another case, a patient with pulmonary neoplasm in 1983, came to see Simoncini. This was before the patient was scheduled to be operated on at the Istituto Regina Elena in Rome.

Tullio says the x-rays showed a homogeneous thickening of the right lung at the upper vanished margin and regular lower margins.

The development of the tumor mass, said Simoncini, is due to a mycotic colony. It happened because of a morbid process starting from the liver.

Simoncini did treatment by detoxing the liver simultaneously with giving bicarbonate salts orally, intravenously and through aerosol.

Eight months after, the mass completely disappeared. Over one year after the end of the therapy, the lung healed. The x-ray showed only a thickening of the inter-lobe separation.

Fast forward today, Simoncini's patient is still alive after 20 years of since the therapy.

Rejected By Traditional Doctors

Despite that, Simoncini is aware that many people and physicians used to traditional medicine and treatments are still skeptical of his methods to treat cancer and other diseases.

Simoncini still persevered. In the early 2000s, he sent his findings to the medical board for evaluation. He was later on banned in 2002 to practice medicine just because he did not approve of their chemotherapy treatment to battle cancer.

But Simoncini continued his research on what causes cancer and kept finding ways to cure it. He was prosecuted continuously.

In 2006, the court wanted to put me in jail because of a bad sentence. But a law also came out that time, preventing the overpopulation in prisons, so Simoncini was able to escape from being jailed.

"But God helped me, so now I am still helping people be cured of cancer. But it is disappointing that traditional medical doctors do not understand or accept my argument on what causes cancer or how to treat it with my method without surgery or chemotherapy," Simoncini said.

Cancer Is A Fungus

Simoncini says cancer is not an infection like the usual bacterial infection. The fungal infection mutates or changes. Every type of cancer is caused by fungi of the Candida species.

So sodium bicarbonate is very effective if you can apply locally. Sometimes in one day, you can eliminate 90% of the tumor.

There are very few side effects of the sodium bicarbonate therapy. Some patients may feel thirsty or get tired, but it is temporary. Full dosage cannot be given to cancer patients with severe renal, heart, and hepatic problems.

As much as possible, it is best to give the patient a maximum tolerable quantity, because of a dosage too low or too thinly distributed is not effective.


"Because I want the sodium bicarbonate treatment to be more efficient, selective arteriography and to the positioning of the arterial port-a-cath (devices joined to the catheter)," said Simoncini. "These methods allow the of high dosages of sodium bicarbonate in the deepest recesses of the tumor."

With selective arteriography of carotids, you can reach any cerebral mass painless and without the need for surgery. Almost all organs can be treated except vertebrae and ribs because the scarce arterial irrigation doesn't allow enough dosage to reach the targets.

Selective arteriography is a very robust solution against fungi that can often be used against neoplasias.

Colon Cancer

One time, Simoncini flew to Turkey to help a patient. He had a big tumor in the colon. Tullio started treatment with a colonoscopy, and he put sodium bicarbonate onto the tumor about 7 centimeters.

When Simoncini came back the day after to check on the patient, the tumor shrank from 7 centimeters to 1 centimeter. It was a big success. Sodium bicarbonate works best when you can bring it in direct contact with the tumor.

Easily Curable Cancers

Simoncini says some other cancers easily treated by sodium bicarbonate are bladder cancer, uterus cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer. Cancers that are difficult to cure with his treatment is bone cancer and esophageal cancer.

"Traditional anti-fungal drugs are not effective in treating tumors because the solid colonies can be attacked only on the surface. And they become resistant after the first administration," Simoncini explained.

There are many studies about the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate on cancer, but the conclusions are wrong because the conclusions assume intracellular, rather than antifungal action. Anti-fungal drugs are not suitable.

Ideal Diet

"The diet of the patient has to have more sugar because they need more energy especially in an advanced stage of cancer," Simoncini said. "Cancer patients of traditional doctors are made to fast with is wrong. Conventional oncology is dead."

The diet of the patient has to be rich. Conventional and Alternative Medicine doctors do not know what causes cancer and how to beat cancer. Simoncini says his method of curing cancer is reasonable because it has been tested and proven.

Tips To Prevent Cancer

Simoncini gives these simple measures to avoid having cancer:

  1. Wash your hands frequently.
  2. Avoid becoming weak or ill.
  3. Love and think positive.
  4. Have a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Promoting Simoncini's Cancer Treatment

Simoncini says his treatment is now being done by some doctors in South Korea, Japan, some clinics in U.S.A. like Oklahoma and Arizona and South Africa. The treatment produces results especially some cancer cases that are easy to cure.

"My fervent wish is that my treatment method will be accepted in the mainstream because it can cure a lot of people because cancer destroys individuals and families," said Simoncini.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini is an Italian former physician and alternative medicine advocate. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from La Sapienza University. He is known for claiming that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, and has gone so far as to say that cancer is actually a form of candida overgrowth. 

He also says that cancer can be cured with injections of sodium bicarbonate. He says that he was formerly an oncologist, but that he was struck off because he prescribed sodium bicarbonate instead of conventional chemotherapy.

Get Connected With Dr. Simoncini!

Cure Naturali Cancro

Simoncini Cancer Therapy

Book By Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Cancer Is A Fungus

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May 25, 2017

How To End Addiction

How To End Addiction Through Spiritual Enrichment

Learn True Health is about Holistic Health. The podcast aims to develop our health mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and energetically. A lot of times I have doctors on teaching what herbs we can take, what detox is best or how to end addiction.

But if we have an unhappy spiritual, emotional or mental body, we're not completely healthy. So we need to address every aspect of our life.

My guest today, John Hammer, will help us seek enlightenment, how to heal and how to end addiction so that we can say we are healthy inside and out.

Happy Childhood

Hammer grew up in a pastor's family. His dad was a drug addict who grew up in Seattle. His father had a miraculous encounter with God when he chanced upon a book called "The Cross and the Switchblade" by David Wilkerson. He went to become a pastor and married Hammer's mom in the process.

His earliest memories were going to church multiple times a week and going to a Christian school. He had a great childhood and Hammer's parents were good role models.

Dark Secret

In middle school, Hammer got exposed to pornography. He lived a double life during his teenage years. Underneath the happy facade, he was dealing with depression during that phase. Pornography was a wonderful drug then. Hammer knew it was bad, but it was an escape.

Hammer went to community college after he graduated from a Christian school and just went through the motions. Before his 21st birthday, Hammer went home one night, felt the fear of God and cried. After opening up to his Dad, that was a huge turning point in his life.

Hammer's Cope Mechanism On How To End Addiction

Later on, Hammer wrote a book on how his addiction affected his body, brain and what it did to him spiritually and emotionally. It also affected his relationships.

Once the pornography removed from Hammer's life, anxiety, worry, stress, and depression even intensified for a season. Prayer and counseling helped to set him free and taught him how to end addiction. It's been 15 years now.

Hammer also went to Bible College, earning a Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies. He is currently working on a Master's Degree at Northwestern University in Missional Leadership. It is like a ministry degree for pastors.

Dr. Bernie Siegel was a past guest, and in our episode, he related that he tells high schoolers to write two lists---one list is a suicide note and the second list enumerates why you are worth living.

The 'suicide note' pile is always taller than the 'worth living' pile. The teachers hate him for doing it for fear that it would encourage kids to commit suicide.

On the contrary, Siegel says when he does it, the suicide rates go down because all the teenagers look at that pile and realize they are not alone. Hence, they open up to each other after that activity.

Understanding How To End Addiction

When we hear addiction, we always think it's because of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Addiction could be anything else. There are so many things that can cause a chemical dependence.

I was addicted to watching TV all day and night when I had depression. It was my numbing agent.

You have to feel the wounds to know it's there so you can begin to ask for help. We need to acknowledge ourselves. When you overdo something, stop and ask yourself if there is something you need to heal.

We're not alone in our struggles. Young people especially feel alone. But you have to open up about the hard things you are feeling and going through. Don't be so isolated. That's a huge risk.

"In my book, I wrote that porn could keep you from healthy relationships and healthy relationships can stop you from porn," said Hammer. "There's some biblical truth in there, and it's what I learned from my experience."

Finding Happiness

When you are open and transparent, you can put anything in that blank. Fundamentally, we're made for healthy relationships with God.

"When we're in pain, we seek pleasure. If we find happiness in relationships or in becoming transparent, working through the difficult things, we can find a healthy way to live. Addiction offers a shortcut but has a lot of side effects," said Hammer.

We push people away so that they won't see our shame. Addiction is ego-driven. When we let ourselves be vulnerable, then we can let people, God, and love inside us.

After the pornography removed from Hammer's life, his spiritual eyes started to open. Things were changing. He felt the love of God. Then he went to our church and special meetings more often --- the Sonrise Christian Center.

Purpose Of The Bible

God is a communicating God. He wants to be known, be loved and have a relationship with mankind. That's why he gave us the Bible as a gift.

"The Bible teaches that God speaks in more dramatic ways like through angels, visions, and dreams," Hammer explains. "It also tells us that we have our thoughts that could be affected positively or negatively by the different inputs."

Hammer also says the Bible talks about evil forces and God's spirit. So we need to be discerning. The most transformational principle in the Bible is the Gospel of grace.

"I believe the whole Revelation of the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus. In John's Gospel, Jesus is having a confrontation with some of the religious leaders who weren't too accepting of Jesus," said Hammer.

"The primary point of the Bible is not about religion but rather to reveal who Jesus is. And that's the Gospel of grace," said Hammer. "I think this is most important for health because we're all born in sin, and we need to be rescued. We need redemption and salvation."

Furthermore, Hammer said, the Bible says that the Gospel in Romans 1, is the power of God and salvation to all who believe. It teaches that God came to man in the midst of our pain or destructive health. And He wants to heal and reconcile us.

God made Jesus, who knew no sin, to become sin for us. That we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Difference of Mercy And Grace

"Mercy is you don't get the judgment that you should have gotten. But grace is putting into your account a favor, goodness, and blessing that you didn't earn," said Hammer.

It's not about the absence of punishment but rather the added benefit of reward that you didn't do anything to earn other than God decided to show you a favor because you believe in the power of what He did for you in the sacrifice of his Son.

"This is so transformational to our health because it is grace instead of religion. It's God's empowerment on my behalf based on what he has done, not based on what I have done," explains Hammer. "What started to renew my thinking was, as I understood the Gospel of grace, I was a new person. I realized God loves me and I'm not afraid of death anymore."

Stories of Transformation

Hammer narrates that there was a young man that had a death wish on his life. He wanted to join the military and go in the frontline and die. That way, people would remember him for his bravery rather than be remembered as some hopeless guy.

He was in a dark place and had learning disabilities. John talked to him about the Gospel and was skeptical at first. But as they prayed, Hammer cast out the evil spirit from him. All the heaviness lifted from him.

He's leading a church movement in Africa now, his memory was better and was successful in school. It was a spiritual breakthrough.

Then there was a woman who had a lot of autoimmune diseases and was seeing a lot of doctors. The doctors just diagnosed a bunch of drugs for her to cope and sent her home to die. Her body was shutting down.

Hammer's Dad visited that patient and prayed with her. Shortly after that, she started to feel better. The next time she went back for hospital tests, her kidney, as well as other organs, were functioning well. Here autoimmune diseases were gone, and the doctors were amazed.

How To Improve Health

John gives three quick tips on how to improve our spiritual health and how to end addiction:

1. Grace - how to understand God's love and our identity as a result of the gospel of grace.
2. Heart - caring for the condition of our heart (spiritually) by practicing forgiveness and thankfulness.
3. Prayer - practicing God's presence in prayer, song, and meditation to alleviate anxiety and connect with God.

How To Pray

"Prayer is very important for keeping your heart healthy. I read up on how to have a healthy lifestyle," shares Hammer. "I learned that our immune system is mostly in our gut. If you take care of your gut, you can heal a lot of issues in your life physically."

Hammer adds that he also believes that spiritually. That deepest place is your heart. If you can take care of it, the rest of your life benefits. A prayer is an amazing tool.

"I pray in Jesus' name. And my prayer is a divine encounter with God himself. Be relentlessly thankful no matter what," Hammer said. "Cultivating a prayer life and a right attitude in life is the number one thing we have control over. The best way to control your attitude by being thankful."

John Hammer is happily married to the love of his life Grace Elaine and together they have four amazing children: Hailey, Emma, Justus, and Addison. He is a passionate and creative communicator that is living for a Jesus awakening in his generation. He expresses his heart and creativity through preaching, teaching, writing, blogging and spoken word poetry.

He is the author of the book eXXXit. He is the Senior Associate Pastor at Sonrise Christian Center in Everett, WA and the Director of Sonrise Supernatural School of Seattle Bible College. John received a BA degree in Biblical Studies from Seattle Bible College and is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Missional Leadership from Northwest University. He is also the founder of Represent Conferences.

Get Connected With John Hammer!

Personal Blog

Church Website

Represent Movement




Book by John Hammer


Recommended Reading by John Hammer

The Supernatural Power Of A Transformed Mind

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Ashley James

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May 23, 2017

The Art Of Healing With Dr. Bernie Siegel

Dr. Bernie Siegel's Tips On Finding Your True Self

Dr. Bernie Siegel is one of the 20 Spiritually Influential Living People on the Planet by the Watkins Review. I met Dr. Bernie Siegel during my Health Coaching training program at the Institute of Integrated Health and Nutrition.

Watching Dr. Bernie Siegel's videos touched me deeply. Hence, I wanted to share his message of healing to all my listeners.

Finding Meaning In My Profession

Many years ago, Dr. Bernie Siegel attended a workshop because he wasn't happy as a doctor. He felt he wasn't trained to care for people. Doctors are trained to treat the result and not the cause.

When Dr. Bernie Siegel went to the workshop, he was the only doctor in the room. Here was a radiation oncologist giving a lecture and no other doctor in the state of Connecticut was there.

Sitting around were a lot of Dr. Bernie Siegel's patients. A patient approached him and said she was there because she needed to know how to live since she couldn't see me all the time. That statement changed Dr. Bernie Siegel's life. He told himself he wanted to help people live.

After the workshop, Dr. Bernie Siegel went to work, and an office partner looked at him and felt he was a changed man. He started a support group called Exceptional Cancer Patients, and they became Dr. Bernie Siegel's teachers.

"If you don't enjoy people, it doesn't matter what profession you have. You're going to have a tough time," said Siegel. "Helen Keller taught me the importance of listening to each other, as well as listening to ourselves."

The Key to Surviving

Dr. Bernie Siegel says, you will find many books now and survival qualities in articles listed by psychiatrists who are helping people to deal with cancer, AIDS, and other things. Then they notice their personality has something to do with their survival.

"We're all finding the same message. If you find something that is repeated in many sources about healing and surviving, then it must be true," Siegel said.

Religion and Reality

Siegel also said many religions are not helping because they'll bring in the guilt, shame, and blame. It's getting better as the centuries go by, but the Pope in the 1800s told the Catholics not to vaccinate themselves from smallpox because God decides who gets smallpox.

Recently, Billy Graham, the American evangelical Christian evangelist may do a lot of good stuff, but Siegel was shocked by one of Graham's newspaper columns wherein a reader asked if God wants him to have cancer.

Graham's answer was not 'no,' but rather 'not necessarily.' He went on to tell the reader it is God's way of bringing him back to church. But Siegel says the disease is not a punishment. It's a loss of health.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Siegel believes that when you laugh, what a difference it makes in a person. He says a study was done in Scandinavia, where people were told to laugh for no apparent reason, four or five times a day.

The other group would laugh if something funny happened. Ten years later, those who laughed for no reason had a longer survival rate.

Find Happiness In The Simplest Things

"Make a note of the beautiful things that happened in your life. We store our memories in our bodies. We could prove this with organ transplant," advises Siegel. "When we have pain stored in us, it creates an environment that will lead to illness. It's like self-destruction."

Siegel also says people have to realize, your body chemistry is altered by your feelings. We all experience rejection. With rejection comes a desire for revenge. With revenge, guilt. And that is the story of mankind.

"If we keep questioning ourselves, it's all in our consciousness. The intellect is a problem. The thinking doesn't draw the picture," explains Siegel. "The intuitive, wisdom and consciousness draws the picture. That's why you can predict the future."

Miracles Happen

There are no coincidences. Included in Bernie Siegel's "A Book of Miracles," is this story---A woman dreamed that a dark skinned woman told her to get a lump in her breast checked. The woman wakes up, checks her breast, there is a lump and goes to the hospital.

And they diagnosed her with breast cancer. Then they told her, the doctor who will be treating her will come in a few minutes. Later on, a female doctor who is Indian came out. It turned out she was the doctor in her dream.

"That's why I tell my patients, draw a picture and pay attention to your dreams. Because that's coming from a deeper sense of wisdom," Siegel said. "Dreams can be about our bodies too and what is stored there emotionally and physically."

Understanding Relationships

This is something important---the word 'relationship.' Because Joseph Campbell, an American writer, called marriage an ordeal. I was surprised to see that in one of his books. Why would he say that when he's married?

Because apparently, a relationship is not about two individuals. Campbell said one plus one equals three. You're creating a third entity.

Finding Your Authentic Self

Siegel gives a few tips on how to truly be connected to who you are:

• You need to have your authentic self, not just a role. That's one of the survival qualities. Think positively and love yourself.
• Express anger appropriately.
• If you are depressed, use that feeling to guide you.

It totally makes sense. If someone is depressed, you can't see that person's wound. They're suffering on the inside.

For me, I struggled with weight my whole life. At times I felt like it was a blessing because people could see my struggles on the outside. But sometimes I felt like it was a curse because I wanted to hide it. All I wanted to do is to help people and inspire them.

"They have to want the help. So don't feel bad if people don't do the things you would like them to do. It's not that you're a failure. The curse can become a blessing," said Siegel.

Patient Empowerment

Dr. Siegel, who prefers to be called Bernie, not Dr. Siegel, was born in Brooklyn, NY. He attended Colgate University and Cornell University Medical College. He holds membership in two scholastic honor societies, Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha and graduated with honors.

His surgical training took place at Yale New Haven Hospital, West Haven Veteran's Hospital and the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. He retired from practice as an assistant clinical professor of surgery at Yale of general and pediatric surgery in 1989 to speak to patients and their caregivers.

He has touched many lives all over our planet. In 1978 he began talking about patient empowerment and the choice to live fully and die in peace.

As a physician, who has cared for and counseled innumerable people whose mortality has been threatened by an illness, Bernie embraces a philosophy of living and dying that stands at the forefront of the medical ethics and spiritual issues our society grapples with today.

He continues to assist in the breaking of new ground in the field of healing and personally struggling to live the message of kindness and love.

Get Connected with Dr. Bernie Siegel

Official Website

Books By Dr. Bernie Siegel

Love, Animals, and Miracles

Dr. Bernie Siegel Audio Collection

Love, Medicine, and Miracles

Humor and Healing

Faith, Hope, and Healing

 Peace, Love & Healing

365 Prescriptions For The Soul

 101 Exercises For The Soul

Meditations For Morning And Evening

How To Live Between Office Visits

Meditations For Peace Of Mind


Learn True Health Listeners please use code "36" at checkout on Bernie's website to get a discount on his books.

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May 22, 2017

The Truth Behind GMO

Causes and Cure of a GMO Versus Non-GMO Diet

I have on board celebrity author and filmmaker Jeffrey Smith who is an advocate for promoting healthier non-GMO choices in our diet.

Today is also a special episode because not only did we reach a million downloads, but it is also my late mother's birthday. She would have turned 70 years old today, so I'm dedicating this episode to her.

Began As Curious Outsider

Smith was a chronic do-gooder and looking for ways to improve things. Through the years, he was into marketing, communications, education and strategy.

In 1996, Smith went to a lecture by a scientist who was a genetic engineer, and he was quite alarmed. Because he knew something was about to become a health disaster and environmental catastrophe.

Monsanto Company A company called Monsanto was about to plant seeds throughout the Midwest using genetically engineered techniques that this engineer knew. The engineer was aware that it was not safe.

Once you release these seeds, the plants would cross-pollinate, and the seeds would blow in the wind. We would be contaminating the gene pool without a way to decontaminate it.

Getting Involved

Smith realized this scientist needs help in spreading this topic. Since the lecture was full of scientific jargon, Smith though that there is a way of converting it into layman's terms and spread the word to more people.

Smith started to interview that scientist and other scientists, and he has been doing that for 21 years---translating science to English.

Soon after, Smith ended up working for a GMO detection laboratory where he was paid to become more expert on the subject.

Seeds Of Deception

Then he wrote the book "Seeds of Deception." It became the world's bestselling book on GMOs in 2003 and is still a bestselling book.

As a strategist, Smith was trying to figure out ways to stop the folly. Nobody was talking about the health dangers, so that's why he wrote the book.

And he wanted to show the corruption that allowed it in the market. So what Smith did, he extracted stories from GMO whistleblowers.

Learning About GMO

When I first heard about GMO in the 90s, I knew something was not right even if I was a teenager then. I watched a documentary years ago on GMO, it was very similar to a mafia manipulating the market.

Percy Schmeiser is a farmer whose case went up to the Canadian Supreme Court. Someone testified against him in court and lied about him purchasing Monsanto seeds which he never did.

It turned out that person accepted a bribe of $20,000 worth of chemicals from Monsanto for lying. Apparently, he was clearing his conscience because he had liver cancer and died soon after.

Smith says that in the United States, most dairies have Bandit but will say it around the carton. It will either say no rbST (recombinant Bovine Somatotrophin), no rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone), or no artificial hormones.

If it doesn't say those things, you can check on their website. Bovine growth hormone is known as "crack for cows," injected into cows, revs up their metabolic hormones. It causes huge damage on the health and lifespan of cows.

In cow's milk, there is growth hormones and IGF-1 which linked to cancer. IGF-1 promotes cell growth, replication, more pus and more anti-biotic resistant bacteria.

Your Milk On Drugs

Smith has an 18-minute film called "Your Milk On Drugs---Just Say No,"  and it was a movie that Monsanto company did not want to spread to the public.

The film includes interviews with fired whistleblowers about the FDA, manipulated research, and political collusion, as well as footages prepared for a FOX TV station which eventually canceled after a letter from Monsanto's attorney,  threatened consequences.

Amazing Effects of A Non-GMO Diet

Smith started speaking at medical conferences since 1996. Doctors began prescribing non-GMO diets. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine did their evaluation of GMO and said every doctor should prescribe non-GMO diets due to reproductive problems, organ damage, accelerated aging, digestive issues among others.

Smith then went around interviewing doctors, and he was shocked. They all told him inflammation and allergies are caused by GMO.

One doctor Smith talked to calculated that she put at least 5,000 patients on a non-GMO diet and they all got better. He was able to interview some of the patients. The recovery was amazingly fast.

"It's tricky finding food products that are GMO-free because it is not properly labeled in the United States," said Smith. "So everyone has to create some strategy which would involve other potential confounding factors that could also be leading to the same results."

Smith was also interviewing farmers who took their pigs and cows onto non-GMO feed, and they were getting the same results. The animals had more energy; their digestive health was better, no more birth defects, higher litter size, higher conception rate and 69% to 75% less use of medicines and antibiotics in pig farms.

Smith started in 2012 after Genetic Roulette the movie came out. So many people started switching to a non-GMO diet.

"People would say the number one problem they had before they switched to a non-GMO diet was gastro-intestinal problems," Smith revealed. "Brain fog, fibromyalgia, autism, anxiety, depression, immune problems were also common health issues. After switching to non-GMO, they found it easier to lose weight."

Effects of A Non-GMO Diet On Children

Smith adds that children were very responsive to a non-GMO diet. Recovery was between one day to a month.  Their behavior was better.

"The non-GMO and organic diet will not cure every disease. It will not cure every autistic child," clarifies Smith. "A doctor in my film said autism is curable, but it depends on what spectrum it is and sometimes it's just diet that can do it, sometimes it's not."

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is where in a laboratory, you either insert foreign genes into the DNA of a crop for a particular purpose, or you rearrange the genes within the DNA.

The process of genetic engineering causes massive collateral damage in the DNA. You can change the level of gene expression up to 5% of the functioning genes.

They recently found that in one of Monsanto's corn variety that there were a hundred different proteins and metabolites that were distinct in the genetically engineered variety compared to the natural variety of the same type and two compounds.

"Two compounds increased in the Monsanto corn was putrescine and cadaverine. They are responsible for the odor of rotting dead bodies. These are linked to increased allergic reactions and cancer," said Smith.

The main reason why they genetically engineered crops are to allow those crops sprayed with herbicide. So Monsanto sells roundup herbicide and roundup ready seeds.

These herbicide-tolerant crops are 80% of all GMOs planted in the world. It gets absorbed into the crops and the food portion of the crop, and you can't wash it off. People think soaking vegetables is the solution but the chemical is actually inside the vegetables.

Relation to Glyphosate

Glyphosate is what Monsanto patented and put it as the basis for the roundup. Glyphosate was originally patented to clean boilers and pipes, as an antibiotic, as an herbicide and it's not the only poison in the roundup.

"There are a lot more elements that are 10,000 times more toxic. And as a whole, roundup can be 125 times more toxic than glyphosate alone," Smith shares. "But glyphosate has been tested and showed to be a probable carcinogen receptor."

For listeners who want to learn more about roundup glyphosate and health implications, please go back and listen to episode 89 of the Learn True Health podcast with Dr. Stephanie Seneff. Roundup and GMOs go hand in hand.

Tested And Proven

Smith explains that when you look at what is the impact of genetically-modified roundup soy, you don't know if it's the soy or round-up residue. So when they tested it in Italy, they found damage to the testes, pancreas, liver and accelerated aging.

He also said that in Russia, an unpublished study found by the third generation of hamsters, most of the hamsters were sterile. There was a four to five times increase rate in infant mortality and birth defects.

So we have a situation where we don't know whether it's the round-up which does link to reproductive disorders and whether it's the GMO.

Roundup Glyphosate

One group in France did a very wise experiment, where they fed rats either roundup ready corn that has been sprayed with roundup, roundup ready corn that has not been sprayed with roundup, or roundup without the corn.

And they found out all three groups had massive tumors, premature death, and organ damage. So it was both the genetic engineering process and the roundup individually and together, which were linked to these very serious disorders including a much higher death rate.

In 2004, in the Nature Biotechnology Journal, they demonstrated that if you inserted genes as they did into soy, the part of the gene transferred into the DNA integrated into the DNA of bacteria living inside our intestines.

"They were not able to determine whether transferred gene continued to function, producing genetically modified proteins from the bacteria," said Smith. "But if it did, and it might, it means that 24/7 our gut bacteria could be producing genetically engineered proteins."

If that's the case with Bt corn, it might turn or intestinal floor into living pesticide factories, and that might explain why 93% of the pregnant women in Canada tested have the Bt toxin because they may have been producing it inside their intestines.

GMOs To Avoid

  1. Soy
  2. Corn
  3. Cotton
  4. Canola
  5. Sugar Beets
  6. Alfalfa
  7. Papaya from Hawaii or China
  8. Zucchini
  9. Yellow squash
  10. Apples
  11. Potatoes

Secret Ingredients Movie

Smith's movie highlights the story of Kathleen and her family as they rebuild their health after eliminating GMOs and pesticides from their diet.

It also includes experts and scientists who can explain why and how GMOs may be making us sick. The film also shares testimonials from other families that have gotten better, as well as doctors who have seen their patients heal after eliminating GMOs.

"We have enough information to make confident decisions. My bottom line suggestion aside from getting involved is trying to switch to 100% organic for a few weeks or a month," advises Smith. "Keep a journal and write all your moods, your daily meals, and symptoms. See what happens in your life. That could be the information that you need to become completely confident that this is the way you want to live your life."

Genetic Roulette

Jeffrey Smith is an internationally renowned anti-GMO author/filmmaker Jeffrey Smith's meticulous research documents how biotech companies continue to mislead legislators and safety officials to put the health of society at risk and the environment in peril. His work expertly summarizes why the safety assessments conducted by the FDA and regulators worldwide teeter on a foundation of outdated science and false assumptions, and why genetically engineered foods must urgently become our nation's top food safety priority. Smith is the founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology.

Smith's feature-length documentary Genetic Roulette-The Gamble of Our Lives was awarded the 2012 Movie of the Year by the Solari Report, and the Transformational Film of the Year by AwareGuide. Described as a "life-changer" and seen by millions worldwide, the film links genetically engineered food to toxic and allergic reactions, infertility, digestive disorders, and numerous problems that have been on the rise in the US population since genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were introduced. He also produced and directed the short films Your Milk on Drugs-Just Say No, and  Hidden Dangers in Kids' Meals.

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Institue for Responsible Technology

Your Milk On Drugs---Just Say No

Secret Ingredients

Hidden Dangers in Kids' Meals

Seeds Of Deception

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Genetic Roulette

Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives
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May 18, 2017

Natural Medicine For Cancer Treatment

Cancer Treatment Through Naturopathy, Energy Frequency and Greenopathy

There are a lot of cancer treatment available nowadays. Dr. Lance Morris will explain today how Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Energy Frequencies and Greenopathy treat this disease.

Preemie Baby

Morris was a preemie baby during an era when premature babies did not survive. His parents sent up an oxygen tent at home, and along with his two sisters, they watched over him 24/7 until he was healthy.

Premature babies' weakest link are the lungs. So growing up Morris always had chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, and asthma. He had a frequent respiratory crisis, and the standard solution was always Allopathic intervention. But it never really helped.

Getting Into The Vegan Diet

In the 60s, when Morris was a freshman in high school, there was this group of students who were vegan. And that was not common then. He wanted to hang out with them, and they agreed, provided he wouldn't bring any animal products to their table during breaks.

"Three months into that, I woke up one morning and I felt something was different. I realized I wasn't coughing, gagging, snorting, sneezing or taking medicine," recalls Morris.

Morris added, "It seemed like going vegan erased all those health problems. So I decided to confirm that fact by re-introducing dairy into my diet. The health issues can back."

Apparently, Morris was allergic to dairy. Dairy is the #1 allergen on our planet.

"Naturopathy is a discipline that looks to nature. All mammals nurse species-specific. Based on that, what is true is that humans should consume human mother's milk until weaning like all animal species," Morris explains. "Milk is good only for the species to which it is intended and not cross-species."

Morris further says that if you look at the biochemistry of milk, you'll see that human milk is different from cow milk. Cow milk is one of the worse possible choices. Goat or sheep milk is a much better choice, but even that won't work because I have a very active allergy to dairy products.

Getting Into Naturopathy

Morris started studying all about nature and looking into medicine. In his junior year of college, he went to Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington.

Morris met his wife there who was studying Organic Farming. She turned him on to Naturopathy. So Morris finished pre-med and went to Bastyr University. He graduated in 1985.

Morris has been in practice now for 35 years in Naturopathic Medicine, but he has a healthy respect for Allopathic Medicine.

"The most famous Alternative MD in the nation is Dr. Andrew Weil, and he integrated Allopathic and Naturopathic Medicine," said Morris. "We have to join the best of these two fields. I specialize in chronic degenerative disease and alternative cancer treatments."

Dissecting Cancer

Cancer is an embryologic disorder. Cells of our body are out of control, and the body is attacking itself. We know that embryonic tissue is fragile.

"The formula in chemotherapy is we give a very toxic agent that kills cancer cells over healthy cells because they are more fragile. Cancer is feeble and weak because it is embryologic," Morris explains.

Finding The Best Cancer Treatments

"Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) uses insulin for low-dose chemotherapy," said Morris. "We drive the blood sugar down and mix the chemo with the sugar solution, so it gets sucked up by the body. The result is that the chemo goes to the cancer cells and no healthy cells."

But Morris says IPT is not a standard care in Allopathic Medicine. The insurance companies won't cover IPT because it is considered an alternative.

Morris does a lot of intravenous Vitamin C for patients.

"Vitamin C is chemotherapy when we start pushing tissue saturation levels at 75,000 mg or more in a single infusion," said Morris. "At that level, it is an oxidant. But it does no damage to healthy cells, and cancer does not like it."

As a Naturopathic Doctor, Morris always wants to do natural therapeutics as cancer treatments. But if something isn't working, then we have the Allopathic medical system to fall back on.

Some cancer centers have Naturopathic Doctors on their staff doing Integrative Medicine. Unfortunately, it's not very aggressive but rather merely integration for cancer treatments.

In a clinic like Morris', they do aggressive alternative therapies for cancer treatments. They also do ozone blood infiltration and ultraviolet blood irradiation.

Arizona has the best scope of integrated alternative medical practice in the country. Some therapies and cancer treatments are offered in Arizona only.

Energy Frequencies

Morris is currently doing a blotter-based chromo therapy modality. His team uses different frequency bands of difference light spectrums. No only in the ultraviolet range but in the visible and non-visible ranges concurrently.

We're now able to take fiber optics and insert that right into the blood stream and generate these color band frequencies directly in the blood. Hence, all of Morris' patients with cancer live longer and have a better quality of life.

Dangers Of Using A Cellphone

Morris says a big problem is our cell phones. We have to stop bringing cellphones near our head. It's a dysfunctional stress. The toxicity of the radiation from these gadgets is bad.

"I have not found any technology that will shut down the signal of the phone. These phones have a waveform that causes the problem. Bluetooth is even more dangerous that the phone itself," Morris said.

He also adds, "A simple earbud it's safer but not safe enough. The safest technology so far is an airbud. This a plug-in right on the adapter on the phone that converts the signal from digital to analog to air."

The more in touch we are with our bodies and energy, the more we feel and then can differentiate and discriminate things we should be bringing into our field versus out of our field.

Prolonging Life

Morris had a 20-year-old patient with squamous cell carcinoma which is a highly aggressive skin cancer. It attacked his left eye.  So the whole side of his head was swollen.

His regular doctors wanted to cut out his eye, cut away half of his face and poison him with radiation and chemicals yet guaranteed he would die anyway.

They wanted to operate immediately. So the patient came to Morris. As a result, Morris saved his patient's eye, and he lived for another ten years.

Benefit Of Essential Oils

Morris had the opportunity to work with a colleague who was specializing in chronic disease particularly cancer. He was doing IV using natural substances.

"My passion is essential oils because it is the purest extraction from herbs. There is a clinic in Costa Rica that using essential oil intravenously. So I started doing my research," Morris revealed.

Learning About Homeopathy

When Morris was in Naturopathic school, they didn't teach about essential oils. It is because there was a strong emphasis on Homeopathy.

Morris has always had a problem with this premise. One of his professors said that Homeopathic  Medicines are not fragile as most Homeopaths around the world.

"Homeopathic Medicine is like energy medicine. It's the frequency of something," said Morris. "That's why Homeopathy was debunked quite a few decades ago by Allopathic Medicine as being placebo."

Homeopathic remedies diluted in water are called X, C., and M. X means a substance diluted in a ratio of 1:10. C means a substance diluted in a ratio of 1:100. M is 1:1,000.

Morris says that in the early days of Homeopathy, Homeopathic Medicine is made by monks. They made medicine by hitting them against leatherbound versions of the Bible.

It's the dilution and the hitting that induces a release of the frequency band that will neutralize the symptom complex.

When Morris was going to Bastyr, they were involved in a project taking Homeopathic remedies of different potencies and doing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance studies.

If you take distilled water and do an NMR on it, it will show a particular frequency pattern. The frequency pattern of the remedy showed it is radically different than distilled water.

Greenopathy To Treat Cancer

In Naturopathy, Morris says there's something called Greenopathy. It's using natural substances to replace drugs. And we're using natural materials where we have isolated the after constituents of the herbs so that it's standardized.

Furthermore, Morris says it looks even more like a drug because there are so many milligrams of a particular ingredient. It lets us enter into the credible zone of scientific research.

Consequently, Morris is very pragmatic. He has this respect for all tools as long as the tool can give us the best result.

"The key is finding this balance point and being more responsible to our patient's needs," Morris said.

Dr. Lance J. Morris received his BA in biochemistry, psychology and fine arts from the University of Arizona in Tucson and his Naturopathic medical degree from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. 

He did a post graduate fellowship in Family Medicine through the American Board of Naturopathic Medical Specialties, as well as multiple residencies at Alternative Cancer Clinics in Mexico. He is a past president of the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association and was physician of the year in 1997.

Dr. Morris was one of the founding board of directors of the SW College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona as well as a member of the clinical faculty.

He lives in Tucson, Arizona, where he has a private medical practice. He is the developer of RST:Resonant Sound Therapy© and RMM:Resonant Movement Meditation©, a demonstration-practice video is available through this website. 

He is also developing a clinical training program for RST certification he intends to take worldwide for all allied health professionals. Dr. Morris has developed a vocal singing style based on what he calls the 'Universal Sound Language', which integrates pure vocal toning with uplifting spiritually grounded lyrics.

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Book by Dr. Lance Morris

The Edge and Beyond!

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Anti-Radiation Headphones / Air Buds:

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May 17, 2017

Natural Treatment For Menopause

Weight Loss & Menopause With Herbs And Chinese Medicine

I have Dana LaVoie here today to teach us about menopause. Even if you're not menopausal yet or past menopause, it is important to know this important stage in a woman's life.

LaVoie is a licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist practicing for about 14 years. Women's health and menopause are her specializations as well as in tonic herbs. There are so many of her clients who have benefitted so much from Chinese medicine.

I remember my mom going through menopause and she for 5 years, only saw an Acupuncturist which is a traditional Chinese doctor.

She was cooking herbs on the stove every day. I never saw her go through hot flashes. Hence, it was like she never went through menopause.

It's amazing to see Natural Medicine give her so much relief. Consequently, if we're really healthy, we don't have to have symptoms.

Understanding Menopause

Weight loss is a hot issue around women of all ages but especially around menopause or during menopause. Most women complain of the sudden weight gain.

"During menopause, your hormones are changing. If you're really healthy, your body will be able to keep hormones in balance. Your metabolism stays good," LaVoie said.

Understanding Weight Loss & Weight Gain

"If your body can't keep up, that's when you get the menopausal symptoms like weight gain," said LaVoie. "What you eat is a lot more than losing weight. Think of diet as a way of nourishing your body to be healthy. Only then it becomes a lifestyle."

LaVoie suggests eating a warm, easy breakfast like congee is easy to digest. Congee is a Chinese comfort food that is easy to digest.

It's grains that are cooked for a long time in a large amount of liquid. Like a porridge.

"If you're having trouble losing weight, look at how much cold, raw or frozen food you're eating," explains LaVoie. "Because that puts out your digestive fire which is your metabolism. You can gain weight just by eating cold, raw or frozen food."

My husband eats frozen organic blueberries. And he started gaining weight. He just eats a handful of cashews, some vegetables or meat or some eggs for breakfast. But whenever he eats frozen blueberries, he gains weight.

LaVoie has a client with the same situation. The client's diet is smoothies made with fruits and ice, salads which are raw and cold, and yogurt yet she's still gaining weight.

LaVoie immediately knew what the problem was. Hence, It was an easy fix.

Foods For Certain Body Types

I know Ayurvedic medicine is not Chinese medicine but I know they have identified different body personalities or 'dosha' wherein somebody types should eat more warm foods and another type.

"There are people whose symptoms or problems they have, are primarily due to excess heat that they have inside their body," LaVoie said, "They have excess conditions caused by heat. Hence, they need to eat more raw or cooling foods."

Furthermore, LaVoie explains that others have a body personality where digestion is a weak area. If they eat a lot of cold and cleansing food, they get half-digested.

She says that accumulates and turns into weight gain. It's called 'phlegm' and 'dampness' in Chinese medicine.

Fire And Water Energies

LaVoie says a woman can feel hot for two reasons. You have fire and water energies in your body so sometimes when you feel hot, it means you don't have enough water.

She says this is called deficiency fire. It tends to come and go in flashes usually worse at night. As a result, you tend to get dryness.

Using herbal tonics to treat menopause, results are usually seen after a couple of weeks. But the first big change happens after 3 months.

Anyone who starts a tonic herbal program, they first do a foundation combination of herbs for 99 days to cleanse and reset.

That's how long the body cycles through the first big change. And then move on to the next phase.

Avoiding Diet Pitfalls

"You don't want your body to think you're in starvation mode. The primitive part of your brain starts to think something is wrong," LaVoie cautioned. "It takes 6 months for your metabolism to recover from being in that starvation mode."

"Your brain chemistry starts to change and your hormones start to change. Your metabolism immediately starts to go down but your cravings go up. This increases your stress hormones," said LaVoie.

LaVoie shares what Dr. Mark Hyman said on her blog, as to why diet fails. He says that the average person gains 11 pounds for every diet that they go on.

And Dr. Hyman says when they lose weight, they lose muscle, not fat. When they gain weight back, it's all fat.

"If you can just keep your metabolism up by not starving and instead of satiating yourself 5 times a day every 3 hours with nutritious food, weight loss is easier," concluded LaVoie.

Boosting Metabolism

La Voie's program is boosting metabolism naturally. While there are benefits from different kinds of fasting, the Chinese medicine approach to a healthy digestion is to eat regularly.

"Insulin and sugar hugely contribute to weight gain. It ties in with the hormone cortisol, your stress hormone," LaVoie said. "If your insulin level is uneven it increases your stress hormone levels and inflammation."

Earth Energy

Furthermore, she explains that in Chinese medicine, your digestive system is considered your earth energy. It's where you make blood and your watery essence from.

If your digestive system is poor, your body can't make blood and your watery essence. In menopause, watery essence controls the fire in our body, moisturizes our body and keeps you calm.

"Without watery essence, your mood spikes and fly all over the place," LaVoie said. "Lack of watery essence leads to dry tendons, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel and lack flexibility. Some women can also get dry eyes and mouth during menopause."

Our mucous membranes also become dry and that leads to painful intercourse. Women are less likely to have a sex drive if they have all these imbalances.

LaVoie also said that recurring urinary tract infection is really unpleasant. Because if your vaginal tissues are dry, they are less plump. So the opening becomes bigger. If they are plump, it's hard for bacteria to get in.

Foods To Improve Water Essence

LaVoie suggests that having a high amount of fruits and vegetables helps in making sure your water essence is sufficient. Because those foods are cooling and moistening. Pears, seeds, black beans are particularly good to include in your diet.

She also said that as you approach menopause, there are estrogen-rich foods which are safe.

Flax seeds, organic, fermented and non-GMO soy, as well as sesame seeds, are good. Healthy fats are going to be a great basis. Make sure you're not iron-deficient as well.

When I was growing up, my mom took us to Dr. D' Adamo. James D'Adamo. The father of the original creator of the "Eat Right For Your Type" blood type book.

Going to him growing up, he had us on this kick. He had us do this every morning---freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and his mysterious protein powder and flaxseed all blended together with our Vitamix.

If you don't drink it fast enough, it turns to gel which I personally prefer. I never had a problem with constipation and I always had perfect digestion.

LaVoie's Daily Morning Smoothie

Here's what LaVoie puts in her warm smoothie which she drinks every morning. You can mix match the bases to give you a different flavor every day:

  • Liquid - Water/ Coconut water/ nut milk/ herbal tea (make sure the liquid base is warm)
  • Herbs - Herb capsules
  • Seeds - flaxseeds/ chia/ sesame / Brazil nuts/ almonds
  • Healthy fats - coconut oil/ egg yolk
  • Spices - cinnamon / ginger/ ginger root (good for digestion)
  • Protein powder - pea protein/whey protein from grass-fed cows
  • Sweet fruit drops (alternative to stevia)
  • Green powder
  • Fruit powder
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Superfoods
  • Cocoa powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • Yogurt

Herbal Program

LaVoie noticed that the ones who benefits the most are the ones to take the herbs regularly for 3 months up to 2 years. She thought,'How can I make more people excited about taking their herbs more regularly?' So she created a program.

The program is a one-on-one thing that is customized to your health goals and your budget. It is delivered to you every month.

You have to use up all the herbs in the box before the next box comes. And then LaVoie usually calls in her clients and re-evaluate their progress after 3 months.

There's also a weekly Q & A with her as well as a resource library. The program is very affordable so more women can avail of this program.

LaVoie expanded it for menopausal clients. She came up with 16 herbal combinations specifically for menopause.

Menopause Basics: What To Eat

First of all, LaVoie says to eat a good diet and have a healthy lifestyle. Combine that with herbs and you get amazing results.

"Eating the right foods is the way to start. In this program, everything you want to include in your diet to make your hormones balance naturally," said LaVoie. "Any age is ok. It's not a diet. This is just what to include in your diet."

She adds, if you want to have coffee or doughnut, it's fine. But you need to balance it with healthy foods. You need to have them often enough. By getting that healthy food in your body, it evens out your hormones, energy, blood sugar and mood.

LaVoie's 4-Steps To Hormonal Balance

1. What you include in your diet is more important that what you leave out.
2. By practicing stress management and eating protein and healthy fat often enough throughout the day, you can help balance cortisol and insulin levels, which helps your other hormones immensely.
3. Avoid the worst of the hormone disrupting chemicals.
4. Add adaptogenic superfoods into the diet.

Finally, LaVoie advises," Adapt the Chinese medicine into your menopause. It's called the "second spring". If you get some healthy habits in place now, it will stay on track for the rest of your life."

Dana LaVoie is the founder and creator of Menopause Basics. Using her 13 years of clinical experience, Dana will provide you with simple, smart, and natural techniques based on the best of Asian Medicine and modern science. Through online courses or 1:1 consultations, Dana will tailor her approach to your individual experience until she finds the perfect intervention for you.

Dana has a BA from Wesleyan University in Middletown CT, and a Masters in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine from The Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, OR, and have been a licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Oregon since 2004.

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4-Steps to Hormonal Balance

Recommended Reading by Dana LaVoie

Second Spring: Dr. Mao's Hundreds of Natural Secrets for Women to Revitalize and Regenerate at Any Age

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May 12, 2017

The French Secret To Healthy Cooking

Healthy Cooking The French Way

Wow! This is absolutely amazing! When we started this journey 15 months ago, I had no idea what to expect. Fast forward today, we have reached a million downloads.

It's such a true testament to the fact that we are starving for real true health information. Which is exactly why I have today's guest on board.

I went to our Learn True Health Facebook group to talk to our listeners in celebration of our 1 millionth download. In the process, I got a wonderful nutritionist on the show.

What she created is something I've always wanted---a Trader Joe's cookbook. Certified Nutrition and Wellness Coach Celine Cossou is originally from France and moved to Southern California.

The French Connection

Cossou was born in Paris but worked in the south of France. In France, everybody cooks or bakes from scratch. She was raised in this beautiful and healthy foodie family and her mom is a great host.

Cossou met her husband in high school when she was 15 years old. She eventually married him and is still married to today.

Moving To America

A few years later, he got a job in New York City so they moved there in 1993. They were still engaged at that time.

In New York, Cossou says was surrounded by amazing restaurants. They were going out a lot but she was also into healthy cooking. After the crazy life in New York, the couple then decided to move to San Diego.

A few years later, the Cossous were blessed with twins. So they had to move to a suburban area. They're currently settled between San Diego and Los Angeles.

Teaching Healthy Cooking

When the Cossous moved to their new place, the kids had a lot of activities. It was not long before Cossou joined a group of moms with twins.

But those moms did not know how to cook nor feed the right things to their children. So Cossou decided to give healthy cooking classes at the community center. Hence, that's how she started.

Cossou's first class was for kids. Now she teaches healthy cooking to both kids and adults. Cossou has been teaching for 10 years now and she also gives private lessons at clients' homes.

Making Healthy Cooking A Way Of Life

"I've had former students who tell me they still do my recipes. That makes me happy because that means they are eating healthy," Cossou proudly says.

I think we're on the right track in terms of eating a whole foods diet. People also stop me when they look at my cart. They usually ask what dish I make with the ingredients I bought.

Personally, I challenge myself to pick a new vegetable every week. We have Google now so we can see what dish can be made. You just have to stretch your bubble.

Bonding With Cooking

"Cooking together is relaxing. It's almost like yoga because you have to focus," says Cossou. "We have to be in the moment and cook with love. This is the beauty of healthy cooking."

My favorite book when I was a 13-year-old kid was Como Agua Para Chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate) by Laura Esquivel. More than the love story, I loved it because the main character had so much passion for cooking.

I agree with the importance of cooking together because it is a good way for the family to get some quality bonding. When kids are part of the preparation, they're more likely to eat the vegetables.

Speaking of vegetables, Cossou said, " I disagree with the idea of hiding vegetables in the dish. Because you have to tell the kids. Otherwise, it's lying to them and it will create problems when they grow up."

Cooking Influence

In Canada, it's part of our culture to go to a family cottage. So many families have a second home out of town.

During weekends at the cottage, because of the limited TV channels, I'd watch "Wok With Yan." It is a popular Asian Canadian cooking show as well as "Two Fat Ladies" cooking show.

Watching those shows influenced me. At a young age, I started cooking not only for myself but for family and friends.

Pack A Lunch Book

Cossou says her cooking class is not limited to recipes in her cookbook. Her recipes are generally simple because we don't have the time to spend hours in the kitchen.

All 130 recipes in the book have a picture so you would be able to see what the finished product is supposed to look like.

Cossou's students can usually do one main dish and one dessert every class. She also teaches people how to cook using food leftovers.

Gluten-free and vegetarian recipes are also taught in her class. I love it that she stresses she's not out to teach how to make a 5-hour meal.

It's about cooking from scratch which is so healthy. Re-purposing food can also save us time in preparing new dishes for the next meals.

Takeaway Tips

"Use really simple ingredients. No need to be fancy," Cossou stresses. "There is a nice and easy recipe in my cookbook using leeks and onion for a soup. It's a French recipe for a chilled soup, perfect during hot days."

"Once you know how to make something, you can expand it to any way you want. Just make sure it is real, healthy food," she adds.

Ultimately, food is something you should enjoy eating and cooking. When we look at the mindset of French people, they take the time to cook from scratch and enjoy life.

We could take a page out of their book, in terms of taking time and let go of the little things. Focus more in the moment and enjoy being with family. That I think, is what we need for our health and for our joy.

Celine Cossou as been teaching healthy cooking for 10 years. She teaches different themes: French Pastries, CupcakeWarss, Junior Master Chefs and many others.

She is also a Certified Nutrition and Wellness coach. Cossou has a published cookbook, "Pack a Lunch" Cooking with Trader Joe's Cookbook series. She is passionate about food, healthy cooking, healthy, simple and minimalist life.

Get Connected with Celine Cossou!

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Book by Celine Cossou

Cooking With Trader Joe's Cookbook: Pack A Lunch!

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May 10, 2017

Thyroid Medication

Thyroid Medication: Healing Hashimoto's, Chronic Fatigue and Autoimmune Disease Via Functional Nutrition 

e3 Energy Evolved is the only centralized clinic and diagnostic practice devoted to helping men and women with thyroid medication, and adrenal and metabolic restoration. It was created by Diagnostic & Functional Nutritionists, and our guest experts for today, Damian & Heather Dubé.

Heather's Story

Her first experience with medical doctors was in her early 20s. Heather had a really rare neurological condition. It took her 6 years just getting the diagnosis.

In her 30s, Heather and her husband Damian did body-building competitions. They have been blessed to work with a top pro-athletic coach in the world who's also a nutritionist.

When Damian and Heather got married, Heather had a lot of stress in her personal life. She felt tired all the time.

Then she started to go around and consulted doctors for two years. Yet they couldn't find anything wrong with her.

But the stress didn't go away. She developed Hashimoto's, chronic fatigue and autoimmune disease. It was complete rock bottom. She looked older then.

Damian was affected as well. "As a man, our role is to fix things. It's frustrating if you don't know how to fix it," he said.

"It's almost like your manhood is taken away because you feel helpless," he said.

Getting Better

Eventually, Heather surrendered and chose to listen to her body. She quit her marketing job to focus on finding out what was wrong.

That letting go allowed her to start exploring natural forms to healing and get into functional nutrition. It took her about a year and a half to get well again.

Two years after, Heather got back to competing again. She got back in shape naturally rather than use performance-enhancing drugs.

"People are sitting on a gold mine of potency. Get rid of the things that are blocking your body from changing faster for you," Heather said.

She also says to nourish the body with the things it needs. Because your body will become so powerful to change for you.

Living In A Toxic Environment

In the last 30 years, over 50,000 new man-made chemicals have been introduced into our environment. Back when we were kids, things were not as toxic.

Our bodies could handle things like vaccines. But now kids are getting way more vaccines or are being born with toxins in their body.

It's very important to have a pre-natal. Both husband and wife must be substantially nourished and healthy before being able to get pregnant or think of having a baby.

All birth defects are caused by a lack of nutrients. I myself was advised by my doctor to make sure I was living a healthy lifestyle for at least a year before thinking of getting pregnant.

"Every living thing has its own defense mechanism. Nowadays, because we live in a toxic environment, the body gets affected easier or heals longer," said Damian.

Giving Our Body Proper Nutrition

"If we just focused on changing our nutrition, you'll be surprised how fast your body would change. It's like a success psychology," said Heather.

She says going through what she went through, she learned the importance of speaking my truth. That is a responsibility to her health and nutrition.

The human body has so much to teach us. And the internet provides a great venue to get information on new alternatives for healing the body.

Heather says, "We definitely emphasize balance in everything. There is science and faith in the healing process. The answers aren't always in black and white."

"There are certain nutrients that require certain steps in order to take you through that cycle," added Damian. "If certain nutrients are depleted, then you can't move to the next step of that cycle."

Damian also says there are times when people need single nutrients.

They may even have some type of genetic marker that's not allowing them to convert. There's not one answer that's right for everyone.

These are the top 3 things they recommended as far as diet is concerned:

  1. Avoid grains with gluten. Take brown rice or buckwheat.
  2. Have a high plant-based diet.
  3. Eat healthy fats.

How The Body Heals

I know a million people who merely shrug off allergies when there's an underlying reason for allergies. When in natural medicine, that's the body's way of telling you something is wrong.

"I didn't set out to heal everything in my body. But when you actually do heal, and you return to homeostasis, everything else heals," Heather said.

So a year later, she no longer had Hashimoto's disease, chronic fatigue or autoimmune disease. He toxicity was reversed and she doesn't get allergies anymore.

"The body is brilliant. It knows what to heal. We leave the body to do it," explains Heather. "Our job is to put in proper nutrition that will allow it to regenerate faster for you."

She also said that the weight that people are worried about, is just a symptom of a body that is functionally and metabolically out of balance.

A body that's balanced can handle its weight and control its weight. It's not about us forcing it to use exercise as a form of stress to make the body adapt.

Heather also stressed the need to exhaust the natural conversation first before going to a medication. Chances are, you wouldn't even need to take the pill at all.

"When you take the pill, all you're doing is tuning out what your body is trying to say to you," she explains. "And that internal root cause and imbalance is continuing on. It will potentially develop into something else."

Paying It Forward

"We put our clients on extreme rest--physically, mentally and spiritually. They get blown away when they lose weight without really doing anything," said Heather.

She added, "Our clients find it hardest to sit in stillness. Stillness is a huge component of healing---mentally, spiritually and physically."

The couple also feels empowered when clients thank them for helping them heal. You change them for the rest of their life and they pay it forward.

Through 50 years combined education & experience, Functional & Diagnostic Nutritionists, Hashimoto's & Chronic Fatigue Conquerors, US National-level Natural Bodybuilding Competitors, Nutrition Science Peer Reviewers & Expert Magazine Contributors Damian & Heather Dubé will teach you how to create your lifetime-best natural thyroid wellness and metabolism with ZERO exercise, so you can break free from the frustrating, costly cycle of nutrition programs and practitioners that leave you with little or no physical measurable wellness & weight loss results, and finally make peace with your mind, body & spirit.

Get connected with Damian & Heather Dubé

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May 8, 2017

Healing Herbs

Healing Herbs You Need To Know About

When you learn more about Naturopathic Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine and Herbal Medicine, we look more to the traditional styles of healing. They would look at the cycles of the moon and seasons.

We would want to consume healing herbs in this cycle that would help us in a different way. It could boost out a body in a certain way. Healing herbs can actually be delicious.

There are times when taking healing herbs for energy is great. And there are also times for supporting the body to heal and just rest.

I wasn't a big fan about Herbal Medicine before meeting my guest, Dr. Megan Saunders. She educated me on how gentle, effective and beneficial Herbal Medicine is.

Saunders' Philosophy

Saunders has a deep underlying belief in the innate healing power of our bodies. She became a Naturopathic Physician to help others achieve their health goals through natural means.

"I work with the body to support healing instead of disease and symptom management," said Saunders.  "My role is a primary care physician or as a specialist in natural health."

History of Herbs

Healing herbs are the medicine of our ancestors. This is something we've been using for thousands of years.

What happened with pharmaceutical medicines is that we lost touch with nature. There are so much more healing components in herbs.

Saunders taught me how to take healing herbs and I totally felt a difference.  I feel relaxed and calmer. Basically, I feel ready for bed whereas before I'd be so wired till late at night.

"Healing herbs are amazing for the body. They have so many different constituents that combine together," said Saunders. "Creating a multi-acting medicinal product that's going to help improve your health."

Good Herbs Line

The Good Herbs line is formulating the product to get a good combination of healing herbs. Consequently, It targets a range of symptoms.

Saunders says the quality of the products is very good. Most noteworthy, you don't want to be taking healing herbs that are perhaps dried in a factory line drive-by.

Nervine Herbs

First of all, Saunders says nervine herbs help calm the nervous system. In addition to that, these healing herbs are good for people who are over stimulated or have depression.  Furthermore, it is also good for people who have stress, anxiety as well as any pain conditions.

"When herbs are grown in the wild, the active constituents of the healing herbs are part of the plants' immune system," she said. "In addition to that, if it's in the wild, it's going to be making more of the chemical constituents in a stronger quantity."


  • A constituent in Nervine herbs is skullcap.
  • Safe for pregnant women who have sleep issues.
  • Gentle herb but powerful.
  • Calming without being a sedative.
  • Good for people who have panic attacks or anxiety.
  • Helps people with epilepsy.

Saunders explains that pain has something to do with your mental state. Consequently, Nervine herbs reduce that, combined with white willow bark.

White Willow Bark  

  • Aspirin is inspired from this herb.
  • Has Salicylic acid in it.
  • If you have a clotting condition, try this formula.
  • A person who is allergic to aspirin can take this herb.
  • If you have chronic stress there is often inflammation and people have pain. Hence, white willow bark helps to counter that.


  • Not only used to make beer.
  • Tastes bitter so it is a digestive herb.
  • Anything that is bitter is going to stimulate the gall bladder, bowel production, and liver. So it's most effective if you take it before meals.
  • Has a Phyto-estrogenic effect.
  • Simulates estrogen receptor for people that are low in estrogen.
  • Used in some menopausal formulas.
  • Addresses inflammation issues.

"Most Nervines are going to help with digestive issues because they have multiple actions," explains Saunders. "People who experience liver stagnation might take a while to get used to this herb."


  • A lot of European societies regard this as a sacred herb.
  • It's very calming to the nervous system.
  • May be taken as a tea that you can drink on a daily basis.
  • A digestive herb.


  • It is a strong sedative herb.
  • Primarily for people who have sleep issues.

Your body will prevent it from overdosing. Because this is also calming and anti-inflammatory, it also addresses pain issues. Furthermore, usually, two droppers is the right amount of dosage.

"Basically, all these healing herbs benefits overlap and each contributes in healing the patient. Yet the beautiful thing about herbs is, it's hard to take too much of it," Saunders said.

Adrenal Herbs

Saunders advises that for adrenal formulas, it doesn't matter whether you take it in liquid or capsule form. But in the liquid form, you can adjust the dosage.

Here are the key constituents of adrenal herbs:


  • The main ingredient of adrenal herbs.
  • A synergizing herb which means it makes all other herbs work better together.
  • Has so many medicinal properties like being anti-viral.
  • Extends the half-life of your cortisol.
  • Used for people with digestive issues.
  • It is an incredible liver herb.
  • Because Licorice stimulates the adrenal glands, people with high blood pressure should use this with caution. This dosage should be taken usually in the morning or mid-afternoon.

Royal Jelly

  • It's the product made by bees.
  • Extremely nutritive.
  • Must be tested cautiously.
  • This cannot be given to people who have bee sting allergies towards.

"With adrenal fatigue, there are a lot of co-factors that your body needs to create all of these hormones to function properly," Saunders explains. "B-vitamins, magnesium and minerals---this is a dense, nutrient-rich product."

Holy Basil

  • Has a calming effect.
  • It also has an insulin-balancing effect.

Finally, Saunders also clarified that often with adrenal issues, we have blood sugar swings and feel tired. Hence, she claims Good Herbs formulations can eradicate all those medical conditions over time using her treatment plan.

"It's a long-term treatment plan usually 3-6 months in terms of assessment.  Hence, you should be feeling better after a month," Saunders said. "By the end of three months, one should start noticing the difference."

Dr. Saunders graduated from medical school in Bastyr University in 2013. Her specialties include Naturopathy and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Pain Medicine.

She says she has a passion for empowering patients with the tools to create a new standard of health. This she says, improved their quality of life through natural health.

Get Connected With Dr. Megan Saunders!

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May 3, 2017

How To Get Rid Of Anxiety

Learning How To Get Rid Of Anxiety

Eleven years ago, I learned a technique which is a nuclear bomb how to get rid of anxiety. It completely blows up if you do it.  Everyone has anxiety at one point in their life. But this technique will help get rid of anxiety and re-wire your brain for success.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

I did it with one of my first clients. As a result, she went off medication when she used this technique. NLP created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California in the 1960s. It is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy.

Furthermore, NLP helps you shift into the life you want. Consequently, we are only conscious of a little part of our bodies. In addition to that, filters in our bodies are limiting decisions and aspects of our life.

Time Line Therapy (TLT)

Time Line Therapy (TLT) on the other hand, is developed by Tad James, Ph.D. in the 1980s. Evolving from hypnosis and NLP, it is a powerful therapeutic process. How we store our memories in a linear manner is part of the therapeutic process.

TLT eliminates painful emotions attached to memories or past events.  It is one of the most powerful processes and techniques for personal change and growth.

Furthermore, it also focuses on what we can learn from those events.  This is by using what we learn as a resource for the future.  Time Line Therapy techniques produce quicker and long-lasting transformation with a minimum of discomfort to the client.

TLT also enables you to clear limiting beliefs that can leave you stuck in the past.  It stops you from creating what you want in your life. Negative emotions and what we believe in influence every area of our lives.

Tad James hired me as sales manager after I took his course. Hence, I moved from Canada to the U.S. He's smart and her he studied NLP, too.

Working With Clients

I love working with entrepreneurs and business owners. Because they are highly motivated to get to the root cause, get rid of anxiety and go become successful. Those are my favorite kind of clients.

One memorable client was this sales manager of an electronics store in Quebec. I sat down with him and his team to coach them. I asked each one of them individually on what they feel is holding them back from being better at sales.

The sales manager said he can't connect with his customers. It turned out at age 3, he witnessed his grandmother burn to death and felt that being sad was his way of honoring her. I was able to help him reverse that emotion and is now a changed man.

Sitting with someone for a day had such a profound impact. Eventually, he also transferred to a workplace closer to home.  This enabled him to spend more time with family.

Understanding Emotions

There is a way to get to the roots cause of negative emotions and resolve it. Furthermore, emotions are negative when we hold on to unresolved emotions from the past. Consequently, it affects our biochemistry and clouds our judgment.

Rapport is incredibly important. First of all, we have to be able to connect with people. We have to feel that emotional connection.

Ask The Right Questions
NLP is all about asking the right questions.  But you have to make sure the person you are helping is committed to the program. I also do phone coaching. Things like tone of voice and body movements are important considerations to make the program work.

To help identify the root cause of anxiety, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What triggered that?
  2. Why did they do that?
  3. What am I getting out of it?
  4. What is it costing me?

These will help you understand the problem more.

Simple Techniques

Anxiety is a unique emotion. Our body cannot tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real. Furthermore, we have a big physiological response to imagined fears. Hence, when we are prone to anxiety, our body will be wired to it.

Some simple techniques on how to get rid of anxiety:

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. Float out of your body and try to see the situation in its entirety.
  3. Prepare and go on.

Types Of Trance

There are different levels of trance:

  1. Self-hypnosis - light state of trance
  2. Deep trance- somebody has to do it with you because the conscious mind is out

Personally, I prefer the self-hypnosis because I believe that one needs to have a conscious mind to take responsibility for the change.  Therefore, getting rid of anxiety is really a doable process.  You have look for areas in your life that you need to forgive yourself for.  Once you get to the root cause of what is causing your anxiety, it is easier to take steps to maintain a positive outlook.  Finally, acknowledge how great you are and everything else follows from there.

Justin Stenstrom is a nationally-acclaimed life coach, author, entrepreneur, and speaker. He is the founder of and the host of the Elite Man Podcast on iTunes. Once anxious, insecure, depressed, and unhappy, Justin's overcome many of life's greatest obstacles and loves nothing more than helping others do the same!

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Recommended Reading by Justin Stenstrom

The 4-Hour Workweek

Interview first aired on the Podcast with Justin Stenstrom

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May 1, 2017

Bio-Identical Hormone

Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy And Its Amazing Benefits

Bio-identical hormones and bio-identical hormone therapy can be considered a medical breakthrough. There is now so many new information about balancing our hormones.

Canadian Roots 

I am so thrilled to have my guest today. Dr. George Arnold has been an ob-gyn for 25 years now. He completed his primary medical training at the University of Toronto in 1986.  I'm excited to interview a fellow Canadian and talk about his upcoming book as well.

"I was one of those kids that grew up kinda knowing I would become a doctor. Since I was a kid, I loved science," said Dr. Arnold. "And I was sympathetic and empathetic to people around me. I applied to only one medical school because knew I would be accepted."

But when Dr. Arnold was finishing up medical school, ob-gyn was the last thing he wanted to do.  This was because he initially wanted to be a cardiac surgeon. He fell in love with ob-gyn only during his internship. In addition to that, he said women are so wonderful to work with and worked with some wonderful obstetricians as well.

Helping Men And Women 

Dr. Arnold started practice in 1992. He started to see a number of women with side effects from the most common hormone beyond menopausal women. Seeing a lot of symptoms that he never saw in training it started his journey to use bio-identical hormones to treat his patients.

"Through testing, we identified some hormone deficiencies and correct their issues without having to resort to other medications," he said. "Women started to feel better. Over the past years, I started to see male patients as well."

Dr. Arnold is a firm believer in the importance of making time for the patients.  That is why I could not stress enough how I love Holistic Medicine and Naturopathic Doctors because they really take a time to dig deep into your health issues.

"If doctors take the time to listen to what people have to tell you, that's 90% of what you need to do. The lab test pretty much confirms what you conclude is going on," Dr. Arnold said. "It's a common story to hear some doctors just subject their patients to a series of lab tests. It is very rewarding to see how I could transform things for them."

Bio-Identical Hormone

What is a bio-identical hormone? According to Dr. Arnold, a bio-identical hormone is identical to the hormone that your body produces.

"So when we talk in terms of bio-identical progesterone, the hormones typically come from yams. And if you break down the structure of bioidentical progesterone," he explains. "Then if you break down the structure of  a progesterone produced in a woman's ovary, these will be identical."

Furthermore, Dr. Arnold explains that throughout your body, there are receptors on cells. In addition to that, these receptors are designed to connect with natural components. Hence, a progesterone receptor has been made to interact and connect with progesterone coming from your ovary.

Dr. Arnold reveals that a bio-identical or natural progesterone will interact in exactly the same way. Consequently, when it comes to pharmaceutical companies, you cannot patent something that is found in nature. Hence, you have to transform that in some way.

"So when you take these natural compounds found in nature, structurally identical to what our bodies have been producing," Dr. Arnold said. "They will have exactly the same effect as the natural hormones that the body is producing."

Types Of Estrogens

Dr. Arnold identifies 3 types of estrogens:

  1. Estradiol - strongest estrogen
  2. Estrone - medium strength estrogen
  3. Estriol - weakest estrogen

He explains that entrodiol and estriol are the two that we place for symptoms of estrogen deficiency. While estrone has a very high binding affinity to breast cancer cells. Dr. Arnold also says that when you hear people talk about breast cancer being estrogen receptor-positive, it's that receptor that estrone binds to.

"In women that have a family history of breast cancer, using estriol or estradiol is not going to increase their risk . Using bioidentical replacement therapy is fine," Dr. Arnold said. "Research shows that a combination of natural progesterone and estriol is very effective in treating symptoms and lowers risk of breast cancer."

Bio-Identical Hormone Approach

Dr. Arnold customizes a bio-identical hormone plan for each patient. From there, he adjusts as they go along. He likewise stresses the need to find a doctor that truly takes time for you.

"Don't take no for an answer. You know there's something wrong with you. Keep looking and searching. Look for a practitioner that is going to work and listen to you," he advises.

"You as a patient, you need to be at the center of your care. And you need to be advocating for yourself. Take control, because nobody knows you better than yourself."

Dr. Arnold makes his patients undergo complete lab tests before the initial consultation.  Among the tests include tests for hemoglobin, cholesterol, triglycerides, thyroid issue and cortisol. In addition to that, there is also a 4-point saliva test to help identify chronic and adrenal fatigue.

He also claims bio-identical hormones are safe and effective. Furthermore, Dr. Arnold says not let your doctor start you on anti-depressants.  This is because it is not the answer to all your symptoms.

The DUTCH Test

The DUTCH test stands for Dried Urine test for Comprehensive Hormones. It uses dried urine, is the simplest and informative test for anyone considering bio-identical hormone therapy. It is done four times a day.

The test is developed by Mark Newman. He is also the founder of Precision Analytical Laboratory in Oregon.  According to Dr. Arnold, the test can help predict the onset of breast cancer and prostate cancer.  Hence, prevention measures may be taken to avoid cancer.

supplements - indole-3-carbinol - promote healthy hormonal balance-b vitamins

Feel your best. Live your best 

Dr. Arnold recommends indole-3-carbinol and B vitamins to promote healthy hormonal balance.  But he sees the need to educate more men and women about their health and bio-identical hormones.  Hence, he is coming out with a book this month.

Basically, it is a book that discusses a natural return to hormone balance. Check out the links below to watch out for the release of his book.

Dr. Arnold is now one of the leading proponents of natural, bio-identical hormone therapy. It is used to treat hormone cases and understands the process of diagnosing and identifying the imbalance, and then applying the proper corrective measures.

Apart from his medical degree from the University of Toronto, he had a Fellowship training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Toronto Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada and is a Fellow of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada.

Get Connected with Dr. George Arnold:

Official Website




Book by Dr. George Arnold

Feel Your Best - Live Your Best (Release date: End of May 2017)

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