
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Now displaying: March, 2018
Mar 31, 2018

You can follow Alex on Instagram @MealPrepMondays

Meal Prep Mondays

Meal prep saves time and money. It also helps us to stay on a health program. I have a fantastic guest today who will talk about how to meal prep our way to health.  Alex Torres had struggled with weight issues, but because he learned how to meal prep, he affirms that it genuinely helped speed up his weight loss.

Weight Loss Journey

Alex Torres started having kids in 2012. And like most parents who started a family, Alex steadily gained weight. He recalls that it was easy to put on weight and hard to get it off.

Frustrated with his fluctuating weight, he started to search for fitness inspirations on the internet.  Eventually, he found a way to lose weight on Instagram.

Crohn’s Disease

Alex Torres remembers the time when he weighed around 215 lbs. And yet he was only 5’7.  His height was not in proportion to his weight. Then in late 2015 or early 2016, Alex Torres was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

Chron’s disease is a digestive tract disorder and is known to cause severe diarrhea, fatigue, abdominal pain and weight loss. Alex Torres recalls that he collapsed to the floor while eating a burger and experienced severe stomach pain.

Alex Torres lost a lot of weight because of Crohn’s disease. He rapidly lost weight and went down to 145 lbs. His appendix was also affected.

“My symptoms were having very erratic sleep patterns and fatigue. How I was eating marked the tipping point. Factors include 70% from eating, 20% due to stress and the rest from lack of exercise,” said Alex Torres. 

Winning Meal Plan

During his research, Alex Torres entered a meal plan and fitness program contest giveaway in 2012. He saw the meal plan, and it initially looked doable. Alex Torres dug deeper by also looking into the progress of bodybuilders who tried the meal plan.

Looking further into the menu of the meal plan, Alex Torres saw an opportunity to simplify the recipes. He then experimented on the recipes by cooking it in bulk to see if it worked for a month.

Tweaking the meal plan turned out to be successful. Alex Torres was so overjoyed that he made sure to thank the organizer of the contest giveaway.

Meal Prep Mondays

Alex Torres’ Meal Prep Mondays on Instagram was created after he saw an initial change in his body due to his new plant-based diet. The account shot up to fame so fast that Alex Torres recalls having around 1,800 followers overnight.

But then it wasn’t all smooth sailing all the way.  Alex Torres struggled to lose weight, only to gain it back. His weight fluctuation went on until he had more kids. Because he was frustrated that he was not losing weight despite working out, Alex Torres decided to go back and be more focused on meal prep.

Helpful Reminders

Alex Torres says too much of everything is not good. With a plant-based diet, our body apparently knows how to work with it better. Our body also breaks down nutrients better and maximizes it for energy versus just sugar or simple carbs.

“I could stuff myself, but I don’t really gain weight because it is not processed food. The body knows how to use it differently,” Alex Torres said. “Watch your surroundings also because family and friends play a big factor for you to be able to stick to a diet.” 

He adds, “Do not focus on the process. Focus on the outcome or goal. Because if you focus on the process, you are never going to do it. Sometimes, people mock you because they want to do what you are doing. It’s all about perspective and being open-minded.”

Right Motivation

Many people are scared to try new things. And that’s natural.  But ultimately, it should stop us from getting out of our comfort zone.

So funny that it’s almost like they’re scared. It’s because they’ve been living with it for so long that they thought it was part of them,” explains Alex Torres. “That’s what we humans do. We live with something for so long that we think it’s normal.”

But fear of the unknown did not faze Alex Torres.  In fact, that’s what motivated him to succeed and eventually help people.

“The first few months were rough. My wife suggested for me to stop eating meat. I first went gluten-free. It took about a month before seeing real change,” shares Alex Torres. 

He adds, “By the fourth month, my skin started clearing up, my nails were stronger, rashes on my feet started to go away, and my hair grew quicker. I also noticed fewer mood swings in my kids and fewer trips to the dentist or doctor.”

According to Alex Torres, it hasn’t been a year since switching to a plant-based diet, but the benefits have been so incredible, that even his mother is now practicing a plant-based diet.

I can relate to Alex Torres. Dr. Joel Fuhrman was recently on my show where he revealed a very scientific-based diet that heals many diseases and prevents diseases. Even the late dentist, Dr. Weston A. Price presented many case studies proving that there is indeed a link between diet and oral health.

Recommended Meal Prep

Meal prep is easy once you get the hang of it.  I for one, like to bake sweet potatoes for two hours in a 325-degree oven.  Make sure to have it cool down before taking the skin off the potatoes. Because according to experts, baked root vegetable skins cause cancer.

“I also recommend stuffing sweet potatoes by adding anything in the center. Baking is your best friend for meal prep because it does a lot of work for you. Another thing is crockpot for soups, stews, and broths,” suggests Alex Torres.

Storing Food

Alex Torres says meal prep is actually and re-introduction to cooking. Now it’s just about the method with meal prep because everybody has their way of eating.

“I teach people the quickest and easiest way to meal prep. Save your leftovers. Some of our meal prep comes from leftovers,” said Alex Torres. 

He adds, “Maximum for meal prep is three days. Meal prep doesn’t have to be for life. It is a starting point to familiarize yourself with cooking food, preparing it for yourself and leaving it ready, so you don’t have to grab some fast food.” 

Animals Can Be Vegan

I had a guest on my show, Kristie Middleton who talked about going meatless.  Most of my guests who are vegan have pets, and I was surprised when Kristie Middleton’s dog is likewise on a plant-based diet.

Alex Torres can relate because his dog is also vegan.  And according to him, his dog had a lot of positive health changes. Incidentally, there’s a Pet Cancer documentary set to launch on April 4, so I’m inviting everyone to sign up and learn more about how to care for our pets better.

Looking Ahead

Alex Torres likes to think long-term. And because he wants to be with friends and family longer, he leads by example.

One way of leading by example is growing his food. He says our body is like a seedling, so we have to feed our body with the right stuff. 

“Fruits and veggies are your best friend. Anything new is weird. Give it a try. The best way to do it is making sure it’s on the counter for you to see,” said Alex Torres. “The first meal is the first impression of meal prep. Cook what you want to eat. Do not cook something just because you saw it on Instagram or Pinterest.”

Want more of Alex Torres? Check out the next episode for part two of his interview.

Alex Torres is the man behind @Mealprepmondays on Instagram. He is a full-time influencer, blogger, and dad to four kids. Alex Torres is married to his wife Diana for over 15 years, and who just so happens to blog as well.

Alex Torres has been living in Orlando, Florida for the past ten years. He and his family previously lived in Williamsburg, Virginia for a couple of years, and most of his life in Long Island, New York. 

Get Connected With Alex Torres!

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Recommended Readings by Alex Torres

The Auto Immune Solution by Amy Myers


How NOT To Die by Dr. Michael Greger


Recommended Links

The Truth About Pet Cancer

Episode 203 – Meatless – Kristie Middleton

Episode 242 – Eating Right – Dr. Joel Fuhrman


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Mar 27, 2018

My Favorite Books By Dr. Joel Fuhrman:
Fast Food Genocide:
Eat to Live:
Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook:
The End of Diabetes:
The End of Dieting:
Super Immunity:

Eating Right

Eating right has always been what health experts recommend for optimal health. But I know many of us are guilty of taking eating right for granted. I am thrilled that Dr. Joel Fuhrman is with us today to thoroughly explain the benefits of eating right.

Childhood Influence

Dr. Joel Fuhrman was into competitive figure skating in the early 70s. He shares that his dad was overweight and sickly, so the elder Fuhrman bought a lot of books about eating right.

Because so many books about eating right were within reach, Dr. Joel Fuhrman embraced the importance of excellent nutrition during his teenage years up to his early 20s.

When Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s athletic career ended and went on to medical school, he decided to become a physician specializing in nutritional medicine. It was not a surprising choice since eating right made Dr. Joel Fuhrman maximize his athletic performance.

Harsh Reality

Dr. Joel Fuhrman says he already knew from way back that most people were often sick. Common health problems were high blood pressure, headaches, diabetes, autoimmune conditions and many other mental illnesses due to nutritional ignorance.

The rising number of sickly people is also traced to the standard American diet. Processed food has been the cause of health problems since the 70s.

“Now it’s up to over 65% of calories from processed foods. One in five Americans are mentally ill in response to junk food diet,” shares Dr. Joel Fuhrman. “Never did I imagine a career as rewarding and fulfilled, and with this much impact in this country.” 

Fulfilling Career

Dr. Joel Fuhrman says that choosing this career path has been very rewarding. People in his line of work has a positive effect on millions of Americans. That is why he is excited over the potential of nutrition.

“I knew I was going to medical school and learning that doctors are mostly drug prescribers, doing surgeries and emergency care,” Dr. Joel Fuhrman said. “I was self-educated, and I made it my career to review, as well as study the science and literature in a comprehensive fashion about nutrition. So I know all the studies that have been done.”

Benefits Of Mushrooms

Dr. Joel Fuhrman has always been fascinated to learn about all the phytochemical factors and biological features of mushrooms among other things. Apparently, mushrooms have anti-angiogenesis effects, and they don’t allow tumors to spread.

“Angiogenesis means the growth of new blood vessels. Insulin is a hormone that angiogenesis is promoting,” explains Dr. Joel Fuhrman. “Mushrooms, onions and green vegetables have anti-angiogenesis effects that oppose the effect of insulin, prevent fat from being stored and prevents tumors from growing in the body as well.”

Dr. Joel Fuhrman even mentions one study on mushrooms. The study found that women who ate 10 grams of mushrooms regularly for over a decade, has 64% reduced incidents of breast cancer.

Current Statistics

Raw onions and scallions were likewise found to have 55 to 88% reduction rate in most major cancers for people who eat them regularly. Because of this, Dr. Joel Fuhrman sees the importance of putting a diet portfolio together.

“Include all these foods that individually have shown to be the most protective. Put them together in a diet that removes cancer-causing elements,” Dr. Joel Fuhrman said. “In reality, we can win the war on cancer. We can wipe out 95% of cancers and save millions of lives.”

New Technology

One good thing about the current generation is the fact that medical technology has been rapidly improving every year. More high tech equipment has been made available to detect many health problems in its early stages.

“We now have new technology enabling to diagnose breast cancer, perhaps 10 to 15 years before mammograms can. In the next five years, medical care in the U.S. can be revolutionized as we can diagnose cancer much earlier. The earlier the detection, the more hope for nutritional intervention,” said Dr. Joel Fuhrman.

Success Stories

Dr. Joel Fuhrman has countless stories of success treating patients who signed up for his programs on how to eat right. Most of them did not need surgery, got off medication and their heart disease melted away. Many of his patients are thriving in health in their 90s.

“Don’t underestimate the therapeutic potential of nutritional excellence compared to the relative ineffectiveness of drugs. If only people knew how dangerous most of these drugs were,” said Dr. Joel Fuhrman. “The real healthcare is self-care. What we do in our own lives is what keeps us healthy, not what doctors can do for us.”

Changing Ways

Dr. Joel Fuhrman is passionate about teaching peers and patients on how to eat well to live well. He has advised doctors to spend more time with people whom they usually prescribe medication.

“They don’t have time to educate people. People need a lot of knowledge to protect themselves against problems like cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and dementia to be able to live a hundred years old,” Dr. Joel Fuhrman said.

But Dr. Joel Fuhrman clarifies that he is not claiming that most cancers reverse themselves. The early stage he says is more predictably reversible. Apart from physical health, Dr. Joel Fuhrman says our emotional health is also essential.

Busting Myths

Dr. Joel Fuhrman says that most things people believe about nutrition are wrong. That’s why he advises people to look for studies with a lot of credence.

“Micronutrient insufficiencies lead to an unrelenting desire to overeat calories and food addictions. Regardless of the mechanisms involved, we have to achieve an excellent level of micronutrients,” explains Dr. Joel Fuhrman. “We have to be exposed to the full spectrum of micronutrients that the human needs for proper health and survival.”

Dr. Joel Fuhrman also reveals that most Americans look for fads and gimmicks to speed up metabolic rate and prevent getting fat. He adds that the real science leading to slow the aging process and enhancing longevity is eating slightly less food so we can slow down metabolic rate.

Diet And Longevity

In connection with the topic of health, diet, and longevity, Dr. Joel Fuhrman cites the book, The Good Life by Helen and Scott Nearing. Scott Nearing was an M.I.T. scholar and economist.

The Nearing couple lived in Maine. Living in one of the coldest areas in the United States, the couple ate healthily and grew their food to survive. Scott Nearing lived to be 101 years old, and Helen Nearing lived until she was in her late 90s. Their long life is attributed to eating right.

“It’s not just about living longer but rather having a healthy life expectancy as we live longer. The problem with most Americans is that ten years before these people pass away, they suffer from a poor quality of life. They don’t enjoy their later years,” Dr. Joel Fuhrman said.

He adds, “Most of these chronic illnesses that plaque Americans are not predominantly genetic. They are mostly from food and ignorance.”

Benefits Of Vegetables

Dr. Joel Fuhrman explains that our body has the ability through its anti-oxidant response element to repair and fix defects. Raw green vegetables can make cells clean and healthy like cabbage, arugula, broccoli, and watercress.

But did you know it’s not vegetables alone that do the job? Apparently, it’s the chemical reaction that happens when we chew vegetables that benefit us.

“Once vegetables mix with our saliva, it forms nitrous oxide and other beneficial compounds when the mouth bacteria activate it,” said Dr. Joel Fuhrman. “As you crush those cell walls, the chemical reaction activating in your mouth forms cancer-protective compounds. So, chew salads exceptionally well.” 

Other Recommended Foods

Aside from onions and scallions, beans are highly recommended for a healthy diet. According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, beans extend our lifespan. Studies have shown that all the people who lived long ate beans.

“Beans also reduce the risk of breast cancer. The lectin in beans have anti-cancer effects, strengthens bone mass and immune system,” Dr. Joel Fuhrman said.

Animal products, on the other hand, shortens lifespan, increases cardiovascular death and cancer. Dr. Joel Fuhrman says studies have proven that there is a link between dairy and breast cancer.

Fast Food Genocide Book

Dr. Joel Fuhrman likewise believes that health and nutrition should have a more in-depth curriculum in schools to teach kids the importance of eating right. The health problems caused by eating fast food is most certainly a valid concern.

“There is no better link between criminal behavior and drug abuse than candy consumption and junk food in childhood,” said Dr. Joel Fuhrman. “I want people to be a ray of light, be informed and educated so they can articulate the problem. We have to arm our population with the right knowledge and increase our life years.”

He adds, “As Americans, we all stand for equal opportunity and the ability to have a great life. And by getting people to eat healthier, we can have so much more potential and leave this tragedy happening around us.” 


Joel Fuhrman M.D. is a board-certified family physician, 6 X NY Times best-selling author, and nutritional researcher, who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman presently serves as the President of the Nutritional Research Foundation. He has published multiple scientific articles on human nutrition and involved with various ongoing studies addressing heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. His foundational discoveries on food addiction and human hunger were published in the scientific journal, Nutrition Journal, in November 2010. He also serves on the Nutritional Science faculty of Northern Arizona University.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman has appeared on hundreds of radio and television including, the Today Show, Good Morning America, Live With Kelly and Michael, and The Dr. Oz Show. His four PBS television shows were some of the top fundraising show for PBS, not only crucial for PBS but have improved the health of millions of people across America.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (1988). He is a former world-class figure skater, second in the United States National Pairs Championships in 1973, and third in the World Professional Pair Championships in 1976. He is involved with sports medical committees, professional and Olympic athletes for maximizing performance and preventing injury.

Get Connected With Dr. Joel Fuhrman:

Official Website






Books by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Fast Food Genocide


Eat To Live


Eat To Live Quick and Easy Cookbook


The End Of Diabetes



The End Of Dieting



Super Immunity



The End Of Heart Disease


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Mar 26, 2018

Pure Energy Wellness

Pure energy is something most of us strive to have.  To be able to do the things we need to do every day, having pure energy makes us more productive.  But the problem is, most of us are clueless on how to have pure energy. That’s why we’re so lucky to have Holistic Health Coach Allison Pelot to show us how to reach optimal health.

Life As A Gymnast

Allison Pelot was a former gymnast who had a lucrative career as an athlete for 20 years. She was very conscious on her physical training but put little emphasis on proper nutrition. It was only when she became a mother when she learned how food could give pure energy.

“I’m 45 years old now and had kids during my late 20s. Surprisingly, I can’t believe no one teaches athletes how to eat well,” shares Allison Pelot. “My son had issues with immunity, and I had severe digestive issues. Looking back, I was pretty malnourished.” 

Allison Pelot also recalls that doctors couldn’t do much. In fact, they made things worse. After doing some research, she decided to go on a gluten-free diet with her son.  Incorporating organic food into their diet, Allison Pelot started noticing changes.

Mission To Help Others

According to Allison Pelot, pure energy sparks transformation. Because she found the best way on how to have pure energy, that drove Allison Pelot’s desire to help other people.

“I became so passionate and started teaching people. Then I got into personal training again after having kids,” Allison Pelot said. “As I got older, I noticed changes. People particularly women are not aware of how the body changes over time and how we need good nutrition to keep all that in balance.” 

Stand On Vaccines

In episode 224 of Learn True Health, I interviewed Dr. Paul Thomas who was an advocate of eating real food and taking vitamins.  He has been in practice for 30 years and has approximately treated 13,000 kids.

Allison Pelot had a harrowing experience with vaccines when her son was younger. According to Allison Pelot, her son was always in a bad mood, crying all the time, and had digestive issues.

Allison Pelot’s son was 18 months old when he was given the controversial MMR vaccine. As soon as they got home, her son threw up, developed diarrhea and fever all at once.

By the third day, Allison Pelot’s son seemed to get better. However, while Allison Pelot was out, her babysitter called to tell her that her son wasn’t breathing. Emergency medics came and apparently, Allison Pelot’s son had a seizure.

Allison Pelot’s son had two more seizures when they got to the hospital. Doctors did several tests and initially speculated that the child had epilepsy. Long story short, Allison Pelot felt that the whole thing was a massive cover-up.

“That opened my eyes. If people feel like they want to do a vaccine for their child, that is their decision. I’m just sharing my story, and we decided not to do vaccine anymore. The risk was too much,” said Allison Pelot. 

She adds, “Fast forward when he was ten years old; he started having seizures at night. It went on for two to three years. And then it finally stopped.”

Allison Pelot breastfed her son part-time, then gave him formula and some supplements. But when he started to eat real food, like fruits and vegetables, things got better.

Going Gluten-Free

Allison Pelot also recommends going gluten-free. According to her, estrogen is a stress hormone which apparently makes our gut more sensitive to gluten. So if you have higher levels of serotonin and estrogen, it is going to make you more sensitive to gluten.

“But the most important part of immunity is keeping your blood sugar regular. If you let your energy reserves get too low, you’ll have nothing left for your innate immune system to work,” Allison Pelot said.

Allison Pelot also says to make an effort to eliminate endotoxins in the gut. It will be helpful in increasing your natural immunity as well as aid in your metabolism.

“Endotoxins is anything that’s going to cause harm to the body, like estrogen if it continues to recirculate or any harmful bacteria,” Allison Pelot said. “Anything that is going to help your metabolism is going to help your immunity. They go hand in hand.”

Getting Into Yoga

We have heard many benefits of yoga and Allison Pelot is one of them. She says yoga helps one maintain flexibility, especially when we get older. Yoga primarily teaches you how you move on the floor. It also calms the nervous system.

“Not everyone can go to the gym. So work movement into your day. Take a walk. It starts from there, and it can be so beneficial for every aspect,” said Allison Pelot. 

Recommended Superfoods

Allison Pelot says eating superfoods is excellent for hormonal balance and getting the immunity up. For women, in particular, you’ll have less estrogen which is essential. Superfoods also helps women produce more progesterone in the body.

“You’ll have more strength and will feel better in general. Women tend to have more fat as they age,” explains Allison Pelot. “The best food is milk or dairy. Start with cheese. It is a great source of protein especially for those who can’t digest meat.”

Allison Pelot also says we need lots of calcium in our body. And dairy helps build muscle and aids in recovery.

I was honestly surprised that Allison Pelot recommended dairy. My whole family is dairy-free, but we can handle ghee or small amounts of goat’s milk. It’s a big difference from cow to human dairy or breastmilk.

I remember my interview with Joshua Rosenthal, the creator of Institute for Integrative Nutrition. He’s a vegan, but added dairy to his diet and felt terrific. So ultimately, it depends on what body type you are.

No one diet is good for everyone. To figure what works for you, try a gluten-free diet for a month and see how it feels.

“First check if you are lactose-intolerant or you have high cortisol levels. A lot of times, people are sensitive to what they add to milk. There are plenty of options on what kind of milk you can have,” said Allison Pelot.

Fruits And Vegetables

Allison Pelot recommends eating tropical fruits because it has a bit of saturated fat. It is also high in potassium and as well as other minerals. Apparently, the sugar from tropical fruits comes with a lot of nutrients. 

“Pineapple, papaya, oranges, melons, kiwi are great. Not so much for mangoes because it is part of the poison oaks family. Berries are fine, but it does not produce enough energy and nutrients,” explains Allison Pelot. “Cook apples and pears to be able to digest it easier. 

She adds, “Bone broth, gelatin, shellfish are also good healing foods for the gut. Also consume liver once a week to get a good amount of  vitamin A.”

In selecting what food to eat, Allison Pelot says it is best to have a plan of recovery. Carrots, in particular, aids digestion. It also helps help take out the excess estrogen.

Apparently, carrots have anti-fungal properties. So, if you eat it raw, it can suck out the endotoxins in the gut like a natural antibiotic. Carrots do not cost much, and it is easy to digest aside from being an excellent digestive aid.

Allison Pelot however, cautions against juicing carrots. The dosage of keratin is high, and there is no more fiber once carrots are made into juice. Fiber is super important in the mix because we need fiber to pull out endotoxins.

Think Positive

Allison Pelot also stresses the importance of getting into a positive mindset. It can make all the difference in the world. She advises that we should likewise trust our body’s healing abilities. Building our body is the first step to optimal health. 

“Focus on things you care a lot about or things that give you joy. Part of the reason why Hawaii is so healing for people is because of the sun. Dark days are stressful on the body. So nourish yourself during stressful times,” Allison Pelot said. 

Integrate Yourself Podcast

Allison Pelot has a fantastic podcast where she invites experts to speak about health and wellness. It has been quite a journey for Allison Pelot because she affirms learning a lot in every episode.

“I’m surprised with what I learn. Maddy Moon’s interview stuck with me because of how she talked about the beginner’s mindset. It’s about opening up to listen to someone,” shares Allison Pelot. “The only way we’re going actually to be able to connect with each other is if we have a beginner’s mindset. Accept that we don’t know everything.”

Coaching Services And Other Resources

Allison Pelot provides coaching services.  She also has personal training, small group fitness, nutrition coaching, and workshops.

Those who want a more in-depth wellness program can sign up for Allison Pelot’s retreat in Oregon which is scheduled this spring. She is also currently working on a book and an online course about digestion for hormonal balance.


Allison Pelot started out as a competitive gymnast from age 5 to 21 years and later graduated with a Degree in Exercise Science from Georgia State University. Her health issues created a passion for learning more about holistic health. This led Allison Pelot to obtain certifications in holistic nutrition and lifestyle coaching and exercise coaching from the CHEK Institute in San Diego, CA. 

Allison Pelot has been coaching people in holistic nutrition and fitness for almost 20 years now. She has a practice in Portland Oregon and a health Podcast called Integrate Yourself.

Get Connected With Allison Pelot:

Official Website

Integrate Yourself Podcast

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Facebook – Integrate Yourself

Facebook – Pure Energy Wellness



Recommended Readings by Allison Pelot

How To Heal Your Metabolism by Kate Deering

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Recommended Links:

Episode 224 – Dr. Paul Thomas


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Mar 23, 2018

Understanding Addiction

Understanding addiction, depression and anxiety rank high among the problems that people face. But conventional medicine often masks these problems by prescribing drugs. Johann Hari is a wonderful book author who is here today to explain the real cause of these problems and how we can solve it.

Chasing The Scream Book

In writing Chasing The Scream, Johann Hari recalls the personal journey it took for him to put the book together. He says the whole process taught him to think differently about something very close to his heart.

You see, when Johann Hari was growing up, he realized his family was dealing with issues, and that triggered his curiosity on understanding addiction. Eventually, Johann Hari went to places that had different approaches to responding to addiction.

According to Johann Hari, there are varying levels on how cultures deal with understanding addiction. Apparently, there are countries like Portugal wherein the government is compassionate when it comes to understanding addiction.

“The thing that most surprised me for the book is that it led directly to the journey. For my new book, Lost Connections, I realized I had fundamentally misunderstood what addiction was,” said Johann Hari. 

Johann Hari also shares that in countries like Great Britain, if a person steps out in front of a truck and breaks their hip, the hospital would give them a drug called diamorphine, for the pain. Incidentally, diamorphine is heroin in a medically pure form. 

“If what we think about addiction is right, it should be happening to all these people in the hospitals, but it’s not. The dosage is strong, but people are not addicted to it. It’s the opposite for people who do drugs in the streets,” said Johann Hari.

Rat Park

Johann Hari only began understanding addiction when he went to Vancouver and met Professor Bruce Alexander who he says changed his life. Apparently, Professor Bruce Alexander explained this theory of addiction in a different light.

Professor Bruce Alexander did an experiment way back in the 1970s using rats. One rat was isolated and did nothing but take drugs. To broaden the experiment, Professor Bruce Alexander built a Rat Park.

In the Rat Park, rats had colored balls, rat-food, and tunnels to play along with other rats.

There were also two kinds of water bottles; one was drugged water. It turns out most of the rats didn’t like the drugged water, and none of them died. The isolated rats, on the other hand, became heavy users of the drug.

“What this taught me is that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety but rather connection. And that requires us to respond in a completely different way to addiction,” Johann Hari said. “Normally, we have an approach based on shame and stigma which says what we need to do is impose more suffering on people who got addiction problems. But actually, pain is the cause of addiction.”

Understanding Depression And Anxiety

Johann Hari says the cause of addiction is about not wanting to be present in your life because your life is too painful than its supposed to be. Furthermore, he explains that when we have a story about our pain, it structures our distress.

“When your story begins to shift about that, and if you realize that depression and anxiety are not what you thought they were, that’s very destabilizing,” said Johann Hari. “It’s only if we accurately understand what is happening, that’s when we could find meaningful solutions.”

In writing Chasing The Scream book, it took Johann Hari a journey of 30,000 miles around the world interviewing experts and looking into different cultures. Ultimately, he learned a lot. We misunderstood depression and anxiety as a culture, and we’ve ignored what the best research shows us. 

Eye-opening Situation

Johann Hari shares that in 2000, Portugal faced a severe situation. The country had one of the worse problems in Europe. For starters, 1% of the population was addicted to heroin.

Every year, they tried to solve the situation the American way. They arrested more people, imprisoned more people, but it got worse. Then one day, the prime minister and the leader of the opposition got together in an effort towards understanding addiction. Together, they decided to do something bold since the war on drugs began 70 years before.

The government set up a panel of doctors, social workers, and sociologists to make recommendations. The group went on to spend two years researching. Eventually, the panel recommended that the government decriminalize all drugs. They also suggested allocating the government budget towards turning people’s lives around.

The government listened to the recommendations and put it into action. They spent some money on residential rehabilitation, therapy, and job creation. Small loans were also granted to those who wanted to start a small business. And guess what? The system worked! 

“If you trust in the journey, you will find better explanations. And those better explanations will open up different solutions. I think this is also how my Chasing The Scream book gave birth to me writing the Lost Connection.”

Lost Connection Book

The Lost Connection book details the nine real causes of depression and anxiety. It also contains Johann Hari’s interactions with scientists who are discovering seven very different solutions for depression and anxiety.

“There was equally strong evidence that we have natural psychological needs. We need to feel we belong and that life has meaning, the need to feel valued and that the future makes sense,” said Johann Hari. “Our culture is good at lots of things, but we’ve been getting less good at meeting these deep underlying psychological need that people have.”

Personal Experience

Johann Hari recalls the time he went to a doctor during his teenage years. He told the doctor about this pain bleeding out of him and that he couldn’t seem to regulate it. That made Johann Hari feel ashamed.

But then that doctor had a completely different biological story on how the brain works. So, it turned out that Johann Hari ended up being given prescribed drugs. Those drugs offered only temporary relief. Johann Hari remembers going back for higher doses but still experienced bouts of depression. Luckily, he eventually got out of that situation.

“We’ve been told to say to people that depression is just a brain disease or chemical imbalance and that we should just identify it by using a checklist. But we do not understand human pain,” said Johann Hari. 

Grief And Depression

Johann Hari says grief is not a pathology but instead a natural and human response. Depression and grief have the same symptoms.

“A leading U.S. expert on the debate on traumatic grief told me that if we can start to admit that it can be a response to life, that requires a total system overhaul on how the whole system works,” said Johann Hari. “Depression is grief for your own wider needs not being met.”

How then can we measure depression? Apparently, depression can be measured by something called the Hamilton scale from 1 to 51, with 51 being the worst. According to the leading experts at Harvard Medical School, chemical anti-depressants on average, will move people 1.8 points on the Hamilton scale. So here, you can see why drugs are not solving people’s problems.

Being Happy

Johann Hari reveals that there was a recent study about happiness involving people living in four countries —- United States, Russia, China, and Japan. The study showed that in the United States when people want to become consciously happier, they fail to do so. But in other countries, it’s the opposite.

Now, how can that be? Apparently, when most people in the United States try to make themselves happier, they do something for themselves. In the other countries, their definition of happiness means doing something for someone else.

“We have an implicitly individualistic idea of what it means to be happy. And a lot of other cultures implicitly have a collective idea of what it means to be happy,” said Johann Hari. “The more you think life is about how you look to other people, how much money you have and how much status you have, the more likely you will become depressed and anxious.”

Incidentally, if we just single out the United States, Johann Hari says the Amish people have the lowest rate of depression in the United States. This is because they also have the most collective idea of what it means to be happy.

Johann Hari also points out that having good spiritual health can positively impact the reduction of depression and anxiety. He says studies showed that the positive effects of a reduction in depression, anxiety, and addiction, are extremely co-related with the intensity of a person’s spiritual experience. 

“To get to the solution, we need to understand what is causing the problem. This is mostly a social, psychological, and spiritual crisis happening. People are hungry for this different kind of conversation. And I think people can see this is necessary.” 


Johann Hari is the New York Times bestselling author of Chasing the Scream, which is being adapted into a feature film. He was twice named Newspaper Journalist of the Year by Amnesty International UK. 

Johann Hari has written for the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and others, and he is a regular panelist on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.” His TED talk, “Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong,” has more than 21 million views. 

Get Connected With Johann Hari:

The Lost Connections


Books by Johann Hari

Chasing The Scream


Lost Connections

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Mar 20, 2018

This is the sauna I got and highly recommend!

Sunlighten - Email me if you would like more info on the sauna I got:

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My Kid Cures Cancer

My Kid Cures Cancer is an excellent resource for parents who have a child with cancer.  It’s never easy when your child is suffering from the disease, and some parents go into panic mode. The journey wasn’t easy for my guests Ryan and Teddy Sternagel. This episode is all about how they weathered that storm.

How It All Began

The My Kid Cures Cancer bandwagon has been around for almost four years now.  It traces its roots back to when Teddy Sternagel got pregnant with son Ryder who is turning five years old this May.

The Sternagels describe themselves to be health-conscious parents.  Ryder was born at a birth center, and the Sternagel couple has long before already agreed not to vaccinate their child. The couple both ate healthily and Teddy even breastfed Ryder for two and a half years.

The Lump

Teddy Sternagel recalls that leading up to his first birthday; there were some things about Ryder that didn’t feel right. He had a hard time sitting up on his own. And from being a very chunky baby, he rapidly dropped down the growth chart.

Ryder was turning one that month and was nowhere near even being able to crawl much less even turn over. He had stopped growing at around six months of age. After being born above the 90th percentile in both height and weight, he had dropped down to the 25th.

“I was told by a Naturopath that it’s because I was breastfeeding him. Looking back, I felt that’s not true at all,” relates Teddy Sternagel. “One night in May 2014, I was getting Ryder ready for bed. As I was nursing him, I noticed a lump in Ryder’s back right next to his spine.” 

More Red Flags

The Sternagels started to realize there were more symptoms to be worried other than the lump on Ryder’s back. Ryder could not handle any solid food and would gag whenever he was fed anything. He also suffered from constipation. But doctors initially brushed off these concerns.

“We were told just to keep an eye on the lump and begin physical therapy for walking and speech therapy for eating,” said Teddy Sternagel. “The whole speech and physical therapy did not set right with us because we wanted to know why does he have a lump in his back and figure it out before doing anything else.”

The Official Diagnosis

After several weeks of hospital visits and tests, the official diagnosis finally came out before Ryder’s first birthday. Results showed that Ryder had a growing tumor larger than his kidney and out of his spinal canal. There were also two secondary tumors which had metastasized into his bones.

Tests also showed Ryder had been born with a double aortic arch. It was not life-threatening, but a heart surgery would be needed to correct it. This was why Ryder had a hard time swallowing solid foods.

Finding The Right Doctor

Finding the right doctor is not easy. It takes a lot of research. Initially, the Sternagels didn’t have much choice but to go ahead with conventional treatment. 

“With the FDA, you don’t have much choice. You have to do conventional treatment,” said Teddy Sternagel. “The chemotherapy did its job. It shrunk Ryder’s tumor very quickly. So we thought of not doing the entire protocol, stop early and take Ryder the rest of the way holistically.”

Moving To Utah

The Sternagels decided to move to Utah to continue Ryder’s treatment.  They were still on a conventional protocol but chose to seek alternative treatment after the fourth round of chemotherapy.

The couple felt blessed to have Naturopathic Oncologist Dr. Paul Anderson on their team. Their doctor respected their decision to seek an alternative route. Hence, the Sternagels felt lucky because not everyone was fortunate enough to have the right support system.

“Naturopaths are like doctors. There are good and bad. You have to take each person as an individual. And I think people get into trouble when they just put all of their faith into one group of people,” said Teddy Sternagel.

Researching On Alternative Treatments

The Sternagels researched continuously on alternative treatments for several years. One useful treatment is to have Ryder do saunas to sweat out the toxins from his body.

“Cancer cells can’t stand the heat as well as regular cells can. We sauna almost every night for at least half an hour because it takes at least 15 minutes before we can sweat,” Ryan Sternagel said. 

He adds, “There are a lot of different alternative treatments and different theories of cancer. So you want to be addressing all of those theories and system of the body.”

I agree with the effectiveness of saunas.  Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt was on my show recently where he explained the benefits of sweating and taking a cooling shower after the sauna to rise out the toxins.

Incidentally, Ryan Sternagel also revealed that his sauna unit is also from Sunlighten.  For those interested in getting a sauna, you can get $150 discount just by mentioning My Kid Cures Cancer upon purchase. 

Cause Of Ryder’s Cancer

Cancer is caused by many factors. In fact, a past guest of mine, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, said during his interview in episode 136 that all cancer is from fungus.

In Ryder’s case, Teddy Sternagel believes that being so stressed from work while she was pregnant played a significant factor. She handled it poorly, and she hardly got any exercise.

Teddy Sternagel also believes that being around wi-fi and so many gadgets as well as being in a toxic environment has adverse effects. That is why she advises pregnant women to make sure they get enough exercise, relax, eat right and make sure to detox once in a while.

Extra Resources

The My Kid Cures Cancer website is an excellent resource for alternative treatments for kids who have cancer.  The Sternagels have taken the initiative to enumerate a complete and comprehensive list on the My Kid Cures Cancer website containing supplements, essential oils, anti-cancer products, and cancer-fighting tools that helped Ryder recover.

Aside from the My Kid Cures Cancer website, the Sternagels also have a podcast. Listeners can tune in to learn more about their journey as well as learn several ways of living a healthy, cancer-free life.

Additional Tips

The Sternagels also provided the following tips to help may sure your stays in tip-top shape:

  1. Have a prep day. One day each week where you set aside a couple of hours. Start a few jars of sprouts. Just start fermenting something. Make a huge batch of juice and freeze half of it. And make a big healthy dip for veggies.
  2. Take stock of your supplements, fill capsules. Fill your pantry and order dry goods (better selection and prices online). Plan out meals and make a shopping list for produce. Make it a family event and have kids hands on.
  3. Incorporate hot and cold into your whole family’s life. Do contrast showers for yourself and your kids. Get a sauna. Go outside in the cold in minimal clothes. Do ice baths. Make it a fun thing.
  4. Have proper light at proper times. Get red light bulbs for your lamps and turn them on and overhead lights off when the sun goes down. Get blue blocking glasses for screen time. Again, make it fun for the family.

Ryder In Remission

Ryder is currently in remission. After stopping chemotherapy, he takes scans every three months. It’s a wait-and-see approach. 

“You don’t necessarily have to have all the answers and be the expert in every different category. There’s a lot of experts in a lot of different things, but you’re the only expert in your kid as a whole,” said Ryan Sternagel. 

Teddy Sternagel adds, “We as parents have an intuitive gift. It’s there for a reason, and you just have to follow it.” 


Ryan and Teddy Sternagel started My Kid Cures Cancer one year after their son Ryder was diagnosed in 2014 with stage four neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer of the nervous system.

Wanting to do everything they could for their son The Sternagels dove deep into integrative research and as a result, today Ryder is a happy, healthy little boy. 

Early on in the journey, however, it had become apparent that practically no information of this kind existed written in a way that parents could understand if and how it would apply to their children. 

After consulting with doctors and health experts all over the world, and a whole lot of trial and error, My Kid Cures Cancer was born to make finding this information accessible to other parents that need it. 

Through its videos, podcast and in-depth articles, My Kid Cures Cancer provides parents with information both on integrative approaches to cancer treatment for those that need it and how to make sure cancer never afflicts their family in the first place for everyone else. 

With his incredible attitude and willingness to eat the healthiest of foods and take as many supplements as Ryan and Teddy hand him, Ryder now inspires children all over the world to take their health seriously. “If Ryder can do it, so can I!”

Get Connected With Ryan and Teddy Sternagel!

Official Website




Sunlighten Sauna

Recommended Reading by Ryan and Teddy Sternagel!

The Metabolic Approach to Cancer  by Dr. Nasha Winters

Recommended Links:

What Causes Cancer – Episode 136

Heavy Metals Detox – Episode 218


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Mar 15, 2018

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Sustainability Of Plant-Based Nutrition…-based-nutrition/

Sustainability of plant-based nutrition is a serious matter that we should look into. For the sake of our health, the planet and animal welfare, it's about time we take control.  To explain more about why we should take action towards sustainability of plant-based nutrition, Sharon Palmer is back on the show for the second time around.

I also strongly recommend listeners to check out my episode with Sharon Palmer on episode 197. She revealed a lot of things you need to know about a plant-based diet.

General Perceptions

My husband and I have been trying a plant-based diet for almost three months now. I eat chicken sometimes, but other than that, I make a conscious effort to eat organic produce most of the time.

Sharon Palmer says a lot of people don't realize that there are a lot of delicious ways to eat a plant-based diet. But most of the time, people think they're going to be missing out on something.

"Primates are vegans. We are similar to them. Eating a plant-based diet makes cholesterol and glucose drop," explains Sharon Palmer. "Whole plant food is so satisfying and delicious. Plus, your body will be flooded with nutrients that benefit in so many ways."

Sharon Palmer also assures that experiencing hunger, in the beginning, is normal. Because a plant-based diet is so dense in nutrients but low in energy or calories. It is also low in fat naturally. Usually, it takes time easing into the diet, but people eventually get used to it.

I was initially worried where I would get my protein requirement in a plant-based diet. But apparently, 18 grams of protein equals one cup of legumes. I was then more than willing to dive into the diet because I love legumes!

Major Problems

Some of the significant problems we have on sustainability are waste management, air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution due to extensive farming and modern animal agriculture. According to Sharon Palmer, all these are detrimental to the environment.

"From an environmental standpoint, they concentrate all the manure. In effect, the manure accumulates in lagoons and storage tanks," said Sharon Palmer.

In a past episode, Dr. Mark Hyman said, when farmers pay more attention to the health of the soil, that is when we get healthy crops. And that will ultimately sustain our health.

Soil plays a big factor in all this.  Part of the equation is the state of biodynamic farming, allowing the animals to walk on the fields during offseason and enable their manure to be stomped into the ground naturally. Studies have shown that biodynamic farms have a higher yield of produce than those produced with a bunch of chemicals.

"A lot of times we think the soil is just dirt. But soil is living and breathing. We are so interested in our gut microbiome now, but the soil has a microbiome," Sharon Palmer explains. "It is enriched with all of these organisms that help decay the organic matter and contribute nutrients to the soil. Modern agriculture treats soil as an inert substance." 

She adds, "But at the same time, this compost has all the things like manure and compost. Part of our natural environment has all the things needed regarding nutrients in the soil, and it breaks down slowly, adding organic materials to the soil."

Present Focus

Sharon Palmer's primary focus on sustainability is looking at the food system rather than focusing on micro-agriculture. She is also currently learning about biodynamics and regenerative agriculture to restore the soil and looking into food policies, food systems, and security.

"Sustainability goes beyond just the environment. A lot of people think of the environment as the only aspect of sustainability," said Sharon Palmer. "Sustainability means we want the food system to move beyond and be available for future generations. That means healthful, affordable food that everybody has access to." 

She adds, "Just because people who can afford it can go to the farmers market and buy organic produce, that doesn't mean it's available to everyone. It involves things like economics, society, and community."

How We Grow Our Food

Sharon Palmer also shares that her plant-based nutrition matches her work as a journalist and speaker for nutrition. According to her, the healthcare professional world has a lack of understanding of the food system.

"We're so focused on nutrients. Sometimes, we don't take it all the way back to the soil and how we're growing our food," Sharon Palmer said. "It is intriguing that crops we are eating today have zero nutrients than crops grown 50 years ago."

Sharon Palmer says we change our varieties so much, that when we buy our orange carrots, supermarkets and nature apparently produces many other types. Often, the crop varieties we have now have much lower nutrients than their ancient relatives. Apparently, this is because we bred the nutrients out of these vegetables.

Secondly, Sharon Palmer says it takes two weeks after harvest for us to get our produce at the supermarket. And we know produce loses nutrients daily after being picked.

Lastly, evidence shows that climate change is changing the nutrient value of our vegetables. And because temperatures are rising, it changes the actual composition of our crops.

This is why Sharon Palmer recommends eating freshly harvested produce as much as possible. It also helps if we could grow our food and eat more varieties.

Impact Of Pesticides

Sharon Palmer says that research has shown farming communities have the highest risk of adverse effects of pesticides because farmers breathe the air and live on the farm. This is one of the reasons why Sharon Palmer supports organic agriculture.

Personally, my interview with Dr. Stephanie Seneff on episode 89 was such an eye-opener. In the episode, she revealed the link between glyphosate and autism. Glyphosate is a chelator. It binds to heavy metals, but it also releases heavy metals once the agent changes pH.  The pH changes when fluids in our body change.

"Everybody knew that glyphosate wouldn't work anymore. Nature has a way of evolving," said Sharon Palmer. "We have to look at the next herbicide that they are using, to see what the implications are. California has been aggressive in seeing the risks of glyphosate."

What We Can Do

Sharon Palmer says the United States has one of the cheapest food supplies in the world. Because when you look at the percentage of our income, it goes to food. But then we're so used to buying cheap food. And it's hard to get people to pay more to for food that has a higher quality. 

"Americans eat a lot of food. There's an opportunity to eat more of what we need every day and not waste so much. We waste 40% of our food so must learn to put more value in food," Sharon Palmer said. "A lot of people don't realize that we have a lot of programs in farmers markets to connect people and make them eat more healthy produce."

I'm planning to grow my vegetables in my garden and share it with friends and family as well as donate to my community's local food bank. It is essential to create a sense of unity in the community by having every family pitch in to do their part and start their garden, too.

Extra lands on church grounds and schools can also be converted into vegetable gardens for the benefit of the community. Sharon Palmer shares that there are already a lot of schools around the country trying to educate students through growing vegetables on school grounds. 

"The movement is already happening. We have to expose it to people before we lose connection with our soil. I also think that if you grow your food, you also value it more because you spend a lot of time nourishing it," said Sharon Palmer.

Changing Our Diet

Sharon Palmer reveals that Americans are the top meat eaters in the world. Overeating meat is not suitable for health, and it is advisable to cut your meat consumption in half. Just think of what it can do for animal welfare, your health and also the planet.

To ease into the transition to a plant-based diet, try avoiding meat once a week. Start thinking about your plate differently. In fact, my past guest, Dr. Mark Hyman recommended to make meat a condiment.

There's a vegan burger recipe I have which I make with quinoa, chickpeas, rice cauliflower and avocado. Then I wrap in uncooked purple cabbage and add a little taco seasoning. My family loves it, and I suggest you should try this easy recipe, too. The taste takes a little getting used to, but it's delicious!

On the other hand, Sharon Palmer's favorite breakfast is oatmeal porridge with whatever fruits in season, flax seeds and walnuts with no sugar. It's an easy recipe and very healthy for the body.

"Research shows that you can train your taste buds and gradually reduce preference level for sweet and salty," Sharon Palmer said.

Sharon Palmer's Books

There's so much to learn about the plant-based diet. According to Sharon Palmer, her book, Plant-Powered Diet is the bible of plant-based eating. There are a lot of tips on how to choose food like whole grains and how many vegetables to eat every day.

Her other book, Plant-Powered For Life, is a straightforward approach to anything from the plant-based diet.  The book also contains a lot of recipes that's so easy to do and delicious so check it out.


Sharon Palmer has created an award-winning career based on combining her two great loves: food and writing. As a registered dietitian with a broad foundation in health care, she channeled her passion into journalism over the past 15 years, covering a variety of topics, such as health, wellness, nutrition, and cooking. 

Sharon Palmer is also an accomplished writer on food and environmental issues, having published some features on plant-based diets, hunger, agriculture, local and organic foods, eco-friendly culinary practices, sustainability, food safety, humane animal practices, and food security. In particular, Sharon Palmer has expertise in plant-based nutrition. 

Over 950 of Sharon Palmer 's features have been published in a variety of publications, including Better Homes and Gardens, Prevention, LA Times, Cooking Smart, and Delicious Living. Her book The Plant-Powered Diet: The Lifelong Eating Plan for Achieving Optimal Health, Beginning Today (The Experiment, July 2012) was a critical success, which was followed by her second book Plant-Powered for Life: Eat Your Way to Lasting Health with 52 Simple Steps & 125 Delicious Recipes in July 2014. 

Also, Sharon Palmer has contributed to several books, including Food & Cultural Issues for the Culinary, and Hospitality and Nutrition Professions (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. 2009). She blogs every day for her The Plant-Powered Blog, which has won numerous awards. She is also the editor of the acclaimed health newsletter Environmental Nutrition, and nutrition editor for Today's Dietitian. 

Sharon Palmer shines in culinary arts, focusing on globally inspired recipes featuring whole plant foods. She enjoys hosting culinary demonstrations and farm-to-table cooking classes. Apart from that, Sharon Palmer regularly appears in the media as a nutrition expert, and presents on food and nutrition at national venues, including California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, and Supermarket Symposium. 

Sharon Palmer also serves as a nutrition advisor to Oldways Vegetarian Network and is a judge for the prestigious James Beard Journalism Awards and Books for a Better Life Awards. She was the proud recipient of the Loma Linda University Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2013. 

Currently, Sharon Palmer is studying for her Master Degree in Sustainable Food Systems at Green Mountain College in Vermont. Living in the chaparral hills overlooking Los Angeles with her husband and two sons, Sharon Palmer enjoys tending to her organic garden, visiting the local farmers market every week, and cooking for friends and family.

Get Connected with Sharon Palmer!

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Book by Sharon Palmer

Recommended Reading by Sharon Palmer

Food Rules by Michael Pollan


Recommended Links:

Episode 89 - Dr. Stephanie Seneff

Episode 197 - Sharon Palmer


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This is the sauna I got and highly recommend!

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Mar 12, 2018

Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!

Dr. Mark Hyman's New Book:

Food: What The Heck Should I Eat?

This is the sauna I got and highly recommend!


Diet Myths

Diet myths deter most people from going in the right direction. Whether it be for weight loss or reversing illnesses, knowing what diet myths that aren’t true can ultimately guide us to eating right. Dr. Mark Hyman is a former mentor of mine who will help bust several diet myths in today’s episode.

Growing Up Years

Dr. Mark Hyman grew up in Spain, and he recalls his mother loved shopping at the market every day for fresh food. His mother also tended her garden at home and always stressed the need to buy fresh and eat fresh.

As he grew older, Dr. Mark Hyman chanced upon a book written by Roger Williams called Nutrition Against Disease. That book influenced him to lead a healthy lifestyle until he became a yoga teacher apart from teaching health and becoming a vegetarian.

“I’m 58 years old now. I look at my body 30 or 40 years ago when I first became a vegetarian. I was a scrawny thing with no muscle mass,” recalls Dr. Mark Hyman. “And I am now exercising far less. But changing my diet to more high fat, low starch diet, with adequate amounts of good quality protein. And I am far more muscular and fit than when I was 20 years old.”

Food As Medicine

Dr. Mark Hyman remembers that he got sick from mercury poisoning in China years ago.  He discovered a whole new world in functional medicine because of his illness. Food was the primary medicine to cure his condition. Dr. Mark Hyman food is a drug because it acts faster and cheaper than most drugs.

“There have been so many additives added to food over the last hundred years, almost  2,000 additives in our food. Very few have been tested adequately and were passed by the FDA as safe until we learn that they’re not,” said Dr. Mark Hyman.

Dr. Mark Hyman, there’s so many examples of additives like transfat. It is a part of our diet that has never been proven to be safe.

“There’s a lot of things in our food that we think is healthy.  A lot of health food store products have thickeners that cause leaky gut, toxic plastic containers, and all kinds of food additives,” Dr. Mark Hyman revealed. “It can cause autism, neurodevelopmental issues, and psychiatric problems. Artificial sweeteners can also cause weight gain, diabetes and damage the gut microbiome.” 

Finding The Right Diet

I currently practice a keto and paleo diet. This is because my Naturopath found our I had elevated cardiovascular markers and my blood work was not going in the right direction.

It’s tricky finding the right diet that works. Dr. Mark Hyman says that lowering meat intake is a great starting point as well as portion control. Busting diet myths has been his expertise for the longest time.

Institute For Integrative Nutrition

Incidentally, when I was part of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s year-long health coach training program, Dr. Mark Hyman was one of my teachers. To those who want to become a health coach or merely increase your knowledge of health and nutrition, do sign up at IIN. Also, mention Learn True Health to avail of the special student rate.

Sunlighten Sauna

Like I have mentioned in a past episode, I have been losing weight and getting rid of the toxins in my body by using my Sunlighten sauna. Dr. Mark Hyman is also an owner of a sauna unit and attests to the health benefits of doing saunas every day.

I highly recommend the sauna company since they also provide a fantastic financing payment option.  They offer free shipping which is valued at $600, and they also offer $100 discount on sauna accessories.

What The Heck Should We Eat Book

Dr. Mark Hyman says we have to look more comprehensively at our diet. In his book, Dr. Mark Hyman writes about diet myths and what science shows.

Mostly, his book does more than just busting diet myths. It is an eater’s guide to food in the 21st century. The book teaches you how to eat food and what brand is good for your health, planet, climate, economy, helping poverty and violence and providing educational disparity. Dr. Mark Hyman illustrates that food is at the center of all those situations.

Statistics Don’t Lie

Dr. Mark Hyman explains that a ketogenic diet contains 70 percent fat. It is extremely high fat and very low carb diet. The ketogenic diet reverses diabetes of over 60% of people suffering from the disease, 4% got out of medication and insulin.

“My body composition changed when I changed to higher fat diet, and eating lots of protein, vegetables and lots of fat. My muscle mass increased even if I was not exercising as much,” said Dr. Mark Hyman.

Effects On the Environment

Dr. Mark Hyman says that one of the issues of the environmental movement is to eat less meat. But what meat are we eating? If it is grass-fed meat, Dr. Mark Hyman says it’s a whole different issue.

Dr. Mark Hyman also mentions that there’s a book called Kiss the Ground by Josh Tickell. It’s an amazing story all about the soil. Because soil is the key to our health in so many ways. 

“The carbon from the environment gets sequestered or held in the soil. Soil erosion and other negative effects on the soil are happening because of how we grow food. Hence, properly grazing animals can help the soil regenerate,” said Dr. Mark Hyman. 

Importance Of Fiber

Dr. Mark Hyman says fiber is important because it fertilizes the good bacteria in the gut. He also says that our microbiome is essential.

“Because when we feed our microbiome junk food, they turn into junky bacteria. They also produce some nasty chemicals. When we feed them a lot of fiber, there’s a huge difference in the health of the microbiome,” said Dr. Mark Hyman.

Studies have shown that Americans only eat an average of 8 to 15 grams of fiber a day. Typically, 50 grams is a right amount to target aside from drinking a lot of water.

Dangers Of Sugar And Flour

Dr. Mark Hyman reveals that half of Americans have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Currently, 90% are not diagnosed, and 70% of Americans are overweight.

“We are biologically designed to crave and love sugar because it helps us store fat for the winter. If we could eat anything that’s starchy, has carbs, sugar or honey, we will put on weight right away. And that’s a good thing from an evolutionary point of view,” said Dr. Mark Hyman. 

But he also adds,”Now in our era, we have 152 pounds of sugar and 133 pounds of flour which is worse than sugar. We are actually in a toxic situation. Because Flour has a higher glycemic index than sugar.”

Busting More Diet Myths

Dr. Mark Hyman says the standard advice of eating less and exercising more to lose weight is the biggest lie. He says it’s about the quality of the calories you eat, not the amount.

“If you focus on what you’re eating and not how much, you will naturally do the right thing. So when you can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet, you have to make sure that you’re eating the right food,” said Dr. Mark Hyman.

Dr. Mark Hyman also says that people who eat a high glycemic diet have a higher risk of dementia. So we should all be eating an extremely low glycemic diet.

He explains that people who eat gluten do tiny microscopic damage to their gut which leads to inflammation. Ultimately, it breaks the linkages between our cells and our intestines will become loose, also known as leaky gut. 

“If you know how to work your biology, you can be fully satisfied, happy and energetic with your diet. You don’t have to deprive yourself. Use science rather than willpower to fix your biology,” said Dr. Mark Hyman.

To know more about diet-related topics, I recommend listening to my past episodes with Dr. Caldwell EsselstynDr. Jack Wolfson, and Dr. William Davis.

Dr. Mark Hyman, MD, believes that we all deserve a life of vitality and that we have the potential to create it for ourselves. That’s why he is dedicated to tackling the causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power of Functional Medicine to transform healthcare. Dr. Mark Hyman and his team work every day to empower people, organizations, and communities to heal their bodies and minds, and improve our social and economic resilience. 


Dr. Mark Hyman is a practicing family physician, a ten-time #1 New York Times bestselling author, and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in his field. He is the Director the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine.

He is also the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center, chairman of the board of the Institute for Functional Medicine, a medical editor of The Huffington Post, and was a regular medical contributor on many television shows including CBS This Morning, Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, and The View, Katie and The Dr. Oz Show.

Dr. Mark Hyman works with individuals and organizations, as well as policymakers and influencers. He has testified before both the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the Senate Working Group on Health Care Reform on Functional Medicine. He has consulted with the Surgeon General on diabetes prevention and participated in the 2009 White House Forum on Prevention and Wellness.

Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa nominated Dr. Mark Hyman for the President’s Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health. Also, Dr. Hyman has worked with President Clinton, presenting at the Clinton Foundation’s Health Matters, Achieving Wellness in Every Generation conference and the Clinton Global Initiative, as well as with the World Economic Forum on global health issues.

He is the winner of the Linus Pauling Award, The Nantucket Project Award, and was inducted in the Books for Better Life Hall of Fame, and the Christian Book of the Year Award for The Daniel Plan.

Get Connected With Dr. Mark Hyman!

Official Website





Books by Dr. Mark Hyman

10-Day Detox Diet



Eat Fat, Get Thin



Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?

Recommended Links:

Institute For Integrative Nutrition

Sunlighten Sauna

Dr. Jack Wolfson – Ep 101

Dr. William Davis – Ep 167

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn – Ep 232


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4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

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Heavy Metal Summit:





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Ashley James

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Mar 9, 2018

Food Peace

Food peace is all about how to love food again. Most of us fear food because we are afraid of gaining weight. But my guest today is registered dietician Julie Duffy Dillon who will break down some steps on how we can achieve food peace.

On A Mission

Julie Duffy Dillon is an eating disorder specialist who helps people with weight issues and helps them attain food peace.  She was a conventionally-trained dietician and generally, it takes people six years of study to do the job.

Getting out of school, Julie Duffy Dillon thought she was more than prepared to help people achieve food peace. After a few years, she realized that most people were not able to lose weight and the tools she had for food peace was missing the point.

“I felt there was another dynamics, so I quit and got a degree in mental health counseling. Then I started researching diets,” said Julie Duffy Dillon. “No diet will help you go long-term. Diets lead to weight regain. It led to me getting into knowing how eating disorders happen.”

Busting Myths

According to Julie Duffy Dillon, when we pursue weight loss, we miss health. She says health is also how much power we have in our world. The journey towards food peace comes from finding what works for you and fixing the world’s view of our bodies.

“Many people think they can control all aspects of health. It’s not just about the food we eat or the way we move our body. Stress, poverty, and depression also play a big factor. Outside things determine 75% percent of health,” Julie Dillion said.

Julie Duffy Dillon essentially helps her clients realize that the body has wisdom.  To be able to have food peace, one must learn how to listen to their body and figure out what energizes or depletes them.


I have dealt with polycystic ovary syndrome.  It is a condition wherein my hormone levels were affected, but I was able to reverse it through a change of diet and lifestyle.

Julie Duffy Dillon says medical doctors tend to tell their patients they’re not trying hard enough. They usually advise patients to cut food groups and exercise more.  But Julie Duffy Dillon says she has found a way to veer away from diets by practicing self-care.

“I help people find their place of passions. We shouldn’t feel like being tortured by food. Eat enough to be a human to have energy,” said Julie Duffy Dillon. “I help clients pick something sustainable and educate them on how to listen to their body.”

Body Shaming

Shame is a big part of eating disorders, and it deters attaining food peace. According to Julie, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses, so they’re a big deal.

“I want to do every I can to help prevent it. Shame doesn’t promote health, although it’s something we often lean on. But it’s certainly not something that works to change behavior in the long-term,” said Julie Duffy Dillon.

I had experienced shame when I was younger. My mother would subject me to shame whenever I ate rice or anything unhealthy.  It was my mom’s way of showing she loved me enough to care about my health but emotionally and mentally, it did affect me.

“Unfortunately, when our motivation is fear-based, we don’t tend to make the best decisions. We need to come from genuine love because we live in a world that is not too kind to people of size,” Julie Duffy Dillon said.

Trust Your Body

Julie also stresses the need to teach children to love their bodies and to trust the messages of their body. Society puts too much emphasis on body size, and that leads to more severe problems like eating disorders. And when that happens, food peace fails.

I was concerned about my weight mainly when I was pregnant.  But I learned from my Naturopath that apparently, weight has nothing to do with a healthy pregnancy.  In fact, the primary thing to look out for was blood work, and mine was great!

“I think there’s a manipulation in the diet industry that makes us all freak out when we are 10 or 20 pounds heavier when it’s not as concerning,” said Julie Duffy Dillon 

She also adds, “Speaking for my clients in recovery, positive body weight is important to maintain recovery. It is essential for them not to diet again or else there will be a relapse.” 

Dangers Of Eating Disorders

Julie Duffy Dillon says suicide is a component for some people. She says some people die, but there’s a medical risk associated with it, too. In fact, there used to be a medical category called, “Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified Condition,” which according to Julie Duffy Dillon, the mortality rate was highest in that group. 

“People with the condition usually die in their sleep. There are many facilities now that specialize in nutritional rehabilitation. They are usually on an out-patient level like my program. My rehab program is once a week and ideally, for three to six months,” said Julie Duffy Dillon.

Model Healthy Behavior

Julie Duffy Dillon thinks that sometimes, people want kids to know what’s healthy and not healthy. How kids learn nutrition is interesting.

“When we are younger, we are concrete thinkers. Nutrition and teaching healthy eating is a very abstract, formal and operational type of way of thinking,” explains Julie Duffy Dillon. So when a person is trying to teach moderation or healthy eating to a kid through words, their brain is not going to get it on the same level compared to a grown up.”

So what then is the best way to teach kids? Julie Duffy Dillon says exposure is the best teacher. Exposing kids to gardens allow them to learn agriculture and enable them to see how plants grow and what they taste like.

“It must be a hands-on way of teaching nutrition. Practice model healthy behavior by not talking about bodies unless it is something neutral or positive” said Julie Duffy Dillon.

Tips For Adults

First of all, Julie Duffy Dillon suggests having sufficient knowledge of your history with food. Because sometimes, eating is not just about hunger or being full. She says it’s also a connection to our lineage and culture.

“Know that you can trust your body and know that there’s a pleasure coming from food like cooking or eating,” suggests Julie Duffy Dillon. “Find out what serves you and what helps you feel energized. Your body was born with this innate wisdom to promote health so you can rely on it even if it has been a while.”

Julie Duffy Dillon listed down this very doable 3-step procedure that will ultimately help you achieve food peace:

  1. Permit yourself to eat. You’ve tried diets and know they don’t help long term. What if you experimented with permitting yourself instead?
  1. Instead of playing the message “I am a failure for failing my diet,” reframe it to be, “Another diet failed me because none of them work for most people.” You didn’t fail. The diet did.
  1. Throw out the scale or smash it with a hammer. Pursuing weight loss predicts more weight gain, isn’t supported by science to promote health and just keeps you from being you. 

Love Food Podcast

To know more about how to get over your eating disorder, tune in to Julie Duffy Dillon’s Love Food Podcast.  Her episodes are packed with information on how you can achieve food peace.

Julie Duffy Dillon is a Registered Dietitian, Eating Disorder Specialist, and Food Behavior Expert partnering with people on their Food Peace journey. She is trained as a mental health counselor and supervises dietitians and other health professionals to use weight inclusive and attuned eating strategies. 

Julie Duffy Dillon owns central North Carolina’s group nutrition private practice and premier source of eating disorder treatment and prevention, BirdHouse Nutrition Therapy. She also produces and hosts the weekly podcast, Love Food.

Get Connected With Julie Duffy Dillon:

Official Website

Birdhouse Nutrition

PCOS and Food Peace




Recommended Reading by Julie Duffy Dillon

Body Respect by Linda Bacon and Lucy Aphamor



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Heavy Metal Summit:





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Ashley James

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Mar 8, 2018

This is the sauna I got and highly recommend!


For Learn True Health Listeners:

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Learn True Health Special Episode

Learn True Health is celebrating a special episode since today marks my birthday.  I turned 38 years old today, and I wanted to celebrate by thanking all my loyal listeners.

Different Person

When I started the Learn True Health podcast two years ago, I had no idea it would grow to what it is today. All I wanted was to help as many people as I could, by providing natural alternatives to healing through the experts I invite on the show.

I was an entirely different person two years ago. One example is the fact that organic, gluten-free cupcakes were a temptation hard to resist in the past. But I no longer desired them. On the contrary, I was more excited to have a sprout sandwich for lunch.

The old me two years ago had so many excuses to eat forbidden treats. But now I get excited about eating vegetables and nourishing my cells. I was just not on that unhealthy scale anymore. 

Heartwarming Emails

The Learn True Health podcast motivates me to be healthy.  Over time, my body got used to craving that wonderful feeling of being healthy.  I learned to apply tools to make myself healthier emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically, energetically.

Along with all of you listeners, I have learned so much from the guests I invite, as well as the listeners who have taken time to write to me. It is indeed heartwarming to receive emails saying my podcast has made a significant difference in your lives.

Healing Journey

One email narrated how she was sick and bed-ridden for two years. She lost her job, her husband, her self-respect, and her health seemed hopeless because doctors couldn’t find the cause of her illness.

The only thing she could do was listen to my Learn True Health podcast and contacted a doctor that I guested on the show.  She later found out she had a severe case of SIBO or small intestinal bacteria overgrowth.

That listener is currently slowly getting better and thanked me for helping her get her life back. Getting that email truly touched my heart. Helping people know the benefits of healing naturally is the reason why I started this podcast.

Career Shifts

I also have had some listeners write to me saying I have influenced them to become natural healing health coaches. Some even almost became medical doctors but decided to become a Naturopath because of my Learn True Health podcast.

One listener wrote, “I want to acknowledge your amazing podcast. Because I discovered it a couple of months ago and I’m hooked. I’m just beginning my journey of Holistic Health, and I’m so grateful to have your podcast to help lead the way.”

Resource For Multiple Illnesses

A lot of listeners struggle with multiple health problems like a migraine, depression, anxiety and overweight issues. I am thrilled when they tell me that my Learn True Health podcast motivated them to change their diet and it resulted in positive transformation and healing.

One other disease that some of my listeners have is Lyme disease. I have guested several experts in past episodes talking extensively on the subject. Contrary to what most people think, Lyme disease can be addressed using natural means.

I interviewed Jen Saltzman on the show several times. And she has shared so many ways on how to reverse Lyme disease. So to anyone who wants to find out how to do that, do check out the episode on the Learn True Health website.

“My boyfriend now takes herbal medication and can’t go a day without them. I want to thank you, even if his hope is pretty much lost. You have brought my hope for him to life,” a listener wrote.

That listener went on to say my show is so well put together which I do find very flattering. I do make it a point to be respectful of the guests I have on the show despite differences in opinions.  

Valuable Guests

I believe allowing my guests to talk as much as they want without interruptions enables them to dive into explaining a subject thoroughly. It has been really fortunate for me to be able to bring so many respected health experts on the show. Some charge as much as $400 an hour just for consultations yet they are willing to share so much knowledge on my show for free!

I really pray that through my Learn True Health podcast, listeners would be able to find the Holistic answers they are looking for. The most significant thing I want people to have is hope because I have been there. I was a sick person, to the point that doctors thought I was crazy. Holistic medicine brought me back to life by taking supplements, changing my diet and lifestyle, and adopting a healthy mindset.

Adopting A Plant-Based Diet

I think the secret to knowing what health options work for you is the willingness to practice and try different things. Do try things long enough to give it a chance to work.

My husband and I started a plant-based diet back in January. It took time to get used to having a diet that’s primarily legumes, nuts, seeds, and gluten free-grains. But I can’t believe how good I feel!

Ultimately, it’s really about how you feel. Your body in five years might say it wants meat again. So you have to listen. Because your body is going to have different requirements for different stages of life. Bottomline, it’s ok to shift diets while listening to symptoms or the language of your body.

I used to have chronic adrenal fatigue, PCOS, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. But I cured all of those through a change in diet, lifestyle, and taking supplements. It’s been seven years and time flies so fast!

Furthermore, when I was 19 years old, medical doctors told me I would never have kids. I eventually married, and six years into my marriage, I finally conceived! I got pregnant with 100% Natural medicine and food. Food healed my body and taking supplements nudged me in the right direction.  Fast forward today, my baby boy is turning three years old soon.

It honestly baffles me why medical doctors are not taught much about nutrition in medical school.  It didn’t take rocket science to figure out that taking minerals from our food can make us ill. Drugs merely manage or mask symptoms, but it’s not a cure. Poor diet causes most illnesses. So it’s just logical that the cure also lies in the food you eat. 

Weight Problem

I have been struggling with weight issues despite being diligent with diets.  The pounds would come off, but after 15 to 20 pounds, it would come to a halt.  I would then get really over toxic to the point that my eyes would burn, I’d have a sore throat, I could taste metal in my mouth, and body would start smelling like garbage.

But then a Naturopath, Dr. Megan Saunders, advised me to get into a sauna since it looked like my liver was getting overburdened as I lost weight. Apparently, even if you’re just 10 pounds overweight, your body will take in environmental toxins. This is because when there is more fat to store, the more susceptible you are to absorb more toxins.

There are many factors why my body was collecting all these toxins.  Aside from the environment, eating junk food made my body suffer.  And sweating is one way of removing toxins from your body.

A past guest of mine, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt also affirms the benefits of sweating out heavy metals. He has said that the first five minutes, we sweat out 95% of toxins from our body. So five minutes of sweating is ten times the equivalent of 24 hours of peeing.

The Benefit Of Saunas

It finally made sense. More things happen when you sweat longer. I realize I needed to support my body in detoxification while I healthily lose weight.

One way to detoxify was through a daily habit of getting into a sauna.  I recently got a portable Sunlighten sauna, which incidentally is owned by Dr. Mark Hyman who will be in one of my future episodes.

Furthermore, I bagged a great deal for all you listeners! The sauna company offers free shipping to Learn True Health listeners which is a $600 value. Plus a $100 off on accessories.

Saunas are also safe and healthy for children because it boosts the immune system.  The temperature is bearable at 120 degrees. One minute per age is the recommended sauna duration. For example, one minute for a year old child, two minutes for a two-year-old, and so forth.   

Personal Progress

I can’t tell you enough how I love my wooden sauna! I have been using it regularly, and all my back muscles feel so relaxed.  I’m now able to lose weight without any over toxicity, and I have lost seven pounds.

I am also taking chlorella by ENERGYbits, whose creator Catharine Arnston was on my show recently.  Listeners can avail of a 20% discount by putting in the LTH code upon checkout on the ENERGYbits website.

Rounding it up, a change in diet, getting enough water and exercise, enjoying my loved ones, taking chlorella and getting saunas has made me feel better and healthier!

Recommended Resources

If you want to know more about weight loss resistance and everything about environmental toxins, I suggest watching the I Thrive documentary series which I have been promoting on my show in the past episodes.

I have a fantastic line-up of guests in the next few days — Dr. Mark Hyman, as well Ryan and Teddy Sternagel of My Kid Cures Cancer. I’ll also have an expert to talk about how to cure depression naturally, a gastroenterologist who discovered a new type of illness, as well as a health coach and fellow podcaster on the show.

Other episodes will tackle topics like how to create a healthy boundary for yourself and workplace, and how to heal emotionally from food. For more updates, do join our Facebook group as well or write to me at

I’d also like to thank my listener, Naomi, who is my first Patreon supporter for March. If you love this show, please go to the Patreon website and support the Learn True Health podcast.  Any monetary amount is much appreciated and will all go to the cost of producing newsworthy and commercial-free episodes for you.

Lastly, please take time to leave a 5-star rating on iTunes, to help the Learn True Health podcast reach more people. Please share this show with your friends. Let’s help as many people as we can. And like I always say, let’s turn this ripple into a tidal wave.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Recommended Links:

Facebook Group – Learn True Health


Holistic Thinking – Megan Saunders (Episode 1)

Pilates: What It Is, Benefits, and More! – Jennifer Saltzman (Episode 9)

Heal Emotional Pain Through Spiritual Health – Jennifer Saltzman (Episode 10)

Healing Supplements And Ending Confusion – Jennifer Saltzman (Episode 31)

Herbs For Energy – Megan Saunders (Episode 39)

Healing Herbs – Megan Saunders (Episode 128)

Finding The Cure – Jennifer Saltzman (Episode 179)

Taking Supplements And Eating Right – Jennifer Saltzman (Episode 180)

Heavy Metals Detox – Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt (Episode 218)

Algae – Catharine Arnston (Episode 234)

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Mar 2, 2018

Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!

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Algae is considered a superfood because it is not processed and is packed with minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.  It also has antioxidants which are why my guest today, Catharine Arnston is such a strong advocate for educating people about the benefits of algae.

Discovering Algae

Catharine Arnston is Canadian but currently lives in the United States. She discovered the benefits of algae when her younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer ten years ago.

Upon the advice of her sister’s oncologist, Catharine Arnston’s sister had to change to an alkaline diet to help her healing. So her diet was primarily green tea, green vegetables and had to eliminate acidic foods.

Fast forward a decade later, Catharine Arnston’s sister celebrated ten years free of cancer this year. This whole experience made Catharine Arnston decide to give up her corporate career of 25 years to help people.

Making A Difference

Catharine Arnston eventually pursued further studies at the Institute For Integrative Nutrition. After graduation, she put up a nutrition counseling company wherein she offered a curriculum teaching people how to eat healthy greens. Catharine Arnston also gave free workshops for corporations and hospitals for almost a year, trying to convince people to eat more greens.

Catharine Arnston primary goal was to find a hassle-free way for people to digest more greens. During her research in 2010, she suddenly thought of algae tablets. Surveys showed that her friends were willing to take algae tablets, so the venture looked very promising. 

Origin Of Algae

According to Catharine Arnston, algae has been used for hundreds of years. Documented for approximately the past 50 years, it is the most studied food in the world and has been known to improve health aspects of mental acuity and athletic performance.

“Algae is the very first plant life on earth three and a half billion years ago and they have fossils to prove it. It has been around three or four years longer than we have,” said Catharine Arnston. “So there’s got to be something special about something on earth that has existed four times longer than we have. That’s why I feel blessed to be to one to explain to people the importance of algae.”

Quality Of Products

The algae that Catharine Arnston uses for her products is grown in Taiwan. Taiwan is world-renowned to have the highest quality algae and the highest quality controls in place because it is such a significant crop. All the other algae are grown in Japan, China, India, and a small amount in Hawaii.

Apparently, algae have different attributes, flavors, and components like wine. Catharine Arnston says that the water they use for their products comes from a mountain. She also assures that their water is very clean since it is triple-filtered.

“The company that is growing algae for us has been growing algae for 50 years. They have a GMP certification, an ISO 9000 certification, and is certified organic,” said Catharine Arnston. “The company has an Asian certification. Getting U.S. certification is complicated because it is not in America. We also have a 3rd party FDA lab here in the United States, where we test every batch.”

Catharine Arnston proudly adds that they are by far, the only algae in America that are endorsed by doctors. Laboratory tests that show there is no metal and pesticides in Catharine Arnston’s ENERGYbits products. They are also the only company wherein the Chlorella products contain no lead.

Competitive Industry

Catharine Arnston attests that algae products are a multi-billion dollar industry in Asia. She says it is almost as big as the beef industry in the United States. But in making algae products mainstream, people have misconceptions about what algae are.

“Nobody knows about it because it is food. It’s no different than broccoli. Biotech and pharma companies were interested in promoting algae because there’s no patent. You can’t patent broccoli or algae because it is just a vegetable,” said Catharine Arnston.

Catharine Arnston further reveals that the companies selling algae in the United States tend to be just the same as the companies selling algae in Asia. Apparently, only the packaging is different.

“Most of the product comes from China, and there’s insufficient quality control. So nobody knew for sure what they’re putting in their bodies. And to think they’re supposed to be taking this to improve their health,” Catharine Arnston said. 

She adds,”Most chlorella products contain lead but not ours. There’s great uncertainty on who to trust. I had to be sure ours is the highest quality. So I started this journey after helping my sister.”

Catharine Arnston also shares that the statistics of cancer and heart disease show that 98% of chronic illnesses are lifestyle and diet-related. That is why she is trying to help people understand how to be healthy, using the gifts from Mother Nature. Catharine Arnston’s goal is also to teach people how to differentiate the different kinds of algae, which ones are good for us and which algae to use for different purposes.

Spirulina Algae

There are about 15 strains of algae, and it is part of the seaweed family. But seaweed is grown in the ocean and does not have the same nutrients. In a category called algae, the only two that are produced as crops are spirulina and chlorella.

Spirulina is known as the earth’s very first plant life. It is a blue-green algae wherein the blue color comes from a pigment called phycocyanin.

“The blue pigment has incredible healing properties. One of which is that it stops cancer. It stops the growth of blood vessels to tumors or cancers and is called anti-angiogenesis,” explains Catharine Arnston. “Angiogenesis is when blood vessels are grown to support a tumor or cancer.”

She adds,”There are certain foods and different things that have anti-angiogenesis properties that stop the growth of blood vessels. And the blue phycocyanin in spirulina is one of those things.” 

Benefits Of Spirulina

Catharine Arnston says we 99.9% can get all the protein within 15 minutes and literally within seconds if we chew spirulina. This is because all the protein in Spirulina is already in an amino acid form. And because there is nothing left for our body to break it down, it is instantly absorbable because it is technically a bacteria.

“Spirulina is not a detoxifier. It is a cleanser. In Japan, when babies are born, they cannot digest mothers milk and would die otherwise. The only thing that keeps them alive is spirulina in water,” shares Catharine Arnston. “During my research, I looked at the nutrient profile and the amino acid profile of mother’s milk colostrum. It has the same nutrient profile as spirulina.”


On the other hand, chlorella does not have the blue pigment. It is a plant that contains the highest chlorophyll in the world. Chlorophyll is good for cleansing and it is also very healing. 

“Most pigments and antioxidants are water-based. Chlorophyll is one of the few fat-based pigments and antioxidants,” Catharine Arnston said. “Our cells need fat. That’s what Omega 3 does. It helps heal the cell. So now, nutrients can easily flow into the cell, and toxins can easily flow out of the cell. That’s one of the benefits of chlorophyll.” 

She adds, “It aids the health of the cell. If the cell wall and cells are healthy, the immune system will be healthy, and the mitochondria will be healthy. Everything will work a lot better.”

Catharine Arnston also says only 10% chlorophyll gets absorbed in the stomach. The rest of the Chlorophyll stays in our gut and moves into our entire digestive tract, through the liver, and down our colon. It cleans up garbage in our body as it goes along and heals all the cell walls.

Importance of Vitamin K2

Most heart attacks and heart diseases are not caused by cholesterol. According to Catharine Arnston, it is caused by inflammation and hardening of the arteries because of too much calcium in arteries.

“The arteries become brittle and not flexible. In effect, blood can’t flow and can cause high blood pressure. And the only thing that pulls this excess calcium out is vitamin K2,” said Catharine Arnston. “The only place you can get vitamin k2 is either grass-fed animal protein, fermented foods, and chlorella. If you take vitamin K2, your body will take out all that excess calcium that’s hardening your arteries and moves into your bones or teeth.”

I can vouch for what Catharine Arnston said. I had Dr. Carolyn Dean on episode 227 of my show recently, and she said that our body does need vitamin K2 and magnesium. This is to help deposit calcium and other minerals into our bones.

Another excellent reference was Dr. Weston A. Price’s discovery a long time ago. In his research, Dr. Weston A. Price discovered indigenous cultures had great teeth good healthy bacteria in their mouths because vitamin K2 was plentiful in their gut and diet.

For added reference on chlorella, I’m inviting my listeners to check out my interview with Dr. Dietrich Kinghardt on episode 218. 

Energybits Products

Catharine Arnston has a fantastic line of products called ENERGYbits, RECOVERYbits, SKINNYbits, and VITALITYbits. All her products are 100% organically grown, non-GMO spirulina and chlorella algae tablets.

“These are complete food-based replacements for multivitamins. They are eco-friendly and a natural source of omega food,” assures Catharine Arnston.

To celebrate the second anniversary of the Learn True Health, we have a special treat for all the listeners to Learn True Health.  Upon ordering any of the products on Catharine Arnston’s website, don’t forget to enter the LTH coupon code to avail of the 20% discount upon checkout.


Catharine Arnston has a thirty-year career as an international Attache for the Canadian and British Governments, publisher of an international magazine and Founder of three startups. But in 2009 when her younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and advised by her oncologist to change her diet to an alkaline one because it would help her heal, Catharine Arnston put her career on hold to help her sister. 

In the process, she discovered algae, the most alkaline, nutrient-dense plant in the world that no one seemed to know about. Catharine Arnston knew algae would be a game changer for the world if she could just help Americans understand it. Because of that, ENERGYbits was born.

Get Connected With Catharine Arnston:

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Recommended Books By Catharine Arnston

Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis


Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter


Recommended Links:

Learn True Health – Episode 218

Learn True Health – Episode 227



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