
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Jun 28, 2018

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The Rain Barrel Effect

Have you ever heard about the rain barrel effect? Chances are, you haven’t. Using it to analyze why we get sick, the rain barrel effect is how various factors like lifestyle, diet, and environment contribute to the improvement or deterioration of our health. My guest, Dr. Stephen Cabral wrote a book about the rain barrel effect, and that’s what we’ll dive deeper into in this episode.

Younger Years

It was a long road before Dr. Stephen Cabral became a Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine Doctor that he is today. He says it’s not always the most accessible road to get to this point.

Dr. Stephen Cabral says that when one goes into this profession, there might be a lot of times you were suffering from something and you overcame it. You discover what thing you want to share with the world. And that’s fundamentally no different for Dr. Stephen Cabral when he was 17 years old.

One morning, Dr. Stephen Cabral got up, and all his glands were swollen. He literally couldn’t walk. His heart rate was about 150 to 160 beats per minute. But doctors had no idea what was wrong with him.

Dr. Stephen Cabral’s white blood cell counts were off, but they couldn’t determine exactly what it was. This went on for a couple of years, going to a specialist after specialist and the best doctors in Boston.

The Diagnosis

Eventually, Dr. Stephen Cabral’s mother heard about an alternative medicine doctor. This person was a medical doctor, but they had training overseas and also studied acupuncture.

Dr. Stephen Cabral slowly learned about hormones of the body, food sensitivities, and his gut. He took some of that knowledge back to conventional medicine. Dr. Stephen Cabral was eventually diagnosed to have Addison’s disease.

It’s feeling like you’re living with the flu all the time. Dr. Stephen Cabral also dealt with rheumatoid arthritis coupled with type 2 diabetes. This was likely the time when the rain barrel effect started to escalate.

“My entire immune system shut down from being a stressed out as a senior in high school, and working a couple of jobs,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. “But I also took 3,000 capsules of amoxicillin the previous two and a half years because of a dermatologist who thought it would be a good idea to help my skin as well.” 

Dr. Stephen Cabral gut was devastated. And it wasn’t a quick fix. It was years of figuring out what was wrong with him.

“But I can say now that I have no rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and Addison’s disease,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. “I now have more energy and vitality than I did even as a teenager. All things are possible if you’re able to dig deep enough and figure out what’s going on.” 

Genetics Does Matter

Taking too many antibiotics can also do more harm than good. And Dr. Stephen Cabral also believes that genetics do matter. But they honestly don’t matter as much as people think they do.

“Because according to a study, 95 percent of all disease as we know it, is diet, environment, and lifestyle. Now a lot of that you can be doing well but then you take something like antibiotics, and it starts to open up the tight junctions in the gut,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. 

He adds, “When those gut junctions open up, you now allow normal proteins from the foods that you’re eating to spill into the bloodstream. And when those spill into the bloodstream, it increases the immune activity that increases inflammation. It can then create an autoimmune-based response.”

That’s why more than 90 percent of all autoimmune diseases in the U.S. and the world relate to some intestinal permeability. Dr. Stephen Cabral says sometimes; it’s only a matter of time or degree of intestinal permeability that is separating people from excellent health to potentially suffering from a disease.

What Can Be Done

Dr. Stephen Cabral says the only step that matters in the beginning. Because we see a lot of people with Hashimoto’s or rheumatoid arthritis or whatever it might be. You can do things to try to lessen the symptoms with rheumatoid, and you can do things for the inflammation. 

“You can suppress it with biological drugs. But you can die for something as simple as pneumonia. We do a lot of lab testing. You can get a lab shipped to you anywhere in the world, so you can test your intestinal permeability. We use something called an organic acid test,” advised Dr. Stephen Cabral.

The organic acid test will look at candida overgrowth and fungal overgrowth because as you’re taking antibiotics, they’re antibacterial but they’re not antifungal.

Another thing is, if you shut down stomach acid while you allow bacteria and parasites actually to go right through the stomach unabated, you can do a stool test and then if you want you could run a food sensitivity test.  If you have the data, it’s tough to refute because you’re looking at it.


Everyone’s worried about inflammation. But the problem is, we can’t always worry about inflammation because we have yet to figure out what’s causing the inflammation in the first place. And a lot of factors can contribute to inflammation.

“It sets the stage for the immune-based reactions; wherein inflammation can also help or hurt you by opening up those type junctions. The nice thing is, you can work on it all at once,” explains Dr. Stephen Cabral. “What we do is, we work at getting rid of the most invasion invasive pathogens.”

He adds, “We remove the H. pylori in the parasites first. Because you have to fix the stomach. So you can start digesting food again to absorb nutrients. It doesn’t all have to be supplement basis. We’re big on supplements for the first 12 weeks to maybe 16 weeks, but then we try to wean people off as their digestive system is improving.”

Once you’re able to get rid of H. pylori and the parasites, Dr. Stephen Cabral works on the SIBO, the bacterial overgrowth as well as the candida overgrowth because those can be accomplished at the same time. The gut wall is sealed and repopulates with good bacteria.

“And the reason why probiotics are not always the best idea, is because if you are to have bacterial overgrowth putting more bacteria in, it can sometimes give people a lot of brain fog, more bloating and gas,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. 

Road To Healing

Once all the bacteria or pathogens are out of the body, Dr. Stephen Cabral says the next step is to repopulate our body with healthy gut flora. One way is through Dr. Stephen Cabral’s candida and bacterial overgrowth protocol.

“We use biofilm disruptors. The way we’re able to get rid of bacteria and yeast is we have to remove the outer layer the protective layer that’s keeping it hidden. We use specific types of enzymes to dissolve the top layer,” explains Dr. Stephen Cabral. “And then you’re using natural things such as oregano. We’re doing them for 12 weeks.” 

Your whole body will heal itself. But Dr. Stephen Cabral says it still needs the raw material.

“So, we give it glutamine. We give it zinc carnosine and a little bit of the aloe vera. Other things we know that are scientifically proven to help decrease the inflammation, rebuild the gut mucosa, and then rebuild the gut lining. The predominant ones are glutamine and zinc carnosine.” 

The Right Protocol

Dr. Stephen Cabral started his protocol about a decade ago and was refined approximately five years ago. They would do iterations of different types of biofilm disruptors. Because apparently, they knew it had to be done.

“But we didn’t always know the perfect product. The nutritional supplement industry takes whatever is great right now, and it can make it better in the future. As for herbs, herbs don’t get better,” Dr. Stephen Cabral said. 

He adds, “Herbs are not going to change over the thousands of years. We still have the amazing herbs. But what can change also is the delivery method. We’re using time release capsules and different types of things that can work great with the gut and then obviously probiotics.”

Dr. Stephen Cabral believes that he’s on the right track by administering lab tests before and after. Then he goes through the protocol to make sure the body is genuinely on the road to health.

Influences From India And China

Nature gave us a very powerful medicine. And Dr. Stephen Cabral says we can use nature’s medicine which was used for thousands of years ago. There was a lot of study in India and China but also in South America. Using mainly herbs, there are different ways to get it to work. You need to make sure you follow the correct process.

Dr. Stephen Cabral says that studying in India and China influenced him significantly. He realized that there has to be an easier way. There are so many great forms of medicine, and that motivated him to travel all over the world to intern as a Naturopathic Doctor.

“As a Naturopathic Doctor, you have to specialize in something. I found that every form of medicine worked. The problem was it did not work for everyone in every circumstance,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. “Every form of medicine is the best, as long as you know who to apply it with.”

By saying there is no such thing as disease, it’s not discounting what you’re currently suffering from. Ultimately, Dr. Stephen Cabral says the disease is not a real thing. The symptoms are real. We are doing ourselves a disservice by giving the disease a name which prevents us from looking at why we had the symptoms in the first place.

Recommended Diet

People diagnosed with Hashimoto’s cannot eat gluten, dairy, and beans such as coffee. Dr. Stephen Cabral says when you remove those, all of a sudden the immune system gets to calm down. And there’s no longer that immune-based response which triggers the Hashimoto’s in the first place.

“Try being gluten-free for 21 days and do a rotation diet. After 21 days, try gluten-free grains first like rice. Try white rice first or gluten-free oats. We see a noticeable change in 7 days. The reason I said 21 is to allow deep healing to sink in, decrease inflammation and deal with estrogen dominance,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral.        

Success Stories

Most of Dr. Stephen Cabral’s patients have inflammatory joint issues. But rather than helping people to lose weight, Dr. Stephen Cabral stresses the importance of getting the body to a healthy state. Because of that, it drops inflammatory levels. 

“In fact, 30% of our energy for the day goes to digestion. To get energy back, eat half a plate of vegetables, a quarter of root-based vegetables like yam and sweet potatoes. Choose the other quarter for protein,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. “You may also combine food through a smoothie. It’s life changing because most people don’t drink water. Also make sure that for the first week or two, you eat cooked vegetables.”

If you have gas, bloating or digestive issues, Dr. Stephen Cabral suggests running an organic acids test. Once you’re cleared, do probiotics or fermented foods. You may not have probiotics or fermented foods if you have SIBO or bacterial overgrowth. For more recommended recipes, do check out Dr. Stephen Cabral’s website where you can download a free smoothie guide.

“You can do all the bio-hacks, but if you’re not looking for nutrition first, you’re always going to fight an uphill battle,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. “We do a minimum of three consultations. Everything that is wrong with you right now is due to some deficiency or toxicity.”

He adds, “Lab tests can help. Then rebuild the body. It takes six weeks or so to remove heavy metals from the body. And it takes eight to twelve weeks to remove all the yeast overgrowth and bacterial overgrowth.”

The Rain Barrel Effect Book

The first half of The Rain Barrel Book explains how we get sick. Then Dr. Stephen Cabral explains in the second half how we can repair the body. The Rain Barrel Book is an excellent reference to learn how your body works really and it’s also available on his website.  He also has a fantastic podcast called The Cabral Concept, so I’m inviting everyone to check that out, as well as the Cabral Wellness Online Store on his official website.

But Dr. Stephen Cabral isn’t stopping there.  He said his next goal is to be able to start teaching health practitioners by the end of the year on how to repair the body. There are eight parts to Dr. Stephen Cabral de-stress protocol, and only one element is about supplements. Part of his goal is also to make lab testing accessible to everyone.

“My goal as a health practitioner is to help people finally figure out why they haven’t been able to lose the weight, get well, or find their way out of a funk in life,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. “I use advanced state-of-the-art lab testing that anyone can do right at home to uncover the underlying root cause reasons holding people back from living their best life ever. I believe that anyone can get well, lose the weight, and feel alive again if they want it!” 


After almost 20 years and over 600,000 pages of research study completed, dozens of certifications in the natural health field, over 16,000 health & fitness client sessions, and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy, Dr. Stephen Cabral’s knowledge, experience, and compassion are at the top of his field. 

Dr. Stephen Cabral also spent over 5,000 hours of formal doctoral degree work, which included 2,200 hours of internships. These internships were mainly spent overseas studying the very best of natural medicine (much of which is unknown here in the US). 

His internships included studying, working, and living in clinics all around the world. This intimate setting allowed Dr. Stephen Cabral to talk in depth with the patients at these clinics and listen to their struggles and path to wellness. He also got to see first hand the remarkable recoveries these people were making. Some of these internship locations included India, Sri Lanka, China, Europe, and various practices in the US. 

Dr. Stephen Cabral has appeared in every type of media outlet as a national health & wellness consultant, as well as a contributor to MTV, Men’s Health, Women’s Day, Maxim, SELF,, Nutrition Data, Conde Nast, and many others. He has also authored and co-authored four books and published over 1,100 articles. 

Dr. Stephen Cabral has been hired by over 300 health clubs, wellness clinics, Holistic centers, training studios, and by other health professionals to improve their training programs and services. This allows Dr. Stephen Cabral to reach more people and hopefully improve more lives by teaching the health & fitness professionals that work directly with those in need. 

Get Connected With Dr. Stephen Cabral!

Official Website

The Rain Barrel Effect

Cabral Wellness Online Store

The Cabral Concept



Recommended Reading

The Rain Barrel Effect


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Jun 21, 2018

Health Coach

There are more people now consulting a Health Coach instead of a medical doctor. And for an excellent reason. You see, a Health Coach promotes natural healing for better health, in contrast to medical doctors who promote drugs for medication. Health Coach Katy has a fantastic journey on how she became a Health Coach which she shares in this episode.

Disordered Eating

Health Coach Katy recalls dealing with disordered eating as early as 13 or 14 years old. Active in theater plays, she remembers being overly concerned with the size of her body. 

Like most teenagers who go through a discovery phase, Health Coach Katy endured the fear of getting fat and the pressure of staying thin. Looking back, being thin meant good health. As she grew older, she realized that was a flawed way of thinking.

“Health to me now is feeling that I am capable and smart enough. I have enough self-love and awareness, and I can move through life freely,” said Health Coach Katy. “Eating disorders and eating control issues are all about feeling you’re not safe. You feel the need to be in control of every aspect of your life.”

Certified Yoga Instructor

Health Coach Katy has been practicing yoga for 18 years and eventually took in clients. She believes yoga significantly helped a lot as far as spiritual enlightenment is concerned.

“I am a huge believer in the laws of the universe, attraction and vibration energy. Whatever higher power is guiding you or giving you purpose, tap into those moments. For me, yoga raised my physical vibrations as well,” said Health Coach Katy.

A big part of yoga is meditation. Health Coach Katy says you have to trust yourself and get a tiny glimpse of self-awareness if you want to become a better version of you. Journaling is likewise helpful. Mostly, the key to getting out of your comfort zone has the perseverance and determination to take tiny steps forward. 

Institute For Integrative Nutrition

Enrolling herself in the Institute For Integrative Nutrition (IIN) to become a health coach happened when she was doing yoga classes. Health Coach Katy recalls that within four weeks, she chanced upon three women taking about IIN and their career as a Health Coach.

She was depressed during that time in her life. But after hearing those women talk about their work as a health coach, it motivated Health Coach Katy to sign up for classes herself. Health Coach Katy honestly felt that her spiritual practice complements with IIN.

“I did the course between November 2016 to 2017. Being able to step away from that world of being pressured to be thin has been important to me. Sometimes we need to step away from environments that are not supporting us,” said Health Coach Katy. 

She adds, “It’s amazing that nutrition is one tiny rubric in all of med school. Modern healthcare is not set up for someone who can go to their doctor and sit with them for an hour plus every other week and talk about stress and sugar.”

Purpose Of A Health Coach

A career as a Health Coach is rapidly gaining popularity in the recent years, especially now that more people are getting very conscious about achieving better health. Aside from Health Coaches, Health Coach Katy says people in functional medicine practices, and chiropractic practices are also getting hired a lot because people are clamoring for accountability and mentorship.

“Whatever goal someone has, to begin with, it’s enough to get them at the door. It’s enough to get a dialogue started. But usually, it’s something way bigger and something much deeper,” said Health Coach Katy.

She also says there’s a lot of forgiveness and self-love in changing your habits because you have to realize that to forgive yourself and move on. And having a Health Coach or mentor to encourage you helps. 

Fulfillment As A Health Coach

Becoming Health Coach after graduating from IIN proved to be the right career path for Health Coach Katy. The job is fulfilling. She eventually learned that the more you give people space to share, work something out, and talk it out, the transformation is smoother. Ultimately, Health Coach Katy says it’s really about the other person’s story and their journey.

“All you need to know about running the business is all the program. And it’s designed to guide you step by step,” said Health Coach Katy. “You can monetize that passion if you allow the program to steer it. And find your unique voice as well as your unique brand.”

Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Sometimes, change is better. And when we recognize that we need change, some people hesitate to take that next step because of the fear of the unknown. But Health Coach Katy there is nothing to be afraid of, just as long as we are aware of our boundaries.

One way of identifying your boundaries is learning to talk to yourself. Health Coach Katy advises closing the door on something that’s not you. Choose a boundary. If you are around people who are obsessed with a diet or negative people, you must realize that it’s okay. You don’t have to match with people who aren’t aligned with your growth.

Health Coach Katy also says that people do the best they can with the tools they have. Understandably, there will always be a sense of nervousness if you decide to change for the first time. Sometimes change in any way can also be very frightening for the people around you. It’s not necessarily their truth but rather their reaction. 

“Every time you do a really small action step, you commit to something. You can have a goal even in health coaching. A client comes to you with a goal and most often it’s a physical reason,” explains Health Coach Katy. 

She further says, “When you commit yourself to grow or commit to something that’s challenging, you get to the heart of what was dying to come out. And for me, that was binary and disordered mindset around nourishment.”

Helping Others

Health Coach Katy considers it a playful nudge whenever she has a client with a goal that is something she is also thinking about a lot or working through. She believes that keeps her growing as a coach because she is continuously learning from clients.

“Once you can help people unpack those whys, clarity can occur. You’re overcompensating in other areas of your life because you feel like you’re not heard over big things in your life,” says Health Coach Katy. “You don’t need to be in control of everything. It will work out. Your body knows what to do, you know what to do, and your spirit knows what to do.”

Words Of Wisdom

Health Coach Katy believes that there’s something in all of us that needs to heal. There are things in our lives that instantly bring a short amount of pleasure. But what we need to ponder on is knowing what do those pleasures mean long-term to us. It most likely signifies that we should have a new habit.

She also says that we are constantly bombarded with messages from marketing campaigns and media. Our economy is also so driven by us, and that can be consuming. In the end, we consciously buy this lie, and we almost go about it robotically because you can’t help but take these messages in. Ultimately, it’s all about self-love, self-awareness and the commitment for us to see change within ourselves. 

“You have to put the work in. There is no magic pill, no magic piece of paper. You have to set your intention, make those action steps and work for it. The more you put into it, the more you get out,” said Health Coach Katy. 


Health Coach Katy is a certified yoga instructor (RYT200), and graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She is passionate about women’s health, self-love, empowerment, and accountability. 

Health Coach Katy’s mission is to create a space for women to remember their power. She wants all women to refuse cultural norms that enforce disordered eating, negative self-talk, and fear. Health Coach Katy believes women should all embrace individuality and reclaim their unique ability to nourish themselves beautifully.

Get Connected with Health Coach Katy:



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1) Integrative Nutrition's Curriculum Guide:

2) The IIN Curriculum Syllabus:

3) Module One of the IIN curriculum:

4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

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Jun 18, 2018

Dr. Darren Schmidt's websites: for helping individuals with their health. to buy the Good Fat Bars which are the cleanest and most ketogenic bars on the market. where we train doctors and nutrition practitioners clinical and business management.



Ketosis is the body’s fantastic way to burn fat naturally. One way to achieve this is through the ketogenic diet. If you recall, I recently had Dr. Darren Schmidt who talked about the cause of all diseases in a past episode. And he’s back to teach us how ketosis and fasting can produce significant health benefits as well.

Healing Tools

First of all, Dr. Darren Schmidt says fasting helps break down and remove pathogenic materials.  There have been cases wherein tumors melt away and it proves that food is indeed a big health tool for healing.

One tool I also like to use is using my Sunlighten Sauna.  I had an episode discussing the benefits of saunas, so I’m inviting everyone to check out that episode. Dr. Darren Schmidt, on the other hand, has this to say on how our body heals from a disease.

“There is a drug that drops lactate in the blood or lactic acid. Research shows it doesn’t heal the body. Since 1924, they found other poisons that build up and cause infected blood and organs get sick,” said Dr. Darren Schmidt. “You repair organs through detox or eating organs or plants. The solution is natural. No therapy or drug can fix lactic acidosis other than Mother Nature.”

When A Ketogenic Diet Isn’t Ideal

I’ve always said that there is no one diet tailor-made for everyone. For the ketogenic diet, in particular, Dr. Darren Schmidt says this diet is not advisable for people with candida, mold, yeast, or a collection of organisms in the body.

“This is because organisms can live off sugar and ketones. So I recommend a low carb diet, but they’re not in ketosis,” Dr. Darren Schmidt said. “I have cancer patients who do a 5-day fast. And between the fasting, they eat lots of calories to gain the weight back. It is not meant for everyone.” 

How To Get Into Ketosis

There are three ways to get into ketosis.  Dr. Darren Schmidt says you can achieve it through a ketogenic diet, fasting, or modifying the fast by eating some oils and low carb plants.

This is because ketones have been shown to detox cancer cells or kill cancer cells, as well as hormonal control. It lowers insulin and cortisol, raises testosterone for men and normalizes hormones for women. Generally, it also makes people sleep better.

Dr. Darren Schmidt reveals that ketosis can also reverse type 2 diabetes and stops lactic acidosis. It prevents the body from making the waste products from carbohydrate metabolism.

“Those waste products are the things that create chronic disease including weak ligaments and many other diseases,” said Dr. Darren Schmidt. “For maintenance, Thomas Seyfried, a cancer researcher said that everybody should do a one week fast per year. No food, just water, and salt. If that is not possible, at least get into ketosis four times a year for a few days.”

How The Body Burns Fats

According to Dr. Darren Schmidt, there are times when there is no food, so the body starts to burn the fats. It also burns away pathological tissues. Fibroids, cysts, and cancer cells also go away with ketosis.

“Your body cleans itself out. Beyond 40 days, the body will be done burning fat and starts to go into burning muscle,” explains Dr. Darren Schmidt. “Ketosis saturates your body with fat, your blood is filled with fat, and there’s no sugar. So, your cells have to start burning the fat away, cleans up your organs and get rid of inflammation. Sugar causes inflammation.” 

He adds, “The more healthy fats you eat, the fewer calories you end up eating. Dense nutrients come from the liver, other organ meats, and vegetables from home-grown organic gardens. It’s a combination of plants and animals.”

Success Ratio Of Fasting

Dr. Darren Schmidt shares there were fasting clinics across the United States that the federal government shut down between 1912 and 1920. The fasting clinics were successful in treating epilepsy because ketosis is excellent for that. So, doctors eventually created the ketogenic diet. But during that time, they called it the diet that mimics fasting.

“Protein and carb burn the same way in the body. But clinically, they act the same way. They show up in the blood together as sugar,” Dr. Darren Schmidt explains. “If you increase your fat and lower your protein and carbs to a 3 to 1 ratio, you’ll go deeper into ketosis. And you can do a 4 to 1 ratio. I’ve had cancer patients do that.”

Dr. Darren Schmidt also says that if you’re overweight and relatively healthy, a 2 to 1 ratio will work out well. It will help you lose weight faster but make sure to get enough salt intake like Himalayan rock salt. Because initial weight loss is water and your body urinates out the potassium and other minerals.

“Take in more minerals and come out of ketosis after 3 or 4 weeks. At the most, do a 1 to 2 ratio. One gram of fat to two grams of protein plus carb. A 1 to 2 ratio, in my opinion, is the maximum that you want to go into sugar burning,” said Dr. Darren Schmidt.

Recommended Foods

Most meat is not ketogenic, but Dr. Darren Schmidt advises that if you add butter to it or extra oil, the meal becomes ketogenic. You can also opt for a not very ketogenic breakfast and have a very ketogenic lunch and dinner. The time frame makes a significant difference. 

“The one meat that I found is ketogenic is pork bacon. But the bigger picture is not necessary to achieve ketosis. The bigger picture is to achieve it and go into sugar-burning and fat-burning,” Dr. Darren Schmidt said. “That’s called keto-adaptation. You can get into ketosis in a day by not eating or changing your diet.”

Dr. Darren Schmidt explains that this also means your mitochondria is like 3,000 per cell. Mitochondria adapt very quickly to your diet and physical needs. Whereas sick cells are not able to adjust like that, so keto-adaptation is the ultimate goal. 

Duration Of Ketosis

For severe cases like health issues with our arteries, Dr. Darren Schmidt recommends doing ketosis nine days out of 10.  days a month, you’ll be burning sugar, and burning fat on other days. He also says some people do a mild ketosis 24 hours a day every day for a long time. Everybody is different, so the duration is a case-to-case basis. 

“If somebody is relatively healthy, but they have concerns about being pre-diabetic, has fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or depression, they should do five days of ketosis. Plus, two days out of ketosis,” advises Dr. Darren Schmidt. “If somebody is healthy and wants to maintain health, do 5-day ketosis for a month. The spend the rest of the month eating low carbs with a 1 to a 1.5 ratio.”

Dr. Darren Schmidt also clarifies that if somebody is not interested in health, and just wants do the bare minimum, they can do ketosis four times a year.

Vegan Versus Ketosis

There have been many studies comparing the differences and similarities between veganism and ketosis. Dr. Darren Schmidt shares that the Public Health Collaboration, an organization based in the United Kingdom, has conducted many studies on health care.

“The score is 31 to 0. Low carbs win over low fat. But there’s no study comparing the two, that says low fat is better,” said Dr. Darren Schmidt. 

He adds, “I think veganism is just like ketosis. You do it for a short period. Because when you come out of a fast or ketosis, burning sugar becomes very therapeutic. Just like going into ketosis, burning fat becomes very therapeutic.”

Personal Favorites

Dr. Darren Schmidt personally prefers eating salad with olive oil. He’s also learning to like avocado more now. His salads primarily have radishes and cheese. Although cheese is not keto, Dr. Darren Schmidt advises everyone to read the label of food products.

Dr. Darren Schmidt also eats a lot of olives, although olives are also not keto. His other favorite foods are walnuts and chia seeds. Incidentally, chia seeds have a 6 to 1 ratio of fat versus proteins plus carbs.

He also adds that there’s a difference with types of oils to different people. This also goes for fermented foods.  Ultimately, figure out what works for your body.

I make yummy chia pudding with canned coconut cream. To add flavor, I mix in frozen blueberries and sometimes put stevia and put in in the fridge to chill.  It’s so rich in omegas, high in fiber and fat as well.

There’s also a keto chocolate pudding which we call it ice cream at home. It’s delicious and healthy!

Easing Into Ketosis

Dr. Darren Schmidt says the first step for this whole process increases the healthy fats. Then in a few days, you’ll end up eating less food. Going low carb from there is easy. 

“Toxins are in those fat cells. Out goes the toxins and liver have to take care of it. That’s when a detox would work. Ketosis is the foundation of detox,” said Dr. Darren Schmidt. “If you go into ketosis and you feel bad and tired, give the body a break. Then do it again.” 

He adds, “When you do it over and over, you get more benefit and less keto flu. And more detox is happening; the body is getting cleaned out that way. That’s the deal with keto flu. It’s toxicity coming out.”

Dry Fast

Like any other diets or fasting, some find dry fast to be useful, but it’s also not for everyone. Water can bring down ketosis. And there have been studies showing when your body needs to make water, it grabs the hydrogen from fat and attaches to oxygen and makes its water.

“But with any fasting, do it gradually. Fasting gets easier over time. Bottomline, when you do ketosis naturally, your insulin comes down along with a lot of other things. Other hormones go down, and inflammation goes down,” said Dr. Darren Schmidt.

Dr. Darren Schmidt also cautions again using statin drugs.  You have to understand why and how your body runs to eat the right way. It’s also best to hire a health professional to guide you through your diet or fasting.

Anti-viral And Anti-fungal Diet

Dr. Darren Schmidt reveals that viruses love arginine. And lysine kills them. There are also some foods that have too much arginine compared to lysine, and they feed the virus.

“Nuts are notorious for having lots of arginines compared to lysine. And they are feeding a virus. So avoid arginine food and take supplements,” said Dr. Darren Schmidt. “As for the anti-fungal diet, my favorite anti-fungal diet is restrictive for the first 30 days. It’s meat, vegetables, and oil.” 

He adds, “On the following 30 days, you can add in some food. The third phase involves foods to avoid until the whole thing is done. Restrictions include no wheat, no grains, no dairy, no fermented vegetables, no condiments, vinegar nor sugar. Meat also can’t be processed.” 

Whole 30 Diet

This diet teaches you what food your body likes. Dr. Darren Schmidt says it is perfect for somebody who is new to dieting. It is very regimented, so when people go back to eating some foods, they can readily feel a difference. Overall, the basic rule is to consume excellent quality food.

“Even if you’re eating the best and healthiest food, give your body a break. Do a short fast. And get your nutrients by recycling the fats that get stuck in the body for so long,” advises Dr. Darren Schmidt.


Dr. Darren Schmidt, D.C. has been in practice since 1997, immediately focusing on hardcore holistic nutrition, herbology, and homeopathy. He graduated from the National College of Chiropractic in Lombard, IL. 

Dr. Darren Schmidt has been in Ann Arbor, Michigan since 2000 establishing one of the larger nutrition practices in the country with multiple practitioners of various licenses but the same purpose and similar techniques. He taught for a nutrition training company for eight years, teaching 77-weekend seminars on muscle testing, clinical nutrition, and healing protocols. 

In January of 2016, Dr. Darren Schmidt was unknowingly chronically exposed to toxic black mold which caused life-threatening symptoms. After two days of taking nutritional products that were developed in 1934, he felt better and dove into the formulator’s articles to discover what he knew that was life-saving 82 years later. 

What was discovered was Nutritional Deficiency Lactic Acidosis, the most common mechanism of chronic disease. It was commonly known by all doctors from 1920 through 1960, then forgotten. 

Dr. Darren Schmidt also co-founded The Good Fat Company which makes the Good Fat Bar help people get into ketosis. He also co-founded Power Nutrition Practice, a training company for nutrition practitioners including clinical and business education.

Get Connected With Dr. Darren Schmidt:


Good Fat Company

Power Nutrition Practice

Facebook – lactic acidosis

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Recommended Reading by Dr. Darren Schmidt

The Metabolism of Tumours by Dr. Otto Warburg 



Recommended Links:

Episode 245 – Sunlighten Saunas – Connie Zack

Episode 253 – Lactic Acidosis – Dr. Darren Schmidt

Keto Chocolate Pudding

These are the Ketogenic Foods

Anti-Virus Diet


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Jun 14, 2018

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Mind-Body Connection

People don’t realize that our mind-body connection plays a significant role in healing. I’ve always said in past episodes that true health is beyond the physical aspect. And more studies have supported the fact that focusing on mind-body connection do wonders for our health.  To explain more about the mind-body connection, I have award-winning Nutritional Therapist Niki Gratrix in today’s episode.

Shifting Careers

Niki Gratrix was previously into banking and finance. But because she had an interest in gaining knowledge about the mind-body connection, she felt the need to have a career shift.

The opportunity came around fifteen years ago when Niki Gratrix met her partner who also became her business partner. Her business partner had been suffering severely from chronic fatigue syndrome for seven years, where he was bed-ridden for two of those years.

“He recovered when I met him, and I was relaunching my career. I was starting to train at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, one of top Nutrition schools in the U.K,” shares Niki Gratrix. “My partner is a psychology practitioner. We co-founded a clinic together, focusing on people with fatigue issues.” 

She adds, “We realized most illnesses have a significant emotional component. When that is unaddressed, you don’t get any results.”

Niki Gratrix eventually won awards for her work and even got published in a British Medical Journal Open in 2012. The published paper states there is indeed a significant improvement and better results than some of the standard conventional interventions for chronic fatigue.

Moving On

The next stage of the clinic involved a randomized, controlled trial. Niki Gratrix was always extremely motivated in learning about psychology consciousness and the mind-body connection.

So even if she did Nutrition, Niki Gratrix swapped over to integrate everything. She acquired training in NLP, emotional freedom technique and energy medicine-related intervention for the emotional side as well.

Five years after co-founding the clinic, Niki Gratrix moved on and got interested in energy medicine. This is because she is always looking for a new modality. She eventually got into running the Abundant Energy Summit in 2015, which was the largest online summit on overcoming chronic fatigue. 

NES Health

Niki Gratrix was also interested in bioenergetics, which is the study of energy in living organisms. She has a system that assesses and scans the energy field and energetics of the body. Primarily, the system helps optimize the body and make organs work better.

The NES Health, the organization that Niki Gratrix is connected with, primarily focuses on bioenergetics. NES meant Nutri-Energetic System and was co-founded by Harry Massey in 2000.

Incidentally, Harry Massey suffered from chronic fatigue and was bed-ridden for seven long years. Harry Massey’s co-founder Peter Fraser, was an acupuncture expert from Australia. Peter Fraser was the one who brought acupuncture into Australia after researching extensively on Chinese medicine. 

“Anytime you’re doing something that works with the energy field of the body, essentially that is bio-energetic medicine,” said Niki Gratrix. “We don’t think about energetics and mind-body connection enough when it comes to healing the physical body, yet the mind and body are truly one thing.” 

She adds, “So what’s happening for you psycho-emotionally, is going to get translated into physical expression. I reset the nervous system and the immune system. Minute by minute, you can change the way your genes are expressing epigenetically by the way you think and feel.”

Adverse Childhood Events

If anybody has doubts whether your emotional state impacts your physiology, Niki Gratrix says there’s a significant study that doesn’t get enough exposure, called the adverse childhood events study.

The adverse childhood events study was a study of over 17,000 people done by the CDC and Kaiser Permanente. The study discovered that 67% of all people had one adverse childhood event. 

“If you had a high level of an adverse childhood event, you have an increased risk of seven out of top ten causes of death. Then if you have a moderate level like six adverse childhood events, you have a 20-year reduction in lifespan,” shares Niki Gratrix. 

“You have a 400% increase of depression, Alzheimer’s and dementia if you have four adverse childhood events,” Niki Gratrix enumerates. “Plus, a chance of getting chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. If you have eight adverse childhood events, you have three times the risk of heart disease, and triple the risk of lung cancer.”


Niki Gratrix says autoimmunity is strongly co-related, like smoking and lung cancer for women. She says there’s a study that has ten categories and they look at things like parents separating or divorce. Some other factors are also taken into consideration like physical, sexual or emotional abuse, physical or emotional neglect, domestic violence, incarceration by a family member and substance abuse.

“When we talk about emotional neglect and emotional trauma, this is subtle. And yet it can be devastating. Your stress levels directly impact your biology, and your system is reset,” explains Niki Gratrix. “Once you get into adulthood, there might be another trigger. But actually, it has already started 20 to 30 years before that.” 

Understanding Trauma

According to Niki Gratrix, if there is a singular event, we’re likely to develop a post-traumatic stress disorder. And there’s a lot of technique out there to cure that.

“But the most emotional trauma isn’t from a single event. It’s relational trauma and has something to do with our relations with other people,” said Niki Gratrix. “It’s really when were not seen or heard. When that isn’t there in childhood, that trumps the event. And what trumps the event is developmental trauma.” 

Furthermore, Niki Gratrix says that when you have that type of change, it leads to symptoms of things like perfectionism and lots of self-care. A lack of feeling of safety in the body can also lead to a sense of shame.

All the addictions come from this as well. Because of all that, Niki Gratrix says it’s probably also one of the underlying causes of mental disorders like depression, anxiety and bipolar.

Cultural Link

We often don’t talk about the cultural aspect of illness. But Niki Gratrix says the culture has a profound impact on our physical health. For example, third generation survivors of the Holocaust victims have the same physiological and psychological expressions of their grandparents. The trauma is inherited, and you’ll see this where there are war and famine.

“The stigma of an illness like beliefs of the conventional medicine system around chronic complex illness has a profound impact on the person. That kind of social stigma suppresses your immune system. And studies show you’re most likely to die from it,” Niki Gratrix said.

Social Support

Niki Gratrix also relates that there is a massive study done on over three hundred thousand people, showing that social support is a more significant predictor of survival than your body mass index, and factors like how much you smoked or how much exercise you did.

She says social exclusion, feeling alienated, rejected, and unlovable, can make us start to deteriorate physically. It does have a massive physical impact on our health. The interesting factor is, Niki Gratrix says other people can be the most damaging thing, yet they can also be the healer as well. Indeed, the power of other people has been profoundly underestimated.

“Part of recovery and improvement is a release of certain people that are not supportive and toxic. There’s often a journey that people need to go through to release lower energetic vibrating people. Otherwise, we’re not going to get to a full health potential,” said Niki Gratrix.

Impact Of Stress

If you look at stress physiology, it does have a strong mind-body connection. Stress affects everything in the body. Niki Gratrix says it resets the stress systems, so you have a low threshold response.

“The brain changes. It goes into a state where it is more easily triggered,” explains Niki Gratrix. “The autonomic nervous systems get upregulated at the cost of this parasympathetic side of the nervous system. And the parasympathetic side is the rest, digest, detoxify, feed and breathe side.” 

She adds, “When somebody is in stress, what’s going on in the brain will translate into the gut. Stress changes the bacteria in the gut and leads to intestinal issues. When we have stress and trauma in childhood, we often lose our boundaries because the immune system is mirroring your emotional place.”

Niki Gratrix also mentions that there is a research about the cell danger response. It shows that the mitochondria also had a defense job. They are part of the immune system, and if they sense stress and threat, they will just shut down energy production. People who wrote the paper even said that early life stress could trigger it.

Practical Solution

Niki Gratrix assures everyone that for every problem, there is a solution. Mostly, the goal is not to lose hope. If you want to have optimal energy and optimal health, make sure you are healing and not in a chronic stress state.

If you already had a nervous system reset from childhood or living a life of high stress, all of it is directly preventing optimum health. But if you want to stay in a healthy state of mind and energy, you can take steps to trigger a possible healing state.

Niki Gratrix explains that the techniques to get into that healing state varies from person to person. Just talking to somebody can be a stress release. Journaling also helps. There are also biochemical interventions you can do.

“Eating a diet for balancing blood sugar can eradicate half the anxiety problems. And eating enough protein, cutting out starch, carbs and overly sweet things can rebalance the nervous system,” advises Niki Gratrix.

She also strongly advises going to bed at 9:30 pm. According to Niki Gratrix, it changed the life of so many of her clients. Like many experts I have interviewed, Niki Gratrix is also against using gadgets and wi-fi devices before going to sleep. She recommends blue light blocker glasses to aid you in going into a destimulating state.

Apart from getting enough sleep, Niki Gratrix also encourages people to learn deep breathing exercises, yoga, and exercise.  Having positive social relations and affirmation also helps. Other helpful solutions are laughing, journaling, singing, meditation, cold showers, eating green leafy vegetables. You can also learn emotional freedom techniques, enjoy nature, do water therapy, Tai chi, and use essential oils.

“The higher the emotional state you’re in, the higher the heart rate. Set your intentions how you want to feel for the rest of the day,” said Niki Gratrix. “Have a positive visualization. Because a lot of people don’t take action needed. They don’t commit, so they don’t get better.” 


Niki Gratrix is an award-winning nutritional therapist, bioenergetic and psychology practitioner, helping people to optimize energy and overcome emotional stress and trauma. In 2005 she co-founded one of the largest mind-body clinics in integrative medicine in the UK with patients in 35 countries where she worked as Director of Nutrition until 2010. The clinic specialized in treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME. 

The results with patients at the clinic on the nutrition protocol she designed were later published as a preliminary study in 2012 in the British Medical Journal Open. In August 2015, she hosted the largest ever free online health summit on overcoming fatigue interviewing 29 world leading experts on optimizing energy with over 30,000 attendees. 

Niki Gratrix has spoken on over 25 online health summits and been the keynote speaker at live conferences internationally. She writes regularly for a range of health magazines in both the UK and the US.

Get Connected With Niki Gratrix:

Official Website

One to One Consultations

7 Steps to Healing Childhood Emotional Trauma and Building Resilience E-book

NES Health



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Jun 13, 2018

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Genetics plays a significant role in determining if we’re healthy or not. We commonly think that diet and lifestyle are the answers to good health, but these are only two components of true health. Sarah Kostusiak, my guest today, has survived through a lot of health issues. So, we’re going to dive in today on how genetics is linked to our health.

Early Years

Sarah Kostusiak started to deal with blood sugar issues as early as five years old. Coping with it throughout her childhood, her health went from bad to worse when she got so sick in college.

No doctor could pinpoint what was wrong with her. So, at 19 years old, Sarah Kostusiak started a food journal. She initially thought the red meat was the culprit. In an attempt to improve her health, Sarah Kostusiak went vegetarian for ten years.  However, being a vegetarian increased her blood sugar issues.

Looking back, Sarah Kostusiak felt that it was probably to gluten sensitivity. Fast forward years later, Sarah Kostusiak was also diagnosed with active reflux, GERD, and even had secondary infertility in 2010. After two kids, she ended up losing a pregnancy at 16 weeks.

Finding A Cure

Sarah Kostusiak realized that her body was tired, making it hard to heal. In an attempt to find a cure, she even went to a nutritionist who advised her to kick out gluten. Aside from that, Sarah Kostusiak also tried to eat fermented foods and adopted a paleo diet.

But things weren’t improving. She got sick to the point that she couldn’t sit up. It was disempowering. That’s why Sarah Kostusiak remained determined to keep looking for a cure and vowed to use her knowledge to help others eventually.  

Discovering Genetics

Sarah Kostusiak researched genetics and controlling blood sugar levels.  This was during the time that she also dealt with a new health situation wherein she ended up having surgery to have her gallbladder taken out.

“That was causing a level of inflammation in my body. I couldn’t control through food anymore because of gluten other factors. Top it off; I also had gallstones,” shares Sarah Kostusiak.

Ongoing Health Issues

Sixteen years before her surgery, Sarah Kostusiak says she was told that she had too much acid. So, she was also on acid blockers for a few years.

“But I think food sensitivity, a lot of good biomes and digestive enzymes probably caused the inflammation in the gallbladder. Plus, I also had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) issues,” said Sarah Kostusiak. 

That’s not all. Sarah Kostusiak also revealed that during this time, she started to have massive breakouts of acne on her face. Doctors then decided to put her on antibiotics for six months. 

“Looking back, when I eat gluten, my body gets a rash or zits. I increased my wheat consumption because I was avoiding meat. But I ended up with candida issues from the antibiotics. Then I had to deal with acid reflux,” said Sarah Kostusiak.

Taking Out Gluten

Sarah Kostusiak looked at her health history and worked backward. She said taking out gluten made a difference.

“Candida is also caused when you eat yeast. Many gluten-free products aren’t healthy,” Sarah Kostusiak said. “I would still get health issues, but once I dug into my genetics and looked at my history, I even had to lay off fermented foods.” 

Genetic Testing

For determining genetics, Sarah Kostusiak uses Ancestry DNA or 23andMe. But she prefers Ancestry DNA nowadays. Because apart from being able to download the data, Ancestry DNA can show you the which genes have a nutritional impact. 

“If they test my blood, it’s usually very high because I’m not processing it out. So I take methylated vitamins to support my body that way. And I also remove the histamine-rich foods,” reveals Sarah Kostusiak. 

Genes indeed play a significant role in health. I interviewed an author who wrote the book Dirty Genes. The author, Dr. Ben Lynch, talks about the different things you can do naturally to clean the genes, so your body run more efficiently.

“Genetics can give me a clue on what your base. Epigenetics, environment, lifestyle, and diet affect genes. Not all genes can be affected epigenetically. Genetics is the key to see what’s going on in the body,” said Sarah Kostusiak.

Current Diet

Sarah Kostusiak has gone grain-free and leans towards a low-carb or ketogenic diet. This way, she can control her blood sugar levels.

“I believe that blood sugar levels being high, leads to inflammation in the body. So, if I can control my insulin response, then I’m going to reduce my inflammation in my body,” said Sarah Kostusiak.

She adds, “Supporting my body nutritionally and through supplements helps make me much more stable. I started to supplement my body with methylated b vitamins and folinic acid. Getting the sugar and grains out also helped improve my mental clarity, focus, and energy.”

Keto Diet

Sarah Kostusiak is working on a detox program now and is more into whole foods. She says it is also essential for her to make an effort to stick to a keto diet even on weekends. Mostly, she says you have to make mindset switch that this is your way of life.

My husband and I had tried the keto diet for two and a half years before we shifted to paleo. I had had a low carb diet, took supplements and ate whole foods to reverse my type 2 diabetes. Grains and sugar are non-existent in my diet, and I stay away from corn aside from being gluten-free and dairy-free.

But then we had extensive bloodwork done in January this year, and it was an eye-opener. Tests showed that our kidneys were damaged, as well as our liver and heart. That’s why my husband and I decided that it was time to stop doing the keto diet.

“I eat fruits now. The keto has its healing effects and has its place in specific situations. Do the keto with a health coach or a Naturopath to monitor it. You can lose many pounds of muscle mass if done incorrectly,” said Sarah Kostusiak.

Prostate Cancer

Sarah Kostusiak has dealt with many patients who have prostate cancer. To prepare for surgery, she helps them lose weight to recover better after surgery.

“Cancer ferments sugar for fuel. By removing the sugars and carbs, which converts to sugar in the body especially refined carbs, that makes someone a fat burner,” explains Sarah Kostusiak.

She adds, “The body will then produce ketones. I can help the person by not encouraging any more growth of cancer. And make them feel better by creating ketones in their body to give them more energy and clarity.”

Sarah Kostusiak usually monitors her clients every two weeks and checks on their muscle mass, body fat, and water weight.  She discusses problems with them and looks at their macronutrients as well. Sarah Kostusiak monitors them once a month after that.

Cause Of Prostate Cancer

There are a lot of factors that cause cancer. Sarah Kostusiak says that toxin exposure like roundup is a significant factor.  She also deals with clients with infertility issues which can sometimes be linked to the standard American diet.

“Get sugars under control. A large belly is a sign of insulin resistance, and fat tends to be stored in the torso,” Sarah Kostusiak explains. “The fat cells not only hold fat. They hold hormones and toxins. Especially for men, those hormones can be released and convert testosterone to estrogen which can contribute to prostate cancer.”

Intermittent Fasting

Once Sarah Kostusiak sees there is progress in a client, she recommends them to go into keto. Because the next step is knowing how to get their protein at the right amount. She says people tend to overeat protein. So, protein levels have to be monitored.

“I have some keto-vegetarian clients. My focus is to make sure they are getting protein. Because you need enough protein to protect your muscle mass. But too much is going to kick you out of ketosis, can convert to sugars and do the opposite things,” said Sarah Kostusiak.

Sarah Kostusiak has genetic mutations which make her sensitive to proteins. If she watches her protein intake, she can lose weight. Otherwise, it would be hard to do so.

Most of the time, Sarah Kostusiak gets her clients to eat a couple of hard-boiled eggs throughout the day.  Their diet also includes some sources of nutritional yeast, protein powder, cottage cheese, paneer or Greek yogurt.

Essentially, Sarah Kostusiak suggests that her clients go higher on the carbs. She says 45 to 50 grams of carbs will keep them in the fat burning zone.

Diet Considerations

Four years ago, Sarah Kostusiak went into premature menopause. She had metabolic syndrome, and her insulin was off the charts. But nobody believed she was having blood sugar problems because her tests would always be normal. Fortunately, her blood sugar levels are now ideal ever since she watches what she eats.

“I am experimenting by adding fruit and rice to my diet. This way, I can gauge what can my body handle now that I reversed my insulin resistance,” Sarah Kostusiak said.

She adds, “You can’t choose one diet. One diet isn’t going to last you your whole life. You must listen to your body. If you don’t listen to your hunger hormones, you’ll be in the same place as you were before.”

Sarah Kostusiak also advises making sure you are getting the right food to supplement your body. Try different types of diet but do it with the help of a health coach. Sarah Kostusiak also eats cabbage at least once a week. She says the fiber rebuilds the gut bacteria.

“Cut out different foods to see what foods you are sensitive to. Then re-introduce foods slowly. Watch the carbs and try to eat three to four cups of veggies daily,” said Sarah Kostusiak. “Listen to your body by cutting out dairy, grains, sugar, alcohol, and legumes. Then on days 31 to 45, introduce slowly again and see how your body reacts.”

Being Present

Stress is another common reason why our health is in bad shape. Apart from stress, Sarah Kostusiak advises that everyone must know where your food comes from.

“Quality of food matters. Health is not just diet. Diet is just one part. Get enough sleep, take the right supplements for your body, look at the genetics and manage stress,” advises Sarah Kostusiak.

She adds, “Histamine is a genetic component towards sleep. For example, wine keeps me awake. And that’s knowing my body. Be present and eat mindfully. Mind what is going on. Go for a walk, get a hobby, or do something with friends. Let work stay at work.”

Sarah Kostusiak also suggests getting tested regularly. The organic acid test, in particular, is a urine test that can tell us compounds in the urine that are produced during daily metabolism.  It can identify health issues like leaky gut, candida, mitochondrial issues and a lot of extra information.

Shopping For Food

Sarah Kostusiak says she doesn’t have time to follow a recipe. But generally, she tends to cook keto recipes at home. She knows her kids’ genes and how they react. Grains are allowed to be eaten whether they are out, but she mainly serves gluten-free dishes at home.

Whenever she goes to the grocery, her list would usually include fresh produce, high-quality protein like chicken or turkey breast, and healthy fats like organic cheese, avocados, coconut oil, and avocado oil. And although she includes bacon in her list, she doesn’t do high fat.

Life, Love And Thyme Blog

Sarah Kostusiak’s blog is such a delight! It’s packed with a wealth of health information, diet tips, activities with kids and gardening.  It’s been up for the past five years and is planning to put more recipes and videos on the blog so definitely check it out. 


Sarah Kostusiak was born in Indianapolis, IN, but got to Texas as quickly as she could. She was a teacher for 14 years before staying home for nine years to raise her three children. 

Sarah Kostusiak spent her life being blown off by mainstream medicine because her symptoms didn’t fit their definition of disease. After years of struggling with IBS, GERD and Gallbladder issues she has discovered that a gluten sensitivity plus Candida are at the core of her health issues. 

In 2016, Sarah Kostusiak became a Certified Health Coach. She knew that there was a way to figure out her health issues and help others figure out theirs. Currently, she is working toward a Masters’ Degree in Health and Nutrition Education. 

Sarah Kostusiak believes that the key to health is the fuel you put into your body. She takes a holistic approach to health by looking at genetics, food sensitivities, blood markers and helping people learn to listen to their body. 

Sarah Kostusiak currently practices in Round Rock, TX where she sees clients of all ages. Her primary focus is helping people control their insulin response by showing them how to live a low carb lifestyle and reduce inflammation in the body.

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Jun 9, 2018

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The Importance Of Vitamin K2

Did you know that vitamin K2 is found in chlorella? In our previous episode, we talked extensively about why chlorella and spirulina are superfoods. This time around, Catharine Arnston is back with us to talk more about where we can get our daily requirement of vitamin K2 and how it benefits our health.

Origins of Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 prevents heart disease and helps develop healthy bones. But apparently, vitamin K2 isn’t found in a lot of foods. In fact, Catharine Arnston says that aside from chlorella containing vitamin K2, this wonder vitamin is only found in grass-fed protein or dairy. It is also found in natto, a Japanese food which has the highest concentration of vitamin K2.

“Up until the 50s, cattle were all raised in pastures. Grass and green things have chlorophyll and vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 is known for its blood clotting benefits,” shares Catharine Arnston. “Only animals have in their gut, a bacteria that converts K1 from the grass into K2. And when we consume dairy to absorb the animal protein from a grass-fed animal, we then absorb vitamin K2.” 

But Catharine Arnston says the farmers soon discovered, that if they added vitamin D and vitamin A to the feed of the cattle, they could move them inside in tiny enclosures, feed them corn and fatten them up.

As a result, during the 1960s onward, vitamin K2 eventually became non-existent in most people’s diets. Reported cases of osteoporosis and heart disease also started increasing.

Link Between Calcium And Vitamin K2

Catharine Arnston explains that when you eat dairy of any kind, it contains calcium. The calcium is supposed to go to your bones and helps cells continuously regenerate. And although vitamin D helps with absorptions, the missing link is vitamin K2.

“Vitamin K2 does two things. It releases a protein called osteocalcin which helps your bones absorb the calcium and releases a protein called matrix GLA protein which prevents the calcium from moving into your blood vessels, skin, and brain. It moves it out of places it shouldn’t be and puts it where it should be,” said Catharine Arnston.

Furthermore, Catharine Arnston says cholesterol does not primarily cause heart disease. Instead, it is caused by having too much calcium in blood vessels. And without vitamin K2, all those calcium supplements, as well as all the calcium, moves into your blood vessels and not your bones.

To know more about vitamin K2, Catharine Arnston highly recommends the book called Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox by Kate Rheaume-Bleue. Kate Rheaume-Bleue is a Canadian Naturopathic doctor and clearly explains everything you need to know about vitamin K2.

More people realize that vitamin K2 is the essential thing in your diet especially those aged 30 years old and above. The book also makes us aware that accumulating all that calcium gathers in your bloodstream and may lead to heart attack.

“The best source of vitamin K2 is always from nature. I had our algae tested in February. One or two servings of chlorella is sufficient for vitamin K2 requirement,” said Catharine Arnston. “It prevents calcium flowing in the bloodstream and reverses it. So to those with high blood pressure or if you’re a candidate for heart attack, get up to four servings of chlorella.” 

Best Diet

But taking chlorella and spirulina isn’t going to be as effective if you don’t practice a proper diet. With so many food choices around, it’s also so easy to make bad food choices especially when we’re busy.

I also know many of you are aware that fast food is bad for your health. Many studies have proven this. Dr. Joel Fuhrman was on my show recently and his book, The Fast Food Genocide, details the long-time consequences of an unhealthy diet.

It may be hard for changing your diet but try to do it one step at a time. One way to reduce your calories by 10% is cutting out your consumption of animal products.

Dr. Mark Hyman, another previous guest, has a different approach to improving your food choices and shift your diet to a healthy one. The “pegan” diet as he calls it, is a combination of the paleo and vegan diets. Doing a pegan diet primarily uses high-quality meat.  So those who can’t take dairy products can opt for the organic meat which is rich in vitamin K2.

Catharine Arnston also says that vitamin K2 keeps the excess calcium out of your skin, so it doesn’t contribute to wrinkles. Furthermore, only 10% of chlorophyll is absorbed in your stomach. The rest stays in through the entire intestinal tract, goes through the liver and down the colon.

Chlorophyll, on the other hand, absorbs carcinogens. Since it’s a fat-based pigment, it heals cell walls. And because chlorophyll absorbs carcinogens, it cleans out the lower intestines as well.

Looking Ahead

Catharine Arnston is happy to share that even Congress now realizes the nutritional value of algae through the Algae Agricultural Act. She says it’s about time to set the record straight that algae are not a supplement but rather a crop. 

“Algae are also sustainable. My dream is to have a huge algae farm in the U.S. Aside from this; algae also capture carbon dioxide,” shares Catharine Arnston. “I also recently learned that NASA wants to grow algae in space. So, in being eco-friendly, we are choosing crops and choosing foods that are healthier for us and healthier for the environment.”

Source Of Omega 3

There is so much more information surrounding algae. Did you know that algae are also a source of omega 3? But Catharine Arnston says the demand for omega 3 or fish oil has been so high that it has already stripped the ocean of so many species of fish already. It is disruptive to the environment, and it is only a matter of time when it disrupts everything.

“Go straight to what the fish are eating. Algae is vegan, and it protects the ocean. The other problem is, some tests have shown that 80% of fish oil comes up rancid. It’s just the process of packaging it,” Catharine Arnston explains. “You can’t stop the oxidation process, so that causes inflammation. Algae never go rancid, and it’s always clean. So you’re better off getting your omega 3 from a sustainable source.”

She adds, “Algae is also responsible for up to 85% of the oxygen on earth. So growing algae is good for air quality. Because algae kill bacteria, algae are used in every city’s water processing plant. You can use the water over and over, and there’s zero waste for algae.” 

Success Stories

There are many people whose health improved with chlorella and spirulina. Just a month ago. Catharine Arnston received an email from a 35-year-old mom with three kids.  

She was diagnosed last year with stage 4 uterine cancer. The cancer has metastasized into her bones, lungs, and liver. She underwent chemo, lost 60 pounds, and was bedridden last year. The only thing keeping her alive was the love for her children.

That woman had a friend who lived in Kansas who happened to take algae regularly. She sent her friend a bag of ENERGYbits with spirulina, and RECOVERYbits.  In two weeks, that woman was able to get out of bed!

“We’re on a path where we know we’re making a difference. Our bodies can heal themselves. We have to give them what it needs and take away what it doesn’t,” said Catharine Arnston.

More On Chlorella

We can’t get enough of chlorella and spirulina because there’s still so much to learn about them. Chlorella, in particular, has a thousand more chlorophyll than any other greens. It has cleansing properties and has health benefits. Aside from that, chlorella has a high amount of protein and essential fatty acids.

Chlorella also has nucleic acids that control cellular function and heredity. The two forms of nucleic acid are DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid).

“As you age, your DNA and RNA become damaged. So, they start replicating in a damaged form. That contributes to aging and disease and wrinkles. Ultimately, chlorella helps with wellness, skin health, and faster healing of wounds,” said Catharine Arnston.

Catharine Arnston says chlorella has the highest concentration of iron in the world. It is 48 times more than spinach. She says iron is what carries oxygen in your blood so if you don’t have enough oxygen; you’ll feel fatigued. It is also great for the skin and has a high concentration of protein.

Spirulina and Mother’s Milk

Catharine Arnston also reveals that spirulina can benefit the quality of mother’s milk. It supplies the proteins, healthy fat, antioxidants and vitamins needed to nourish the mother’s body. Because spirulina is rich in GLA or gamma-linolenic acid, it can also aid the development of the baby especially brain function.

“Spirulina is the one that’s energizing and provides you with all that focus. But the chlorella is your health and wellness algae. Your brain uses up 20% of your energy. And spirulina helps so much with the mental focus,” said Catharine Arnston.

She adds, “Spirulina helps open the blood vessels, allows the blood to flow faster, sends more oxygen to your muscles and brain so you can think better. It is loaded with the B vitamins. Spirulina has more B vitamins. B vitamins convert glucose into energy and help with the methylation process.” 

How To Eat Algae

The taste of algae is complex. But Catharine Arnston says there are a lot of ways on how to eat algae:

– Use as a garnish. RECOVERYbits is a fantastic garnish on a salad.

– Turn it into a game for the kids. Vitamin K2 is terrific for kids to strengthen their bones.

– Tastes great with nuts.

– You can grind them up and make it into a smoothie.

– Great with coconut chips and dark chocolate.

“Ultimately, don’t see it as just food, see it as something that’s going to benefit you from a health perspective as well,” advises Catharine Arnston.

Get Connected With Catharine Arnston:

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Recommended Links:

Episode 265 – Chlorella and Spirulina – Catharine Arnston

Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox

Phycocyanin: A Potential Drug for Cancer Treatment

Downloadable Information About Chlorella And Spirulina:

why is our spirulina and chlorella the safest and best

mothers milk and spirulina-have the same nutritional profile chart and explanation 3 pages

chlorophyll content in sprirulina and chlorella compared to other vegetables- one page (2)

Vitamin K2 is found in RECOVERYbits chlorella helps prevent heart disease, Alzheimers and osteoporosis


Jun 8, 2018

Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!

For Learn True Health Listeners:

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Why Chlorella And Spirulina Are Superfoods

Have you heard that chlorella and spirulina are superfoods? Chances are, you’ve heard of it, but many people are still unaware of its benefits. I have been consuming chlorella and spirulina from ENERGYbits for some time now. And because I’m so amazed at the health benefits of these superfoods, I decided to invite Catharine Arnston again on the show to talk more about it.

Demand for Chlorella

Catharine Arnston says, first of all; chlorella is the only thing that removes radiation from your body. Chlorella is also called a chelator which eliminates any toxins whether its mercury or lead. It is recommended for chemotherapy treatments because it removes chemotherapy and radiation. Chlorella also has the highest concentration of chlorophyll and vitamin K2.

Some people argue that iodine is just as sufficient. On the contrary, although iodine prevents the absorption of its toxins, it doesn’t remove things like radiation.

“Because algae or spirulina and chlorella are both crops grown in freshwater. With the radiation incident in Fukushima, people there are aware of the ability of it to remove radiation. So, we had to wait for two months to get our next supply.”

I know for a fact that iodine only prevents absorption within the thyroid. It’s been a common habit wherein everyone was buying iodine, but things are slowly changing. In fact, my three-year-old son likes chlorella and even calls them green crackers.

“Chlorella also tastes fantastic with macadamia nuts. Because of the great fat in macadamia, and the sea salt, blend it with the flat green flavor of the chlorella, and it tastes like potato chips,” said Catharine Arnston.

Spirulina Overview

On the other hand, Catharine Arnston shares that the United Nations endorsed spirulina for 50 years as the answer to world hunger. This is because it has the highest concentration of protein and fortified vitamins and minerals.

Catharine Arnston thinks chlorella is even more critical than spirulina due to its ability to remove toxins. But mainly, both chlorella and spirulina have significant value for our health. 


Catharine Arnston’s ENERGYbits company has been in the business for seven years already. She currently offers several products under the ENERGYbits, RECOVERYbits, SKINNYbits, and VITALITYbits line.

Each product has a significant purpose. And Catharine Arnston assures that all her products are organic. She also has an excellent deal for Learn True Health listeners! Just type in the LTH code to avail of the 20% discount. There’s no expiry for the code so you can keep replenishing your supply.

View On Supplements

Catharine Arnston says that spirulina, in particular, is a food base replacement for supplements. And because there’s so much protein in spirulina, it acts as a snack and gives you energy before your workout. It can replace energy bars and energy drinks.

“Spirulina is a one-stop shop for energy, focus, hunger, health, and wellness. There’s no need for calcium, magnesium, multivitamins, and fish oil,” said Catharine Arnston.

Supplements are usually made from inorganic materials, and Catharine Arnston says it is similar to rocks or seashells. Organic materials are plants or things that are alive.

“When you have a mineral that comes from something that’s alive, it has all the other factors and co-factors. Because these minerals are enzymatic,” said Catharine Arnston. “They just work better when they come from a source that has been alive because of the synergies.”

She adds, “You will either not absorb them, or you will get to a toxicity state. And 95% of supplements are made from extracts. You’re either peeing them out, or you can reach toxic levels from fat-based vitamins.”

That’s why Catharine Arnston advises it’s always better to get your nutrients from food. Algae has a thousand times more chlorophyll than greens. In fact, chlorella has two hundred times more chlorophyll than spinach. 

What Is Spirulina?

Catharine Arnston says spirulina, which is a blue-green algae, is technically a bacteria. It was the first plant life on earth almost four billion years ago. And the blue color of spirulina comes from a pigment called phycocyanin.

“Take a few tabs of spirulina and put on a white plate with some water. Let it sit of for a few hours. You’ll see colors. That’s phycocyanin,” said Catharine Arnston.

Benefits of Spirulina

Catharine Arnston says spirulina can reverse cancer. It is used for hunger, energy, and focus, that’s why Catharine Arnston named it ENERGYbits.

Spirulina also has the highest concentration of protein in the world. Catharine Arnston said that the Germans discovered this in 1917 and won a Nobel prize related to that. Furthermore, spirulina is loaded with B vitamins for energy, and also important for a process called methylation.

“It’s a cellular process that helps your cells to grow back healthy. Spirulina is also loaded with essential fatty acids and omega 3. It also has gamma-linolenic acid, also known as omega 6 but behaves like an omega three because it’s unprocessed,” reveals Catharine Arnston.

For those watching their diet, you’ll be thrilled to know that spirulina has zero carbs. Catharine Arnston says it’s vital for the keto communities. Plus, you feel fresh and alert!

“We’re working for more professional sports communities because we do all these lab tests to prove that they’re safe. They have no banned substances, and the nutrient profile is exactly what we say it is and its toxin-free,” Catharine Arnston said.

ENERGYbits Company

Catharine Arnston shares that she started the company because her youngest sister developed breast cancer up in Canada. Her oncologist advised her sister to change her diet to an alkaline diet. This way, it would help with her healing.

Fast forward ten years later, Catharine Arnston’s is now cancer-free, and ENERGYbits has helped a lot of people as well.

“We grow algae in freshwater tanks in Taiwan. Ninety-nine percent is grown in Asia, India, China, Japan, and a little in Hawaii,” narrates Catharine Arnston. “Taiwan is known to have the highest quality algae and strictest controls.”

She adds, “We use fresh water from mountain spring, and it’s triple-filtered. The algae are tested every day for purity. It is tested again at a third-party lab in the United States to make sure there are no toxins and pesticides.”

Importance Of Chlorophyll

Catharine Arnston said algae is a single-cell organism that converts sunshine like any other plant. That’s why her company doesn’t use high heat to preserve the enzymes.

“So we’re very proud that our algae are considered a raw food. It’s always better to get your nutrients from food,” said Catharine Arnston.

She adds, “There’s chlorophyll in spirulina. And there’s a study proving that when you take chlorophyll, you are exposing yourself to sunlight. When that happens, you generate energy in the same way as you would from ketones. We’re not that different from plants after all. Furthermore, chlorophyll has identical properties as red blood cells.”

Catharine Arnston also explains that chlorophyll is a fat-based pigment or antioxidant. It is also essential for your cell walls.

“Vitamin A and vitamin D are fat-based. All of those fat-based vitamins will help heal the cell wall. If cell wall isn’t healthy with proper fat, nutrients cannot get in, and toxins can’t get out,” explains Catharine Arnston.

She adds, “It’s quite different from that other pigment in spirulina which is called phycocyanin. That’s a water-based pigment. It affects your plasma and your blood. Fat-based vitamins and things like chlorophyll are for the cell wall. The water-based ones are for your blood and plasma.”

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

For those who have listened to my past episodes, you may recall my previous interview with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. Going to medical school in Germany gave Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt an in-depth knowledge of acupuncture and with homeopathy. Because of this, he can treat people with a more Holistic approach. He has been 100% reversing autism and treats Lyme disease as well.

I’m happy to report that Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt gets an excellent result with children. That’s because he puts them on a natural program to detoxify the body. The first thing Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt does to his patients is getting them on chlorella. Because ultimately, chlorella pulls out or chelates those heavy metals from the body, brain, and nervous system.

I also learned from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt that when you only eat a few pieces of chlorella, it simulates heavy metals to come out of your tissue. But ultimately, there is not enough chlorella to bind to it.

So, therefore, if you’re going to eat chlorella every day, consuming 20 to 30 pieces in one sitting is adequate. That amount is enough to bind to the heavy metals and releases toxins out of your body through the liver and kidney.

What Is Chlorella?

According to Catharine Arnston, chlorella is a wellness algae. It helps you recover your health or prevents you from getting sick. Which is why she named her product RECOVERYbits.

“The cleansing component comes from the chlorophyll which is also in spirulina. But it is twice as much in the chlorella. Chlorophyll cleans those windows on those cell walls so nutrients get in and toxins get out,” said Catharine Arnston.

Catharine Arnston also explains that as far as the detox capability of chlorella is concerned, it is different from spirulina. Spirulina is not a chelator. You can get cleansing benefits from it, but it cannot pull out heavy toxins as chlorella does. 

How Chlorella Is Grown

Chlorella is the fastest growing plant in the world. Catharine Arnston says it quadruples in size every 24 hrs. It blooms out circularly, so the tanks that the chlorella are raised in are round.

Even the packaging for chlorella has a science behind it. Catharine Arnston reveals that all packaging bags are UV tested. This way, sunlight can’t get in.  Why? Because the sunlight will pull the chlorophyll out of the algae and cause deterioration in nutrients.

Sun Chlorella

Catharine Arnston shares that Sun Chlorella is considered “granddaddy” of chlorella. They patented a technique to physically tumble the chlorella after it was grown in glass beads.

Through this technique, the friction of the glass beads with the chlorella would physically crack the chlorella. Hence, 99% of all chlorella that’s grown around the world uses Sun Chlorella’s technique.

“I heard that there could be some lead that leaks into the chlorella. So I had to find another technique, and we did. It’s new, modern, and more expensive,” reveals Catharine Arnston. “And that’s what we use to crack our chlorella. We pass chlorella into a sound chamber, and it’s the vibrations that crack the chlorella. There are no glass, no heat, and no lead.”

Catharine Arnston also says that the State of California also heard about the alleged lead leak. So, they did a test and did indeed, find that lead levels exceeded what was acceptable. Incidentally, this may also cause birth defects and brain disorders.

“I started this company to help people be healthy. And I just wanted to help my sister. That’s all I wanted to do, and I just kept going,” said Catharine Arnston.

Want to learn more about chlorella and spirulina? Stay tuned for Part 2 of this interview in the next episode! 


Catharine Arnston has a thirty-year career as an international Attache for the Canadian and British Governments, publisher of an international magazine and Founder of three startups. But in 2009 when her younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and advised by her oncologist to change her diet to an alkaline one because it would help her heal, Catharine Arnston put her career on hold to help her sister. 

In the process, she discovered algae, the most alkaline, nutrient-dense plant in the world that no one seemed to know about. Catharine Arnston knew algae would be a game changer for the world if she could just help Americans understand it. Because of that, ENERGYbits was born.

Get Connected With Catharine Arnston!

Official Website





Recommended Book by Catharine Arnston

Vitamin K2 And The Calcium Paradox by – Kate Rheaume – Bleue


Recommended Links:

Learn True Health – Episode 218

Learn True Health – Episode 227

Downloadable Information About Chlorella And Spirulina:

why is our spirulina and chlorella the safest and best

mothers milk and spirulina-have the same nutritional profile chart and explanation 3 pages

chlorophyll content in sprirulina and chlorella compared to other vegetables- one page (2)

Vitamin K2 is found in RECOVERYbits chlorella helps prevent heart disease, Alzheimers and osteoporosis


Jun 6, 2018

Recommended Links:


Get WellBe

Get WellBe is a fantastic health resource for those who would want to be armed with a wealth of knowledge. More and more people realize that there are better and more natural ways of healing. And Get WellBe seeks to empower those who want to make a significant change concerning healthcare. Adrienne Nolan-Smith is the woman behind getting Get WellBe, and we’ll learn more about it in this episode.

Lyme Disease

Adrienne Nolan-Smith was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease when she was just 11 years old in 1996. Her younger brother was similarly diagnosed, but his situation was worse.  Nevertheless, to find a cure, the siblings were accompanied by the mother to several conventional doctors.

The siblings were soon put on a common antibiotic for Lyme disease. Not satisfied with the treatment, Adrienne Nolan-Smith’s mother researched about the disease shortly after the antibiotic didn’t work.

Continuing Struggle

Adrienne Nolan-Smith was brought to strange therapy places by her mother in an attempt to get cured.  Her diet was drastically changed and was even made to try Chinese herbs. It paid off because two years later, Adrienne Nolan-Smith was tested negative for Lyme disease.  That became Adrienne Nolan-Smith’s eye-opener.

Five years later, Adrienne Nolan-Smith went to college. Everything seemed fine. But picking up a parasite during China trip when she was in her late teens posed another health challenge.

In another effort to get well, Adrienne Nolan-Smith changed her diet drastically. She lost her period for two years from 2004 to 2006. Adrienne Nolan-Smith went to several doctors. They looked at some of her bloodwork, and some even suggested taking birth control pills to regulate her period.

Mental Illness

Everything seemed okay when Adrienne Nolan-Smith went to a Naturopath. She cleaned her diet, took more Chinese herbs, supplements and even tried acupuncture.

But while she was on the road to health, Adrienne Nolan-Smith’s mother had a manic episode in 2010. Adrienne Nolan-Smith’s mother eventually committed suicide while she was on antipsychotic and antidepressant medications to treat schizoaffective disorder. According to Adrienne Nolan-Smith, it was a hard battle for five years going in and out of mental health care facilities. 

Turning Point

Losing her mother was devastating. Because of that, Adrienne Nolan-Smith decided to switch careers. She moved to Chicago and eventually met her husband there.

“There’s a whole different way of practicing medicine, and a whole different way of living,” said Adrienne Nolan-Smith. “I knew I didn’t want to see patients. But I wanted to start a business that had something to do with integrated medicine and wellness.” 

She adds, “The only job I could get that could pay me was this patient engagement software startup. I was the 30th employee, and I ended up working for hospitals for three years.”

The Insider

Adrienne Nolan-Smith also shares that working in hospitals was grueling and depressing. She likewise saw many patients and how the healthcare treated chronic conditions.

“I heard mainstream people talking about Functional Medicine. And I was so excited because, for the first time, I found other people like me. Furthermore, Naturopathic doctors were excited about changing health care,” Adrienne Nolan-Smith said.

Starting Get WellBe

Adrienne Nolan-Smith shares that during her honeymoon, she was writing in her journal at the beach. Right then and there, Adrienne Nolan-Smith decided to start a media company. She was convinced it was the perfect career path for her since she has ample experience doing research.

“I thought awareness and education was the number one thing I had to do. So, I quit my job. I knew I wanted to tell patients stories of health recovery,” said Adrienne Nolan- Smith. “There were also other people like me who trusted the system. Many people went through it and realized they needed another form of healing.”

How the Get WellBe Name Originated

The name Get WellBe is unique. Adrienne Nolan-Smith says WellBe connotes wellness and well-being. It’s more of a play on well-being because it sounds catchy, which is perfect for her audience who are approximately 25 to 45 years old.

“ wasn’t available in 2012. So, I thought of a variation. Putting the word “get” reminds people that being healthy doesn’t just happen to you,” shares Adrienne Nolan-Smith. “It’s a lot of work every day to do all the things that will keep you healthy.”

Baby Steps

In preparation for establishing Get Wellbe, Adrienne Nolan-Smith started collecting stories of health success. She also built a list of Functional and Holistic experts who can help people.

Launched in July last year, Adrienne Nolan-Smith’s Get Wellbe website also has animated video guides. There’s also a weekly newsletter, and the company enjoys a significant presence on Instagram and Facebook.

Company Philosophy

Trying out something new and unfamiliar can be scary and daunting. That’s why for those who are seeking alternative treatments, Adrienne Nolan-Smith felt her company’s mission is to arm people with a wide range of knowledge about health.

She says there are so many harmful elements that terrify and make people depressed. It can be drugs, over-prescription of medicine, misdiagnosis, what’s in our food, and dealing with issues like roundup.

“Research is important to us but so is storytelling. We make sure that things are palatable and not fear-mongering. My job is to try to present that information logically and conversationally that makes you want to be an advocate. It’s been a wild ride.” 

Advocating For Ourselves

Adrienne Nolan-Smith acknowledges there are a lot of good Holistic doctors and Naturopaths. But ultimately, she believes we should learn to be an advocate for ourselves. One easy way to take care of ourselves is realizing how important water is.

“Filter water, not using plastic and staying hydrated are three of the most important things that you can do for your health. It’s such an easy way to keep yourself from getting sick. Hydration does so many amazing things for the body,” advises Adrienne Nolan-Smith.

Adrienne Nolan-Smith also says that the microbiome needs good and bad bacteria. But the problem is, in the industrialized food system, especially in a globalized one, a lot of our produce come from other countries with different microbiome, sanitary conditions, and regulations.

“That’s why I am conscious about using the grapefruit seed extract because according to what I read, it’s strongest of the non-toxic produce washes,” said Adrienne Nolan-Smith.

Extra Resources

For more information, Get WellBe has a link on their website where you can download a free PDF on how to get to the root cause of a chronic health issue. Most of the document is around all of the different places where you can find Holistic or Naturopathic doctors, as well as practitioners.  There’s also a list of the top 10 questions to ask a doctor.


It’s not easy running a company like Get Wellbe. Adrienne Nolan-Smith says she gets some of the revenues from affiliate partners. She has non-toxic products put in a store and has several other brands lined up. Women indeed have gone a long way from being homemakers to running their own business.  

“Many different revenue models make sense for media. And no media company on earth gets all of their revenue from one source. It’s just about deciding what revenue channels make sense for my audience,” Adrienne Nolan-Smith said. 

She adds, “From my twenty-year health journey, the system we live in is not set up to prevent or reverse chronic disease. It’s quite the opposite. If you want to live a happy, long, full and well life, take control of your health. Advocate for yourself in healthcare situations, demand more from your brands and institutions and never, never give up.” 

Get Connected With Adrienne Nolan-Smith!

Get WellBe





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Jun 1, 2018

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P.U.R.E. Success

P.U.R.E. Success initially sounds unattainable. And I know we all want to have P.U.R.E. Success in everything we do. That’s why I decided to have Aaron Keith Hawkins back on the show to dive into how P.U.R.E. Success can be achieved.

Personal Realization

Aaron Keith Hawkins helps people become excellent in their personal and professional life. He helps them see their blind spots, eliminate barriers and alibis. Ultimately, he maintains his clients transform their lives with intention and purpose. And in doing so, it helps him to be more aware of himself.

“I realized when life is good, a lot of times people tend to settle in. And people feel something is missing. A connection is the most important thing to allow us to succeed,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins. “If we’re not actively willing to connect, express ourselves and allow people to express themselves, things can get tough.”

Life Purpose

When we’re in a good mood but we don’t have any form of evolution, Aaron Keith Hawkins says that’s when things get stale. Naturally, as our life progresses, we should be interested in other things and try new things.  One of the needs we have as human beings is the need for novelty.

“We need things and experiences that are new. If we don’t engage with it somehow, that’s one of the most common mistakes,” Aaron Keith Hawkins said. 

He adds, “I know for most people; if nothing comes along and shakes them up, or someone doesn’t come along and shake them up, they can spend their entire life just feeling “good.” We can do better and feel amazing.” 

Facing Fears

Fear is something a lot of people struggle with. But I think it’s all about recommitting to your goal or being flexible in achieving that goal rather than giving up so we can attain P.U.R.E. Success.

“The truth is, having some quality fears are necessary. Example, if there are so many drastic changes in diet and you’re feeling depleted, that’s a good time to evaluate. It’s just about awareness,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins. 

He adds, “The point is, we own fear and the fear we have is a tool. It is our tool to be able to reflect on whatever it is. Most of the time, most of our fears are not dangerous.”

Aaron Keith Hawkins further explains that the fear of it not working is usually the fear of it not working fast enough. Another scenario would be fear of the fact that it’s working but isn’t noticeable enough yet. It’s usually about judgment and how do we feel about ourselves.

Love Yourself

Sometimes we’re so lost in taking care of others that we end up neglecting ourselves. But when we learn not to feel guilty about doing the things we want to do, that’s when we can make some significant progress in realizing P.U.R.E. Success.

“The truth is, you love yourself. That’s why you want it in the first place. It’s so easy to forget our values. And one of the best ways to have more patience is exercise curiosity,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins.

Aaron Keith Hawkins adds that it’s really about who can we inspire by creating a plan that will make this last long term. Aaron Keith Hawkins usually convinces his clients to serve someone else with regards to what they are trying to do for themselves. Because he says, people tend to do more for somebody else than they’ll ever do for themselves. 

Making Decisions

Before making any step, we first have to consider our identity. It’s a pathway to shift our belief system from a negative to a positive. This way, our habitual behavior also turns into the ones that help us get the result we want.

“Choose what we need to learn. Find what we need to learn and what we need to do differently. You don’t have to fake anything to make it,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins.

Aaron Keith Hawkins also explains that there’s no better time in history than to be whoever you want to be than now. Because we have almost literally unlimited information about the things, we want to do. There’s information that can help you do it.

“We can put it to use. It’s not copying what someone else is doing. But rather looking at how can you can implement it, in what way you can use it, and for what you want to accomplish. It’s part journey and part process. And another part is remembering those values like patience,” Aaron Keith Hawkins said.

Gaining Curiosity

How do we have curiosity? Aaron Keith Hawkins advises being innocently curious. Think about what how a decision, or thing affect what’s going to happen next.

And whatever identity you choose, you will eventually find evidence to support it. You see that it’s part of human nature. That is a critical piece of truth for all of us to remember.

Four Laws Of P.U.R.E. Success

The word “pure” in P.U.R.E. Success is an acronym:

P – Pivotal choice

U – Unconditional high standards

R – Reflective comparison

E – Elevating our situational response.

Pivotal Choice

First of all, the pivotal choice from P.U.R.E. Success means being 100% responsible for everything that happens in our life.  Aaron Keith Hawkins calls it a pivotal choice because people who choose to not adopt this as a mindset there will have their life turn out one way. And people who do decide to act as if they’re 100% responsible for everything going on in their life, their life turns out in a completely different way.

Ultimately, Aaron Keith Hawkins says it’s not about blaming yourself. It’s about accepting that you are entirely responsible for what’s going to happen next. That’s where responsibility comes in. This includes emotional reaction, plan of action, thoughts, and interpretation of the event.

Unconditional High Standards

Aaron Keith Hawkins mentions Tom Robbins, a speaker he looks up to, who said that to change the quality of our life, have to improve our standards. We have to change the standard of who we are and what we’re going to tolerate.

“It’s relatively easy to keep those high standards once we decide on something. And it’s easy to live up to them when everything is going right. The problem is, for a lot of people, a lot of those standards are conditional,” said Aaron Keith Hawkins.

Furthermore, Aaron Keith Hawkins says that when we have a reason not to maintain our standards, or when we have an excuse to drop the standards that we set for ourselves, that’s when it matters the most. The standard you set doesn’t matter. What matters is the standard you keep when you have an excuse not to. Those are the life-altering moments.

Reflective Comparison

Aaron Keith Hawkins says this is simply the idea of looking in the mirror and asking ourselves what we’d do if we had no ego, flaws, baggage or alternative agenda. It’s about asking yourself what will happen if you couldn’t get something wrong.

Ultimately, if we have to hear a question, we have to have an answer. And every time we ask ourselves a question, we would indeed come up with a solution.

Elevating Your Situational Methodology

Aaron Keith Hawkins says that for this last step, it’s about stepping up your habits. Most people do what’s familiar to them. They hope, they believe or create. Only a few people choose to create an outcome in any situation.

“We don’t have to rely solely on hope. Because we can hope while we’re believing and we can hope while we’re creating something,” advises Aaron Keith Hawkins. 

He adds, “Always look for a way to create in any situation whether it be an outcome, a situation, a story or a question. When we’re willing to do that in conjunction with these other rules, it’s life-changing.” 

Unbreakable Success Podcast

Aaron Keith Hawkins has a great podcast called Unbreakable Success. He interviews successful people from all walks of life, and it’s a great resource to learn golden nuggets of wisdom. 

The Unbreakable Success podcast is on iTunes, and I highly encourage my listeners to check that out.

Million Dollar Influence Book

If you can’t get enough of Aaron Keith Hawkins, he also has a new book called Million Dollar Influence.  It teaches people how to be an influencer at home or work.

The book also teaches influence in a way that completely flips the lid on how a lot of people look at influence. Just link to Aaron Keith Hawkins’ official website to download your free copy of Million Dollar Influence. 

“It’s a step-by-step process to understanding human behavior, understanding the building blocks of influence and relationship building. The book is a culmination of many lessons and mistakes I’ve learned over the years,” shares Aaron Keith Hawkins.


Aaron Keith Hawkins ‘s mission is to help you recognize that you are capable of succeeding in literally every aspect of your life once you realize success is a lifestyle to live, not a trophy to chase. In addition to being the host of Unbreakable Success podcast, Aaron Keith Hawkins is a personal performance and relationship coach who works empathetically and strategically to quickly guide his clients toward transformational changes in their own lives, careers, and marriages. 

Aaron Keith Hawkins completed his graduate studies at the University of Oklahoma where he majored in Leadership with an emphasis in professional coaching. He has spent over two decades as a public servant. Currently a Police Captain, he’s still serving his community as a Law Enforcement Executive. Aaron Keith Hawkins and his wife have been married for 21 years and live in New Jersey with their 12-year-old daughter.

Get Connected With Aaron Keith Hawkins!

Official Website

Four Principles of Success




Recommended Reading By Aaron Keith Hawkins:

The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins


Recommended Links:

Episode 260 – Unbreakable Success – Aaron Keith Hawkins


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Heavy Metal Summit:





Do You Have Anxiety? End Anxiety Now! Learn Two Powerful Mind Tricks for Removing Anxiety, Ending Worry, & Controlling Fear So It Stops Controlling You! Attend my FREE Webinar that Will Teach You How! Click Here!


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Ashley James

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