
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Now displaying: September, 2017
Sep 30, 2017

Taking Supplements And Eating Right

My life had a tremendous positive shift when I started taking supplements in my early 30s. My health had been such a roller coaster before that. And now that I'm pretty much healed, I'm so excited to share a lot of information with you! My colleague Jennifer Saltzman is still with us for this episode because we have so much to share about taking supplements and eating right. 

The Politics Behind Supplements  

Taking supplements is not just about popping pills and praying you'd get healthy. There are a lot of supplements available in the market. But before taking supplements, you must first make sure they are safe.  

You also need to determine if you need to take that particular supplement. Experts like Jennifer Saltzman can provide you a wealth of advice before zeroing in on what supplements are right for you.  Check out our supplements link at the end of this article.  

"I think there is no quality control. That's why we have to consider proven results. However, no quality control is a good thing."

And what do I mean by that? Well, you certainly don't want the FDA to control the supplements because the FDA and big pharmaceutical companies allegedly have a conspiracy going on.

"There's a revolving door of FDA executives being hired by big pharmaceutical companies and vice versa.  Ultimately, they're all in each other's pockets."

At some level, they want to protect humans.  However, there is also enough room to manipulate us so that they could take away or control supplements.   

Benefits Of Taking Supplements  

If you eat all the right foods, you don't have to take supplements. Taking supplements become necessary because we don't eat right all the time and all the right foods are not available all the time. Supplements fill those nutritional gaps in our diet.  

Although it is not clear that taking supplements can reverse any chronic disease, it does make the body stronger. I have been on supplements for years and I have noticed that sometimes, I am not negatively affected anymore by certain foods that have otherwise made me sick in the past.    

"My body has been built so strong, now that I'm not depleted in vitamins and minerals. Consequently, my body it handles food so much more gently now compared to ten years ago when I would be a hot mess."  

12 Bad Foods  

If you have been a regular listener of my podcast, you know how much I adore Dr. Joel Wallach. He is one of my heroes and my cookbook was largely inspired by his philosophy of what it means to eat right.  

My cookbook, which is available for free on the Learn True Health website, lists down the 12 foods and food components everyone should avoid to prevent disease and live a quality life. The 12 foods are: 

  1. Barley 
  2. Wheat 
  3. Rye 
  4. Oats 
  5. Corn 
  6. Soy 
  7. Nitrates/ Nitrites 
  8. Fried foods 
  9. Oil in a bottle 
  10. Well-done red meat  
  11. Carbonated beverages 
  12. Skins of baked root vegetables 

"Grains ruin digestion, and the body is not meant to eat it. You can have rice once in a while, but if you go grain free, you don't have to worry about gluten."

There are many ways to go grain-free. A perfect example is eating cauliflower rice. Lentil pasta is the healthier and tastier alternative to wheat-based pasta. A dose of healthy fats is also good. You must, however, choose the right kind of oil because any oil goes rancid if over-exposed to air.

As for the liquid intake, never drink sodas before or after meals. I know most of you out there have your parents tell you that drinking sodas are bad for you. And it's true! Carbonated drinks mess up our stomach acids.

"The stomach is smart, and we shouldn't mess with it. It has its wave of acids. Before meals, take digestive enzymes that support healthy stomach acid. A great example is drinking apple cider vinegar with your meal."

IgG Food Allergy Test  

I did this IgG (immunoglobulin G) test which helped determine the foods I should avoid. You may be just like me who has had health conditions that doctors could not identify at first because we were unaware that we're allergic to certain foods.  

Great Plains Laboratory administered my test and the results greatly helped in guiding me towards the right kinds of food to eat. The IgG Food Allergy Test answered a lot of questions surrounding my health condition that also had doctors puzzled.   

Eat Right, Feel Right  

I ate a lot of eggs to get pregnant. But after I got pregnant, I developed an allergic reaction to eggs that's why I had to stop eating them for a year. Since I was taking supplements and my food choices were better, re-introducing eggs into my diet after a year did not cause any adverse reaction.  

Taking supplements is not going to cure you of your health condition. But it has been proven that it can help strengthen your immune system if it is paired with the right diet and regular exercise. That's the secret to being healthy. Also, your body works optimally only when your immune system is robust and healthy.   

"You cannot 'out-exercise' nor 'out-supplement' a bad or an inadequate diet. Everything has to go hand in hand. Essentially, you have to bring lifestyle into account."

I'd like to again convey my gratitude to Jennifer Saltzman who took over the reins and interviewed me for this episode. Jennifer Saltzman has been a personal trainer for over two decades. She has a degree in Bachelor of Arts in modern dance, has a Pilates Instructor certification, Integrative Medicine certification, as well as a Metabolic Typing Advisor certification.  

Jennifer Saltzman is also a Supplement Coach who can guide you on what kind of supplements are best for you.  

Get Connected With Jennifer Saltzman:  

Take Your Supplements  

Other Reference Links:  

Great Plains Laboratory  

Learn True Health Cookbooks 


Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!

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4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

Watch my little video on how to become a Certified Health Coach!

If this episode made a difference in your life, please leave me a tip in the virtual tip jar by giving my podcast a great rating and review in iTunes!

Thank you!
Ashley James

Enjoyed this podcast episode? Visit my website Learn True Health with Ashley James so you can gain access to all of my episodes and more!

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Sep 29, 2017

Finding The Cure

Many of my listeners have been curious about my story of finding the cure for my various health conditions. Over the years, I have dealt with so much! So this time around, the tables have turned. I have onboard Jennifer Saltzman, a friend and Pilates instructor who I decided to give the honor of putting me on the hot seat for this podcast episode.

My Backstory

Jennifer Saltzman thought it was best that I start off this episode with my backstory. Well, ever since I could remember, I have always been a sickly child. I remember being a six-year-old first grader who constantly had a sore throat and clogged sinuses among others. It was indeed frustrating finding a cure for my health disorders.

During that same time in the early 80s, my mother developed Candida. And because she was a workaholic, she tried finding a cure by taking medication to keep working. However, it seemed finding a cure was useless. She still suffered from fatigue, muscle weakness, and brain fog.

In what seemed like a desperate attempt then to finding a cure, my mom eventually found a Naturopath. That doctor told us that my mother and I both had blood type O. No big deal, right? Wrong. That same doctor dropped the bomb by announcing that apparently, I was allergic to milk, yeast, wheat, and sugar!

My Parents

My mother was my best friend. She read all these articles on antioxidants. On our quest to finding a cure for our health conditions, we went to acupuncturists together. We even enjoyed the services of a massage therapist who would come to our house once a week.

My dad, on the other hand, had his health challenges. Because he primarily had weight issues, I did a bunch of diets with him, too. And oh, how he loved eating out! However, even if he loved eating meat, his meals were always dairy-free, grain-free and gluten-free.

My parents were both A-types. They were both headstrong. My mother, in particular, had an air of elegant grace. She turned heads and held her ground with such authority. Furthermore, she was excellent in integrating self-care into her life.

Shifting To A Whole Foods Diet

When the Naturopathic doctor first declared that I was allergic to so many things, it didn't quite sink in the first time. At six years old, I had no idea that the revelation would change my life. All I cared about was whether I could still eat my favorite Coffee Crisp chocolate bars.

I told Jennifer Saltzman that I remember going home that day with my mom carrying a bunch of powder supplements from that doctor. It was also the same day that my mom got rid of all the "bad foods" and switched to a whole foods diet.

Yes, it was drastic but looking back, it was incredible how my health changed so much in just a span of a few days. We even switched to soy milk during those times when it was still GMO-free.

"I was symptom-free. It was like heaven! All we had to do was eat a whole foods diet, void of processed foods and take supplements."

Right from the time my mother put me on a whole foods diet, I was hardly sick from six years old until I became a teenager. However, when I turned 13, I decided to rebel by eating candy and cafeteria food. As expected, I lost my health and spent the next few years finding a cure to get my health back.

Then when I was 19 years old, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Early on, the doctors told me I would never have kids. Spending most of my adult life without a feminine cycle, I gradually developed other diseases along the way.

Getting Married

I'm now 37 years old and have been married for nine years. My husband knew that I couldn't have kids, but that didn't stop us from trying. Then the unexpected happened.

"We went through the first six years without medical intervention. However, when we discovered supplements and a healthy way of eating, we got pregnant on our first attempt!"

We're now parents of a very healthy baby boy, and we couldn't be any happier. Not only did we prove doctors wrong, but eating right really does make a significant difference.

"Taking more digestive enzymes made my pregnancy so much easier. Naturopathic medicine or Homeopathic medicine is so powerful. It does work."

Coping With Diseases

Looking back, I had a roller coaster of diseases I battled with over the years. I also kept gaining weight year after year. It baffled me because I was athletic when I was growing up.

However, I think all that started to change when my mom passed away of liver cancer when I was 22 years old. It was a dark time in my life, and I was depressed for a few years. It was so bad that shortly after my mom's death, I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia and type 2 diabetes.

"Depression doesn't want to make you take care of yourself. I ended up making a lot of bad choices and developed chronic adrenal fatigue. I drank a lot of coffee, and I also developed chronic infections."

Moving To The United States

When I first moved to the United States years ago, things didn't get any better. My health deteriorated even faster because I was also juggling many responsibilities with my job as a manager.

When I eventually met my husband, Duffy, I found it funny that he and I are allergic to almost the same foods. And would you believe, I'm allergic to bananas? Surprising but true!

My husband had arthritis, high blood pressure, and blood sugar issues. I, on the other hand, was primarily struggling with weight issues. By that time, I had already tried over 32 diets, but none of them worked.

Aha Moment

My aha moment came one day when my husband and I were watching a health documentary. It was around 2008 or 2009. Anyway, that documentary had such a tremendous impact that my husband and I decided to try shifting to an organic foods diet.

"Taking on the organic foods challenge for a month, I didn't get sick. I even stopped taking antibiotics. In short, I felt amazing!"

The Power Of Supplements

Now that my husband and I got on the right path with eating organic or whole foods, we also discovered the benefits of taking supplements. It may seem costly at first, but it pays off in the long run.

"My blood sugar was so unstable that I felt like a prisoner of my own body. So I started drinking liquid minerals. My blood sugar began to balance within a few hours of taking supplements, and my energy level was high within five days."

Eventually healing from diabetes and high blood pressure, I diminished the need to eat all the time. Hence, our food budget went down. Saving a monthly average of 300 dollars, my husband and I allotted that amount for our supplements.

"Doctors wanted to give me more medication to manage the side effects. But I took myself off medicines. I would rather live with the original symptoms I had than living with the side effects of drugs."

Learn True Health Podcast

Overcoming all those diseases and healing from them inspired me to share my story with other people. And because I found ways to empower myself in being healthy, I felt the need to share my knowledge on a bigger scale.

My husband knew that I loved podcasts and encouraged me to launch one. Hence, the Learn True Health podcast was born.

"It's pretty life changing when your life goes from being very dysfunctional to optimized. It's such an incredible blessing."

This concludes Part 1 of this two-part series. Please link to episode 180 for Part 2 where I delve into issues like healing heartburn, 12 fad foods that deteriorate health and more on how I healed from my health conditions. See you in the next episode!


Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!


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2) The IIN Curriculum Syllabus:

3) Module One of the IIN curriculum:

4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

Watch my little video on how to become a Certified Health Coach!

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Thank you!
Ashley James

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Sep 28, 2017

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High Vibration Foods


High Vibration Foods To Achieve Optimal Health

High vibration foods may sound new to some people, but you'll be amazed how it tweaks our body to an optimal level. While many are obsessed with the calories in our diet, my guest today, Robyn Openshaw debunks that long-time diet myth. Apparently, high vibration foods can affect our health on a cellular, emotional and spiritual level.

Sickly Past

Robyn Openshaw initially stumbled on discovering the awesome effects of high vibration foods through green smoothies. This was when she was on a mission searching for a cure for her son's asthma.

Aside from her son's health situation, Robyn Openshaw had a more shocking health past. Before the birth of her first child, Robyn Openshaw went through five years of infertility. Add on to that; she had a total of 21 diagnosed diseases!

Despite being an athlete during her younger years, she found herself obese in her late 20s. She took a lot of medication daily. Robyn Openshaw was miserable. However, she took the bull by its horns and decided to do something to change her and her family's life.

Turning To Green Smoothies

Bent on taking her son and herself off medication, Robyn Openshaw extensively researched on the healthiest method possible. The first thing she did was to eliminate processed foods, dairy, and sugar. In hindsight, Robyn Openshaw discovered that diet does make a difference.

Next thing she did was to experiment on blending organic vegetables. One day, her then one-year-old son was curious enough to try a glass of green smoothie. Surprisingly, he liked it! Hence, green smoothies became a staple in Robyn Openshaw's family.

Greatest Inspiration

Robyn Openshaw says her biggest inspiration is her grandmother who beat cancer by being entirely plant-based. Initially diagnosed with metastatic stage 3c melanoma, doctors told her she only had a year to live.

Her grandmother drank so much carrot juice as part of her diet of high vibration foods. She went on to live for another 25 years and was there when all four of Robyn Openshaw's babies were born.

On the other hand, Robyn Openshaw's uncle who was likewise diagnosed with cancer did not have the same fate. Opting for radiation and chemotherapy, Robyn Openshaw's uncle died 18 months after his diagnosis.

Understanding Food Frequencies

High vibration foods is not a new science. Robyn Openshaw says studies touched on the idea decades ago, but no one took it seriously then. Fortunately, since juicing and smoothies have become popular, more people now believe in the benefits of digesting high vibration foods.

"Einstein's way of thinking has permeated so many parts of life these days. He said everything about life is vibration," said Robyn Openshaw. "If you want the secret of the universe, think about energy, frequency, and vibration."

Furthermore, Robyn Openshaw says we are evaluating our food with some dated concept. For example, the whole idea of calories was invented 170 years ago. According to Robyn Openshaw, the only thing counting calories is good for is standardizing packaged food. It has nothing to do whether we are healthy or not.

High Vibration Foods List

Thanks to the concept of Quantum Physics, it has been proven that we can measure the frequency of food and human in Hertz. Apparently, a disease cannot live in a body that is in a state of high frequency.

According to Robyn Openshaw, 50 to 55 Hertz puts you on the sick level. Ideally, a healthy person should have a frequency of 62 to 68 Hertz. On the other hand, people on their deathbed have frequencies as low as 25 Hertz.

"We could eat foods that are higher than us in Hertz. It could raise the frequency or vibration of the body," Robyn Openshaw said.

Robyn Openshaw has a list of high vibration foods and guess what? She's giving it to Learn True Health listeners for free! So to those who wish to download the list, you may link to

Effects of Digesting High Vibration Foods

Robyn Openshaw says that when we look at the vibrational frequency of our food, the substance of a higher frequency can cause the substance of a lower frequency to increase. The reverse of that is true as well.

Essentially, digesting high vibration foods has an incredible application for what we're using to medicate ourselves with. It has powerful implications for the food that we are choosing to eat.

"What's on the back of your food packages doesn't have anything to do whether you're going to be disease-proof or prone to disease," explains Robyn Openshaw. "When things are going well, you can handle some setbacks. It's not about eating perfectly, but rather it's about having enough healthy consistent habits in your life."

Link Between Foods And Our Moods

Part of Robyn Openshaw's wellness program is teaching people how to detox, ground and charge food to metabolize your emotions. This she says, helps bring you to a higher vibration state.

Part of the research that Robyn Openshaw is currently into is understanding the correlation between food and our moods. Apparently, food plays a big part whenever we experience emotions or mood swings.

A low vibrating life would be people who always replay wrongs that other people do rather than releasing those emotions. Theoretically, letting go of old wounds is one of the more powerful ways to be healthy.

"There's so much that we do when it comes to metabolizing our emotions leading to a disease-proof state," said Robyn Openshaw. "Ten hertz of energy spells a big difference between health and sickness."

Furthermore, Robyn Openshaw says that whenever we choose the higher frequency emotions, we are attracting better things. This also applies during the times when we quickly metabolize the negative events and emotions in our lives.

"We are always attracting and repelling," said Robyn Openshaw. "When you are a high vibration person, you find more flow in your life. You find that you're choosing between a bunch of good opportunities."

Furthermore, Robyn Openshaw says that people who are peaceful, forgive easily, and do not live in negative emotions, don't die of heart disease and cancer. Consequently, they have high rates of what medicine would call spontaneous remission.

Continuous Research

Robyn Openshaw is currently working with Beverly Rubeck, another scientist. Together, they are studying the measurement of vibrational frequency by using a bioplatonic scanner as well as bioplatonic emissions.

These emissions are the weak light emitted from foods. Their research will hopefully show what exactly happens to a person after eating certain kinds of foods.

"We are electrical beings. And that's why we need to drink water," said Robyn Openshaw. "We need conductivity and not only cleansing."

Book Author

Robyn Openshaw is an author of a whopping 15 books! Her latest book, Vibe: Discover Your Energetic Frequency for Health, Love & Success is coming out in October 2017.

And speaking about the book launch, do we have a treat for all you Learn True Heath Seekers! Robyn Openshaw is giving away some copies of her hardcover book just for you!

To avail of your copy, link to and be on your way to becoming one of the many people Robyn Openshaw helped gain their health back. And there's more!

If you want to learn how to raise your vibration, link to It's an excellent 3-video course valued at $69, but you can download the course for free at

Robyn Openshaw is the author of 15 books, including bestsellers The Green Smoothies Diet and 12 Steps to Whole Foods. Her latest book, Vibe: Discover Your Energetic Frequency for Health, Love & Success, will be released by Simon & Schuster in October 2017.

Robyn Openshaw is a former psychotherapist, university professor, and lectured in over 450 cities in the six years after launching her popular site in 2007. She's a single mom to four children who are now flying the coop. She skis and plays tennis competitively in Utah, and believes that everything is possible if you leverage the highest frequencies in the Universe.

You can find her podcast, Your High Vibration Life, on iTunes--also look for Green Smoothie Girl on Facebook, and visit her website

Get Connected With Robyn Openshaw:

Official Website

200 High Vibration Foods Shopping List

3-Video Course

Books by Robyn Openshaw

The Green Smoothies Diet

12 Steps To Whole Foods

Vibe: Discover Your Energetic Frequency for Health, Love & Success (FREE!)


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2) The IIN Curriculum Syllabus:

3) Module One of the IIN curriculum:

4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

Watch my little video on how to become a Certified Health Coach!

If this episode made a difference in your life, please leave me a tip in the virtual tip jar by giving my podcast a great rating and review in iTunes!

Thank you!
Ashley James

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Sep 26, 2017

Geneen's bio:
Get on Geneen's email list:

See all of Geneen's Books HERE ON AMAZON

Upcoming workshop and retreat:
Weekend Workshop:
Make Peace with Food Now -- Oct. 13-15 — Kripalu Center, Stockbridge, MA
Registration & Information: 866-200-5203

6-Day Retreat:
Nov. 7-15 — Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA
Registration & Information: 703-401-0871


Making Peace With Food

Women are built in all shapes and sizes. And modern society made a lot of women think that being thin is and should be the end goal. However, my guest, Geneen Roth says that losing weight doesn't necessarily mean it is good for us. In this episode, she will explain why we must delve into the root cause to make peace with food.

The Desire To Be Thin

Like most women today, Geneen Roth was obsessed with being thin. As young as 11 years old, she was made to believe that her worth depended on her weight.

Trying out every diet and diet pills, Geneen Roth used to be on an endless search for the best way to lose weight. She was a compulsive eater. It was likewise her coping mechanism whenever she was troubled or stressed. Consequently, Geneen Roth was blind-sided that she was at peace with food.

"I defined myself by the size of my thighs and belly. At a very young age until my late twenties, I was constantly on radical diets and diet pills," shared Geneen Roth.

Downward Spiral

When Geneen Roth started gaining weight from all the food she was eating, she decided it was time to lose weight. You'd think by this period she was at peace with food, right? Wrong. It became worse.

On a downward spiral, Geneen Roth jogged 4 miles a day. She also thought that if she could just eat a total of 150 calories a day, it would make her lose weight faster. And it did. However, dropping down to 80 pounds was certainly not a healthy weight.

Not knowing how to find peace with food, Geneen Roth eventually became suicidal. There just seemed to be no way out from her anorexic state. She harbored feelings of guilt for not being "good enough," and was ashamed of being overweight.

Rising From the Ashes

During her period of soul-searching, Geneen Roth came across a book. According to her, that book opened up her eyes to find her real worth. After being burdened so many years battling low self-esteem, Geneen Roth slowly healed and eventually found peace with food.

"Sometimes, when we lose weight, we still feel like crap," Geneen Roth said. "Because whenever we think that something out there is going to fix something in the inside of us, we're always disappointed."

Ultimately, Geneen Roth could finally say she found peace with food only when she embraced her true self. Realizing the unhealthy mindset of being dependent on others for love and validation made Geneen Roth able to heal from anorexia.

Paying It Forward

Now that she has healed from anorexia, Geneen Roth embarked on a mission to help others who were in the same situation as she was years ago. Helping others get into the right mindset ultimately results in being at peace with food.

"I teach people how to disengage. Individuals who are struggling with food, often feel like they're not supposed to sit down," explains Geneen Roth. "Hence, disengaging from that voice is very important."

Being In The Present

Having the right mindset spells a big difference on the road to finding peace with food. Food neither has to be feared or shunned. According to Geneen Roth, once you learn to listen to your body and love yourself more, your relationship with food gets better.

Consequently, it's all about accepting yourself and that women are not built the same way. While it is essential to keep your weight at a healthy level, it should not dictate your self-worth.

"I have discovered that most people aren't present most of the time. Because we're always thinking about the next thing," said Geneen Roth. "Sometimes being aware of your right hand and feeling the life force in it can help you come back to your body. It's a great way to be alive."

Make Peace With Food Workshop

Geneen Roth has an excellent workshop coming up next month. The Make Peace With Food workshop will show you tips and tricks on how you can attain your natural weight. Furthermore, the workshop will empower you to practice a healthy relationship with food and be more mindful of what your body is saying.

Divided into three segments --- Vitality, Radiance and Weight Loss, Geneen Roth's workshop is the complete package to a better you!

"We eat the way we live. You find out everything you want to know about yourself by looking at your relationship with food," said Geneen Roth.

6-Day Retreat

Now, who doesn't love a quick getaway? Well, Geneen Roth also offers a 6-Day Retreat to heal your body, soul, and spirit. The retreat will explore avenues where you get to reset your mindset into being more in tune with your body.

In just less than a week, you will emerge refreshed, enlightened and empowered to live life with pure joy and happiness. Goodbye to the old and hello to a new you!

Geneen Roth's Books

You will just love browsing through Geneen Roth's website where you'll see links to all her published books. Ranging from food to soul-searching and finding true happiness, there's even a coloring book!

Women, Food and God coloring book, is a stress-buster. Containing pages of quotes and images to color, it is a #1 New York Times bestseller and currently available for pre-order on Geneen Roth's official website.

Geneen Roth is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Women Food and God. She has appeared on many national television shows including The Oprah Show, 20/20, The NBC Nightly News, The View, CBS Early Show, The Today Show, and Good Morning America.

Articles about Geneen Roth and her work have appeared in numerous publications including O: The Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Time, Elle, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, and The Philadelphia Inquirer. She has written monthly columns for Good Housekeeping Magazine and Prevention Magazine. Geneen Roth is the author of nine books, including bestsellers, Lost and Found and When Food Is Love.

Get Connected With Geneen Roth!

Official Website


Recommended Reading by Geneen Roth

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert




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Sep 23, 2017

Reframing Negative Thoughts

How To Reframe Negative Thoughts  

Life can get crazy and stressful. And sometimes, things can bring us into a downward spiral. For some, it may be emotional. But for others, it may be something physical like leaning on comfort food or dealing with weight issues. However, regardless of what situation we are in, my guest, Christa King, says we can weather through all that if we just know how to develop a positive attitude.   

Christa's Fitness Journey  

All success stories come from a sincere motivation to improve and be better. As for Christa King, her journey to a positive attitude revolved around weight issues.   

"Five years ago, I was 50 pounds overweight. My relationships were suffering. I held a Vice President position at work and dealt with a lot of office politics which gave me stress," shares Christa King.  

Unfortunately, Christa King did not learn the best ways to cope with stress. Relying on sugar, alcohol and refined carbs, she thought it was the best solution to handling stress. However, because of that unhealthy pattern, it led her to gain a lot of weight. Her body, mind, and soul were simply out of balance.   

Finally reaching an all-time high of 192 pounds, Christa King decided enough is enough. Signing up with experts to help her develop a positive attitude, Christa King spent five days with 11 different practitioners. She also reveals that for those who are dealing with weight issues, it is best to keep a food journal to keep track of what you are eating.  

Now motivated to maintain her healthy lifestyle, Christa King left her corporate career behind and became a certified hypnotherapist within four months.  She went on to pursue training to become a health coach as well as a nutritional therapist.   

Cracking The Code  

Looking back, Christa King realized that the diet and fitness industry lacks a holistic approach to dealing with weight issues. Society has long ingrained in our minds that being unhealthy is our fault. Hence, making it hard for us to develop a positive attitude.  

"Through my health journey, not only did I crack the code for my own body. But I also found what was missing," said Christa King. "What is missing is being able to address the deep neuropathways in the brain that drive 90% of our behavior."

According to Christa King, shame is one of the causes of why we fail to develop a positive attitude. We must learn not to let shame control us. Otherwise, it would be hard for us to have a healthy relationship with ourselves.   

"Shame comes from all the myths that add up to tell us that we have failed," Christa King explains. "When it is the diet and fitness industry that failed us. Hence, we must focus on positive thought patterns."

And just how can we focus on thought patterns? We can do it by releasing the shame and tell ourselves that it is not our fault. Christa King says this is because our body is wired to make us feel safe.  

Handling Stress  

Learning how to conquer stress will greatly help you develop a positive attitude. Just as long as you are in tune to what your mind and body needs, we could quickly identify what are the things that stress us out.   

"Every single body is different. So you want to model optimum health for yourself by thinking of ways on how you can manage your stress," said Christa King.

Now, I know most of you have heard this before --- Exercise is good for you. And it's true! More than the physical benefits, exercising does make us stronger mentally as well. Christa King also says it is best to exercise in the morning.  

"When we workout in the morning, we are getting all those endorphins," says Christa King. "Pumping our brain full of oxygen helps carry us through our day. It helps in concentration, productivity and managing our stress."  


Christa King offers a program called Mindzoning. It is a series of audio recordings which are identical to a guided meditation. Ranging from 5 to 45 minutes, most of the recordings are Christa King's voice and mixed with spa music.   

According to Christa King, Mindzoning helps you develop a positive attitude by changing your thought patterns. You will just be amazed at the power of what your mind can do!  

"Over time, you start to take on those thoughts and suggestions," said Christa King. "But a lot of the Mindzoning are geared to tap into the deep part of your mind. Having a conscious mind creates new thought patterns."  

Ideally, listening to the audio recordings are best done in the morning. Christa King says that this way, you get to feel energized the whole day. Once the mind is relaxed, we can quickly take on a new thought pattern.   

Strategic Vitality Book  

This is an amazing e-book wherein Christa King expounds on the 11 steps on how to transform yourself. It teaches you how to reframe negative thoughts into positive ones. Best of all, you don't have to do it by yourself. If you are struggling with the process, you may do this with a friend. Now, that's fun!  

"We all have a negative bias. It's how our primal brain is wired. It served us well back in caveman days. We were always on alert for danger," Christa King said. "Unfortunately, we are presented with so much stress in our modern day and doesn't serve us well."

After surviving a high-stress corporate career, Christa King set out on a journey to find balance, joy and to get her healthy-self back. She went from being 50 lbs. overweight to becoming a certified hypnotherapist, health coach, nutritional therapist, and the founder of Fitlandia.  

Get Connected With Christa King:  

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Mindzoning App

Strategic Vitality Book

Recommended Reading By Christa King

Salt, Sugar, Fat by Michael Moss



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Sep 20, 2017

 Get a FREE bar of Goats Milk Soap!


Goat Milk Stuff

More people are shunning cow milk from their diet. And for an excellent reason, too! Cow milk can be hard to digest, not to mention inflammatory for some people. On the contrary, goat milk has a lot more benefits, whether you drink it or use it on your skin. My guest today, PJ Jonas, will tell us why.

Making The Switch

PJ Jonas is a mother of eight children, all homeschooled. Yes, you read it right. Eight children! She turned into such a big advocate for goat milk after discovering the harmful ingredients in bath soap in 2005.

Not wanting toxic chemicals on her children’s skin, PJ Jonas went to look for natural ingredients that are both gentle and moisturizing on the skin. But since it was illegal to purchase raw milk in Indiana, PJ Jonas decided to get some dairy goats instead. And lo and behold, it turns out that goat milk was healthier than cow milk!

“The main difference is the digestibility of the goat milk. There is no adverse reaction, unlike cow milk. Plus, it has a lot of nutrients,” explains PJ Jonas.

Developing The Goat Milk Stuff Brand

Apart from soaps, PJ Jonas eventually learned to make cheese and gelato using goat milk. Developing the brand for three years, PJ Jonas started giving out product samples in 2008.

Apparently, Goat Milk Stuff is very much a family business. PJ Jonas proudly reveals that all her kids are involved. From the production to paying their taxes, managing accounts and dealing with customers, everyone contributes to building the brand.

It was, however, not all smooth sailing for PJ Jonas. During the time between 2005 and 2008, the family experienced a budget shortfall. Despite the setback, the whole family was able to pull through.

“Sometimes it’s the things that you think are the biggest disasters in your life, are pushing you exactly where you need to go,” said PJ Jonas.

PJ Jonas says that when you’re building a company, it takes cash to fund and fuel that growth. And lack of money flow is what usually puts companies out of business.

“Very few companies go out of business for growing too slowly. But many companies go out of business because they grow too quickly,” observes PJ Jonas.

Benefits of Goat Milk

Goat milk is a viable option to those who have a hard time digesting cow milk. Only two percent of goat milk is curd, whereas cow milk has 10 percent. Goat milk also has fewer allergenic proteins. Hence, causes less inflammation.

If you’re worried about your calcium intake requirement, you’d be surprised to know that goat milk is richer in minerals than cow milk. It’s also high in fatty acids but low in cholesterol.

“Goat milk itself has healing properties. It is high in selenium and good for the skin,” explains PJ Jonas.

Success Stories

PJ Jonas first tried out the goat milk soap on her husband Jim, who dealt with cracked and split fingertips for years. Within two to three days of using goat milk soap, his fingertips were healed!

She also observed that her children’s skin looked better. Furthermore, the children rarely got sick anymore because they consistently drank goat milk. Because of this, PJ Jonas decided to get the message out so more people could benefit from it as well.

In 2008, when PJ Jonas started giving out free samples, the response was very positive. Moms of kids who had eczema called in to report that the Goat Milk Stuff soap improved their children’s skin considerably.

Apart from that, many others shared that the goat milk soap alleviated the symptoms of many other skin problems. Slowly but surely, the Goat Milk Stuff brand gained a lot of publicity. People were just amazed!

“When you make a difference in someone’s life, all the hard work is worth it,” says PJ Jonas.

Looking Ahead

The Jonas family is currently looking into building a larger barn to accommodate their Alpine goats. This year, PJ Jonas says that they will be milking 80 goats twice a day and offering the milk products for sale on their website.

PJ Jonas, however, cautions those who plan to get into the goat milk business as well. She stresses the importance of finding a good breeder who makes sure the goats they breed are in tip-top shape.

Goat Milk Products

If you look at the Goat Milk Stuff website, there are a plethora of products. Apart from the different kinds of bar and liquid soaps, the brand also offers solid lotions and deodorants with a detoxifying effect.

Another great product to try is the laundry soap. PJ Jonas explains that the soap has special oils intended to break down grease stains and help fight bacteria.

PJ Jonas reveals that the conventional laundry soap has an optical brightener. Apparently, it tricks your eye into making your clothes look brighter than they are. It has to bind to clothing, hence, causing a lot of irritation.

“Everybody is different. Take time to find something that works well for you and understand its limitations,” advises PJ Jonas. ” Our liver is excellent at detoxifying your body, but it is just overwhelmed. So we have to get rid of as many toxins as we can. Finding the things that are good for you is worth the effort.”

PJ Jonas is a business owner, goat wrangler, entrepreneur, and mother. After getting goats to provide healthy milk for her eight children, she decided to put excess milk into a batch of handmade soap. That decision was the start of Goat Milk Stuff Her Goat Milk products have been featured on The Today Show, The Doctors, and the “O” Oprah Winfrey magazine. 

PJ Jonas puts her systems engineering degree from the University of Virginia to good use while managing her business, farm, and family. This is a great story of how a business was started in her kitchen and grew it into a million dollar business.

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Recommended Reading by PJ Jonas!

The Untold Story Of Milk  


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Sep 15, 2017

Detailed Show Notes Coming Soon!

 Get the book! Souping is the New Juicing


Souping Is The New Juicing

Juicing shot up the popularity meter ever since people have attested to its benefits. Soups, on the other hand, have been around way longer and has its advantages, too. However, people more often than not, confuse the two. So I'm glad to have Cherie Calbom back on the show to explain why souping is the new juicing.

Cherie Calbom graduated with a Master of Science degree in Whole Foods Nutrition from Bastyr University. Aside from her interest in the Holistic world, her passion was initially triggered by her health journey.

It turns out that Cherie Calbom dealt with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for years. However, after doing juicing and souping for three months, she was able to heal herself. This led Cherie Calbom to develop juicing and soup recipes to help other people as well.

Soup Recipes

"I have a lot of raw soups. We came up with title to encompass a broad range of mixtures," said Cherie Calbom. "Souping encompasses all the blending such as cold soups, cooked soups, and chunky soups."

Out of all the type of soups, Cherie Calbom says that raw soups have the most enzymes and vitamins are well-preserved. Soups 118 degrees or below is likewise still considered raw food as well as dehydrated foods.

Essentially, souping is a new concept. More importantly, it does not eject the pulp of the ingredients. Hence, it preserves the nutrients. Because of this, Cherie Calbom says that raw soups are often requested by her clients in her detoxification program.

Ideal Comfort Food

Cherie Calbom says souping triggers memories. Hence, it is regarded as an excellent comfort food aside from its healing properties. A perfect example of this is chicken soup. People have many versions of chicken soup. However, people usually associate it with the times when they are cared for by their loved ones whenever they are sick.

On the other hand, my personal experience with soups is when my husband's constipation was healed after giving him bone broth-based soups once a day for a week. A Naturopath initially suggested making my husband drink soups to heal the gut. I admit I was skeptical at first, but I eventually turned into a believer after my husband was healed.

Watercress Soup Diet

Cherie Calbom attests that her watercress soup diet is highly effective. In fact, she previously had 55 ladies who signed up for her soup challenge, and all had positive feedback about the diet.

"They had two meals that were soup. One is like a smoothie or whole soup for breakfast and then watercress soup for lunch," said Cherie Calbom. "Watercress soup takes away appetite. Dinner was low-carb, and starches and protein were omitted."

Success Stories

According to Cherie Calbom, her clients mostly lost a considerable amount of weight. Some patients lost an average of 7 to 19 pounds while one client lost as much as 24 lbs.!

"The watercress diet got rid of water. It also helped that clients on a diet avoided all inflammatory foods like sweets, dairy, grains, junk food and sports drinks," Cherie Calbom said. "Clients lost an average of 2.5 lbs a week. Their blood sugar likewise went down."

Nutritional Benefits Of Watercress

Cherie Calbom says that in a recent study of superfoods, research showed that watercress garnered a score of 100 regarding which vegetable had the most nutrients. It beat out things like kale and spinach. Hence, Cherie Calbom advises people that watercress should be every part of a treatment plan.

She cautions, however, to make sure to buy watercress from a good source. Otherwise, we would be in danger of getting liver parasites. Furthermore, Cherie Calbom clarified that consuming organic watercress provides maximum nutrient benefits. She affirms that doing a watercress diet is indeed extremely useful for healing thyroid problems.

"Thyroid issues are becoming very common today due to halogens in our environment," said Cherie Calbom. "Watercress is effective in healing thyroid problems because it is rich in iodine."

Cherie Calbom's Book

Souping is the New Juicing is Cherie Calbom's new book. The book is a wealth of information and recipes aimed at cleansing, weight loss, and healing. Furthermore, souping is perfect for those people who do not have time to do juicing.

Available on Amazon as well as on Cherie Calbom's official website, the book includes lots of soups using watercress.

30-Day Detox Program

Signing up for this program is an excellent way to get rid of toxins in the body. Most people do not realize that having so much waste and heavy metals in the body hampers the organs from functioning well.

Clients will likewise be educated on the right foods to eat and how these foods stimulate the body. Once people understand how consuming the right foods can help them attain optimal health, the next step would be to help them maintain the diet.

"You can heal your body at the cellular level. It can help you change your life," Cherie Calbom said. "As long as you are willing to do the work, there are high hopes that you can change what is going on."

Cherie Calbom MSN holds a Master of Science degree in whole foods nutrition from Bastyr University.

Known as "The Juice Lady" for her work with juicing and health, she is the author of 33 books including her latest The Juice Lady's Guide to Fasting and Sugar Knockout.

She and her husband offer juice cleanse retreats throughout the year, 30-Day Detox online and Garden's Best Juice Powder. She has lectured worldwide on juicing, detoxing and fasting including consulting for the Royal Family of the UAE.

Winner of the TTAC Lifetime Achievement Award for her work with juicing and detoxification, Calbom's blogs and books on juicing, cleansing and health have helped thousands of people live healthier lives.

She has appeared on CNN, Fox News, and WCBS/NY. Her articles have appeared in NY Daily News, Miami Herald, Essence Magazine, First for Women, and Woman's World.

Get Connected with Cherie Calbom!

Official Website



Books by Cherie Calbom

The Juice Lady's Guide to Fasting

 Sugar Knockout

The Big Book of Juices and Green Smoothies

The Turbo Diet

The Juice Lady's Living Foods Revolution

Remedies for Stress and Adrenal Fatigue

 Remedies for Thyroid Disorders

 The Weekend Weight Loss Diet

The Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing for Health

 Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing For Life




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Sep 14, 2017


Neurofeedback: Unlocking The Brain

The brain is such a powerful tool yet there are secrets to its power that we have yet to unlock. Hence, my guest, Dr. Andrew Hill is here to teach us how to make our brain function optimally. He will also explain what neurofeedback is all about.

How It All Began

Dr. Andrew Hill has been involved in clinical work for more than two decades. In college, he worked in a residential facility for developmentally disabled adults. Because these people were primarily non-verbal, Dr. Andrew Hill had to learn different techniques on how to understand them.

“The verbal challenge in these individuals was so profound. I had to communicate with people in a very different way,” recalls Dr. Andrew Hill.

Incidentally, the state of California and Massachusetts tend to lead the way in progressive health care reform in the United States. This piqued Dr. Andrew Hill’s interest to work with different populations.

Dr. Andrew Hill was working in in-patient psychology when he first heard about neurofeedback. He eventually went on to graduate school to learn more about neurofeedback.

What is Neurofeedback?

According to Dr. Andrew Hill, neurofeedback is a form of Biofeedback in the brain. It was invented about 50 years ago.

Neurofeedback was developed through the work of Dr. Joe Kamiya at the University of Chicago in the 1950s. It was eventually followed by Dr. Barry Sterman’s work at UCLA in the 1960s.

Primarily, neurofeedback trains the brain to efficiently function. It is also known as EEG Biofeedback based on the EEG or electroencephalogram. The EEG is a test to monitor the electrical activity of the brain.

Neurofeedback Through the Years

During the 70s, neurofeedback was seen as a formed of spiritual development. It became known as a meditation or spiritual tool. There were conflicts in religious beliefs and limited medical findings at the time. Hence, people were skeptical about neurofeedback.

However, because of constant research through the years that followed, neurofeedback was eventually used to treat patients with ADHD, psychological, and central nervous system disorders. It can also be used for treating stress and other emotional conditions.

Dr. Andrew Hill, in fact, worked at the Neurodevelopment Center in Providence Island years ago, before opening his practice. The center specialized in addressing autistic spectrum disorders.

“I witnessed autism symptoms getting reduced. Traits like obsessions, anxiety, over-arousal of things, eye contact, sense of humor and language significantly improved,” Dr. Andrew Hill said.

He also said that the limits on real neurofeedback research are therapy. This is because you can’t patent it. Furthermore, it’s hard to get funding for large studies.

According to Dr. Andrew Hill, the reason studies need to be large is because each person needs 30 to 50 sessions each. In addition to that, each treatment is tailor-made to the client.

Techniques of Neurofeedback

Mental Health professionals perform neurofeedback by placing a lot of wires called electrodes to the scalp. This allows them the ability to monitor brainwave activity through a special computer software.

Though the software has some limitations, it aids a person into changing brain activity to a recommended level. Consequently, the brain is being molded into operating on a more regulated performance.

Peak Brain Institute

Dr. Andrew Hill’s Peak Brain Institute offers QEEG brain mapping, wherein every treatment is tailor-made for the client. The length of the program varies, and a qualified Peak Brain neuroscience team ensures follow-up sessions after your program is done.

Clients are likewise taught how to monitor their brain activity on their own. But there are a lot of EEG headsets that are unreliable. Hence, Dr. Andrew Hill said it is best to get some assistance with a qualified neuroscience team.

“I don’t think the most elaborate neurofeedback approaches are better. It can be misleading and they don’t do the work,” said Dr. Andrew Hill. “Our offices helps patients for first three months. And then we adjust protocols.”

Role of Diet and Nutrition

Dr. Andrew Hill says people with conditions like ADHD improve within 4 to 5 months of training. However, aside from the treatment, diet, and nutrition plays a significant role in making sure our brain is healthy.

“The right diet significantly improves your brain’s health. Consequently, one should minimize sugar and maximize healthy fats,” advises Dr. Andrew Hill.

The Best Intervention

Many ask if neurofeedback is a cure. It is not. However, there have been numerous success stories attesting to the fact that neurofeedback significantly improved their health condition.

In this regard, Dr. Andrew Hill likewise highly recommends people to learn the power of meditation. According to him, meditation is the process of anchoring or learning to stabilize your condition effortlessly.

Dr. Andrew Hill believes that people can get good at meditation over time. Ideally, meditating at least 20 minutes for 10 to 15 days in a row can produce significant results.

“Adhere to the process of evaluating what’s going on. Be curious, not judgemental,” said Dr. Andrew Hill. “Especially in meditation, you become flexible. Being healthy is not something you do in the gym. It’s what you do in your life.”

Dr. Andre Hill is one of the top peak performance coaches in the country. He holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience from UCLA’s Department of Psychology and continues to do research on attention and cognition. Research methodology includes EEG, QEEG, and ERP. He has been practicing neurofeedback since 2003.

In addition to founding Peak Brain Institute, Dr. Andrew Hill is host of the Head First Podcast with Dr. Hill. He is also the Lead Neuroscientist at truBrain, and lectures at UCLA, teaching courses in psychology, neuroscience, and gerontology.

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Sep 12, 2017

Functional Nutrition

Understanding Functional Nutrition

Many of you may have never heard of Functional Nutrition or do not know what it is. It is a relatively new specialty which looks at the way our body is affected by food on a cellular level. Josh Gitalis is on board with us today to expound on what Functional Nutrition is all about.

Getting Into Functional Nutrition

For someone as young as Josh Gitalis, his impressive resume blew me away! He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario in 2004. In 2006, he became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).

Pursuing further studies in the Holistic world, Josh Gitalis graduated with honors from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in 2007.  A notch on his Functional Nutrition belt is becoming a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner in 2016.

However, Josh Gitalis’ list of accomplishments doesn’t stop there. Aside from Functional Nutrition, he has varied interests. His interests include working in the past as a personal fitness trainer and health coach. Josh Gitalis, however, decided to focus on Functional Nutrition after attending a conference on Holistic Nutrition and soil health.

Soil Health

Before we think of just eating organic foods, Josh Gitalis says we must consider soil health. He says that when we have conventional food, the soil used to grow those plants are depleted. Hence, it makes us more susceptible to disease.

How exactly are we depleting the soil? Apparently, because plants can’t protect themselves, farmers need to use massive amounts of chemicals to fend off disease and pests.

“Food is our sustenance. It is nature’s way of taking the power of all those elements and putting it in a package by what we call food,” explains Josh Gitalis. “We need healthy soil to do that because it is where our food derives all of its nutrition.”

Eating The Right Organic Foods

Now that organic food is getting popular, what are the best organic foods? For one thing, we can look at foods in the grocery store that most resembles the original food.

Josh Gitalis advises people to look at what is the most nutritious option, like wild foods. Search for foods that most resemble their ancestors. It’s not hard to look for wild foods. Wild foods have more medicinal properties. And antioxidant is a perfect example.

“Ever since farmers first planted seeds 10,000 years ago, humans have been destroying the nutritional value of their fruits and vegetables,” said Josh Gitalis. “Unwittingly, we’ve been selecting plants that are high in starch and sugar, low in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants for more than 400 generations.”

For those wanting to explore a diet of wild foods, Josh Gitalis recommends an excellent book entitled, ‘Eating On The Wild Side,’ by Jo Robinson. The book provides a list of wild foods that can easily be found in groceries and supermarkets, as well as their nutritional content.

Essential Supplements

Josh Gitalis offers a plethora of nutrition and health programs suited for your needs. A big part of his wellness programs is making sure patients benefit from four supplements as a base. These include multi-vitamins, probiotics, a healthy essential fatty acid combination, and Vitamin D. Like Vitamin D; Josh Gitalis says many people are likewise deficient in Vitamin C.

“Everyone should be taking Vitamin D,” advises Josh Gitalis. “Research shows many people are deficient in Vitamin D. It doesn’t matter where you live because most people are not outside all the time. The only way to check is through blood work.”

Consequently, he says symptoms are the language of the body. And we need to understand what that language is, so we don’t get to a point where the body is trying to yell at us. That’s what this middle ground is all about.

“Each organ, gland, and cell in our body has about four to seven times the capacity of what it needs to run its system,” Josh Gitalis explains. “The body has some resilience, and it can work both ways. We can break down our resilience until we get to the point of dysfunction or we can build resilience.”

Dealing With Stress

Josh Gitalis likewise encourages meditation to help patients cope with stress. Yoga is also an excellent way to relieve stress. According to him, all types of stress is registered in the body in the same way. The body can’t distinguish the types of stress. Hence, it is important that we have a system in place to be able to process that stress.

A good reference to help one understand the mind and body connection is the book, ‘Molecules of Emotion,’ by Candice Pert. The book provides surprising revelations about how our body is linked to our thoughts in a biomolecular point of view.

“Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. A small dose can be good,” said Josh Gitalis. “Exercise is a stress on the body. A little bit is good, too much is bad. If you can recover from your exercise, then you’re on the right track.”

Success Stories

Josh Gitalis claims that most of his patients attested they could handle stress better after signing up for his programs. Mostly, Josh Gitalis says this is because his programs focus on body awareness and the ability to look within.

“We all have this intuitive ability within us to know what the body needs,” said Josh Gitalis. “Health Coaching and Functional Nutrition is the future medicine. Consequently, we see results that some people might call miracles.”

Josh Gitalis has seen many sides of the health care system. He worked as part of the sports medical crew for the University of Western Ontario football team, tending to acute and chronic injury. 

Josh Gitalis then went on to work as a fitness coach and subsequently qualified as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach with the National Strength Conditioning Association. He realized that the key to optimal health is targeted nutrition and lifestyle interventions. This inspired him to gain further training as a Certified Nutritional Practitioner. 

Wanting to learn more about combining the best of conventional medicine and functional medicine, Josh Gitalis completed his Functional Medicine certification with the Institute of Functional Medicine based in Washington DC.

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Recommended Reading By Josh Gitalis

Life’s Greatest Lessons



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Sep 7, 2017


The Art Of Writing A Book

I’m sure you’re wondering what does book publishing or writing a book have to do with Holistic health. Well, doctors, health practitioners, and health coaches have a lot of knowledge to disseminate so writing a book gets the information out there. Diana Needham is my guest today, who will show us tips and tricks on writing a book and how to market it successfully.  

By a stroke of fate, Diana Needham and I first met at a marketing seminar years ago. Dubbed as the “book shepherd” by her clients, she serves as a trusted mentor through the book creation, publishing, and launch processes. Furthermore, she supports clients to achieve more than they thought possible.  

Shifting Careers  

Incidentally, Diana Needham was in an entirely different career before being in the book publishing business. Initially working for 26 years in the banking industry, she primarily managed important strategic projects.  

However, the bank Diana Needham used to work for was purchased by one of the largest banks in the country. Diana Needham recalls that consequently, it became an unhealthy place for her. Hence, she opted for voluntary resignation.   

When her staff figured out their next career progression, Diana Needham embarked on her coach training journey. She initially started off marketing the business of small business owners. Then Diana Needham eventually was referred to an author who needed help selling her book which turned out to be a success.   

Marketing Books  

Working in the banking industry had a lot of corporate challenges, eventually leading Diana Needham to leave the industry. However, her managing and marketing skills proved to be an asset when she shifted careers.  

“The book is a powerful tool. I help people get known in our community,” said Diana Needham. “When I work with an author, it is a project. I have a gift because I foresee the end goal for a book.”   

Diana Needham says she realized that what she loved most about her career was mentoring and working with people. She describes it as engineering the marketing process in reverse. According to Diana Needham, that paves a clear path to follow that gets her clients to the finish line.   

Working With Authors  

Diana Needham’s enthusiasm in working with authors is contagious! She gushes that authors are the most amazing people to because they have a big message. And by writing a book, they can articulate it along with a big vision of individuals they want to help.  

Aside from experienced authors, Diana Needham likewise works with aspiring authors as well. According to Diana Needham, aspiring authors are usually interested in writing a book to serve as a tool to grow their business.   

Finding Out The Big Why  

Diana Needham says amazing things happen when people can articulate that big why. That is why one of the first things she asks authors is why are they writing a book.   

I need to find out why is this message in your heart and soul. You need to write down and identify what this message means to you,” said Diana Needham.

Diana Needham relates that there was a lady who wanted to write a book about the blending of essential oils. After an initial meeting, it turns out the woman’s pivotal moment for writing a book was when her husband was diagnosed with leukemia.  

The lady further revealed to Diana Needham that on her husband’s third day of treatment, the bottom of his feet was covered with thick, yellow residue. And massaging her husband’s feet with blended oils was the only thing the lady could do.   

Consequently, this experience became the lady’s ‘big why.’ And according to Diana Needham, when we articulate that ‘big why,’ that becomes the introduction to the book.  

Who Are You Writing For?  

Once you know your ‘big why‘ identify who is it that you are writing the book for. Some follow-up questions include identifying the big problem that the book solves for them. Furthermore, you must be able to identify what is the big challenge that your book aims to address.  

These questions are ideally answered before aspiring authors start writing. This way, a clear strategy can be developed to ensure the success of the book. Because without it, the book will not be able to make the impact or difference the author wants.   

Paying Attention To Content  

First of all, be detailed. Diana Needham said, when you’re writing the content, make sure it is in alignment with what you want the readers to know, accept or believe. It is also important to identify what you want the book to do for you once it is published.   


For first-time authors, Diana Needham usually recommends that the book is published via Amazon’s Createspace. The website is a user-friendly tool for new authors to self-publish and distribute their books, DVDs, CDs, and video downloads.  

Createspace allows print-on-demand publishing, so it is more cost-efficient and convenient for first-time authors. The marketing resources are not the same as that of a traditional publishing deal, but it has a good presence on social media especially on Amazon where most people buy their books nowadays.  

“Publishing a book is not without investment. The generation of revenue to your business comes not from the book itself,” explains Diana Needham. “It comes from clients and speaking engagements. It is used as a marketing strategy to build your business.”

Leap Of Faith  

The width of the spine of a book is dependent on the page count. Hence, Diana Needham says that if you plan to sell your book, you have to have enough pages for it to be thick enough to grab attention. 

She, however, advises authors to go ahead and write the book first. Apparently, there are many ways to add pages. Obsessing about every detail of your competition’s book would just distract you from starting your book.  

Eventually, once your book is done, Diana Needham says that the person who changes the most in this process is usually the author. This is because the message would have been clarified and articulated by the time the book is finished.  

“What resonates with people is your story. People are waiting for your message,” said Diana Needham. “Essentially, the book is the culmination of all your experiences.”

Diana Needham is a professional speaker, best-selling author, and trusted book publishing and launch consultant. She works with coaches, speakers, consultants, and small business owners who have a BIG message to share with the world. Diana Needham does this by creating effective ways to publish, launch, and market their non-fiction books and their businesses.   

With 30 best-selling authors created since 2014 (and ten more in the process right now), Diana Needham knows not only how to achieve the best seller designation but also how to be the one chosen (instead of the one chasing new clients). She teaches her clients how to reach ideal readers and customers, grows their visibility, and position themselves as an authority in their market.  

Get Connected With Diana Needham:  

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Sep 5, 2017

Free EBook - Mom's Guide to Straighter Stronger Healthier Teeth



How To Have Healthier Teeth

It is no secret that most of us spend a lot on dental health. That is why one of the things we usually remind our kids is to practice good hygiene, especially by brushing their teeth regularly. However, there are ways to prevent high dental expenses. My guest, Dr. Steven Lin, will show us how to have healthier teeth as well as keep our teeth in tip top shape.

Dr. Steven Lin’s Realization

Dr. Steven Lin has been practicing dentistry for a long time. However, Dr. Steven Lin took a hiatus at one point in his career. He felt something was missing despite being passionate about educating patients on how to have healthier teeth.

It immensely bothered him that so many kids nowadays suffer from rotten teeth. These children eventually grow up and develop gum disease. Apparently, the conventional way of hygiene like brushing and flossing wasn’t solving the cause of the problem.

Fortunately, Dr. Steven Lin rediscovered a passion for dentistry when he came across a book written in the 1930s by Dr. Weston Price, a dentist who provided a lot of eye-openers regarding dental health and how to have healthier teeth.

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

Dr. Weston Price was a Canadian dentist who published his book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration in 1939. Known for his theories regarding nutrition, dental and physical health, he initially did extensive research on focal infection theory.

Eventually shifting his focus to nutrition in the late 1800s, Dr. Weston Price started to formulate the correlation between diet and tooth decay. According to Dr. Weston Price, foods that cause nutritional deficiencies and dental problems are flour, sugar and processed vegetable fats. His book likewise expounded on the different diseases resulting from Western methods of preparing and storing foods.

Link Between Diet and Teeth

Dr. Steven Lin says people fail to realize that we have a dental disease epidemic. This dental epidemic is not merely solved by merely brushing our teeth and flossing regularly. It helps, but it does not eradicate the problem on how to have healthier teeth.

“We currently have a dental disease epidemic. Masking it with fillings and braces don’t make us get to the cause of our dental problems,” said Dr. Steven Lin. “There is indeed a strong link between the mouth and body.”

Dr. Steven Lin also believes diet plays a significant factor on how to have healthier teeth. Having crooked, rotten teeth, it apparently means our jaws aren’t growing as well. Hence, the mouth-body connection.

Connection Between Sleep and Dental Health

We all know getting enough sleep is essential to our health. Apparently, it is twice more important for kids because it affects their dental health.

Dr. Steven Lin says one of the first things he noticed with his young patients is whether or not they have dark circles under their eyes. Their lack of sleep or having sleep apnea is a dead giveaway that their teeth are in bad shape.

“If these kids, aged 4 to 10 aren’t breathing right at night, that means their brain is starving of oxygen when they’re sleeping,” explained Dr. Steven Lin. “It’s starving the most crucial developmental stages.”

And how exactly does sleep apnea affe

Kids With Crooked Teeth

Having braces puts a big dent into our dental expenses. However, Dr. Steven Lin says that crooked teeth can be prevented if we have a regular nasal breathing, correct tongue position, lip posture and skeletal posture.

Apparently, the primary factors contributing to crooked teeth are incorrect skeletal, jaw and teeth development. All these factors can be prevented by making sure our kids practice good oral hygiene as early as possible to promote the healthy growth of their teeth.

Ideally, children should have regular visits with the orthodontist at age 7. This way, they get educated on how to have healthier teeth.

The Dental Diet

The Dental Diet is Dr. Steven Lin’s 4-Day Program. The program seeks to improve dental and oral health, as well as our overall body health. Under this program, you’ll learn tips on how to have healthier teeth by eating right.

“I also train dentists and nutritionists. We need to change the whole paradigm and get to the cause,” said Dr. Steven Lin. “Furthermore, if we are losing minerals, that’s a sign that our body is in distress.”

Dr. Steven Lin also guarantees that doing his program not only will give you healthier teeth, but also improve your overall health as well. Incidentally, The Dental Diet which expounds on how to have healthier teeth is slated to be in book form and set for release in 2018.

Common Myths

There are several dental myths that Dr. Steven Lin busted. And I bet you’ll be surprised at a few common ones.

First of all, did you know that mouthwash can be bad for our teeth? Apparently, it does! Dr. Steven Lin says that mouthwash kills the good bacteria. In addition to that, having a little plaque is safe and healthy.

On the other hand, some say oil-pulling is good in healing cavities. Dr. Steven Lin says there may be a rationale behind oil-pulling. However, there is still no known clinical outcome since there’s only a certain level of a cavity that can be healed.

Despite that, Dr. Steven Lin doesn’t recommend fluoride in toothpaste. According to him, we don’t need fluoride to prevent decay. In place of that, he recommends using a pre biotic toothpaste.

Dr. Steven Lin likewise cautions against bleeding gums because this means that there is something wrong in our immune system, especially in the gut. Consequently, it can also lead to gum disease especially if we have a poor diet.

“It boils down what you eat and how you eat. If you build your immune system and manage minerals, that’s what protects your tooth from decay,” said Dr. Steven Lin.


Dr. Steven Lin is a board-registered dentist, writer, and speaker with work published in The Sydney Morning Herald and The British Dental Journal. He has also written for MindBodyGreen and and given talks as part of the TEDx program.

Trained at USYD with a background in biomedical science, he is a passionate whole-health advocate, focusing on the link between nutrition and dental health. His mission is to prevent dental diseases instead of treating them.

Dr. Lin’s Dental Nutrition course is PACE accredited (AGD Council) for continuing education. He has trained healthcare professionals in Australia and UK. He also teaches general health practitioners about the mouth-body connection.

In January 2018, his book The Dental Diet will be released in the US, UK, Australia, and Germany. The Dental Diet is a journey of ancestral medicine, the human microbiome, and epigenetics. It explains the foods for healthy teeth based on the Weston A Price Diet – the inspiration for Dr. Lin’s work.

Get Connected With Dr. Lin:

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Book by Dr. Steven Lin

FREE EBOOK!!! – Mom’s Guide to Straighter Stronger Healthier Teeth

Recommended Reading by Dr. Steven Lin

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration







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Sep 1, 2017

Get Jason's book, Body Beliefs, for free!


Why Weight Loss Doesn't Work


The Psychology Of Fat Loss  

Many women have searched far and wide for the perfect diet. And while some were successful at first, most women fail to maintain their weight. Well, you guys are in for a treat today. Because my guest, Jason Seib, has unlocked the real secret to fat loss. Read on to find out how to achieve fat loss for life!  

Lifestyle Change  

Jason Seib is an author and speaker who specializes in the Psychology of Fat Loss. Discovering his calling in his late teens, Jason Seib revealed that he was initially in a bad place around the age of 19. Because of that, he decided to have a lifestyle change and moved to a different state.   

Embracing a new life in a new environment, Jason Seib’s life took a 360-degree turn when he met a person who taught him how to work out. Consequently, that triggered his fascination on what exactly makes the body lose fat. That fascination eventually led him to work with people from all walks of life.   

Conventional Wisdom About Fat Loss  

Jason Seib says nobody tries to figure out two sides of the equation. Women are constantly trying to change the way their body looks. They think changing how their body looks ultimately solves the problem. 

But who can blame them? Modern society has influenced women to believe that they would only be more valued once they change their looks.  They think people would respond to them more favorably and differently.    

“That is garbage. What happens when you lose weight is that people just notice you lost weight,” said Jason Seib. “It is wrong to think that you will be loved only if you look better.”

Jason Seib also says that we are programmed to be what we are. Through his work, he helps people to understand and likewise assist them to make these changes.   

The Truth Behind Fat Loss  

But rather than just focusing on what constitutes a proper fat loss diet, Jason Seib chose to delve deeper into understanding the psychology of fat loss. Another reason was that he got frustrated with so many wrong notions about fat loss.   

“Nobody was talking about what it takes psychologically for people to be able to make these lifestyle changes,” said Jason Seib. “No one was able to answer why it is hard to lose weight and why do we suffer from cravings.”  

According to Jason Seib, most people find it hard to stay on a diet because it is too difficult to follow long-term. With all the daily responsibilities we have, it is too much of a hassle to measure everything we eat for the rest of our life.   

When we find a diet plan too cumbersome, Jason Seib says that’s when we start to lose the motivation to stay on a diet. We also tend to stop the diet whenever our weight loss plateaus.  

Meditation For Fat Loss  

Do you know that meditation plays a big part in fat loss? Apparently, emotions affect the way we eat and what we eat. This is because men and women alike usually turn to food for comfort whenever we are stressed or emotional.

“Through meditation and increasing mindfulness, we also apply levels of physical changes to our lifestyle,” explains Jason Seib. “Meditation is about being with your emotions, not stomping them out or bending them to your will.”   

Jason Seib adds that having a list of rules of what to eat and exercise will be pointless if we don’t look into the psychological aspect of fat loss. Hence, Jason Seib’s meditation method focuses on breathing properly while allowing our mind to wander.   

“As soon as you realize your mind is wandering, there is a moment of mindfulness when you pull it back to your breath,” said Jason Seib.

Developing AltShift  

Jason Seib noticed that people quickly fall off the fat loss bandwagon. Hence, he saw the need to create a diet plan that would motivate people to stick to the program. Other than focusing on food, AltShift seeks to correct the conventional wisdom about fat loss.  

“I created a diet called AltShift, which is effective in losing weight,” said Jason Seib. “We figure out what kind of person succeeds in becoming a better version of themselves regardless of protocol.”  

According to Jason Seib, AltShift was developed through trial and error. Initially trying it out on his wife Sheryl, he started promoting the program to other people. AltShift is actually a slow evolution of a lot of years looking at data, and the results were astonishing!  

Books By Jason Seib  

Aside from his AltShift podcast and webinars, Jason Seib has several books aimed to help you keep off the weight long-term. His books, AltShift – Lasting Fat Loss at Last, Body Beliefs, AltShift Lift, Altshift Dish and AltShift Food List contain a wealth of information to guide you step-by-step. Links to his books are available on his official website.  

Jason Seib is the creator of the popular AltShift Diet, the author of The Paleo Coach, co-host of the popular AltShift Podcast, founder and co-owner of AltShift Fitness and Fat Loss, a successful small gym in the Portland, Oregon area.  

Jason Seib speaks on the subject of fat loss regularly, delivering his Sustainable Fat Loss Seminar around the US.  His passion is guiding normal people to extraordinary levels of health and fitness.   

Marrying his extensive knowledge of fitness and nutrition with his love of psychology, Jason Seib has built his career by helping thousands of people change their perspective and find a healthy, sustainable path to their goals. 

Get Connected With Jason Seib: 

Official Website


Recommended Reading By Jason Seib

How To Be Miserable  by Randy J. Paterson

Books by Jason Seib
Body Beliefs


The Paleo Coach


Alt Shift

Alt Shift Lift


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