
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Now displaying: September, 2018
Sep 27, 2018

Discover The Truth About Cancer

Truth About Cancer

The Truth About Cancer video documentary has been instrumental in educating a lot of people about cancer. The documentary is filled with so many interviews with experts. It is the brainchild of Ty and Charlene Bollinger who are my guests today and will talk more about the Truth About Cancer in this episode.

Starting October 8, the Truth About Cancer will be streaming each episode daily wherein you can watch for free within 24 hours. To watch the Truth About Cancer episodes, link to

Family Tragedy

Ty and Charlene Bollinger are also the ones behind the Truth About Vaccines video documentary. And like many other movers and shakers in the health space, their advocacy to spread the truth about cancer started from a series of family tragedies.

First of all, Charlene Bollinger says everything great has a strong core and a foundation at the beginning. Her strong foundation started when she was a little girl who dreamed of marrying her knight in shining armor. Ty Bollinger turned out to be her dream guy. They married six months after their first date.

It was also around this time that Ty Bollinger’s father was diagnosed with cancer. He was in extreme pain and had to undergo surgery. But two and a half hours into the surgery, the doctors came out and told the newlyweds that his cancer was so advanced. Twenty-five days later, Ty Bollinger’s father died.

But Charlene Bollinger says it was actually because of a botched surgery which led Ty Bollinger’s father to bleed to death. The doctors did not sew him up properly.

“Six months after that tragedy, we experienced the loss of his father’s father. And six months later his father’s brother, then his cousin Glenn. Then a few years later his mother’s mother, his mother’s father and finally his mother,” said Charlene Bollinger.

Charlene Bollinger adds that along the way from 1996 to 2004 when Ty Bollinger lost his mother, they did a lot of research. They realized there were many better ways than the one that they knew. Looking back, Charlene Bollinger says that if only they knew those things in the beginning, their family members would most likely still be alive today.

“We knew we had to get info out. In 2006, we published a book called Cancer: Step Outside the Box.  There are options,” said Charlene Bollinger. “Cancer does not have to be a death sentence. In 2014, we started our documentary. Now we reach millions of people, and we meet people regularly now.” 

Doing The Research

Ty Bollinger says that some of the most shocking statistics that they discovered were the inefficacy of chemo and radiation. They not only didn’t work very well but they were the only option. And they were only thing doctors were taught about.

“I was angry I lost my parents because they didn’t know there were other options outside of chemo and radiation surgery. People die because of lack of knowledge,” said Ty Bollinger.

Ty Bollinger laments that doctors who prescribed something out of the ordinary, are sometimes mocked by their peers. Sometimes they lose their medical license and even get kicked out of a country. Those doctors are forced to practice somewhere else because they use something that wasn’t core approved by the FDA.

“Cancer is not a death sentence. It’s very preventable. There are lots of building blocks to being healthy. If you participate in those building blocks, then you have a very good chance of not getting cancer and never dying from cancer,” said Ty Bollinger. 

He adds, “The best treatments are also the best preventions. I think if I knew all these things that I know and have learned from the doctors over the years, and didn’t practice on them, I’d be a hypocrite.” 

Recommended Diet

When it comes to diet, Charlene Bollinger says clean food means non-GMO, organic, and real foods. She says most of the foods that Americans are eating aren’t even real foods. They are so processed and synthetic. That’s why the body starts attacking itself because it doesn’t know what to do with the stuff because it’s not food.

Charlene Bollinger advises people that the first thing they should do is educate themselves. They need to understand the options. And they need to understand the body. Furthermore, she says they need to understand what’s good for the body and the immune system. They also need to understand that the full body approach is mind spirit and body.

“We have toxicity that we need to detox. Every doctor in Asia said something that we did not know before. Every case of cancer there was directly related to something in mind,” Ty Bollinger said. “There was a connection to bitterness and eating into their body physically. Forgiveness goes a long way to break free from these bitter roots.” 

Ty Bollinger says different diets work for different people. The ketogenic diet has worked for some people but not for others. Same with raw food or vegan. As a result, the Bollingers try to become agnostic when it comes to diets.

“Eat as close to nature as you can and eat organic. For meats, make sure meats are raised humanely,” advises Ty Bollinger. “Cancer cells are fermenting sugar for energy. So by going through a ketogenic diet, you’re taking away the fuel for cancer.” 

Metronomic Chemotherapy

Metronomic chemotherapy is a repeated administration of anti-neoplastic drugs in frequent and comparatively low doses. It also doesn’t have a long drug-free period.

On the other hand, Ty Bollinger says insulin potentiation therapy low dose targeted chemo is similar to metronomic chemotherapy. It’s used in about anywhere from a 5th to the 10th of a normal dose of chemo. And its coupling that with insulin to be able to target the cancer cells.

“It’s been effective in many parts of the world. And very effective in killing cancer cells. It does not typically have any side effects because the dose of chemo is so low and its very targeted,” said Ty Bollinger. “But they are using this with other treatments as well like dietary changes, exercise, and detoxification.”

Root Causes of Cancer

Ty Bollinger says that if we look at cancer that’s a disease, it is not only a result of nutritional deficiency but also overburden of toxicity. Hence, we need to look at the toxins that we’re exposed to today.

Factors include toxins in the water, in the air, food, and invisible toxins like electromagnetic fields or EMFs. And because EMFs have proven to be harmful, Charlene Bollinger suggests getting a device to block the EMFs. Otherwise, it’s best to turn off gadgets when not in use.

“The American Cancer Society reports that 80% of cancers are due to environmental toxicity and lifestyle choices. That’s why our immune system is compromised because of toxicity,” said Ty Bollinger.

Healthy Habits

Aside from exercising three to four times a week, I’m thrilled to find out that Ty Bollinger is also a big fan of Sunlighten Saunas. He makes it a habit of sitting in the sauna to sweat daily. He also jumps on a rebounder to stimulate the lymphatic flow. Because according to him, that’s an excellent way to carry nutrients to the cells, as well as detox the cells. 

Stop Buying Harmful Products

One reason why companies like Monsanto, Bayer, and pharma companies are still in business is because of consumers. Ty Bollinger says that they continue producing harmful products because people are still buying it.

“Don’t buy their stuff. If people stop buying, they will stop producing it,” Ty Bollinger said. “Educate people. Make decisions based on truth and facts. Stop buying the poison and put them out of business.”

Positive Mindset

On the other hand, Charlene Bollinger says that laughter is one of the best medicines to curb cancer. Laughter along with exercise significantly improves health. The same goes for thoughts filled with love, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.

“Think about everything you touch, taste, everything that you think about needs to be as clean as you can get it to be—organic or GMO-free,” said Charlene Bollinger. “If there’s a little bitterness there, do whatever it takes to forgive. Work through that to a better place to where there is freedom in our mind and soul so there could be healthy in the body.” 


Ty M. Bollinger is a Christian, happily married husband and father, health freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, documentary film producer, radio show host, and author. 

Ty M. Bollinger first brought his discoveries to the public in the best-selling book Cancer: Step Outside the Box. He has also co-authored other books on alternatives to conventional medicine. The two groundbreaking documentary series on cancer treatment he has produced–The Quest for the Cures (2014) and The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest (2015)–have been viewed by more than 10 million people worldwide. He is married to Charlene Bollinger. 

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Sep 24, 2018
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Magnesium Foot Soak

I have been raving about my guest’s magnesium foot soak for some time now. Magnesium has proven to be such an important component of health. But a magnesium foot soak is much more effective in getting it into our body. To further explain the benefits of a magnesium foot soak, I’m thrilled to have Kristen Bowen on the show.

Health Issues

Kristen Bowen said she had health issues even as a little girl. But rather than digging into the cause, her parents kept putting band-aids on it. During her teenage years, Kristen Bowen grew out of her health issues. But reaching her early 20s the autoimmune issues started to kick in.

The big crash happened in 2003. Kristen Bowen says that time, she had a baby and was having some bladder issues as well as leaking. Upon the advice of her sisters, Kristen Bowen went to an OB-gyne to get her bladder tied up.


During Kristen Bowen’s gallbladder surgery, her heart kept stopping. After surgery, she started having seizures, and her body just started crashing. In the course of three and a half years, she ended up in a wheelchair.

However, Kristen Bowen’s husband never gave up. Being 36 years old at that time, a good day for her was opening her eyes on the couch. It also affected her six children. Two kids were newly adopted at the time, and her health issues were added stress on any child. As much they wanted to be smooth and strong for the kids, no doctors could do anything.

Ray Of Hope

One day, Kristen Bowen and her husband happened to listen to a radio show and heard a physician’s assistant talking about out of the box solutions. They felt a ray of hope that someone will finally listen to them.

They finally went to see that doctor who indeed listened to them. Although he was clueless about Kristen Bowen’s condition, he wanted to do some research. After a month, they met up again. The doctor found something that he was interested in and asked Kristen Bowen if she was willing to try it out.

“And what he found was, people with autoimmune who went into surgery had a reaction to the metal in the titanium. Even though the thinking at the time was that titanium was inert. He suggested to redo the bladder tie up and take the titanium out. That was a huge decision to make,” recalls Kristen Bowen.

During surgery, the doctor found that Kristen Bowen’s cadaver graft did not have a tracking number. Hence, the assumption was that her cadaver graft was bought on the black market and it had molds on it. 

“The molds shut my body down. Even moments after that surgery, I knew something was better. Because I could think and process. At that point we knew we made the right decision,” said Kristen Bowen. “But it left me with all sort of issues. The quality of my life was low, so I searched out of the box solutions.” 

Building A Strong Foundation

It was about twelve to fourteen weeks when Kristen Bowen’s seizures completely stopped and went away. She now teaches clients not to chase symptoms and build a strong foundation instead.

“Chasing symptoms is expensive, and it leaves you with a cupboardful of supplements that you quit using because it doesn’t work,” said Kristen Bowen. “Magnesium is that foundation and doing a magnesium foot soak gets you that cell saturation. You can’t get it orally with oral magnesium.” 

Magnesium Foot Soak

The first time Kristen Bowen heard of a magnesium foot soak was when a lady suggested it to her. When it successfully helped her recover her health, Kristen Bowen vowed to share the magnesium foot soak with other people.

“My company is about helping people and making a difference. It is showing information and education so that people can make the best decisions for the journey of where they are at,” said Kristen Bowen.

Describing what a magnesium foot soak feels like, Kristen Bowen says it was like a sponge soaking up needed nutrition. She saw results for a year and a half when suddenly it quit working.

“They changed where they got it from and the FDA the way it’s written; you don’t have to tell people if you put water and magnesium because it already has water in it. And they diluted it,” Kristen Bowen reveals. 

She adds, “So, we had it tested. I don’t go for what a company says, and I test in an independent lab. It is imported from the cleanest source and contains undiluted pure magnesium from the Zechstein Sea in the Netherlands because magnesium from Russia is high in heavy metals.” 

Thermal Imaging Testing

Other companies dilute their magnesium soaks. And through a thermal imaging testing, Kristen Bowen proved that her 64-ounce bottle of Living the Good Life Naturally Magnesium contains 403 grams of magnesium chloride. An adult requires a quarter cup which is 24.42 grams of magnesium or 24.424 milligrams. When you do a magnesium foot soak for 20 minutes, the thermal imaging testing showed that the body absorbs 80% of that. After 45 minutes, the body absorbs 98% of the magnesium. Then some remain on skin as residue.

30-Day Challenge

Kristen Bowen says our grandparents did not have to worry about magnesium because they were getting it from their food. On the other hand, we have to be current and understand what we need to focus on to build optimal health. Nowadays, we can’t get magnesium from our food, because of lifestyle, EMF, food, sugar, and stress.

The 30-day challenge requires doing a magnesium foot soak every day for 30 days. And Kristen Bowen attests to the fact that a lot of people’s health improved significantly.

Shame Cortisol

There was also a number who initially failed to benefit from the magnesium foot soak. Kristen Bowen said she looked into the cases of those thirteen women and discovered something valuable.

“What I learned rocked my world personally. I discovered that when there is rage cortisol, shame is quiet. It is internal and cannot be seen externally. That shame cortisol is so detrimental to healing. All these women have been tapped in to shame for years,” explains Kristen Bowen. 

She adds, “And because they have lived with high cortisol levels, their bodies were not absorbing that magnesium. Because when cortisol levels go up, magnesium gets pushed out through the urine.”

Because of that incident, Kristen Bowen wanted to help people understand how detrimental shame is. We must learn to understand the process of shame, what it feels like when you’re standing in shame and understand the connection that you’re walking away from your health at that point.

So, in the case of those thirteen women, it has more to do with internal healing and creating a stronger mind-body connection. It took those women three months to utilize tools to work on the process of shame. Tools included journaling and energy work like emotional freedom techniques. 

Magnesium Red Blood Cell Test

The magnesium red blood cell test has two kinds of tests you can take to test your magnesium. One is a magnesium blood serum test. Magnesium is so important to your body to keep your blood at 1% saturation. And if that blood serum test shows you have a problem, you’re in massive crisis.

Furthermore, Kristen Bowen says the magnesium red blood cell test tests the magnesium around each red blood cell. It gives a more intimate, accurate picture of how you are utilizing that magnesium that you are soaking in. And the optimal numbers are 6.3 to 7.

For anyone who would want to avail of any lab testing, Kristen Bowen recommends Walk-In Lab.  The magnesium red blood cell test, in particular, is around $47 to 49 dollars, and there’s usually a coupon code online to avail of a discount.

Gut Health

According to Kristen Bowen, magnesium is also connected to the gut health and peristaltic action. They don’t work at that chronic constipation as a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is also essential for the adrenals, and Kristen Bowen considers the adrenals the holding point for your health.

“On the other hand, DHEA levels tell the hormones were to show up and where to go. Magnesium self-balances that. And not that magnesium is going to cure every hormone, but it’s going to build a good foundation for your hormones to start functioning and interacting better with each other,” said Kristen Bowen.

Thyroid Health

Kristen Bowen says magnesium is so vital to thyroid health and that conversion of t4 to t3. If you’re not converting from t4 to t3, your energy is going down. And then after the energy starts to sink, you start to put a spare tire around your waist of weight. That’s a t4 – t3 conversion issue and your body need magnesium to make that happen.

“Some people’s bodies are excited to pick up that magnesium and they drop the potassium. Hence, they feel horrible,” said Kristen Bowen. 

She adds, “Have half a teaspoon of baking soda, a half cup of water and drink that. That alkalinity will help bring balance back into the body. You can also drink some coconut water that’s rich in potassium.”

Long-Term Benefits

Kristen Bowen believes that oral magnesium will give you some short-term benefit. It also decreases peristaltic action. Furthermore, it slows that down in your digestive system, and it decreases your body’s ability to uptake nutrients from food. And she’s not willing to hand those long-term benefits for the short-term solutions.

“The soak will get you the cell saturation. And the muscle cream is a great way to load up on magnesium in between your soaking and using it for spot treatments. As you feel a little bit better, you can add the B vitamins then boron or taurine,” Kristen Bowen said.  


As a bonus, Kristen Bowen is giving away two bottles of magnesium foot soak and magnesium cream. So, do join the Learn True Health Facebook group for more details. For those who want to purchase on her online store, there’s a generous discount as well. Just input coupon code LTH upon checkout.

Sitting in a wheelchair, having daily seizures, losing her hair and being fed through tubes was finally enough to wake Kristen Bowen up to make some changes in her life. She wakes up every morning grinning because her clients are crushing it at a pace that blows her mind. 

It helps her remember that everything that happened to her now serves as her greatest gift to help people tap into their health with ease and grace. This is more than a job to Kristen Bowen. It is her mission to touch as many people as she can to cut the overwhelm we all experience when it comes to creating the very best day we have ever lived.

Get Connected with Kristen Bowen:

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Recommended Reading by Kristen Bowen

Healing Is Voltage by Jerry L. Tennant 

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Sep 21, 2018
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Balancing pH

Balancing pH is an essential factor for optimal health. And there are so many other natural ways on how we can achieve good health through Holistic habits.  To teach us all about balancing pH, Kellyann Andrews is back for part 2 of our topic about creating wellness on a cellular level.

Importance of Vibration

Kellyann Andrews explains that when we are in a debilitative state or deep degenerative state, our vibratory level is at a very low frequency. As the health of our body goes up, there’s a lighter feeling within the body. We then can see the vibrancy come back.

“The biggest thing we need to do is raise the vibration. And as we raise the vibration in our bodies and bring them together, we create a higher resonance. That’s what we need to do,” said Kellyann Andrews. “When the body is at a higher resonance, you are mobilized at a higher level of healing capabilities.”

She also reveals that the thing that creates low resonance in the body is heavy metals. It is the heavy metals that are causing chaos frequencies in the body.

How To Achieve High Resonance

One way to keep the body at a high level of resonance is monitoring whether we are effectively balancing pH. Kellyann Andrews says if you test your saliva first thing in the morning, that will tell you what is happening in your biochemistry.

You test your saliva to see what your digestive tract is doing. On the other hand, if you test your urine, that tells you what is happening at the cellular level. Through those options, you can see whether your lifestyle is affecting your biochemistry the right way or if it is affecting it at all.

“When you test your PH first thing in the morning, you are likely to be more acidic because you had nothing to eat or drink all day. Monitoring your PH can show you what you are gaining or losing from your lifestyle choices,” Kellyann Andrews said.

She adds, “Because many of us are on the path of wellness, we’re eating more alkalizing foods, as well as eating higher and more vibrational foods. We also avoid pathogen and chemical laden foods. A lot of the foods that we eat, even foods such as oatmeal are acidifiers.”

Balancing pH Tests

There are a lot of tests in the market to see if we are balancing pH. According to Kellyann Andrews, when it comes to balancing pH, aim for a number level of 7 or slightly above.

Kellyann Andrews cautions against getting an 8 or 9. Otherwise, we’ll be too alkaline, and we can get other situations from that.

“People who have cancer will be down at 5. The pH in the urine indicates the cellular pH. Whereas the saliva indicates the digestive tract,” said Kellyann Andrews.


Kellyann Andrews stresses that our body cannot heal, repair or lose weight when it is acidic. When people are chronically ill, they will be acidic. And it’s not going to shift overnight. Therefore, it’s best to monitor yourself three to four days in a row so you can see a pattern.

“If you did all the right things, then you’re going to be slightly alkaline PH. You’ll feel good. But it’s going to fluctuate like a roller coaster,” said Kellyann Andrews. “You’re never always going to be alkaline because life doesn’t work that way. Our stress levels are so undermining our body’s health. So that’s why you have to be your own best friend.” 

Slippery Elm

Kellyann Andrews highly recommends taking Slippery Elm which is a powder. When you put it in water, it creates this gelatinous substance. And when you take that internally, you slick your whole tract.  

Turmeric is also a great thing to incorporate in your diet. Kellyann Andrews explains that when you drink something which turmeric, your whole tract absorbs the turmeric. It is one of the most awesome bitters you can take into the body. Plus, it helps shut down the harmful elements in the body that cause the inflammation and turns off the mechanisms.

“When you put Slippery Elm in, it creates a barrier to stop the leaky gut. I get a cylinder tea mug and put warm water. Then put in first Mineral Matrix Goat Whey. Followed by Sunflower lecithin and turmeric. But you don’t want the soy lecithin because that’s GMO focused,” said Kellyann Andrews.

She adds, “I drink half of it, so you get the minerals immediately then mix it up, let it sit for five minutes. When it turns into a gel-like mass, add more water and drink. That’s the part that will go through the tracts slowly. It will get rid of the bacteria, fungus, and bacteria.”


Chlorella is also what Kellyann Andrews highly recommends. She says it mineralizes and alkalizes the body. It is also a detoxifier and a binder. In effect, it pulls the bad content out like the heavy metals. Ideally, Kellyann Andrews says anyone who is doing chemo or has radiation should be using chlorella.

Other Holistic Habits

Kellyann Andrews strongly advises never to drink tap water. Facts show that babies have about 90% water but adults or the elderly have as little as 50%. In other words, most people are completely dehydrated.

Affirming what numerous experts have advised, Kellyann Andrews also says to get some regular daily exercise. She says if you’re doing a yoga movement in a flowing kind of fashion, it can be very soothing to the body. As a result, you’re moving back into parasympathetic mode. 

“Doing something like Shi Ba Fa is a whole set of moves that will tune up all parts of your body and create your core strength to come out and also your balance. It works on so many levels,” said Kellyann Andrews. “If you want to create some balance in your life, you have to create some pauses like meditating or praying. It’s about connecting to a different frequency.”

She adds, “The biggest thing we can do is be sunny in the world. You have to create that at a cellular level, expand it out to a gland level, then to an organ level and a system level. You then become this glowing sun presence. Ultimately, be aware of what vibration you are sharing with others.” 

Platinum Energy Systems

For those who want more information about what Platinum Energy Systems is, check out their official website. There’s so much info about the ionic detox footbath.

As an added treat, PES is giving Learn True Health listeners a 15% discount on purchases. Just type in coupon code LTH at checkout. 


Kellyann Andrews’ background is biochemistry, nursing, and holistic, alternative and energy medicine for 40 years. She is always digging deeper into the core of “well-being” – on all levels.  

Kellyann Andrews is a health coach by nature and trade. She does not have any specific certifications. She was at university and nursing school until a sudden family death which left her grief-stricken and devastated. Due to this experience, Kellyann Andrews stepped away from traditional medicine.

Kellyann Andrews continued to educate herself by researching all areas of health recovery. This is now her life’s work – sharing discoveries and her recovery with others on the same path.

When both parents died prematurely, and Kellyann Andrews suffered poor health, she was inspired to find ways of creating wellness at the cellular level. She is the President of Platinum Energy Systems, her husband and her own business – specializing in detoxification for health recovery and prevention. They have clients (home-users), medical clinics, and practitioners all over North America.

Get Connected With Kellyann Andrews:

Official Website

Recommended Readings by Kellyann Andrews

Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton



Quantum-Touch by Richard Gordon



The New Human by Richard Gordon



Power of Now+Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle



A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson



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Creating Wellness

People need to realize the importance of creating wellness at the cellular level.  We have so many resources for diets and technologies that promote wellness naturally. But the problem is, which of those are truly effective? My guest Kellyann Andrews says of creating wellness at the cellular level does not happen overnight. Check out this episode to learn precisely what it takes to creating wellness at the cellular level.

Sickly Child

Kellyann Andrews was a sickly child. During her younger years, she dealt with extreme asthma and allergies. When she was in her 40s, she suffered from arthritis, gout, and rheumatism.

Kellyann Andrews says both her parents had a genetic disposition. Plus, her living environment aggravated her stressful state.

“That stress level ignited the wrong epigenetics to occur. And turned on all the bad genes because of the extreme stress levels,” said Kellyann Andrews.

Searching For A Cure

Because of her health journey, Kellyann Andrews wanted to discover what is the core cause of disease. She went down the path of wellness to investigate how to achieve creating wellness at a cellular level.

“And I can tell you, the joy of the experience is that at age 61, I now take the stairs two at a time. I have the mobility and agility that didn’t have in my 20s. And at age 60, my gray hairs turned dark again,” reveals Kellyann Andrews.

Dangers of Mercury

Like many other experts, Kellyann Andrews cautions against the dangers of mercury. She also experienced mercury blackouts because of her dentist. At that time, she didn’t know mercury was harmful.

“They had no methodology to get them out. So, I went down this amazing journey of biochemistry and investigated the core cause of disease and wellness,” said Kellyann Andrews. “It brought me down to the cellular level of the body. Anything that was making the cell healthy eventually led me to toxicology.” 

Domino Effect

Kellyann Andrews eventually understood that the poison inside the body was a huge trigger to so many biological and chemical responses. She also realized it was also getting stuck at the muscular level and arteries. Hence, affecting every cell.

“So, what we needed was the methodology that would get heavy metals, chemicals, and all foreign content out of the body safely, easily and gently,” said Kellyann Andrews. “The human body was designed to rejuvenate. So, that whole thinking of our parents and grandparents degenerating as you grow older is not accurate.”

She added, “We are experiencing an environment on the planet that human history has never experienced ever. And it’s an accumulation of all the toxicity that has been caused by industry. The world has gotten to such a degree of toxicity that the human body is just completely absorbing it.”

Kellyann Andrews also stresses that in creating wellness at the cellular level, it’s not just about what you have accumulated in your entire life that hasn’t come out.  More importantly, it’s also what you are absorbing daily.

Dangers Of Copper

Most of us have already heard the dangers of mercury. But according to Kellyann Andrews, the one that isn’t as well-known is copper.

This is because, in old houses, there was copper piping. Kellyann Andrews says we were taught copper pans were a good thing to cook in. And women who are on birth control used IUD which had copper. If we get mercury amalgam fillings, there’s also copper in there.  Kellyann Andrews says even very wholesome foods can have a lot of copper.

It’s a domino effect. And Kellyann Andrews says these multiple sources are accumulating. She also adds that there is proof of a correlation between migraine headaches and copper.

“A lot of Naturopaths and Holistic Doctors do shy away from chelation. Because it depletes the body of absolutely everything. Then they play a guessing game on what to put back in,” surmises Kellyann Andrews.

Gauging Presence Of Heavy Metals

Kellyann Andrews says during that very low, vibratory state and the world is just completely overwhelming, it’s so easy to be completely absorbed in your symptoms and how awful you feel. So, she highly recommends taking a photo of yourself when you were experiencing good health. Or a picture of someone who is vibrant.

Place the photo on the fridge and say, “Body, today, this is what we are creating.” Kellyann Andrews advises making it a now experience, not tomorrow or sometime in the future. Ultimately, we have to own it at the moment.

But before creating wellness at a cellular level, you have first to be aware of the signs. Kellyann Andrews says for heavy metals in particular when the whites of the eyes are grey, that is the classic symptom of heavy metals toxicity.

“The body does not purge one organ at a time. Whatever comes out of your colon, bladder, feces, and urine is a collection of debris that has been collected from all parts of the body,” said Kellyann Andrews.

How Our Body Copes

When you are at a debilitative state, Kellyann Andrews says it’s like you’re watching the illness movie. So, what you want to do is switch the channel. Start watching the wellness movie and do the wellness or healing habits.

When the body burden goes up, so does the volume of symptoms in the body. Kellyann Andrews explains that the more severe the symptoms, the more it is a window to understanding that you’ve got a massive load of toxicity. It’s the accumulation factor that is causing the tipping point and then goes into degenerative diseases.

“And when the toxicity reaches a certain level in the body, what occurs is the autoimmune diseases. The amount of people that are experiencing this kind of effect nowadays is just so astronomical because of the exposure that we’re all experiencing,” said Kellyann Andrews.

She adds, “Your body is your mirror. It sends alert signals to you on whether it’s happy or not. You have to listen to those alert signals. Your body sends amazing signals to you to let you know when you are in a toxic environment.” 


Kellyann Andrews says the commonality of all sickness is acidity. Because when the body gets more acidic, the more severe the symptom is. We know cancer exists in a very acid environment, but Kellyann Andrews says that same environment is what causes things like arthritis, rheumatism, and gout.

“So that hyperacidity within the body is what is undermining it. Through our Platinum Energy Systems detox, it is the fastest way to balance out the PH,” Kellyann Andrews explains. “Everybody needs to get their PH at a correct place. Your blood needs to be at 7.35 to 7.45 or else you’re in a coma. So, of course, your body will sacrifice all functionality to keep you conscious. Because it knows you have to stay in a conscious state to operate.”

Detox Foot Spa

Among the favorite ways of creating wellness at a cellular level is using a detox foot spa. Kellyann Andrews explains that when you put your feet into the warm salt water, you open up the sweat glands. So, it is a sweating process. Generally, people get sicker because their detox systems in their body like the liver, kidney, lungs, skin, gallbladder, of those organs and systems, get clogged up.

“The lymphatic system helps the body detoxify itself. Our technology ties into this mechanism that is already designed by the body. But unfortunately, it clogs up massive molecules,” said Kellyann Andrews.

She adds, “So in our system, the reason why it’s different is that we have multiple technologies. It’s not just metal components sitting in the base. And it’s got multiple interventive technologies designed behind it to assist body open up these drainage routes.”

Controversies of Detox Foot Spas

Kellyann Andrews reveals that there are so many controversies in the field about detox foot spas. Regarding technology, these knock-off foot spas have no control over the electricity.

Kellyann Andrews says when people put more salt into the water, they are increasing the conductivity of that water. And the human body is not designed to have high levels of electricity.

“Ours is the only component that sits in the water that has the array that has the control mechanism. If a practitioner puts in too much salt, it causes the water to be too conductive. And an excess of anything in the body is a toxin,” said Kellyann Andrews.

Platinum Energy Systems

Platinum Energy Systems is the only system in the world that has the capability of controlling the electricity. Kellyann Andrews says this is because it monitors, regulates and controls electricity right in the water.

“The array itself is 100% automated. So, there are no dials. The technology is designed to do the rest, so you get multiple therapies. What this technology does is that it opens up the drainage routes which is the lymphatic system,” Kellyann Andrews said.

Aside from that, one of the unique features of the system is that it is designed for people with high EMF sensitivity. Because in the Platinum Energy Systems, there’s a device to block out dirty electricity.

“The mission of the company is broader than just selling a machine. Because of my background being a practitioner, the ambition behind the company is to teach wellness by focusing on cellular health,” explains Kellyann Andrews. “So, we consider ourselves to be an educational organization. We provide a lot of information for home users and practitioners.”

For those who want more information about what Platinum Energy Systems is, check out their official website. There’s so much info about the ionic detox footbath. As an added treat, PES is giving Learn True Health listeners a 15% discount on purchases. Just type in coupon code LTH at checkout. 


Kellyann Andrews’ background is biochemistry, nursing, and holistic, alternative and energy medicine for 40 years. She is always digging deeper into the core of “well-being” – on all levels.

Kellyann Andrews is a health coach by nature and trade. She does not have any specific certifications. She was at university and nursing school until a sudden family death which left her grief-stricken and devastated. Due to this experience, Kellyann Andrews stepped away from traditional medicine. 

Kellyann Andrews continued to educate herself by researching all areas of health recovery. This is now her life’s work – sharing discoveries and her recovery with others on the same path. 

When both parents died prematurely, and Kellyann Andrews suffered poor health, she was inspired to find ways of creating wellness at the cellular level. She is the President of Platinum Energy Systems, her husband and her own business – specializing in detoxification for health recovery and prevention. They have clients (home-users), medical clinics, and practitioners all over North America.

Get Connected With Kellyann Andrews!

Official Website

Recommended Readings by Kellyann Andrews

Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton



Quantum-Touch by Richard Gordon



The New Human by Richard Gordon



Power of Now+Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle



A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson



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Sep 15, 2018


Functional Medicine

So many people are gravitating now to functional medicine. This is because they know the implications of becoming too dependent on drugs. Functional medicine can even help heal the gut naturally to support the immune system.  To talk more about functional medicine, Dr. Emily Parke explains it in detail in this episode.

Finding Her Passion

When Dr. Emily Parke was little, she remembers wanting to try everything. Getting her first toy medical kit as a toddler ignited her curiosity about the medical world. During her teenage years was when she found a passion for medicine.

At 16 years old, Dr. Emily Parke worked at CVS pharmacy part-time. That time, you didn’t need any extra training or certification to learn about medication and medical conditions.  So, Dr. Emily Parke was able to learn the ins and outs of the pharmacy business.

Dr. Emily Parke also had a friend who was a volunteer for the local ambulance. She loved the experience and invited Dr. Emily Parke to try as well. So, at 17 years old, Dr. Emily Parke became a volunteer after undergoing actual training for the certified first responder.

College Years

During her college years, Dr. Emily Parke took up pre-med biology. Despite her college class schedule, she still found a way to continue her volunteer work with the local ambulance.

Dr. Emily Parke loved all her science courses in college. She eventually switched schools and got an associate degree in respiratory therapy. Then she stayed on and got her Bachelors’ degree from the same college in cardiorespiratory science.

But it wasn’t until Dr. Emily Parke got into respiratory therapy school when one of her instructors would put them on rounds as respiratory therapy students with the medical students at the university. Eventually, Dr. Emily Parke ended up choosing anesthesiology because there was a lot of hands-on stuff.

The Cleveland Clinic

Dr. Emily Parke did her anesthesiology residency at the Cleveland Clinic. For her, it was her first diverse experience. Working at the Cleveland Clinic was an achievement for Dr. Emily Parke.

The Cleveland Clinic was the top three tertiary training facility and always in the top three hospital systems in the country. The Cleveland Clinic was also the number one cardiac center in the world. It was indeed a great place to train.

Burned Out

Dr. Emily Parke ended up doing a fellowship in pediatric and pediatric cardiac anesthesiology in Philadelphia. After her training, she decided to move to Phoenix, Arizona in 2009.

The first year was great. For Dr. Emily Parke, it was a huge learning curve. But after a few years, Dr. Emily Parke started to burn out. She started not sleeping and had stomach issues. 

Discovering Acupuncture

Going to a doctor for consultation wasn’t successful. This was because Dr. Emily Parke didn’t want, but instead, she wanted to know why she was feeling the way she did.

Dr. Emily Parke happened to have a friend going to acupuncture sessions and convinced Dr. Emily Parke to try. It turned out that acupuncture and Chinese herbs helped Dr. Emily Parke sleep well and address her stomach symptoms.

Helping Patients

After her personal experience with acupuncture, Dr. Emily Parke though about how to learn it also to help her patients. This was because as part of her anesthesiology job, Dr. Emily Parke was also vice chair of the pain department at Phoenix Children’s hospital for a couple of years. She was seeing kids with terrible pain issues just like adults. And that drove her to get training in medical acupuncture.

“I took the complete training course for acupuncture for physicians and myself. Another doctor got the acupuncture program up and going at Phoenix Children’s hospital in-patient, and we were only doing out-patient acupuncture for adults,” said Dr. Emily Parke.

Functional Medicine

One of Dr. Emily Parke’s classmates mentioned the term functional medicine. Dr. Emily Parke ended up getting curious about it and started learning about functional medicine.

Shortly after, Dr. Emily Parke found the Institute for Functional Medicine. What Dr. Emily Parke loved about the Institute for Functional Medicine was the fact that they had a complete certification process and was clear on what the curriculum was.

“I started training in 2013. In 2014, The Cleveland Clinic paired with the Institute of Functional Medicine. And it kept growing,” said Dr. Emily Parke. “The acupuncture we’re doing for in-patients is pretty much pro bono because it’s complimentary. This because for alternative medicine, insurance does not reimburse for it as an in-patient since it is considered non-essential care.” 

Arizona Wellness Medicine

Dr. Emily Parke went all around the country taking their modules. There are seven modules to get certified in functional medicine. The first one is called applying for functional medicine in clinical practice. It teaches the vision and other practitioners how to think about patient care differently and apply the principles of functional medicine.

“The other six modules are advanced practice modules and gets specific. Going to all of those training is great. There is a pre-course work and post-course work,” Dr. Emily Parke said. “Then in 2015, I opened my practice for functional medicine and acupuncture called the Arizona Wellness Medicine in Paradise Valley, Arizona.”

Getting patients was a lot of hard worth but it was worth it.  From opening only on certain hours, the Arizona Wellness Medicine gradually increased their operating hours to full days.

Nowadays, their schedule is always fully-booked, and it takes months to book an appointment with Dr. Emily Parke. The Arizona Wellness Medicine also has other practitioners to meet the demand for this type of medicine.

To extend her healing network, Dr. Emily Parke built a relationship with people through writing blogs, diving into social media marketing and increasing video content in her social media channels.

Food Issues

According to Dr. Emily Parke, there are three main health issues with food. These are the food allergy, food sensitivity, and food intolerances.

“Food allergies are IgE. If you eat food and you have a strong IgE to it, you’re going to get symptoms pretty much right away. IGE’s don’t tend to change a lot over time,” explains Dr. Emily Parke. 

She adds, “Food sensitivity is not IGE. There’s a place called the Cyrex Company which does IGG and IGA food sensitivity testing. There’s not one test that looks at every part of the immune system’s response. It’s your body that tells us the true answer.”

Food Elimination Plan

Dr. Emily Parke walks patients through a 30-day food elimination plan. The plan has a specific reintroduction process that helps them figure out what their food sensitivities are. Because at the end of the day, no matter what the blood test shows, if you eat something and you don’t feel right, it’s best to stop eating it.

“It takes your body’s immune system approximately 23 days to calm down by half. So 30 days gives you half that halfway point to where on the backend, you can tell if it creates a symptom for you or not,” said Dr. Emily Parke.

Recommended Diet

Dr. Emily Parke says that half your plate should be non-starchy veggies of some kind. Your diet should also include some fruit and some healthy fat like avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and coconut oil.  For proteins, good sources include grass-fed beef, wild caught salmon and organic free range chicken.

“The paleo diet is just really getting you back to eating real food. It takes away processed food items. And it also lowers sugar as well as takes away a lot of the common food triggers,” said Dr. Emily Parke.

On her website, Dr. Emily Parke has two free downloads available and ten yummy recipes which are anti-inflammatory, nutrient dense and paleo style. You can also get some information on her jumpstart plan which is a 30-day paleo reset. There’s not one food plan that’s perfect for everybody, so it’s best to consult with a good health practitioner.

Autoimmune Diseases

The treatment for people with the autoimmune disease also takes a different approach. And functional medicine is slowly getting popular as a treatment for people with autoimmune disease.

“Autoimmune is on the rise. But I think in doing functional medicine, it attracts more autoimmune disease patients. I love autoimmune disease patients because there is a good degree of reversibility in treating them,” said Dr. Emily Parke. 

Success Stories

There have been many success stories of people healing because of functional medicine. Dr. Emily Parke loves to see people early on and as young as possible.

“Because of many times with autoimmune disease, you’ll see the markers for autoimmunity in the bloodwork before someone has significant symptoms and organ damage,” said Dr. Emily Parke. “That’s a golden opportunity right there to reverse the autoimmune disease process.”

Other Remedies

Dr. Emily Parke can assist patients with a paleo autoimmune protocol to address their health issues. She also recommends Sarah Ballantyne’s book, the Paleo Principles to educate us on how to get good sleep and stress management.

Doing a protocol generally reduces toxins. Eating organic foods and taking magnesium also helps one to sleep better and lowers blood pressure. Acne, on the other hand, indicates a significant skin and gut connection as well as toxins.

One way to remedy skin issues is doing an anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense food plan to determine food sensitivity issues with the skin and also grow good healthy gut bacteria.

“The top thing you can do to create health for yourself is to think about how you can lower your stresses and make your life simpler. Anything we can do to reduce stress and simplify our life is going to go a long way,” said Dr. Emily Parke. 


Dr. Emily Parke, DO, is board certified in anesthesiology and pediatric anesthesiology, trained in medical acupuncture, and specializes in Functional Medicine. 

Dr. Emily Parke earned her bachelor’s degree in Cardiorespiratory Science at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, near her hometown, and attended medical school at Rowan University in New Jersey.

Upon graduation from medical school, Dr. Emily Parke completed her anesthesia residency at the world famous, top-ranked Cleveland Clinic, where she served as Chief Resident. 

Her desire to tackle complex medical challenges led Dr. Emily Parke to pursue a pediatric anesthesia fellowship at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, consistently one of the top three children’s hospitals in the country, where she served as Chief Fellow.

After completion of her anesthesia training in 2009, Dr. Emily Parke took a job practicing pediatric anesthesia in Phoenix, Arizona, doing complex pediatric anesthesia cases, as well as serving as vice chair of the Pediatric Pain Medicine Department at Phoenix Children’s Hospital from 2010-2012. 

In 2012, Dr. Emily Parke completed training in Medical Acupuncture, which then led her to the cutting-edge field of Functional Medicine. She then began training with the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) shortly after.  She is an IFM Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and has completed the Kresser Institute for Functional and Evolutionary Medicine ADAPT clinician training program as well. 

IFM, in collaboration with The Cleveland Clinic, opened the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine in October 2014. Also, Dr. Emily Parke has presented and lectured nationally on a variety of topics, which began early in her residency career and continues presently.

Get Connected With Dr. Emily Parke!

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Video and Audio


Recommended Readings by Dr. Emily Parke

Food, What The Heck Should I Eat? – Dr. Mark Hyman


The Paleo Principles – Sarah Ballentyne


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Sep 13, 2018


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Kintsugi Wellness

Kintsugi Wellness a highly-recommended book if you want to embrace the Japanese way of total wellness. It is a unique art of nourishing the mind, body, and spirit.  To explain what Kintsugi Wellness is all about, I’m thrilled to have its best-selling author Candice Kumai on this episode.

Early Love For Food

Candice Kumai is a classically-trained professional chef. She was a judge on Iron Chef America, a guest on the Dr. Oz Show, Wendy Williams, Today Show, as well as on Top Chef’s first season.

She traces her love for food from her Japanese grandmother and her Polish grandmother. Candice Kumai’s mother also used her Japanese tradition in the United States with California produce. According to Candice Kumai, her mother cooked the best meals so eating Japanese dishes on a regular basis was normal for her.

Going to Culinary School

When Candice Kumai got older, she enrolled herself in culinary school after college. She eventually gained ample work experiences at several restaurants.

Candice Kumai recalled the struggles she went through from her Top Chef stint in Los Angeles to move to New York. Now a writer in New York for eight years, Candice Kumai says it has been a painful roller coaster ride writing six books, magazine editing, producing, writing, and directing.

“But mostly, I think I found my niche and my path when I started helping other people learn how to cook better. And also live a better life with really simple solutions that everyone can do,” said Candice Kumai.

Clean Green Drinks Book

Candice Kumai’s Clean Green Drinks help people perfect their basic smoothie from a sugar bomb into something that is full of nutrition and tastes like a milkshake. She said she was always trying to find more realistic ways and approaches for the American consumer.  It has now even expanded to have a global reach. Ultimately, it’s all about knowing the real resources you can do at home.

Candice Kumai encourages people to eat more vegetables and fruits.  She says to make sure to include something fresh in your smoothie whether breakfast, lunch or dinner.  She also advises to drink water, and drink matcha tea instead of coffee.

Like what most experts say, sleep is essential.  That’s why Candice Kumai strongly recommends going to bed early to prioritize your body, mind and emotional well-being. Furthermore, regular exercise helps a lot. 

Kintsugi Wellness

Candice Kumai’s latest book Kintsugi Wellness is based on her Japanese ancestors’ practices. She says she used their methods from the ancient which help her thrive now in the modern world.

“All the things I grew up with came back full circle. And after a very rough time in New York city, my Japanese grandmother passed away,” said Candice Kumai. 

She adds, “It took me three years to write this book. The book is a homage to my family’s heritage. I now take wellness seriously in a different format where I want everyone to learn the same Japanese practices I learned.”

Lesson Learned

The Kintsugi Wellness book stresses the following things:

  1. Always do your best.
  2. Continuously improve.
  3. Everything is perfectly imperfect with great resilience and endurance or just being a better service to others.

“So, although my life is not perfect, I always felt like I didn’t fit in because of the Asian Heritage I grew up with,” said Candice Kumai. “Finding myself and finding my true voice meant being broken, picking up the pieces on my own, and putting them back together. Kintsugi Wellness book is a celebration of wellness and heritage.”

Candice Kumai recalls that she didn’t think it would be her calling. But she was so attracted to learning from the monks, elderly people, learning from those who survived the war and escaped death. According to her, these were the people who taught Candice Kumai what real wellness was. 

The Right Mindset

Candice Kumai always knew she was a hard worker.  She was very persistent. But she also didn’t realize that continuous improvement through Kaizen—a Japanese term for improvement, was a Japanese practice until she turned 36 years old. 

To illustrate the Japanese people’s values, Candice Kumai cites the 2011 earthquake. Despite the challenges, Japanese people didn’t complain, didn’t cry, scream or beg. They were very tolerant and resilient.  They endured great pain internally.

“When I started understanding Japanese as a whole culture or a homogenous culture, we were never really supposed to stand out in Japan. They wanted everybody always to be the same as a group culture,” explains Candice Kumai. “With the Japanese Americans, I realized I could write a book about the Japanese practices I was raised with because I am Japanese American.”


Candice Kumai says the average Japanese person would not think this is any special or different. So, when she learned about Wabi-Sabi, it taught her how to embrace her imperfections. It influenced her so much, to the point that she named her podcast Wabi-sabi.

“A lot of us have identity struggles. But learning that everything is perfectly imperfect, and accepting flaws are part of life and embracing them, is the practice of Wabi-sabi,” said Candice Kumai. 

Purpose of Writing Book

The Kintsugi Wellness book is currently available in nine countries all over the world. Through her book, Candice Kumai wanted to open up a new window to wellness where every person can embrace where they come from. It is also to help them see life from different perspectives. Because according to her, if we don’t tell the stories of our ancestors’ practices, we will surely lose them.

Candice Kumai wrote Kintsugi Wellness in New York.  Among accomplishments like signing sixty different branding deals 2011 until now, she still wasn’t happy.

She had a relationship that was broken, and her ex-partner traumatized her with an unexpected breakup. Candice Kumai also lost her grandmother, and that left her tired, depressed, and not full of life.

“So, when I started studying more on my heritage, I came across the practice of Kintsugi. Kintsugi is the Japanese art form of building repair. That’s why it came to be wellness. Because it was a guide for anybody who was going through trauma, sadness, anger,” Candice Kumai said. 

She adds, “There is a Japanese term in the book wherein it refers to pay attention and take great care. Sometimes we need to call to attention and be realistic in your goals. We may not all have the opportunity to be perfect, but we can change things to improve ourselves continuously every day a small bit at a time.”

Helping People

Candice Kumai says the Kintsugi Wellness book has helped so many people. Many people started sharing their pain, honorable struggles, and their past stories.

In the end, they ended up coming out of it better. You have to be aware that you are not alone in your struggle.

Recommended Diet

Food plays a big factor in feeling good inside and out. Candice Kumai says one thing Americans don’t have in their traditional daily diet is fermented foods. On the other hand, the Japanese utilize things like natto, soy sauce, miso paste, fermented pickled veggies throughout the day. They generally have more fermented foods.

One thing you can do is change things up with different flavors like miso, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar that contains some mother. It greatly helps gut health because it provides good bacteria. Also, try to cut down on sugar.

“We can all help prevent disease together. And cooking is the greatest resource that we all have to live our lives. That is what I’m here for in a nutshell,” said Candice Kumai. 

For breakfast, Candice Kumai usually eats a half avocado with miso paste.  Infusing your breakfast with lemon or apple cider vinegar is also ideal. She also loves doing a peach smoothie. Just mix frozen peaches, spinach, a touch of apple cider vinegar, almond milk, hemp seeds, berries, and collagen.

Lunch is usually a big giant salad for Candice Kumai. The greens range from romaine or red leaf lettuce, arugula or spinach. Then she usually mixes it with red onion, garbanzo beans, kidney, cherry tomato, cucumber, olive oil, curry powder, sea salt, soy sauce, lemon or apple cider.

For dinner, her favorite is eating salmon with miso paste, fresh greens, quinoa or brown rice.  She does indulge in a bit of chocolate or matcha cookies for dessert. Healthy drinks include matcha tea, hemp milk, almond milk or green tea.

Book Giveaway

As a special treat for the Learn True Health fans, Candice Kumai is giving away her Kintsugi Wellness book to one lucky audience! Details of the book giveaway will be posted on the Learn True Health Facebook group so make sure to sign up.

“One of my greatest hopes for wellness, health, and media is for more people to be empathetic, kind and compassionate,” said Candice Kumai. 


Candice Kumai is an internationally-renowned wellness writer, chef & content creator, described by ELLE magazine as “The Golden Girl of the Wellness World.” She sat on The Well+Good Council and was recently named one of Arianna Huffington’s “Top 20 New Role Models in 2017.” 

Born and raised in California to a Japanese mother and a Polish-American father, in Carlsbad CA, Candice Kumai grew up in a mixed culture home – celebrating Japanese traditions & cuisine from a young age and honing a cosmopolitan perspective that continues to inspire her work today. 

Candice Kumai is a classically trained chef, former line cook, former TV host, former-model-turned wellness journalist, & five-time, best-selling author of Clean Green Eats, Clean Green Drinks, Pretty Delicious, Cook Yourself Sexy, and Cook Yourself Thin. Her next book, Kintsugi Wellness: The Japanese Art of Nourishing Mind, Body, and Spirit is launching on April 17, 2018. 

Candice Kumai contributes to numerous, national wellness & lifestyle publications including ELLE, Cosmopolitan, Bon Appétit, Shape, Yoga Journal, Men’s Journal, Wall Street Journal, Well+Good, Pop Sugar, Girlboss and Byrdie. Top Chef alumni, Candice Kumai, has appeared as a regular judge on Iron Chef America & Beat Bobby Flay. 

Candice Kumai’s dedication to philanthropy + volunteer efforts includes partnerships with City Harvest, The White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI), Thousand Days, The Japan Society, Wellness in The Schools (WITS), Health Corps, The US-Japan Council, The Chef’s Garden, and The James Beard Foundation. She serves as a mentor for high school/college students through Health Corps & The Resolution Project. 

Candice Kumai has shared her message with global brands/institutions including Adidas, Nike, Chanel, Shiseido, Whole Foods, Samsung, Reebok, the NBA, The New York Times, Equinox, SoHo House, Lululemon, Yale University, University of San Diego, ABC Home Deepak Chopra Center, Thrive Global, & The Natural Gourmet Institute. 

Candice Kumai is a lover of vegan cake baking, matcha making & is a total sneakerhead. She loves her avocados, her cat Sisi, & a good-ass barre class. Candice Kumai lives in Brooklyn, NY and has been represented by WME IMG for 8+ years.

Get Connected With Candice Kumai!

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Wabi-Sabi Podcast



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Clean Green Eats


Clean Green Drinks


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Sep 10, 2018

For more info on the full spectrum infrared system visit:

"Alicia has been a health and wellness advocate for over 25 years. She is passionate about sharing the full-spectrum of a healthy lifestyle which helps empower people to live a healthier, happier life. Alicia believes wellness means more than dress size or body weight, true wellness encompasses every aspect of a person’s life from mental health, nutrition, livelihood, physical activity, and dark chocolate."


Infrared Therapy

Infrared therapy is something that I genuinely believe in especially after I bought a Sunlighten Sauna for home use. There have been many studies that came out attesting to the benefits of infrared therapy. But to talk about infrared therapy in detail, I have Sunlighten’s Business Development Executive Alicia Botyrius with us in this episode.

Years As An Entrepreneur

Alicia Botyrius was initially a customer at Sunlighten’s day spa in Kansas City.  Living in the city for 20 years, her work as an entrepreneur was stressful. But because she was interested in health and wellness, she frequented the day spa to decompress.

Alicia Botyrius was a customer at the Sunlighten day spa for about five years. Reaping the benefits of infrared therapy was something Alicia Botyrius cherished. Going to the day spa was her sanctuary. 

Naturally, her visits enabled Alicia Botyrius to know the products inside and out.  It was also fortunate that Sunlighten Saunas’ headquarters were in the suburbs of Kansas City, so I was a smooth transition to work for the company.

Sunlighten Saunas Experience

Alicia Botyrius felt that doing infrared therapy with other brands felt oppressively hot. The first time she did infrared therapy using a Sunlighten sauna unit, Alicia Botyrius felt extremely comfortable.

“It’s meant to be something that’s enjoyed versus endured. And it has a nurturing feeling. If you’re coming from a stressed state, going to a sauna is the best feeling,” said Alicia Botyrius. 

Stress Buster

Alicia Botyrius didn’t realize how much anxiety and how much tension she had until she started coming to the sauna on a regular basis. She realized to step back and slow down her thoughts. Ultimately, Alicia Botyrius was better off in a calm state before making decisions versus a tired, anxious state.

Alicia Botyrius explains that when you are stressed, your body runs off two systems. You have the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems.

“When you are in that sympathetic state, you are stressed and feels like somebody is chasing you. You are nervous and anxious,” said Alicia Botyrius, “And when you go into the sauna, there’s not much you can do. It forces you to step back and relax.”  

She adds, “And as a result, your body switches over to the parasympathetic system which is what you’re in when you’re in a deep sleep. That’s the system where your body rests and recovers. By going to the sauna, you are naturally bringing your stress levels down. You are allowing the body to recover and repair itself. And it naturally brings up endorphins.” 

Recovering From Injuries

Infrared therapy is also a beautiful thing to use if you have any injuries, muscle or joint problems. Alicia Botyrius says utilizing a sauna will burn more calories and help improve your heart, lose weight, and detox toxins.

“It’s getting help on a complete level and not just fixing the symptom. Plus, it’s finding the root issue and helping that as well,” Alicia Botyrius said.

Types of Sauna

Sunlighten Saunas offer three types of saunas.  The far infrared has a wavelength that is going to penetrate deepest into your body. According to Alicia Botyrius, this is primarily for detox and raising your temperature.

The mid-infrared wavelength and near infrared are the two other types. Near-infrared targets improving skin health.

Alicia Botyrius also explains that the near infrared we pulse out in Sunlighten Saunas involves no light and no heat. Instead, it is delivered through LED bulbs in the walls of the sauna. This means you’re not going to get hot, and you’re not going to sweat when using the near infrared.

“The way that it was discovered is when NASA and the Navy Seals hired a scientist. It was to figure out the best way for astronauts to recover if they got cut in outer space because they are out of the atmosphere,” said Alicia Botyrius. “If you go out of the atmosphere and cut your arm, it can be fatal. Because we don’t have the atmosphere to help, your body heal.” 

She adds, “The same thing in submarines. Burned cuts can be a dangerous situation. But 880 nanometers of energy will heal skin. So, it will help collagen production, help heal wounds, and the most effective way to help skin conditions recover.”

Some other health conditions that the near infrared sauna can address are fine lines and wrinkles, wounds, sunburn, acne, psoriasis, and some types of rashes.

“Near-infrared focuses on the skin but still goes under your skin. So, when the energy goes through there, it’s going to help a lot of areas like a whole-body treatment. It also helps reduce inflammation,” Alicia Botyrius said.

Solo Sauna

Sunlighten Saunas offer many unit models. Alicia Botyrius says the solo sauna is one of her favorite products because it is so effective. And so many people can use it. The solo sauna is also something that is portable and a space saver.

“You just lay it on the floor. It comes with a mat if you want. There’s an infrared heating pad that you would lay on that’s a memory foam,” said Alicia Botyrius. “You’re getting those wonderful infrared heat from the whole backside of your body radiating up. So, all along your lower back and down your hamstrings are tight.” 

On top of you are these domes of infrared that are so nurturing and gentle. It is exceptionally healthy and great for detox. And it is considered an ultra-low EMF of 0.6. Furthermore, the fabric the company uses is a carbonized bamboo, which is completely non-toxic.

“I am creating a very strong foundation by making my body as healthy as can be. I feel like I’m coming from a really strong place to go get it,” said Alicia Botyrius. 

She adds, “No matter what you do and what lifestyle you have, you can’t get rid of the toxins that are in our world today. And the deep sweat you experience in our patented infrared heaters allows you to get rid of all the garbage that you don’t need. And hold on to the things that are essential in your life.”


I was so thrilled to find out that Alicia Botyrius became a fan of EnergyBits after she listened to my show where I guested creator Catharine Arnston. For those who want to buy their products, type in LTH at checkout to avail of the 20% off on all products. The discount code has no expiration date, so you can use it over and over again or share it with friends.

Alicia Botyrius thinks it’s crucial to add EnergyBits into your health program because it is lead-free. Starting with taking Chlorella at night, Alicia Botyrius slept deeper and was more zestful. Waking up, she felt restored and sharper.

Her feeling of being alert and awake felt so natural. Even when she exercised in the morning, she stayed alert all day. A few weeks later, she added Spirulina in the morning as an energy aid. Alicia Botyrius also found out that it helped curb her hunger. 

Sunlighten Saunas Testimonies

Some so many people have reaped the benefits of using Sunlighten Sauna regularly. It helps improve mobility and flexibility in people. Alicia Botyrius also says that as people get older and unsteady on their feet, this is something that can help them get stronger and become more stable.

“All of our clinical studies are on the website. Sunlighten Sauna’s infrared heat had a statistically significant difference in people’s blood pressure,” said Alicia Botyrius. “The study was based on using the sauna 3x a week for 30 minutes for six weeks. That’s dramatic when you consider how many drugs people use to manage their high blood pressure.” 

She adds, “By gently warming your core, it is helping your circulation improve. And as your circulation improves, you get so many benefits downstream because of that. It also improves heart health, helps reduce inflammation and lessens brain fog.” 

Alicia Botyrius cites one story about a firefighter injured on the job. He was horribly on a high dose of pharmaceuticals. But thankfully, he incorporated holistic treatments, one of them being a regular user of Sunlighten Saunas. Today, the man also works for Sunlighten Saunas because he believes in it so much.

Sustainable Wood

Sunlighten Saunas are made of all-natural wood. They use a water-based finish on the outside. Alicia Botyrius says there might be some imperfections on the wood. That’s because the company prefers it to be as natural as possible without any chemicals.

“Any time you have a resin, glue or paint, then you heat it up, and you are in an enclosed environment, you’re breathing in those elements and gases. And that is not healthy,” Alicia Botyrius said. 

She adds, “We use sustainable wood. So, from an eco-perspective, we work with farms that believe in reforestation. We make sure it’s wellness for mother nature as well as wellness for people who use it.”

Alicia Botyrius also says that the company also offers units using two other kinds of wood that are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.

Acoustic Resonance Therapy

Sunlighten Saunas also have an audio system from So Sound. Alicia Botyrius explains that it’s a specific frequency that’s been clinically proven to help bring down stress levels and return people to a state of calmness.

The So Sound music plays through the speaker system and provides a subtle vibration sound healing, like a musical massage.  It is best paired with the Chroma Therapy, where you can choose the color of the light to make you feel more relaxed.

Financing Options

Sunlighten Saunas offer great packages that are flexible and easy on your budget. They also help you find people to install your unit and have an excellent customer support team on standby to answer your inquiries.

For home use units, the company offers a seven-year warranty for residents where your unit will be replaced for free if there are any defects. On the other hand, a five-year warranty is offered for commercial use units. Many hotels and top professional sports teams have Sunlighten Sauna units.

Either way, Sunlighten Saunas are meant to last decades. They also offer free shipping and have excellent bamboo carbon towels, which are super absorbent, fragrance-free, organic, and available in their natural color. So, make sure to inquire about that. 

“As technology improves and knowledge improves, we always want to stay ahead of everybody else. We make something that makes us stand apart from everybody else, and we’re very proud of that,” said Alicia Botyrius. “The sauna that you get today will not be the sauna that we have in 10 years or that we had ten years ago.” 


Alicia Botyrius, Business Development Executive at Sunlighten, has been building brands and businesses for 20 years. 

Before Sunlighten, Alicia Botyrius started her career in a large telecommunications company and then spent 12 years as an entrepreneur in the fine art industry by running a business called Signature Canvas. She achieved many successes throughout her career, she landed the first and only co-branded television commercial in the telecommunications industry, grew and managed a worldwide start-up business and created various marketing campaigns and self-published a poetry book. Her success is attributed to the relationships she built with each person she worked with and her belief in servant leadership. 

Alicia Botyrius has been a health and wellness advocate for over 25 years. She is passionate about sharing the full-spectrum of a healthy lifestyle which helps empower people to live a healthier, happier life. Alicia Botyrius believes wellness means more than dress size or body weight, true wellness encompasses every aspect of a person’s life from mental health, nutrition, livelihood, physical activity, and dark chocolate. 

Alicia Botyrius holds a Bachelors’ Degree in Accounting from King’s College and an MBA from the University of Scranton.

Get Connected With Alicia Botyrius!

Official Website



Recommended Readings by Alicia Botyrius!

The Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hahn

Outwitting the Devil by Napolean Hill




Recommended Links:


Episode 265 – Chlorella and Spirulina – Catharine Arnston


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Sep 6, 2018


DefenderShield is a brand of technology which effectively protects us from the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields. I’m sure you’ve heard thousands of reviews proving the importance of avoiding EMF exposure.  To get a better understanding on EMFs and the benefits of DefenderShield, its creator Daniel DeBaun will explain all about it in this episode.

In connection with the subject about electromagnetic fields, I’ve had Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt on the show some episodes back. His primary mission is to reverse autism in children, and one of his top recommendations is to have them stay away from wi-fi signals.

You see, wi-fi signals vibrate at 60 hertz and vibrate the heavy metals in our nervous system. By doing this method of heavy metals detoxification, it helps patients slowly eradicate symptoms of autism.

Protecting His Sons

It was a very personal journey for Daniel DeBaun. Before creating DefenderShield, Daniel DeBaun led the standards development and testing environment for a telecommunications product for probably 25-30 years.  He made sure products were compliant to the standards they had in the system.

When Daniel DeBaun decided to retire early, there was one time six years ago wherein his sons visited him at home. It bothered him that they were in front of their laptops for several hours.  He wife was similarly worried, so Daniel DeBaun researched potential dangers.

“I was stunned that there was a lot of evidence. So, I figured out a way to protect them. Eventually, I made a prototype wherein his sons began using them as well as their friends,” shares Daniel DeBaun. 

He adds, “My conclusion was that there was a problem.  We weren’t going to be victims from the technology in our environment, and I thought of trying to fix it. Plus my wife wanted grandchildren. That’s why she was concerned.” 

What is Radio Frequency

According to Daniel DeBaun, any device operating electronically has an emission of radiation that occurs below 300 Hertz. When that electronic device is consuming that power, there’s a by-product that occurs. And the by-product has exceptionally low-frequency admissions. It’s the stuff that comes out of your wall to electronics.

“Anything that generates a current generates an emission. Then there’s the other type. It’s like when you want to connect to something, you have to create a connection from one device to the next,” Daniel DeBaun explains. “So, if you want to connect to a cell phone and call a friend, your cell phone connects to a cell power. That’s a radio frequency connection or an RF signal. That RF is another form of radiation.”

Dangers of RF Signals

Daniel DeBaun says that if you use your laptop and connect to your wi-fi to get internet access, that’s an RF signal that is allowing you to make that communication. It is a frequency. And the information rising within that frequency is how you communicate.

“The RF is around one gigahertz. A wi-fi signal is around 4 or 5 gigahertz. It’s much faster and different,” said Daniel DeBaun. “It takes many years before we know the impact of the pollutants around us. And RF can be considered a pollutant. It is also dangerous because it can impact the cellular levels as well as the systems in your body.”

Erratic Sleep Patterns

Many studies have proven that electromagnetic fields mess up with our sleep patterns. Daniel DeBaun says that exposures from a cellphone put us at risk wherein the membrane of our cells can weaken.

“Recreation of melatonin is interrupted by an RF signal. You can’t sleep well, and you have dry eyes. So, you need to think about the potentials for long-term exposures,” said Daniel DeBaun.

To further illustrate, Daniel DeBaun cites that there is a potential that the egg of a 12-year old girl is carrying a potentially damaged DNA cell.  This is if she has been exposed to RF signals for a prolonged time. As the girl grows up, her egg is used to create her child. And some research has supported the concept that a baby could end up having a damaged DNA cell as well. 

Natural Toxicity Program

The Natural Toxicity Program is a division of the US Federal Government. Approximately $25 million was poured into the program two years ago to prove a statistically significant epidemiology study that there was no concern about cell damage from an RF signal.

The program took transmitters from a cellphone and included it in the test environment. Radiating this epidemiology population, they found an increase in certain types of brain and heart cancers. The numbers were statistically and significantly higher than the general population that didn’t have that exposure.

“There were thousands of studies in the last five years that look at the breakdown of cells. And there’s that concern that with all these studies, you can’t conclude it. That’s why there’s a bit of controversy in the space,” said Daniel DeBaun. 

The 5G Network

Daniel DeBaun explains that when we had an analog signal, 2 to 4G could break the cells down because it went to a digital format. And the way it is encoded impacts the cells differently.

“We know the digital signal along with the frequency rate is what is impacting our cells. And it creates all the challenges we have today,” said Daniel DeBaun. 

One gigahertz is a billion signals per second. And the 5G network allows us to connect with anything or anybody because of its high speed. Going from 1 gigahertz to roughly 20 gigahertz, Daniel DeBaun says it’s twenty times more speed per second than one gigahertz.

“It’s one third the speed of an x-ray. The x-ray is powerful enough to take electrons, knock it out of orbit and charge it. That’s the mechanical breakdown of the cell that causes cancer,” reveals Daniel DeBaun.

Daniel DeBaun also says that the much more significant speed of 5G is cause for concern. It’s so fast that you can’t go very far. You can’t go any more than 850 feet.

“So, if you’re within a thousand feet of a cell phone tower, you are three times more likely to have cancer. None of us are smart enough to know what the answer is on 5G. Because none of us had studied it anywhere in the world,” said Daniel DeBaun. 

He adds, “No scientific research occurred in that 23 gigahertz space. We can only predict based on what we know of previous technology.”

Radiation Nation Book

For those who want to know more about EMF radiation, check out Daniel DeBaun’s book called Radiation Nation–Your Complete guide to EMF safety and protection. It details all the truths and health challenges what we get from modern technology.

“It was written out of frustration. When I looked at the research as a scientist, there was a lot of evidence that was pre-directionally not good for us,” Daniel DeBaun said. “We were confused about what the stuff was. And we were trying to bring up our families in a changing environment.” 

Daniel DeBaun says he was frustrated because he didn’t see the simple understanding of what the issue is and the simple understanding of what you can do about it. Hence, this book tries to close those gaps.

“The book was for my mother for her daughter. It was for the people that are making decisions in our lives,” said Daniel DeBaun. “I needed to try to help them understand what the problem was and the things they could do. Simple actions can have a substantial change. It was written for the average person to understand the environment they are living at.” 

 Actionable Steps

And just what can we do to lower our exposure to EMF? Daniel DeBaun says that when you have a cell phone against your head, you want to think about that as the worst exposure you can have on a cellphone.

“If you take that cell phone and take it away one foot from your head, 80% of the potential danger of that signal is gone. By 4 feet, 98% of the danger is gone,” Daniel DeBaun said.

In other words, the power adds up so fast that the distance spells a big difference. It is relatively easy to do. By merely moving something or moving the device away from you by a little bit, there a significant benefit. Duration indeed plays an important part in minimizing harmful exposures and living longer.

“If you have a cell phone with a cell tower connection, wi-fi signal and Bluetooth, those are three transmitters entering into the room. You don’t need all three,” said Daniel DeBaun. “I only have cell power. By turning it off, I reduce two-thirds the exposure in the room simply by turning it off and put the phone on speaker mode instead.”

The same goes for TV unites connected to routers and TV boxes. Daniel DeBaun advises that we don’t have to have the wi-fi signal on. Instead, we reduce those transmitters in the room, and that minimizes the exposure.

DefenderShield Products

Daniel DeBaun sells a wide variety DefenderShield products on his website. He said among the DefenderShield selections, the EMF Radiation-Free Air Tube Stereo Headphones / Earbuds is most recommended. It has a long cord to allow you to use your device 4.5 feet away.

To further sweeten the deal, Daniel DeBaun is offering a 20% discount on all DefenderShield products to Learn True Health listeners.  Just make sure to type in the coupon code LTH upon checkout.  


Daniel DeBaun is an internationally recognized and influential expert in shielding electronic emissions and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) protection, with a particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones. His concern regarding the health impact of electronic radiation emissions grew from over 30 years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry, where he held a variety of leadership and executive positions at SAIC, Telcordia, AT&T, and Bell Labs. 

Through the course of his career, Daniel DeBaun has created requirements for large telecommunication systems, led technical divisions responsible for establishing industry standards and formed analysis adherence testing for next-generation digital transmission systems. He also oversaw laboratories which analyzed electromagnetic radiation (EMF) interference, electrical signals, and digital formats. He and the teams he led were looked upon as industry authorities. 

Daniel DeBaun is the inventor of DefenderShield®, the most effective EMF radiation protection technology for mobile devices ever developed. In addition to his work with DefenderShield®, Daniel DeBaun is a highly-regarded author, industry consultant, writer, and speaker as well as frequent guest national radio and television programs discussing EMF health issues. 

Daniel DeBaun is the co-author of the recent bestseller, Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology, the complete guide to EMF radiation safety and protection.

Get Connected to Daniel DeBaun:

Official Website

DefenderShield Products



National Toxicity Program

Book by Daniel DeBaun

The Fallout of Modern Technology: Radiation Nation


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