
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Jul 31, 2018

Norm Robillard, Ph.D Website: (free ebook, "Gut Microbes and Digestive Health - Fast Tract Diet 101" is available for download)
Fast Tract Digestion Heartburn:
Fast Tract Digestion IBS:
Mobile app: Fast Tract Diet (available on Google Play and iTunes) named
Best Gut Health App of the year by Healthline
Consultation via phone & Skype in the US and internationally:

The BEST way to absorb your Magnesium:

Use Coupon Code LTH for 10% off!


Acid Reflux

Most of us resort to taking medications whenever we have acid reflux or digestive issues. And more often than not, we either get too addicted to drugs or our digestive problem doesn’t go away at all.  Well, I’ve got great news! Apparently, we can solve our digestive upset and even reverse gut issues with food and my guest, Dr. Norm Robillard, Ph.D. will teach us how.

Personal Experience

Dr. Norm Robillard has his own story with chronic acid reflux. Through his personal experience, he realized there were some connections between acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome.

“There’s a study that showed pretty conclusively that people with IBS have something going on with too many bacteria in the small intestine, possibly even excessive fermentation,” shares Dr. Norm Robillard. “I spent most of my career in biotech. But at that time, I was suffering from chronic acid reflux. I had a minimal idea of what it was and what caused it. Plus, I also had no idea if it had a connection to diet.”

Then in 2004, something accidentally happened to Dr. Norm Robillard. Through the influence of his son who was an athletic trainer, Dr. Norm Robillard went on a low carbohydrates diet. He was amazed that his acid reflux went away!

Deeper Research

When Dr. Norm Robillard’s acid reflux went away just by changing his diet, he started reading about it and discovered that carbohydrates somehow cause heartburn and acid reflux.

“I studied how the three food groups are digested—fats, proteins and carbs. Bacteria love carbohydrates,” Dr. Norm Robillard said. “They prefer carbohydrates as a food source, and they produce a lot of gas. It is also well-known that people with GERD have more pressure in the stomach.”

But Dr. Norm Robillard says the good thing is, it opens up new treatment options. There are ways of controlling the reflux itself while keeping stomach acid in good health.

He further explains that it’s called acid reflux because essentially, what’s in your stomach is refluxing into your esophagus. If it happens a lot, then it’s a chronic condition. Heartburn, on the other hand, is one of the significant symptoms of reflux.

“So that’s how I got into it. I couldn’t work in drugs anymore and work on creating diet strategies, behavioral and cause analysis,” said Dr. Norm Robillard.

The Right Diet

Dr. Norm Robillard admits that a plant-based diet is challenging because of a lot of highly fermentable materials. Legumes and certain starches, for example, are very fermentable and will cause bloating and belching.

Add on to that; there are harder to digest carbohydrates and people who are lactose-intolerant usually have a hard time. Fiber can also be an issue as well as sugar alcohols because they cause G.I. distress. Another is resistant starch which behaves like dietary fiber.

“Bottomline, as you increase this load, you have a higher chance of having symptoms. But also, if your digestion is out of whack, you don’t digest carbs as well,” Dr. Norm Robillard explains. “There’s a whole variety of things that can affect how well your small intestines work.  Even drugs. On top of that, if you have consumed more than you are capable of digesting, that can cause symptoms as well.” 

Fast Tract Digestion

Dr. Norm Robillard has gathered all the information he learned from the past 14 years and compiled it in a book called the Fast Tract Digestion. Aside from acid reflux, the book also touches on heartburn and IBS.

“It focuses on three areas. First, it talks about the food. The other part is identifying and addressing all of these underlying causes that can make SIBO and excessive fermentation worse,” said Dr. Norm Robillard.

He adds, “Third is the behaviors and practices to minimize malabsorption and optimizing digestion. Like eating slowly and chewing well to give more time to digest the starch. How you select, prepare, store and consume food is important as well.”

Understanding Your Digestive System

Dr. Norm Robillard firmly declares that having stomach acid is bad for your digestion. You won’t absorb vitamins properly. That ends up affecting your bones, nerves and cardiovascular health.

“I give my patients some notes on what I think, and a regimen on how to wean off of medication. Then I tell them to take the notes to their doctor and have a discussion. Because long-term, getting off acid-reducing medicines is part of the solution,” said Dr. Norm Robillard.

How Our Bile Works

Bile salts are produced in the liver, and Dr. Norm Robillard says those salts are collected in the gallbladder. From there, they are squirted into the small intestine especially when we eat fatty meals.

“They help the fat mix with the water so that lipase can digest better. They can be broken down and absorbed. Bile is also anti-microbial. It helps keep some of the bad bacteria at bay from getting into your small intestine,” Dr. Norm Robillard explains.

He adds, “Bile is made from cholesterol. Your body makes it every single time for every round of digestion. Bile is recycled back to the liver and re-processed so they can be released again. Lipase which digests fat, on the other hand, is produced from the pancreas, released down the pancreatic duct and mixes with the bile along the way.”

Why Stomach Acid Is Good For You

Dr. Norm Robillard reveals that a lot of people think that when they have acid reflux or GERD, they think they don’t have enough stomach acid. And they act on it. Some people are even able to find some interventions to help them.

Dr. Norm Robillard further explains that if you want to look at a population of people that don’t have enough stomach acid, you want to look at people with something called atrophic gastritis. People with no stomach acid have a 50% lower risk of something called esophagitis. And low stomach acid isn’t enough for one to have GERD.

“Studies show that 80% of kids with asthma have chronic acid reflux. The drug companies thought it was great. There’s a study showing Nexium does not help asthma. So, the conclusion was that GERD does not cause asthma,” shares Dr. Norm Robillard.

He adds, “That is so wrong. Because you’re not stopping the bile, you’re not stopping the bacteria or enzymes. We need to stop the reflux, and we can do that with diet. Some physical or mechanical issues are really beyond the scope of the Fast Tract diet, and it’s really about identifying underlying causes and figuring out the solution.” 

Fast Tract Diet App

To help you track the recommended foods to eat, Dr. Norm Robillard developed an app called the Fast Tract Diet.  The app contains a list of 800 different foods and will increase to 1,000 foods when it launches soon.

There’s a voice recognition feature, and it can also be easily added to your specific meal plan. To help your meal tracking, there are points for each food. According to Dr. Norm Robillard, the formula was derived from an equation that he developed based on the glycemic index. The glycemic index measured how quickly carbohydrates from any food enter the bloodstream relative to glucose which is easy to absorb.

Meal Plan

Dr. Norm Robillard’s app sounds fantastic because the meal plan can be customized. It can be anything from lamb, fish, eggs, and bacon. He also advises being cautious if you are going to have starches. Bread types also vary, but a French baguette is a good option.

As for fruits, cantaloupes and strawberries are good choices. But make sure not to consume a whole ton of fruit or starch or a big bowl of cereal or oatmeal.  This is because Dr. Norm Robillard explains there’s a lot of fermented material in it.

For snacks, opt for celery or cream cheese, rice crackers or aged cheese. Because all the carbohydrates are already fermented before you eat it. And Dr. Norm Robillard says anything animal-based is 0 points unless it has added carbs.

“There is no limit on animal-based foods, fats, and protein. The only limitations are some carb-based foods. And moderate your intake of onions. Most of all, eat slowly and chew well,” advises Dr. Norm Robillard.

Five Carbohydrates

Dr. Norm Robillard reveals some studies showed that reducing or eliminating fiber was highly effective in addressing constipation. In fact, there was a study by Dr. John Hunter in the UK in 2004.

Dr. John Hunter found that a no-fiber diet was as useful for treating IBS. Limiting fiber is part of putting your gut microbes on a diet. And the other four—lactose, fructose, resistant starch, and sugar alcohols can jack up your digestive tract.

“In a nutshell, we are changing the way the world perceived digestive health. Our goal is to elevate science-based holistic and dietary solutions to a first line therapy instead of the last,” said Dr. Norm Robillard. “Our goal is to inspire 10 million people to transition from drugs and antibiotic therapies to the fast track diet and other holistic solutions.” 


Dr. Norm Robillard, Ph.D., Founder of the Digestive Health Institute is a leading gut health expert. He specializes in functional gastrointestinal disorders (i.e., heartburn, acid reflux, GERD, LPR, IBS, etc.), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and dysbiosis helping his clients transition from drug and antibiotic based treatments to the Fast Tract Diet and other holistic solutions. 

The Fast Tract Diet was presented at the Digestive Disease Week ( meeting in 2014 to give gastroenterologists another treatment option for SIBO and related conditions. His award-winning Fast Tract Diet, mobile app, and Fast Tract Digestion book series, make it easy to try the approach. 

Dr. Norm Robillard received his Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and completed his post-doctoral training at Tufts University in Boston. He currently serves as a scientific board member of Nutrition & Metabolism Society:

For more info, please visit:

Get Connected with Dr. Norm Robillard!

Official Website

Dr. Norm Robillard’s Books

Fast Tract Diet


Facebook – Digestive Health Institute

Facebook – Fast Tract Diet Group





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Jul 26, 2018

Chef AJ's site:

Chef AJ's Books:

The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss: A Revolutionary Approach to Conquer Cravings, Overcome Food Addiction and Lose Weight Without Going Hungry

Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight


Food Addiction

A lot of us are guilty of food addiction. We usually either think it’s hard to do or ineffective for achieving weight loss or gaining your health back. But that’s not true.  That’s why I’m so excited to have Chef AJ who’ll teach us some tips and tricks in kicking our food addiction forever.

Childhood Years

Chef AJ’s eating habits during childhood were the standard Jewish diet. It was high in fat and animal protein. In a way, she describes her environment as belonging to a family of emotional eaters surrounded by food.  As a result, her family members suffered from all sorts of diseases.

” Born in 1960, I became fat at the age of 5. One of every three children under the age of 18 is overweight. It’s never fun being overweight especially as a child,” recalls Chef AJ. “Because it led me to do what I do now. I don’t want people to have to go through the pain shame and humiliation.”

Chef AJ had two older brothers who told her back then that guys are not going to date fat girls. And they were right. Because during her senior prom, Chef AJ didn’t have a date. So, thinking about her childhood, it makes Chef AJ sad.

Growing Up Years

Chef AJ’s family moved back to California from Chicago when she was 11 years old. She was not even 5 feet tall and yet she weighed 160 pounds. That is childhood obesity. 

When Chef AJ was in her 20s, she weighed up to 200 pounds. Nobody was offering any suggestions. It took an offhand remark from an uncle who happened to be a doctor for Chef AJ to want to change.

Her uncle told Chef AJ she could probably go a week without eating and it wouldn’t hurt her one bit. So, Chef AJ tried not to eat, and she indeed lost weight. But in the next seven years, Chef AJ became anorexic. Putting her health at risk, Chef AJ developed liver damage, then her fingernails and hair fell out.

“Anorexia is not sustainable. I don’t recommend it for weight loss or dietary control. Because eventually, you get so hungry,” said Chef AJ. “When you haven’t eaten very much for many years, you end up becoming bulimic like me.” 

She adds, “It’s worse in some ways. Because with bulimia, you have the energy to do things. You’re eating, but you’re eating a lot. And getting rid of food by exercising or in my case smoking and purging. I remember getting depressed and even thought of suicide in my 20s.”

Chef AJ also recalls that back then, they treat bulimia like a mental disease and lock you up in a psychiatric hospital. The funny thing was, for most of that time, Chef AJ was vegan. She became a vegan at a very young age for ethical reasons at age 17 when she attended the University of Pennsylvania.

But Chef AJ was what she calls herself a “fat” vegan. Because she didn’t eat many of the healthy foods that she eats today. She had her food addiction — candies, cakes, cookies and ice cream. Plus, a lot of caffeine and sugar. 

Effort To Change

By the age of 43 and had eaten almost no fruits and vegetables her entire life, Chef AJ soon found had what books call a pre-cancer stage. It wasn’t until Chef AJ was in her early 40s that she learned food had something to do with how we look, feel or what diseases she could get or reverse.

“I always thought it was genetic. Genetics are important to a certain extent. But it’s our diet and lifestyle that pulls the trigger,” said Chef AJ.

Optimum Health Insitute

It wasn’t long before Chef AJ found this magazine featuring a place near San Diego, California called the Optimum Health Institute. Chef AJ first went there on July 6, 2003, and found that although there were no medical doctors, there were chiropractors, nurses, and health professionals. That was also the first time she ever had a conversation on food and how it affects us.

Chef AJ stuck to her prescribed diet for two years. Six months after, she went back to her old doctor who asked Chef AJ if she went to surgery because her colon was now clean. That’s where Chef AJ’s life changed.

After The Program

After going through her program at the Optimum Health Institute, Chef AJ realized she wasn’t going to be able to stay on this diet unless the food started tasting a lot better. Generally, she believes people can do anything short-term. And the way they teach eating at Optimum is more for healing and detox.

There may be people who eat that way long-term, but it’s mostly salad without dressing plus fruit and juices. That’s why Chef AJ enrolled in culinary school and signed up for an intensive 30-day program.

But the cooking school they used a lot of sugar, salt, and oil even on raw foods.  So, Chef AJ was on the brink of going back to her old habits. Despite that, it was a great learning experience because Chef AJ learned kitchen confidence. Soon after, she became a professional chef for five years.

“I wasn’t consuming caffeine, white sugar or flour so I was doing a lot better. Then I soon got a job as a pastry chef,” Chef AJ said. “Then in 2008, I took a 1-year program called the wisdom course.”

The Wisdom course was a lot about play and fun. It was a creative course where Chef AJ was given weekly homework.

“So, I decided to go on a diet for a few weeks to change my palate. Filling the ref with fruits and veggies, I initially felt irritable, anxious, shaky, sad in a way. But that was when I became aware that foods for some people have effects,” said Chef AJ.

Creating Recipes

To help people overcome food addiction and jumpstart their weight loss journey, Chef AJ created some recipes and had some friends sample it.  Her friends found it delicious and encouraged her to share her recipes with people who need help in gaining their health back.

One memorable person who greatly benefited from her recipes is former actor Don Grady.  He passed away from bone cancer, but before that, Chef AJ was instrumental in extending his life by five years just by incorporating her recipes into his diet. 

Chef AJ’s Books

Chef AJ’s road to better health and kicking out food addiction let her write her book called Unprocessed. According to her, processed food is not food. It may be readily available, socially acceptable, easily affordable but it’s not food.

She also explains that especially for kids, children have different sensitivities. Chef AJ cites people in prisons, schools, hospitals are fed the worse possible food. She says even the United States Armed forces.

“The people that could benefit the most from eating the best nutrition are getting the worse nutrition,” said Chef AJ.

Chef AJ’s newest book is called The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss. It’s a new approach to teach you how to overcome food cravings and food addiction aside from losing weight without starving yourself.

TV Show

Chef AJ hosted a TV show called Healthy Living with Chef AJ which aired on Foody TV. It was a cooking show and a lifestyle show as well because she interviewed some cool people who gave valuable information about food. She’s currently working on the funding to air it for another season hopefully.

Food Tips

Chef AJ says that people are going to have to learn some basic cooking techniques if they want to be successful or get somebody else to do it for them. But it doesn’t mean you have to go to culinary school. One has to be willing to devote a few hours every week to do some batch cooking.

“I have videos on Youtube showing people how to do this. Because if you always have healthy food ready, then it’s not hard to assemble a healthy meal especially if you want to eat more simply,” assures Chef AJ.

One of Chef AJ’s favorite quick fix is getting some Japanese sweet potatoes, cut it in half, put some blueberries, fresh mint and fruit flavored balsamic vinegar on top. Other quick fixes can be anything from whole grains, quinoa or beans.

She also advises to let children choose their vegetables. Because generally, people love customizing. Another excellent food resource is the products of the Healing Movement. Their products are raw cultured vegetables, which has the richest probiotics in the market. Plus, it’s dairy-free.

“It can take a while for food that is less stimulating to taste good. Salt is the hardest. It takes a good 30 days to get through,” said Chef AJ. 

She adds, “As for oil, people don’t miss the oil. They may miss the fat. So I recommend the whole food fat over oil. But sugar is a whole another story. If you suffer from food addiction, that might be something you want to cut out no matter what your dietary pattern is.”

Kitchen Tools

One tool Chef AJ loves in making her food is a pressure cooker. But other tools really can help you get healthy food on the table fast.

“There’s nothing magical about oil unless you deep fry. You need a good pan and learn to dry saute, or steam fry the food. You can also add a teaspoon of water or broth,” said Chef AJ. “It does not make the food taste better. Oil coats the food, so you end up having to use more salt.”

Clean Environment

Chef AJ stresses the importance of cleaning up your environment. Because whatever health, lifestyle or behavioral change you’re trying to make, you have to have your environment support you.

“Your environment either supports your food addiction or supports your recovery. It can’t be both,” Chef AJ said. “Your environment is going to be critical to your success, especially your home environment. So control your home environment because it will make a critical difference.”

Signs Of Food Addiction

Are you now wondering if you have a food addiction? Chef AJ recommends that you ask yourself these questions, which is a quiz in her book:

  1. Do you have to consume it daily or several times a day?
  2. Do you feel bad when you are unable to get your fix?
  3. Do you think about it often and can’t wait until you can consume it again even if you just had it?
  4. Is it difficult for you to moderate your use of it?
  5. Do you tend to use more of it than you intended to?
  6. Do you often feel shamed or regret after consuming it?
  7. Do you have physical or emotional withdrawal symptoms when you try to abstain from it?
  8. Is it difficult for you to get through even a single day without consuming this substance?
  9. Does abstaining result in emotional or physical discomfort?
  10. Does the mere thought of abstaining from it bring on strong emotions, like anxiety, sadness, anger or grief?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, Chef AJ says you may indeed be suffering from food addiction.

“I want people to know this is a difficult journey. But it is possible and doable. Eventually, they will learn actually to prefer the taste of whole natural food. Any which way they get there, it is possible. It just takes time,” said Chef AJ. 


Chef AJ has been devoted to a plant-based diet for almost 40 years. She is the host of the television series Healthy Living with CHEF AJ which airs on Foody TV. With her comedy background, she has made appearances on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Late Show with David Letterman and more. 

A chef, culinary instructor and professional speaker, Chef AJ is the author of the popular book Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight, which chronicles her journey from a junk-food vegan faced with a diagnosis of pre-cancerous polyps, to learning how to create foods that nourish and heal the body. 

Chef AJ’s new book The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss: A Revolutionary Approach to Conquer Cravings, Overcome Food Addiction and Lose Weight Without Going Hungry has received glowing endorsement by many luminaries in the plant-based movement. 

Based in Los Angeles, Chef AJ teaches a monthly sold-out seminar featuring cooking instruction, nutritional science, and song parodies, all delivered with comedic panache. Never content to leave her audience with mere “just do it” advice, she teaches how to create meals to transform their health, how to deal with cravings and food addiction and addresses the emotional side of eating. 

Chef AJ is the creator of the Ultimate Weight Loss Program, which has helped hundreds of people achieve the health and the body that they deserve. She was the Executive Pastry Chef at Santé Restaurant in Los Angeles where she was famous for her sugar, oil, salt and gluten-free desserts which use the fruit, the whole fruit and nothing but the whole fruit. 

Chef AJ is also the creator of Healthy Taste of LA and the YouTube cooking show The Chef and the Dietitian and is proud to say that her IQ is higher than her cholesterol. She holds a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University and is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

Get Connected With Chef AJ:

Official Website

The Wisdom Course

Healing Movement

Books By Chef AJ




The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss


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Jul 21, 2018

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Wild Salmon

Many of you have probably heard that eating fish is good for your health.  But not all fish can give you maximum health benefits. Salmon for one, is a favorite preference apart from tuna or halibut. But according to my guest, Randy Hartnell, not all salmon are the same. To educate us further on this topic, he explains the difference between wild salmon and farm salmon in this episode.

Discovering Fishing

Randy Hartnell discovered a love for fishing during his college years while he was earning a degree in English at the University of California in Berkley. Taking on a summer job, it led him to discover fishing in Alaska. 

Randy Hartnell fell in love with commercial fishing and continued after graduating from college. He bought boats, hired a crew and dived into commercial fishing for 20 years in Alaska. Every spring and summer was devoted to catching herring and salmon.

“It was a great lifestyle. I would have still been doing it except for the rise of industrial farm salmon in the world market,” said Randy Hartnell. “In the late 90s, farm salmon exploded despite the nutritional and environmental disadvantages. At that time few consumers knew the difference.”

He adds, “What grocery stores and chefs understood was that farm salmon was now available 24/7, it was cheap and consistent. So, in a couple of years, the price collapsed. That’s why I had to figure out something else to do.”

Vital Choice

Randy Hartnell had a friend call him one day. Together they discussed the factors surrounding the demand for either wild salmon or farm salmon. And because people loved wild salmon, it was an excellent opportunity to make wild salmon more available to consumers.

Randy Hartnell initially hired friends and family members.  He launched the company in 2002 and had grown every year since then. One of the favorite things the company offers is their Vital Box subs program, containing the company’s greatest hits. It includes the most popular Vital Choice products that consumers can customize.

“We enjoy educating people that fish is yummy and easy to prepare and healthy, too. Always go for quality,” Randy Hartnell advises. “Those healthy omega three fats in the fish is unstable. It is prone to oxidation. That’s one reason why chefs prefer farm salmon. Because wild salmon goes bad quickly.” 

Looming Problems

According to Randy Hartnell, the most significant problems fall into two categories. One is environmental, particularly the impact of the farm salmon on the local ecosystem. Everything you’re putting into those cages to feed those fish, a lot of that ends up in the surrounding environment. That in turn, can have a profound impact on the local species.

To get the bigger picture, Randy Hartnell says that salmon farming first started in Norway. The farms there have devastated the wild salmon stocks. In fact, Randy Hartnell talked to a scientist there a few years ago. And that scientist said that British Columbia is insane to put salmon farms along wild salmon migration routes.

You see, Randy Hartnell reveals that in British Columbia, fisheries placed hundreds of farm salmon pans along the migration routes of five different species of wild Pacific salmon. And this scenario attracts diseases and parasites.

“The solution is to move those pens onto land and do closed containment tanks. But the problem is you don’t have mother nature subsidizing your processing of sewage, pumping, and water. That’s why farm salmon that is raised sustainably is more expensive. So, unfortunately, there is not much market for it,” shares Randy Hartnell.

Randy Hartnell says the other issue is the nutritional side. Some are fed wild fish which are turned into pellets and fed to farm salmon. The problem is, the fish might end up having trace levels of contaminants.

“Plus, when you start feeding these farm salmons a lot of grains, you have way more omega 6 to omega 3. Wild salmon has more omega three compared to omega 6,” said Randy Hartnell.

Randy Hartnell also shares that now there is a big mining consortium, that is trying to build a massive open-pit mine right at the headwater. It’s called the Pebble Mine Project, and many are stopping it. 

“There are always going to be bad actors out there. And the best way to put them out of business is to educate consumers to look for and choose sustainably sourced alternatives,” said Randy Hartnell.

Alaska’s Solution

Randy Hartnell fished in Alaska for 20 years.  He shares that based on the state constitution, it states that fisheries will be managed on a sustainable basis.

This means a scientist manages every river that has fish coming up to it. His primary goal is to make sure that every season there is a sustainable yield basis. It’s monitoring the passage of fish into the river and making sure there is harvestable surplus.

Alaska’s “fish cops” primarily protect the habitat. There are no big tourism establishments, logging or dams to destroy the natural environment.  In fact, they are currently expecting fifty to sixty million salmon are coming back to spawn.

Reputable Organizations

Randy Hartnell reveals that consumers are now demanding sustainable seafood. To date, there are 30 NGOs now focusing on ocean sustainability and fisheries around the world. There’s still a lot of work to do.

To those who aren’t aware, a fishery is primarily a defined by its region, the fishing method it uses and the type of fish it catches. Generally, most of the seafood and salmon in the United States come from Alaska because it is sustainable.

Randy Hartnell says the gold standard of organizations is called the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) where he is a member. They are rigorous in evaluating fisheries especially since over 130 species rely on wild salmon throughout their lives, from bacteria to killer whales.

It takes thorough scrutiny before one company gets that coveted MSC logo on their packaged products.  And Randy Hartnell says the nutrition packages that those fish represent is some of the healthiest food on the planet, not to mention sustainable, too.

Benefits of Wild Salmon

According to Randy Hartnell, wild salmon and seafood in general, is one of the last wild, natural organic foods that we have on the planet. They are just about the most nutrient-dense food you can find. And they have way more than the RDI of many of our essential amino acids or healthy fats.

“We all need omega 3 and omega 6 in our diet. They are precursors to all kinds of different hormones that allow ourselves to communicate with one another,” said Randy Hartnell. “So, when you have an imbalance of these two types, it causes a lot of problems like chronic diseases.” 

Seafood Prescription

Randy Hartnell has an upcoming book coming up, called the Seafood Prescription.  It explains the nutrients in seafood and how it addresses so many needs that we have on a biochemical level.

“The fatter the fish, the more omega three it has. Alaskan king salmon or British Columbia king salmon are going to have the most, approximately two grams on a six-ounce portion,” Randy Hartnell said. “Don’t worry too much about the number. Just incorporate more fish into your diet. It’s not about getting the omega three but rather also about restricting the omega 6.”

He narrates that his wife had chronic allergies, skin issues, and inflammatory eye condition before. When he started this company, Randy Hartnell met Dr. William Lands, who was a pioneer in this field and discovered a lot of this biochemistry.

After being educated about fish, the omega 6 factor and how prevalent it is, Randy Hartnell and his wife started cutting out omega 6.  It wasn’t long before his wife was cured of her health problems and Randy Hartnell’s family history of eczema and psoriasis was cured as well.

Fresh Vs. Frozen

Randy Hartnell says that most people will say fresh is superior to frozen. But there was a study before regarding this. From the study, 80% wanted fresh, not frozen fish. Both kinds were cooked side by side, and in the end, the frozen fish tasted better.

“Currently, there’s also a tool to measure cellular damage from freezing and quality degradation,” shares Randy Hartnell. “Freezing is like nature’s preservative. You protect those unstable oils from the air and protect them from oxidation. It will taste like it just came out of the water as long as it is frozen properly.”

Canned Fish

The commonly canned fishes are tuna and salmon. But Randy Hartnell says many are poorly canned because some companies pack lower quality fish into the can. As a result, Randy Hartnell makes sure partner with a company that puts the best fish in the can.

Vital Choices Products

Randy Hartnell assures that his company only buys domestically processed seafood in Alaska or Washington. It costs more, but it’s an excellent avenue to support jobs.

Some other excellent Vital Choices products worth trying are their burgers and sausages. It took quite a while to develop their wild salmon sausages that come in three delicious flavors.

Randy Hartnell also believes that a healthy mom delivers healthy babies. That’s why Vital Choice also has a healthy diet option that caters to pregnant women. In fact, Randy Hartnell shares that there was a study conducted over a span of twenty to thirty years involving 14,000 moms and kids.

“The study looked into the impact on fish consumption and impact on neurological health on children. It also identified that the risks of not eating fish are much greater than those with trace levels of mercury.”

Out of Balance

There are many success stories of people who made the switch to incorporating more fish or fish oil products into their diet. Randy Hartnell says there was one case wherein a patient had omega three therapy. It involved intravenous fish oil to repair the brain which worked.

Randy Hartnell also had a personal experience with omega three therapy when his daughter was hospitalized for bacterial meningitis, severe, and brain swelling. It benefited his daughter as well, and the recovery was faster.

To further get some additional resource, do check out Randy Hartnell’s Out of Balance video on his website, where he interviews five well-known authorities talking about the importance of balancing omega 3.

Randy Hartnell’s website is a wealth of information and even has an online store.  As a bonus, he’s giving all you listeners a 10% discount so be sure to type in LTH2018 for the coupon code upon checkout. 


Randy Hartnell is the president of Vital Choice Wild Seafood & Organics, the leading online seafood company he and wife Carla founded in 2001. He is responsible for guiding the company on its mission of helping consumers source high-quality, sustainable seafood while educating them about the impact of food choices on their health, the environment, and the commercial fishing community. 

Randy Hartnell is the public face of Vital Choice, fostering relationships with environmentally minded, health-conscious consumers and nutrition-oriented health and wellness advocates. Before founding Vital Choice, Randy Hartnell spent more than twenty years as a commercial salmon fisherman in Alaska. He is a Washington state native and holds a degree in English Literature from the UC Berkeley.

Get Connected With Randy Hartnell:

Vital Choice

Randy Hartnell Website

Marine Stewardship Council

EFA Education

Out of Balance Video



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Jul 18, 2018



Balancing Hormones


Balancing Hormones For Optimal Health

Balancing hormones is an essential component to boost one’s energy and mood.  It can also lower inflammation and gain strength. Balancing hormones can also help you restore healthy weight.  But most people fail to realize this because balancing hormones seem complicated but it’s not. And my guest, Magdalena Wszelaki who’s a Holistic Nutrition Coach tells us why.

Looking Back

Magdalena Wszelaki believes her condition traces back to the time when her mother was continued smoking during pregnancy. Magdalena Wszelaki was not breastfed because she was born in an era when formula milk became popular.

The first month she was born, Magdalena Wszelaki had pneumonia and had to undergo frequent ear drainage as a child.  Eventually, she learned that she was sensitive to foods with gluten, dairy, and eggs.  In other words, her digestive system was messed up.

It became worse in her 20s when Magdalena Wszelaki’s food sensitivities were manifesting in another way, which was through horrible acne. It was also because of stress from her career, smoking, no food control and relying on alcohol.

Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s

Magdalena Wszelaki’s life made a significant turn in her late 30s.  She was 36 years years old in 2008 when she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and living in Shanghai.

That time, there wasn’t any information on the internet, and no doctor could explain what autoimmune disease is.

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system stops. It makes you feel sluggish, have brain fog, lose hair and feeling fatigued all the time. It also causes depression and anxiety.

“My body gave in one day, that’s when I was diagnosed in Shanghai. It doesn’t just happen because it’s years of stuff that we do consciously or unconsciously to ourselves. But eventually, the body speaks up and says it has had enough,” shares Magdalena Wszelaki. 

Changing Her Life

In 2009, Magdalena Wszelaki went to nutrition school. She changed things around for herself and helped dozens of women along the way. She eventually learned about the importance of balancing hormones and all of that has been a big inspiration when she put together her protocol cookbook.

“As a 45-year-old today, I feel good. My Hashimoto’s is in remission. I had things with estrogen dominance, and I had all the genes for being a bad estrogen detoxifier,” Magdalena Wszelaki said. “That means I’m much more prone to developing estrogenic problems such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and many more.”

Magdalena Wszelaki could develop lumpy breasts if she didn’t take good care of herself. And because her body responds quickly, she makes it a point to take care of her adrenals.

Health Coaching

Magdalena Wszelaki dabbled in health coaching during the first six years in private practice. Now, she offers online educational programs, online cooking programs, and kitchen detox programs to help more people.

“The thing with private coaching is that it costs money to work one on one with someone. So, we refer out people to practitioners that I truly believe in,” said Magdalena Wszelaki.

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is when a woman has a deficient, normal or excessive estrogen. But there is nothing to balance the effects on her body because there is a little or no progesterone present.

“It’s one of the reasons why we have thyroid problems. We have thyroid issues when we fail to converge a T4 hormone which the thyroid produces and convert it to T3,” explains Magdalena Wszelaki. “T3 is the working horse. That’s what gives you beautiful hair, healthy weight, good mental functions, and energy.” 

Common Symptoms

Some common symptoms of estrogen dominance are PMS, irregular periods, cellulite, fibroids, miscarriages, breast cancers and thyroid cancers. Magdalena Wszelaki says the prostate problem in men is also due to estrogen dominance.

“In estrogen dominance, it’s just the way you are breaking down those estrogens is not in the most beneficial way,” said Magdalena Wszelaki. “It is also due to low progesterone. And it also applies especially for women who have periods for 20 days, spotting, and unable to hold on to pregnancy for more than three months.”

Magdalena Wszelaki also says that balancing hormones is also needed for women with PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome, as well as women who tend to store a lot of fat around their belly. And what happens when we have high testosterone levels.

“This is a metabolic, hormonal imbalance because that happens when we have high blood sugar levels. Blood sugar control is the first step in managing that body shape or hormonal imbalance,” says Magdalena Wszelaki.

Birth Control Pills

Magdalena Wszelaki also cautions women against the use of birth control bills. Because basically, the glands need fuel to function. And vitamins and minerals are food for the glands.

“Birth control pills mess around with your natural cycle of producing hormones. Your glands get signals,” Magdalena Wszelaki said. “A lot of women who are on birth control pills for a long time are not able to conceive. But when they get off it, glands are producing their hormones.”

She adds. “So, if you are reacting badly to birth control pills, it’s an early sign of estrogen dominance. Or you are just not breaking down estrogen and progesterone because they are both synthetic.”

Ways of Balancing Hormones

According to Magdalena Wszelaki, hormones are connected with each other. And diet plays a significant role in balancing hormones. Clean up your digestion first.  Because apparently, we usually don’t even need to use bioidentical hormones.

“When you have high-stress levels, cortisol robs you of progesterone. It can result in anxiety and poor sleep. So, have herbs often, supplements sometimes, and bioidentical hormones only when needed,” Magdalena Wszelaki advises.

Furthermore, she also reveals that you can manage hot flashes and night sweats via blood sugar control. Magdalena Wszelaki also says to be wary of face creams because most products contain toxic chemicals that can havoc thyroid and cause infertility.

Recommended Foods

There are a lot of food choices that help in balancing hormones. Magdalena Wszelaki says that one way is changing your breakfast and be conscious with gluten and dairy.

Some of the food Magdalena Wszelaki recommends are pomegranate, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.  She has a wonderful article about seed rotation on her website, explaining how and why you should switch eating different types of seeds. So, I highly recommend to check it out on her website.

“Other things like cabbage, cilantro, parsley, cinnamon, and bone broth are good. But some people cannot eat raw cabbage. So lightly steam it, and you still get a lot of benefits,” advises Magdalena Wszelaki. “A lot of probiotic-rich foods can cause people with IBS a lot of bloating. It is also beneficial to eat food that is in season.”

I particularly like cabbage which heals the gut and bone broth.  A veggie dip tastes delicious with purple cabbage cut into squares to substitute crackers. For bone broth, select only premium ingredients to get the maximum health benefits and whip up a large batch which you can chill and reheat through the week. 

Farmer’s Wife Breakfast

Since Magdalena Wszelaki mentioned earlier that changing your breakfast can help balance hormones, she high recommends her Farmer’s Wife Breakfast, which is packed with protein, fiber, and fat.

You take fresh leafy greens, steam or eat them raw. Sprinkle the greens with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and some protein on top like a lamb patty, healthy burger patty or any piece of meat.

Top off the breakfast with something fermented like sauerkraut, avocados for good fats and pomegranate seeds for a touch of color.

“Have a balanced diet without just eating one food excessively. A lot of times women don’t have just one hormonal imbalance. So set the foundation right,” said Magdalena Wszelaki.

She adds, “There are early signs that we are struggling with our hormones and health. Listen to those signs. Clear out your digestion, balance blood sugar, avoid caffeine and sugar.” 

Additional Resources

To know more recipes that promote balancing hormones, check out Magdalena Wszelaki’s protocol cookbook, Cooking for Hormone Balance which is available on her website. 

Not only does it have a lot of healthy recipes, but the book also contains a lot of science about the food you should eat. It’s a practical program with over 125 recipes that are easy to do.

Her website also has a quiz to help you figure out if you do have a hormone imbalance.  The quiz assesses thyroid, estrogen, progesterone and cortisol levels.


Founder of the popular Hormones Balance online community, holistic nutrition coach Magdalena Wszelaki knows the value of cooking for hormone balance firsthand. Developing hyperthyroidism and then Hashimoto’s, adrenal fatigue and estrogen dominance propelled her to leave a high-pressured advertising career and develop a new way of eating that would repair and keep her hormones working smoothly. 

Now symptom-free, Magdalena Wszelaki shares her practical, proven knowledge so other women may benefit. In Cooking for Hormone Balance, she draws on current research to explain the essential role food plays in keeping our hormones in harmony and offers easy, flavorful recipes to help us eat our way to good health. She also offers clear, concise action plans for what to remove and add to our daily diet to regain hormonal balance, including guides for specific conditions.

Get Connected With Magdalena Wszelaki!

Official Website

Seed Rotation

Hormone Imbalance Quiz

Farmer’s Wife Sunday Breakfast

Cooking For Hormone Balance





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Jul 13, 2018

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BFR Training

BFR training is getting positive results from those who have tried it.  But for those who haven’t you might want to give this a try if your goal is to gain muscle mass.  To know more about BFR training, join me and my guest, Kusha Karvandi on this episode.

Finding Passion

There are so many ways to lose weight.  It doesn’t have to mean lifting weights all the time. Even walking is a form of effective exercise if you do it consistently. It’s the micro-habits that can help change our body. I was pleased to find out that Kusha Karvandi also has a Sunlighten Sauna, although it shouldn’t be a surprise since he says he’s a fan of heat therapy in general.

Kusha Karvandi first worked as a part-time membership sales guy at a gym in San Diego. When Kusha Karvandi was in school, he initially thought he was going to take the medical route because he wanted to become a doctor. But then he soon realized that he was not cut out for sales. Instead, he was always passionate about health fitness and working out.

“I found a passion for it during the first three to six months doing personal training, and I did it for several years. Apart from that, I also had a big boxing gym in San Diego,” shared Kusha Karvandi. 

He adds, “I started managing gyms and teams, hired and developed hundreds of trainers and I had different certifications. They all speak through the lens of biomechanics. And they all look at the human body as being a biomechanical machine. To a certain extent, it’s true.

Career Shift

By accident, Kusha Karvandi stumbled upon this science called Functional Neurology. It’s like neurology but more of an Applied Neurology. It looked at how does an exercise program influence the brain, or how can we get the brain to influence the goal of fat loss or muscle gain. 

“But there are things like visual skills you need to have to have optimal performance. And that includes strength,” said Kusha Karvandi. “I also realized that traditional medicine is good for emergencies. But regarding improving quality of life and optimal performance, traditional medicine has many pitfalls.”

 One pitfall of traditional medicine is the fact that it is impersonal. There is no diving into a patient’s deep health history.  Often, patients are hardly analyzed, and the solution is usually either surgery or prescribing medication. 

BFR Training

BFR stands for blood flow restriction.  According to Kusha Karvandi, BFR training helps people gain muscle and strength without having to lift heavy weight. Kusha Karvandi first learned about BFR training when he read about it in a journal around six or seven years ago.

For those who are not aware, BFR is not new. It has been around for decades with over 25 years of research and the subject of approximately 200 studies. It was initially developed by a Japanese doctor to help his patients prevent atrophy.

“It made its way into the bodybuilding world because they wanted to use this to gain size and strength,” shares Kusha Karvandi. “In the 90s or before that, the bodybuilding community adopted this to use it as a tool to gain size and strength, without lifting heavy weights. If you lift heavy weights all the time, it takes a toll on the body and brain.”

Benefits of BFR

Kusha Karvandi believes that a good workout gives the body more than it takes. With exercise, most people immediately think they need to do more, lift heavier, workout harder – when in reality they need to trainer smarter and more efficiently.

“I realized how valuable BFR could be too pretty much anybody who wanted to look and feel better. If somebody is trying to strengthen an area that’s weak and can’t do a whole lot of load, this is a great tool,” said Kusha Karvandi.

Kusha Karvandi also says that the goal is keeping workout efficient. And also remember that the recommended weight is 20% of your max in terms of load. Because apparently, it is easier to fatigue with heavy loads so start lighter.

Things To Remember

Kusha Karvandi also advises everyone to maintain technique before increasing loads. Genetics, nutrition and hormonal factors all have a role in building muscle, so it is essential to pay attention to those factors as well.

“As for fat loss, it has more to do with the hormone influence on IGF 1 and growth hormone as well as the metabolic stimulation and metabolic stress,” said Kusha Karvandi. “It’s almost like high-intensity interval training workout. Also, remember to change things every so often.”

He also advises to pay attention to recovery and get some hot sauna therapy as well. Because ideally, you have to have a planned recovery if you want to see continued progress.

“Research showed that doing lightweight BFR training has been equally as effective. In some cases, more effective than doing traditional weight training with moderate to heavy weight without the band,” Kusha Karvandi said.

He adds, “Many people think that because of where the bands are placed, that the only benefit is to the muscles directly near the side of the cushion. But it’s creating a systemic effect. In fact, because of metabolic change, you’re building a shift in homeostasis. 

Choosing A Trainer

In any diet or exercise, it is always best to get professional help. But not all trainers or health practitioners are good, so you still have to be alert on how to choose the best one.

For choosing trainers, in particular, Kusha Karvandi suggests looking for trainers who jot down your progress. Observed if they are engaged in your workout and gauge how are they facilitating.

Recommended Frequency

Kusha Karvandi recommends that doing BFR training for two to three weeks is best. He also dismisses rumors that BFR training is unsafe.

“There is no increase in coagulation with BFR training and no added risk. In a Scandinavian study, it stated that BFR training is safer than traditional training,” said Kusha Karvandi.

He adds, “I’m not a big fan of CrossFit. They are using traditional training. In many cases, heavyweight training like Olympic lifting and combining it with high-intensity and high reps. It’s a recipe for disaster like muscle damage as well as a breakdown of muscle cells and leaking toxicity into the body which can kill you.”

Basic Diet

Diet is not complicated in BFR training.  Kusha Karvandi says to make sure you get adequate protein intake from a natural source. Supplements are also useful for muscle gain, and creatine has been proven to help gain size and strength.

A right amount of fish oil intake is also recommended as well as eating enough saturated fats. Kusha Karvandi also reminds everyone to have enough electrolytes to replace minerals for proper muscle contract and recovery. Magnesium and vitamin B12 complex can also work wonders for your muscle progress.

“When you gain muscle mass, it burns more calories. You have a higher energy demand. You’re going to be hungrier. Gaining muscle mass is important if your goal is permanent weight loss,” said Kusha Karvandi. “How you train and the genetics you have, the supplements you take, physically dictate how big you get. It helps to burn more calories at rest and be more efficient.”

He adds, “I’m also not a fan of fat burners. The best fat burner is eating better, sleeping better and exercising better. It’s all about finding what works for you.”

BFR Bands Online Store

You can buy BFR bands at Kusha Karvandi’s online store. There are several bands to choose from, and very affordable, too! You don’t need to worry about the bands pinching your skin because it has been tested and proven to aid your workout in the most comfortable way possible.

Apart from the bands, there are also several supplement products, accessories, books, and apparel on his website. There’s even an app and a BFR course to guide you through the workout.

As an added incentive, Kusha Karvandi threw in something nice for Learn True Health listeners. Just type in LTH at checkout to avail of the discount so do check out the website. 


As a personal trainer, Kusha Karvandi has trained over 10,000 hours of one-on-one sessions. With over 20 nationally-recognized certifications and a unique specialty in neuroscience, Kusha Karvandi’s ability to transform his clients is unlike any other coach in the fitness industry. 

Although considered the eternal student, Kusha Karvandi describes his coaching philosophy by the Latin word “docere” which implies ‘coach as teacher.’ Kusha Karvandi is the creator of the BFR Bands, designed for the research-backed form of training known as blood flow restriction training which helps you gain muscle and strength without lifting heavy weight.

Get Connected with Kusha Karvandi!

Official Website




Book by Kusha Karvandi:

Eat Fat, Get Fit



Recommended Reading by Kusha Karvandi:

Human Heart, Cosmic Heart


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Jul 10, 2018


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Understanding Epigenetics

Epigenetics and gene methylation are two essential components to our health. Symptoms can only warn us at a certain extent, but epigenetics and gene methylation enable us to understand why our body is working the way it is.  To help us understand epigenetics and gene methylation and how it affects us, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald is on the show today to explain why.

Early Training

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald shares that she did some did training after medical school, after which she took on a post-doctorate position in Nutritional Biochemistry at a chemistry lab that was pretty advanced. Together with a team, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald analyzed things like organic acids and toxins. 

“We were looking at evidence of how genes were functioning in our bodies by looking at various things that were products of gene activation,” said Dr. Kara Fitzgerald. “We eventually started analyzing the microbiome using PCR and DNA analysis. Incidentally, we were the first lab to offer it clinically. So in a way, we were early adaptors.”

Then, after some time, the whole idea of methylation became popular. Many people started inquiring about data. According to Dr. Kara Fitzgerald, it was exciting, but her background is working in the laboratory keeps her rooted in research. 

What Is Methylation

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald explains that methylation is a massive multi-factorial process that happens in the body. But simply put, a methyl group is just carbon with three hydrogens.

“We can then take that methyl group and stick it on to compounds in the body and then pop it off as compounds,” said Dr. Kara Fitzgerald. “So, we’re forever putting methyl groups on to things and taking it off of things.” 

She adds, “So it’s difficult to pin down what symptoms are associated with methylation. Because it is fundamental, and it is happening all over the place. To date, over two hundred enzymes are using that methyl group in humans.”

Discovering Epigenetic Methylation

Some years ago, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald came in contact with epigenetic methylation. DNA methylation is a fundamental epigenetic piece. The hypermethylation of a gene generally turns it off while the hypomethylation of a gene generally allows it to be expressed. Dr. Kara Fitzgerald says because of that, it can have a profound influence on health or the expression of disease.

Tumor suppressor genes can be hypermethylated and turned off. Hypomethylation will allow a gene to be expressed. It is also here where you can see the hypomethylation patterns in cancer and other chronic diseases.

“The gene that’s going to promote the development of cancer could be hypomethylated and therefore turned on. As I dove into the literature, I thought that perhaps we were pushing methylation too far and influencing negatively epigenetic methylation,” said Dr. Kara Fitzgerald. 

She adds, “We want to pay attention to what’s coming down the scientific pipe. Think about it being applicable and likewise ask if we are doing something that we need to change. The world of epigenetic methylation is a huge a-ha moment for me, ultimately changing the way I think and practice medicine.”

Methylation Goals

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald reveals that people should aim for balanced methylation of the epigenome. We must also be able to allow the body to make the decision points on how our epigenome is methylated.

There are demethylating drugs that are used in cancer therapy, and they do widespread demethylation of the epigenome. But while they are helpful, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald says they are not specific.

But it looks like nutrients can be a little bit more specific around allowing balanced methylation expression in the epigenome. Dr. Kara Fitzgerald primarily uses diet to optimize methylation expression or epigenetic expression in the body.

“The research in epigenetics prompted me to pause and not just push methylation forward because we see a genetic mutation in somebody,” explains Dr. Kara Fitzgerald. “Be mindful around the fact that pushing methylation reactions forward with high dose B vitamins will probably prove that it’s not the best way.” 

She adds, “In the short term if you got somebody who has a profound B-12 or folate deficiency and has anemia because of it, that might not be the answer. There may also be anxiety or imbalance in their transmitters that could change moods.”

But Dr. Kara Fitzgerald says that the bigger question to ask is why we are methylating genes that we don’t want to methylate. Another point to ponder on is gauging whether we are shutting off tumor suppressor genes that we otherwise wish to function well.

Furthermore, if we don’t have enough methylation nutrients in our body, we must figure out if we allow the expression of genes we don’t want to express. Another factor to think about is seeing whether we cause our epigenetic methylation patterns to be off. 

Epigenetic Clock

One area that Dr. Kara Fitzgerald is interested in is cancer. She says some of the detox genes can be methylated and turned off. The other piece she’s interested in is aging.

“Aging itself is a process where we stop methylating as well. As we age, we see regions of the gene hypomethylating. But you can still have regions of hypermethylation that you don’t want,” Dr. Kara Fitzgerald said. “Dr. Steve Horvath from UCLA designed an epigenetic clock. There are over 300 methylation sites on the genome that is associated with aging.”

In Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s program, people’s epigenetic clock is changed. The program involves dietary changes, meditation, tracking sleep, and exercise. Dr. Kara Fitzgerald further reveals that the program changes the protein produced by the genome through altering the epigenome that creates a better environment, which ultimately is a better way for us to respond to stress.

“There are all sorts of methylation patterns associated with stress and depression. Sometimes, we can inherit it from our parents, or we can develop these imbalanced patterns from childhood. We can also get them as adults during extremely stressful periods,” said Dr. Kara Fitzgerald.

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald says sleep quality also influences epigenetic expression. We also know that diet has a massive influence on epigenetic expressions as well. Under her program, they help people transition from a standard American diet to a diet that’s very rich in methyl nutrients through food.

Ongoing Research

There are many ongoing research studies to understand epigenetics and gene methylation better. Dr. Kara Fitzgerald shares that research today demonstrates that healthy food does have a protective effect. We have a robust methyl donor-rich diet, but we also have foods called methylation adaptogens to finesse methylation.

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald also reveals that studies are looking at inflammatory or anti-inflammatory genes. The first thing to figure out is whether or not the pro-inflammatory genes are turned on. And then at the end of the study, researchers look into possibilities whether or not we can inhibit them.

Research Results

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald also shares that a lot of the current research we have on epigenetics is limited to animal studies. But more studies are coming out in humans.

“We can’t do a one-on-one extrapolation, but there’s research that deprives animals of one night of good sleep. It’s not just the next night that they are messed up. It lasts till the next day,” said Dr. Kara Fitzgerald.

Therefore, you can imagine the lasting damage that can happen on the epigenome, altering the genetic expression if you get poor quality sleep. Dr. Kara Fitzgerald likewise reveals that there are epigenetic marks that aren’t going to be changed by diet and lifestyle. Plus, there are regions of the epigenome that are more vulnerable to these changes.

“There are many differential methylation patterns in many autoimmunity conditions. Autism incidentally is a huge one,” said Dr. Kara Fitzgerald. “Neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s has imbalanced methylation patterns as well.”

Furthermore, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald says there’s a higher incident of autism in moms with autoimmunity. Having heavy metals and toxins in the body also affects the methylation process.

Adaptogenic Foods

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald advises eating food that are methyl donors and food containing folate, vitamin B-12, beets, and minerals. Ultimately, she says we need a good, rich body of methylation donors to keep that happening.

Incidentally, a Functional Medicine doctor, Dr. Michael Stone from Oregon, coined the term methylation adaptogens. Methylation adaptogens are compounds in fruits and vegetables. Dr. Kara Fitzgerald describes them as active constituents that augment methylation behavior.

One of Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s favorite form of nutrition is green tea because of EGCG, which stands for epigallocatechin gallate.  It is a polyphenol with health benefits against diseases like obesity, insulin resistance, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and high blood pressure.

Rosemary is also a powerful epigenetic modulator, and the same goes for curcumin, blueberries, and turmeric. Good fatty acids are recommended, and Dr. Kara Fitzgerald says there are also some probiotics that appear to be able to promote folate production.

Ultimately, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald encourages a food first approach before taking any medicine.  A good healthy gut is essential as well as getting enough exercise.  One big thing that can help is minimizing toxin exposures.

Additional Resources

For additional information on methylation, check out Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s website.  You’ll be able to find links to her e-book, Clinical Development Programs, Functional Nutrition Residency Program as well as contact information of her clinic.

There’s also a link to her FXMED podcast and a collection of recipes that are easy to make.  Her online store also has products to help improve methylation and an assortment of supplements. 


Dr. Kara Fitzgerald received her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. She completed the first CNME-accredited post-Doctorate position in Nutritional Biochemistry and laboratory science at Metametrix (now Genova) Clinical Laboratory under the direction of Richard Lord, Ph.D. 

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s residency was completed at Progressive Medical Center, an extensive, integrative medical practice in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the lead author and editor of Case Studies in Integrative and Functional Medicine, a contributing author to Laboratory Evaluations for Integrative and Functional Medicine and the Institute for Functional Medicine’s updated Textbook for Functional Medicine. 

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals. She is on the faculty at the Institute for Functional Medicine and is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner. She was formerly on faculty at the University of Bridgeport in the School of Human Nutrition and the School of Naturopathic Medicine. 

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald is a clinician-researcher for The Institute for Therapeutic Discovery. She regularly lectures internationally for several organizations and is in private practice in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

Get Connected With Dr. Kara Fitzgerald:

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Books by Dr. Kara Fitzgerald

Methylation Diet And Lifestyle – Ebook

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s Publications

Recommended Readings:

The Wahls Protocol


Recommended Links:

Hormones Balance


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Jul 3, 2018

Today we will learn:

  1. How and why anxiety affects your whole life
  2. How to effectively form new habits
  3. 3 techniques to eliminate anxiety, whether it’s around a specific event, the outlook of your day or the span of your life

Check out this episode and it's show notes on MindLove's Site:

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Eliminating Anxiety

Eliminating anxiety is such an essential component for achieving success and happiness. But a lot of people still have no idea that anxiety is a significant deterrent.

Anxiety has become the number 1 mental health issue in the United States. Studies show that one-third of the American adult population usually experience anxiety-related issues. And the results are not surprising because anxiety affects a lot of things. 

I guested recently on Melissa Monte’s Mind Love Podcast where I talked about eliminating anxiety techniques as well as tips on creating healthy habits and rewiring your brain. This episode will teach you how to rewire our brain, form positive habits, think happy thoughts, react better and learn faster.

Childhood Years

I was a very sickly child when I was about six years old during the 80s. That time, my mother was working hard and tended to take a lot of antibiotics or medicines instead of resting.

My mother ended up getting candida and yeast overgrowth. She felt horrible and irritable aside from dealing with brain fog. That usually happens when we take a lot of antibiotics because it kills all this good biome and bacteria.

Discovering Natural Medicine

Soon enough, my mother found a Naturopathic Doctor and took me along as well. After a battery of tests, that doctor declared that I was allergic to milk, wheat, yeast, and sugar.

There were supplements that he created and got both my mother and me on a diet. Our new diet was gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, dairy-free and had lots of vegetables.

The new diet would consist of anything from fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, beans, some fish, and some chicken. It sounds boring, but my health improved significantly. In fact, I had so much energy and didn’t get sick anymore. 

Rebel Years

Like the typical teenager, I decided to rebel when I was 13 years old. It was not long after that I lost my health. By the time I was 19 years old, I was pre-diabetic. I also developed PCOS and was told that I’d never have kids.

By the time I was 26 years old, I was suffering from monthly chronic infections that needed antibiotics.  I also had chronic adrenal fatigue and became a full-blown diabetic.

It was a hard time for me because it was also during this period that my mother passed away. I lost myself, my emotional body and mental body. In an attempt to find a way to heal, I discovered Neuro-linguistic programming.

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-linguistic programming is a way of communicating, psychotherapy and personal development that started in the 1970s. It has incredible tools that can make you mentally stronger.

You can become stronger by letting go of negative emotions. Let go of limiting decisions and create the person you know you are without all the garbage and baggage. Neuro-linguistic programming helps you let go of a lot of guilt and shame.

A Better Place

So, in becoming a Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-linguistic programming, Timeline Therapy, Hypnosis, and Health Coaching, I healed my heart. As far as dieting is concerned, I tried a lot of diets and failed because I realize the nutrition factor was missing.

Then I found Natural Medicine again seven years ago. Becoming a Health Coach was very fulfilling because I helped clients heal naturally and work on things like eliminating anxiety. In fact, I personally never realized I had anxiety until I learned not to have it anymore.

My life is different now.  I was able to conceive naturally to a healthy baby boy who is now three years old. And doing this podcast gives me so much joy knowing I am helping to educate a lot of people.

Understanding Anxiety

Some techniques can help change things to achieve specific goals in life. Such as treating phobias, depression, learning disorders and eliminating anxiety.

Anxiety, in particular, can be different for everybody because we are so different from our belief system.  But remember, anxiety is not a negative emotion.

Sometimes, anxiety is associated with anger.  And anger is healthy when it is anger at the moment. Why? Because it helps us get motivated to do something somehow. So, it’s healthy to process it and let it go immediately. Looking at it from another perspective, an unconscious mind is communicating emotions to us.

In Touch With Emotions

Sometimes, our emotions come from unresolved memories from the past. It can also be negative beliefs about ourselves which we have to resolve. Anxiety helps us focus on what we want.

You see, the body cannot tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real. There’s a study conducted wherein there were three controlled groups of people.

The first group was taught simple 5-finger piano exercises. Those people never played the piano before. The second group was tasked to imagine playing the piano with one hand. Then the third group was made to play the piano without any prior lessons. Each exercise lasted for thirty minutes.

For the first two groups, results showed that they were three times more expressive than people who just aimlessly played the piano. Those who imagined playing the song and those who played the song to the body and the brain happened to produce the same result. The study proved that those who just imagined over and over again, have just as much improvement as those who practiced.

Now the problem with anxiety is that people who don’t understand why we have anxiety, go to a doctor.  The doctor would then and put patients on drugs which eventually alters the chemistry of the body.

But then people would usually say they still felt anxious. This is because they always focus on what they don’t want. And when this happens, you are triggering your stress response over and over. That’s why our body can’t heal. And when stress isn’t adequately addressed, it can sometimes lead to cancer. 

Being Aware Of Symptoms

Physical symptoms should be regarded as a warning signal to investigate the root of whatever is going on. Because people aren’t just born with anxiety. Relief from some things doesn’t mean that any actual feeling has occurred. It’s usually just suppressing it.

I firmly believe we can reverse almost everything with Natural Medicine. Although I appreciate drugs for emergency medicine, there are some situations when drugs are not necessary. For example, for chronic illness, you should not see a medical doctor. This also goes for the time when we have emotions we want to resolve.

Anxiety Freedom Relief Technique

This particular eliminating anxiety technique focuses on what you do want. Mainly, you want to send a message to your body that we are now at a safe place. It is actually what NLP is, which is understanding how our neurology works.

First of all, think of about that future event that stresses you out and get in touch with that. Gauge it on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being the lowest. Then imagine how much anxiety do you feel right now.

Close your eyes and float above your timeline. Float for 15 minutes past the successful completion of the event to which you have anxiety from. You need to imagine the successful completion.

Then think about what level is your anxiety now. Usually, 95% of listeners at this point no longer have anxiety. Because they were obvious on what they were anxious about. They went through 15 minutes past the successful completion which told their body that the threat is gone now. That’s how you turn off that stress response.

As for the remaining 5%, those are usually the people who didn’t imagine the success. Some people imagine the completion. They did not envision the root reason why they have anxiety in the first place.

So, an effective way of eliminating anxiety is by going 15 minutes past the completion of your life.  And have a positive mindset. Motivate yourself to think that your life is going to work out.


Usually, it takes between 21 and 60 days to make or break a habit. Learn the art of habit stacking. One way is to pick something you do every day and stick to that. It’s a lot easier adding to your routine than it was to create it in the beginning. Intentionally focus on what you want.

And why does it happen?  Well, because there’s part of the brain called the reticular activating system. It’s part of our brain’s filter system that allows us to get what we want. Plus, it can’t tell the difference between a negative and a positive. In other words, it helps us get what we don’t want.


Hakalau means Peripheral Vision and Expanded Awareness in the Hawaiian language.  It is also known as The Learning State. It’s all about becoming aware of your peripheral vision.

There are exercises you can do every day to develop your peripheral vision and your awareness. It teaches you to step away and become an observer, to learn to slow things down and think before reacting. 

Free Your Anxiety Webinar

To know more about techniques for eliminating anxiety, do check out my website and click on the link to join my free webinar. It’s a great resource if you want to dive deeper into learning long-term techniques in eliminating anxiety, fear, and stress for good.

Mind Love Podcast – Eliminating Anxiety episode

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Learn True Health – Free Your Anxiety Webinar

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Jul 1, 2018

 This is where Rachel Pulley teaches Zero Waste Life Style classes. She will be adding summer classes soon as well:

For more info on the anti-microbial bags that we speak about contact Ginny or visit her site:

Zero Waste Living

How many of you have tried to live a life of zero waste? In this materialistic world,  having zero waste seems something hard to do.  But it is possible.  My guest Rachel Pulley will teach us the beauty of having zero waste lifestyle and how to be aware of the problems that our waste is creating.

How It All Began

Rachel Pulley’s zero waste journey began about over two years ago.  She says her zero waste lifestyle started in a place that is quite unusual for most people. One day, Rachel Pulley got overwhelmed with how much waste we create during whenever women have their period. That is indeed an odd place where people would start a zero-waste lifestyle.

“I say it’s a funny place to begin this journey because this change is usually the last one people make. And I became overwhelmed by the thought of all the waste I would produce in my lifetime alone,” said Rachel Pulley.

Starting The Research

So Rachel Pulley began researching for feasible solutions or alternatives. That’s where her journey started.  The more she dug into the zero waste lifestyle, Rachel Pulley found different podcasts that she loves to listen to. 

“I found bloggers living a Zero Waste Lifestyle, authors, and community and I began my journey through those experiences,” said Rachel Pulley. “But I am not a scientist or environmentalist but I see what’s happening and it worries me.”

Menstrual Cup

Using a menstrual cup was Rachel Pulley’s initial attempt to live a life of zero waste. A menstrual cup comes in different kinds, and Rachel Pulley declares the little silicone cup as life-changing.

For sanitary reasons, Rachel Pulley boils her menstrual cup once a month, and she even has no problems sleeping with it.  There’s a brand of a menstrual cup that comes in assorted colors, and Rachel Pulley assures that it’s not hard to use it. She also advises women to watch Youtube tutorials to learn how to use a menstrual cup.

I have read that tampons and pads are harmful if they aren’t organic.  This is because we can absorb chemicals from the cotton. That’s why Rachel Pulley also recommends using cloth pads. 

In A Nutshell

Rachel Pulley says she strives to live the zero waste lifestyle. And there are so many factors in our surroundings that contribute to waste. Plastic breaks up over time and becomes smaller. Eventually, the fishes in the ocean will think it’s food, so they eat it, and we eat them. That’s how plastic is starting to show up in us.

“Our waste doesn’t just go away. It’s affecting our environment, killing animals, affecting our health and draining our resources,” said Rachel Pulley.

Baby Steps

Apart from the menstrual cup, Rachel Pulley started bringing a reusable bag everywhere especially during shopping trips and doing the grocery. This is because she says plastic bags get ripped and soiled. It then ends up in landfills or shipped to underdeveloped countries.

A big chunk of plastic also ends up in oceans.  The plastic by then looks like food, which turtles think it’s jellyfish.

“There are so many different forms of waste. It can be trash, food waste or clothing,” explains Rachel Pulley. “When you’re starting this journey, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. But we aren’t perfect.” 

She adds, “Try a zero waste audit. Look at your trash. Think of what you can get rid off and what you can’t live without. It’s a fun journey, and it should uplift you.”

Zero Waste Party

Rachel Pulley threw a unique birthday party to celebrate her 30th birthday last year. She says doing a zero waste party needs ample time for planning since you have to figure out how to get products in alternative ways.

One way is to buy ingredients in bulk and pack them in your reusable bag or steel containers especially when purchasing meat. For her party, Rachel Pulley made appetizers and had guests use cloth napkins instead of paper plates.  For drinks, there was lemonade served in glass cups. 

“People won’t understand it at first. But get creative. Expose kids to the outside world to help them be aware. Have a family clean-up to motivate kids. Do a beach clean-up time to time because kids generally want to change the world,” said Rachel Pulley.


Rachel Pulley doesn’t think plastic is necessarily the enemy, but what we created it to be, it’s everywhere. So, her advice is to just become more mindful not only of recycling.

“Recycling is a good alternative. But I don’t think it’s the best way to handle what we got,” said Rachel Pulley. “Because in the end, recycling something has to start somewhere. It can’t just keep being recycled unless it’s glass or paper.” 

Zero Waste Home

One of Rachel Pulley favorite authors is Bea Johnson, the author of Zero Waste Home. To jumpstart your zero waste lifestyle, Rachel Pulley advises starting with refusing the things you don’t need. Then reuse the things that you can.

“The idea is to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce by looking where to stop buying and replace with something better. Recycling is at the bottom because essentially, you want to cut out as much as you can,” said Rachel Pulley.

Containers And Utensils

Since we know that we can absorb the toxic elements from plastic cups, it’s best to invest in glass containers to store food and stainless-steel containers like this brand called Hydroflask. It may be costly, buy investing in good containers and thermos bottles can do wonders for your health in the long run.

Another way is to bring your silverware.  Nowadays, there are even more alternatives when it comes to utensils. Some are also made from bamboo.  Rachel Pulley says an excellent resource for environmentally-friendly items aside from Amazon or eBay is a website called Tiny Yellow Bungalow and Package Free Shop in New York City.

These companies even go as far as packaging with paper or cardboard. Another great item to invest in reusable straws which are easy to clean.

Dealing With Food

Speaking of food, a zero waste lifestyle means you will also tend to steer clear of processed foods since those are packaged with plastic.  You get to eat more real food that way.

“I try to live healthily and eat clean. And I always know the difference between how I eat. But I also notice a huge difference in my health as far as living,” said Rachel Pulley. “I also don’t clean with a ton of chemicals.”

Food Waste

Food waste is a good mix of food waste and dirt. Rachel Pulley says that it’s making soil nutritious because it has the opportunity to break down properly.

“A lot of people will have a worm compost where those worms do a ton of good things. So, if you see worms in your soil, that is a great sign. They help the composting process,” said Rachel Pulley.

She adds, “Composting sounds more intimidating than it is. The only things you can’t compost are fish and meat. Because it becomes putrid and harmful to animals if they eat it.”

Do The Research

Rachel Pulley also encourages people to do their research. Research recycling in your area because there are many options.

According to Rachel Pulley, not all plastics can be recycled. A regular recycling factory can’t recycle all plastics. Furthermore, she says if you look at the bottom of any plastic, it has a recycling symbol with a number in the middle. That stands for what kind of plastic it is.

“Not only does the waste impact our health, but also the health of this beautiful planet that we have been given,” said Rachel Pulley. “And I am a strong believer that we have to take care of it. I’m a big believer on how our trash is impacting the ocean.”

Rachel Pulley reveals that scientists only found about 1 % of the amount of plastic polluting the ocean. The rest of that 99% they believe, is either down into the depths of the ocean, or it becomes so small that they can’t find it.

“We shouldn’t be scared but rather be aware of the effects of using plastics. This isn’t me saying I’m a hundred percent zero waste. I’m just well aware of what are the things happening in our world,” Rachel Pulley said.

She adds, “People don’t realize that when you throw away trash when you put Mother Nature in a plastic bag, it can’t decompose properly. It becomes a toxic sludge that leaks into our soil. That will eventually end up in our ocean. It’s all connected.”

Zero Waste Workshops

Rachel Pulley enjoys teaching zero waste workshops because she saw the need to start educating people about the growing waste problem. She believes there is still so much to learn about how to save our planet from deteriorating.

Ultimately, Rachel Pulley says it’s figuring out what works best for you and your family. Doing the little things will add up to make a huge impact, even though it may not feel like it.

“Not only do I love zero waste and sustainability. It makes you think outside of yourself. You begin to appreciate and care for things more,” shares Rachel Pulley. “They have more value to you because they aren’t just disposable. I believe this planet and the beauty on it is a gift from God and we have been taking advantage of it for too long.”

She adds, “Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle is a beautiful journey. It’s not meant to be one of frustration; it’s meant to be one of connection, appreciation, mindfulness, and invention.” 


Rachel Pulley is an actor at heart and currently a theatre teacher. She got her degree in musical theater and planned to go back for her Masters. 

Rachel Pulley doesn’t have a formal education in Environmental studies that would lead her to the place she’s in now. Her pursuit of a Zero Waste Lifestyle is purely out of passion. 

Rachel Pulley works with a local market to do Zero Waste live videos, and she teaches Zero Waste classes as well. 

Get Connected With Rachel Pulley!

Zero Waste Summer Classes


Recommended Reading:

Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson



Recommended links:

Tiny Yellow Bungalow

Package Free Shop

Zero Waste Home



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2) The IIN Curriculum Syllabus:

3) Module One of the IIN curriculum:

4) Get three free chapters of Joshua Rosenthal's book:

Watch my little video on how to become a Certified Health Coach!


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