
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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Dec 27, 2018

Transform your inner critic into your best friend

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Decreasing Stress

Decreasing stress and listening to your inner critic plays a significant role in our overall well-being. Once we master ways of decreasing stress and listening to our inner critic, this self-awareness can help us cope with the demands and stress from outside factors. To explain the ways of decreasing stress and listening to your inner critic, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger will dive into that in this episode.

Early Years

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger first learned about Sigmund Freud when she was in elementary school. She was turned on by his concept regarding analyzing dreams and helping people feel better.

When Dr. Nicola Dehlinger reached high school, her interest turned to psychiatry. But doing pre-med in college, she hated it. Dr. Nicola Dehlinger had a hard time connecting with pre-med colleagues.

Defining Moment

Studying about U.S. health care systems, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger who was then 19 years old, was dissatisfied. She wondered what to do especially since she was almost done with pre-med.

One year when she was back at home for winter break, the mom of one of Dr. Nicola Dehlinger’s friends suggested that she talk to her doctor.  That doctor happened to be a Naturopathic Doctor, and a very popular one, too.

“As things evolved for me during medical school, I was drawn to mind-body medicine. I wanted to help put back together the relationships between our emotions, mental well-being, and physical health,” said Dr. Nicola Dehlinger.


Dr. Nicola Dehlinger’s first job was at an HIV wellness clinic. Because she speaks Spanish, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger was hired as a medical assistant and worked with a lot of therapists.

“I got to hone my skill set around integrating Naturopathic Medicine and physical health with this mental health component,” said Dr. Nicola Dehlinger. “I did it for three years and moved to Colorado in 2006 to help co-found a wilderness therapy organization called Open Sky.”

Personal Journey

Life outside looked great, but Dr. Nicola Dehlinger soon realized she wasn’t happy. She was in an emotionally abusive marriage and decided to work on herself by decreasing stress.

“Through my process of traditional therapy, mind bodywork with my mentor, I started cultivating a relationship with myself,” Dr. Nicola Dehlinger said. “That relationship with myself was what enabled me to get out of a job that was tearing me apart on a personal level. And get out of relationships that weren’t supportive to me on any level.” 

Soon after, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger eventually opened a private practice and made time to sit with patients. It was then that she realized that her patients had the key to their healing and decreasing stress.

“My job got easy. Just by listening to people more deeply, I started realizing how much wisdom each of us brings to the table but that we don’t see. Because we’ve been told that we don’t know the answers,” said Dr. Nicola Dehlinger.

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger also realized that the more she can help people come back into themselves and decreasing stress, the fewer symptoms they have. This way, they can enjoy more health and vitality in their life.

“The number one expert on your health and well-being will always be you. And sometimes it’s nice to have a guide. Because we don’t necessarily know which way to go,” Dr. Nicola Dehlinger said. “The body is divinely wise. When you have symptoms, that is the body expressing dis-ease in somewhere in the body.” 

Understanding Stress

In our culture, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger says we don’t get praised for acknowledging stress. Career expectancy is higher. And the pace in which we communicate now between text and social media, we are expected to process about a thousand times more pieces of information in a day than we were 20 or 25 years ago.

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger also mentions that with regards to technology, there is a physiological stressor of receiving information. She believes we are running ourselves down in small increments.

“When we start normalizing a collective experience, all of a sudden, nobody is talking about it anymore. It’s interesting how we don’t see it and don’t equate it.” Dr. Nicola Dehlinger said.

Common Denominators

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger observed that most people would identify with the feeling of overwhelm when it comes to stress. Another symptom is sharpness regarding being cognitive.

On the other hand, some people have issues with insomnia. Dr. Nicola Dehlinger says peeing in the night is an indicator of sleep quality unless it is a prostate issue. Having a hard time getting out of bed, digestive changes and constipation can also be stress factors.

“Part of that is because we don’t have enough energy to wake up early enough to have morning routines like five minutes of stretching, a glass of lemon water before coffee and a breakfast that you sit down and chew,” said Dr. Nicola Dehlinger.

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger also says we have to think about all of the physiological components that the sympathetic nervous system does for us to fight or flee. We were designed to be in that fight or flight around 10% of the time. And physiologically, it has a significant impact on blood sugar metabolism, cholesterol, and blood flow. But the good news is, we can reverse all of this.

“Adverse childhood events affect. Around two adverse events pose a risk of increase of disease, disability and even premature death by ten years,” Dr. Nicola Dehlinger said. “If more than four adverse events occurred, one is more likely to have a dangerous lifestyle like smoking, attempted suicide, alcoholic or using IV drugs when they become adults.” 

She adds, “Our tendency to be in abusive relationships, to becoming obese, having heart and lung disease and liver disease have a higher risk of depression and overall lower health and vitality. Once we realize their early experiences could determine chronic disease as an adult in childhood, then we can start working on that.”

Emotional And Mental Effects

The moment when Dr. Nicola Dehlinger addresses the history of abuse or trauma of the patient and start exploring that, she helps people safely tell their story. If there’s nobody to help us integrate that experience, it becomes a glitch in our system.

“We start tripping over that disintegrated experience and form a solid memory. Then when we are triggered to remember that event, we can’t integrate that experience,” said Dr. Nicola Dehlinger. “All of a sudden, all these other experiences we have in an adult body or adult experience, it pulls on a string. And the whole system gets reactivated.” 

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger says what she can do is help someone be more present by assisting them to acknowledge that it was impactful to them. She says we can’t change our paths, but we can change how we can relate to it by bringing it out of the closet and into the light. 

Emotional vs. Physical Health

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger believes emotion and physical health are very related. She says we don’t value rest. But it’s not about sleep, but instead, it’s about the lack of doing something while awake.

“When there is an energetic shift in the body, it creates a chemical shift, and that creates a psychological shift. We have to let go of this idea that our mental body isn’t affecting our physiology,” Dr. Nicola Dehlinger explains.

Ways in Decreasing Stress

It’s okay if you don’t have much time to devote to yoga or meditation practice. But if you have five minutes and you can use an app or follow the inhale and exhale of your breath, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger says you can change how your genes express themselves.

“It creates a mitochondrial resilience. Because some cellular prophecies get stabilized to the adaptation of oxidated stress. And that, in turn, enhances cell survival and cell function. The more we practice, the more of these mitochondrial-positive changes we see occur,” Dr. Nicola Dehlinger said.

According to Dr. Nicola Dehlinger, these are the core cellular changes that are creating a broad base of shifting. And that’s how the mind-body affects doing something like relaxation. When we have better molecular resilience, we will see more physiological medical, psychiatric resistance.

“For the body to be able to receive food, we have to be more in that parasympathetic states. Take three deep breaths before starting a meal. Put your fork down between bites. These are mindful practices,” recommends Dr. Nicola Dehlinger.

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger says people realize that when you stop and don’t push through, you come back to your task infinitely more refreshed. She also says that the reason high school classes and therapy sessions are 50 minutes long, is because every hour, our brain wants to do something new.

“It doesn’t have to be something big. This is how we start the process of disconnecting. We don’t respond to our body when it’s thirsty, hungry or needs to use the bathroom,” said Dr. Nicola Dehlinger.

Physiological Benefits Of Decreasing Stress

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger says cortisol has a significant impact in decreasing stress. Because it has two main roles in the body. One is to manage stress, and the other is to manage inflammation.

“Our body is going to give the cortisol down that stress management pathway preferentially. And we won’t have as much cortisol dedicated to the management of inflammation,” said Dr. Nicola Dehlinger. 

She adds, “Inflammation is a huge part of our repair system in our body. Where we can get trouble is when that repair system never gets shut off. It can lead to another disease state like Parkinson’s, irritable bowel syndrome or cardiovascular disease. It is also important to look at what you are eating. You may be sensitive to food that is creating more inflammation in your system as a whole.”

Jumpstart To Decreasing Stress

First, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger advises to jot down a list of 5 to 10 symptoms. Then get quality sleep, have clarity of mind, proper digestion, mood patterns.

“There is also a huge spectrum of adrenal fatigue where when we first start getting adrenal burnout, it feels good. The next stage is where we are feeling wired and tired. We’re starting to feel the effect of the stimulation. And our body will then start to be resistant to all the stress,” said Dr. Nicola Dehlinger.

In the end, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger says the cortisol will drop. Everything in our body gets low like anxiety, depression, irritability.

“Recognize that this is a long process. Give yourself a one out of ten rating daily at the end of every day to track what you do. Let your body time to get 80 to 90% healed,” said Dr. Nicola Dehlinger.

Inner Critic

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger is running a 5-month program, “Becoming Your Own Best Friend: A Five Month Program to Tame your Inner Critic, Let Go of Self-Judgment, and Lift Depression to Create an Inspired, Joyful Life!” It is a web-based program designed to help all of us quit beating ourselves up and find more compassion for ourselves.

“We spend so much time and energy shutting out our inner voice. And we run, hide, or push against it. The inner critic is that part of the brain that lights up when we make a mistake to that we remember it and not make a mistake again,” Dr. Nicola Dehlinger said.

The inner-critic will show our mistakes to us a lot of times. Dr. Nicola Dehlinger says it’s a self-protective mechanism that helps you to learn and grow from past mistakes or experiences.

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger further explains that the inner critic thinks that he or she is the only one driving the bus. It has to hammer the message into the ground because nobody is listening. And nobody is actually in communication nor a relationship to this part of ourselves.

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger believes it’s time to face this part of ourselves that we think is mean and cruel. And we can come back to our natural state of being which is the state of self-awesomeness.

“Start getting in touch with yourself in a way that you’re understanding what’s driving the stress and what’s driving you the pressure that you’re putting on yourself to do what you’re doing. Become aware there’s a problem,” advises Dr. Nicola Dehlinger.

She adds, “Then let yourself feel into whatever that thing is. it will inherently shift how you are relating to whatever is stressing you out, and you’re probably could be inspired by the way you could do it differently.” 


Dr. Nicola Dehlinger received her B.A. in International Health from Brown University in 1997, graduating with honors. During college, she ran her first peer education groups for at-risk adolescents. In her undergraduate and post-graduate years, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger did extensive international travel looking at various psycho-social factors which affect personal health and healthcare delivery. 

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger also learned from local traditional healers about the impact of the community on individual health. Before moving from Boston to Phoenix, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger was certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher in the traditional Usui system of Reiki, a Japanese healing art. Between travel expeditions, she did case management and client advocacy for people living with mental health, HIV, and addiction issues. 

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona in 2004. In addition to the standard curriculum, she took classes in craniosacral therapy at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. 

During medical school, she served as a Naturopathic Medical Assistant at an HIV wellness organization (Body Positive) in Phoenix, AZ. She also worked at a domestic violence shelter providing support to women and their children. After completing medical school, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger maintained a private practice in a yoga studio. She also worked with patients at Body Positive where she utilized her Spanish fluency working with the Latino community. 

In 2006, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger moved to Durango, CO to co-found Open Sky, a wilderness therapy program for young adults and adolescents coping with a variety of issues including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, disordered eating, substance abuse, failure to launch, and others. In her role as Wellness Director, she was the first to integrate naturopathic medicine into wilderness therapy and set a new standard of care for health and nutrition practices in therapeutic programs across the country. 

Dr. Nicola Dehlinger created a weekend designed to expose parents to wellness practices and learn how to incorporate them into their already full lives effectively. It was working at Open Sky that rekindled her interest in mental health-related issues and brought her back to the principle of actively connecting the mind and body as the key to healing. 

Today, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger sees clients in her naturopathic medical practice in Durango. Her focus is working with clients on mental health issues – from insomnia to anxiety to eating problems. She also enjoys working with people who are interested in enhancing their life by optimizing their health. Dr. Nicola Dehlinger welcomes all patients, regardless of age or ailment, who are willing to invest in themselves. Raised and educated on the East Coast, Dr. Nicola Dehlinger relocated in 2000 and fell in love with the openness of the Southwest. It was in this part of the country that she learned how to rock climb and strengthened her passion for hiking, camping, and yoga.  In her free time, if you can’t find her in the mountains, you will see her in the garden or the kitchen with her son.

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Recommended Reading by Dr. Nicola Dehlinger

Loving What Is – Byron Katie



Dying To Be Me – Anita Moorjani



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Dec 23, 2018

Feminology: the art and science of female hormones

 Dr. Nash's Pill Damage Guide:

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Natural Hormonal Balance

Natural hormonal balance without hormone-replacement is possible and something every woman needs to know. It is vital for women because it helps us regulate our period, deal with menopause and helps us deal with reproductive issues better. To explain how we could have natural hormonal balance, Naturopath Dr. Ginger Nash dives into that in this episode.


Dr. Ginger Nash’s journey of being interested in ways of attaining natural hormonal balance started in the 90s in Portland Oregon. She studied in a school called National College of Naturopathic Medicine back in the day. Now the school is called the National University of Natural Medicine.

“My journey to Naturopathic Medicine started with a background in the history of medicine. When you go to Naturopathic Medical school, you have trials you have to get through. It’s not the easiest profession to make a success of,” said Dr. Ginger Nash.

But Dr. Ginger Nash also reveals that she didn’t have that insecurity that a lot of other people struggled with. She was always interested in issues around women’s health even when she was studying history. That eventually led to her current focus on teaching women how to achieve natural hormonal balance.

“So, I came to the profession with such deep respect for the mysteries of the body and the complexity of the body. And I think that works well for a Naturopathic philosophy,” said Dr. Ginger Nash. 

Personal Health Issues

Dr. Ginger Nash had major abdominal surgery back in the 90s when she was a graduate student and didn’t have health insurance. She had a 30-centimeter ovarian cyst destroying her ovary and fallopian tube and had irregular cycles. It was apparent that she didn’t have any idea of how important it was to have a natural hormonal balance.

“I was taking oral contraceptives for six or seven years and came off a year before this crisis erupted. The day I was released from the hospital when I was 25 years old, I had an epiphany,” Dr. Ginger Nash said. 

She adds, “I decided I wanted to go to Naturopathic medical school and learned what a Naturopath was because of my job as a research assistant.  That’s why I wanted to be a doctor. So, I applied right away and threw myself into the study of medicine. It was a radical shift.”  

Career Challenges

Naturopathic Doctors are still struggling to get a Federal law to be legitimized in larger institutionalized circles. But Dr. Ginger Nash says the beauty of what they do is that so many people in the grassroots level want this type of approach to their health.

“Naturopathic doctors are important in really helping people with complex issues that involve various parts of the body and various organ systems. There are so many different aspects to the way we can work with somebody,” said Dr. Ginger Nash. 

She believes that one should see a Naturopath if you have a chronic disease and you have to keep taking drugs to manage symptoms. Dr. Ginger Nash says the solution would be to get to the root cause causing the chronic disease process. As for diet, she says there are a lot of tweaks they can make nutritionally which has tremendous benefits on a person’s health. 

Lymph System

The lymph system is the waste system of the body. Dr. Ginger Nash says we all have this tremendous exposure to the thousands of chemicals that comes to our environment daily. And research shows the lymph system has to work adequately for us to eliminate toxins.

“It is the lymph system that picks up the toxins after they exit the cell and move it around the body. Ultimately, you don’t want to get it stuck in other parts of the body but rather dump it into the gut so that you can eliminate it,” said Dr. Ginger Nash.

There’s a lot of issues with lymphatic health. Dr. Ginger Nash says if you have a chronic infection, your lymph will slow down and become sluggish because of that. This is because the lymphatic system plays a huge role in our immune system and the body’s ability to eliminate waste products.

“It moves all the white blood cells around the body. And acts like the scavenger for some pre-cancerous cells,” said Dr. Ginger Nash. “The lymphatic system also plays a role in our hormone system because the minute amounts of hormones that are moved around the body to target tissues are extraordinarily important.” 

She adds, “Most women these days are progesterone-deficient. And the lymphatic fluid attracts progesterone more readily. So even if you have adequate progesterone, you might not be moving it around the body well enough. But if you have low progesterone, your lymphatic system can help balance your hormones indirectly as well.” 


Dr. Ginger Nash reveals that many women are progesterone-deficient and that hampers natural hormonal balance. Because chemicals in the environment play a big factor. A lot of plastics, toxins, and chemicals mimic the effects of estrogen in our bodies.

“It’s not a true progesterone-deficiency, but you get relatively higher estrogen levels or estrogen activity. Many women also do not have proper ovulation cycles each month. If you are taking any synthetic hormones or contraceptives, you are suppressing that ovulatory function and your body’s natural production of progesterone,” said Dr. Ginger Nash.

Importance of Progesterone

Progesterone is essential to balance out the effects of estrogen. Dr. Ginger Nash says estrogen, on the other hand, is a growth hormone and it creates cell turnover. It’s an excitatory hormone for the brain. So, you can have a lot of anxiety and stress.

Dr. Ginger Nash further explains that progesterone has a calming effect in the brain. It also has a bone-building effect. While it has a little impact on your libido, it affects the whole symphony of the female lunar cycle or monthly cycle.

“If you’re suppressing that natural monthly rhythm, you are suppressing your relationship with yourself in a very deep way. Although these hormonal fluctuations can make us feel out of balance and off-kilter, it does connect us with our bodies in a very deep way,” said Dr. Ginger Nash.

Dr. Ginger Nash likewise shares that synthetic drugs deplete b12 and folic acid. That’s why for women who are taking the pill, they should be taking certain B vitamins that are depleted by the use of the pill.

“That can make your cervix more susceptible to cervical cancer. There’s absolutely a connection between oral contraceptives and synthetic hormones on a woman’s mental health,” Dr. Ginger Nash said. 

Barrier Method Vs. Natural Methods

When you’re taking the pill, you’re not protecting yourself from sexually-transmitted diseases. So, Dr. Ginger Nash stressed the importance of using condoms or a cervical cap.

Cervical caps now come in silicone. And you can get fitted for those, or you can get a prescription. It gets fixed right over the cervix, and you can use it with or without spermicide.

“For those of you who had abdominal surgery or have lost an ovary, don’t be concerned because ovarian cysts are so common. There’s very little change in fertility rate even if you have one ovary,” Dr. Ginger Nash said.

Dr. Ginger Nash also says women at menopause are now being put on the pill. Because so many women are afraid of hormone replacement therapy for a good reason.

That’s why Dr. Ginger Nash makes extra effort to educate women. There are options and other ways of achieving natural hormonal balance besides just suppressing your natural rhythm.

“You have to find out what the cause of the heavy flow is. Is it fibroids? Or is it estrogen dominance? Curcumin is effective for heavy bleeding. Check your diet also. Ultimately, you shouldn’t be debilitated with your monthly period,” advises Dr. Ginger Nash.

Dr. Ginger Nash also clarifies that some women may need bio-identical hormone replacement. But that should eventually be weaned off because she believes that women aren’t meant to have these levels of hormones into an advanced stage.

“Any rapid change in hormone levels is going to produce temperature dysregulation issues potentially. Sometimes when you are estrogen dominant or when you have a big jump in your estrogen levels, you can also get hot flashes when your estrogen goes up,” Dr. Ginger Nash reveals. 

She also adds that sometimes, irregular sleep patterns might be the reason for a woman’s cycle to be off. The same goes for those who exercise compulsively.

Menopause Program

Dr. Ginger Nash has an excellent program for women. Feminology is the art and science of female hormones. It aims to help women better understand themselves and the working of their bodies, especially the subtle orchestra of our hormones.

The program is focused on primary hormone balancing and repairing damage caused by hormonal contraceptives. It is combined with cleanses like a post-holiday cleanse in January, spring cleanses in spring, and a fall cleanses in October.

Dr. Ginger Nash deemed it best to launch her menopause program around those cleanses, so women can start with a 10-day food-based cleanse. This way, they get to dive deep on what’s the best diet for them regarding hormone balancing.

After doing the basic three modules, women get to focus on what’s possible for them at menopause. Dr. Ginger Nash loves to call menopause the age of wisdom and strength. Because she thinks women at this age learned a thing or two about themselves. And hopefully throughout their lives.

“When they are ready to face a new life stage, hopefully with some empowerment and support through the program, they can figure out what they want and what is going to make them feel the best,” Dr. Ginger Nash said. 

She adds, “It’s never too late to make a little step in the right direction for your health. If you had a lifetime of bad habits, food issues, and food hang-ups, it is never too late to take steps to ensure great health, longevity and enjoy the quality of your life.” 


Dr. Ginger Nash graduated from The National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1998 and her 20 years of clinical practice has worked with thousands of women on natural hormonal balance without the use of hormone replacement. Complex homeopathy, herbal medicine, and nutrigenomics are the therapeutic cornerstones of her practice. 

Dr. Ginger Nash taught at the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine clinic for six years and had taught seminars for other healthcare professionals throughout the U.S. and Canada for over a dozen years. She is a sought-after speaker and has recently launched online health programs for women through her umbrella organization called “Feminology: The Art and Science of Female Hormones” with her colleague Dr. Tara Nayak. These doctors interweave the scientific knowledge behind natural medicine and the art of helping women heal.

Get Connected With Dr. Ginger Nash!



Recommended Readings:

Our Bodies, Ourselves – Judy Norsigian



Wild Feminine – Tami Lynn Kent


Pussy: A Reclamation – Regina Thomashauer

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Dec 17, 2018

Dr. Jay Davidson's supplements:


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BioActive Carbon

BioActive carbon has proven to help repair the body and restore it to optimal health. Recognizing the need to address different health issues, Microbe Formulas have produced natural supplements as a protocol for better health.  The co-founder, Dr. Jay Davidson is a returning guest who has extensively shared ways on how to detox parasites in a previous episode.

Phase One

In teaching us the entire protocol for better health, Dr. Jay Davidson initially explains that phase one is focused on drainage. It is also to prepare the body and minimize symptoms as you move forward. 

“As we get more people to follow this protocol, we realize that there are some added things that we needed in here. Primarily the drainage support is what changes everything,” said Dr. Jay Davidson. “When we’re looking at drainage and how to repair the body, you want to look at what are all the drainage pathways.”

Dr. Jay Davidson says that ideally, two or more bowel movements a day is needed to heal the body. Because when you start moving into supporting the immune system, going after pathogens, detoxing and pulling the chemicals out, it’s a lot easier for those pathways to get clogged up. As soon as those pathways get clogged up, that’s when symptoms happen.

“Phase one we look at supporting the intestinal tract, liver bile duct, and kidneys. If the colon backs up, it backs everything up. If the liver bile duct is backed up, then it backs up what’s above that,” Dr. Jay Davidson explains. “What’s above that is the lymphatic system, and then we look at organs and tissues. And one of the important organs is the brain.”

Listening To Symptoms

I have always stressed in past episodes that it is vital to listen to our body. Symptoms are there to give clues on what is going in. Dr. Jay Davidson says that for example, headaches, brain fog, cognitive type issues, and insomnia can signify that something is amiss. 

“We know there’s usually something backed up in the chain of drainage. Whether it’s the colon, liver bile duct, lymphatic system or all of the above for it to clog up,” Dr. Jay Davidson said. 

He adds, “The liver bile duct is one of the most important that I see what holds people back from getting well clinically. And the more attention you give to the liver bile duct, the better off we’re going to be.” 

BioActive Carbon Products

Dr. Jay Davidson mentioned that a product in phase one is BioActive Carbon Foundation. It is there to support quite a bit of thing. The BioActive Carbon always get their attention for binding. But more importantly, the BioActive Carbons help to give carbon and hydrogen to the body and oxygen as well.

“So, if you look at how the body is made, 96% is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Under 4% is minerals,” said Dr. Jay Davidson. “The BioActive Carbon is giving the base bone of our body support. It is also doing other things like binding and detoxing the pathways.”

Activated Charcoal

If we go out and buy activated charcoal or an activated carbon charcoal type supplement, Dr. Jay Davidson says it could come from a lot of different sources. Incidentally, activated charcoal is a long chain carbon and there are different chains of carbon.

“In the BioActive Carbon, we have small, medium and long. The long sit inside the GI tract. So, the liver processes toxins.  Phase one and phase two detox is how it processes chemicals. Phase 3 is drainage,” Dr. Jay Davidson explains. 

He adds, “The healthy way is that these by-products then get dumped into the bile. Bile holds on to toxins and pathogens live in there as well. It causes stagnation and causes things to get thick and affects our GI.”

BioActive Carbon Iodine

When bile is recycled, Dr. Jay Davidson says it will bring along that by-product of the chemicals and toxins with it. Activated charcoal has been known to help bind on to the bile. It is a long chain carbon. When activated charcoal binds on to the bile, the body then eliminates it through the feces.

“We utilize BioActive Carbons in many instances. And we modify the molecule based on what the needs are,” said Dr. Jay Davidson. “Bioactive Carbon Iodine is a new product of ours, designed to bind on to bad halogens like chlorine or bromine specifically. It grabs on to those halogens that typically displace iodine.”

Dr. Jay Davidson also explains that if you take a lot of iodine, it can cause a thyroid storm. Because the iodine will turn the thyroid on. It’s needed to heal the thyroid. But if you have strong autoimmunity, you want to balance the minerals out.

Understanding Mitochondria

A lot of people do not know how mitochondria affect our overall health. Dr. Jay Davidson says mitochondria has been talked about a lot. But it’s rare to find stuff that works to open that up.

“When you look at mitochondria, they produce ATP in the cells. And when the mitochondria are blown out, we don’t get the cellular energy,” Dr. Jay Davidson said. 

He adds, “Until we get the cellular energy up above where the chronic infection and toxicity is, we’re not going to re-establish that. As soon as you stop detoxing, it’s going to start creeping back up. You have to re-establish cellular energy, so you don’t have to take stuff forever.”

Biomolecular Oxygen

According to Dr. Jay Davidson, biomolecular oxygen is stabilized oxygen. Dr. Jay Davidson has been using it whenever he does coffee enemas once a week.

“I put a tablespoon of molasses in there to hold it in easier. Then I add the BioActive Carbon minerals and biomolecular oxygen. Ten drops of each. You can nebulize it if you have lung issues,” suggests Dr. Jay Davidson.

Fulvic Acid

Dr. Jay Davidson also claims that his team has been able to stabilize the oxygen inside the fulvic acid or extracts of the fulvic acid molecule. So, not only is it delivered in the body, but it also sustains.

“Another thing you can look at is perfusion index percentage. It is a better marker to look at overall health. That’s the health of your arteries and the ability for the blood to penetrate the tissues and get absorbed,” Dr. Jay Davidson said. 

He adds, “If a protocol will help those who are chronically ill, a protocol also takes your health to a whole new level even if you’re not in the chronic illness side.”

Coffee Enema

To those who want to try a coffee enema, Dr. Jay Davidson recommends getting organic, non-pesticide sprayed coffee beans. Light or air roasted coffee is best.

“It’s not green coffee, but it’s not a medium or dark roast. We go for light or air-roasted because it has more things we want health-wise, especially that the liver will benefit from,” reveals Dr. Jay Davidson. “It increases detoxification, raises glutathione, increases bile production of the liver and increases purging of the bile.”

Here are the steps on how to do a coffee enema:

  1. Put a tablespoon of ground coffee per cup of water. If you do a 4-cup solution, put four tablespoons of ground coffee in water.
  2. You can add essential oils or molasses — the reason why Dr. Jay Davidson adds the molasses in his coffee enema is actually to make it easier to hold it in.
  3. Boil coffee on the stove for 20 minutes and hold the enema for 15 minutes.

“When you hold coffee in, it speeds up the blood flow. Blood usually goes through the liver every six minutes. When you do a coffee enema, that shrinks to 3 minutes,” Dr. Jay Davidson said.

BioActive Carbon BioTox

BioActive Carbon BioTox is for ammonia, mold, fungus, and candida.  Dr. Jay Davidson says it helps to regulate oxygenation up. It is also a perfect supportive formula for cellular energy.

“You can take BioActive Carbon Biotox and BioActive Carbon Foundation before and after a coffee enema. The BioTox not only is in phase two but can also be in phase zero or the energy booster pack because it helps the mitochondria,” said Dr. Jay Davidson.

Gallbladder Flush

To restore health, Dr. Jay Davidson gave these simple protocol:

  1. Don’t eat fat for the day.
  2. Stop eating at 2 pm.
  3. Drink some Epson salt around 6 pm and 8 pm. It’s going to cause diarrhea, and it will clear the intestines and move stuff quick.
  4. Take some olive oil and fresh grapefruit. Mix and drink it.
  5. Lie down and fall asleep. Olive oil causes the bile and gallbladder to purge.
  6. Start drinking Epson salt in the morning as well to flush colon. 

Eating Right

Dr. Jay Davidson is no different from the other experts we had on the show as far as food is concerned. He says good diet is essential. Because it is the foundation.

“You can’t out supplement a bad diet. Make sure you are eating clean and healthy,” said Dr. Jay Davidson. “Beyond that, you can look at the supplements and what you can do to help support the liver. 

He adds, “We have a formula called Kidney Liver Detox. But a lot of supplement companies have kidney formulas and gallbladder bile duct type formulas as well. Apart from that, also eat food with bitters in them.”

Phase Two

Dr. Jay Davidson says phase two is necessary because the big toxicity epidemic has created an environment to attract the body to parasites. He believes that the idea wherein we are going to be sterile from parasites is not reality. Because we’re not eliminating every single critter in the body or parasite.

“Parasites will absorb toxins and heavy metals. So, when you’re doing as a parasite-type cleanse, I recommend at least 90 days,” said Dr. Jay Davidson. 

He adds, “People with chronic illness or health issues could be much longer. Bottom line, when it comes to cleansing, persistence, and consistency is the name of the game. Also, do a longer initial cleanse and then modify the maintenance.”

Mimosa Pudica Seed

Mimosa Pudica Seed is one of the products under the Microbe Formulas label. Dr. Jay Davidson says it is the formula one, followed by the BioActive Carbon BioTox.

Dr. Jay Davidson also clarifies that BioTox could be in phase zero or energy booster pack. It is an organic ingredient and they have a special way to grind it down that is effective. It is also a great gut grabber and gut scrubber.

“We know we can’t be all things to everybody. But the things we up out with, we want to be able to make changes in people’s lives and come out with the best stuff,” Dr. Jay Davidson said. 


Dr. Jay Davidson D.C., PSc.D. completed his undergraduate studies at University Wisconsin La Crosse Majoring in Biology with biomedical concentration and chemistry minor. He received his doctorate of chiropractic degree at Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Minnesota. 

Dr. Jay Davidson focuses on functional, natural medicine. He is a husband and a father. He is also a popular speaker and a two-time #1 internationally best-selling author. He was the host of the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit #1 and Chronic Lyme Disease Summit #2. He was also the host of the Parasite Summit and a co-host of The Detox Project, which had over 50,000 participants. 

Dr. Jay Davidson is admired for his ability to bridge the gap between the scientific health community and the layperson. His holistic approach encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. He works with his clients to formulate a simple, straightforward plan for restoring health. This has gained him tremendous respect among the Lyme community and his colleagues. 

Dr. Jay Davidson is an ambitious researcher and clinician in the health world. He and his team of well-trained doctors work with clients virtually around the world! He is also the Cofounder of Microbe Formulas, the premier parasite supplement company at

Get Connected With Dr. Jay Davidson!


Official Website

Microbe Formulas

Parasite Group

Coffee Enema Course

Books by Dr. Jay Davidson

How To Fix Lyme Disease

5 Steps To Restoring Health Protocol


Recommended Reading by Dr. Jay Davidson

4 Hour Workweek  by Timothy Ferriss



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Dec 15, 2018

Ashley James shares all of her most effective cold and flu home remedies that every family should have in their medicine cabinet.

Sign up for Ashley's January Health Transformation Live Workshop:

Throat Coat Tea:
Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray:
Epsom Salt, high-quality bulk bag:
Rebounder - See below
4 Organic Lemons
2 Packets of Fresh Thyme
2 thumbs of Fresh Ginger
Cayenne powder, optional:
Neti Pot, optional:
Two pairs of organic cotton socks:
Large wool socks:


Effective Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Effective cold and flu remedies are what I’m going to share with you today since it’s flu season. You surely don’t want to be sick during the holidays, so it’s best to bookmark this episode of effective cold and flu remedies that have been tested and proven.

First of all, it’s important to know how your immune system works. Our blood circulates through the heart and lungs. It got oxygenated and pumped out to all the cells in the body. This is how the body receives oxygen and nutrition to the 37.3 trillion cells in our body.

And the lymph system is responsible for collecting the fluid from the cells and brings it back to the circulatory system where the blood is. It’s the white blood cells get to go into the lymph system.

When there’s a presence of virus and bacteria, the lymph system detects it. Hence, the lymph nodes harden. But don’t be alarmed when you feel it because it’s a good thing. The lymph system holds those bad bacteria inside those lymph nodes. It brings in the lymphocytes which are the white blood cells to attack the bad bacteria.

While that’s happening, this is also when we feel under the weather, experiencing anything from a cough, sore throat, chills, fever or sinus issues. But we can counter all that with effective cold and flu remedies.

Our immune system is spread throughout our whole body, but most of it is centered around the digestive system. And the digestive system is one of the main areas where a virus can get into our body. That’s why we have to make sure our gut is always healthy. And we can achieve this by having a diet that supports gut health.

For our immune system to work optimally, the body needs 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, two essential fatty acids, and 60 trace minerals and elements. And an excellent way to get all these nutrients is by eating right, particularly a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Cow Dairy

Some people notice a decrease in immune response once they drink cow’s milk. Some people find that drinking cow milk is healthy for them. So it’s all about listening to your body if it responds well to cow milk.

If you notice any symptoms after drinking cow milk, consider 100% omitting cow milk from your diet for 30 days. Then re-introduce it after a month and see how your body responds.

The thing is, people don’t realize that in drinking cow milk, you are drinking the immune system of another animal. That’s why for some people, it negatively affects their immune response. Hence, Naturopaths usually recommend eliminating dairy from their diet.

Processed Sugar

Processed sugar also tears down our immune system. So, eating foods that contain processed sugar or flour, it spikes blood sugar. And in eating processed sugar, we are also feeding an infection like candida or some other opportunistic germs because they live off sugar.

Consider lowering or eliminating sugar or any processed sugar like agave or honey. Stevia, on the other hand, doesn’t create sugar in the body because it’s an herb.

Recommended Foods

I can’t stress this enough—eat lots of veggies! Start with protein-rich foods, in your case it would be eggs and wild-caught fish as well as lentils.

A colorful variety of veggies contains all of the antioxidants and immune boosting phytochemicals we need. Mushrooms and onions, for example, are excellent immune boosters. 

Shopping List

Below is my list of proven activities to help relieve the suffering and support your immune system in recovering faster. Do what you can, when you can.

Relaxing and giving the body time to heal is the best thing you can do. Immune-supportive activities would include resting, staying warm and doing things that make you happy.

But first, here’s a shopping list of what you’ll need:

Throat Coat Tea

Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray


Epsom Salt, high-quality bulk bag

Rebounder – See below

4 Organic Lemons

2 Packets of Fresh Thyme

Two thumbs of Fresh Ginger

Cayenne powder, optional

Neti Pot, optional

Two pairs of organic cotton socks

Large wool socks


Rebounding is a way to strengthen the lymphatic system. Get a small trampoline for adults which you can find on eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Offer Up or Craigslist. Here are some examples:

High Quality, around $200 New

Good Quality, around $100 New

What to look for in a rebounder for Lymph circulation:

  • The kind that does not have springs, but instead has bands that hold the trampoline mat in place. This will make it a quiet experience, so it doesn’t squeak every time you bounce.
  • Be sure the max weight is above what you weigh.
  • Get one that folds away so you can store it under your bed or couch when not in use.
  • Get one with a handlebar for safety and stability.
  • For fun, you can also pay a bit more and get one that comes with attachments and workout DVDs, so you can also use the rebounder for great home cardio workouts that are fun!

Jump on the rebounder for ten minutes a day. Ideally, do it once in the morning and again at night. Don’t jump to the point your feet are leaving the mat. Because if you are, you’re not rebounding. Just bounce. Do some slow, deep breathing as you bounce.

By doing this, you’ll notice you have way more energy, and you’ll feel calmer. And it supports your immune system. It helps to pull all that fluid out and back in through the lymph nodes.

Importance of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone the body makes when we expose our skin or eyes to direct sunlight. The vitamin level you are looking for is anywhere between 50 to 60. Some doctors recommend it to be higher than 60.

Ideally, you should do your blood work at least once a year to test your vitamin D levels. If it falls below 50, you have to take some vitamin D supplements. And if it’s below 30, some Naturopaths will recommend taking 10,000 international units for 30 days. Then back to 5,000 international units for the next two months after which you need to get tested again.

If your vitamin D levels are not trending upwards or close to 60, it’s probably because you are not taking enough supplements, your gut is not absorbing it. You may also have something going on with your parathyroid or other factors.

If your levels are lower than 30, you are at risk for cancer, a lowered immune system response and lower energy. Not a lot of people know that you can get fatigue from lower vitamin D levels. Also, check out episode 34 where I did a whole episode about vitamin D with Dr. Heidi Semanie.

There’s a vitamin D test from is about $60. Get your vitamin D tested at least once a year. If it is still low after taking a daily supplement, please consult a Naturopathic doctor or a physician that is trained in understanding vitamin D deficiencies and how to address them. 

Take Your Supplements

If you’re a regular listener of my show, you most likely have noticed that I often mention I could not express enough how they have significantly helped my family’s health over the years.

From their website, you can buy the liquid vitamin, amino acid and mineral drink that my family and I take. You can also get a great vitamin D spray for your kids and an excellent liquid mineral supplement for your whole family.

The dose is also based on body weight. As you grow, the more nutrition your body needs. And once your body gets the nutrition it needs, the body starts functioning better.

Cold Sock Treatment

The Cold Sock Treatment is a simple hydrotherapy technique that is especially effective for relieving nasal congestion in bed at night (frequently better than medications and without the side effects).

It also helps to stimulate the immune system in the upper respiratory tract and is relaxing for aches and chills and helps bring on a more restful night’s sleep when sick.

We find it helpful in such conditions as colds, “flu” (not the “stomach flu”), earaches, sore throats, and sinus infections. It is useful with people of any age from infants to the elderly. The Cold Sock Treatment is especially good to use with the nasal congestion of colds and influenza.

You want to do this treatment for five or more nights in a row. And do it whenever you feel the onset of a cold or flu as sometimes it is all the stimulation your immune system needed to get the job done!

Most sporting goods stores and some department stores carry wool socks. For small children you can use safety pins to hold a wool sock on that is too large, or rap wool cloth around each foot.

For this treatment, you will need two pairs of large cotton socks and a pair of wool socks. They must be at least 90% cotton and 90% wool, respectively.

Preparations: In the evening before going to bed, prepare by having two pairs of large cotton socks and a couple of wool socks.

At least 1 hour before bed soak both pairs of cotton socks in cold water and place in the freezer. The wool socks are to remain dry and warm.

  • Step 1. Remove socks from the freezer and add a bit of cold water to them to make them damp and malleable. Place the cold socks close to the basin or bathtub used in the next step.

Note: If your feet are already warm (e.g., you have already been in bed, or you just took a hot bath) you can skip to Step 3.

  • Step 2. Put your feet into a basin or bathtub of hot water to warm up your feet. Soak them for a few minutes until they are hot and pink.
  • Step 3. Remove your feet from the hot water and quickly dry them off. Immediately put on the two pairs of cold, wet cotton socks, and then over them, put on the dry wool socks.
  • Step 4. Go directly to bed and keep the feet covered through the night. The therapy does not work if you or your feet are uncovered, such as when walking around or sitting in a chair uncovered.

Use extra blankets to create an artificial fever. See my instructions on creating a good fever using a hot bath and extra blankets below.

When the Cold Sock Treatment procedure is followed the feet correctly will start warming up within a few minutes of getting covered in bed. The congestion will usually begin to be relieved within 30 minutes.

It will often work better than a decongestant or antihistamine to alleviate congestion during sleep.

Also, it is not uncommon to see a small child or infant fall immediately to sleep after they are put to bed with the Cold Sock Treatment. After approximately four hours the socks should be totally dry, the feet warm, and the symptoms will be much improved (if not gone).

If necessary, the Cold Sock Treatment can be repeated through the night or used on consecutive nights. Just add more pairs of wet cotton socks to the freezer ion the evening if you want to repeat it a few times in the night.

In repeating the treatment in the same night or if an illness starts during the night, it is not necessary to warm the feet in hot water since they will already be warm. Just apply the cold, wet socks and the dry wool socks and go back to bed, using extra covers to stay warm. And be sure to drink plenty of warm calming tea.

Fresh Thyme Tea

This is a WONDERFUL herb for expelling congestion and also as an antiviral. You will take 4 cups of water and bring it to a boil. Remove from heat. Add half a package of fresh thyme and cover for 6 minutes. Serve with lemon or honey or drink plain.

You want to drink this earlier in the day as it will stimulate you to cough because it loosens the mucus and helps get rid of it! If drank too late into the night the coughing might keep you awake. The thyme does not cause you to cough. It causes the mucus to break up and move. Your body then wants to cough it up. So best if you are not lying down when that happens.

Because this works so well as a decongestant, I like to drink about 8 cups of this a day when I am congested, so I will easily go through two to four packets of fresh thyme during a bad cold.

Throat Coat Tea

For this tea recipe, use two bags of the Throat Coat tea for 16oz of water. So, you will want to buy a few boxes of it as during one bad cold you may go through a few boxes because it does bring relief from the scratchy, itchy throat!

There are no side effects to drinking this tea. There are wonderful herbs in the tea that support being calm and feeling good.

The organic tea is by a company called Traditional Medicinals. They also have another product called Breathe Easy. It’s a great blend, too.

Hot Water And Lemon Juice Tea

This tea is something from my childhood. Citrus is a mucus creator, but the juice of two lemons in four cups of water help cut the mucus especially if you have a really bad sore throat. You can also use limes if you don’t like lemons.

We add ginger because ginger calms to stomach. You can play around with the concoction by adding more herbs like peppermint.


I discovered OLBAS when I was a teenager. OLBAS is not a massage oil. It’s 100% essential oil. It’s like Vicks Vaporub because a lot of essential oils used in Vicks Vaporub is in OLBAS.

OLBAS is a bunch of essential oils that are perfect for the respiratory system like frankincense. It opens up the airways, so it’s really good for asthmatics. However, frankincense is not an OLBAS. Eucalyptus is also fantastic for the lungs.

If you can’t find OLBAS in your area, you can use other blends that are also wonderful for addressing congestion. Incidentally, OLBAS is also effective in treating sinus, bronchial or lung congestion. Only use one or two drops at a time.

OLBAS Steam Towel Treatment for Sinus Congestion

You will need a large bowl or pot, OLBAS, boiling water, a large towel, and tissues. Then follow the procedure below:

  1. Place something safe on your kitchen table to protect the table from the hot bowl or pot.
  2. Place the big bowl or pot with boiling water on the table and sit in front of it.
  3. Have more water boiling in a kettle on the stove.
  4. Add 1 or 2 drops of the OLBAS to the hot water.
  5. Take your large towel and put it over your head and over the pot making a tent to trap the steam. Your head is now leaning over the pot directly above it. Keep your eyes closed as the vapors will sting your eyes.
  6. Take a deep breath through your nose.
  7. Do this for the next 2 minutes.

Then remove the towel. Blow your nose a bunch, cough up any mucus you feel the need to expel and repeat by adding only one drop of OLBAS this time.

After a minute or two add more hot water from the stove and repeat a third time adding 1 or 2 drops of OLBAS, using the towel as a tent and inhaling all the vapors through your nose. Taking breaks to blow and clear your sinuses.

You will want to do this more than once a day as your sinuses may refill in a few hours. Be sure to do it before bed if you are not going to take the hot bath I have outlined above.

After you have completed the OLBAS treatment and you have blown everything out of your nose use the colloidal silver nasal spray liberally. With each spray change the angle of your head, so you start to look up making the last spray so that you are looking directly at the ceiling. This angle change as you spray and inhale into your nose will help to direct the solution into all sinus passages.

Even when you have not done the OLBAS treatment, please use the silver spray liberally through the day. I have killed sinus infections with this one supplement alone! You also want to keep a bottle by your bedside and do it whenever you wake in the night to blow your nose. Three to five sprays per nostril while inhaling. And you can also spray the back of your throat while inhaling as well.

Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray

Seven years ago, I had the worst sinus infection. Apparently, in the presence of silver, pathogens can’t survive.

This is how to use this product:

  1. Sit up straight with your nose facing the wall.
  2. Spray three times while inhaling in one nostril and three times in the next nostril.
  3. Then take your nose and eyes and look up approximately on a 45-degree angle. Spray again and inhale as you spray.
  4. The third time you do it, make your nose point all the way up to the ceiling.

You cannot overdose on the spray. So it’s very safe. But as always, it’s best to have a Naturopath to guide you. Use it every few hours especially after the OLBAS treatment if your sinuses are very clogged.

Artificial Fever Treatment

We want to create an artificial fever to support the body in killing the germs! Because pathogens cannot survive in heat or a feverish environment.

One thing that is very interesting about the immune system is there are powerful white blood cells that do not even turn on until the body is in a fever state. So, doing things like hot baths, drinking hot fluids and saunas can help to stimulate all of our immune system to fight a cold or flu when we feel one coming on.

First, make one of the teas of your choice or chamomile tea. You can also make this concoction:

  • 4 cups water
  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • One teaspoon Cayenne
  • One thumb of freshly grated ginger
  • Stevia, maple syrup or honey if you need it to taste good. However, be cautious as germs feed off of sugar, so stevia is the safest option.

Simmer the water and add the ginger and Cayenne. Then remove from heat and the lemon and optional sweetener. This helps with sore throats and congestion. Bring a large mug of your hot drink to the bath.

This is how to prepare the hot bath:

  1. Prepare a bath as hot as you can stand it.
  2. Do not burn yourself but make it very warm.
  3. Keep the door to the bathroom closed while drawing the hot bath to keep the warm steam inside.
  4. You will want to breathe it in along with the essential oils you will place in the tub.
  5. Add 4 cups of Epsom salt, roughly half the bag, to the bath as the tub is filling up with hot water.

Have ready several blankets in your bed as you will create a cocoon once you come out of the bath.

Before getting into the bath add ten drops of the OLBAS and stir the water to make sure it mixes in and that the salt has dissolved. Close the bathroom door, so you can breathe in the OLBAS and warm, moist air while in the bath.

Get in, relax and drink your hot beverage. See if you can get your husband to refill your drink. Soak for 20 minutes minimum. You can add more hot water to the bath to increase the temp as you will become accustomed to the heat.

When you start to sweat, stay in 5 minutes longer, then you can get out. Do not stay in longer than 60min. Make sure you have drunk at least two mugs of hot tea while in the bath.

If at any point you feel dizzy or light-headed, ask for assistance in getting out of the bath. You can try adding some cold water to the bath to bring down the temp a bit to see if the dizziness resolves itself.

Make sure your husband is within earshot in case you need help. Sometimes hot baths can make people feel light headed when they stand so to prevent an accident, please be aware that you may need to ask for a hand in getting out of the bath safely.

If you develop a headache while in the hot bath, take a hand towel, the kind that is long enough to wrap around your neck, soak it with cold water from the tub’s faucet and wrap it around your neck. This will cool the blood flowing to your brain and trick your brain into thinking you are not as hot as you are.

Have another mug of hot tea waiting for you by your bedside.

When you are ready to get out of the bath, towel off quickly and wrap yourself in one of your many blankets, then get into bed and create a cocoon. Cover everything, even your head. Just have your face exposed so you can breathe and sip tea.

At this point, you can do the cold sock therapy as well. Get your husband to bring you the frozen socks and dry wool socks. Stay bundled up for at least an hour. You will begin to sweat and feel feverish.

Fight the urge to throw off the blankets! You want to create a little sauna in your bed. This is stimulating your immune system to kill the germs AND germs also cannot live in a feverish environment as their proteins denature at a higher temperature. So, they explode and break apart when we get too warm for them to handle. YAY! Visualize your white blood cell soldiers coming to life and winning the battle with the bugs as you lay in your cocoon.

At this point, you can fall asleep like this, or if you did this during the daytime you can take a nap or get out of bed after the hour is up. You will want to shower off when you do get out of bed, and likely the blanket you initially wrapped yourself in will be wet from sweat.

Still, bundle up and keep as warm as possible both day and night for the next week. You can do this daily while your cold or flu symptoms are around. Please be sure to drink extra water and make it warm or hot instead of cold.

Bottom line, don’t be afraid to seek help from a health practitioner if you still feel too sick. Get checked out before it gets worse.


Homeopathy is so affordable and buy the kits or vials to keep in your medicine cabinet for your immediate use whenever you need them. If kept in a cool, dark area, they can retain their potency for years.

Do check out a guest I had in past episodes who talked about Homeopathy and other natural flu remedies extensively. Dr. Cilla Whatcott specializes in homeoprophylaxis which is a natural version of immunization. Because you can use it to train the immune system to mount a healthy immune response to pathogens.

Homeopathy has no side effects, yet it gives amazing results when it comes to helping people move through illnesses faster. 

Get Educated

Whenever you try any remedy in Natural Medicine, you still need to understand if any risks or side effects may crop up. Because even herbal medicine if misused, may be dangerous.

Continuously do research and get as many references and resources from reputable Naturopathic Doctors and health practitioners. The more perspectives you get, the better you can advocate for yourselves.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to my tips and tricks on how to reach optimal health naturally and effective cold and flu remedies. I have lots in store for you this coming January, especially my very affordable $37 workshop. Those are four live webinars about creating healthy habits that make a huge difference in your health.

Have a fantastic day and enjoy this wonderful holiday season!

Recommended Links:

Four-day Webinar:

Fevers in children and what to do

Article on Using Homeopathy to prevent Flu and to relieve flu-like symptoms by Cilla Whatcott, Ph.D.

Listen to my four interviews with Cilla Whatcott:

Episode 305: How To Naturally Avoid The Flu

Episode 228: Homeopathy

Episode 155: Real Immunity

Episode 137: Homeoprophylaxis

Dec 12, 2018

LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE! Join My New Year's Health Transformation Workshop Now:


Body Talk System:



AnimalTalk and PlantTalk were also founded by my guest, Dr. John Veltheim.  Understanding the connection that we have with animals and plants can affect our well-being in some way.  That’s why Dr. John Veltheim is still with us in part two of our interview to explain how our brain works and how our body responds accordingly.

Left and Right Brain

Dr. John Veltheim explains that our right brain is very much the intuitive side or the higher learning side. Left brain, on the other hand, is more practical.

He cites a Cambridge study wherein experts studied human skulls. The study found that in the 1400s to 1600s, the right brain is bigger than the left. That’s why religion dominated during those time.

“If you’re a scientist, you usually got killed for it. In the 1800s, science started to win out. Due to development that people liked,” said Dr. John Veltheim. 

He adds, “So, we saw this dominance from right brain to left brain going into the 1900s. There was a transition inside the skull. But in the meantime, it destroyed the relationship between the left and right brain because they had to move physically and got out of alignment from one another.”

Understanding Brain Response

In the same Cambridge study, Dr. John Veltheim said it showed that when the right brain is sending signals to the left, the left brain usually responded. But the response was to destroy or negate the information coming from the right brain. That explains the battle of the sexes. It’s either the right-brain female or left-brain male.

“So, while this adoption occurs physically, we have this problem of electromagnetic frequencies. The technique we do in reaching the brain and tapping it out restores and increases the brain function dramatically and keeps stress levels down,” Dr. John Veltheim said.

BodyTalk is a combination of ancient practices with modern science. It promotes total wellness naturally. Furthermore, Dr. John Veltheim says it is a first-aid kit for the body to compensate for the changes occurring in the brain and all the stuff in the outside. 


Most of us who love our pets so doubt can feel a strong connection with them. It is invisible to the naked eye, but we can affect each other’s well-being.  Especially with dogs, sometimes they would get sick so that we wouldn’t fall ill.

AnimalTalk can help you understand your connection with your beloved pet in a profound way. The sessions can significantly benefit the energy around you and your pet, as well as your surrounding environment.

According to Dr. John Veltheim, doing AnimalTalk three to four times for about three days can be transformational. This is because he says animals respond beautifully.

Dr. John Veltheim recalled a time when he was invited to a rehabilitation area for rhinos and elephants in Nairobi. Those animals were abandoned as babies and left to die. They would not eat or drink. But Dr. John Veltheim applied the principles of AnimalTalk, worked on them, and the animals, fortunately, responded so well. 

BodyTalk Courses

BodyTalk Access, in particular, is currently being taught by hundreds of people all over the world.  It is affordable and easy to learn because the training manual is clear. Dr. John Veltheim says that even children can quickly learn on the same day.

“There are first-aid treatments that you can use. It’s designed to help injuries like a sprained ankle, and it gets better faster,” said Dr. John Veltheim. “We encourage people to do it regularly on each other and their family because it is maintenance. It’s not a be all end all. But it is designed to be a very helpful home tool.”

Dr. John Veltheim says health practitioners can take the Fundamentals technique which is a four-day course. The training program guides you through the principles of BodyTalk, Acess and has fifteen more techniques.

To those who want to upgrade their skills and knowledge can sign up for the diploma course wherein the government recognizes graduates. There is even an advanced certification that takes two to three more years of study.

“I teach a lot of Theoretical Physics. A lot of the techniques of BodyTalk is based on Quantum theory. And we learn a lot of advanced courses for high-speed communication for treating difficult things. We also do a lot of philosophy,” said Dr. John Veltheim. 

He adds, “It’s about the power of the body to heal itself if given the opportunity. BodyTalk is setting up the conditions in the body to enable it to heal itself.”

Dr. John Veltheim has a high success rate in teaching practitioners and treating patients with BodyTalk. To avail of the courses he offers, as well as excellent reading resources on BodyTalk, do check out his website.

Better Food and Lifestyle

Dr. John Veltheim firmly stresses that what you eat is very important. But it could be easily misunderstood because so much of it depends on our belief system and our attitude.

“When it comes to eating right, it is state of mind and state of the way we look at things,” said Dr. John Veltheim. “And the fact is, in certain cultures, having extra weight is something very important for the culture.”

When Dr. John Veltheim was developing BodyTalk, he revealed that he needed more weight because the weight helped anchor him. But a year ago, Dr. John Veltheim decided he had too much weight, so he decided to lose weight.

But Dr. John Veltheim didn’t change his diet. He took extra effort to walk for exercise, but his mental thing was that he was going to lose weight healthily. And he did.

Ultimately, it was about shifting the state of mental consciousness. And with losing weight, it’s about accepting your genes. Dr. John Veltheim also encourages people to nurture their thirst for knowledge and find out the best way to truly take care of their body.

“I’d like to educate people that there are some things I do would be better handled with natural therapy. It will be less traumatic to the patient and faster,” Dr. John Veltheim said. 


Dr. John Veltheim D.C, B.Ac is the founder of the BodyTalk System and the International BodyTalk Association. He is also the founder of AnimalTalk and PlantTalk. Dr. John Veltheim is a chiropractor, traditional acupuncturist, philosopher, Reiki Master, lecturer, and teacher. 

The BodyTalk System was first developed in the 1990s by Dr. John Veltheim. Originally from Australia, Dr. John Veltheim ran a very successful clinic in Brisbane for 15 years. He was also the Principal of the Brisbane College of Acupuncture and Natural Therapies for five years. 

His extensive post-graduate studies include applied kinesiology, bioenergetic psychology, osteopathy, quantum physics, sports medicine, counseling, and comparative philosophy and theology. 

Dr. John Veltheim discovered the BodyTalk System in the mid-1990s.  His state of health was compromised despite being a leader in the healthcare field working with both eastern and western methods.  He eventually found a simple technique that corrected his condition.  Dr. John Veltheim saw this breakthrough as a new priority in his life and proceeded to investigate the techniques and principals involved. 

In 1998, Dr. John Veltheim moved to Sarasota, Florida to further his practice and research of BodyTalk. Soon he began to teach advanced levels of the BodyTalk System to professionals as well as lay people. When word spread about the successes of this remarkable new healthcare system, he took on the task of training other instructors, so the BodyTalk System could be taught worldwide. Today there are over 200 instructors teaching in over 50 countries with a translation of training materials into ten languages. 

Today, Dr. John Veltheim travels the world, teaching sessions in BodyTalk and its related wellness programs to professionals as well as lay people. He continues to mentor and train a network of instructors to ensure this remarkable new healthcare system can be taught worldwide.

Get Connected With Dr. John Veltheim!

Official Website

Facebook – The BodyTalk System

Facebook – Dr. John Veltheim

Book by Dr. John Veltheim:

The Science And Philosophy of BodyTalk


Recommended Reading:

Energy Medicine by James Oschman


Recommended Links:

Episode 282 – BodyTalk System – Lyn Delmastro-Thomson

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Dec 9, 2018

LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE! Join My New Year's Health Transformation Workshop Now:


Body Talk System:


BodyTalk System

BodyTalk System is earning raves from practitioners and patients from all over the world. Instead of using medication, the BodyTalk System teaches us how to connect with our body, use our intuition and energy for healing. To talk more about the BodyTalk System, I have no less than its founder Dr. John Veltheim expound on the BodyTalk System in this two-part interview series.

Starting Early

Dr. John Veltheim says he has always been interested in searching for life and interested in life itself. He started early doing meditation at the age of 7 and eventually also studied martial arts. Martial arts gave Dr. John Veltheim an appreciation of the energy systems of the body and the way they move.

However, Dr. John Veltheim says his first significant interest was philosophy or Indian Philosophy in particular. He was also very interested in comparative religion.

Dealing With Injuries

Dr. John Veltheim was no stranger to injuries. But he shares that doctors weren’t helping his health situation improve.

So, Dr. John Veltheim eventually found alternative therapies like osteopathy, chiropractic, and acupuncture techniques which helped him a lot. That experience enticed Dr. John Veltheim to go into this Holistic field rather than the straight medical field. 

Teaching Acupuncture

Dr. John Veltheim went to college in Melbourne, after which he started out doing chiropractic. From there, he went to acupuncture, studied extensively and decided that he needed to teach it.

“So, I formed a college that is now the second largest acupuncture college in the world. I wrote a four-year full-time curriculum. And I did a lot of work with sports medicine as well. I also did Naturopathy and Nutrition,” said Dr. John Veltheim. 

Work Challenges

Dr. John Veltheim says that one of the big problems having a bustling clinic is that it is hard to maintain. Hence, it was not surprising that he became swamped.

“My life has always been around healthcare. And the college that I developed, I was principal for many years. I wrote their curriculum, and it’s still going,” said Dr. John Veltheim. “It’s now a university course recognized by the government, a six-year full-time university course.” 

He adds, “The Federal Health Department and government also recognize our BodyTalk System in Australia. So, when practitioners get our basic qualifications, they can practice with health benefits among other things.” 

Personal Experience

Dr. John Veltheim also explored Taoism or Daoism. He also pursued a Ph.D. degree in Toronto University studying ancient Chinese medical philosophy.

“What got me going in BodyTalk was a personal thing. I worked for around 16 years, six days a week. And had the biggest practice in Australia by far. Then my health caught up with me. I suddenly collapsed, was hospitalized and given just days to live,” shares Dr. John Veltheim. 

Dr. John Veltheim contracted the Epstein Barr virus. His liver was severely damaged that he was given three days to live.

Finding A Cure

Refusing to give up, Dr. John Veltheim checked himself out of the hospital and proceeded to treat himself with Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and meditation. He soon recovered and realized the need to change his lifestyle.

A couple of months later, he went back to the hospital for a check-up and astounded the doctors upon seeing that Dr. John Veltheim’s liver was back to normal size. Dr. John Veltheim eventually sold his practice and began teaching stress management, philosophy, and Reiki around the world. 

Teaching Career

After his health improved, Dr. John Veltheim quit his practice.  He then met his second wife and went into teaching Mindscape and other things that his wife developed like the BreakThrough System which is defined as a dynamic process of self-inquiry.

By 1995, Dr. John Veltheim had a basic program that he decided he could teach on weekends. It had excellent results and kept expanding from there.

“Then I developed a concept of being able to get a protocol going where we could communicate with the body. I developed a system to talk to your body by biofeedback, question, and answer, and muscle testing,” Dr. John Veltheim said. 

He adds, “I refined it to a more accurate system. But basically, it’s based on getting in touch with the intuition of the patient and your intuition. And then asking what to do based on a protocol. The protocol is the left-brain factor that enables you to focus on what you are doing and then focus the right brain.”

As Dr. John Veltheim introduced it to many different aspects, he brought in nutrition factors and sports medicine factors. He also did a lot of work involving neurology and balancing the brain.

“I simplified it so that people can understand it. Although it is best suited for practitioners who were ready to refine their practice and refine the principles of BodyTalk to their staff,” said Dr. John Veltheim.


Dr. John Veltheim says there’s no such thing as a good diet or the perfect diet for a particular person. He never prescribes diets per se.

“I look at the person, their needs, chemistry, and blood group. Essentially, it’s a formalized system that follows a protocol that makes sure we cover all the things,” Dr. John Veltheim said.


Practitioners bring in tough cases, and Dr. John Veltheim says his job is to treat them by going through the process. He does the appropriate linking through the nervous system, energy system or the blood system. And through the process of lightly tapping on the head, sternum and the gut, it activates the neurological systems.

“That tapping is something I development many years ago. A lot of people are using it now,” said Dr. John Veltheim. “The power of tapping is when you tap, you set off a wavelength that causes any form of subtle imbalance that you are aiming at. It causes the body to start balancing, and then the body heals itself.” 

The Effectiveness of the BodyTalk System

Since developing the BodyTalk System, Dr. John Veltheim never made any decision about a patient. He sits with the patient and let their body tell him precisely what to do.

“I don’t make any decisions about it although I have to know which questions to ask. But beyond that, the body heals itself,” Dr. John Veltheim said. 

He adds, “Those people who are patients or BodyTalkers for a while, start looking at things differently. Our upbringing and our genes will determine a lot of what we can or can’t do in life. Then we start looking at the cells differently because the kidney-adrenal complex controls the cells’ energy.”


Dr. John Veltheim reveals that a significant percentage of athletic injuries are due to emotional life or sometimes diet. Emotional factors play a substantial role for athletes because it is devastating to train for the Olympics and then miss out at the last moment. And Mindscape helps them deal with that.

“Mindscape that I developed back them is now used throughout the world. I think Björn Borg was one of the first to apply it. We are all intuitive. It’s just a matter of learning the pros and cons of how to do it,” said Dr. John Veltheim.

Healing Organs

According to Dr. John Veltheim, the heart and liver are the easiest organs to heal. He also says the microbiome is the physical part of our body. And that they are the most influential thing in the body. It’s about getting the right condition for creating health.

“I teach energy manipulation to get them into position. The body then gets to synchronize and communicate well between the brain in the head, the brain in the heart and brain in the gut. However, the heart brain is more complex than the brain in the head,” said Dr. John Veltheim.

He adds, “When you train the body and the brain system to work properly, it means the right brain is doing the right things. And that’s part of the BodyTalk System.” 

BodyTalk Access

BodyTalk Access is the basic fundamental for BodyTalk that will generally balance out the body. Its domestic first-aid techniques will help you heal quicker.

“You can’t practice professionally with it. But it’s great to use in the family or yourself. It balances the brain, reduces stress and allows the brain to function better. Ultimately, it makes a big difference,” Dr. John Veltheim said. 


Dr. John Veltheim D.C, B.Ac is the founder of the BodyTalk System and the International BodyTalk Association. Dr. John Veltheim is a chiropractor, traditional acupuncturist, philosopher, Reiki Master, lecturer, and teacher. 

The BodyTalk System was first developed in the 1990s by Dr. John Veltheim. Originally from Australia, Dr. John Veltheim ran a very successful clinic in Brisbane for 15 years. He was also the Principal of the Brisbane College of Acupuncture and Natural Therapies for five years. 

His extensive post-graduate studies include applied kinesiology, bioenergetic psychology, osteopathy, quantum physics, sports medicine, counseling, and comparative philosophy and theology. 

Dr. John Veltheim discovered the BodyTalk System in the mid-1990s.  His state of health was compromised despite being a leader in the healthcare field working with both eastern and western methods.  He eventually found a simple technique that corrected his condition.  Dr. John Veltheim saw this breakthrough as a new priority in his life and proceeded to investigate the techniques and principals involved. 

In 1998, Dr. John Veltheim moved to Sarasota, Florida to further his practice and research of BodyTalk. Soon he began to teach advanced levels of the BodyTalk System to professionals as well as lay people. When word spread about the successes of this remarkable new healthcare system, he took on the task of training other instructors so the BodyTalk System could be taught worldwide. Today there are over 200 instructors teaching in over 50 countries with a translation of training materials into ten languages. 

Today, Dr. John Veltheim travels the world, teaching sessions in BodyTalk and its related wellness programs to professionals as well as lay people. He continues to mentor and train a network of instructors to ensure this remarkable new healthcare system can be taught worldwide.

Get Connected With Dr. John Veltheim!

Official Website

Facebook – The BodyTalk System

Facebook – Dr. John Veltheim

Book by Dr. John Veltheim:

The Science And Philosophy of BodyTalk


Recommended Reading:

Energy Medicine by James Oschman



Recommended Links:

Episode 282 – BodyTalk System – Lyn Delmastro-Thomson

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Dec 5, 2018

The Back Pain Relief Diet: The Undiscovered Key to Reducing Inflammation and Eliminating Pain

The Ultimate Backbridge Stretch Book: (The Sinett Solution)

Dr. Todd Sinett Backbridge – Lumbar Support and Pain Relief for Lower and Upper Back – Adjustable Stretching and Strengthening Back Arch


The Sinett Solution

The Sinett Solution is one of the approaches worth looking into if you have back pain issues. It’s a common misconception that things like back pain and other chronic problems can only be addressed with medication. Dr. Todd Sinett is my guest today who will tell us exactly how The Sinett Solution has helped change so many lives.

Father’s Ordeal

The Sinett Solution was not conceived overnight. It started with the personal experience of Dr. Todd Sinett’s father who was a chiropractor for fifteen years.

One day, Dr. Todd Sinett’s father bent to pick up a tennis ball which resulted in back pain and a nine-month journey to find a solution. His father was completely debilitated by back pain to the point he was unable to work and was incapacitated for nine months.

A breakthrough came when Dr. Todd Sinett’s father went to see a Dr. George Goodheart who was a chiropractor in Detroit. Dr. George Goodheart initially asked about diet and digestive function. After a through diagnosis, Dr. George Goodheart surmised that the act of bending down to pick up a tennis ball was not the real cause of the back pain of Dr. Todd Sinett’s father.

Poor Diet

Poor diet is the cause of the elder Sinett’s back spasm. His diet was filled with sugar, hence upsetting his stomach and creating something called visceral somatic reaction.

“Our digestive system is very much linked to our muscular system. Dr. Goodheart made dad completely change his diet,” recalls Dr. Todd Sinett. “He removed all the sugars and irritants to his digestive system and was 100% cured. That changed the way he practiced, and he then wanted to help people.” 

Helping People

Dr. Todd Sinett is a second-generation chiropractor. And he feels his life mission is to help as many people as possible. He says as he got older, this information became too vital for him to pass up.

“My life mission is to help as many people as possible. I came up with The Sinett Solution, and it is the right approach to diagnose and treat back pain. It’s a paradigm problem. And it is a philosophical problem which is why we have so much back pain,” said Dr. Todd Sinett.

Harsh Reality

Dr. Todd Sinett says if you look at the statistics of back pain, we are in a complete health epidemic. Because 20% of the world population suffers from back pain. And 85% of the world will suffer from back pain.

“It’s the second leading cause of missed work days. And it’s the number one reason for job disability,” Dr. Todd Sinett shares. “But all we keep doing is putting more energy, more effort, more time, more money, more invasive treatments to try treat back pain. We keep having more back pain. Something needs to change.” 

He adds, “The only random thing in the body is trauma. If you fall off a bicycle or be involved in a motor vehicle accident, that’s trauma. And that’s a random event. Other than that, everything else is building little by little.”

Dr. Todd Sinett also reveals that the rate of back surgery in the U.S. is extremely high to the point where the success rate is so poor, that we have a diagnosis called FBSS or Failed Back Surgical Syndrome.

Sources Of Back Pain

Dr. Todd Sinett says back pain will come from three sources. Structural imbalances or structural inflammation is where we are spending all of our current energy, time and effort. Furthermore, Stanford University found that stress is the number one factor when it comes to back pain.

“Stress and emotions are very important factors. The third is diet, nutrition and digestive function,” said Dr. Todd Sinett. “So, any imbalance in any one of those three areas can trigger back pain. Oddly enough, it can also very commonly be some culmination of two or all three factors.”

Dr. Todd Sinett also says just because the pain went away; it does not mean the problem went away. Listen to the body rather than tell it to shut up.

“We need to figure out what’s the right diet for a particular individual. What is healthy for you is not necessarily healthy for some. So, make sure you are listening to the body and our digestive system because that is the key,” Dr. Todd Sinett advised. 

He adds, “When people are in a lot of pain, doctors will frequently prescribe anti-inflammatory medication. So, if you have a diet that is anti-inflammatory in nature, in theory, it’s going to accomplish the same thing naturally.”  

The Back Pain Relief Diet Book

The Back Pain Relief Diet is a book Dr. Todd Sinett wrote for people who feel their back pain is diet-related or digestive-related. The first thing Dr. Todd Sinett has in the book is the digestive inflammation test to see if your diet is causing the back pain.

Culprits may include anything from caffeine, sugar, alcohol, constipation, diarrhea, or stomach upset. On the other hand, if the back pain is coming from the digestive system, the book provides a diagnostic nutrition test.

“In my book, I have three different diets to try and see if we can do everything we can to cut down on inflammation and irritation on a particular diet. It has meal plans, so you can eliminate particular foods,” said Dr. Todd Sinett.

The diet ideally takes three weeks, after which Dr. Todd Sinett advises patients to re-introduce foods slowly. He believes this is the easiest method and allows you the flexibility to fix it on your own.

“I like to do things nice, easy and simple. There are other steps and other processes, but you always want to do the least invasive test first and then continue to the more and more invasive,” Dr. Todd Sinett said.

The 3 Weeks to a Better Back Book

Dr. Todd Sinett primarily wrote this book for back pain sufferers. It is a self-diagnostic and self-treatment kind of book. The book will steer you in the right direction to figure out if your back pain is structural in nature, emotional or digestive.

Furthermore, the has guidelines to help you figure out the right formula for you, whether your back pain is structural, digestive or emotional. It lays out options for you to try different treatments, different theories, different foods, or have an elimination diet.

And it also encourages things like regular walks, listening to music, tapping, and breathing techniques. Bottom line, Dr. Todd Sinett wants to see what resonates with a particular individual.

“One of my favorite nuggets of the book is that there was a study in 1994 where they put 98 people in an MRI machine. Two-thirds had a bulge, and 16 or 28% had discorniations, but these people never suffered from back pain,” said Dr. Todd Sinett. 

He adds, “The usefulness of an MRI is completely misguided. Research now shows that MRIs are more harmful than helpful in diagnosing back pain. There are a lot of myths that we need to re-educate the public, so they can be empowered to fix their own back.”

The Ultimate Backbridge Stretch Book

Dr. Todd Sinett found the commonality on structural treatments for people and people’s back pain. And one of the commonality is that we’re suffering from too much flexion or too much forward posture.

“We need to do the opposite of bending forward. So, I designed a product called the Backbridge, where you lay over 2 minutes in the morning, and 2 minutes in the evening,” says Dr. Todd Sinett.

He adds, “It provides an essential progressive extension to one’s spine. It re-aligns the spine, posture, and structure. And it also relieves a lot of back pain.

The book also contains stretch routines to regain flexibility. According to Dr. Todd Sinett, the lack of flexibility in our body is probably the missing link when it comes to any fitness. He says bed rest is the worst thing to do. Instead, the best exercise for back pain is walking to circulate blood.  Walking is also a stress reliever.

Success Stories

There are so many success stories that Dr. Todd Sinett achieved while helping people over the past 20 years. He says back pain is not normal and is completely debilitating. And what you want to do is to try and get to the cause of the back pain, address and fix it.

“I want people to make decisions from strength and not from weakness. And I don’t want them to reach false conclusions. It’s not so much what is a healthy diet. But rather it’s about what is a healthy diet for you,” said Dr. Todd Sinett. 

The Sinett Solution

Formulating The Sinett Solution was Dr. Todd Sinett’s aha moment. He recalls making a New Year’s resolution to have oatmeal every day for breakfast. For lunch, it’s salad and lean protein. And for dinner, lean protein and vegetables. But apparently, the diet was unhealthy for Dr. Todd Sinett. He was gassy, bloated, and had a stiff neck.

“And the only difference was me eating oatmeal every day for breakfast. So, what I did was, I stopped having oatmeal. I went back to having eggs, whole grain toast, whole grain cereals, peanut butter, and jelly sandwiches,” said Dr. Todd Sinett. 

He adds, “I think back pain is not the problem, but rather the inflammation factor that winds up in your back. So, what we want to do is get rid of the inflammation. The inflammation can be structural or postural. Hence, we address this first.”

Emotional Inflammation

Dr. Todd Sinett believes that what we want to know is how our emotions and our stress is impacting our body. Or finding the answer to what is creating a physiologic effect on our body.

“Emotions are not just psychological. It creates a physiologic response. To fix that, exercise helps, as well as meditation, talking to a therapist, seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist. What you want to do is reduce as much inflammation from the emotions as much as possible,” said Dr. Todd Sinett. 

He adds, “If you get balance in those three areas, the likelihood of having back pain severely diminishes and decreases. A lot of these things are very much inter-related. Our structural system, emotional system, and digestive system are linked.”


Dr. Todd Sinett says if a chiropractor, physical therapist or massage therapist are not helping, there are other natural approaches and natural healing such as trigger point injections which are a bit more invasive.

For diet issues, see a nutritionist. Or see a gastroenterologist to get tested. If you have emotional problems and having trouble managing stress, see a stress management counselor.  You can also do biofeedback to monitor response for stress.  It can also teach people how to get their body into a relaxed state. Or see a therapist or psychiatrist.

“One of the main problems with our back pain is that our treatment is based on who you see is what you get. And not really what you have,” said Dr. Todd Sinett. “We want to make sure you are in the right place first because that’s when you are going to have success. We want to smart about the approach.” 

He adds, “Solving your back pain is a lot simpler than you think. You don’t need to be okay with back pain on a level of two out of ten. I don’t want you to live your life around your back pain. Plus, I want to address all the situations and solutions head-on. And allow you to live a very happy, active, healthy life. Because you don’t need to be living with your back pain.” 


Dr. Todd Sinett is a pain expert and chiropractor. In his bestselling series of books, including 3 Weeks to a Better Back, he has introduced the Sinett Solution: the practice of listening to the whole body and treating all sources of back pain on the structural, digestive, and emotional levels (what the calls the “triad of health”). 

He is a recognized authority in applied kinesiology and has served as a clinical expert for many TV programs, including The View, FoxMD, and Good Day New York. Dr. Sinett has been a lecturer on MSNBC and at the Learning Annex and has been featured in countless health and fitness publications.

Get Connected with Dr. Todd Sinett!

Official Website





Book by Dr. Todd Sinett

The Back Pain Relief Diet


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Nov 30, 2018

When first published the last 30min of the episode was cut off. This has now been corrected!

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"I'm passionate about my topic of Patriarchy Stress Disorder as the missing piece to women's ultimate success and happiness because women suffer from a lot of stress-related disorders, yet the underlying trauma is not addressed in their treatment. Women are diagnosed with anxiety and depression almost twice as often as men, and are kept on medication and talk therapy without addressing deep embodied trauma that's underlying these and many other health and mental health conditions. We deserve better than that."


Patriarchy Stress Disorder

Patriarchy Stress Disorder or PSD affects a significant part of our inner self. This is the reason why even if we are successful in other aspects of our lives, we sometimes feel empty. My guest, Psychologist Dr. Valerie Baker is no stranger to Patriarchy Stress Disorder. She overcame Patriarchy Stress Disorder using some healing tools which she will teach us in today’s episode.

Personal Journey

First of all, Dr. Valerie Baker says this is not at all about women against men or men against women. But instead, this is about a system that has existed for thousands of years. She also says it has chopped us up from the fullness of our authentic expression.

Dr. Valerie Baker journey in discovering Patriarchy Stress Disorder began with a health crisis. Back then, Dr. Valerie Baker’s life from the outside looking in looked perfect.

“I checked all of the boxes that the society told me I needed to check. First, I had four degrees including two masters and a Ph.D.,” shares Dr. Valerie Baker. “Then I started three businesses and had a successful career. I married a great guy, had a wonderful daughter, and a lovely house in New York City suburbs.”

Am I Happy?

Dr. Valerie Baker did a good job convincing herself that she was happy. She made sure she didn’t have time to reflect on how she was doing. Until one day, Dr. Valerie Baker ended up in the emergency room with symptoms of a stroke.

The incident led to Dr. Valerie Baker experiencing the left side of her body feels limp. It turned out to be stress. Dr. Valerie Baker didn’t realize she was running high-stress levels.

“Being in the ER for a day gave me space to reflect on my life. I hadn’t had that space in a long time. It made me uncomfortable. I didn’t understand why. Why was I so stuck?” pondered Dr. Valerie Baker. 

She adds, “I realized the active ingredient in healing for all my patients both emotional and physical was mind body spirit trauma resolution. Even for people who think they didn’t have trauma.”   

Seeing A Change

Once Dr. Valerie Baker started used mind body spirit resolution tools, she started seeing significant shifts. She had a light bulb moment regarding the trauma we all share.  Men and women both experience trauma but in different ways.

“If we accept that being oppressed is traumatic, then we can see that all of us are born with this information that it’s not safe for a woman in this world. And that we need to create some adaptations,” said Dr. Valerie Baker. 

She adds, ” Patriarchy Stress Disorder affects us all. This realization was very empowering because I realized there was nothing wrong with me. Understanding that there is nothing to fix, there is something to heal is liberating.” 

Work Mission

The mission behind Dr. Valerie Baker’s work is helping women create an analogy for their health, well-being, relationships and their work in the world. Her work is about healing from the inside out.

“In this battle, there is no enemy. It’s not women against men but rather us all healing. And it’s about looking at the truths of the situation deeper and using tools to heal,” said Dr. Valerie Baker.

Where Trauma Comes From

Dr. Valerie Baker reveals that there is so much trauma in the workplace. And this is the reason why there are offices right now offering training. This is to help people understand the internal workings of the trauma that creates blind spots, biases, and factors that messes everything up.

“There are so many stressors apart from the trauma that we have inherited. And there are so many stressors of being a woman in a patriarchal world,” Dr. Valerie Baker said. “We have to police ourselves all the time. And we are being policed all the time. There’s always something wrong to be found with a woman. What’s worse is the inner critic. That is a big part of how PSD manifests.”

Dealing With Trauma

All those voices inherited and imprinted can be vicious. Dr. Valerie Baker says it doesn’t go away or get easier the more we accomplish. Because ultimately, we can have all the accomplishments. But until we heal the trauma that makes us feel worthless, it’s going to be there.

“When we heal trauma on the inside, the environment around us and the relationship with ourselves shift as well. No matter how much trauma we inherited, we can shift it in one generation. We can shift within ourselves and not pass it down anymore,” said Dr. Valerie Baker.

In dealing with trauma, Dr. Valerie Baker shares a time when she had a spontaneous memory of what it was like to be a newborn baby. And what it is like to be in her mama’s womb. Recalling her past, Dr. Valerie Baker says her mom had severe anxiety. And that Dr. Valerie Baker was also allergic to absolutely everything.

“I realized that level of trauma. And it brought me so much closer to my daughter. It’s a deeper moment of connection. Don’t stifle that voice. It’s your guide. If you stifle it, something is going to suffer,” Dr. Valerie Baker advises. 

She adds, “When the demand exceeds our capacity, it usually overwhelms us. And it becomes traumatic. All the trauma comes from when we were little. Because we had the least sources to understand and process what was going on. Plus, we didn’t have the permission and opportunity.”  

Trauma Factors

Dr. Valerie Baker shares that in helping others especially adults, they usually realize situations that they would never have thought was traumatic. It stems from emotional or verbal violations of our boundaries as children and growing up which are pretty much constant. It’s traumatic because children don’t have much capacity or tools.

“Our natural reaction to being scared and feeling unsafe would be to run or fight. Those emotional reactions of fight and flight are interrupted. We don’t have an opportunity to discharge,” said Dr. Valerie Baker. 

She adds, “And that charge of fear and emotion gets stuck in the body. It begins to clog the energy channel. And it also happens with grief and loss. Adults have so much unprocessed grief. Because in our culture, we don’t do grief well”.

Dr. Valerie Baker also says this is because there is such a limited range of emotional expression that we are allowed under patriarchy. Men are allowed to express anger and aggression. They are not allowed to express grief, nurturing, being tender or vulnerable emotions. Women, on the other hand, are not allowed to express anger. We can express nurturing and vulnerability. But expressing grief is also not okay.

Finding Solutions

Dr. Valerie Baker likes working with groups because it can be empowering. A good support system is essential because sometimes, there are positive emotions that are unprocessed.

“Positive information has not been essential to our survival. It takes ten full seconds for us to experience a positive experience through the five senses,” said Dr. Valerie Baker. 

Five-Step Jailbreak System

For us to have a jailbreak, Dr. Valerie Baker says the process can be stressful. Hence, the tools that she teaches first create safety and bring down the nervous system activation. So, it feels safe and not stressful for us to create that change.

Dr. Valerie Bakers also encourage people who need help to work with her so she can assist in addressing several issues that are linked to trauma. Rather than resort to anti-depressants or drugs, a mind, body and spirit resolution is useful.

It’s all about helping people finally making sense of the issues that contribute to their stress or trauma. To know more about her 5-step jailbreak system, check out Dr. Valerie Baker’s website to download the free e-book and audio training. 


Dr. Valerie Baker is a psychologist, author, and founder of Her Genius, Inc., dedicated to helping self-made women, their partners, and teams fully thrive in their work in the world, relationships, and health. Based on the cutting-edge scientific evidence of genetic transmission of trauma, Dr. Valerie Baker has discovered and pioneers healing Patriarchy Stress Disorder (PSD), which her clients have dubbed “the missing link” to their ultimate success, happiness, freedom, productivity, and fulfillment.

Dr. Valerie Baker is a sought-after speaker at conferences and corporations committed to women’s empowerment. Discover how PSD may be affecting you, your relationships, and your business and download Dr. Valerie Baker’s 5-step “PSD jailbreak” system at 

Psychologist, author, and speaker, Dr. Valerie Baker pioneers healing Patriarchy Stress Disorder™ (PSD)–the trauma of 1000s of years of oppression imprinted in women’s DNA. She calls PSD the invisible inner prison that keeps women from experiencing their ultimate success and happiness. 

Dr. Valerie Baker holds a MEd in Psychological Counseling from Teachers College of Columbia University and a Ph.D. from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. In over 20,000 hours of her work as a therapist and coach, Valerie has helped thousands of women break out of the PSD jail and create amazing relationships, businesses, careers, and health that are only possible on the outside. Dr. Valerie Baker is excited to share her revolutionary PSD jailbreak system with you today and help you claim your ultimate success and happiness.

Get Connected With Dr. Valerie Baker!

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5-step PSD Jailbreak System





Recommended Reading By Dr. Valerie Baker!

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD.


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Nov 26, 2018

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Dealing With Lyme Disease Naturally

Dealing with Lyme disease naturally seems impossible, but it’s not. My returning guest Scott Forsgren had ample experience dealing with Lyme disease naturally and is now helping others do the same. And he’ll teach us how he did all that in this episode.

First and foremost, Scott Forsgren says his whole journey in dealing with Lyme disease naturally was influenced by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt’s energetic testing. Scott Forsgren worked with practitioners for years that use his autonomic response testing and eventually got certified to administer the testing, too.

Improving Gut Health

Majority of the immune system and neurotransmitters originate in the gut. So, Scott Forsgren says the more we can optimize our G.I. health, the more we can improve our overall health.

He advises to first look at diet. He believes it needs to be individualized but at the same time, remove the foods that are known to be more common stressors like gluten, cow dairy, and sugar. Scott Forsgren also recommends working with a nutritionist to find out which diet might make the most sense for someone to explore.

“One that I observed helps most people dealing with Lyme disease is the low-histamine diet. It is not an easy diet to do. And it’s easier if people generally prepare their food at home rather than eat out,” said Scott Forsgren. “I see it helps reduce inflammation in people and to help with a lot of their symptoms just by changing the diet.” 

He adds, “The more we can focus on reducing inflammation in general, while we are treating the underlying causes, or triggers of our health condition, the easier it is to get through that process. The less inflamed people are and the better they feel while they are being treated.” 

Realities of Lyme Disease

In dealing with Lyme disease naturally, you have first to understand the components of the disease. Scott Forsgren says if someone is dealing with Lyme, they probably have Bartonella and or babesia.

Some other common co-infections or opportunistic infections that need to be explored as well. Again, he advises people to work with a practitioner who can start treating them with antibiotics, herbs, homeopathy or other tools.

Food Sensitivity Testing

Food sensitivity testing is worth exploring when you are dealing with Lyme disease naturally. This is also needed if people have very specific and unique foods that might be an issue for them. Scott Forsgren says avoiding those foods can be significant.

He also says that gluten is non-negotiable on people with Lyme and mold-related issues. Furthermore, Scott Forsgren believes probably at least half, or more people would do better by eliminating cow dairy.

“Avoid those things stressful to the system, which creates more inflammation and instead, incorporate foods that are as nutritionally dense as possible,” Scott Forsgren advises. “Not the prepared, processed food but getting real food into the diet. As much organic food as possible, eliminating the GMO foods and restricting the processed foods is important.” 

He adds, “And then depending on whether or not people consume meat, organic grass-fed meat, pasture-raised poultry, and wild-caught seafood can be very helpful as well.” 

Healthy Fats

Scott Forsgren also says consuming healthy fats can help in dealing with Lyme disease naturally.  Healthy fats include butter or ghee, chia seeds, coconut oil, and olive oil.

He also likes a lot of the plants and seed-based oils. What Scott Forsgren does daily is making a power shake, with high-quality protein, collagen powder, a blend of different fibers that helps not only with gut but also from a perspective of binding toxicity and supporting cell membranes.

Scott Forsgren also likes to mix in these healthy fats in the form of flaxseed oil, sunflower seed oil, a tablespoon of chia seeds and organic almond milk or any nut milk.  It helps build muscle and structural integrity which is useful in overall health maintenance. 

Mega SporeBiotic

Mega SporeBiotic is a spore-based probiotic developed by Kiran Krishnan and Microbiomelabs. People tolerate it pretty well. Scott Forsgren says many other probiotics are a problem or an additional stressor if you have a histamine issue.

“It can also help address leaky gut issues which are often a reason why we are so reactive to foods. And why we have some of the inflammation which is due to the immune system constantly being triggered by these food and other particles that are getting through the gut membrane,” said Scott Forsgren.


Another product Scott Forsgren recommends is Dr. Zach Bush’s Restore, which is a dietary supplement for gut health. Depending on each person’s situation, Scott Forsgren says looking at gut health will often go beyond the diet piece and the intestinal hyperpermeability piece but also into some of those microbial overgrowths, SIBO, SIFO, dysbiosis, and parasites.

“The majority of our symptoms are the results of the inflammatory event that occurs — microbes for example. It’s not so much that the symptoms are from the bug. But it’s from the immune system’s reaction to those bugs that creates inflammation,” said Scott Forsgren.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Scott Forsgren says that people may have heard of mast cell activation syndrome which is the overproduction of histamine. He says there are many other mediators besides the histamine. And this is something that has been known in the autism arena for many years.

“Most people who are dealing with chronic infection, chronic toxicity, Lyme disease, and mold probably have some degree of mast cell activation and histamine-related issues,” Scott Forsgren said. “One of the primary triggers for mast cell activation is mold. Hence, it is the top thing people should look out.” 

He adds, “But there are so many other triggers like parasites, Lyme disease, co-infections of Lyme disease-like Bartonella in particular. Environmental toxins like heavy metals, some medications, food, some supplements or temperature change can trigger mast cell reaction. Physical or emotional stress and electromagnetic field also trigger it as well.”

Treatment Options

Some practitioners might use some pharmaceutical medications like diamine oxidase. Scott Forsgren says it can be helpful for some people especially around eating time if foods trigger their mast cell issues.

One product Scott Forsgren recommends is Neuroprotek from a company called Algonot. Lots of people in the autism area are familiar with that product because NeuroProtek reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.

Another product that Scott Forsgren recommends is Dr. Ben Lynch’s probiotic combination. There’s also ProBiota HistaminX from, and vitamin c helpful as well.

On the other hand, Beyond Balance’s Mast-Ease was formulated to support the body’s natural ability to normalize mast cell and histamine response, as well as aid in reducing inflammation.

“People do find that they have an impairment. And they lose hope that they can get well. They feel as though their body is failing them in some way and not supporting them in their recovery,” said Scott Forsgren. “So, I think it’s critical to get into the gene conversation. to look at the epigenetics or what are the influencers of our genes rather than the potential for something to go wrong.”

Sauna Therapy

While Scott Forsgren recognizes the benefits of doing sauna sessions, he says it is essential to talk to your health practitioner to guide you. This is to make sure the timing is right, make sure they are sweating and that they got the proper support.  You must also make sure you are getting electrolytes and detoxifying well before doing saunas.

“What we don’t often think about is the toxins that are getting inside the body after the sauna session is over. So, make sure your liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and extracellular matrix are all optimized,” said Scott Forsgren.


Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt was talking about the adverse effect of EMR and EMFs since way back 2006. However, there were a lot of skeptics then. But as the years went by, more studies show that EMFs are stressors to our cells. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt also talks about how they make molds and other organisms that are within us more aggressive or produce more biotoxins.

Scott Forsgren says to be alert if you have mold from water damage in your home environment. Because the exponential increase in EMF is probably another reason why those molds now produce more toxins that influence our health.

“Endogenous retroviruses that we are conceived with are not necessarily viruses that we acquire. Historically, endogenous retroviruses have not caused us problems from a health perspective. Reducing EMF exposure certainly plays a role in some of those viruses that might be stressing our system as well,” said Scott Forsgren. 

He adds, “It’s not possible to eliminate EMFs. The focus has to be how to reduce our exposure. Avoid exposure when sleeping because that is when the body is regenerating, restoring and repairing. Nothing should be plugged in. Dr. Klinghardt even recommended turning off the circuit breakers to the house. And minimize use during the day.”

As for choosing the right bed to sleep in, Scott Forsgren says you don’t want metal in your bed or box spring. Bottom line, the mattress should have no metal and recommends OrganicPedic. 

In dealing with Lyme disease naturally and all other chronic illnesses, even blankets should be safe and free of EMFs. A good brand is Little Tree Group, which according to their website, is a company who makes EMF/EMR Protective Blankets and Bed Canopies, plus other protective products, CES Units, and Earthing Products.

Dirty Electricity

Scott Forsgren also advises being wary of dirty electricity which runs on electrical outlets because it creates health stress. He also recommends getting meters to measure how much dirty electricity you have in your environment.

“Have a building biologist to do some thorough testing to evaluate your home. EMF sensitivity is correlated to the level of heavy metals in the body and metal toxicity,” said Scott Forsgren. “And focusing on detoxification help over time to reduce electromagnetic hypersensitivity.”

Scott Forsgren also reveals that you cannot detoxify when you are constantly exposed to EMFs. So, you have to be a little bit careful about how quickly you reduce your exposures.


Kryptopyrroluria or KPU is a condition that Dr. Kinghardt feels that probably 80% or more of people with chronic Lyme disease and similar conditions are dealing with. Scott Forsgren says this is also common in the autism population.

It can be something that we inherit or induced in us by different types of traumas or chronic infection. Or it can be something that is epigenetically turned on by influences like intrauterine or birth or childhood or transgenerational traumas, etc.

Scott Forsgren says white spots on fingernails is a sign of zinc deficiency. Not recalling your dreams and depression are also symptoms of KPU. KPU is a significant loss of zinc, B6, biotin, manganese, omega 6 and other nutrients.

“It can also lead to higher levels of heavy metal toxicities. Addressing KPU can also help from that perspective,” said Scott Forsgren. “Slowly detox because if you come in with huge amounts of zinc, you can start releasing metals and things in the body and create an inflammatory situation.” 

Scott Forsgren also recommends the brand BioPure Core-S which contains KPU supporting nutrients.


There are breath tests that you can do for SIBO that look at hydrogen and methane. Scott Forsgren says the GI-MAP (GI Microbial Assay Plus) stool test and MegaSporeBiotic help in this realm. Another worthy product to try is Bio-Botanical Research Biocidin.

“Unfortunately, SIBO and SIFO seem to be fairly common issues that people are experiencing. Parasites can also play a role in this GI dysbiosis,” Scott Forsgren said. 

He adds, “One of the challenges with parasites is that people often think of them as third world country problems. But it’s not true. Testing for parasites is poor. So do different systems of energetic testing like autonomic response testing or Dr. Simon Yu’s acupuncture meridian assessment.”

But Scott Forsgren also says but you still have to know what questions to ask your practitioner to explore the issues for your specific system.

“The more broadly we can cast the net, the broader the number of things we look at, the more likely it is that people can make progress with the number of things that we talked about,” said Scott Forsgren.

Furthermore, Scott Forsgren says that the broader we cast the net, the less aggressive we have to be with any one of them because we’re just taking a more holistic approach. That’s why he believes Naturopathic Doctors are a phenomenal fit for a condition like Lyme disease since they are used to looking at all of the different factors.

Dental Contributors

Dental issues can be a significant factor for health. Scott Forsgren believes that dental problems can be part of setting the stage for why we later develop a condition from mold or Lyme disease.

He says incorrectly removing mercury amalgams can lead to a more significant health problem. And it’s the same for root canals.

“Tonsils can also play a big role. A little bit different from the dental piece. But it’s not uncommon for people to have tonsil issues,” Scott Forsgren said. 

He adds, “People dealing with chronic Lyme disease and similar conditions do have some really good oral health program in place. When we reduce the burden of microbes in the oral cavity, we are also reducing stress on the rest of the body.”


Scott Forsgren says PANDA is where Lyme disease might have been 10 to 15 years ago concerning acceptance and awareness. It stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infections. PANDA is a condition affecting a small group of children and results in a sudden and abrupt onset of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptoms.

But Scott Forsgren doesn’t see PANDAS or PANS similar to autism, chronic Lyme disease or Alzheimers. He feels it’s more associated with chronic infections, chronic toxicity and the environment which we live. Because we have so many things that are just not supportive of our health.

“Eventually we’ll see that there a lot of the same underlying factors. And the presentation tends to depend a lot on the age in which we encounter these things. It also depends on whether or not we’ve already neurologically developed or not,” said Scott Forsgren. 

Lastly, he adds, “I definitely would not trade my experience because it has brought me to my purpose and passion. And the thing that excites me about is waking up every day and be able to help someone else that’s going through a similar journey. It’s really fun for me to be a part of seeing people make progress in their journey.” 


Scott Forsgren, FDN-P is a health coach, blogger, podcaster, health writer, and advocate. He is the editor and founder of, where he shares his 21-year journey through the world of Lyme disease, mold illness, and the myriad of factors that chronic illness often entails.

Scott Forsgren’s podcast “BetterHealthGuy Blogcast” interviews many of the leaders in the field and is available on his website,, and on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. He has been interviewed on numerous podcasts and has lectured on his recovery from chronic illness as an invited speaker of the Klinghardt Academy, at AutismOne, and on three Chronic Lyme Disease Summits. 

Scott Forsgren has written for the Townsend Letter and other publications. He is the co-founder of The Forum for Integrative Medicine which hosts an annual conference bringing together some of the top integrative practitioners to share practical tools for treating complex, chronic illness. 

He serves on the Board of Directors of LymeLight Foundation which provides treatment grants to children and young adults recovering from Lyme disease. Today, Scott Forsgren is grateful for his current state of health and all that he has learned on this life-changing journey.

Get Connected With Scott Forsgren!

Official Website





Recommended Links

Episode 298 – Lyme Disease – Scott Forsgren

Episode 225 – Dirty Genes – Dr. Ben Lynch

Better Health Guy podcast

Little Tree Group


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Vegan Lifestyle

The vegan lifestyle is something more people are looking into. There have been so many positive testimonials from those who transitioned into a plant-based diet. People are starting, but some remain hesitant. To educate us more about how to live a vegan lifestyle, I’d invited Lifestyle Author and Activist Colleen Patrick-Goudreau in this episode.

Long Journey

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau shares that her journey to being vegan happened as a by-product of her passion and interest, as well as experiencing the benefits of a vegan lifestyle.

She says it’s been a journey of 25 years starting with growing on the east coast in New Jersey. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau was a typical kid eating the standard American diet. But she also loved animals and was fortunate that her parents supported her compassion.

Growing older, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau became more concerned about eating animals. She loved meat, but she didn’t know what was involved until she was 19 or 20 years old and was working in a bookstore.


Working in a bookstore was an eyeopener for Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. She learned new things and was interested in health and wellness. One particular book, the Diet for a New America book by John Robbins from the ice cream empire impacted Colleen Patrick-Goudreau the most.

“My father owned a franchise, so I had an affiliation. It woke me up to realize what I was consuming. So, I stopped eating land animals. I ate products that I thought weren’t contributing harm. But I continued to eat dairy and eggs,” Colleen Patrick-Goudreau recalls. 

Becoming Vegan

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau eventually realized there was no difference between meat, dairy, and eggs, so she became vegan. She declared that she didn’t set out to become anything. But she didn’t want to contribute to harm.

“And there was the thing called vegan. I didn’t know what it even meant,” said Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. “What I like to say is that I need to become vegan as much as I removed the blocks to the compassion that has been inside me all along.” 

She adds, “And as a natural advocate, I wanted something related to animal advocacy, writing, outreach, and education. So I started raising awareness and turned into the career that I built.” 

The 30-Day Vegan Challenge

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau says that if you are thinking of transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, the 30-Day Vegan Challenge is a good book to start. She says everyone claims they don’t eat a lot of meat, dairy, and eggs. But you don’t know how much you eat until you stop.

“So, the idea behind it is to stop long enough to undo those old habits and learn new habits. Build the foundation. This is a fundamental handbook in making the transition,” said Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. “There is a lot to gain when you stop something completely. You are more open to making changes that have an impact which you can continue implementing.”

Is The Vegan Lifestyle Healthy?

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau says you can eat any way you want within the vegan spectrum. Because vegan means you’re just not eating animal products. She says there are so many variations within this thing called vegan. There’s not one way to do it. And there’s not one way to eat.

“Eliminating meat, dairy and eggs is the best thing we can do and eating nutrient-dense foods as we can. The nutrients we need are plant-based. There is not one nutrient we need that is animal-based,” said Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. 

She adds, “The only nutrient we need that is not plant-based is vitamin B12. But it’s not animal-based either because it grows on bacteria. So, the idea that we have to go through an animal to get to the nutrient that the animals get because they eat plants is misguided.”

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau further explains that therefore, we need to skip the middle animal and go directly to the plant to get the nutrients we need. And when we do, we get the vitamins, minerals, fiber, folate, phytochemicals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. Plus, we skip all of the substances we know that contribute to these preventable diseases. 

Vegan Belief System

Vegan authors, nutritionists, doctors are often accused of being biased and not credible because they are vegan. So, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau says we have to get away from this notion that somehow eating animal products is neutral behavior and not biased.

“We all have biases. Everything we do has a bias. It’s been shaped by our families and our cultures,” said Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau also explains that when we are fighting to hang on to a particular belief, especially when a belief is a conflict, it compels people to throw out the facts. They disregard the evidence and science that backs up the fact that eating meat, dairy and eggs are problematic for our health, for the animals and the earth.

“We all eat processed food. Eating food in their whole state as much as possible is the best thing we can do. But it doesn’t mean that everything that goes on in that spectrum towards more processed food is always bad,” Colleen Patrick-Goudreau said.

Color Me Vegan

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau’s Color Me Vegan book encourages people to eat by color. Because when color is your guide, you are eating a huge variety of foods. And you’re getting so many vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and phytonutrients.

“All of the phytonutrients are in color. You can name the phytonutrients based on their color. And those colors in the phytonutrients affect different organs in our body,” said Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. 

She adds, “Nutrient deficiencies are not only in vegans and vegetarians. A lot of it has to do where we are getting the nutrients from and not absorbing it well. We also have to make sure we are not depleting our body of the nutrients.”

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau cites iron for instance. She says one way to increase iron is by eating it with vitamin c rich foods and don’t have caffeine with meals. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau says we also all need Vitamin D. And the best source is from the sun. But you can also take multi-vitamin as insurance.

Switching From Meat To Plant-Based

There are more calories in fat than there are in protein and carbohydrates. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau says there’s a lot of fat in animal products. You may feel hungrier at the end of that second meal because you are eating fewer calories.

“The answer to when you’re hungry is to eat. But what is great about eating fewer calories, people naturally tend to lose weight,” explains Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. “If you’re hungry and you need more food, fill yourself up with really nutrient-dense colorful, healthful foods.” 

She adds, “There are differences when you eat plant-based foods, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad or inferior. It’s just different. People have to learn to recalibrate what it means to feel full or how much food you’re eating. We’re so attached to what a meal looks like. So there a notion that if you remove the meat or main dish, that it’s a blank hole.”

Hence the incomplete meal. That’s why Colleen Patrick-Goudreau advises people to rethink what the plate looks like and permit yourself to plate your foods differently.

“A lot of it has to do with the focal point. We can create a beautiful focal point on our plate without the meat,” Colleen Patrick-Goudreau said. “So, a lot of it has to do with changing our minds. Not just changing our habits and choices we make. It’s not meat we crave. But rather we do crave fat, salt, flavor, the familiarity of dimensions and texture.”

The Vegan Table Book

The Vegan Table Book is based on recipes that Colleen Patrick-Goudreau taught for ten years in her cooking classes. She says recipes are not so different from those you are already familiar with. Taking it out of the box called vegan makes it so much more familiar.

“My recipes are very much based on familiar ingredients. No need to go to a specialty store. It can be found in the regular grocery stores,” said Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. “I also talk about plating our food. People also need to know what do you pair things with. The book is segregated into making meals for different occasions.”

Eating Beans

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau also encourages people to recalibrate how much time they think they should spend in the kitchen. Because right now, she says our threshold is zero.

“We’re so used to fast food, packaged food, and processed food. Invest in a pressure cooker. I make a lot of soups and bean dishes because I love my pressure cooker so much. Cook beans from scratch because they are more flavorful,” said Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. 

She adds, “There is sugar in the beans that people can have a hard time digesting. That’s why people get gas, cramps and bloating. Bean-zyme puts an enzyme into your body that enables you to digest those sugars and reduce gas and cramping.”

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau also explains that as you eat beans, your body becomes more accustomed to eating beans. And you start to have less gas. She also suggests to plan your meals ahead of time and reduce wastes.

“When you get meat, dairy, and eggs out of your diet, your palate is also so much more sensitive to subtle flavors. But when they are coated with fat and salt, our palate can’t recognize and appreciate the subtle flavors,” said Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. 

She adds, “There is protein in all plant-foods. Protein is made up of amino acids. And amino acids are in all foods. Our bodies don’t care where we are getting those amino acids from. It does care in the sense that there’s a lot of evidence regarding the adverse effects of animal proteins.”

Joyful Vegan Book

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau says this book is perfect for teaching people everything they need to stay vegan in a world that wants you to eat meat dairy and eggs. The book focuses on the social aspects. It teaches you to re-examine where you came from, and what you were taught.

“Food is the easy part. A lot of struggle for most people has to do with the social aspect,” Colleen Patrick-Goudreau said. “The book is about what happens after you turned vegan. There are common threads even if details or experiences may be different. You see the world through a different lens regarding what you know now.”

Stages Of Turning Vegan

In her Joyful Vegan Book, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau identified what she called the ten stages of what happens when you stop eating meat, dairy, and eggs. First is the voracious consumption of information. You validate everything you learn.

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, therefore, teaches you how to move through this stage, so you don’t get stuck. She also talks about self-care in the book.

Another vital stage is dealing with remorse and guilt. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau says it’s more of remorse than guilt.

“The biggest mistake people make is they think being vegan is an end. They think that’s the goal when really, it’s a means to an end.  If you understand that being vegan is a means to reach your goals, you can then relax,” said Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. 

She adds, “It’s about understanding that it’s not about perfection. But rather it is about reflecting your values. It’s an imperfect world, and you’ll never be able to do it perfectly. But anything you do that’s moving in that direction is good.”

Some other essential stages include a sense of community. Colleen Patrick-Goudreau advises finding like-minded people. She believes communication is also necessary for you to say your truth.

Other Resources

If you want more information about embracing the vegan lifestyle and making compassionate healthcare a priority, there’s a big conference happening in September next year. To those interested, you’re welcome to join or link to their website for schedule updates.

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau also has a wonderful podcast called Food For Thought. Do check that out as well. 


Colleen Patrick-Goudreau’s compassionate living philosophy is propelling plant-based eating into the mainstream and forever changing how we regard animals. 

A recognized expert and thought leader on the culinary, social, ethical, and practical aspects of living compassionately and healthfully, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is an award-winning author of several books, including the bestselling The Joy of Vegan Baking, The Vegan Table, Color Me Vegan, Vegan’s Daily Companion, On Being Vegan, and The 30-Day Vegan Challenge. Her next book, The Joyful Vegan’s Guide to Life, is due out in 2019. 

She is an acclaimed speaker and beloved host of the inspiring podcast, “Food for Thought,” which was voted Favorite Podcast by VegNews magazine readers several years in a row. She launched a spin-off podcast called Animalogy in 2017. Along with fellow advocates, she recently formed a political action committee called East Bay Animal PAC to work with government officials on animal issues in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau shares her message of compassion and wellness on national and regional TV and radio programs, including on monthly segment on Good Day Sacramento and as a monthly contributor on National Public Radio (KQED). She has appeared on the Food Network, CBS, PBS, and FOX; interviews with her have been featured on NPR, Huffington Post, U.S. News, and World Report; and her recipes have been featured on and 

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau lives in Oakland, CA with her husband David and two cats, Charlie and Michiko. 

Get Connected With Colleen Patrick-Goudreau!

Official Website

Compassion In Action Conference



Books by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau!

The Joy Of Vegan Baking


The Vegan Table


Color Me Vegan



The Daily Vegan


Vegan’s Daily Companion


On Being Vegan


The 30-Day Vegan Challenge


From Consumption To Compassion





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Real Time Pain Relief -
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Nov 19, 2018

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Real Time Pain Relief

Real Time Pain Relief products have helped thousands of people to address their pain issues. I have personally experienced it that’s why I’m so excited to have Real Time Pain Relief founder Tim Flatt on the show to explain more about this revolutionary product.

How It All Began

The company behind Real Time Pain Relief is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Tim Flatt recalled that way back in 1998; there was a report by the Institute of Medicine where it discussed the side effects of over-the-counter-drugs and prescriptions for painkillers.

Tim Flatt personally witnessed it while he was coaching a junior high basketball team back then. He noticed boys as young as 13 to 14 years old popping painkiller pills, and that impacted him a lot. Those pills affect the kidneys and cause intestinal bleeding.

Something Needed To Be Done

Tim Flatt felt the urgency to address the problem. So, the concept ingredient-based therapy was formed with Tim Flatt teaming up with a doctor and a chemist.

After three to four tries in the laboratory, they began giving away their product to kids.  When it clicked, Tim Flatt and his team decided to start selling the product to other people.

Product Expansion

According to Tim Flatt, word of mouth was the most powerful part of his journey. They initially just planned on being in the sports market but what happened in the next five to seven years was not a business for them but more of a passion.

“We looked at our demographics and ended up being predominately for people in their 50s, 60s, and 70s using it for arthritis. The market demanded it moves that way. Our goal was to provide a way for people to try it first and see the results and make the purchase,” said Tim Flatt.

They initially promoted their Real Time Pain Relief product line in fairs and marathons. It was a home business at first, but Tim Flatt and his team called it to leverage wholesale marketing.

Leverage wholesale marketing was a little different from network marketing because the focus was on selling products. Tim Flatt did that for seven years and always planned that it would be a temporary part of their business. 

Business Shift

In 2017, Tim Flatt converted the business to a wholesale rewards program. He says a lot of the people who were part of his home business, continued to be vendors in their program.

“We have never had one complaint of side effect using our product in 20 years. Because we’re committed to the use of menthol at a much lower level than most companies,” Tim Flatt said. 

He adds, “Most companies believe that one way to stop the pain is to mask it and to freeze the pain. We believe that it shouldn’t be that way. Hence, we use only a maximum of one and a half percent of menthol in our products.”

Product Ingredients

Tim Flatt explains that when you start using products that are 3, 5, 8, or 12 % menthol, it causes a dependency on painkillers. That’s how people move up to the prescription levels. So, there is indeed a significant danger.

“For people in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, we saw the results when they started using our product,” Tim Flatt shares. “Before using our product, they stopped doing what they loved to do because the pain was just too much. It’s exciting to help people get their lives back.”

Real Time Pain Relief products are effective in addressing so many pain issues. Among these are inflammation, migraine, insomnia, headaches, muscle, and joint pain.  It is also useful in treating eczema, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain.

Tim Flatt regards as his passion project. The month of December is PainKiller Awareness Month, so there’ll be a lot of posted information on painkillers throughout the whole month.

“In 1998, there was a report revealing that almost a hundred million people were living in chronic pain,” shares Tim Flatt. “The report stated that during the year, a hundred thousand people are hospitalized for intestinal bleeding. And 16,000 of those people don’t come out of the hospital.”

So, in 2012, Tim Flatt and his team decided to put out a website called He says they did some good, but at the same time, Tim Flatt admits they had the wrong philosophy.

Some immediate questions of the group were:

  1. Why were doctors were writing out prescriptions for opioids?
  2. Why does the government not protect us?
  3. Why do drug companies produce lethal doses are available over-the-counter?
  4. Why are there three drug lobbyists in Washington, D.C. for every member of Congress?

“In 2013, it fueled our fire because the Institute of Medicine came out with another report, which was a follow up 15 years later,” said Tim Flatt. “Instead of doing a new study on the people that were going to the hospital and dying, they took the same report with the same numbers 15 years later.” 

He adds, “We decided that we needed to take a different approach. So, we created a Painkiller Awareness month. We picked December because there was no other major awareness month through that time frame.”

Moving Forward

This year, Tim Flatt is focusing on helping people take responsibility by knowledge and through knowledge for what they are taking. Because he says, only you can make a difference in your health. And you can make a difference if you know what you’re doing.

If you are on pain meds, Tim Flatt says the most important thing is to get an exit plan. He shares that in fact, there was a study wherein six universities were involved in the research. In that study, more than half the people who have taken opioids along with topical pain relief eventually eliminated the opioids. 

“When we see someone, who is struggling with mobility, we get excited. Because we know that our product can have a dramatic difference in a short period if they apply it on a regular basis,” Tin Flatt said. “Once they start moving, we know that the blood flow in the body helps a lot as well. And those are great success stories.”

There have been many great testimonials over the years. Some of them claim to sleep better and go back doing the things they used to do after using Real Time Pain Relief products.

Pain Cream For A Dollar

When you link to Dollar Pain Cream, you get a sample Real Time Pain Relief.  Shipping is even free! That’s how much Tim Flatt can vouch for the effectiveness of his product.

The pain cream lists 17 different ingredients which all help to decrease inflammation and pain in the body. There is currently a recent product with more than 17 ingredients because it contains hemp.

“We had 9 in our original product. And then through the years, we added. When you sell a topical pain relief, the FDA does not allow you to make any claims about fighting inflammation. But we use 14 ingredients that are known to fight inflammation,” Tim Flatt said. 

He adds, “For the most recent one, we started using wasabi extract. It sounds hot, but there is no heat to it at all. The main focus for us right now is to see what is out there, investigate, and test.” 

Other Products

There are more amazing products under the Real Time Pain Relief line. For the foot cream, the company added tea tree oil. This is because a lot of people have fungus. Hence, it functions more like a moisturizer and helps address cracked skin.

“A lot of people use foot cream on the back because it feels a little bit stronger than pain cream. It can be used anywhere,” said Tim Flatt. “A lot of people like to layer our product. We don’t have any scientific proof that this works differently. It all comes down to what your body reacts to.” 

He adds, “The FDA does allow us to say it relieves pain for arthritis. There are around 160 diff types of arthritis. The state of California recognizes fibromyalgia as a type of arthritis. So, we are free to talk about any arthritis.”

Another product is the eczema cream which recently just came out and has hemp oil as well. However, Tim Flatt says their bestseller is a product called Maxx. Maxx contains a CBD extract. It is an isolate that has a 0.0% THC and comes from industrial hemp. 

“Our hemp oil product is the only product that is federally legal for pain relief. And almost all products contain MSM, which is a plant-based painkiller,” Tim Flatt said. “Our four main products are the hemp, Maxx, pain cream, and foot cream. And our medicated lip balm is fantastic for alleviating pain and cracks.”

Real Time Pain Relief products are primarily available in the United States. It is available also on Amazon Canada.  Making it available on Amazon UK is currently in the works as well as shipping their products to more countries.  For more information about their products, do check out their website. 


Tim Flatt is the Executive Director of National Christian HomeSchool Championships and founder of Real Time Pain Relief.

Get Connected With Tim Flatt:

Official Website

Pain Relief For A Buck



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Nov 14, 2018

The Metabolism Reset Diet: Repair Your Liver, Stop Storing Fat, and Lose Weight Naturally
Book - Metabolism Reset Diet


Metabolism Reset Diet

As a result, Dr. Alan Christianson became obese. According to him, his social life was most affected. Rather than go out, Dr. Alan Christianson spent time reading health books. He was also figuring out ideas on being deliberate about lifestyle. Hence, he was able to make radical changes. 

Making A Change

From the advice of those books, Dr. Alan Christianson’s first steps were cutting out bread with meals and processed sugar. He started taking protein shakes on a regular basis. Then he started exercising. He signed up for football one time, but he blacked out on the first day of practice. So, he took it slowly like running and doing weights.

“How your body works and how your health was can be one of the biggest factors for whether or not you can be happy and fulfilled. I had seen some doctors about health issues and weight as well nothing was helpful,” shares Dr. Alan Christianson. 

He adds, “That’s why I wanted to get into healthcare and medicine. I learned about the Naturopathic profession later in my studies. There were new schools in Arizona, and it was the perfect fit.”

Seeing The Difference

Dr. Alan Christianson saw a lot of differences between conventional and natural medicine. There was a big rift between conventional thyroid care and other alternative models.

“I saw many examples in which the alternative models would help a lot, and some did not. It impressed upon me that there were these hormones that were just huge factors as an intersection between lifestyle and health,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. “They were off in some ways. A lot of the struggles that people had were struggles like I had myself.” 

He adds, “But the things that I would have just done or that I did do wouldn’t always make a difference for them. Unless they had their hormones corrected and back to a good place. So, it just became a calling for me.” 

Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s is a disease in which the immune system breaks down some essential structural components of the thyroid. And leaves it just unable to produce enough hormones.

“About 26% of the time, Hashimoto’s goes away. It completely stops by itself and reverses. And a person who experiences that has a higher risk of developing other versions of thyroid disease over time. But for many of them, they’re done with it,” Dr. Alan Christianson said.

Graves’ Disease

On the other hand, Dr. Alan Christianson says Graves’ disease is like a short circuit on a doorbell. It’s also an immune attack.

“The thyroid is always opening the door and pouring our hormones even if your body quit asking for it a long time ago. It ends up producing too much thyroid hormone,” explains Dr. Alan Christianson. “And the part that’s not intuitive is that it’s almost the same disease like Hashimoto’s. They’re so close to each other in terms of what gives rise to them and a lot of steps on how to treat it.” 

He adds,” Graves has a much higher rate of remission once you can pull someone out of the thyroid being overactive. So, once you can stabilize your hormone levels, about 95% of the time, Graves’ disease quits within about 12 months.” 

Dr. Alan Christianson also says that despite the similarities of Hashimoto’s and Graves, they’re often different on how they play out their symptoms. And they overlap. A lot of people have both of those conditions. 

Blood Markers And Tests

Blood markers are useful and are useful tools. But Dr. Alan Christianson says the main drawback about them is that we’ve got these reference ranges which come from just averaging the scores from people who get their test done.

“Other tests or markers are just population averages. You can cut off points to where you exclude two and a half percent that defines a normal just statistically. And that’s where the high and low ranges come from for thyroid markers,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. 

He adds, “And the drawback about that approach is most people who get thyroid tests have thyroid problems. That’s why they are being tested. Many of them are already on treatment. And once you get tested, the most who are on treatment are not stable.” 

Analyzing Results

Dr. Alan Christianson reveals that people who have healthy thyroid scores contribute less towards that averages. And the standard becomes more represented among those who have thyroid disease. So, the implication is, you have to be at an unusual level to get flagged in that context.

“If you look at a couple of different values for the thyroid, the main one is called TSH which is your brain telling your thyroid to work. So, what happens is that the healthy people have much lower TSH scores than people who have thyroid disease,” Dr. Alan Christianson said. 

Regarding numbers, Dr. Alan Christianson says between .4 and 4.5 is normal. But there have been studies done in people who don’t have thyroid problems. Those tests show that they don’t have scores above 1.9. And according to Dr. Alan Christianson, that is a little unusual.

“They also don’t have low scores. Many say that it’s okay to be below normal or to take medication to make the TSH low and that’s dangerous,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. “Another pitfall is that there is an antibody test that can show if there is an attack against your thyroid. And if that’s there, it completely confirms Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease.”

In the case of Graves’ disease, Dr. Alan Christianson says only about 0.3% of people with Graves’ disease do not have measurable antibodies. Hence, it’s a pretty good correlation. But with Hashimoto’s, it’s not like that. About half the people with Hashimoto’s do not have measurable antibodies.

Important Components

His core health issue was Dr. Alan Christianson’s main focus when he was younger. He recalls it resurfacing a few times during adulthood.

Now that he is in the medical profession, Dr. Alan Christianson makes it a point to always ask his audience about their significant needs. According to him, there are three things we try to line up– energy level, weight, and appetite. And it is vital that we have to control all of those components.

Dr. Alan Christianson believes that people have different ideas on what healthy diets are. Everyone knows if they do something extreme, they will lose weight. They do things ranging from cut out all animal foods, eat non-paleo foods, or go on a ketogenic diet.

But most of the time, it doesn’t last. Because we end up not feeling well and our energy tanks in the short-term. Most of the time, our appetite also goes out of control. Ultimately, the trick is how you can balance out your energy, appetite, and weight again.

Liver Health

Dr. Alan Christianson says the main glitch that’s out of place for most people is the liver function. None of us get exactly the amount of food we need for a given day. We always get a little bit more or a little bit less. It’s never precise. And when we’re healthy, it’s our liver that buffers all that.

“If your food intake is above your needs, your liver can’t easily store that. It stores it as toxic fat inside the organs,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. “On the other hand, if you had too little food intake for the day, your body will crash. Your food cravings will show up; you’ll have brain fog and many other consequences. The liver is a big part of how you regain that.”

The Metabolism Reset Diet

The program where Dr. Alan Christianson applied the metabolism reset diet was initially for reversing type 2 diabetes. He learned that as people were developing this condition, the liver gets clogged with fuel that we can’t hold anymore. And that’s why blood sugar is higher. It was making blood sugar out of their liver as they were sleeping.

Dr. Alan Christianson says there are some specialized tests where you can tell which part of someone’s blood sugar came from the liver and which parts came from a recent meal. Most people who have diabetes risks will also have high blood sugar after a meal. But when you break it down like that, Dr. Alan Christianson says almost all the blood sugar comes from the liver and not from the meal.

“But the liver is a very resilient organ. In theory, you can lose 80% of it, and it can grow back again. It’s not so much about the goal to have a diet that makes you continue to lose weight. And it’s important and helpful to do so, but it’s a strain on the body,” Dr. Alan Christianson said.

He adds, if you go longer than six weeks, you can start harming thyroid function and impairing metabolism. So, it’s not good to be in a weight loss mode for too long. Plus, it’s essential to have adequate amounts of protein during that phase.”

Ketogenic Diet

As for the ketogenic diet, Dr. Alan Christianson explains that anytime you’re at a deficit of fuel, your body will convert a little bit into ketones. And it’s been a debate about whether the ketones are helpful or if they just happened to be around while other positive things are happening around the body.

Ketogenic refers to a state in which the body can only make ketones because it got so little proteins and carbohydrates coming in. In that case, Dr. Alan Christianson says that’s a separate variable than being in a state that could cause loss of weight or loss of body fat. So, you gain weight when you’re ketogenic, and you can lose weight when you’re not. It’s all a matter of total fuel intake.

Recommended Diet Program

Dr. Alan Christianson got a bias towards plant proteins. A big one is because of the ph effects. He believes that when our body goes through a detox phase and pulls out old wastes from the liver, there’s a lot of things that can concentrate like uric acid.

But if there’s also a substantial ph challenge, then there’s a considerable risk for things like gout or gallstones. So, Dr. Alan Christianson says it’s essential for the body not to have many acids to clear.

“There are three main parts to the program like two shakes in one meal. I do strongly encourage vegetable protein for the shakes,” Dr. Alan Christianson suggested. 

He adds, “Phytonutrients are phytotoxins. They’re actually poisons, but the amount they get in food can be strategic. And they can actually make the liver work better in ways it can be useful.”

Resistant Starch

There’s also a lot of resistant starch in Dr. Alan Christianson’s diet program. He believes resistant starch does an excellent job in helping the liver have less strain from the intestinal tract. Plus, resistant starch is the best side of carbohydrates and fiber but the worse of neither.

“The best part about carbs is that you can fuel the body and create healthy blood sugar from that and the negative part is that you need hormones to manage it,” said Dr. Alan Christianson. “And the best side of fiber is that you can fuel good bacteria, but the bad part is that it can cause mineral malabsorption. It can also create imbalances in bacteria.”

He adds, “The cool thing about resistant starch is that you got fuel and you can make it into glucose. But unlike every other food, it’s not absorbent in small intestines. It only absorbs gradually in the large intestines.”

Dr. Alan Christianson says you can get resistant starch from regular white potatoes when they are boiled. The same goes for white beans and bananas. With bananas, however, once it is ripened, you lose a lot of resistant starch.

There are also supplements for you to be able to get the recommended daily requirement for resistant starch. But Dr. Alan Christianson says it is better to get it from food. And remember to go slow and check how you feel whenever you eat something.

There have been many success stories of people who tried Dr. Alan Christianson’s diet program. Many had weight loss, but waist loss was dramatic. Dr. Alan Christianson shares that many people have waist loss of about 2. 5 inches within 28 days. Some have even reversed their health problems.

The Metabolism Reset Diet Book

Dr. Alan Christianson’s The Metabolism Reset Diet book contains a wealth of information on how to do this four-week cleanse naturally and effectively. The Metabolism Reset Diet book is slated to launch on January 29, 2019. It is currently available for pre-order Amazon so definitely check it out and order a copy. 


Dr. Alan Christianson is a Naturopathic Endocrinologist who focuses on Thyroid function, adrenal health, and metabolism. 

Dr. Alan Christianson has been actively practicing in Scottsdale since 1996 and is the founding physician behind Integrative Health. He is a NY Times bestselling author whose books include The Metabolism Reset Diet, The Adrenal Reset Diet, and the Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid Disease. 

Dr. Alan Christianson regularly appears on national media like Dr. Oz, The Doctors, and The Today Show.

Get Connected With Dr. Alan Christianson!

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The Metabolism Reset Diet Book





Books by Dr. Alan Christianson

Adrenal Reset Diet



Metabolism Reset Diet



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Nov 10, 2018 YouTube Videos:



Molds can significantly harm our health. More often than not, we take it for granted, or we spray chemicals on it which makes the situation worse. That’s why I’m thrilled to have Green Home Solutions CEO Jeff Panella on the show because he says there’s a safe way to rid of molds and even odors naturally.

Helping Others

Jeff Panella shares that ever since he was a child, he has always been more about helping others. He fulfilled that passion when he had an opportunity to join the effort and initiative of creating a healthy indoor air environment through a lot of different avenues.

“I quickly learned that although I do like to make money and I like to have a career, I was interested in doing more than that. When I realized I had a knack for leading people, I wanted to lead them in the right direction,” said Jeff Panella. 

Personal Experience

Jeff Panella shares that before joining the Green Home Solution company, his mother-in-law who was 83 years old then got very sick. He describes his mother-in-law as a very Holistic person.

The following winter, she got twice as sick and got pneumonia. So, Jeff Panella called Green Home Solutions who did a pre-test at her home. Sure enough, they found the worse kinds of molds that cause migraines and respiratory issues.

That situation happened four years ago, and Jeff Panella’s mother-in-law never got sick again. Because of that positive development, Jeff Panella was thrilled to join the Green Home Solutions team when the founder Russ Weldon asked him to come aboard and help grow the organization.

Green Home Solutions

Jeff Panella eventually worked for Russ Weldon who founded Green Home Solutions. According to Jeff Panella, Russ Weldon was a visionary because he created things and created a business that no one has done yet.

Like Jeff Panella, Russ Weldon had an incredible passion for people and helping others. So together, they help people feel better by helping them with their indoor environment and live better lives. Eventually, his passion became Jeff Panella’s passion.

“When he came into the company, we were actually at the time a mosquito company. We were trying to get rid the environment of mosquitoes naturally. It was very hard without using chemicals in that business,” Jeff Panella said. 

Russ Weldon didn’t want to do anything with these nasty chemicals, so Jeff Panella sold out the mosquito business. Green Home Solutions then evolved over the years and offered guarantees ranging from two to four years.

“About 98% of what we do is done in one day. The homeowners can be confident that when they go back into this environment, the environment is clean and sterilized,” said Jeff Panella.

Franchise System

Jeff Panella came aboard to continue to facilitate the passion for helping people all over the nation. Building the business was challenging but fulfilling. Jeff Panella says the great thing about their franchise system is that they have local people helping their fellow local people.

“Every franchisee starts a little bit slow and testing the water. They come from all walks of life. We help them through the initial start-up phase. On the third month, franchisees are not only into testing but also remediating molds. It’s very likely they have probiotic work then also bacteria work,” Jeff Panella said. 

He adds, “But on the fourth month in business, there are usually several paying clients by then. We show them how to network to different verticals like realtors and holistic doctors, etc. Ultimately, we have a business model that’s like a recipe for success.” 

Serious Issue

The public is now just starting to be educated about the severity of molds. According to Jeff Panella, almost every real estate transaction usually has a mold test done, including a pre-test and post-test. These tests can show the severe impact of molds on families.

“This issue with molds and odors is a global issue. With the movement around conserving energy, so not they are not losing heat, we cut off the air circulation,” said Jeff Panella. 

He adds, “Homes were designed to breathe. And the better they breathe, the less molds they might have. Regardless of what season it is, people can get very sick if molds are present.”

My House Is Killing Me

For those who want to have a good reference reading up about molds, Jeff Panella recommends the book; My House is Killing Me by Jeffrey May. The book talks about everything from molds, odors, allergen to dust mites. And Jeff Panella said it helped him to create this passion as well.

Myth Busting

Jeff Panella reveals that the biggest misconception is that bleach kills molds. But what happens is when you spray, the particles of molds go up into the air. He says you can wipe it dry, but the molds are going to grow back because molds grow with water.

“Another thing is, you introduce another chemical into your home that doesn’t necessarily need to be there. Our products are natural plant-based products and specifically our mold product is an enzyme that eats molds until the mold is gone,” said Jeff Panella.

He further explains that the enzymes break down the peptide bonds in the spores. And it cracks the shelves, turning the inside and outside into a non-allergic inert dust. 

Remedy Steps

Jeff Panella shares that they address molds with three main steps. First of all, they use a plant-based enzyme product to remediate the mold. Then they use a hospital-grade remediation machine product to kill nasty bacteria.

The third step involves reconditioning the home. Because Jeff Panella says, the first bacteria that gets in the home will be the bacteria that grows the fastest. And you want that bacteria to be good bacteria.

Jeff Panella also assures that they make sure none of the off-gases are coming up to the house. That’s why they recommend re-conditioning with probiotics long-term effects.


Encapsulation encapsulates all of the off-gases by placing a liner very specifically installed and professionally installed through the entire crawl space. This way, Jeff Panella says none of the off-gases get into the home.

“If you take care of the water intrusions and remediate the molds, molds should not come back. But if the molds come back, it’s an indication of another problem. We have several warranties, so if anything happens we can go back in,” assures Jeff Panella. 

He adds, “There is no statistical data yet about probiotics preventing or killing molds. But if we keep our environment as healthy as possible with good bacteria, it’s going to prevent other bad bacteria from getting in there.”

Furthermore, Jeff Panella shares that when they go in and remediate a home, they seal off different rooms and make sure they are not cross-contaminating the house.

Jeff Panella also says that the kit has to be in the right place. That’s why they do a series of tests including the use of a canister that sucks in all of the environmental particles that are in the air. Only then can they determine what exactly is going on in that home. 

Main Products

Jeff Panella says their company has three main products: enzyme treatment, peroxide treatment, and probiotic treatment. Using these products, Green Home Solutions performs a pre and post-test in every home.

“We do our protocols precisely. Following the protocols is necessary to clear all the molds. We have a 2-year guarantee. And because of our belief in probiotics, we’ll extend that guarantee to a four to five-year guarantee if you’re running probiotics regularly.”

Green Home Solutions had probiotics in the system for about a year. Jeff Panella says he even tested the probiotics in his own home.

He further explains that doing tests and treatments in homes, their clients who have the machines installed in their homes have a three-month cartridge. Once the cartridge runs out, Green Home Solutions can do a one-year supply.

Overall, Jeff Panella claims that they have happy clients because they can feel the difference. And that means the product is working.

Making A Difference

Jeff Panella reveals that one of the leading causes of children missing school is asthma. And one of the leading causes of asthma is molds. So, schools are also very conscious about molds and budget concerns.

“The fact that we’re fast, affordable and effective, we helped people and businesses and schools be more attracted to our concept. Joining our team creates this passion for helping people,” Jeff Panella said. 


Green Home Solutions uses a third-party lab to obtain testing results. Jeff Panella says while some testing is inexpensive, it can cost up to hundreds of dollars depending on the severity of the place.  It can cost you anything from a hundred dollars to a couple hundred thousand dollars.

“Where the home has the mold is also a big influence on price. And the attic is most impacted by molds. Plus, molds cause stains, but we do have peroxide products to address stain issues,” said Jeff Panella.

Jeff Panella says Green Home Solutions also has odor products similar to the enzyme products that they use. The products can penetrate surfaces and address odors issues as well. Because according to Jeff Panella, odor issues are tough sometimes. And apparently, the hardest odor to deal with is cat urine.

Mold Exposure Effects

Ultimately, molds affect our immune system. Jeff Panella reveals that even a healthy person can feel the impact of molds, odors and other allergens. So, he says it is essential to do a full test to understand past present and future.

“Molds affect people in different ways. But the reality is, the longer that someone lives with molds, odors or allergens, the more likely that cup is going to get full, and you’re going to experience issues,” said Jeff Panella. “We are out to make the world a better place and will do it one client at a time. and we’re going to continue to do that.” 


As CEO of Green Home Solutions, Jeff Panella is responsible for implementing the long and short-term strategic growth plans for the franchise system. 

Jeff Panella brings more than 25 years of experience to his role as Chief Executive Officer of Green Home Solutions. Jeff Panella, along with his wife Joan, is very active in the community. The couple spends much of their free time volunteering and serving on boards for local charities. He also serves as a coach to several community sports teams and is active with the local Boy Scouts of America troop. 

Before taking the helm at Green Home Solutions, Jeff Panella led the team at The Famous Toastery, a rapidly growing restaurant chain. His experience in multi-unit franchise sales and operations, as well as with small, medium, and Fortune 500 businesses will prove invaluable to Green Home Solutions. 

Green Home Solutions has always been committed to helping franchisees succeed, and Jeff Panella fully supports that commitment. He is a Certified Franchise Executive and is passionate about ensuring that franchisees are satisfied and supported as they grow their businesses. 

Jeff and Joan Panella have two children. Tim, the youngest, is a senior in college. Their daughter, Sadie, is a Sergeant in the Marines and has served three tours of duty.

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Green Homes Solution




Book Recommended by Jeff Panella

My House Is Killing Me – Jeffrey May

 Recommended Links

Learn True Health Episode 156 – Finding The Root Cause of Diseases – Trina Hammack


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Nov 7, 2018

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How To Naturally Avoid The Flu

It’s flu season again, and lots of people are getting sick with the unpredictable change of weather. But don’t scramble for the pharmaceutical shelves just yet. Because there’s a natural way of addressing the flu and avoid getting a flu shot. And my returning guest, Cilla Whatcott is the best person to teach us how to recover from the flu naturally.

2012 Flu Vaccine Study

First of all, Cilla Whatcott reveals that getting a flu shot does not have excellent odds. But it’s going to help you. She cites a 2012 study by Cowling and Fang, who learned that when you get the flu shot, it produces antibodies for that particular strain of the flu. But on the other hand, it compromises your innate arm of immunity.

“So, your cell-mediated immunity becomes more vulnerable to all the other circulating viruses. While you may have current protection from the current flu, you are opening up your susceptibility to all the other viruses that are circulating,” Cilla Whatcott explains. 

She adds, “All the flu report we hear on media is misleading. Flu-like viruses are out there, and they are not the flu. Getting sick and getting well is part of being healthy. It’s not ever getting sick. It’s essential to exercise our immune system.”

Effect Of Vaccines

As for other vaccines compromising the innate arm of the immune system, Cilla Whatcott says this is where dis-regulation takes place. When you emphasize one half of the immune system, it compromises the other side. Because ultimately, true real immunity is based on a balance.

“Vaccines are intended to create inflammation. But unfortunately, it’s indiscriminate. This inflammation takes place you see a dis-regulation of the immune system,” said Cilla Whatcott. “The immune system is designed to recognize a pathogen, raise an immune response, discharge, then resolution. As the system goes through those steps, true immunity is built.” 

Furthermore, Cilla Whatcott explains that when you inject a child with eight diseases at one time, you are confusing the system. Because Nature doesn’t deliver eight diseases at once.

“You deliver eight diseases at once through a needle, inject it into the system instead of to the mucous membrane as Nature does, and add more stuff to inflame the immune system,” Cilla Whatcott said. “With that, the system is going to try to discharge things by raising its inflammatory response.” 

Right Food Choices

We have always stressed in past episodes that food can be medicine. If we eat the right kind of foods, it heals and nourishes our body significantly.

Cilla Whatcott says that by having a whole food, organic diet, it’s a great way to get vitamin A. It’s in all the orange vegetables, sweet potatoes, yams, and carrots. Vitamin D is also a critical component of healing. Because these two vitamins can help your immune capabilities. 


There are over-the-counter homeopathic products, and the one Cilla Whatcott recommends is Oscillococcinum. She says it works better once you start contracting the flu.

But Cilla Whatcott says there are also some other homeopathic remedies that you can use. Choosing a homeopathic remedy is based on specific symptoms. She says Oscillococcinum is broader, so you can take Oscillococcinum with any symptoms.


But you if have some gut virus, vomiting and have diarrhea, Cilla Whatcott recommends taking Arsenicum. For those who are unaware, Arsenicum is made from arsenic.

“Because if you took material arsenic, you would be vomiting and have diarrhea as well as all the other symptoms, like feeling chilly and anxious,” said Cilla Whatcott. “None of our homeopathic remedies have any molecule of material substance in them. They are completely energetic. Their frequency can’t do any harm.”


Aspirin, on the other hand, was newly discovered by 1918-1919. And it was a wonder drug. Because according to Cilla Whatcott, you could give the same aspirin to many people to reduce fever.

“You didn’t have to take a case. The predominant method of medicine that time in homeopathy in the early 1900s required taking the individual case,” said Cilla Whatcott.

Mortality Rate

When you reduce the fever for flu, it very quickly goes to the lungs. Spanish flu, in particular, goes to the lungs and people were dead in 24 hours. For allopathic medicine, the mortality rate was logged at 28%.

In contrary, the homeopathic patients did not have a lot of deaths because they weren’t reducing the fever. They were treating the symptoms of the flu, and it was very successful.

“The goal is not to eliminate every symptom. But rather the goal is to support the body to balance itself. Because that’s how we’re designed to find that balance. And it will, as long as you don’t start suppressing every symptom,” Cilla Whatcott said.


Cilla Whatcott reveals that there’s a double-blind placebo-controlled study out of Brazil for Influenzinum. In the study, Influenzinum was given to six hundred children under the age of five. They found that there were no injuries, no side effects, there was a success rate reducing symptoms. The frequency of catching the flu was also less.

“Influenzinum can be sold in many different ways and many different preparations. You can find it online from some places where it is typed by the actual year or season for that pill,” said Cilla Whatcott. “I like to use a combination of historical flu, bird flu, influenza A and B, plus something called Bacillinum. This combination is good every single year.”

She adds, “Nothing prevents the flu 100%. We are building your natural immunity so that you are more capable of resisting things.”

Homeoprophylaxis Vs. Homeopathic Remedy

Classical homeopathy is based on a person’s lifestyle and living environment. Cilla Whatcott says it waits until you are sick, and gathers all the data before determining anything.

“Homeoprophylaxis is given prior so that you familiarize the individual with the frequency of the disease and epidemic. And homeoprophylaxis is made from the specific pathogen that is causing that particular disease,” said Cilla Whatcott.

Homeoprophylaxis is not typically measured with double-blind placebo-controlled studies. It is in long-term studies where long-term health outcomes can be determined.

“This is called effectiveness instead of efficacy. Efficacy is about building antibodies. Effectiveness is about taking the long view and seeing what happens to this population over time,” Cilla Whatcott explains. 

Feature Length Documentaries

To know more about real immunity, Cilla Whatcott has an amazing three-part video series which you can rent from her official website. The second one called Passage is already available for a 3-day rental at $9.99.

If you want to watch all three, the first one is called The Quest for Real Immunity. It covers the fear surrounding disease, reveals the relationship between humans and viruses, and provides insight into trusting your intuition.

Passage to Real Immunity tackles the safe and effective alternative to vaccines called homeoprophylaxis. This part is packed with interviews with doctors who use homeoprophylaxis including Dr. Isaac Golden, a leading researcher.

There are also interviews with parents talking about the wonders of homeopathy. Also watch out for the interview with Del Bigtree, an expert who speaks on listening to your intuition as a parent.

The third part, Choosing Real Immunity is slated to be released in 2019. And it will focus on a variety of tools to add to your immunity resources.

Effectivity of Homeoprophylaxis

Cilla Whatcott says no method is 100% effective. She said the original study was done over 15 years studying 3,000 children. It found that the HP kids had more robust immunity and better long-term health outcomes than even the organic eaters.

“A child going through homeoprophylaxis treatment depends on the susceptibility of the individual. Some who have greater susceptibility is probably because their ancestors had respiratory illnesses,” shares Cilla Whatcott.

She adds, “So when you take homeoprophylaxis, it satisfies a certain susceptibility. You become less susceptible to catching that particular disease. Your immune system knows how to mount an immune response and address it.”

Critical Vaccine Studies Book

Cilla Whatcott cited a great reference for vaccines. It’s called Critical Vaccine Studies by Neil Z. Miller. The book came out in 2016. The book shows studies pointing to the fact that benign childhood diseases like measles, chicken pox, and mumps, play a role in our long-term immunity. They help prevent chronic disease, tumors, and cancers.

“There are many benefits from natural disease. Natural disease is what governs herd immunity, not vaccines,” said Cilla Whatcott. “It’s when the natural disease comes through that we develop herd immunity because that gives us life-long immunity. The antibodies produced by the body does not last a lifetime that’s why they keep adding boosters to the schedule.”

Family Homeopathy Care Website

For those who want to sign-up for courses and look at other offerings, link to the Family Homeopathy Care Website. There is a free knowledge vault containing over a hundred documents and divided into chapters. Which you can download.

You can also sign up for classes where you can access anytime once you have an account.  The course on nine remedies for the flu is worth checking out. Classes cost $12.99 and are usually in Powerpoint format.

Common Remedies for Influenza and Flu-like Symptoms

Cilla Whatcott says Gelsemium is for incredible weakness and fatigue, eyes half closed, and headaches. Generally speaking, homeopathy is dosed while you have the symptoms.

“You give three doses, half or an hour apart. And if there is an improvement, you wait and watch because your body will move in the direction of cure,” said Cilla Whatcott.

If there is no change whatsoever, Cilla Whatcott says it may be because you’re on the wrong remedy. Hence, you need to re-assess the case. Plus, if you fall asleep, that’s a great sign. Because the body heals when it’s sleeping.

“Stop taking the remedy when you are 70 to 80% better. If the symptoms change, you might have to change remedies,” advises Cilla Whatcott. “Don’t touch the pellets with your fingers. Tap them on the cap and pop into your mouth. Keep them away from high heat, microwave or strong-smelling things like essentials oils because those can stop the action of the remedies.”

Taking Responsibility

Ultimately, Cilla Whatcott stresses that we have to take responsibility for our health. You figure it out. It’s not a knee-jerk reaction.

“That requires a learning curve which not everyone wants to do, but that is what lead me to where I am now. Medical school is not teaching some of the things that I see parents learning today on their own,” said Cilla Whatcott.

She also says that our body has that headache or symptom to balance things out. It’s an expression of the disease. When you take something pharmaceutical, you’re stopping that expression.

“When you take homeopathy, it’s just a frequency like music, prayer and radio signals. You are not physically manipulating the physiology of the body. You are simply providing a frequency to encourage the body to do what it knows how to do,” said Cilla Whatcott.

Road To Recovery

Cilla Whatcott says illness comes along in our lives with a message. So, respect the illness. Take the time you need and be good to yourself.

She also says that one good thing to use for recovery is cell salts. And there is a combination of all 12 cell salts called Bioplasma. Bioplasma is available via

Ideally, it is best to take Bioplasma at the end of the flu. Take Bioplasma a couple of times a day for three to five days to reboot your system. Intake one cell salt at a time, then more effective if you target it at the actual need.

“My goal is to educate and empower parents to know they have choices. You’re the expert for your child. No one loves your child as you do,” said Cilla Whatcott. “Your intention is always for their good. There are no real mistakes. You’re always making choices based on what you know. So, the goal is to know all you can to make informed choices.”


Cilla Whatcott is a board-certified classical homeopath with a B.A. from Arizona State University, a diploma from the four-year professional program at Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, and a Ph.D. in Homeopathy. 

She is an instructor at Normandale Community College and the author of“There Is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis,” and co-author of “The Solution – Homeoprophylaxis.”

Whatcott is also the executive director of Worldwide Choice. She likewise offers individualized homeoprophylaxis programs for adults and children. 

Whatcott has been a guest lecturer in France, Scotland, Ireland, Indonesia, the USA, and Canada, and featured in episode 7 of The Truth about Vaccines. She has organized and directed international conferences in 2015 and 2016 about homeoprophylaxis. 

Whatcott also has published articles in several periodicals and magazines. She likewise has a certification as a CEASE therapist for reversing vaccine injury.

Get Connected With Dr. Cilla Whatcott!

World Wide Choice

Real Immunity Documentary

Family Homeopathy Care


Book by Dr. Cilla Whatcott

There Is A Choice – Homeoprophylaxis

Recommended Readings by Dr. Cilla Whatcott

Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries

Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies by Neil Miller

Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky

The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro

Recommended Links:


Learn True Health – vaccines

Learn True Health – Episode 137 – Homeoprophylaxis

Learn True Health – Episode 155 – Developing Real Immunity

Learn True Health – Episode 228 – Homeopathy

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Nov 6, 2018

How to Break Free From Fatigue with Easy Homemade Hormone Balancing Elixirs That Work Like Magic

Brain Boost Recipes

"Blended Greens for Health and Longevity" Free E-book


Nutritional Endocrinology

Not many people are familiar with nutritional endocrinology. And yet it’s one of the essential things to know with regards to our health. Because with nutritional endocrinology, we learn how our body works. To enlighten us on how to recharge, gain energy, balance hormones, and lower stress, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo expounds on the components of nutritional endocrinology in this episode.

Personal Experience

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo describes herself as a hyper-achiever during her 20s. As a result, her health started falling apart. Going to a doctor, she was prescribed to take valium to take care of her constant headaches.

Working hard after college also had its consequences. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo had to deal with chronic sinusitis and brain fog apart from her constant headaches. Initially, she didn’t know she had fatigue because she didn’t feel tired. It’s because she was drinking a lot of black tea and diet coke, which were both high in caffeine.

Finding A Cure

Trying to find a cure for her health issues, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo decided to get herself tested for ulcers. She went to a gastroenterologist who told her she didn’t have an ulcer. But the doctor also told Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo that because she had no idea what was wrong with her, the doctor advised Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo to keep taking the medication meant for ulcers.

That made Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo think. Why would she have to take medication for a condition she didn’t have. Hence, she started questioning a lot of other things. One of them was diet.

So, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo asked her doctor if her condition had to do anything with her diet. Her doctor disagreed. But Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo didn’t listen and proceeded to figure out how to change her food choices lifestyle. In the end, she did get well. 

Helping Others

Her heath obstacles fueled Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s desire to help others. She wanted to be the person who helps people get well and not take years to do so. Losing her parents and sister to illness strengthened Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s goal to carve a meaningful career path.

Pursuing further knowledge, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo earned her Doctor of Chiropractic degree and Masters in Nutrition. Shortly after, she started her practice. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo began to a lucrative career in 1996 and was one of the few women professionals in the industry at that time.

Diet Issues

Realizing the food played a big part in nutritional endocrinology, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo started to eat more vegetables. She began eating salads and fresh fruits.

Eventually, she also gave up milk. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo also started eating whole wheat bread but then switched to whole grains. She also decreased her alcohol intake.


Wanting to improve her health and learn more things, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo found a doctor in New Jersey who worked at a medical nutrition center. That doctor found that Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo had candida overgrowth.

Because of the discovery, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo was advised to make significant efforts to take out sugar and alcohol from her diet. As a result, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo started to feel better after that doctor suggested fasting.

Fasting changed Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s life. Ideally, proper fasting takes 28 days. Either way, before you do fasting, it’s best to get guidance from a trained professional.

“Fasting depends on the person. If you are stressed, it produces more cortisol, increases blood pressure and blood sugar,” explains Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. “Do not over-exercise. Do a periodic short fast because cortisol prefers breaking down muscle.”

Ideally, we are supposed to do fasting for 12 hours overnight. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says the people who advocate eating every two to three hours to keep a nice steady blood sugar are clueless. Because they don’t know the physiology and biochemistry of how the body works.

“It’s the worst thing to do if you want to maintain a healthy weight. Because insulin suppresses growth hormones. It suppresses the ability to burn fat,” Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo explains. “And that’s not a good thing. So, exercise regularly. Hunger also stimulates growth hormones. You don’t have to satisfy hunger as soon as it hits.”

Regulating Food Intake

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says it is dangerous to have constant access to food. It puts you in an insulin state all day long. She advises not to stretch hunger for hours because it would turn into a stress response.

“Typically, if you get hungry and you can comfortably go three hours without eating, and start to lose it, start first for 15 minutes and gradually build up by trying to adapt,” said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. “The more you choose the way you’re eating, get rid of the processed sugary foods that cause the blood sugar roller coaster ride. Eat good healthy fats, and the body will eventually adapt beautifully.”

Foundational Lifestyle Habits

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says there are foundational lifestyle habits that everybody needs to adapt and get in balance. She calls them the body freedom foundation. Because when we have these foundational lifestyle habits under control, you get the ultimate freedom in your life.

First and foremost, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo advises that we have to make it fun. How much fun are you having? Most people aren’t. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo says most people who are sick are higher achievers, and they feel that fun is not a good thing.

Next is restful sleep and not sleep with the tv on. She says waking up in the middle of the night is a sign that you have low blood sugar and stress.

“It’s amazing how many people fall asleep with the tv on, eat right before bed, do real stress activities and expect to get a good night’s sleep. Having a clean environment is also an important factor to consider when it comes to destressing your body,” said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo also stresses the importance of diet. It’s not just about eating a healthy diet or eating less and exercising more. There’s more to it than that. Think about how to put the best diet in place for yourself.

Next is an outlet. Think about what your outlet is and if you have an optimistic outlook. Do you have a goal that you are working towards to? Is there reasoning why you want to change what you want to do?

Finally, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo mentioned mindfulness. Take it one at a time. Because in most people, fasting blood sugar is the last thing to change. A lot of that is something happening overnight. Something stressful is raising the cortisol levels. We can confirm it by doing a cortisol test or saliva test, a 24-hour urine test to figure out if what you are feeling is stress-related. 

Energy-Related Issues

Sometimes, health issues are related to parasites. Parasites are active in laying their eggs overnight. If that happens, it keeps people awake. There is no restful sleep, and the sugar is high. Another indicator is getting up several times a night to go to the bathroom. That can contribute to high blood sugar.

“The things that create energy are mitochondria. Mitochondria are in every cell in the body. And they take sugar and oxygen, come up with ATP, which is the energy currency of the cells,” Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo explains. 

She adds, “When something is wrong in that mitochondria, we’re not going to create much energy. We don’t have enough of the nutrients. It can take a while to replenish nutrient deficiency. And they might not have the right amino acids which explain protein malabsorption.”

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo also reveals that the adrenals could be stressed out from years of stressful life. Plus, the thyroid is the thermostat for every cell. It dictates how much we are going to burn oxygen to make energy. So looking at thyroid issues is also essential.

“Shallow breathing could also be creating a problem. They are not getting full oxygenation to their tissue. That could be creating the deficiencies of any of the nutrients. If someone has switched their diet, they have not replenished the nutrients that got depleted from a previous diet.”

That’s why Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo trains nutritional endocrinology practitioners and other health professionals to look at the big picture. Bottom line, stress and all kinds of trauma are significant contributing factors to deteriorating health. It’s about how we look at it, how to unpack and correct them.


Shifting from sympathetic to parasympathetic and transpersonal energy healing is something Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo offers in her program. Tapping is a fantastic method to address trauma as well.

“Heartmath helps people shift from stress mode to rest, digest and heal response in the body. It’s a simple process that’s been studied very scientifically from the Institute of Heartmath,” said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. 

She adds, “It’s a combination of deep, diaphragmatic breathing and appreciation. They measure people before and after. I recommend people do this throughout the day before each meal because it helps to digest.”

Heartmath Method

First, you can do this method with open or closed eyes. Place your right hand on your heart, left hand on the belly to focus attention. Take in slow, deep breaths. Hold it at the top of the breath and let it go.

“If you feel like taking another breath, push a little bit further and take another long deep breath. Pay attention to your shoulders and neck, allow to soften and relax,” Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo said. 

She adds, “Take another long, slow, deep breath. This time as you are breathing in, transport yourself in space and time where you can be appreciative. In that state of relaxation, bliss, and appreciation, you shift and change the chemicals in your body.”

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo explains that at this point, hormones improve, as well as blood pressure, enzymes, immune system, and digestion. Then when you are ready, slowly open your eyes and come back to the present with the intent of bringing that back in with you. And know that anytime within that day, you can go to this place. 

Food Choices

Foods that are stressful to the body are foods that amplify our need for detox. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo reveals that it damages the tissues in our digestive tract.

“Coffee contains acid and caffeine. It revs people up, gets them out of parasympathetic and into sympathetic. You can stress the system. Green tea is better because even if it has caffeine, it’s less than coffee. It has antioxidants that support the liver, and it’s not alkalizing,” said Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.

Reducing Stress

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo also says sugar and pesticides are stressful to the system. The same goes for processed food. So, it is best to reduce the toxic load to restore the adrenals to minimize the stress load.

Evaluate where is the stress coming from. Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo strongly recommends doing Heartmath techniques five times a day before meals, before you get out of bed in the morning and before you go to sleep. Recommended duration is 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

“The adrenals need vitamin C more than any part of the body. So eat vitamin C rich foods as well as supplements. The recommended dosage is 1,000 milligrams three times a day to build adrenals,” Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo advised.

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo also recommends her energy elixirs. It can be taken via a cold or hot drink. Either way, there’s always some tea or water as a base. Blend it with some healthy fats like coconut butter or shredded coconut, hemp seeds, and add herbs. She also says medicinal mushrooms help adrenal function as well as lime or orange essential oils.

Additional Resources

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo’s website is packed with great resources on how to regain optimal health naturally. Aside from an online shop, you’ll find links to her books, programs, and upcoming live events so do check it out.

“My message is empowerment. Empowered self-care. Learn how your body works and how it’s all put together. And learn about lab testing so that if there are lab tests you need, learn what to ask your doctor for,” advises Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. “They don’t know about nutrition. You can’t put your health in the hands of someone else. Because you need to take charge. That’s when true health happens.” 


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is passionately committed to transforming exhausted high achievers all over the globe into high energy people who love their lives and live to their full potential. 

She founded the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology so that she could be instrumental in transforming our current broken disease-management system into a true health care system where every practitioner is skilled at finding the root cause of health challenges. 

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo specializes in using the wisdom of nature married with modern scientific research restore balance to hormones with a special emphasis on thyroid, adrenal, and insulin imbalances. Her practitioner training programs empower health and nutrition professionals, including health coaches, physicians, nutritionists, nurses, and others to use functional assessments and natural therapeutics to unravel the mystery of their clients’ complex health challenges, so they become known as go-to practitioners for true healing and lasting results. 

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic with Certification in Acupuncture and is a Diplomat of the American Clinical Nutrition Board. She is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a Master’s degree in Human Nutrition and has completed a 500-hour Herbal Medicine Certification Program. 

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo has trained certified hundreds of practitioners in the art of using palate-pleasing, whole fresh food as medicine. As a certified HeartMath® provider, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is passionate about using stress transformation techniques to guide clients to reduce the negative impact of stress on their health.

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Oct 31, 2018


Post Betrayal Transformation

Betrayal can leave us exhausted, fatigued, anxious because of betrayal from the past. But did you know that post betrayal transformation can help get us on the road to healing? Dr. Debi Silber has a fantastic method and will explain what post betrayal transformation is about, in this episode.

Personal Experience

Betrayal is the breaking a spoken or unspoken rule. Dr. Debi Silber says it comes in so many disguises. She experienced a family betrayal but didn’t learn the lesson she was supposed to learn from that experience.

The betrayal from her husband led Dr. Debi Silber to pursue a PH.D. program in transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal psychology is the psychology of transformation and human potential.

“I became obsessed with transformation because I needed to understand how the mind works, why we do what we do and how could I heal from this,” shares Dr. Debi Silber. “Then I did a study on how women experience betrayal, what holds them back and what helps them heal.”

She adds, “We can stay in any stage for years, decades or lifetime. And if we’re going to go from that shock of betrayal to that place of transformation, we go through five proven, predictable stages.”

Discovering Post Betrayal Transformation

Dr. Debi Silber made two more discoveries. Because betrayal felt so different for her. Through the study and her study participants, they coined the term post betrayal transformation.

Post betrayal transformation is the state achieved after this specific healing of betrayal which involves so many other things. In addition to that, there’s grieving and all the things that happened with another trauma.

“And then there was the third discovery. There is a collection of symptoms. These are physical, mental and emotional. It is so common to betrayal and became known as post betrayal syndrome. So, I have a quiz to see what level you are struggling,” Dr. Debi Silber explains.

She adds, “Nobody brings us to our knees like a family member or a partner. When the people you trust the most prove untrustworthy. Who do you trust? It’s so devastating on every level because a primal need is to feel safe.”

Dr. Debi Silber also says that betrayal destroys any sense of safety and security that we ever had. And one of the reasons why it hurts so much is because it is intentional. It’s beyond to what we can hold in our awareness and a shock to the body and mind. But ultimately, Dr. Debi Silber says there’s a way to heal from all of it. 

Study Results

In the study that Dr. Debi Silber conducted, it had fourteen brave women. They contributed to the study because they felt they had learned so much from their experience. And they wanted an opportunity to share it.

The first thing Dr. Debi Silber did was sharing her story with the study participants. So, they know that Dr. Debi Silber has an idea of what they have been through. The stories were so different but the pain the same. And the methodology or ways they chose to handle it was different.

“I assumed that the people who were hit the hardest would grow the least. But the ones who were medicated grew the least. Because they couldn’t deal with it,” reveals Dr. Debi Silber. “The ones with the least amount of consequence to their betrayer grew the least. And the ones who were so afraid to surrender also grew the least. They were also the most physically sick because there wasn’t a price to pay.”

She adds, “When we’re betrayed, we’re protecting our betrayer. Because we don’t want our family to feel uncomfortable or upset them. Here’s where we need the support the most, and we’re the least likely to reach out for it.”

This is also why at the end of Dr. Debi Silber’s six-week program, she offers two different certification programs. One is to be a certified PBT support group host. And the other is a certified PBT practitioner. Dr. Debi Silber says every single woman in the study said she would have benefitted from support.

So, Dr. Debi Silber ended up creating this support group host to benefit women who need support. It is beneficial for the host as well because nothing heals more than when we teach.

Five Stages From Betrayal To Breakthrough

The first is a setup stage. This is what Dr. Debi Silber saw in every single participant in the study. It’s not a blame thing or any. She says if you imagine four legs of a table, the four legs stands for emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects.

“Every woman in the study were so busy prioritizing the physical and the mental. It was as if their mind was telling them what their body should do, and they were one big to-do list. Doing a whole lot of doing and not much being, turning up the thinking and turning down the doing,” said Dr. Debi Silber.

She adds, “So imagine the table. If you’re strengthening only two legs of that table, the table is shaky and unstable. If you are neglecting the spiritual and the emotional, you turn down your intuition.”

Stage Two

Stage Two is the breakdown of the body, the mind, and the world’s view. Dr. Debi Silber describes it as having this experience, and it is imprinted on your body and mind. You ignite the stress response, and you have all kinds of physical challenges.

“Your adrenals are freaking out, and you are exhausted. The immune system is down, and your gut is wrecked, and hormones are shifting, weight changes, accelerated aging. And the mind is in a complete state of chaos, confusion and overwhelm,” Dr. Debi Silber enumerated.

And then there’s the breakdown of the world’s view. Dr. Debi Silber this stage is how you see the world. It’s based on your rules. These rules govern on how you manage your life. If the people you trusted have proven untrustworthy and all those rules are shattered, it’s terrifying. 

Stage Three

Dr. Debi Silber says if the bottom bottoms out, you would do everything you could. This is where survival instincts emerge. It is the most practical stage.

She also explains that stress response is still engaged because we’re in fear. Then when we know we’re safe, you slowly move into stage four which is adjusting to a new normal.

Stage Four

At this stage, your old normal does not exist anymore. But Dr. Debi Silber assures that it’s going to be okay. And if you believe that it’s going to be okay, you start turning that stress response down. You stop causing destruction. And when you think you can make this work, you now have a little more bandwidth for self-care.

Stage Five

Dr. Debi Silber lists down healing, rebirth and a new worldview as main components of this stage. The body starts to heal. Because now you’re more interested in your self-care.

“You want to nurture yourself a little bit, and you want to move because it feels good. It’s a new mind based on a new set of beliefs. You are constructing based on where you are now. And you are creating this new worldview based on your experience,” Dr. Debi Silber said.

She adds, “When we get to this state of post betrayal transformation, there is so much richness and texture, strength, and wisdom coming from us. And here’s where we are truly unshakeable.”


Dr. Debi Silber says if you feel safe and valued, and you forgive, you’ll feel better for it. You have done something that takes a lot to do. If you do not feel safe and valued, and you forgive, you’re going to feel worse.

“So many people in my study forgave before they were ready. They forgave before it was a new relationship. And things did not change. If you’re looking to forgive and rebuild, there are four levels,” explains Dr. Debi Silber.

Window Of Willingness

The first level of forgiveness is where someone is going from the most likely, and they’re the most receptive to forgiving and release. Dr. Debi Silber says forgiveness is a huge piece when it comes to betrayal.

“It involves an apology, remorse, and restitution. Here is where empathy is high, and our heart is speaking to their heart. We are just connecting and taking full responsibility,” said Dr. Debi Silber.

She adds, “Next level window closes a bit because defensiveness comes up. Here is where we are making excuses. Saying the word because over and over is an indication. You may be willing to forgive, but it doesn’t feel as good as level one.”

As for the next level, Dr. Debi Silber says level three has blame. She calls it the two-sided slap. Here, someone did something and then blame you for it.

The fourth level is flat out denial. Dr. Debi Silber explains that this is somebody taking no responsibility for what they said or what they did. People question the justice, but Dr. Debi Silber believes truth is karma’s job, but closure is up to us.

“When you do the work, there is this strength that comes through because you’re not hiding. You are so secure on who you are and who you have become. With betrayal, you get these triggers all the time,” Dr. Debi Silber said.

She adds, “The person who has caused the hurt, whether they are aware of it or not, their emotions are shame. Shame is the most physically destructive emotion we have. The only way to heal it is to bring light and honor to it.”

But because we don’t want to face it, we do everything we can to numb and avoid the stress. We use food, drugs, alcohol or anything because we are desperately trying to distract ourselves from ourselves. On the other end of it, the other person who has been hurt is walking around with anger and bitterness, resentment and those emotions will take you down.

How Betrayal Shows Up In The Body

Dr. Debi Silber says the most common thing that we see is extreme fatigue. Digestive issues are so common. And so often the adrenals tank. Your immune system gets suppressed, and you end up not being able to fight off things you usually will be ready to fight.

She also reveals that we may even be eating this wonderful diet but not getting the benefit of it because we are not retaining the nutrients as well. Then we go to these wonderful health experts who are incredible in addressing issues, but we fail to see that these are symptoms coming from unhealed betrayal.

Book and Workbook

Dr. Debi Silber’s The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind, and Life After a Life Crisis book and workbook are to heal from any life crisis. The book is purposely very short because Dr. Debi Silber wanted to make sure people read it.

On the other hand, the workbook has lots of experiential exercises. It’s a great combination and a part of the 6-week program. The betrayal book is specifically around the five stages and how to move through them. It encompasses many types of life crisis.

Links to the book are available on Dr. Debi Silber’s website as well as a quiz to help you discover if you are indeed suffering from betrayal issues.

Six-week program

Dr. Debi Silber assures that you can start where you are. And you don’t have to be at a particular stage to start it. She walks you through the five stages with experiential exercises to move you from one stage to the next.

“What I hear from people is that they feel stuck in a certain stage. And that’s what brought them into the program. They may end up spending extra time on those activities until they move,” said Dr. Debi Silber.

Dr. Debi Silber offers two versions of the program. One is the home study which you can do at home, at your own time and pace. It’s so inexpensive, and anybody can access it. The other version is the next level up. It’s a live interactive component that Dr. Debi Silber has in a private Facebook group.

She also adds that to be a certified Post Betrayal Transformation host or practitioner, the six-week program is a pre-requisite. You need to know the five stages and experiential exercises to move you from one stage to the next.

As an added treat to Learn True Health listeners, Dr. Debi Silber is gifting one Betrayal to Breakthrough Home Study Six-Week Program to one lucky listener. It’s worth $297 so do check out the Learn True Health facebook group for details.

Bio-Energetix Field

Dr. Debi Silber declares that she can only heal to the extent that she knows what you are struggling with. But she also said that sometimes, we do not know things that we do not have access to.

“We have this Bio-Energetix field. And what this does is that it’s like biofeedback. Through a simple scan, your biofield gets compared to what is a perfect biofield. And then it will show any distortions in your field,” Dr. Debi Silber said.

Dr. Debi Silber does it every month for herself, and it’s incredible what it’s able to pick up and what it has done. Ultimately, it shows what you prioritize.

“I understand how painful it is and how much it hurts. But I also know that healing, transformation and the strongest version of you are on the other side of that,” said Dr. Debi Silber. 


Dr. Debi Silber, President/CEO of Debi Silber Companies, LLC. And the founder of is a recognized health, mindset, empowerment and personal development expert. She’s a speaker, coach and author of the Amazon #1 Bestselling book: The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis, The Unshakable Woman-The Workbook (the companion guide to the book) as well as 2 books recommended by Brian Tracy, Marshall Goldsmith, Jack Canfield and many more. 

Dr. Debi Silber contributed to FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz show, TEDx, The Huffington Post, Shape, Self, Health, Working Mother, Forbes, Psychology Today, WebMD, Ladies Home Journal, MSN, Woman’s World and Glamour to name a few. 

After researching and conducting a Ph.D. study on how women experience betrayal from a family member or partner, Dr. Debi Silber has discovered a predictable and proven process taking women from betrayal to breakthrough. That process, coupled with 27 years of health, mindset and personal development training and coaching, enabled her to create a multi-pronged approach to help women heal (physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually) from the trauma of betrayal. 

Dr. Debi Silber understands the demands of the busy woman because she’s one too. Managing The Silber Center for Personal Growth and Healing along with the PBT Institute™ on Long Island, teaching, speaking, coaching, mentoring and writing, she’s also married to her husband, Adam for 27 years, is the proud mom of Dani, Dylan, Camryn and Cole (22, 21, 18 and 16) and is the proud mom of 6 dogs, Scooby, Nike, Roxy, Gigi, Kylie and Brody.

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Books by Dr. Debi Silber

The Unshakable Woman



The Lifestyle Fitness Program



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Oct 30, 2018

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Essential Oils

Essential oils have so many uses. Its natural components can address numerous health issues like depression, anxiety, obesity, and inflammation. To teach us how to use essential oils safely and effectively, my guest Dr. Eric Zielinski will expound on that in this episode.

Early Years

Dr. Eric Zielinski shares that essential oils initially weren’t part of his healing story. On the contrary, it was fasting, supplementation, nutrition, and detox. He focused on things that he needed to do to be healed of addiction to narcotics, alcohol, and smoking.

Dr. Eric Zielinski also reveals that he had a spiritual transformation when he was 23 years old. His mentor at the time told him body is a temple. And that he needed to honor God by taking care of his body.

“When I was a kid I always wanted to become a doctor. I was raised in urban Detroit, got a decent job, managed a bank for a while, but my heart was to help people. Then I met someone who suggested I become a chiropractor,” said Dr. Eric Zielinski.

Shortly after, Dr. Eric Zielinski quit a good job. He moved to Georgia with his family to pursue studies on how to become a chiropractor, so he could open up a health center.

A Whole New World

In school, Dr. Eric Zielinski fell in love with research. And because of the necessity to pay bills, he started writing professionally as a public health researcher. His primary tasks were writing in academic journals and ghostwriting blogs.

“That’s when I got introduced to this online marketing world. One of my clients commissioned me to write a series of public health reports about essentials oils. And that’s what got me,” Dr. Eric Zielinski said.

Educating People

Dr. Eric Zielinski does not sell essential oils. He just educates people through his books and platforms where he can teach people the truth behind essential oils.

“The one thing people need to recognize is that price does matter. Frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, and rose are costly raw materials that require a lot of product to get a little bottle of essential oil,” explains Dr. Eric Zielinski.

He says if it is cheap, chances are; the product contains synthetic ingredients. Same thing when it comes to sourcing. That’s why you can’t trust the label.

“The same thing with supplements. No one is monitoring your supplement labels. That’s why my book is loaded with references from researches,” Dr. Eric Zielinski said. 

He adds, “It all boils down to trust. Find out the source and what internal sourcing they have. There are no third-party governing agencies monitoring and evaluating these oils. The word therapeutic grade does not mean anything. It’s just marketing terminology. There is no standard. Ultimately, it’s about how your body responds to the product.”  

Do The Research

Digging deep for information goes a long way. Dr. Eric Zielinski says a company that has good quality sourcing, morals, integrity, and does the research is an ideal company.

He also says most of the information online is absolute rubbish when it comes essential oils. Putting a drop of oil straight in your mouth isn’t entirely the best idea because you could burn the mucous membrane in your oral cavity.

The same thing happens if you put a drop in your water. Oil and water don’t mix. Hence, you need something to combine them.

“Randomized controlled trials in a sterile, clinical setting doesn’t exist in real life. Here’s the problem with research. You take people and try to isolate all variables, so you’re only testing one thing,” said Dr. Eric Zielinski.

Dr. Eric Zielinski believes we need more case studies. But the problem is, there has been a lot of negative response to case studies because they are called anecdotal. However, Dr. Eric Zielinski would rather have an anecdotal study than a sterilized non-clinical evaluation of what can happen to people aka randomized control trial.

“It’s not that the research is doing anything wrong. But it’s what we have out there in the literature that is limited. And the limit is that we have very few human trials specifically when it comes to essential oils,” Dr. Eric Zielinski said. 

He adds, “Because we don’t have big funding. We have grassroots efforts, and most researches come from overseas, like the Middle East, particularly Iran. We don’t have a lot of research from North America. And that’s a problem.”

Volatile Compounds

What are essential oils? Dr. Eric Zielinski says it all boils down to volatility or a volatile organic compound. That’s what essential oils are by definition. Those are the compounds that readily evaporate.

“And those compounds through the steam distillation process are evaporating up. When they hit the condenser or the cooling tube, it gets to the point where it goes through. Then it re-consolidates, and you get up collecting as an essential oil,” Dr. Eric Zielinski said. 

He adds, “Any particle that isn’t light enough to be evaporated and light enough to go through skin distillation is not part of the essential oil. So, when we have a tincture or extract, it contains volatile and non-volatile components. There’s a lot of things that are heavy, but they’re good. But they still don’t become an essential oil.”

Doing It Naturally

Dr. Eric Zielinski explains that our ancestors never used pure essential oils because they didn’t have steam distillation then. And that’s important. Because our ancestors used tinctures and extract.

“By simply putting plant matter like a bunch of lavender flowers for example in a beautiful clay pot. Fill that clay pot with olive oil, let that seep for a few weeks or months,” advises Dr. Eric Zielinski. “You’re going to get a beautiful extract that includes some volatile and some non-volatile. But it all boils down into the different components that you are trying to utilize.”

How We Are Designed To Be

Dr. Eric Zielinski also says certain chemical compounds are just super potent in essential oils that you can’t get anywhere else. Because you can’t get the concentration. This is because the essential oil only contains a portion of what the healing plant matter contains.

“Your body has been designed by God to interact with the chemicals in Nature. Not the chemicals invented in the lab,” Dr. Eric Zielinski said. “Essential oils are the essence of the plant matter that people have used to heal. They have different chemical constituency than your tinctures or extract.” 

He adds, “Convenience doesn’t come without a cost. Every convenience we see on the shelf has a cost to it one way or another. If we step back and start challenging ourselves and manage our life, it is empowering.”

Hand Sanitizers

Dr. Eric Zielinski lessened the use of hand sanitizers. Because he believes that a little bit of dirt isn’t going to kill you. He says we have become obsessed with cleanliness. And we have become obsessed with the smell of cleanliness.

“Our microbiome is 70% housed in our gut. And there is a skin microbiome that is more robust in our gut. So, we don’t need to be so obsessed. We are so far beyond the days of cholera and plagues annihilating our industrial civilization,” said Dr. Eric Zielinski.

If you want a hand sanitizer, Dr. Eric Zielinski says a pinch is fine. But he recommends getting a one-glass spritzer bottle. And for every one ounce of water, you want a high proof alcohol content as much as possible.

One example is the 160 to 180 proof alcohol called Everclear organic grain alcohol. Dr. Eric Zielinski says just put ten drops of the alcohol and ten drops of essential oil that is wild-harvested. You can even put ten drops of aloe or 10 drops of vitamin E. And fill up the bottle with water. 

“Water and oil don’t mix. So, use a high proof organic grain alcohol. If you can’t find that, use the highest proof of vodka,” advises Dr. Eric Zielinski. “It’s a minimal amount of alcohol, so it’s not going to dry your skin. And the essential oils are anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. It even has aromatic benefits.” 

Choosing Oils

Budget-wise, Dr. Eric Zielinski says these are the oils you need for sure. Ylang-ylang, orange, peppermint, and clove. He singles out ylang-ylang, which significantly helps with anxiety related to stress.

“Essential oils help the body and gives the body what it needs. Frankincense will help trigger the body to stop the blood flow to the tumor. Rosemary will bring balance to your high blood pressure. It is a hypertensive agent,” Dr. Eric Zielinski explains. 

He adds, “Essential oils will bring peace and harmony to your body. If you have a disease or taking medication, you need to think twice about what you are doing. You need to think about your supplements, and even what you are eating.”

Going Organic

Dr. Eric Zielinski declares that he is more concerned about the end product. Same for supplements and food. Because our body’s chemistry today can be completely different tomorrow or even hour by hour. And what works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for another.

You should only have positive reactions when you use essential oils and supplements. Dr. Eric Zielinski says if you apply a small amount of oil on your skin, even if it is diluted and develop a rash, pain or redness, that’s not detox. That’s an adverse reaction, either a chemical reaction or allergic reaction.

To know more about essential oils, go to and sign up for Dr. Eric Zielinski’s 10-part video series masterclass that he filmed with his wife. It’s packed with information that has proven to help improve your health.

Celebrate Life

Achieving optimal health requires some significant efforts. Dr. Eric Zielinski stresses the importance of pure water, air, good food. Make sure your home is a good haven. And get a good air purifier and water purifier.

“You can live a life with clear mental capacity, with vibrant libido and energy, love and good mood even in your old age. That’s what life is supposed to be like,” said Dr. Eric Zielinski. “You’re supposed to enjoy it. We need essential oils more than our great, great grandparents did because of all the stuff out there that is fighting us and hurting us.” 

He adds, “We need to celebrate the successes along the way. It’s a journey and a marathon. This isn’t a sprint. The issues plaguing your family can go away.” 


The author of the National Bestseller, The Healing Power of Essential Oils, Dr. Eric Zielinski has pioneered natural living and Biblical health education since 2003. Knowing what it’s like to be sick from a young age and having recovered from several chronic diseases in his early 20s, he has been on a mission to share the evidence-based approach to natural living that empowered him to regain control of his health with the world. Trained as an aromatherapist, public health researcher and chiropractor, Dr. Eric Zielinski is an accomplished researcher with several publications and conference proceedings. 

Dr. Eric Zielinski and his wife started their online ministry in 2014 with to help people learn how to use natural remedies, like essential oils, safely and effectively. Now, with more 6 million visitors every year, it has rapidly become the #1 source for Biblical Health and non-branded essential oils education online. 

Dr. Eric Zielinski and his family live in Atlanta with their four children. 

Get Connected With Dr. Eric Zielinski!

Official Website

Facebook – DrEricZ

Facebook – The Essential Oils Revolution





10-Part Video Masterclass

Books by Dr. Eric Zielinski

Healing Power Essentials Book



Using God’s Medicine For The Abundant Life



Heal Your Gut With Essential Oils





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Oct 24, 2018

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Energy-Draining Toxins

Energy-Draining Toxins are often undetectable. We think our living environment is safe, but energy-draining toxins surround us. To help us identify and find solutions to dealing with energy-draining toxins, I’m thrilled to have Dr. Stephen Cabral back on the show.

Dr. Stephen Cabral was my guest on episode 271, and we talked about his book, The Rain Barrel Effect. This time, we’ll talk about energy-draining toxins negatively affect our health and damages our immune system.

Understanding Our Body

Dr. Stephen Cabral is a board-certified Naturopathic doctor. And he looks at the underlying causes that lead to disease or symptoms.

“I try to put the body into a position to heal. First, I give it what it’s missing. And try to help remove through a gentle system of what it has too much of. Then I allow the body to heal itself,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral.

He says that for example, if you have Hashimoto’s, your immune system is attacking the thyroid. If you have rheumatoid, it attacks the joints. These are examples of immune system imbalances.

“For allergies, asthma, brain fog, fatigue and a lot of other things, we call that the TH2 immune system imbalance. And that’s the chronic inflammation with some pathogen,” Dr. Stephen Cabral said. 

He adds, “Since 80% of your entire immune system lies in and around your intestines, you know that’s where to look first. The gut is going to have its immune-based system. When that happens, and it sees something there that shouldn’t be there in the bloodstream, it goes after it and creates an immune-based cascade to remove it from the body.”

Dr. Stephen Cabral also explains that if you look at it over time, building up to the point that there is inflammation in our gut, it imbalances our microbiome. And our immune system has been aggravated for so long; it eventually ends up in some autoimmune-based issue.  

Finding A Solution

All people can be helped. Dr. Stephen Cabral assures that a solution can be found if you find out what you are deficient in as well as what your toxicities are. Hence, in his practice, Dr. Stephen Cabral helps to replace those deficiencies and remove toxicities and heavy metals and gut-based issues.

“Genetics don’t honestly make that huge difference except tell you what you are susceptible to,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. “Because genetics loads the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger. That’s called epigenetics. And that means your genes can be turned on and off.”

Changing the Mindset

Dr. Stephen Cabral spent a decade trying to get well from the age of 17 years old to 27 years old. He went to so many amazing practitioners, but it was not until he was 27 years old that Dr. Stephen Cabral met his mentor who told him he needs to work both on the mind and body.

“The only people that we see are not able to heal are those people that can’t allow themselves to move in that position,” shares Dr. Stephen Cabral. “Their mind has been made up that they are someone that’s meant to be sick or a victim of their disease. You could get well even if you were struggling for years like I was.”

Main Forms of Energy-Draining Toxins

Dr. Stephen Cabral says there’s a lot of chemicals or energy-draining toxins that we can easily avoid, but we don’t know are there. He says the dirty dozen list are the ones that are sprayed with higher levels of glyphosate which is a form of pesticide. Those pesticides are meant not to allow bugs to eat all the crops.

“But the problem is, glyphosate although shown to not be harmful at a small dosage, it hasn’t shown what it could do over time to our microbiome,” reveals Dr. Stephen Cabral. “We have a hundred trillion bacteria, and those are bugs as well. And they are good bugs. They are supposed to be there.” 

He adds, “When we take enough glyphosate, that’s the time we see a lot of intestinal based damage. And the glyphosate at the same time, with the dirty dozen, can’t be washed off.”

Organic Acid Test

Dr. Stephen Cabral explains that it’s a semi-five biomarker. The first one looks at yeast and fungal overgrowth because there’s a lot of people right now taking probiotics. 

“But the problem is if you have a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and you’re taking probiotics, you’re adding more bacteria to a gut that’s already full of bacteria,” Dr. Stephen Cabral said.

So, if anybody comes in with bloating, gas, acid reflux, constipation or loose stool, Dr. Stephen Cabral usually recommends them to have an organic acid test and a stool test.

“Because if you are starting to become imbalanced in the gut microbiome and the bacteria, you’re not able to process and make the same level of B vitamins,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. “If you don’t make the same level of B vitamins, you don’t deal well with stress; you don’t deal with inflammation well. And that’s when the genetics matter.”

Heavy Metals

Heavy metals and plastic flame retardants are top of the list of energy-draining toxins.  It is even more harmful to pregnant women. Because the toxins could pass right through the placenta, to the umbilical cord, and to the unborn child.

Dr. Stephen Cabral shares that there was a study that showed ten unborn children had an average of 200 toxins in their body. The highest one had 300 toxins before they were ever born. 


If you think cooking food kills the harmful bacteria, you’re wrong. Having the wrong cookware is just as dangerous. So many people still cook on aluminum foil. And Dr. Stephen Cabral says when you do that, it gets worse if there is an acid-based food. Thus, he advises avoiding using aluminum pans. Aluminum spatulas are not safe as well, so replace it with bamboo spatulas for cooking.

Dr. Stephen Cabral says using ceramic, porcelain, glassware and cast iron much better choices for cookware. He also advises steering clear of non-stick cookware, processed and smoked meats because it harms the kidneys.

“If it’s man-made, your body is probably not set up to be able to deal with it properly. And that’s because your body was meant to deal with everything in nature but not these 77,000 man-made chemicals. Your liver is never meant to see that level of toxins,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral.

Toxic Plastics

BPA was a big thing around ten years ago. And if one is not careful around avoiding toxic plastics, it causes more estrogen in the body. And Dr. Stephen Cabral explains that our body would not be able to properly eliminate it in its more toxic form which is an estrogen ester.

“What happens is they can build up in the liver and circulate in the bloodstream. It’s worse if you are stressed. You get lower levels of progesterone.” said Dr. Stephen Cabral.

Adverse effects of toxic plastics can also cause depression, bloating, acne on the chin and jawline, lower mood, excessive facial hair growth, increase in cellulite and water retention. Dr. Stephen Cabral affirms that these have nothing to do with eating too many calories, wrong foods or not exercising enough.

Dealing With Stress

Dr. Stephen Cabral explains that when we are stressed, the body down regulates metabolism and produces stress hormones. It increases heart rate and overall pulse.

Furthermore, it can make you experience shortness of breath, headaches, migraines, and excessive sweating. Dr. Stephen Cabral also says fasting and skipping breakfast if you are stressed is not a good idea because it drags you further into that fight or flight.

“If you’re in a state of high stress, your body produces cortisol. Your body will break down its liver glycogen to make your blood sugar rise. And it does that because burning fat is a very slow oxidizing fuel,” Dr. Stephen Cabral said. 

He adds, “For pregnant women, in particular, my theory is that when women are in a more a survival based state, or higher stress environment, the body automatically down regulates progesterone and may result in an irregular menstrual cycle or makes it harder to get pregnant.”


This is not good news for makeup junkies. Because Dr. Stephen Cabral says what you put on your skin is much more dangerous. So it’s best to know the ingredients contained in the cosmetics that you use.

Other Negative Effects

Because of energy-draining toxins, a lot of people are putting on toxic water weight and toxic fat because their bodies are swelling. But if you start to lose weight too quickly, Dr. Stephen Cabral reveals that you can have flu-like symptoms, skin rashes and headaches.

Most people also have the wrong idea about metabolism. They think that metabolism can just be altered by what you eat. But Dr. Stephen Cabral says metabolism isn’t just calories. It’s about the actual energy and movement in the body.

Stool test

A stool test is best to look for parasites, H-pylori, and bacterial overgrowth. These are living things. And Dr. Stephen Cabral says living things produce waste. That waste then goes into your bloodstream, and your liver has to filter all of that.

“In functional medicine, detoxification is focused on the liver, not the lungs or kidneys. This is because the liver filters all the blood in your body every six minutes,” shares Dr. Stephen Cabral.


In treating patients, Dr. Stephen Cabral helps wean them off supplements and make them do a seasonal detox for seven days. Generally, he tries to follow the Eastern-based practices with state-of-the-art based protocols.

“We support liver detoxification pathways. All the blood filters through the liver. That’s our safety net,” explains Dr. Stephen Cabral. “It’s going to pull everything it can into the thousands of bile duct and creates something that’s called phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification.” 

He adds, “Make sure you are drinking enough water so that you can eliminate it through your urine through the kidneys. Then make sure that you can sweat and open up those sweat pathways. Exercise, sauna, and cardio are also good for the lungs.”

Proper Nourishment

When our body is exposed to plastic and toxic things, our body has to take these toxins from the environment and break it down. Hence, Dr. Stephen Cabral firmly recommends that it is essential to eat cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, and similar green leafy vegetables. It is naturally high in amino acids that are going to allow our body to take these toxins.

“You give the body more of the vitamins and more of this specific amino acids to allow phase 1 and phase 2 detox. So that your body can eliminate the waste through your gallbladder,” Dr. Stephen Cabral said. 

He adds, “Phase 1 is a lot of the antioxidants, vitamin C and E, and natural vitamins. They would be all the B vitamins and folic acid.”

On the other hand, glutathione is referred to as the mother anti-oxidants. Dr. Stephen Cabral says that when the liver needs to remove toxins, it looks towards glutathione. Aside from glutathione, selenium is one of the most underrated minerals including zinc. Both are necessary for the immune system, hormones, blood sugar, and thyroids.


One of Dr. Stephen Cabral’s favorite recommendations to people is to have saunas. He shares that there was a recent European study showing that people who used saunas five times a week, and 19 minutes a day, decreased mortality by 42%. Cardiovascular death was reduced by 63%.

Dr. Stephen Cabral recommends doing 20 minutes in the sauna at 150 plus degrees. If you have an infrared sauna, whether near or far, doing 40 to 45 minutes at a lower temperature of 110 to 140 degrees help in removing heavy metals. He also reminds everyone to keep hydrated. Mixing sea salt, lime or lemon in your water is a natural Gatorade to get your body to absorb the water better. 

“The journey doesn’t stop. I’m continuing my research. And for those who haven’t found their answers yet, they are coming. I believe that,” said Dr. Stephen Cabral. “And I can’t recommend enough looking into functional medicine lab tests. It will give you concrete proof or begin protocol. Always keep moving forward. Don’t give up. The result is worth it.” 


After almost 20 years and over 600,000 pages of research study completed, dozens of certifications in the natural health field, over 16,000 health & fitness client sessions, and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy, Dr. Stephen Cabral’s knowledge, experience, and compassion are at the top of his field. 

Dr. Stephen Cabral also spent over 5,000 hours of formal doctoral degree work, which included 2,200 hours of internships. These internships were mainly spent overseas studying the very best of natural medicine (much of which is unknown here in the US). 

His internships included studying, working, and living in clinics all around the world. This intimate setting allowed Dr. Stephen Cabral to talk in depth with the patients at these clinics and listen to their struggles and path to wellness. He also got to see first hand the remarkable recoveries these people were making. Some of these internship locations included India, Sri Lanka, China, Europe, and various practices in the US. 

Dr. Stephen Cabral has appeared in every type of media outlet as a national health & wellness consultant, as well as a contributor to MTV, Men’s Health, Women’s Day, Maxim, SELF,, Nutrition Data, Conde Nast, and many others. He has also authored and co-authored four books and published over 1,100 articles. 

Dr. Stephen Cabral has been hired by over 300 health clubs, wellness clinics, Holistic centers, training studios, and by other health professionals to improve their training programs and services. This allows Dr. Stephen Cabral to reach more people and hopefully improve more lives by teaching the health & fitness professionals that work directly with those in need. 

Get Connected With Dr. Stephen Cabral:

Official Website

The Rain Barrel Effect

Cabral Wellness Online Store

The Cabral Concept



Recommended Reading

The Rain Barrel Effect


Recommended Links:

Links to topics from Episode 301

Episode 133 – Truth Behind GMO – Jeffrey Smith

Episode 259 – Glyphosate – Dr. Stephanie Seneff


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Oct 16, 2018

"The potential of CBD is undeniable. It’s my mission to help people learn about CBD and the second renaissance of industrial hemp in the United States."

Your 15% discount code is LTH when you visit



When we talk about CBD or hemp, some people think it’s an illegal substance. But in fact, hemp and marijuana are different. I had fun doing this episode with Jay Hartenbach who happens to be a leader in the industry and will be explaining to us all there is to know about CBD and hemp.

CBD is a legal substance. It is a safe and beautiful essence of an herb. Many benefits are attached to CBD and topping the list is its ability to support the nervous system and immune system. That’s why many states in the United States have legalized it for therapeutic reasons.

Early Years

Jay Hartenbach started getting into the industry with a group of friends in 2017. A college friend of his was very involved in the hemp industry and wholesale distribution. That friend was working with hemp farms in the US and abroad.

And because Jay Hartenbach had experience in online marketing, that became an asset into establishing his company later on. He also had experience working on an online skin care product in graduate school and was involved in networking, website building, driving traffic and other skills.


Jay Hartenbach started Medterra with the sole goal at the time of providing various manufacturers with high-quality CBD. His company established a partnership with the farm GenCanna, which was a pioneer in the hemp industry.

Medterra worked with various manufacturers. During the early days, they had around 20 to 25 clients that they were supplying raw products to.

“A lot of people were charging a high price for the CDB products they were selling. And we thought there might be a way to make it cheaper especially since we knew what the raw cost was. We also wanted CBD products to be more accessible,” said Jay Hartenbach.

The company shipped their first product in June 2017. Within two months, they were selling in all fifty states and started getting orders internationally.

“Our priority was to meet the demands of our customers which at the time were mostly family and friends,” shares Jay Hartenbach. “We have focused as just industry and educating people, making sure that they understand what they are getting.”

Marijuana Vs. Hemp

When we look at the cannabis plant, which encompasses both marijuana and hemp, the distinction you make between the two is the concentration of THC. Jay Hartenbach says if it has less than .3 percent THC by dry weight, it is considered as hemp.

“More than .3 is marijuana. If you’re looking at it at a genealogy standpoint, they are from the same family of plants. It just the actual expressions of those genes that determine how much CBD and how much THC that they are producing,” Jay Hartenbach explains. 

Choosing Hemp

Jay Hartenbach says his company chose hemp plants to extract because they have a higher concentration. Plus, it is more efficient and allows them to sell nationally and internationally. They can’t derive it from marijuana.

It takes a lot of processes to make a good CBD product. Jay Hartenbach narrates that upon harvest, the CBD plant begins to degrade almost immediately after it is cut down. So, Medterra’s target is within 24 hours; they have to have the biomass dried and dehydrated to very low moisture content.

“A hemp plant may have 30% water by weight at the time of harvest by the time we are dehydrating it, so we can preserve CBD if it’s down to about 3%. That happens through a drying process which activates the CBD,” said Jay Hartenbach.

He adds, “So, it converts to a CBDA molecule to CBD. That is very similar to the process people are familiar with where marijuana has to be activated.”

Jay Hartenbach furthermore reveals that because they are aware that people want the whole plant extract, Medterra started working with another lab who developed a novel technique wherein they can remove the THC but keep everything else in there.

There is no organic certified hemp or CDB in the United States. So, they have to grow it naturally, and they can’t use any synthetic pesticides. There’s a social benefit of doing it naturally.

Therapeutic Effects of The Extract

With the used of CBD, Jay Hartenbach affirms that the reports have been astounding. This is because he says CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It also affects neurological activity. Over 50% of diseases have some inflammation. Examples are arthritis, sore muscles, and sore joints. It also affects the GI tract and Chron’s disease.

“By CBD helping to reduce the inflammation, it helps regulate neutrophil activity which is why we believe it helps so much with arthritis. CBD also helps with anxiety because it helps regulate the serotonin levels in the brain,” said Jay Hartenbach.


Talking about the CB 1 and CB 2 receptors, Jay Hartenbach says one of the things a lot of people do not know is that our body produces cannabinoids internally. CBD can be found in high concentrations in breast milk. And that throws a lot of people off.

“The compounds that we look at in hemp versus what the body produces and the way we differentiate them is wellness and endocannabinoid. That’s where the endocannabinoid system comes from,” Jay Hartenbach said. “So, if we produce it internally, if we consume it orally or apply it topically from a hemp plant, those are phytocannabinoids.”

Furthermore, Jay Hartenbach says research is suggesting that potentially low concentrations of omega 3s can hint at the body producing CBD. And the other cannabinoids that interact with our endocannabinoid system which is where the phytocannabinoids supplementation is can aid us.

“That’s why people see such a significant response in anxiety or arthritic issues,” said Jay Hartenbach. “There have been some concerns that CBD is not able to penetrate the skin, but we’re getting the research right now that dictate otherwise.” 

Batch Testing

Jay Hartenbach assures that his company tests every batch. And they test in multiple levels. Part of it is trying to adhere to the regulations. But it also has the benefit of making sure that in every stage of the process, they can have a test to go back to. 

“The first place that we do is at the point level. Right now, Medterra has fields in Kentucky that are dedicated to Medterra only. We work with the farmers to cultivate the hemp plants. And we also make sure that is no heavy metal contamination,” Jay Hartenbach said.

Quality Control

Jay Hartenbach says hemp and cannabis plants in general, can be used to clean the soil. This is because they are so useful in absorbing nutrients around them versus a plant like tobacco.

“We also make sure there is no pesticide contamination from nearby agriculture. Our product is also THC-free,” said Jay Hartenbach. “There are also no residual solvents from any of the extraction. No heavy metals were concentrated in that actual production. We also make sure there is no cross-contamination and that the dosage is right. Because we like to have control of the testing.”

As far as transparency, Medterra posts result on their website. For those who wish to gather more information, Jay Hartenbach says anyone can reach out to them if they want more details.

Hemp Supporter

To help the hemp industry, Jay Hartenbach recommends reaching out to Hemp Supporter. It’s part of a lobbying group that works very closely with U.S. congressmen to get some of the hemp industries’ agendas push forward.

“A large part of what they do is educating various individuals on the power of hemp and bringing that to life. They make it very simple to find the correct representative. The next step is getting organic certification and clarity with the FDA,” said Jay Hartenbach.

Success Stories

There are many success stories that Jay Hartenbach has encountered, people who benefited from his CDB oil and tincture products. He says it’s not a cure-all, but it does improve quality of life.

Out of all the success stories, Jay Hartenbach singles out a good friend who was suffering from severe Parkinson’s. That friend used Medterra’s products particularly the CBD oil and tincture. And the video of that friend sent back to Jay Hartenbach was astounding.

“That changed the course of this company. Understanding the right dosage was important,” said Jay Hartenbach.

Moving Forward

CBD oil also aids sleeps and addresses health issue of athletes. Moving forward, Medterra is currently doing clinical research for a medical university in the United States.

“We’re looking into turning into a purely end consumer product company. We know CBD has this incredible potential,” Jay Hartenbach said. “And we are looking into what other herbal supplements or herbs to benefit or augment the effects of CBD.”

He adds, “We’re starting to develop products where we take the effectiveness of CDB and try to find complimentary ingredients. Plus, we are trying to bring an overall understanding of the market. To achieve this, we are talking to national retailers and getting out products into the general public spotlight.”


Jay Hartenbach has several products on his website that are worth looking into. They also sell a CBD isolate on our site. The company is also set to launch a monthly wellness supplement for women.

He says it is also possible to incorporate CBD in something like a smoothie. And it’s best to explore that with a health professional.  The same goes for pregnant women who wish to take CBD oil. As a bonus, Jay Hartenbach is giving Learn True Health listeners a 15% off on his products so don’t forget to type in the discount code LTH at checkout.

“If we look at our CBD tincture, we feel that we are leaders in the industry. We try to make it as affordable as possible. And we are dedicated to consistency and compliance. We have taken those same principles, applied and extended it into our retail line,” assures Jay Hartenbach. 


In 2016, Jay Hartenbach was contacted by his longtime friend, J.P. Larsen, who had spent the last five years distributing CBD in the US and abroad. Although the demand for CBD was growing by the day, the two recognized the lack of quality online retailers with reasonably priced CBD products. 

Utilizing J.P.’s direct access to US-based industrial hemp farms and Jay Hartenbach’s marketing experience, Medterra was started. With their focus on providing consumers with the highest-quality CBD, Medterra has quickly grown to help tens of thousands of customers in all 50 states and six different countries. 

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Oct 12, 2018


The Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home

Redefining Medicinal Mushrooms: A new scientific screening program for active compounds in medicinal mushrooms. White Paper published in 2015



Mushrooms are generally known to be a delicious addition to our dishes. But did you know there’s more to mushrooms than that? Mushroom expert Jeff Chilton is our guest on this episode. He will explain how mushrooms can be used as medicine, help the body to prevent cancer, make as extracts, drink, capsules, as well as boost our immune system.

Growing Up

Jeff Chilton grew up in Seattle where it rains so much. He remembers during the fall season, the place where he lived had lots of mushrooms everywhere. So, he used to go on mushroom hunts when he was younger.

When Jeff Chilton got into university, his field of study was not about mushrooms. Despite that, he researched the use of mushrooms in indigenous cultures worldwide as well as the use of mushrooms in shamanism. Eventually, he took courses in his college about the study of mushrooms which is ethnomycology.

Working At A Farm

After college, Jeff Chilton decided to work on a mushroom farm and learn how to grow mushrooms. He went to Olympia, Washington, applied for a job and eventually got a job working at a big mushroom farm.  During the next decade, he became the production manager, responsible for the cultivation of over 2 million pounds of Agaricus mushrooms per year.

On this farm he worked on, they had a program using specific chemicals at certain times during the crop to avoid molds attacking the mushrooms, especially with Agaricus mushrooms. Mushrooms in North America are grown indoors in huge warehouses, so it’s a monoculture.

Understanding Mushrooms

Jeff Chilton says mushrooms are a reproductive structure of an organism that we usually don’t see. They don’t have seeds. The mushroom will produce a spore; the spore will go out and land on the ground and germinate into a very fine thread-like filament.

“Those filaments from different spores will fuse and form a network. The network is called mycelium which creates a lot of the soil out there used to grow our crops and plants. They are recyclers and important for our ecosystem,” explains Jeff Chilton.

When he was working on that large farm, they put in four new crops every week. Every crop was producing 20,000 pounds of mushrooms. They had mushrooms in every stage of development.

Choosing from among the various kinds of mushroom, Jeff Chilton highly recommends highly-certified organic Agaricus mushrooms in particular. There are so many other species that are good, but he says shiitake mushrooms is the one that everybody should be eating because it has so many great benefits. 

Deeper Research

Jeff Chilton just started to delve into the literature deeper about growing mushrooms and all the different species that could be grown. He was also learning about the medicinal benefits of mushrooms. Certain mushrooms were used in traditional Chinese medicine.

From 1979 to 1983, Jeff Chilton worked with three other men. They put together mushroom conferences in the Northwest. Furthermore, the group organized two well-attended conferences in Washington State and two in Oregon. The conferences had experts from all over the country talking about how to identify mushrooms, how to cook mushrooms and Jeff Chilton spoke on how to cultivate mushrooms.

A New Chapter

Jeff Chilton also co-authored a book on mushroom cultivation in 1983 called The Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide of Growing Mushrooms At Home. That was the year that he finally left the mushroom farm in Olympia and started his own business.

Then in 1989, Jeff Chilton made his very first trip to China for an international mushroom conference. That was also the year he established his new business, Nammex.

Nammex is a business that introduced medicinal mushroom extracts in powder form to the US nutritional supplement industry. At that time, no other company thought of using a medicinal mushroom in their product line. Jeff Chilton also reveals that his company tests every batch of each product they make.

Medicinal Mushrooms

Jeff Chilton traveled extensively in China during the 1990’s, attending conferences and visiting research facilities and mushroom farms. He eventually saw that in Asia, farmers were growing at least 12 different mushrooms for food and more for medicinal purposes.

“Medicinal mushrooms, in general, are one of the best things you can use regarding prevention. That’s why they call it the tonic herb. A tonic herb is something you can take regularly. It works on your body as a whole. It’s an herb that helps you maintain certain homeostasis. It brings harmony to our body,” said Jeff Chilton. 

Mushrooms do not have a lot of calories.  According to Jeff Chilton, mushrooms are 10 to 40% protein. Button mushrooms are close to 40% protein.

On the other hand, Shiitake mushrooms are 20% protein. Jeff Chilton says it has a good complement of the essential amino acids. It is also high in high-quality carbohydrates which is mostly what a mushroom is made up.

Busting Myths

There is an impression that an extract means that you are isolating something out of the natural product and leaving everything else behind. Jeff Chilton says that is just not true. The way Jeff Chilton’s company makes it is that they make sure the extract has the same profile as the material itself.

“If you talk to people who make their extracts, they are essentially taking everything out of that plant or mushroom. And their extract will have a profile that is just the same as the actual material,” said Jeff Chilton. “Nothing is being lost if the extract is made properly. In traditional Chinese medicine, hot water extraction is how they process their herbs.”

He adds, “Mushrooms are also high in fiber. They are digested more in our intestine than our stomach. In effect, mushrooms are feeding our microbiome.”

Alpha-Glucan Vs. Beta Glucan

Jeff Chilton says alpha glucan is starch. And a beta glucan is very different from an alpha-glucan. He says mushrooms have no starch, but they produce glycogen just like humans. Their storage carbohydrate is glycogen. Not like plants where the storage carbohydrates are starch.

“Most mushrooms are 25 to 60% beta glucan. And they have no starch. But the glycogen content is somewhere around one or two percent,” shares Jeff Chilton.

 Not A Quick Fix

Mushrooms in general, are there to work pretty much in the background. Jeff Chilton says it’s not an instant fix at all for something. So, if you’re taking mushrooms regularly and if you’re eating mushrooms, then they’re going to go to work for you.

“The top-selling mushroom supplement product in North America is myceliated grain. There’s a really interesting compound in mushrooms called ergosterol,” Jeff Chilton explains. “Ergosterol is in all fungi, and it is a pro-vitamin D2. The myceliated grain products have one-tenth the amount of ergosterol they should have. That’s because there is very little fungal matter. So basically, you’re just getting a starch supplement.”

Jeff Chilton furthermore explains that mushrooms are 90% water like most vegetables. When you dry out the mushroom, the supplements are dry. They’re not fresh.

“As a mushroom grower, I know the economics. Back in the 90s, I realized I couldn’t grow mushrooms in North America and sell them as supplements because it is too expensive,” said Jeff Chilton.

The Best Mushrooms

Jeff Chilton says China produces 85% of the world’s mushrooms. And Asia consumes so much reishi mushrooms. Reishi mushrooms from China are shipped to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. Plus, they’re consuming a lot of it in China itself.

“Mushrooms are organisms that consume agricultural waste products. Most medicinal mushrooms are wood decomposers. If you want your mushrooms to produce those compounds that are so important, they need the precursors that are in that wood,” said Jeff Chilton.

Mushroom Supplements

Some people may not like the bitter flavor, so Jeff Chilton says it’s better to take it in capsule form. He says in other products like reishi coffee; you will always be getting only a small amount of the actual mushroom. Because it will have other things in there that will dilute that.

“To me, the reishi coffee thing is like a gimmick. I put a reishi extract in my coffee instead,” said Jeff Chilton. “Reishi also has a compound called triterpenoids. Triterpenoids are good for your liver, and it helps the liver purify your blood. Research has also shown that it can kill certain types of tumor cells.” 

He adds, “Nobody out there in the industry can do true clinical trials. There’s so much information we have about any herbal product is mostly anecdotal. It’s difficult to get clinical trial information because it’s so expensive.”

Jeff Chilton says there was this one study which comprised monitoring nine people. The study cost four million dollars! 

Website Resources

Aside from Jeff Chilton’s official website Nammex, he encourages people to join societies where they could teach you all about mushrooms. Jeff Chilton’s site includes links of mushroom articles as well as his podcast guestings.

On his other website Real Mushrooms, you’ll get access to his blog and online shop as well as delicious recipes about mushrooms.

“People need to look at mushrooms as this wonderful world of fungi that can be part of your life and diet, medicinal regimen. Look at it positively. Mushrooms are a fabulous kingdom of organisms that we should get more acquainted with,” said Jeff Chilton. 


Jeff Chilton, raised in Pacific Northwest, studied ethnomycology at the University of Washington in the late sixties. In 1973 he started work on a commercial mushroom farm in Olympia, Washington. During the next ten years, he became the production manager, responsible for the cultivation of over 2 million pounds of Agaricus mushrooms per year.

He was also involved in the research and development of shiitake, oyster and enoki mushrooms which resulted in the earliest US fresh Shiitake sales in 1978. 

In the late seventies, Jeff Chilton was a founder of Mycomedia, which held four mushroom conferences in the Pacific Northwest. These educational conferences brought together educators and experts in mushroom identification, ethnomycology, and mushroom cultivation. During this period Jeff co-authored the highly acclaimed book, The Mushroom Cultivator, which was published in 1983. 

In the 1980’s, Jeff Chilton operated a mushroom spawn business, and in 1989 he started Nammex, a business that introduced medicinal mushrooms to the US nutritional supplement industry. He traveled extensively in China during the 1990’s, attending conferences and visiting research facilities and mushroom farms. In 1997 he organized the first organic mushroom production seminar in China. 

A founding member of the World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products in 1994 and a Member of the International Society for Mushroom Science, Jeff Chilton’s company, was the first to offer a complete line of Certified Organic mushroom extracts to the US nutritional supplement industry. Nammex extracts are used by many supplement companies and are noted for their high quality based on scientific analysis of the active compounds.

Get Connected With Jeff Chilton!


Real Mushrooms

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Book by Jeff Chilton:

The Mushroom Cultivator


Recommended Reading by Jeff Chilton:

Medicinal Mushrooms by Christopher Hobbs


Recommended link:

Episode 242 – Eating Right – Dr. Joel Fuhrman

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Oct 8, 2018

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Lyme Disease

So many people have Lyme disease. But because the symptoms are not initially apparent, it takes time, and a lot of testing before it gets diagnosed. My guest Scott Forsgren is no stranger to this disease, and he’ll tell us how he survived Lyme disease in this episode.

Scott Forsgren is a health coach, podcaster, and health advocate who took years to recover from Lyme disease. He says Lyme disease can be a complex and challenging condition for people. And the more broadly that we cast the net, the more potential we have to optimize health and wellness.

Early Signs

Scott Forsgren shares that his journey started 22 years ago when he had a tick bite in Northern California in 1996. But he didn’t think anything of it at the time because Lyme disease wasn’t something anyone talked about back then. There was very little information available.

“So, I did find for several months, around April 1997, that I had the flu on steroids. It was a tremendous sickness over several days. Those symptoms continued for several more months. And I wasn’t sure if I’d even survive that experience,” recalls Scott Forsgren.

Every system of Scott Forsgren’s body was affected. He had vision problems, fevers, joint pain, muscle pain, lots of gastrointestinal problems, cognitive issues regarding brain fog, and memory loss. There were also episodes of numbness and tingling, tapping sensation in his left foot, tremors, internal vibration, muscle twitches. A lot of these conditions can also lead to anxiety and depression and obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Finding A Cure

From 1997 to 2005, Scott Forsgren saw about 45 different practitioners. The majority suggested that it was all psychological and that he should work with a psychologist or psychiatrist. Scott Forsgren did get a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. He even had a doctor who suggested multiple sclerosis.

“I did work with a fantastic medical doctor in Arizona. There were a few years was good. Then in 2004 all of the symptoms came back,” said Scott Forsgren. “I do think Lyme is a worldwide problem. When someone has Lyme, there’s more than just Lyme disease that we need to look at to maximize the potential for our recovery.” 

Starting Over

Scott Forsgren went over to the American College for the Advancement of Medicine and looked for a new functional medicine doctor. He wanted someone that was Holistic and who would look broadly at all the potential issues.

He was then referred to an acupuncturist who worked in an outlet mall that was doing computer-based energetic testing. Scott Forsgren recalls that the acupuncturist advised him to have a doctor to test him for borrelia or spirochaete. Furthermore, Scott Forsgren was also encouraged to see if there were some food that might be stressing his body.

Turning Into A Believer

Scott Forsgren was a skeptic, but when he got himself tested, everything the acupuncturist said was right. That piqued his interest in this realm of energy testing. Over the years, acupuncture became his number one tool to guide my journey back to wellness.

“So, one of the important things is to keep an open mind. A lot of things that I would not have been open to 20 years ago when this whole journey started are the things that I ultimately now have found to be the most beneficial,” said Scott Forsgren. 

After Scott Forsgren got officially diagnosed with Lyme disease, he also started learning from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has a system of energetic testing that Scott Forsgren learned over the years as well as utilized and benefited from. He also did work with Dr. Klinghardt as a patient. And according to Scott Forsgren, that was the best decision he ever made overall in his health journey.

Autonomic Response Testing

Autonomic Response Testing (APT) is a system of muscle testing. But Scott Forsgren says there is no perfect system. He says we use these systems to uncover information and get us closer to the truth.  It’s also a way to understand the things that are stressing the body that may need some support.

Scott Forsgren believes some of us have less than optimal detoxification capacity to even end up with the condition that is related to Lyme disease and many others. But they may not manifest symptoms at all.

“I do think that one’s detoxification capacity plays a significant role concerning symptoms that we develop. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt either suspects or believes that probably everyone has been exposed to some Lyme related organisms at some point during their lifetime,” Scott Forsgren said. 

He adds,” I think genes do not tell the entire story, but I think epigenetics does. It influences our genetic expression. We change how our genes express through stress management, nutrition, detoxification and joy in our life.”

Scott Forsgren also reveals that most people who are dealing with Lyme disease very type A+ personalities and perfectionists. So, he thinks there are aspects of certain characters that are always in that sympathetic dominant mode.

Key Things To Regain Balance

First is removing the impact of negative emotions, thought patterns, emotional traumas, and conflicts. Scott Forsgren also advises looking at your environment. Do mold or biotoxin exposures surround you daily? Because that’s one of the critical causes of harmful exposures.

Scott Forsgren also advises to look at nutrition and gut health as well as explore detoxification. He says we need to create an environment that is supportive of our healing.

“Look for parasites and other microbial overgrowths whether it’s Lyme, co-infections or fungal issues like yeast. Viruses can play a big role as well,” said Scott Forsgren. “Also explore dental contributors like amalgam fillings, root canals or cavities. Rewire the limbic system which is part of the brain that includes the hypothalamus.”

Limbic System

The limbic system is called the feeling and reacting brain. Scott Forsgren says it is involved in determining our level of safety regarding the things that we might encounter, smell, see, hear and taste.

Scott Forsgren explains that you can think of it as the alarm center and anxiety switch. It influences the functioning of our immune system, hormonal system, endocrine system, autonomic nervous system. Ultimately, it is involved in blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and digesting. Any of these things can trigger a limbic system impairment.

“If someone doesn’t resonate with having had emotional trauma or conflict that set the stage for their condition, it creates a trauma which we need to process in some way,” said Scott Forsgren.

Using Saunas

Saunas are good, but Scott Forsgren says some people may not entirely be ready for it. We can mobilize some toxins internally as well. So we have to make sure the routes of elimination are open.

“When you use a sauna, you do sweat things out, but at the same time, you can mobilize some toxins internally. A sauna is a good tool, but you need to listen to your body and not force something that maybe they’re not quite ready for,” said Scott Forsgren. “Detoxification is a life-long focus. I do it every day.” 

He adds, “When we’re recovering from a chronic condition like Lyme disease or mold exposure, detoxification is critical. Microbes like candida and parasites may be present in the body because the body is utilizing them or allowing them to be there to concentrate heavy metals, to help us detoxify. So not all of these organisms are necessarily bad or that we need to get rid of.” 

Testing For Molds

If someone is not recovering from chronic Lyme disease despite doing all the right things, Scott Forsgren advises that they have to explore the mold piece. He urges everyone who is suffering from Lyme disease, making sure that your environment is safe from a mold perspective and an EMF perspective. Because bottom line, you want to create a sanctuary for recovery.

“About 25% of the population has a genetic predisposition to illness from water-damaged buildings. And similar to Lyme disease, there is no perfect test for molds, so it’s critical for people to explore,” said Scott Forsgren. 

Starting with your home, Scott Forsgren says any place where you spend time on a regular basis should be suspect until you explored it. And then if an issue is identified, you may be able to do some remedies like moving to a new environment.

Putting in some good air filtration device in the environment is also very helpful. It’s not a solution to a problem, but it’s something that can fix the situation while you are addressing the core issue.


International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness (ISEAI) is an organization that has come together reasonably recently with doctors that deal with biotoxin illnesses. Some environmental professionals are part of this organization as well.

According to Scott Forsgren, the organization is an excellent resource if you dive deeper into learning the cause of illnesses. The ISEAI website states that it is a nonprofit professional medical society whose aim is to raise awareness of the environmental causes of inflammatory illnesses.  They also support the recovery of people affected by these illnesses using an integration of clinical practice, education, and research.

Better Health Guy Website

The website started in 2005 before Scott Forsgren had the Lyme disease diagnosis. Three months after the site launched, Lyme disease became the focus of the site.

“The most interesting area for people to check out is the podcast where I interview experts as well as articles he has written over the years. Part of what’s on the blog are notes from different conferences that I have attended over the past ten plus years,” said Scott Forsgren.

LymeLight Foundation

Another organization that Scott Forsgren wanted to highlight was the LymeLight Foundation. The LymeLight Foundation is an organization that provides treatment grants to children and young adults 25 and under for Lyme disease treatments.

“I think it’s critical for people to maintain hope. There are so many things that have improved in our understanding of Lyme disease and chronic conditions over the last several years,” said Scott Forsgren.

He adds, “Lyme disease is a messenger for many of us. And the process of going through it is life changing. While it is the biggest challenge that many will ever face, something beautiful often happens as a result of the experience.” 


Scott Forsgren, FDN-P is a health coach, blogger, podcaster, health writer, and advocate. He is the editor and founder of, where he shares his 21-year journey through the world of Lyme disease, mold illness, and the myriad of factors that chronic illness often entails.

Scott Forsgren’s podcast “BetterHealthGuy Blogcast” interviews many of the leaders in the field and is available on his website,, and on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. He has been interviewed on numerous podcasts and has lectured on his recovery from chronic illness as an invited speaker of the Klinghardt Academy, at AutismOne, and on three Chronic Lyme Disease Summits. 

Scott Forsgren has written for the Townsend Letter and other publications. He is the co-founder of The Forum for Integrative Medicine which hosts an annual conference bringing together some of the top integrative practitioners to share practical tools for treating complex, chronic illness. 

He serves on the Board of Directors of LymeLight Foundation which provides treatment grants to children and young adults recovering from Lyme disease. Today, Scott Forsgren is grateful for his current state of health and all that he has learned on this life-changing journey.

Get Connected With Scott Forsgren!

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Oct 4, 2018 - book information and free download - online store with large selection of Chinese herbs and nutritional supplements Acupuncture Atlanta Clinic website to schedule a session with one of their Practitioners



Did you know that mitochondria hold the key to optimal health? A lot of people do not know what mitochondria are and how it affects our health. So to further explain what mitochondria are, I’m thrilled to have Dr. Warren Cargal in this episode.

How It Began

Back in high school, Dr. Warren Cargal was a track star. During a regional meet, he fell and ruptured one of his discs in his lower back. It led to the six months when he was in pain.

But because Dr. Warren Cargal’s mother was a nurse, she diligently scheduled his doctor appointments. They went to one surgeon in particular who recommended surgery and told Dr. Warren Cargal he might lose control of his large intestine.

Questioning Everything

Dr. Warren Cargal’s mother wanted another option without surgery for him. Hence, she set a chiropractic appointment. During the first chiropractic session, Dr. Warren Cargal was able to stand up. After another eight sessions, he was pain-free. 

“It questions our health and takes care of it. We are responsible for our health. Which means we have a responsibility to question things actively,” said Dr. Warren Cargal.  

Acupuncture And Energy

Dr. Warren Cargal narrates that there was an old Chinese guy down the street from him.  Doing acupuncture made Dr. Warren Cargal headaches go away for about six months. That’s why he got curious about acupuncture and decided to go into training.

“The energy has always been referred to as chi. And it’s the movement of chi and blood which gives us vitality. A lot of acupuncture treatments are done to either move chi or correct if there is a deficiency in chi,” said Dr. Warren Cargal.

What’s excellent about acupuncture is that the practitioner and patient really talk and spend time together. Through that, there’s some understanding that emerges about a treatment protocol.

Defining Mitochondria

Mitochondria are organelles. Organelles mean small bodies reside in each of your cells. They produce the energy for the cells. That energy is called ATP or adenosine triphosphate. The ATP is used by all the mechanisms in the cells to drive the functioning. 

“The fundamental step where the energy is produced is by the mitochondria. And energy drives all the cellular processors,” Dr. Warren Cargal explains. “Every thought that you have and every image you see through your eyes, all those nerve impulses are all powered and driven by the ATP.”

According to Dr. Warren Cargal, the other limiting issue for these organisms is the fact that they can only grow so big because they didn’t have internal structures. One time, something remarkable happened. And that something was one organism absorbed another organism for food.

That allowed specialization to occur and that allowed us to be where we are today. Because we are highly specialized individuals. Dr. Warren Cargal further reveals that our whole gut system is composed of microbiomes which are bacteria.

Unique Feature

Mitochondria have their DNA. Dr. Warren Cargal says repeated rounds of antibiotics have profound effects on what’s happening in our gut. It can change or destroy the make-up of the gut which has significant effects like anxiety, depression, sleepiness, and immune response.

“A whole microbiome also exists within our soil. And the roundup that is usually sprayed on our crops kills off some of the microbiomes in the soil,” said Dr. Warren Cargal. “When that changed microbiome is taken up by the vegetables, it affects some of the enzymes that you can produce. When we inject it, that affect us.”

Dr. Warren Cargal’s Book

Dr. Warren Cargal’s book is called Your Mitochondria Key to Health & Longevity. Through the book, he thoroughly explains everything you need to know about mitochondria; it’s components and how it is essential to our health and energy.

He also says a skin cell might have a hundred mitochondria in it. And the heart muscle cell might have 5,000 to 8,000 mitochondria in it all producing energy 24 hours a day.

A female egg has around a hundred thousand mitochondria in it. That single cell turns into a multi-million cell organism. And it needs tremendous amounts of energy to accomplish that. That energy is achieved through the mitochondria.

“Most of the vitality for the offspring is inherited from the mother. All of the mitochondria are transmitted from the woman to the offspring. It’s only through the female that this energy is transmitted. Nothing is inherited from the male,” said Dr. Warren Cargal.

Revving Up The Energy

There are some doable steps to help us have healthy mitochondria. According to Dr. Warren Cargal, the mitochondria need oxygen. One way to have ample energy is finding ways to exercise regularly and be aware of your breathing.

Dr. Warren Cargal also recommends restricting calories and also eat healthy especially healthy fats. As for meat consumption, if you can’t reduce it, at least opt for grass-fed meat. Also, increase vegetable consumption and be cautious if you plan to do intermittent fasting.

“Most people’s concept of energy and production is about eating food and food going down the digestive tract, broken down in nutrients. Thinking it gives their body all the nutrients it needs. But you miss about four steps in there,” said Dr. Warren Cargal. 


Dr. Warren Cargal believes that cancer is complicated. There are many factors involved because cancer requires energy. And that energy is fueled from ATP. If there is excessive consumption of carbohydrates and sugars, that’s how cancer will start obtaining that energy.

“People can shift that balance through a more natural way. Consumption using the fats can slow that process down,” suggests Dr. Warren Cargal. “The nerve impulse is being driven by ATP. And there’s a high concentration of mitochondria in the brain.” 

He adds, “Be aware of all the energy the brain is using and where that energy is coming from. There’s a lymphatic system in the brain, and that lymphatic system is used for clearing the debris. But it is only activated when you are sleeping. So, sleeping is an issue.”

Dr. Warren Cargal also recommends considering probiotics if you had a lot of antibiotics. Because according to him, probiotics will nourish the serotonin.


For those who want to know more about mitochondria, check out Dr. Warren Cargal’s fantastic website. You’ll find a link to his book as well as an online store that sells Chinese herbs and supplements.

“People are having some issues already. They need supplements while they go through this transition period of fixing their diet,” said Dr. Warren Cargal. “The vision that we have is that people become vibrant. The aging looks different then.” 

He adds, “There’s a lot of places where there’s limited dialogue. I encourage people to take note of that and have a little bit more compassion.” 


Licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and clinic director at Acupuncture Atlanta, Dr. Warren Cargal is a practiced Chinese medicine for over 20 years in the fields of infertility and chronic disease conditions. He maintains an active clinical practice in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Dr. Warren Cargal’s interest is in the integration of classical Chinese medicine with modern scientific study and evidence-based protocols. He’s spent hundreds of post-graduate hours in Chinese herbology, nutrition, and endocrine education. Through work at his clinic, he recognized three fundamental factors that drive aging and the age-related diseases of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer (shallow breathing, excessive consumption of calories and carbohydrates, and lack of exercise.) 

Dr. Warren Cargal is the author of, Your Mitochondria: Key to Health and Longevity, which is based on the latest research on herbal isolates and nutraceuticals, presents approaches for correcting these three factors to reverse age-related diseases.

Get Connected With Dr. Warren Cargal!

Official Website


Online Store





Book by Dr. Warren Cargal

Your Mitochondria Key to Health & Longevity


Recommended Readings by Dr. Warren Cargal

The Sinatra Solution – Dr. Stephen Sinatra




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Oct 1, 2018

1. Dr. Schindler just returned from a year-long sabbatical leave to work on a food project called: Food Evolutions - here is a link to a website with information:
2. Eastern Shore Food Lab at Washington College:
2. Dr. Schindler's website:


Ancestral Diets

Ancestral diets contain a lot of nutrient dense foods. But the modern diet has overtaken the real essence of how food should be prepared and eaten. There is a lot to learn about how ancestral diets can benefit us. So, to expound more on the components of ancestral diets, we’re learning all of that from Dr. Bill Schindler, my guest on this episode.

Connecting With Nature

Dr. Bill Schindler grew up in the coast of New Jersey. He narrates that his parents worked hard to connect him with nature and outdoors like hunting, fishing, trapping, hiking and camping at a very early age. Dr. Bill Schindler didn’t take any pleasure in killing, but there was something about being a part of the entire process that drew him in at a very early age.

Dr. Bill Schindler also spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking with his mother. He also battled with weight issues until high school. However, taking up wrestling was an exercise that helped Dr. Bill Schindler maintain his weight. Despite that, Dr. Bill Schindler still didn’t feel healthy and felt there was still something wrong with his diet.

“I was stuck in that rut trying to figure out what I should be eating by looking at the nutritional components of food. And I would chart out my weekly diet to the gram of every single nutritional component of food that I had access to understanding,” recalls Dr. Bill Schindler. 

College Years

Dr. Bill Schindler continued wrestling in college. But then he also developed an eye disease called keratoconus. He went blind and ended up failing at school. It was not long before Dr. Bill Schindler had a cornea transplant. Eventually, he got back into college at the College of New Jersey and wrestled again. After college, he went further by pursuing a Masters’ and Ph.D. degree.

“My journey towards health for a long time was always focused on that which I got from books and magazines, doctors and nutritionists. Nothing felt right. One thing that felt right to me was when I was a part of the entire process,” Dr. Bill Schindler said.

Looking For A Deeper Connection

Dr. Bill Schindler soon realized he wasn’t satisfied with purchasing a gun and ammunition for hunting. He felt there was something about it that’s too cold and distant. He wanted a deeper connection, so he focused on learning how people in the past hunted.

Dr. Bill Schindler then learned how to make his bows and arrows. That led him to archaeology, particularly experimental archaeology. He also went on to teach classes at a university.

“During that time, there was a major transformation in my life that made me who I am now. And that’s having children,” shares Dr. Bill Schindler. “Almost every pre-historic technology that I spent my life learning about has something to do with food. I realized that that was the key to making an impact on my family.”

Ancestral Diets

When we talk about ancestral diets, there are components to consider like prehistoric technologies, behaviors regarding food, food acquisition, and processing. Dr. Bill Schindler says ancestral diets was almost always focused on increasing the nutrient density or bioavailability of the nutrients in our food.

Between five and seven million years ago, Dr. Bill Schindler said our earliest ancestors first stood up and became bi-pedal. The size of our gut impacts how well we digest our food and how well we absorb that food that’s been broken down.

“On the other hand, the food processing today are focused on other things like storage, shipping, and shelf life and usually at the expense of nutrients. I realized how important it is to understand this and how it completely impacts our approach to food or diet and health,” said Dr. Bill Schindler.

Food Evolution

Dr. Bill Schindler says that during the early times, we were able to obtain food using only our biological characteristics or traits. As a result, our bodies and our brains remained the size that they did.

“This is because our ability to take in large amounts of nutrients is very restricted because of our physical limitations,” said Dr. Bill Schindler. “It all began to change three and a half million years ago when one of our ancestors picked up two rocks and struck them against each other.”

He adds, “That moment completely transformed the course of us becoming human. We could butcher for the first time. The earliest stone tool we ever found dates back 3.4 million years ago found in Kenya. And the earliest example of butchering dates to 3.3 million years ago in Ethiopia.”

Furthermore, Dr. Bill Schindler said it opened up a world of possibilities. This includes hunting for the first time, cooking with fire, fermentation, cooking in containers and vessels, and drying.

Over time, we continued to improve our diet, create new technologies and behavior patterns that can extract more nutrient-dense foods from the environment. So, we began to hunt more efficiently and detoxify certain plants that were inaccessible to us before.

Maximizing Food

Dr. Bill Schindler explains that to make the most use of the food we eat, we have to process that food before we eat it to allow our body to access it. He says our genes is a combination of our gene make-up and the environment that it interacts with.

“If it’s about nutrient density, meat is more nutrient dense than vegetables and fruits. The biggest transformation of our ancestors occurs about two million years ago. I believe the biggest change here is we begin to hunt, and we begin to cook our food,” Dr. Bill Schindler said.

Truth About Meat

The reason that hunting is so important is that it is not about meat. Dr. Bill Schindler says, on the contrary, it is about animals. And the reason we could scavenge it three and a half million years ago is that the carnivores and the predators that killed that animal you’re scavenging from, left the meat behind after they ate all the good stuff.

“When we began to hunt, we have first access to the most nutrient dense parts. And when that happens, we began to cook food,” said Dr. Bill Schindler. “Our brains and body exponentially grow.

He adds, “Women also become more similar in size than men do which is an indicator of a quality diet as well. Our body was built on a diet that access animals. So, we need to focus on what was our diet like that produced our species and what technologies did they use to extract the most amount of nutrients in our environment.”

Raw Dairy

Dr. Bill Schindler says we can mechanically break down food with knives, mortars, and blenders. We can also ferment, take that food and derive nutrition from it. But Dr. Bill Schindler also shares that when he started having children, he wanted to learn more about dairy, especially dealing with raw dairy.

He says all mammal babies are called mammals because their mothers have mammary glands. All baby mammals produce two different enzymes in their stomach that allow them to do some amazing things with milk. One is lactase, and the other is the enzyme chymosin which curdles milk.

“The other thing that happens when raw dairy stays in the stomach for a little while is that it ferments. It is also important to allow it to break down better, releases nutrients and delivers all sorts of amazing probiotic nutrition into their bodies,” said Dr. Bill Schindler.

He adds, “By fermenting milk, we’re automatically getting rid of a lot of the lactose that we’re having trouble with, and the enzyme lactase is already there. So that’s why people that are lactose-intolerant can often tolerate long-aged cheeses or things like yogurt.”

Dr. Bill Schindler says that another thing we can do is harness chymosin and use it to curdle milk before we even eat it. And that’s cheese. But he also is firm in declaring that we have no business drinking ultra-pasteurized skim milk. Because skim milk delivers almost no nutrition. 

Cooking Corn

We have to realize the limitations of our bodies and understand what has been done in the past to access those nutrients and re-adopt those practices. Dr. Bill Schindler says if we adopt the crop and not the practice behind how to transform that raw material into a finished product, we’re missing out on a significant component of that diet. It can cause a lot of problems and corn is a great example.

Dr. Bill Schindler shares what Native Americans figured out for a long time. They discovered that if they took the corn and boiled it in a solution of wood, ash, and water, it would break down that corn into something our bodies could digest. This became the basis for tamales or real tortillas. 

But if you take the corn and boil, grind, bake, or eat it raw, you’re not getting all the nutrients that corn has. Dr. Bill Schindler says much of it will pass through our bodies even if we grind it into cornmeal.

“If we’re eating food to derive nutrition from it, we have to realize the limitations of our bodies and understand what has been done in the past to access those nutrients and re-adopt those practices,” advises Dr. Bill Schindler.

He also says corn is easy to grow. Hence, it is natural if people make it a significant part of their diet. In some ways, it may be good, but if we adopt the crop and not the practices behind how to transform that raw material into a finished product, we’re missing out on a significant component of that diet. Eventually, it can cause a lot of problems.

“Grains are designed to stay dormant until they are in the perfect condition to support new life and to sprout and to grow. We can keep grains for years in a dry condition. And by grinding it and baking it, it does absolutely nothing,” said Dr. Bill Schindler.

Reconnecting With Food

Dr. Bill Schindler says the most important thing we can do is reconnect with our food and where it comes from. Cook everything entirely from scratch at least once. This way, we would find out how food is made. He also says thinking about food based on nutritional components is a terrible way to look at food. And that only started a little over a hundred years ago.

To reconnect with food, Dr. Bill Schindler advises to do these steps:

  1. Focus on those food processing techniques that increase the nutrient density and the viability of nutrients in our food.
  2. Take steps to reconnect with our food, our diet and where it comes from.
  3. Understand and appreciate the context for all of our food.

“Most of the traditional food that we all enjoy like real cured meat, real cheeses, real bread, all sorts of dairy ferments are deep-rooted in the past,” said Dr. Bill Schindler. “And when we make them the right way and apply the right techniques, they taste amazing they smell amazing, they look amazing, and they are satiating.” 


Dr. Bill Schindler is an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland.  As both an experimental archaeologist and primitive technologist, his research and teaching, both in and outside of the college, revolve around a comprehensive understanding of prehistoric technologies including lithic (stone tool) technologies, prehistoric ceramic technologies, projectile technologies, hunting, foraging, hide working, fiber technologies and all aspects of prehistoric food acquisition, processing, storage, and consumption.  

He believes that the better understanding of prehistoric life made possible through the archaeological record and a practical understanding of the technologies that created it can contextualize our place in the world and help provide answers to many of the issues facing us today.  Dr. Bill Schindler is a strong advocate of traditional foodways and is constantly seeking new ways to incorporate lessons learned from his research into the diets of modern humans.  His outlook on food has revolutionized the way in which he and his family eat, and he attributes much of the health his wife and three children enjoy to the hunted, gathered, and fermented foods that comprise a significant portion of their diets. 

Dr. Bill Schindler has been trained by some of the world’s leading archaeologists, experimental archaeologists, and primitive technologists.  His research and teaching combine both academic and hands-on approaches resulting in unique teaching and learning opportunities, and he is equally at home in the middle of the forest armed with a hand-made bow stalking a deer or in a college classroom delivering a lecture to a group of students.  

He truly lives what he teaches and teaches what he lives.  Dr. Bill Schindler’s teaching style is based on the belief that students are active learners and are best served by doing and solving real-world problems whenever possible; his approach is what he calls sole authorship, project-based, hands-on learning where students are engaged in a project for its entirety – immersed from the very beginning to very end.   

In 2014, Dr. Bill Schindler was awarded the Washington College Alumni Associated Distinguished Professor of the Year Award, was nominated for the Carnegie-CASE-Phi Beta Kappa Professor of the Year Award, and in 2015 he delivered the keynote address focused on his approach to teaching at the world’s largest Experimental Archaeology Conference in Dublin, Ireland. 

Dr. Bill Schindler also has a book coming out with Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, slated to be available in January 2019.

Get Connected With Dr. Bill Schindler:

Official Website

Food Evolutions Project

Eastern Shore Food Lab


Recommended Reading by Dr. Bill Schindler:

The Art Of Natural Cheesemaking – David Ascher


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Sep 27, 2018

Discover The Truth About Cancer

Truth About Cancer

The Truth About Cancer video documentary has been instrumental in educating a lot of people about cancer. The documentary is filled with so many interviews with experts. It is the brainchild of Ty and Charlene Bollinger who are my guests today and will talk more about the Truth About Cancer in this episode.

Starting October 8, the Truth About Cancer will be streaming each episode daily wherein you can watch for free within 24 hours. To watch the Truth About Cancer episodes, link to

Family Tragedy

Ty and Charlene Bollinger are also the ones behind the Truth About Vaccines video documentary. And like many other movers and shakers in the health space, their advocacy to spread the truth about cancer started from a series of family tragedies.

First of all, Charlene Bollinger says everything great has a strong core and a foundation at the beginning. Her strong foundation started when she was a little girl who dreamed of marrying her knight in shining armor. Ty Bollinger turned out to be her dream guy. They married six months after their first date.

It was also around this time that Ty Bollinger’s father was diagnosed with cancer. He was in extreme pain and had to undergo surgery. But two and a half hours into the surgery, the doctors came out and told the newlyweds that his cancer was so advanced. Twenty-five days later, Ty Bollinger’s father died.

But Charlene Bollinger says it was actually because of a botched surgery which led Ty Bollinger’s father to bleed to death. The doctors did not sew him up properly.

“Six months after that tragedy, we experienced the loss of his father’s father. And six months later his father’s brother, then his cousin Glenn. Then a few years later his mother’s mother, his mother’s father and finally his mother,” said Charlene Bollinger.

Charlene Bollinger adds that along the way from 1996 to 2004 when Ty Bollinger lost his mother, they did a lot of research. They realized there were many better ways than the one that they knew. Looking back, Charlene Bollinger says that if only they knew those things in the beginning, their family members would most likely still be alive today.

“We knew we had to get info out. In 2006, we published a book called Cancer: Step Outside the Box.  There are options,” said Charlene Bollinger. “Cancer does not have to be a death sentence. In 2014, we started our documentary. Now we reach millions of people, and we meet people regularly now.” 

Doing The Research

Ty Bollinger says that some of the most shocking statistics that they discovered were the inefficacy of chemo and radiation. They not only didn’t work very well but they were the only option. And they were only thing doctors were taught about.

“I was angry I lost my parents because they didn’t know there were other options outside of chemo and radiation surgery. People die because of lack of knowledge,” said Ty Bollinger.

Ty Bollinger laments that doctors who prescribed something out of the ordinary, are sometimes mocked by their peers. Sometimes they lose their medical license and even get kicked out of a country. Those doctors are forced to practice somewhere else because they use something that wasn’t core approved by the FDA.

“Cancer is not a death sentence. It’s very preventable. There are lots of building blocks to being healthy. If you participate in those building blocks, then you have a very good chance of not getting cancer and never dying from cancer,” said Ty Bollinger. 

He adds, “The best treatments are also the best preventions. I think if I knew all these things that I know and have learned from the doctors over the years, and didn’t practice on them, I’d be a hypocrite.” 

Recommended Diet

When it comes to diet, Charlene Bollinger says clean food means non-GMO, organic, and real foods. She says most of the foods that Americans are eating aren’t even real foods. They are so processed and synthetic. That’s why the body starts attacking itself because it doesn’t know what to do with the stuff because it’s not food.

Charlene Bollinger advises people that the first thing they should do is educate themselves. They need to understand the options. And they need to understand the body. Furthermore, she says they need to understand what’s good for the body and the immune system. They also need to understand that the full body approach is mind spirit and body.

“We have toxicity that we need to detox. Every doctor in Asia said something that we did not know before. Every case of cancer there was directly related to something in mind,” Ty Bollinger said. “There was a connection to bitterness and eating into their body physically. Forgiveness goes a long way to break free from these bitter roots.” 

Ty Bollinger says different diets work for different people. The ketogenic diet has worked for some people but not for others. Same with raw food or vegan. As a result, the Bollingers try to become agnostic when it comes to diets.

“Eat as close to nature as you can and eat organic. For meats, make sure meats are raised humanely,” advises Ty Bollinger. “Cancer cells are fermenting sugar for energy. So by going through a ketogenic diet, you’re taking away the fuel for cancer.” 

Metronomic Chemotherapy

Metronomic chemotherapy is a repeated administration of anti-neoplastic drugs in frequent and comparatively low doses. It also doesn’t have a long drug-free period.

On the other hand, Ty Bollinger says insulin potentiation therapy low dose targeted chemo is similar to metronomic chemotherapy. It’s used in about anywhere from a 5th to the 10th of a normal dose of chemo. And its coupling that with insulin to be able to target the cancer cells.

“It’s been effective in many parts of the world. And very effective in killing cancer cells. It does not typically have any side effects because the dose of chemo is so low and its very targeted,” said Ty Bollinger. “But they are using this with other treatments as well like dietary changes, exercise, and detoxification.”

Root Causes of Cancer

Ty Bollinger says that if we look at cancer that’s a disease, it is not only a result of nutritional deficiency but also overburden of toxicity. Hence, we need to look at the toxins that we’re exposed to today.

Factors include toxins in the water, in the air, food, and invisible toxins like electromagnetic fields or EMFs. And because EMFs have proven to be harmful, Charlene Bollinger suggests getting a device to block the EMFs. Otherwise, it’s best to turn off gadgets when not in use.

“The American Cancer Society reports that 80% of cancers are due to environmental toxicity and lifestyle choices. That’s why our immune system is compromised because of toxicity,” said Ty Bollinger.

Healthy Habits

Aside from exercising three to four times a week, I’m thrilled to find out that Ty Bollinger is also a big fan of Sunlighten Saunas. He makes it a habit of sitting in the sauna to sweat daily. He also jumps on a rebounder to stimulate the lymphatic flow. Because according to him, that’s an excellent way to carry nutrients to the cells, as well as detox the cells. 

Stop Buying Harmful Products

One reason why companies like Monsanto, Bayer, and pharma companies are still in business is because of consumers. Ty Bollinger says that they continue producing harmful products because people are still buying it.

“Don’t buy their stuff. If people stop buying, they will stop producing it,” Ty Bollinger said. “Educate people. Make decisions based on truth and facts. Stop buying the poison and put them out of business.”

Positive Mindset

On the other hand, Charlene Bollinger says that laughter is one of the best medicines to curb cancer. Laughter along with exercise significantly improves health. The same goes for thoughts filled with love, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.

“Think about everything you touch, taste, everything that you think about needs to be as clean as you can get it to be—organic or GMO-free,” said Charlene Bollinger. “If there’s a little bitterness there, do whatever it takes to forgive. Work through that to a better place to where there is freedom in our mind and soul so there could be healthy in the body.” 


Ty M. Bollinger is a Christian, happily married husband and father, health freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, documentary film producer, radio show host, and author. 

Ty M. Bollinger first brought his discoveries to the public in the best-selling book Cancer: Step Outside the Box. He has also co-authored other books on alternatives to conventional medicine. The two groundbreaking documentary series on cancer treatment he has produced–The Quest for the Cures (2014) and The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest (2015)–have been viewed by more than 10 million people worldwide. He is married to Charlene Bollinger. 

Get Connected With Ty Bollinger:

The Truth About Cancer

The Truth About Cancer – Facebook


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Sep 24, 2018
Use coupon code LTH for 10% off!

Magnesium Foot Soak

I have been raving about my guest’s magnesium foot soak for some time now. Magnesium has proven to be such an important component of health. But a magnesium foot soak is much more effective in getting it into our body. To further explain the benefits of a magnesium foot soak, I’m thrilled to have Kristen Bowen on the show.

Health Issues

Kristen Bowen said she had health issues even as a little girl. But rather than digging into the cause, her parents kept putting band-aids on it. During her teenage years, Kristen Bowen grew out of her health issues. But reaching her early 20s the autoimmune issues started to kick in.

The big crash happened in 2003. Kristen Bowen says that time, she had a baby and was having some bladder issues as well as leaking. Upon the advice of her sisters, Kristen Bowen went to an OB-gyne to get her bladder tied up.


During Kristen Bowen’s gallbladder surgery, her heart kept stopping. After surgery, she started having seizures, and her body just started crashing. In the course of three and a half years, she ended up in a wheelchair.

However, Kristen Bowen’s husband never gave up. Being 36 years old at that time, a good day for her was opening her eyes on the couch. It also affected her six children. Two kids were newly adopted at the time, and her health issues were added stress on any child. As much they wanted to be smooth and strong for the kids, no doctors could do anything.

Ray Of Hope

One day, Kristen Bowen and her husband happened to listen to a radio show and heard a physician’s assistant talking about out of the box solutions. They felt a ray of hope that someone will finally listen to them.

They finally went to see that doctor who indeed listened to them. Although he was clueless about Kristen Bowen’s condition, he wanted to do some research. After a month, they met up again. The doctor found something that he was interested in and asked Kristen Bowen if she was willing to try it out.

“And what he found was, people with autoimmune who went into surgery had a reaction to the metal in the titanium. Even though the thinking at the time was that titanium was inert. He suggested to redo the bladder tie up and take the titanium out. That was a huge decision to make,” recalls Kristen Bowen.

During surgery, the doctor found that Kristen Bowen’s cadaver graft did not have a tracking number. Hence, the assumption was that her cadaver graft was bought on the black market and it had molds on it. 

“The molds shut my body down. Even moments after that surgery, I knew something was better. Because I could think and process. At that point we knew we made the right decision,” said Kristen Bowen. “But it left me with all sort of issues. The quality of my life was low, so I searched out of the box solutions.” 

Building A Strong Foundation

It was about twelve to fourteen weeks when Kristen Bowen’s seizures completely stopped and went away. She now teaches clients not to chase symptoms and build a strong foundation instead.

“Chasing symptoms is expensive, and it leaves you with a cupboardful of supplements that you quit using because it doesn’t work,” said Kristen Bowen. “Magnesium is that foundation and doing a magnesium foot soak gets you that cell saturation. You can’t get it orally with oral magnesium.” 

Magnesium Foot Soak

The first time Kristen Bowen heard of a magnesium foot soak was when a lady suggested it to her. When it successfully helped her recover her health, Kristen Bowen vowed to share the magnesium foot soak with other people.

“My company is about helping people and making a difference. It is showing information and education so that people can make the best decisions for the journey of where they are at,” said Kristen Bowen.

Describing what a magnesium foot soak feels like, Kristen Bowen says it was like a sponge soaking up needed nutrition. She saw results for a year and a half when suddenly it quit working.

“They changed where they got it from and the FDA the way it’s written; you don’t have to tell people if you put water and magnesium because it already has water in it. And they diluted it,” Kristen Bowen reveals. 

She adds, “So, we had it tested. I don’t go for what a company says, and I test in an independent lab. It is imported from the cleanest source and contains undiluted pure magnesium from the Zechstein Sea in the Netherlands because magnesium from Russia is high in heavy metals.” 

Thermal Imaging Testing

Other companies dilute their magnesium soaks. And through a thermal imaging testing, Kristen Bowen proved that her 64-ounce bottle of Living the Good Life Naturally Magnesium contains 403 grams of magnesium chloride. An adult requires a quarter cup which is 24.42 grams of magnesium or 24.424 milligrams. When you do a magnesium foot soak for 20 minutes, the thermal imaging testing showed that the body absorbs 80% of that. After 45 minutes, the body absorbs 98% of the magnesium. Then some remain on skin as residue.

30-Day Challenge

Kristen Bowen says our grandparents did not have to worry about magnesium because they were getting it from their food. On the other hand, we have to be current and understand what we need to focus on to build optimal health. Nowadays, we can’t get magnesium from our food, because of lifestyle, EMF, food, sugar, and stress.

The 30-day challenge requires doing a magnesium foot soak every day for 30 days. And Kristen Bowen attests to the fact that a lot of people’s health improved significantly.

Shame Cortisol

There was also a number who initially failed to benefit from the magnesium foot soak. Kristen Bowen said she looked into the cases of those thirteen women and discovered something valuable.

“What I learned rocked my world personally. I discovered that when there is rage cortisol, shame is quiet. It is internal and cannot be seen externally. That shame cortisol is so detrimental to healing. All these women have been tapped in to shame for years,” explains Kristen Bowen. 

She adds, “And because they have lived with high cortisol levels, their bodies were not absorbing that magnesium. Because when cortisol levels go up, magnesium gets pushed out through the urine.”

Because of that incident, Kristen Bowen wanted to help people understand how detrimental shame is. We must learn to understand the process of shame, what it feels like when you’re standing in shame and understand the connection that you’re walking away from your health at that point.

So, in the case of those thirteen women, it has more to do with internal healing and creating a stronger mind-body connection. It took those women three months to utilize tools to work on the process of shame. Tools included journaling and energy work like emotional freedom techniques. 

Magnesium Red Blood Cell Test

The magnesium red blood cell test has two kinds of tests you can take to test your magnesium. One is a magnesium blood serum test. Magnesium is so important to your body to keep your blood at 1% saturation. And if that blood serum test shows you have a problem, you’re in massive crisis.

Furthermore, Kristen Bowen says the magnesium red blood cell test tests the magnesium around each red blood cell. It gives a more intimate, accurate picture of how you are utilizing that magnesium that you are soaking in. And the optimal numbers are 6.3 to 7.

For anyone who would want to avail of any lab testing, Kristen Bowen recommends Walk-In Lab.  The magnesium red blood cell test, in particular, is around $47 to 49 dollars, and there’s usually a coupon code online to avail of a discount.

Gut Health

According to Kristen Bowen, magnesium is also connected to the gut health and peristaltic action. They don’t work at that chronic constipation as a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is also essential for the adrenals, and Kristen Bowen considers the adrenals the holding point for your health.

“On the other hand, DHEA levels tell the hormones were to show up and where to go. Magnesium self-balances that. And not that magnesium is going to cure every hormone, but it’s going to build a good foundation for your hormones to start functioning and interacting better with each other,” said Kristen Bowen.

Thyroid Health

Kristen Bowen says magnesium is so vital to thyroid health and that conversion of t4 to t3. If you’re not converting from t4 to t3, your energy is going down. And then after the energy starts to sink, you start to put a spare tire around your waist of weight. That’s a t4 – t3 conversion issue and your body need magnesium to make that happen.

“Some people’s bodies are excited to pick up that magnesium and they drop the potassium. Hence, they feel horrible,” said Kristen Bowen. 

She adds, “Have half a teaspoon of baking soda, a half cup of water and drink that. That alkalinity will help bring balance back into the body. You can also drink some coconut water that’s rich in potassium.”

Long-Term Benefits

Kristen Bowen believes that oral magnesium will give you some short-term benefit. It also decreases peristaltic action. Furthermore, it slows that down in your digestive system, and it decreases your body’s ability to uptake nutrients from food. And she’s not willing to hand those long-term benefits for the short-term solutions.

“The soak will get you the cell saturation. And the muscle cream is a great way to load up on magnesium in between your soaking and using it for spot treatments. As you feel a little bit better, you can add the B vitamins then boron or taurine,” Kristen Bowen said.  


As a bonus, Kristen Bowen is giving away two bottles of magnesium foot soak and magnesium cream. So, do join the Learn True Health Facebook group for more details. For those who want to purchase on her online store, there’s a generous discount as well. Just input coupon code LTH upon checkout.

Sitting in a wheelchair, having daily seizures, losing her hair and being fed through tubes was finally enough to wake Kristen Bowen up to make some changes in her life. She wakes up every morning grinning because her clients are crushing it at a pace that blows her mind. 

It helps her remember that everything that happened to her now serves as her greatest gift to help people tap into their health with ease and grace. This is more than a job to Kristen Bowen. It is her mission to touch as many people as she can to cut the overwhelm we all experience when it comes to creating the very best day we have ever lived.

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Instagram – Living the Good Life Naturally

Recommended Reading by Kristen Bowen

Healing Is Voltage by Jerry L. Tennant 

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