
Learn True Health with Ashley James

On Learn True Health, Ashley James interviews today's most successful natural healers. Learn True Health was created for YOU, the health enthusiast. If you are passionate about organic living or struggling with health issues and are looking to gain your health naturally, our holistic podcast is what you have been looking for! Ashley James interviews Naturopathic Doctors and expert holistic health care practitioners to bring you key holistic health information, results based advice and new natural steps you can take to achieve true health, starting NOW! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with prescription drug side effects, if you want to live in optimal health but you don't know where to start, this podcast is for you! If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice from holistic doctors to get you on your path to healing, you will enjoy the wisdom each episode brings. Each practitioner will leave you with a challenge, something that you can do now, and each day, to measurably improve your health, energy, and vitality. Learn about new healing diet strategies, how to boost your immune system, balance your hormones, increase your energy, what supplements to take and why and how to experience your health and stamina in a new way. Ashley James from Learn True Health interviews doctors like Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Molly Niedermeyer on Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathy, Supplements, Meditation, Holistic Health and Alternative Health Strategies for Gaining Optimal Health.
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523: Headache & Migraine Pain: Dr. Scott Vrzal’s Guide To Root Cause Solutions


In today’s episode, we dive deep into the world of chronic headaches, exploring their hidden causes and pathways to relief with expert Dr. Scott Vrzal. Specializing in natural approaches to pain, Dr. Vrzal shares insights on how headaches reveal clues about our body’s health—from digestive imbalances to emotional blocks stored in physical pain. Join us as we explore the surprising connections between emotions, nutrient deficiencies, and detox pathways, uncovering how holistic health practices can not only relieve headaches but restore balance and vitality to the entire body. This episode is packed with actionable tips and wisdom for those seeking true relief and long-term health.


  • Headache location often indicates specific health issues (e.g., left-sided for stomach/spleen, right-sided for gallbladder).
  • Emotions can be stored physically, leading to chronic pain and health issues.
  • Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) helps release stored emotions to aid physical healing.
  • Magnesium and zinc deficiencies are linked to stress, pain sensitivity, and immune health.
  • Gallbladder and liver are essential for detoxification and proper digestion.
  • High homocysteine is a stronger cardiovascular risk marker than cholesterol.
  • Organic, mineral-rich foods improve emotional resilience and physical health.
  • Glyphosate exposure inhibits bile production, affecting gallbladder health.
  • Hormonal imbalance, especially with estrogen, can cause headaches and other symptoms.
  • Physical pain often relates to deficiencies or imbalances in specific nutrients.


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Ashley James (0:03:13.690)

Welcome to the Learn True Health Podcast. I’m your host Ashley James. This is Episode 523.

I am so excited for today's guest. We have with us Dr. Scott Vrzal. This is a topic near and dear to my heart, and people who are sick of suffering are going to be singing your praises. My heart is so full  now because I know that some of my listeners are just so done with the suffering and the pain. Today, you're here to deliver the information that they've been praying for so that they can no longer be in pain. Welcome to the show.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:03:57.351)

Well, thank you. Yes, that's why I got into it, because I was suffering and I wanted that victory for others.

Ashley James (0:04:03.427)

Exactly. That's why I started the podcast also. I started this podcast eight years ago because I was suffering for so many years from several major medical issues and I used holistic medicine to get better. After being with MD medicine for so many years and under the MD's care, I got worse, not better. I felt sicker, not better, then found true holistic medicine. There's a lot of people these days that call themselves holistic that aren't. You have to buy or beware. I found my mentors and not only did they help me get better through true holistic medicine, true holistic medicine is supporting your body's ability to heal itself and getting out of your body's way. Stop doing the things that are hindering your body from achieving homeostasis, then giving your body what it's missing in order for the body to do the healing, your body wants to heal. It wants to come back into balance. These simple changes make such a profound difference, in the instance of headaches, sometimes no matter what we try, even when we go to holistic practitioners, the pain is still there and we're left so frustrated or the imbalance is still there.  That's why we want to come to Dr. Scott V. I know you like to be called Dr. V.

A little plug, your website is and we're going to get into how you help people, of course, we want to talk about your story and what led you to this but before we do, I got to share a little story about a headache in my life with you and because you had asked before we hit record, you're like, so do you have any headaches? I'm like, well, let's hit record so we can get started. My husband who has never suffered from headaches unless we lived in Las Vegas and he forgot to drink water. You do that once or twice. The dose dehydration headaches are the worst. You do that a few times, you learn your lesson. You learn to always travel with water with you, other than that, he never suffered from headaches. Two years ago, he moved in with his parents for five months and lived in a bed beside his dad and did 24-hour hospice care until his dad passed away. He and his dad didn't have the best of relationships. His dad never said, I love you. He was a very stoic person. On his deathbed, he said to my husband, my husband was 54 years old, heard I love you from his dad for the first time. It was a beautiful experience. They both bonded. 

I believe it was a very healing, cathartic experience. When he passed away, we weren't all torn up. We had spent a lot of time processing it. It wasn't a sudden thing. It was slow and we pretty much did our grieving and our processing while he was going downhill.   

 the day he died, my husband had to get a root canal, which was botched. So they extracted the tooth. It was tooth 15 all the way back molar 15. This was about two years ago. He proceeded to develop constant chronic headaches.  Now we go to a naturopath. It's been the naturopathic doctors, we eat super clean.

He goes to a really good chiropractor, acupuncturist. We went down the list, and could not figure out what was going on. We went from practitioner to practitioner. We tried everything, homeopathy, everything. Some things  worked a little bit temporarily. He had all kinds of different facial massages. He went to three different types of manipulative massages and these headaches would come on around 11am every day, almost every day. Sometimes it was every other day.

Sometimes you get a break and it'd be every three days, but this was for two years.  They were so bad. I describe it like  a migraine in his neck and it would radiate.  It was a tension headache. It would radiate up into his head, typical of either a scalenes trigger point or sometimes it would move and be an upper trapezius trigger point, a very typical radiating pain pattern.

Also he had ischemia in those muscles. The muscles were really hard, like hard as a rock, and we would strip them and get heat on them and everything, but we couldn't get the pain to go away. No practitioner could figure out what was wrong other than he had this problem that would come on and then release six to eight hours later. He would have this pain, but it was like a migraine because he could barely drive. He could barely talk. He'd be wincing. Then afterwards it was like an old neurological event. He would be left completely exhausted, the rest of the day could not function, like just zero function. So he was going through a migraine and that it would exhaust him. Also it would take all of his effort, all of his concentration away.

I was talking to so many different naturopaths and trying to figure out what's the next course of action because I knew that there was an answer out there and one of my good naturopathic friends said, you should try going to Dr. Jeff Harris, who does prolotherapy and he also teaches it. So my husband's been seeing him and now he went from one headache every day to a headache every three days to two a month. 

With the prolotherapy and we're onto something because the prolotherapy that Dr. Jeff Harris went, there's something going on with your spleen channel, tooth 15, my husband has a giant scar by his spleen because he had an accident,  he almost lost his spleen when he was nine.  Also the headaches would start at the same time in Chinese medicine as the spleen time.

It's interesting because every problem a husband's ever had has always been on his left side.  That's where the headache is. That's where the spleen is. The problem is, it would add up. He's had a few sessions and just with a few sessions, it's gone from I said, one every day or one every three days to only two a month. We still don't know a hundred percent why. But I definitely feel the trigger was the botched root canal when they pulled the tooth, everything leading up to that. Now we also have explored, is it the stress of doing palliative care for several months with his dad and being in a weird bed and being in weird positions, having to pick up his dad off the floor and all the things that could go wrong there. But the headaches didn't start till after the dental stuff, so that's my headache story is that we tried everything. One thing we saw that temporarily would shift it a bit is fasting. Well, of course you're getting rid of all the kinds of foods that inflame, even though my husband eats clean, for example, corn, which I know could be inflammatory for some people, he might have it sometimes in his diet. 

We don't know what's giving him inflammation. When you fast, it's like this amazing elimination diet and you're left, wow, I feel so much better. Well, you might've been eating 90% good and 10% bad and what's bad for you might be fine for someone else. It didn't 100% go to his headaches, but we saw a huge shift. We knew that  inflammation was a stressor that played a role, but it was multifaceted and it's fascinating and we couldn't quite figure it out. I'm super interested in talking to you today because I know that there are people out there suffering from headaches and a headache doesn't just have to be in the head. It can start in the neck and radiate up like I said with my husband but there's so many different ways that we can approach it to help the body. But the most important thing I feel is to listen to the body and figure it out. Why is the body speaking this language? ? Why is the body saying, Hey, I'm so out of balance, I'm creating pain and let it be a lesson. Let us learn from the body so that we can support the body to heal itself. I know that's what you do. You've unlocked the secrets to listening to the body around headaches and how we can stop them. My first burning question is, do you also help people end migraines?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:13:14.543)

Absolutely. It all comes down to the location of the headache.  In your husband's example, you said left-sided predominantly, but then a lot of what you were talking about sounded all the way up to suboccipital on both sides. Is it both sides or left?

Ashley James (0:13:31.296)

No, it was typically left side, and sometimes now with all the therapy he's done, it stays in the neck, but it's like a headache in the neck. But sometimes it radiates just the upper trapezius trigger point, which is on the left side of the occipital, all the way around the parietal, the temporal, and then kind of above the eye.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:13:58.638)

So a left-sided headache is going to be a stomach issue. Stomach, pancreas, and spleen in acupuncture are all related and have their own emotions. The first and foremost in there is over-sympathetic. Certainly, your husband's having to take care of his dad. There was some strain there. Praise God, they were able to kind of get some resolution.

Unfortunately it was at the end, but that saves him a lifetime of challenge just solving that emotion to finally hear I love you from his dad, which we all need to hear. Dads, make sure you're doing that if you're listening. Left side of the headache is going to be a stomach potentially spleen issue. So we'd want to look at what else in his life beyond the emotions. 

Clearing, treating, desensitizing for those emotional challenges are going to help the stomach and the pancreas function better and the spleen, again, they're all in acupuncture related, especially emotionally, that stomach meridian does a ramhorn around the left side of the eye and down the neck as you described into the scalenes and so on. The other potential and why I asked, whether it was all left-sided or both is the overzealous response to stress inhibits the  thyroid and can cause the suboccipital, so when it's all the way up the neck and the back of the head, what people would typically call a tension headache, tends to do with that chronic cortisol secretion and ultimately under-functioning thyroid. We want to facilitate thyroid function in that case and the consequences of the chronic stress. That make sense?

Ashley James (0:15:47.478)

Yes, totally, and it's so exciting that you are the expert. You're the headache guy. Everyone who has chronic headaches needs to know that you exist and then go get help from you.

I was just two days ago talking to a friend of mine who is also in the holistic health space. She  was telling me about a client. She goes, I have a client who's had headaches since he was born and both his mother and father have chronic headaches also. The father now is on dialysis because he's been put on pain meds for so many years. She goes, could it be that there's mold in their house? We're trying to figure out why this whole family who lives under the same roof, why did they all have headaches? I’m like, it might be, but there's so many factors. There's so many different reasons, but it's fascinating that the whole family suffers from headaches.  Obviously we're looking at something that impacts all of them. It could be food, it could be mold, there could be so many factors. Have you ever seen a whole family have headaches?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:17:08.709)

. So our first question in that sort of situation is how is the head? How are the family doing when they're away from the house? If they go away to Disneyland for a week do all their headaches go away, symptomatically or historically, then that helps us know that yes, it's something in the house. I mean, certainly their diet's going to change when they travel. But I mean, yes, mold, there's obviously many different types of mold. But I mean, one of the most common things is mold compromises the immune system and can set up any number of symptoms. 

Yes, we see that often and often with the testing that we do we can even narrow it down to where in the house, in their bedroom window there's mold, or those types of things that are compromising a person's health.

Typically in that scenario obviously we want to remediate and get the mold out of the house but then strengthen the lungs because the lungs are chronically compromised from being challenged with the mold so we want to do vitamins A and vitamin C certainly are typical  anti-antioxidants to facilitate lung function, or even lung tissue, if you will, in a supplement to rebuild the lungs to help it handle the environment, especially while they're trying to remediate, while they're trying to get that mold out of their environment. Just out of two of those yesterday, clinically, that we had to address. The fun story on that I saw several of them, but one gal said, you have mold in your bedroom.  She said, no, you're crazy.  That kind of thing is often we hear. She didn't really believe it or hadn't seen it and then she went home and checked the window where it kind of narrowed it down to pulled back the drapes and realized that there's a black stripe of mold down the middle of the window that's  over their bed and realized she sneezes, she was sneezing twelve times every time she walked into the room and she'd wake up in the morning feeling doo-doo because she was sleeping with mold, inhaling mold all night. The good news is that it was an easy fix to just clean up the mold in the window and live happily ever after.

Ashley James (0:19:19.321)

. Also do a little bit more investigating because it might be deeper with mold. It's typically what you see is the tip of the iceberg. 

I have a few really interesting interviews about mold remediation. Listeners go to typing in mold and listening to those. I have at least five episodes with mold remediators that will just blow your mind. But I was also thinking about that family and what people often don't think about is that a lot of food sensitivities are passed down genetically, food allergies, food sensitivities, but also the microbiome. 

We share the same microbiome just because of exposure to one another and microbiome, which is from our mouth to our anus. It's not just in the big colon, and your microbiome is in your skin too, but as far as your digestion is concerned, it is the entire digestive tract has a microbiome. It's about six pounds of bacteria and either good or bad microbes, depending on what you feed. 

You eat junk, you're feeding the bad army that lives inside you. You eat good, clean food, you're feeding the good army. But the thing is, it's so fascinating. I have two interviews about this with the Viome experts. You can type in Viome at to listen to those. That the bacteria in your gut digest your food and produce chemicals. Now, some of these chemicals are really helpful and some of them are harmful and you can actually then have a reaction. It's not necessarily that you're allergic to that food, but your microbiome is producing a chemical from that food that then makes you sick. If you're all eating the same because you're under the same roof and you share the same microbiome, it might not even show up on a blood test that you're allergic to that food. But when you remove that food, you start feeling better.  

So, there's food, there's also because we typically as families eat the same or very similar, we typically also suffer from the same nutrient deficiencies, plus with genetics, your genetics can determine what nutrients you're processing more of. I just got some genetics testing back and I think it's fascinating that my body burns through B12 and folate at a much faster rate than others do. So I have to be careful and make sure that I'm on top of those nutrients for myself.  

Your genetics, like, one person, and I see this all the time, I see my clients, the wives will say, my husband can eat anything and he doesn't feel sick and then I eat the same thing and I'm throwing up, I'm so sick or I feel miserable when I eat the way my husband eats.

His genetics are completely different. His microbiome, if you're fairly newlywed, are completely different.  You could live under the same roof, but there's so many factors. Do you have  a checklist that you go through? How do you go through all the factors that could be leading to headaches?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:22:29.633)

So much in that statement you just had I mean first we want to kind of shine light on the fact that  that biome you're talking about the lactobacillus organisms are the main producers of B12 or methylcobalamin, which is the main nutrient along with folic acid and B6, but those are the main nutrients that drive that methylation pathway that is so often deficient in the genetic tests you're talking about. That's kind of how that correlates the whole biome with the proper detox of the liver, for example, that methylation pathway gets inhibited by stress, gets inhibited when we're deficient in B12, which again is made from the microbiome, the gut microbiome.  so that is also, methylation activates the tumor suppressor gene.

The long term consequences of having say the B12 deficiency and under functioning methylation is opening the door for the big ugly stuff, unfortunately, that's how this whole body concept comes into play. We can take B12. Let's correct that. But ultimately, eat your vegetables. Your green leafies and the foods that are going to feed those lovely lactobacillus organisms that are then going to be in your bodies, if you will, to make the nutrients that you need to thrive and to flourish and to stay young.  

It all comes to the whole body concept really comes together.  To tie that in, as you were asking, with headaches. The reason the book is called The Headache Advantage is because for me, clinically, a person will come in with a list of 15 symptoms, for example, one of my burning primary questions is what area of the head hurts? If they've got a whole list of say digestive related symptoms and pain in the left pectoral muscle and bicep tenderness and all these other areas that are physically related to stomach and then they have a left-sided headache, I know that stomach is going to be the be-all or the keystone to get rid of a lot of these other symptoms that are going to be tied to it. They could have colon-related symptoms and it's going to manifest as low back pain, all these other things, but if their headache is on the left side, I know that fixing their stomach is going to take care of all these other symptoms.  So, it saves me some pursuit and helps narrow down the pursuit of where the chief weakness is in that person's physiology. It makes the clinical certainty and the effectiveness of our natural healthcare just kind of go through the roof utilizing that information.

Ashley James (0:25:11.647)

When you say fixing the stomach, is this the metaphorical stomach? Is it the traditional Chinese version of stomach or is this the Western version of, yes, there's something literally wrong in your stomach, or are you talking about all of digestion?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:25:30.671)

Yes, great question. In this case, we're talking about stomach specifically. I talked about digestion as a whole, if they have symptoms of digestion all up and down the track, if you will.

But when it's a lesson and when their pain is on the left side of the head I know as you called out, fixing the stomach and fixing means either a structural change. Chiropractors are going to adjust t5 or c1 if there's allergies related to it. So we have the structural aspect and we've got the nutritional needs. Are they eating something that's compromised in the way the stomach's functioning or do they simply need nutrients like thiamin, vitamin B1, calcium, zinc. Some of the nutrients to help make stomach acid or have they had an emotional overload of over sympathetic, low self-esteem, disgust type emotions that laid down accumulated and compromised the way the stomach functioned.  That's the fun, the art of natural health care is identifying the structural, the nutritional, the emotional triggers that are causing in this case, the stomach to not function up to par and then manifest as symptoms of a left -sided headache.  That's what I call fixing the stomach is incorporating the structural, the nutritional, supplemental, emotional triggers.

Ashley James (0:26:51.844)

A lot of people discredit emotion as having anything to do with physical health. But as you just pointed out, that emotion directly impacts whether we're in that sympathetic fight or flight response, in which case when we're in that response, the body is shunting blood away from our core, away from our organs, and it's limiting the acid production.

What I tell people when I'm explaining the stress response, I'm like, have you ever been stressed out and either you're not hungry or if you force yourself to eat, it's  sitting  a lump in your stomach. Some people when they're under stress, they'll even throw up because their stomach, it just shuts down. It's shunting all your resources to your limbs and we're supposed to run away from the bear and then it's supposed to shut off. But now we're constantly triggering that stress response and our emotions trigger it.

We could be sitting safely in our home, but we start watching TV or looking on our phone or even just thinking about something stressful and we trigger that response. We don't even realize we're turning our digestion off and that wreaks havoc on the whole body.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:28:06.605)

Absolutely, and every organ has associated emotions. A lot of those come from acupuncture thousands of years old that correlated all of that. We talked about the stomach with over sympathetic, low self-esteem, disgust, gallbladder, which tends to relate to -sided headaches. 

Those are going to be more your liver emotions of anger, frustration, resentment.  So that's where chronic illness really becomes a challenge and becomes more chronic, if you will, because they've got chronic stomach weakness, for example, then they're going to store more emotions in that area, in that now weak link, if you will.

To give you kind of an example of emotions, they totally affect it.  I mean, I see every week people or new patients that have seen other chiropractors and blame ever since I've had, I got rear ended 20 years ago, I've got this chronic neck pain and it's just my plight and becomes their identity.  Unfortunately that's because nobody had addressed the emotional component. they'll get adjusted, get their chiropractic or their massage and feel good for a bit. Then when they see another Red Honda or whatever car rear ended them, it brings back that emotion and puts them back into that fight or flight weakness that then causes again, the weakness of say the neck extensors and leaving them back into their headaches or back into their neck problems.  We want to have tools to release that.  Even if it's thinking about the accident or the first thing you remember here in skid marks or whatever, think about that as a person gets adjusted or as they're getting their massage. Your listeners that are doing bodywork, how often do they see a person break into tears for no quote known reason?

Ashley James (0:29:53.916)

What do you recommend for people that recognize that a major issue is trapped unresolved negative emotion from the past? What tools do you recommend they use to gain resolution and release those trapped emotions?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:30:16.049)

There are a lot of great tools. The tool I use clinically is an approach called neuro emotional technique or NET, super well documented, proven out approach on the ONE foundation, O-N-E ONE foundation. 

They've done the research of pain patterns and even tested cholesterol and inflammatory markers and watched them go down by desensitizing people to these chronic effects or the physical manifestation of emotions. That's what we use clinically on my Dr. Scott Vrzal Instagram page I've shown a couple videos of how I kind of apply that so that a person can clear their own emotions by touching over the pulse points on the wrist. They'll basically help a person cover every organ and then doing a gentle flexing of the chin with the hand on the forehead That's a way to clear clear emotions for you the person the consumer that has the emotional triggers in other words if you feel your blood pressure going up when your spouse says something that  rubbed you the wrong way you can do this approach by again touching the pulse points, putting the other hand on the forehead and doing each side of the pulse points. That clears in general every organ. 

There's also tapping approaches and other approaches that people can use to self-desensitize to these emotional manifestations because unfortunately, the body physically stores emotions. Let's talk about the nutritional component that goes along with that though. In general, my statement is you want to be more rock-like than sponge-like. So to be more rock-like, we want to keep our minerals up. Minerals come from rocks, so minerals make us more emotionally resilient to shed off the back of a duck. 

When those emotions come along, having a good mineral reserve will help us shed those emotions and not physically store them. Whereas if we're eating sugar that leeches zinc, that leeches minerals, our system's acidic, we're going to be a lot more prone to physically store those emotions. Then, you're going to be more sponge-like. 

If you're eating the sad, standard American diet that has a lot of processed foods and trans fats, then that person's going to be a lot more prone to store every emotion that comes down the pike and they end up with that chronic physical illness. Whereas the person that's eating a lot of organic food eats organic because it has thousands of times the amount of minerals in it, literally thousands of times the amount of minerals in it.  Pesticides also are the toxic metals that compromise mineral status. When we eat organic, we don't get pesticides, we get those minerals. That can help us be more rock-like and resilient when the emotional stress happens. Think of the calmness of a person that seems totally chill, even though their dad died, their mom died, that sort of stuff or the work goes bananas then that person that's eating calm and alkaline is going to handle that emotion much better. The other obvious kind of trigger is exercise. 

Exercise allows us to raise dopamine levels at runner's high that we get with exercise. Exercise raises dopamine that tells us, hey, everything's okay. This is a good season. We're cool. It also allows us to sort out and collect our emotions, if you will.  I'm a crazy avid cyclist.  When I'm out on my bike, I'm listening to books, I'm listening to your podcast, things that feed my mind with healthy, beneficial stuff but it also gives me the opportunity to sort through the triggers, the stressors that have happened and kind of categorize them, if you will, and solve them mentally.  Exercise and organic vegetables are a great way to prevent the physical storage of emotions.

Ashley James (0:34:15.864)

Oh my gosh. I love everything you said. I have a few things to share as well. I lost my mom back in 2002 and I wanted to grieve healthfully. I was devastated by losing her. She was my best friend and I was 22 and I didn't know how to grieve healthfully. I really woke up to this realization that we are not given tools to process emotions healthfully to have conflict resolution healthfully.  I looked back on my years from K through 12. I grew up in Ontario. Actually at the time we had in high school, Grade 13, can you imagine being held back the entire province of Ontario for many years. We graduated when we were 19 from high school because we did, it was called OAC, which was grade 13 but so for my 13 years, this is before I went to college, I was in college when my mom died, but just looking back on  the standard 13 years that kids are in or 12 or 13 years, kids are in school and realizing that not one class, it wasn't mandatory. It's not even known. It's so off the radar that we could be teaching children how to process emotions healthfully, how to grieve healthfully, what happens when there's loss in the family, and now they're introducing new things that are teaching children, but they're not teaching them real emotional life skills. They're still not teaching them how to. You're going to eventually lose someone, how to grieve healthfully, how to gain conflict resolution. You're going to have a fight with your friend or your spouse or a family member, eventually, or, a gas attendant,  you're going to eventually have a conflict with someone. How do you manage that? How do you do it healthfully? How do you maturely de-escalate, communicate? 

These are things that I had to go and find. I had to seek.  I went on this excursion and I discovered, well, Landmark Education, which is a company I highly recommend. Now they're all online. They used to be all in person, which is cool because no matter where you are in the world, you can take their live training. They teach amazing life skills for communication.  I took all their courses and it helped me improve so much my abilities to communicate and process emotions.  I just think it should be taught to everyone. Then I discovered as a result of Landmark Education, I discovered neuro-linguistic programming. I went into that. I became a master practitioner and trainer of neuro-linguistic programming, but I was lucky enough to have found the creator of timeline therapy and studied under him. 

Timeline therapy, I have not found something that's more effective than timeline therapy at helping people to consciously have an experience of the unconscious mind of going back to the root cause of the event, gaining resolution and releasing the emotion. 

I'm excited to look into your NET because I'm always interested and I believe that the more tools, the better. I highly recommend you check out Timeline Therapy because it is phenomenal. Within 15 minutes someone can have, I'm just saying 15 minutes arbitrarily, it could be 5, it could be 45, it depends on the person, but in one sitting, someone can go back and even the most horrific, tragic, what they think they could never resolve, they can walk out of your office having 100% resolution, feeling so good about that memory and no longer having the negative emotion when they think about that memory but actually positively gaining these skills and these positive lessons from the memory, and that's what helps resolve. 

When we get a new perspective and we learn the strengths that we gained from that, the body lets go, and we no longer have negative emotions. That's so freeing because holding onto anything negative, especially when you perceive someone's done something to you, it's like shooting yourself in the foot. You're hurting yourself. You're not hurting them. You're not hurting the person that hurt you. You're just hurting yourself by holding on. We don't let go until we gain that resolution. 

Those three systems helped me to fully heal from losing my mom. In doing so, I was able to help clients because that's why I got to start. I can't believe it. Everyone needs to know this.  That's what led me down the path of working with people. Then that's when I found holistic medicine because I was suffering physically and there's got to be more to life than just  an MD telling me to get on drugs and that's what led me to the podcast, but I see that, what we need, what everyone needs to know is that there's a direct connection between your emotions and your physical health and that they're not separate. I just love that you're shedding light on that and that sometimes headaches can even manifest because there's unresolved emotional conflict inside.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:40:05.546)

There's so much to talk about in that statement. I mean, for starters, the lung, the emotions associated with the lung are grief, sadness, yearning.  A lot of the stuff we go through and I share your emotional thing. I lost my mom in January. She went into the hospital just before the holidays, just before her 79th birthday.  It was a very short three week challenge for her and she was done.

I had a lot of stress with that, but I was okay with it in the fact that I knew I was confident that she left no strange relationships and I was able to get to her and be there to say goodbye and that sort of stuff.  Again, taking care of myself and having these tools to get through the grieving process, kind of tie that back to your situation as I've kind of listened to your podcast and stuff. It sounds like the loss of your mom was about the time you were transitioning from your younger years. Sounds like you grew up in a pretty healthy environment and then started kind of going wayward if you will and eating more of the processed foods. That situation was then used in your life to redirect and now look at the tens of thousands of people that are benefiting from that change, that shift in trajectory in your life. So that kind of brings us back to one of my favorite statements that really will help us shape the paradigm of when these stressors happen. 

I look at everything happens for us and nothing happens to us. If we look at these challenges, you lost your mom. Obviously it hurts. The other statement that goes along with that is pain is intended to elicit change. If we've got the pain of loss of our mom and our mutual experiences there. 

I was already a nutcase about changing lives but I told my mom 25 years ago how it was going to go for her based on the diet sodas that she was living on and the lifestyle choices that she was making. They were not conducive to a healthy life and she was following the medical model and getting her methotrexate shots and all the other craziness for her arthritis and brain was starting to go.

She totaled three cars in 18 months with driving the wrong way on an on-ramp and just kind of losing it that way. Fortunately she was super adamant about not being dependent on anybody and she went out quick. Other than the three weeks stay in the hospital, it was quick for her.  Having that resolution in my mind that, hey, it kind of went the way she wanted to, but there were predictive factors in there that just strengthened my resolve to be. 

People that are making these choices, this is the consequence, this is the outcome. Learn from The Headache Advantage. Learn from where your pain is and learn to listen to that pain because your body's telling you to make a change in your life. Every pain physically in the body is going to relate to an organ system that is trying to get your attention.  Every muscle has associated glands or organs, so we can use that physical pain, whether that's back pain that's associated with the quadratus lumborum and bottom muscle that kind of attaches from the ribs to the pelvis, that muscle spasms out, the intestine is not happy. The thumb will get sore when the intestine is not happy. When you have those pains, then is there a grief situation? Am I eating too much corn or wheat or dairy that's compromised the intestine? Then maybe it's a food journal. You realize, okay, every time I eat pizza, my back hurts, or whatever that situation is.  Learn from the pain that, again, your body's trying to elicit change with that pain. Learn from what your body's trying to tell you so that we can change the trajectory and flourish and have the quality life that is intended.

Ashley James (0:44:09.941)

I want to say that when you experience pain, even just to view it as a gift, because pain is temporary and it's as horrible and uncomfortable as it is, it is the largest motivator,  like you said, for change. It's shining a light on something and if you act fast enough and find the right  holistic doctor like Dr. V, get his book, it's coming out soon, The Headache Advantage. Your website also is, by gaining this understanding and then diving into, okay, where's this pain located? What's triggering it? Going through and figuring out what the root cause is, make the correction quickly instead of it going deeper because if it's a nutrient deficiency, it only gets worse. If it's stress, things only get worse.  We want to listen to pain when it first comes up and not wait because the longer we prolong it, the harder it is to support the body in recovering. Catch it quickly, listen to the body. 

I love that you're exposing that there's a way that we can hear the body. Listen to the symptoms of the body. This is what I was taught by one of my mentors is the body speaks in symptoms.  If we listen to those symptoms, we can catch things really early and make small corrections instead of waiting for the really big problems then you have to make really big corrections. I've met so many people who develop cancer and they're always surprised. But then when they started really going down the rabbit hole of healing, there were warning signs that they ignored.  I can only speak to what it is to be a woman, but I know women ignore, I think men do too, not everyone, but women ignore because they put everyone else first. They’re like, I don't have enough time for this. I'm taking care of my husband. I'm taking care of my kids. I got to drive them to soccer. I've got to cook dinner. I've got to clean. I just came home from work.  I get it. You have taken on the responsibility of other people. You are the executive function of an entire household of people. But if you stop functioning, everything grinds to a halt. You really do need to prioritize you. Listen to those symptoms. If your body is crying out, it's time to put the pause button, ask for some help from friends or family members to take over some of your tasks so that you can carve out the time that's needed to take care of you. 

You had mentioned nutrient deficiency, and I think that's really important to bring up the minerals. In fact, I have two interviews, one Kristen Bowen episode all the way back in 294 and an episode with Dr. Joel Wallach, one of my mentors who's absolutely amazing, episode 435. With Kristen Bowen, she sells a magnesium soak where you absorb grams of magnesium from it. It is phenomenal. 76% of people reach full cell saturation within a month of soaking daily in this magnesium soak. She offers listeners a discount. Her website's really cute, and use coupon code LTH as in Learn True Health. Use coupon code LTH to get the listener discount. She gives us a great discount. Get the magnesium soak, do it every day. Just get a basin, just put your feet in it. When you're watching TV, reading a book, even when you're at your desk, just put your feet in it and soak every day for 30 days. Within the first day, you'll notice a difference. 

Most people have amazingly deep sleep and then such great energy. One of the things I learned from her, and I've learned many things, she's come back on the show about four times so you can listen to her, all the episodes I did with Kristen Bowen. But she said that if we're magnesium deficient, pain receptors cannot turn off. That we need magnesium for the pain receptors to even close.  I had pain in my foot the other day. I was , I know what I got to do. Did a foot soak, immediately the pain resolved. This is so cool. Magnesium is so cool.  it's the most needed of all the minerals. There's 60 minerals the body needs, but it's the most needed. 

We always think calcium is the most important. It's not. It's not. Magnesium and zinc are more important than calcium in terms of how many enzymatic processes are used. The body needs magnesium to make over 300 hormones and proteins and 1800 enzymatic processes.  It's crazy. People are walking around completely deficient in minerals, especially in magnesium, because the farming practices of over the last hundred years have depleted.

Our food supply of minerals. I love that you're stressing, eating organic, and finding farms. If you can find a local farm that does biodynamic farming, that remineralizes their soil, that also is so helpful. Dr. Joel Wallach has amazing books that'll blow your mind on utilizing minerals to support the body's ability to heal itself. That was episode 435. I love that you brought that up because when we're deficient in one of the 90 essential nutrients, the body just starts to break down. I described this to my clients. It's like the workmen showed up to build the house, but the lumber didn't get delivered. Your body wants to heal itself, but if the lumber doesn't show up,  your job is to deliver the lumber, your body or the workmen,  they want to rebuild. They want to build healthy cells. If you don't deliver the lumber, they're not rebuilding healthy cells and you begin to break down and then pain.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:50:24.894)

I agree 100%. You just called out the two primary mineral deficiencies.

You talked a lot about- magnesium is so calming. I often have people doing that soak or take a magnesium supplement at bedtime so that'll help colon function and the calmness as you so eloquently described. But then zinc that you mentioned, we also need to talk about that. Our soils are depleted in zinc, sugar leaches zinc, stress leaches zinc. Zinc helps us break down that stress hormone. It helps us make stomach acid. I alluded to that earlier. Helps us make and break down most of the estrogens, most of the hormones and it's prolific in the immune system. With the whole viral challenge that we went through over these last few years zinc got a lot of press. Fortunately people are starting to recognize that zinc deficiency is real. So a physical symptom of zinc deficiency is the white clouds in the fingernails. Those listeners look at your fingernails if you have the white clouds it takes two months to grow out from cuticle to tip.

If you were sick or super stressed or eating too much sugar two months ago, you'll have a white cloud near the cuticle of one or multiple fingernails. That's a sign that you've got really significant zinc deficiency. We want to load up on good quality forms of zinc made from organic vegetables, obviously, so pumpkin seeds are a simple solution. Pumpkin seeds are beneficial for most blood types. There's a whole nother discussion, but pumpkin seeds are great for A blood types and O blood types, which is 84 % of the population. They're great for the prostate gentlemen. I mean, pumpkin seeds is an easy snack to kind of start bringing that zinc level back up. But most people need to supplement because it's so profoundly deficient in current living.

Ashley James (0:52:13.261)

That's if the pumpkins were grown in zinc rich soil. I like to tell people when you think of spinach,  we think of Popeye, Popeye the sailor man, and he ate his spinach. What nutrients do you think of? What  element do you think of when you think of spinach?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:52:33.533)

Great point. Yes, iron, folic acid, yes.

Ashley James (0:52:39.809)

Folic acid or folate we should say can be there. Folic acid is not in nature but we think of iron. Most spinach is grown hydroponically. So there's actually zero minerals, almost zero. I don't know if you noticed, though, if you're older, if you consider yourself a seasoned person on this planet. I'm not going to put an age out there, but there are people who are old enough to remember what a carrot and a tomato tasted like. They taste like carrots and now they taste  like cardboard. You have to go back in your memory when you were a kid. You remember biting into something and being like, I could sit here and eat carrots all day. I go to a local farm and I get them  fresh out of the ground and they taste like back in the 80s when carrots taste like carrots. They're candy. I just sit there and I eat them raw like candy. I just can't stop. It's so delicious. It's so good for you. If your produce tastes cardboard, guess what? Probably no minerals in it. I'm just going to say if it's grown in minerally rich soil, you want to become a raw vegan. You just can't get enough. It's so good. It tastes so good. You just want to eat it raw right  out of the ground.

I love pumpkin seeds for many reasons. They're also anti-parasitic and they're a really good source of protein and a really good source of healthy fats, but whether there's going to be enough zinc in them, I don't know. It just depends on whether that soil even has zinc in the first place. Because plants can grow. All they need is NPK. Plants can grow without most of the minerals, but you can't as a human, we need 60 minerals. Plants don't need them to grow produce. I have grown a vegetable garden. I remineralized the soil and it's like the garden of Eden. These things grow like I poured steroids into the ground. They grow beautifully. There's different kinds of zinc. There's the picolinate. There's the, I'm going to totally butcher this, the bisglycinate. What do you recommend is the best type of zinc if someone were to buy us a zinc supplement?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:55:03.870)

Yes, I use whole food based supplements that are basically going to be, if you will, organic pumpkin seeds vacuum dried into a zinc supplement. It's more as it would be found in your former garden. 

Ashley James (0:55:20.198)

Got it. Digested by the plant. It's plant derived and digested by the plant. But the company that you sell, do they test to make sure that there's actually zinc in the pumpkin seed?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:55:34.134)

Absolutely, I mean, it may not be pumpkin seed. They're using high zinc vegetables that they grow in their own organic farm to produce the supplements that I typically would recommend for zinc.

Ashley James (0:55:47.870)

Got it. You can't say exactly what kind of zinc, because it's the kind that comes out of the ground. It's not picolinate or any of those. Okay.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:56:00.752)

Right. I hate to say, but call it lab grown almost, if you will, so taking zinc that we're going to want to balance it with the copper and the magnesium chromium that all helps it synergistically function. That's part of why I prefer supplements that come from the organic farm, ultimately. Because it's going to digest better, it's going to not create other deficiencies. If we over consume zinc in a synthetic form, it can create deficiencies of other nutrients. Vitamin E is a great example of that. Vitamin E is found in walnuts and organic nuts and that stuff. But if we extract it out and do d-alpha-tocopherol, then it creates a functional E deficiency and then that person is going to have back pain or potentially cardiovascular weakness from creating a functional deficiency by not having the selenium and other synergistic nutrients that go along with E in that case or zinc as we described.

Ashley James (0:57:07.426)

We've touched on some important subjects. Your environment that you live in can play a role, like, mold, for example. There's also EMF exposure. I have several episodes about that. There's environmental, there's emotional, there's whether the food you're eating can play a role, the nutrient deficiency can play a role. There's these different layers. 

When someone comes to you and you've talked about this, they come to you and the first thing is, well, where's the headache? We talked about the left side. Let's talk about the right side. If someone comes in and they have headaches always on the right side, what is that an indicator of?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (0:57:51.579)

The gallbladder is a right-sided organ, similar to the stomach meridian, but the gallbladder starts right behind the eye where the V, on the outside of the eye, goes down the side of the head. It goes down both sides, but again, the gallbladder is a right-sided organ. When the gallbladder doesn't function, when it's congested or, if emotionally we talked about anger, frustration, resentment, if that's been stuffed away, compromisingly the gallbladder functions, then that's going to set the stage for a right-sided headache. 

Physically, the muscle that sports the back of the knee, there's a little tiny muscle called the popliteus muscle, that gets weak and tender and creates instability in the knee when the gallbladder simultaneously is compromised. These are other areas that would physically manifest, if you will, when the gallbladder is not functioning properly. Then we want to look at food triggers potentially, glyphosate. I mean, here comes a whole other episode. Glyphosate inhibits bile production so then they end up with bile stasis or congestion, which is a very common trigger to set up right-sided gallbladder headaches. 

Glyphosate is the toxin within Roundup that is used to kill wheat, the crops of wheat, corn, soy, oats right before harvest so that they can harvest it all at the same time. It all comes back to the manufacturing processes, but that inhibits bile production. That also obliterates the intestinal lining. That is the most common trigger I see to set up right-sided headaches. Certainly then we've got the balance of omega-3s to omega-6 fatty acids. There's some ratio in there that a typical, sad, standard American diet tends to have more omega-6s as opposed to the omega-3s that the body really needs for anti -inflammatory. Omega-6s are good, nuts and seeds, we need them, but most diets have too much of those, and so that inverse ratio can also congest the gallbladder, which then leads to constipation and other things that go along with poor fat metabolism, even nutrient-wise. B6, pyridoxal 5-phosphates, the active form, functional form of B6, that also helps facilitate methylation again where a lot of the bile is made and facilitates the functioning of the bile. If a person's had chronic gallbladder problems, and they've had their gallbladder removed, typically we want to replace that bile. My canned joke is until the gallbladder goes back. 

Ashley James (1:00:20.939)

Yes. So, the rest of their lives. When I have a client and they start telling me about certain issues that sound like a fat deficiency, a healthy fat deficiency, I'm like, do you still have your gallbladder? Almost always they say no.  Then I'm like, okay, so let's, we need to back this up. Your gallbladder was so important.  God gave you a gallbladder for a reason that it would store all the bile and then when you ate food, the fat in your food was not water soluble fat. You see oil kind of floating on top of water? It's not mixing together. Even though your stomach would produce the enzymes to break down the lipase, to break down the lipids, to break down the fat in your food, whether you're vegan, there's even fat in apples and potatoes. t's in small amounts and it's a different kind of fat, but there's fat in plants. There's fat obviously in animal products, but regardless of what you're eating, there's going to be some amount of fat and that fat is important for the body. There's a good kind, like you said, pumpkin seeds, great.  then there's bad kind, anything fried, not good for you. Fried, bad, just giving you an example, there's a big spectrum of fats that are not really helpful and then fats that are extremely unhealthy and very damaging.  

Then there's fats that are super healthy for you. But you can't digest them because they're not water soluble. The stomach then empties the small intestine. The bile is supposed to then empty out the blood is supposed to squeeze and let all that bile mix with the contents, those liquid contents now of what you just ate. It emulsifies sort of what a soap does. The digestive enzymes that break down fat allows them to then blend with the fat. If that process doesn't happen, no matter how much fat you eat, you're digesting one hundredth of what, I don't know, because the liver, is just dripping, just drip, drip, drip instead of squeezing a tablespoon or an ounce or whatever it was, however much bile it was squeezing into the contents. It's doing such a small amount of bile now that you're barely able to digest. Here's the kicker. What I've learned from naturopaths is that usually a bile problem was already a healthy fat deficiency to begin with because we need healthy cholesterol to make healthy bile and buildup of gallstones is a lack of healthy cholesterol. What I've seen naturopaths do is actually help the body slowly increase through supporting the digestion and healthfully increase the healthy cholesterol production, which then breaks down the gallstones in the gallbladder, and then that restores function.

If you can catch this early enough, this is again where the pain matters. If you start to have little aches and pains or, I ate a fried egg and then I get a little gallbladder attack,  it's small. If it's small, you run to a naturopath. You run or run to an amazing chiropractor with an extensive knowledge such as yourself. We run and we do what we can to support saving the gallbladder because if once you've had it removed, you need to be on and your surgeon will not tell you, which is a crime. Every surgeon who's ever removed a gallbladder that doesn't tell their patient that they need to support their body with basically exogenous someone else's bile or an ox bile or whatever, or sometimes people get, I think  there's  papaya enzymes or something, but I haven't seen that work as well. I don't know. I'd like to hear your feedback on that. But basically you have to take it exogenously. You have to take it from outside your body instead of your body making it for the rest of your life because that was removed. MD medicine does not tell you that.  I think it's, I really do think it's on purpose. I don't think the surgeon is doing it on purpose, but I think the whole system, the education system is designed to not have the surgeon tell them and then they go home and get sicker and sicker and sicker and sicker and get on more drugs and more drugs and more drugs and more drugs and just more hospital stays and they become a cash cow for the mainstream medical system, which I'm on my soapbox again raving about how angry I am that this system is designed to keep you sick and make your loved ones suffer when it's needless and it doesn't have to be that way. When you have a client come in, they've got  right-sided headaches and you're beginning to detect gallbladder problems. You're there quickly to help them make some nutritional changes, make some dietary changes to get that back on track. But when someone comes to you and they no longer have their gallbladder, what kind of supplementation have you seen works best?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:05:45.736)

Yes, so replacing the bile salts so they no longer have the storage mechanism of the bile. Typically I have a person taking one to two a night of I use a product called Cola Cal, but something that, or we have several others as well that physically contain bile salts.  Unfortunately people have probably known the taste of bile salts when they've drank too much and threw up. That's bile actually that they're tasting. We need to replace those because it's not being stored. Typically bile is recycled from pre-absorbed back up through the intestine into the liver and recycled.

Part of the other part of the mechanism with bile is that it's taking the toxin. The liver takes the toxins that it's taking out of the bloodstream, puts it into the bile to then eject into the colon to get rid of when we eat good fats. That's another mechanism that we need to consider that those toxins are potentially part of the reason that the gallbladder is congested. Another mechanism that takes place is as bile squirts down the bile duct, there's actually a release of eosinophils, an immune modulator that helps kind of antibacterial, if you will.

I kept finding that gallbladder was helping people's immune systems. How's this working? and Dr. Goodheart, the founder of Applied Kinesiology often talked about bio being the most dense antioxidant available. There's that benefit of antioxidants that also facilitate the immune system.  We've got all these little interplays that go along, go in the body that is just so profound and exciting as we start learning these mechanisms and how they all interplay.

Ashley James (1:07:27.335)

I geek out. I'm so excited. It's so interesting. I had a guy on my show a few years ago. I've had him on a few times and he's a really interesting fellow. He was an acupuncturist who became a high school teacher. He doesn't have a ton of money, but he has invested about, I think $40,000 of his own money into lab tests that he does on himself before and after 30 day fasts. Every year he does it during the summer, because he’s a teacher so he can take the summer off. He does a 30-day fast and he's really trained in fast. He's been doing it for a long time. I don't recommend someone jump into a 30 day fast if they've never fasted before. Listen to episode 230 to learn more about fasting and how to do it healthfully. Dr. Alan Goldhamer is an amazing guest on episode 230

This is why it costs so much money. He tests for the things that are not normally tested for. He tests for obesogens and forever chemicals, microplastics, all the things and glyphosate, all the pesticides, everything that is incredibly harmful that we've been wondering how can we get this out of our body? How can we detox this? Because it just is stored in our fat.

He's not an overweight person to begin with. He doesn't have a lot, but even people who are skinny still have fat and their body is trying to store all these chemicals. He would do this every year and he would experiment. One year he just did fasting and then he puts it up on this website just so people can see. Then the next year he incorporated sauna in some supplements.  Then he put those results up.

The time that he has had the single handedly, the best result with permanently removing and lowering the needle, permanently removing all across the board, all these very harmful man made chemicals that are get stored up in our body that cause cancer and epigenetically change our gene expressions for really nasty stuff is when he added a binder.

It was explained to him by a camera where some PhD guy goes, bile. The bile we've been talking about. Bile is a wonderful thing that digests our fat like you've said, a wonderful antioxidant, has so many properties. It is also the mechanism in which the liver uses to remove all these chemicals from the body. But bile is so precious, it gets reabsorbed in the intestines, most of it gets reabsorbed. Now our body thinks that we're living in the Garden of Eden. We're eating super clean. There are no such things as chemicals. So if that were the case, if you were never exposed to these chemicals, most of it would get reabsorbed and then through the fiber that you're eating, some of those toxins get out, because we pretty much everyone, unless there are listeners, everyone eats crap.

Everyone eats 15 grams or less of fiber. Everyone's constipated. People are reabsorbing the forever chemicals right back up into their body and  also the estrogens, the estrogens are broken down and then reabsorbed because people are constipated and they don't eat enough fiber, they don't eat enough binders. During his 30 day fast, he took binders so that with the bile, which your liver's always, even if you're not eating, the liver is going to still have to get rid of stuff. It's still pumping bile out. He took binders and it lowered significantly across the board, all of these chemicals, which just goes to show bile is very important. Digestion is super important. If you're constipated you are reabsorbing toxins. Fiber is so important because it's helping bind, helping get rid of those toxins from the liver all the way out of your body without being reabsorbed and I thought that was fascinating because we don't think about how we get rid of this? We're eating glyphosate. Even if you go out once a month and you eat some kind of fast food or restaurant food, you're eating tons of manmade chemicals. Even if you eat clean most of the time, and then some of the time you go eat from a restaurant, you are absorbing these chemicals. So it's so important to consider. We've got to help the body get it all the way out of the body. It’s wild. 

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:12:16.459)

Absolutely. It's such an intricate mechanism and it reminds me of a gal that I actually evaluated up on stage at a seminar I was teaching and then she kind of hit me up a year later that she was about to have her gallbladder removed. Yes, and this is a health practitioner. This is a qualified natural doctor and she tried everything else and was trying to figure out what was going on. I ran a quick evaluation and it turned out her ovary was dysfunctional. So the body was overproducing cholesterol to compensate for the hormonal problems and the hormonal deficiencies. We put her on a supplement to rebuild that ovary and her cholesterol stabilized, her gallbladder corrected. I kind of wondered what happened with this gal because I hadn't had follow up with her again.  Then she came up on my Facebook page where she hit me up and did this whole testimony about how we saved her gallbladder, hormones corrected, and so on.  It kind of brings it back to the cholesterol we were talking about a minute ago. A couple of things that are often missed as far as triggers for high cholesterol are hormonal deficiencies because that cholesterol is the building blocks for most of those hormones, including the stress hormones and, the girl hormones. So if those are deficient in the body, then the liver's going to overproduce cholesterol as a compensation to correct them. 

It’s not so much that it's plaquing up the arteries or those things that most of us have been led to believe it's the deficiency of hormones that the body's trying to compensate for. Hypothyroid, low thyroid is another very common trigger for the body to overproduce cholesterol as a compensatory mechanism to try and find homeostasis when things are out of balance.

Ashley James (1:14:12.749)

Yes, cholesterol is really important. Most people have taken on the mainstream just because, listen, we need to question everything. We've been taught cholesterol is bad, it causes heart disease. I'm not going to because I want to hear from you, the guest, but I could talk for at least an hour on how that is such a sham, such a lie.

Cholesterol is needed because 70% of the white matter of the brain is made of cholesterol. Every cell in your body that has a nucleus makes cholesterol, not just the liver, the liver only makes about 30%. It is such an important nutrient for your body that  every cell wall is made of cholesterol. You said, sex and stress hormones are made of cholesterol. The myelin sheath of the nerves that protect the nerves are made of cholesterol. 

It's so, so vastly important and also bile is made of cholesterol, to emulsify fats so we can absorb them.  Many reasons why we need just  any nutrient, too much, not good. Too little, not good. Goldilocks. We need to have that Goldilocks.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:15:26.497)

Perfect bottle of boiler porridge.

Ashley James (1:15:28.633)

Yes, we got to have that Goldilocks for every nutrient in the body. We're kind of running around  stressed out. I don't know, just  whatever animal you could think of. We're just running around  very animalistic, being stressed out and kind of ignoring our body then self-medicating with either over-the-counter pain meds, coffee, alcohol, sugar.

I was just talking to a woman yesterday. She wanted an example of how a very simple change can make a profound difference. I said, I'm going to take water. Everyone ignores the importance of water. If you drink 5% less water than your body needs, you have a 25% reduction in your energy production in ATP. Cellular energy production goes down and then you're tired.  What do you do?  You probably have headaches.  What do you do? You pop some 

Tylenol or Advil and then you drink some coffee while you dehydrate yourself further. Then you have another slump. Then you eat some sugar or maybe go for some sugary frappuccino. Then you're completely tired, wired, super stressed out cortisol through the roof. You drink alcohol at night because it's a socially acceptable way to “calm down”. Now you're in a vicious cycle every day of doing tasks that dehydrate you. Sugar, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, caffeine every single day. You're setting yourself up for exhaustion, burnout, poor sleep, tired wired, and then you're stressed out. Then you lose your capacity to handle stress. So you start snapping at people, but you don't realize you're the problem. You think everyone else is a jerk and then you're affecting your hormones and your digestion and your hair starts falling out. Every single aspect of this in the mainstream is acceptable.

Go, go get over the counter meds too, to medicate, self-medicate, go do sugar, alcohol, caffeine to self-medicate. If we just got off that bandwagon and started drinking enough water, all those things would be thrown away and we'd have great skin, great sleep, great energy. Our joints would stop aching. That's a simple one change. I know you teach us hundreds of things. One change, one little change can change your life and that takes calming down, taking some breaths, calming down and starting to listen to the body connect in and ask, what does my body need? What is my body asking for? 

Okay. We talked about left-sided headaches, right-sided headaches. What if the headaches are on both sides, right in front of the eyes or behind the eyes, I should say.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:18:10.928)

Great question. I'd like to go back just to finish up the conclusion or conclude the discussion on cholesterol. If people are listening to this and they're truly concerned about cardiovascular risk, a much better thing to look at is going to be high homocysteine. That's an inflammatory marker that can be tested in lab tests. Homocysteine is something that should be recycled and broken down, kind of  we're talking about with bile, but it should be broken down. It breaks down into pathways in the liver called methylation and sulfation to keep pathways that are often compromised in people. 

Physically, if you're concerned about cardiovascular risk, when homocysteine is high or elevated, physically on the body, it's going to manifest as the little red petechiae, they're called cherry angiomas. If it looks like somebody took a red felt pen and polka dotted here and there, or you see those starting to manifest on the body, they may even be as profound as a mole size or raised red dot. It's not cancer answer risk per se, I mean the dermatologist is not going to say, we need to remove this. But that is a sign that your body's overproducing homocysteine and that is way more directly related to cardiovascular risk.  So when homocysteine levels are up above nine, nine, five, the higher that is, the more relevant, the more risk there is for cardiovascular disease and the more likely it is to be a fatal event. If you're truly concerned, you've got the family history of cardiovascular challenges, look at your homocysteine, it's so much more directly related to risk than cholesterol. Is cholesterol 50% or half the people with high cholesterol don't have any cardiovascular problems. You don't have to have low cholesterol, but still have cardiovascular problems.

Homo-assisting is almost a guarantee based on that number of what the risk is. It's very modifiable. The reason we don't see it in the big pharma world, is because it's nutrients like B6 and B12 that help break that homo-assisting down to reduce the potential of plaquing. What that, again, those red dots, the petechia, the cherry angiomas, those are indicators that you're setting down. You're setting the stage for plaque in the arteries and that's way more relevant to what the risk is going to be long term for cardiovascular problems. Just to kind of give the listener a to do, to know something else to look for to have that long term quality of life. Now to take it back to your question, the bitemporal headache, if they've got pain on both sides, that is a hormonal issue that typically most of the time tends to have to do with estrogen metabolism.  Again, we go back to some of those liver pathways, methylation, sulfation. There's another pathway called P450. Sorry to use terms like that, but these are key pathways in the liver that break down estrogen when we're done with it. 

So if one of those pathways in the liver isn't functioning properly, then the person doesn't break down estrogen, then they're going to be a lot more prone to cancers, and to these other hormonal swings and high cholesterol and temporal headaches. The muscle that physically will get weak and tender when estrogen metabolism is compromised, or in other words, the ovary is not functioning properly, it's called the gluteus medius. It's kind of the top of the butt region. That muscle will get weak when the ovary or in the male, the gonads are not functioning properly and so that'll affect the way they walk in kind of a shuffle if you will, a lateral list during their walk. There's an acupuncture point right on the outside of the elbow that's going to get very tender, think tennis elbow. That is a sign that hormonal regulation is out of balance and so we want to look at mechanisms to break down estrogen more appropriately. Nutritionally, it might be that corn, we mentioned corn earlier in the podcast, that corn is a massive trigger for ovarian cysts and it will literally create damage in the ovary. Sorry, this might rub some people, but from a blood type perspective, O blood type females that are drinking coffee, another massive trigger for ovarian dysregulation and setting the stage for some bigger problems to come.  Coffee is fine for other blood types for the most part, but corn and coffee are the most common triggers I see to set the stage for this bitemporal headache showing up on both sides.

Ashley James (1:22:44.942)

Oh my goodness. That just blows my mind. Going back to what you said about homocysteine,  just, we got to go a little bit deeper there. What nutrients would be good to make sure that we're getting. I know folate, B12, what's really important to help the body to, is it to break down homocysteine or just lower the production of it? What are we supporting to get it lower? What causes it? What's the most common cause to be high? Just walk us through this since you kind of presented us with this. The most important thing to look at for heart health, it's this little truth bomb. Yes. Let's unpack that truth bomb.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:23:40.679)

You laid the stage talking about, we call it energy drinks, sodas, things like that are going to leach alcohol. A hangover is the functional deficiency of B6. Pyridoxal 5-phosphate is the active form of B6 that drives the methylation and sulfation pathways. Again, homocysteine is something that should be recycled through the body. These two pathways in the liver that don't function properly, when they don't break it down, then it continues to elevate. That's where the plaquing, the big risk comes from if we're doing things again, sodas or sugars that leach the B vitamins. Zinc is another nutrient that helps drive these pathways. Methionine, the best sources of methionine are beef, tuna and eggs. If we're eating beef, tuna and eggs, then we have the methionine amino acid to facilitate that methylation pathway to then break down this homocysteine, to break down the estrogens so that we are less prone to have this significant cardiovascular risk.

Ashley James (1:24:51.482)

Do you happen to know any vegan sources just for those listeners who don't eat those animal products?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:24:58.219)

That is a great question and I run into that often. Unfortunately, it's only found in those foods as far as I know.  Often, I mean, my favorite example of this is a third generation hardcore vegan that unfortunately had MS and was in a wheelchair and was unable to walk, she had ulcerations all up on her feet and shins and everything. What we had to do for her was give her a methionine supplement to offset that significant methionine deficiency. She was an O blood type. I mean from a blood type perspective, an A blood type will do much better that way. An O blood type is more dependent on the methionine. Again, because it's beef and that's a big need, in the O blood type for that detoxification process. Often it ends up being taken an amino acid supplement that has that methionine in it if it's a vegan.

Ashley James (1:25:55.791)

Got it. I think it's really important to recognize that food is medicine. We should be using it as medicine. The body goes through seasons. I've had a few interviews where the doctors talk about how they'll use a vegan, very clean vegan diet. Listen, oreos are vegan. I'm not saying all vegans are healthy but to call it a whole food plant based diet where whole food, meaning it's a single ingredient, like there's broccoli. You can recognize everything on your plate. There's no chemicals, there's no weird stuff. You could actually pronounce every single ingredient that's on your plate. It came from a farm, not a manufacturing facility. No lab grown stuff. 

Whole food plant-based, very nutrient dense, lots of good fiber.  There's a lot of benefits to a whole food plant based on a mix of raw and cooked for those varieties of the enzymes and the different types of fiber. Because when you cook something, it changes the fiber. You're feeding a different gut bacteria. There's lots of fun stuff that you can play with. What I've heard from several doctors is that they use it like a cleanse, like a season. You might do this for a few months, few weeks, few months, few years.

Then there's a time where some people require animal products or you could, like you said, find it from a supplement. But if we're using food as medicine and we're being pragmatic, not dogmatic around diet, but pragmatic, I want to give my body exactly what it needs. A lot of people just run around and shove the food in their mouth that tastes the best.

If you're allowing your taste buds and your dopamine response to guide your diet, you're going to end up  a statistic. We have to be more calculated. You wouldn't just put any fluid into your gas tank. Why are you doing that to your body? Sorry to give you a little  shame session there, but not calling anyone out in particular, but just  do a little internal check and go, because I do this to myself every day. What do I feel  for dinner? 

Wait a second. It's not about what I feel. What's fun? It's what my body was asking for. Sometimes it's a big smoothie. Sometimes it's a big salad. Sometimes it's something else. But  listening to my body and going, what is my body asking me for? What nutrients should I be giving my body? I'm not saying that everyone should be vegan or everyone should eat meat. I'm not dogmatic when it comes to diet but a lot of people haven't explored the healing benefits of a whole food plant-based diet or as Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Joel Fuhrman will point out, eat mostly plants, just Nutritarian style, eat mostly plants, eat a variety. If anything, treat animal products as a condiment rather than the main event.  So many people gain such benefits from that.

But thank you for pointing out that we don't see multiple generation vegans, if they're not being smart about their nutrients, we don't see them have great outcomes. But we also don't see Americans in the South that eat fried food for multiple generations of good outcomes either. It goes both ways. We have to be cautious about how we cook our food, what we cook our food in, whether it's nonstick Teflon or plastic, in the microwave, that matters too.  

Again, I'm on my soapbox raving about, it's kind of, once you wake up to this, it's everything's trying to kill me. Everything's dangerous. My friend just literally woke up when she was in a grocery store reading packages and she had that aha moment. She texted me angrily. She's like, how do you do this? Everything's dangerous. Everything's killing us. How do you do it? How do you not get angry every time you go into a grocery store? It's liberating when you learn what's healthy for you and what your body needs. I am super excited for what we're learning from you. I have to have you back on the show because you're a true holistic doctor.  I've had a string of interviews where they claim to be holistic and then they talk about, well, you could get this drug. I'm like, are you kidding me? Or they're treating supplements like it's a drug?  There's a big difference in the philosophical lens that you view the body. We have a God-given ability to heal. That our body is constantly wanting to heal and let's make sure we're delivering the lumber, then also getting out of our own way. Stop feeding it what hurts it. Stop putting us in an environment that hurts it. Do the responsible thing of cleaning up the emotions, lowering the stress, making those lifestyle changes, and then delivering to the body the nutrients it does need within the Goldilocks zone, and also doing the right  labs just to check in. But you know  what? You could probably listen to the language of the symptoms,  the language of the body speaking. You said, if you start to have those little red dots on you, or those little things that look freckles or look  moles, but they're red, hey, that's high homocysteine, that's early warning signs of heart disease. Let's catch it when it's a whisper. Let's catch it when it's that first pain before it's the big nasty.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:31:38.655)

Can I add a little thing to kind of follow what you're saying? One of the symptoms of zinc deficiency is lack of smell or taste. A lot of people had that during the virus we just went through.  The person that eats the sugar, for example, and then ends up zinc deficient, they need more sugar to offset, to give flavor to their food.

Whereas a person like us that's eating a plant-based diet and getting proper zinc levels, that food, the organic vegetables are actually going to taste good and taste better to us. The child, for example, the mom's allowing them to eat crackers and sugar and junk for food, they're going to be zinc deficient. So those plants are not going to taste good to them.

One of my solutions, moms, we carry a couple of different forms of liquid zinc. To then start getting that child's zinc levels up, their immune system's going to function better, they're going to handle stress better, and their palate's going to expand, and they're going to start actually appreciating those good, healthy foods that actually you consumed when you were in your youth, that your mom was feeding you. Those are foods that are going to flourish and thrive and build health. Similarly, adults, if we're eating trans fats and a lot of fried type foods, the liver being stressed out will actually crave more of that and it creates that whole conundrum, that vicious cycle of pursuing the things that are making a person more and more unhealthy.  That's how that vicious cycle goes where a person just starts going downhill because they get so far disconnected from their body that they start craving the things that are making them worse. That's part of our job, as clinicians is to help break that cycle, get them eating the healthier foods and kind of suck it up if you will initially to eat the healthier foods and start redeveloping that taste for the things that are going to allow us to flourish instead of taking us down that ugly, terrible quality of life road that Ken and Sue.

Ashley James (1:33:43.743)

We just touched the surface. We just discussed a few different headaches. We didn't even go into what if it's the back of the occiput? There's so many different types of headaches. We didn't even really get into migraines. I want to definitely have you back on the show. It would be so cool. Now you've got a book coming out. You got a website for people to check out. Let's talk a bit about how my listeners who want to stop suffering, how do they connect with you?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:34:12.895)

Thank you. Last name is Vrzal, V-R-Z-A-L. I post things on social media, on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Periodically little one minute quippy fun triggers about this type of stuff that we've discussed today. Certainly the most beneficial aspect or an area is on that site. It's neo. It's young but on that site there are links to the seven different patterns of headaches and you can click on that link and it'll list out some of the food triggers or some of the potential supplements that you can take to hand in each of those patterns. I put kind of a little Q&A to help direct to what the best supplement would be to solve those headache problems that's there and then you put your email on there then I can let you know when the book is officially available which is at the timing of this recording about a month away.

Ashley James (1:35:12.381)

Yes, I'm going to be publishing this today. In about a month, your book's going to come out, which is really exciting. It's going to be called Headache Advantage. We're going to be able to see it then. Now you have something called How to Handle Stress Better. Tell us a bit about that. Do we sign up for your email and get it or is that just on your website?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:35:13.291)

That's one of the chapters, the frontal headaches typically have to do with chronic cortisol production. Either the body's not breaking that cortisol down properly, which opened up another Pandora's box, but often things like Lyme disease can compromise the body's ability to break down that stress hormone and set the stage for a frontal headache. What a person would get when they enter their email is a link to that chapter going into how to modulate that stress response a little more healthfully.

Ashley James (1:36:12.833)

Cool. You know what? I personally have some people I'm going to be sending to you the second we get off of this recording. I know my listeners. I bet you guys are thinking of some friends, some family, some coworkers, or like hey, my cousin's mom. Everyone knows someone who has headaches. Now, do you also work with people that have chronic pain in other areas of their body, or do you just specialize in headaches?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:36:43.639)

Chronic pain, the whole body tells a story. The reason I focused the book on headaches is when I started out trying to write a book that covered the whole body, but it was way too all encompassing, ominous.

The book would never be done because I'm learning every day. When I kind of realized I got into healthcare because of my own headaches, unfortunately, about 50% of the population suffers with headaches. When I did the research, unfortunately, no one talked about headaches in this regard. We mentioned migraines. For me, migraine ultimately, as far as everything I've seen in the literature, migraine ultimately just means it's debilitating or it's gnarly.

It all comes down to the location. I mean, my original title for the book was Headaches, Location, Location, Location, because location is everything. Where the position on the head that the pain is, that tells us the story of what the trigger is. But yes, that relates to the head, then there's all these other physical manifestations in the body or on the body in the body that are going to also relate to that same area. That's how we think. L5 does central low back pain goes along with that frontal headache, overzealous stress response we talked about, knee pain, weakness in the inside of the knee or ankle weakness, plantar fasciitis or bunions, those are all signs of chronic cortisol secretion. We can pull all that together. I guess that's the long answer of yes, I deal with chronic illness, the whole body. I got into healthcare because I'm a fitness junkie. That's how I lab test everything on myself. But by default, I mean, chronically ill people are talking to chronically ill people about what's going on.  That's our niche. It’s helping those people that need it so desperately.

Ashley James (1:38:38.728)

Can you be my new best friend? You're speaking my language. Yes. Okay. I've got one for you. I recently, a month ago started doing two workouts a day and, I guess maybe I didn't stretch enough, which I'm totally ashamed of, but I developed something super weird. I have a friend who's a podiatrist. I saw him, he's an amazing sports podiatrist. If there's any listeners in the Seattle area that have a foot problem, I got you, I got a guy for you and he's okay. This is not common, but what's happened is the muscle that lifts the toe is getting entrapped on the interior.  The inside, not the outside, the inside part of the ankle, I’ll take a few steps and then all of a sudden it's excruciating pain because it feels like my joint is crushing my tendon.  He’s like yes, it is. I'm like okay. I've been doing more stretching, which is helping. Obviously seeing my chiropractors, great. I've been doing all kinds of stuff, anti-inflammatory stuff, phototherapy, that's all helping, but it's not gone 100% away. I'm going to seek out physical therapy, but I was wondering, you talked about ankle, high cortisol. What would you say to someone or me? What would you say to me? What did I do? 1:40:10.999

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:40:11.166)

Is the pain in the big toe specifically?

Ashley James (1:40:15.502)

I don't feel any pain just sitting here. I'll just be walking and then the joint will crush the tendon.  Also what's developed, because I started walking on the outside of my foot, which shortens that tendon, so it stops happening, but don't ever do that. Don't walk on the outside of your foot, because now I'm getting a shooting nervy pain, around the big toe. Everyone told me not to do that, and then I did it.  I'm not doing that anymore.

It's such a bummer because now I can only do the bike for cardio because even the pool messes it up and he's like you can't do the treadmill. You can't walk. You can't go do the pool.  I'm just stuck doing the bike, which is a bummer because I like the variety. Also I can't be more active. I have to kind of like not do things until I really heal this.

That is a good lesson to learn. Don't go zero to 60 in any fitness protocol whatsoever. Just slowly ramp up. I thought I was there. I thought I was ready to do two a day and apparently I wasn't. Yes. I'm super motivated. Yes, but my body was nope, a little too motivated.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:41:38.079)

Good on you. I love your motivation. That's all great. 

We have good news for you. Liver two is an acupuncture point at the area you were talking about in between the two between the big toe and the second toe.

Typically it's a liver problem that causes that big toe to hurt. What I was referring to was bunions and plantar fasciitis. That's all an adrenal problem or adrenal fatigue, a typical mechanism that sets most of those problems up. But when it's specifically the big toe, it's poor functioning of the liver. I found it to be specifically related to glutathione production. There's a key pathway in that liver that functions to help the detoxification and immune function and it's very antioxidant dependent. 

I'm just confident that what I do know of you my new best friend is that I imagine you're getting plenty of those but we'd want to look at things to facilitate that glutathione reduction technically or but glutathione production you do the right thing and that toe pain literally would go away in minutes, that's the good news and the beauty.

I've had that kind of toe off tenderness on my big toe in the past. I have a liquid glutathione product I've used and literally the minute it touches my tongue, the pain is gone in my toe.  That's how profound this kind of stuff can be.

Ashley James (1:42:58.831)

Interesting. I have a phototherapy patch. I don't know if you heard about this. I've had a few interviews about it. Is the liver channel up by the chest. Is it?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:43:20.902)

Yes, there's a glutathione point. 

Ashley James (1:43:24.407)

It's LV14. I know LV3 and that's by my foot, which I've been stimulating, but I have a patch that stimulates the body to produce more glutathione. I typically put it up by LV14 because that's like this gateway for the liver, but I'll try putting it down in between those two toes, that little tender spot.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:43:54.807)

There's a glutathione reflex over the liver. If you put your left hand over the liver, so your long finger's going to be  at the spleen 21.

Your second knuckle is probably going to be probably that LV14 point you were talking about. That is kind of where the body refers pain when glutathione is not functioning properly.  I would think putting that patch there should be super, I mean you'll know, you put it there, within minutes your toe's going to tell you whether it's the right place or not.

Ashley James (1:44:27.879)

I'm going to try it. This is so much fun. You see, this is why people want to dive into this and advocate for themselves and learn this because stuff happens. Maybe you sprained an ankle or something, and then all of a sudden so many things that you can do and homeopathy is another fascinating thing. 

One of my family members has a symptom in the middle of the night. I get up, turn my flashlight on, because I want to turn the lights on, turn my flashlight on, and run to the bathroom. I have this big cabinet full of homeopathic remedies. I grab one and give it to them and then boom, it's better. It's the coolest. I'm half awake doing it. I'm, yup, that worked. Okay, go to bed. You only needed one dose. My husband once had this trapped gas feeling. He woke up in the middle of the night and this was a few years ago, but he was just like, I can't come out on both ends. It's just trapped gas. He felt so weird. I'm okay. I looked it up, grabbed the homeopathic, gave it to him and immediately it just came out both ends. I feel so much better. You burped and farted. How cool is this? 

Homeopathy is amazing and weird and almost instant for so many people. Then that's the least invasive, least toxic thing. If it doesn't work, you got the wrong remedy and that's okay too, because it's not hurtful. The body's going to just come back into balance. This is what I love about holistic medicine. We can go down all kinds of rabbit holes. You could do acupressure. You said, you can push on these points on the body and you can stimulate a specific response.

You can change the little things in your diet specifically and shift the body. We can do things gently to make profound changes. 

Dr. V, I want to have you back. This has been a true pleasure. I'd love for you to come back and teach. 

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:46:30.986)

I love to. Can I throw a quick thing out just to make sure listeners don't miss the fact that sweet wonderful Ashley listeners just confirmed that she can do this in your sleep. Don't miss that aspect, huh?

Ashley James (1:46:41.295)

Well, I was half asleep. I got my little phone out and I know what websites to go to and look up the remedies and I have the remedies here and am half asleep. Well, I don't know about you, but as a mom, I always got one ear listening if my son's going to cough or my husband's going to snore or whatever. We're just wired to be the herbalist, the healer of the whole house? So we're just listening for everyone. 

It might be annoying to people, but the second my friends do come to me and they're like, what do you think I should do for this? I give them  a whole health lecture. They're like, I can't believe that. How do you remember these things? I'm passionate. I'm so passionate. But I think at the end of the day, this is the gift God gave me. It took me a long time to find it. I think everyone is born with a gift and this is the gift that God gave me as my passion for helping people to help their body to come back into balance. Now my new best friend, it also is the exact same. God gave you the same gift too. How cool is that? Love it. Love it. 

Thank you for coming on the show. Definitely going to have you back, especially when you launch the book in about a month. We'll have a big book party. So, listeners, definitely check it out.  

Can you work with clients like telemedicine?  How does that work if they want to work with you?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:48:13.891)

I do, yes. In fact, the gallbladder gal doctor that I was telling you about, we actually did telemedicine while she was the passenger in a car, of all things, and was able to figure out that it was her gallbladder, and we solved that.

Yes, I do telemedicine. I have several docs in my office as well that are all doing the same work, and most of them came to me as interns and kind of came up through the ranks that way.  I say that because at this point, I tend to be booking about two months out, which is good news bad news. But yes, I still very actively treat people all day, every day, and try to do this book stuff on the side.

Ashley James (1:48:55.367)

Nice, nice. Well, good for you for duplicating yourself and for finding true holistic-minded doctors who want to support the body's ability to heal itself. I’m kudos to you. If they go to your website,, is that where they can find information about doing the telemedicine at your clinic or is there a different website?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:49:20.979)

My office website is That's the office website.

Ashley James (1:49:28.715)

I'll make sure that the links to everything that Dr. Vrzal does is in the show notes of today's podcast at It's been such a pleasure having you. Is there anything left unsaid that you just really want to make sure you leave us with?

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:49:43.949)

It comes down to listening to your body. Listeners, your body's trying to tell you a story. Pain is intended to elicit change.  When you have pain, it's not a deficiency of aspirin or Advil or Tylenol. It's your body yelling at you to go forth and learn.

Listen to what it's trying to tell you so that you can thrive. I mean, it's your early warning that God forbid you've got a cardiovascular incident not pending, looming. Your hormones are not functioning, so you're going to create mutated cells. Learn from what your body's trying to tell you so that you can thrive and enjoy this blessed life we have.

Ashley James (1:50:31.037)

Love it. Awesome. Well, can't wait to have you back on the show. It's been such a pleasure.

Dr. Scott Vrzal (1:50:35.443)

So fun. Thank you. Appreciate the opportunity, Ashley.


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Book by Dr. Scott Vrzal

The Headache Advantage: 7 Pain Patterns as Tools for Total Body

Jun 13, 2024